Paying Markets

Writers should get paid for their work. We need to eat, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, most literary journals are staffed by volunteers, and have no budget. Some, however, are willing to pay for articles, stories, and poems.

The best-paying magazines tend to be non-fiction publications, but some of these are beginning to accept poetry and creative non-fiction. It's a question of finding your niche.

Here are some good sources for finding paying markets:

Writers Weekly

Freelance Writing

Who Pays Writers

Contently: The Freelancer

 For additional paying markets, be sure to check this page: Calls for Submissions 


These twenty publishers have opened their doors to submissions - no agent required. They are looking for romance, thrillers, speculative fiction, kidlit, memoir, and more. All of these are traditional publishers, not vanity publishers. All pay royalties, but only the larger houses pay significant advances.

109  Paying Markets for Flash Fiction
Flash fiction is very popular. There are dozens of sites where you can read flash fiction on a daily basis. This is perfect for people who are commuting on a train, waiting to see a doctor, or have other brief, potentially interrupted periods of time to fill. Here is a list of paying markets for flash fiction. I have included links to submission guidelines, payment information, and word counts where available.

All of these publications pay, some quite nicely and none charge submission fees. A few accept reprints, as well as nonfiction articles and poetry. Art is also welcomed. Word counts range from flash fiction to novellas.

10 Literary Journals Accepting Poetry NOW - Paying markets

Here are ten literary journals accepting poetry right now. All are paying markets and none charge submission fees. Most have rolling deadlines.

14 New Literary Magazines AcceptingSubmissions NOW - Paying Markets

New literary magazines are a boon for up-and-coming writers. They are staffed by motivated editors, eager for material to launch their new ventures. Here are more than a dozen literary journals that opened in 2021. All of them pay writers, and none charge submission fees. They want every genre and style, from poetry, to fiction, to personal essays, to hybrid forms.

18 Literary Magazines Accepting Hybrid and Experimental Work - Paying Markets

Hybrid writing encompasses any literature that breaks down barriers. It can hop from one genre to another and fuse disparate forms, such as prose and poetry. Hybrids can blend fiction and nonfiction, experiment with novel approaches to plot and dialogue, employ lists, letters, or art to tell a story. If it defies categorization, it's a hybrid.   

It is immensely satisfying to actually hold a volume that contains your work. It is also easier to get your work reprinted in an online format if it has first appeared in print. (That being said, some of the following journals employ both.) All of these literary magazines pay, and none charge submission fees. Some have submission periods, so read their guidelines carefully. 

If you've written a longer piece of fiction, but not as lengthy as a novel, you may be wondering where to get it published. With so many literary journals preferring a "sweet spot" of about 3,000 words, a short story of 5,000 words, much less 8,000, words can be a challenge to publish. Once you get over 10,000 words, finding a home for your work can be daunting.  Nevertheless it is not impossible.

5 Paying Markets for Short Historical Fiction and Western Short Stories 
If you have written a shoot-em-out in the O.K. Coral or invented a new adventure for the Scarlet Pimpernel, here are your go-to paying markets for short historical fiction and Westerns. No submission fees. (Some also accept poetry and nonfiction.)

11 Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazines Accepting Submissions NOW - Paying markets

Here are eleven well-respected science fiction and fantasy markets currently open to submissions. All of them accept submissions from previously unpublished writers, in fact, they relish discovering new talent. The majority of these are SFWA qualifying markets, which means they pay 8 cents a word or more.

15 Magazines That Pay $500 or More
Many of these journals specialize in niche markets, which means they have a loyal readership. If you happen to have expertise or a background that would appeal to their audiences, these magazines will be happy to read your pitch. Quite a few accept poetry.

These magazines represent everything from speculative fiction, to poetry, to gardening. Payments range from $1.25 to $1,000. You will find a home for your work in this list. (This list is continually updated.)

Going through the Poets & Writers database, I found 36 magazines that pay their contributors. This is a nice selection with something for everyone. 

37 Paying Markets for Flash Fiction
Flash fiction can be anywhere from a few hundred words to a couple thousand, so if you write short-shorts, these markets are for you. None charge submission fees.  
24 Paying Markets for Blog Posts
If you want your views, opinions, and/or brilliant writing to be noticed in this world of non-stop communication, you may want to consider writing for a blog that has a larger audience than yours.
20 Paying Markets for Poetry
These twenty noteworthy publications pay in the professional range for poetry. Most of these also accept fiction and creative nonfiction, and many are more than happy to nominate accepted poems for prizes.
12 Literary Journals That Publish Multiple Genres - Paying markets
If you write popular fiction that falls into a well-defined category, such as fantasy, romance, science fiction, horror, thrillers, westerns, mysteries, and so on, here are a dozen literary magazines that will pay for your work. Some also accept poetry and nonfiction. There are no submission fees.

Top 12 Paying Markets for Fiction, Personal Essays and Poetry
Here are a dozen prestigious literary magazines that accept submissions of poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction. None charge submission fees, and all pay writers at professional or semi-professional rates.
13 Paying Markets for Personal Essays
Like the short story, personal essays are structured, have a theme, and usually involve a moral or message of some kind. Some literary journals and niche magazines are willing to pay substantially for these essays, so devoting a few hours to writing one is worth your consideration.
16 Children's and YA Magazines That Pay Writers
The magazine market for younger readers is one many writers tend to miss. This is in part due to the fact that, unlike the adult literary journal market, one does not need to be a writer to publish in children's magazines. Articles can be written by parents, teachers, anyone with enough contact with children and young people to know what they like. But where fiction is concerned, skilled writers are at a premium.  
18 Paying Markets for Humor 
If you have a sense of humor, why not use it to make some money? There are ample economic opportunities for people who can see the lighter side of life, or skewer the darker side with a well-aimed quip. These publications will be more than happy to pay you to make their readers laugh.
If you write science fiction, fantasy, or horror you will want to pore over this list. I have included pay ranges as well as whether they accept simultaneous submissions and/or reprints.

Mega-List of Paying Markets for Horror, Dark Fiction and Poetry
Horror writers, this list is for you! Horror isn't all blood and gore. Some of the genres accepted by horror magazines include: humorous horror, holiday horror, psychological horror, science fiction horror, slasher horror, supernatural horror, gothic horror, erotic horror, teen horror and, of course, anything with zombies, werewolves, vampires, or other malevolent creatures. Many of the magazines on this list also accept dark fiction, dark fantasy, and other genre crossovers that include a sinister mood.I have included pay ranges as well as whether they accept simultaneous submissions and/or reprints.
32 Canadian Literary Magazines That Pay Writers
I have a special fondness for Canadian literary magazines. They often pay their writers, don't ask for "perpetual rights," and for the most part do not charge submission fees. In addition, Canada has a deep respect for literature and literacy. It is an honor to be published in one of their literary journals.
Most magazines prefer original work, but some (surprisingly) not only accept reprints, but pay for them. I have indicated which markets currently pay writers. 
Freelancing: Getting Paid to Write Nonfiction Articles 
When it comes to the short form, nothing is more lucrative than nonfiction. Even if your focus is on poetry or fiction, you can publish short informative pieces - and get paid quite handsomely. This article lists some great resources for finding paying markets.
33 Feminist and Women's Publications That Pay Writers 
These publications accept a wide variety of submissions, including articles, personal essays, fiction, news items, humor, and poetry.
18 Paying Markets for Tech Articles
The whole world is looking for techies, which means if your area of expertise is web development, website design, and/or all those things with confusing initials, you can write about it and make money!
11 Paying Markets for Pet-Loving Writers
If you are a writer who owns a pet, you can write about the experience. Most pet magazines are looking for nonfiction articles. But even if you are a fiction writer, there is room for creative writing. Many magazines explore the history of domestic pets, as well as other topical aspects of pet ownership.
36 Parenting and Family Magazines That Pay Writers
If you are a writer with children, you're in luck! Magazines that are geared to families tend to have significant circulations. Many are local, which means they are eager for stories about regional family events and places to go that are family-friendly. Some publish fiction and poetry, and nearly all accept personal essays. There are no fees to submit. 
13 Outdoor and Environmental Magazines that Pay Writers
Magazines focusing on the environment have a dedicated readership, and some pay quite well for a thoroughly researched feature. But even if your only interest is writing about your hiking adventures, there is plenty of opportunity to get published.
Literary Markets for Disabled Writers
These magazines accept fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, essays, novel and memoir excerpts, reviews, drama, and, in some cases, artwork.  Some of these magazines are paying markets. I have included non-paying markets as well, as this is such a small niche. There are no fees to submit.
21 Magazines That Pay for Travel Writing
If you like to travel, you are in luck, because lots of magazines want to hear about your trips. And, as a bonus, they are perfectly willing to pay to get your insights, print your photos, share your adventures.
13 Paying Markets for Flash Fiction
In this age of short attention spans, flash fiction is becoming increasingly popular. Literary magazines which previously only considered short stories of at least 3,000 words are now calling for fiction short enough to be considered "flash."


  1. Hi Erica Verrillo, thank you for the submission roundup. I'm new to Google+ Writers, Authors, Bloggers community and am interested in submitting some writing. However, I can't seem to find any info about protecting myself so that I'm sure to get paid for any submissions used by the publishers. Is there anything you can share with me about that? Thank you, P J Williams

  2. Most magazines and journals that pay won't accept a piece if it has appeared online. So, if you want to submit to a paying market, don't post it anywhere until after it has been published. As for how to get paid by magazines or journals, that's pretty straightforward. Once your work is accepted, they will send you a contract. In the contract it will stipulate when you will get paid (on publication, on acceptance, after 30 days, etc.) I've never had a problem getting paid when submitting to a paying market. Usually they send a check or make a paypal payment when the piece is published.


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