There is nothing quite like having your work published, especially after you have spent months sending your stories or poems to magazines that take forever to respond.
Sadly, the elation you feel when you have finally seen your work in print may be short-lived. Most stories and poems that make their way into literary journals have only a brief shelf-life. After readers have read your work and the issue has been archived, now what?
One good way to extend the life of your work is to send it to literary magazines that accept reprints.
Fortunately, there are a lot of literary magazines willing to accept work that has already been published. Very few of them pay, because reprints have little value in the literary marketplace. (Only the first magazine that publishes your work will be credited.) However, some venues, notably podcasts, pay competitive rates for work that has been previously published.
All of these publications accept reprints. Make sure you read their websites carefully to see if your work will be a good fit. And make sure that all rights have reverted to you when you submit to them. (Look at the contract you signed with the original publisher. It should say "All rights revert to author upon publication" or "All rights revert to author after X months.")
Sadly, the elation you feel when you have finally seen your work in print may be short-lived. Most stories and poems that make their way into literary journals have only a brief shelf-life. After readers have read your work and the issue has been archived, now what?
One good way to extend the life of your work is to send it to literary magazines that accept reprints.
Fortunately, there are a lot of literary magazines willing to accept work that has already been published. Very few of them pay, because reprints have little value in the literary marketplace. (Only the first magazine that publishes your work will be credited.) However, some venues, notably podcasts, pay competitive rates for work that has been previously published.
All of these publications accept reprints. Make sure you read their websites carefully to see if your work will be a good fit. And make sure that all rights have reverted to you when you submit to them. (Look at the contract you signed with the original publisher. It should say "All rights revert to author upon publication" or "All rights revert to author after X months.")
Also see: Where to submit reprints
(Image: "Drawing Hands" by M. C. Escher)
Publication | Submission Guidelines | Payment | Medium | Genres |
50-Word Stories | http://fiftywordstories.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | All genres, Flash Fiction only See submission periods |
Silver Blade | https://www.silverblade.net/submissions-2/ | Pays half of original text rates | Electronic | Science Fiction, Slipstream, Classic and Modern Fantasy; short fiction, flash fiction, novellas, and poetry. |
Apocrypha and Abstractions | https://apocryphaandabstractions.wordpress.com /submissions/ |
No | Electronic | All genres, Flash Fiction only (fewer than 500 words_ |
Story Unlikely | https://www.storyunlikely.com/#submit | $75 max | Electronic | "Good stories" |
Academy of the Heart and Mind | https://academyoftheheartandmind.com/submit-your-work/ | No | Electronic | Fiction |
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores | https://cosmicrootsandeldritchshores.com/ submissions/ |
2 cents/word for fiction reprints, 50 cents per line for poetry reprints, 2 - 8 cents/word nonfiction reprints | Electronic | Speculative Fiction Nonfiction and Poetry Submission periods |
Bewildering Stories | http://www.bewilderingstories.com/ submissions.html |
No | Electronic | Speculative Fiction Submission periods |
Allegory | http://www.allegoryezine.com/submissions | $15 | Electronic | Speculative Fiction |
Murderous Ink Press:Crimeucopia | https://www.murderousinkpress.co.uk/ submissions.html |
Up to £7.00 | Print and ebook | Crime fiction |
Aloka | https://eleeephant8.wordpress.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Magazine for non-native English speakers and all those experimenting with language |
The Hungur Chronicles | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/hungur-chronicles-guidelines | $12 | Horror. Vampires or creatures with vampiric themes Prose, poetry, art |
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily | https://autumnskypoetrydaily.com/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry |
Cadaverine Only open to writers under 30 |
https://thecadaverine.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic | Poetry up to 50 lines and Fiction up to 5000 words Has submission periods |
Belle Ombre | https://www.belleombre.org/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Fiction, poetry, essays, memoir, portraits, journalism, and more |
Canary | http://hippocketpress.org/submit_canary.php "Our theme is the environmental crisis and the losses of species and habitat that are a result of this ongoing disaster." |
No | Electronic | Poetry, Essays, and Fiction (1500 words max) |
Blue Lake Review | https://bluelakereview.weebly.com/submissions.html |
No | Electronic | Fiction (no genre fiction) |
Stupefying Stories Showcase | https://stupefyingstories.blogspot.com/p/submission-guidelines_1.html | $5 | Kindle | Speculative fiction |
The Bond Street Review | https://inkpublications1.wixsite.com/mysite | No | Electronic (PDF file) | Poetry, Flash Fiction |
The Broadkill Review | https://www.broadkillreview.com/submissions | No | Electronic | Fiction, Reviews, Poetry |
Greenprints | http://greenprints.com/writers-guidelines/ | $150 | Gardening | |
Columbia Journal | https://columbiajournal.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic |
Poetry, Fiction, Art, Film, Music Reprints accepted for print journal only |
The Margins | https://aaww.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic | Every Tuesday, The Margins publishes the work of emerging and established Asian American and diasporic poets. We publish English-language poems and translations of poems. See reading periods |
The Broken City | https://www.thebrokencitymag.com/submissions.html | No | Electronic | Poetry, fiction, essays, illustrations and photography on themes |
Brown Bag Online | https://brownbag.online/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, fiction, essays, sound, film, audio, multimedia |
Enrapturing Tales | https://knightwritingpress.com/open-and-upcoming-submissions/ | Royalties | Electronic | Poetry, fiction, art on themes |
Fusion Fragment | https://www.fusionfragment.com/submissions/ | 3.5 cents (CAD) per word | Electronic and Print | Speculative Fiction See reading periods |
Deep South Magazine | http://deepsouthmag.com/features/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction about the deep South |
Forever Magazine | http://forever-magazine.com/ | No | Electronic | Speculative Fiction |
Down in the Dirt | http://scars.tv/down-in-the-dirt.htm | No | Electronic and Print | Almost any genre |
East Coast Literary Review | http://www.eastcoastliteraryreview.com /submission-guidelines.html |
No | Poetry, Flash Fiction, Short Stories (up to 8,000 words) |
Cosmic Horror Monthly | https://www.cosmichorrormonthly.com/submissions/ | 1 cent per word for reprints | Electronic | Cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, Weird, and dark science fiction stories See reading periods |
Ekphrastic | https://www.ekphrastic.net/submit.html | No | Electronic | Poetry, micro, flash, and shorter fiction, and interesting reflections, essays, and other prose about or inspired by art |
Every Writer's Resource | http://www.everywritersresource.com/shortstories /submissions/ |
No | Electronic | Flash Fiction (500 words max) |
Little Blue Marble |
https://littlebluemarble.ca/submission-guidelines/ | $0.01 CAD a word for reprints | Electronic and print | Speculative fiction that examines humanity's possible futures living with anthropogenic climate change. |
Short Story Substack | https://shortstory.substack.com/about | $100 and 50% of subscription revenue | Electronic | Short story - publishes one story per month |
Fabula Argentea | http://www.fabulaargentea.com/index.php /submissions/ |
$8 for short stories and poems, $3 for flash, $15 to $25 for longer stories | Electronic | Poems, flash fiction, short stories |
Bullet Points | https://bulletpoints.nathantoronto.com/submissions | $30 for original stories and $20 for reprints | Electronic and Print |
Speculative military fiction that is sensitive to the complexity, tragedy, and hope of warfare and violence in human (and nonhuman) society. 100 - 5000 words |
Samovar | http://samovar.strangehorizons.com/submit/ | $100 | Electronic | Speculative fiction, nonfiction and poetry in translation |
Chantarelle’s Notebook | https://chantarellesnotebook.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Flash fiction, poetry |
datura literary journal | https://daturaliteraryjournal.blogspot.com/p/submission-guidelines-proposer-vos.html | No | Print and Electronic | "A print and online journal of deviant and defiant work published randomly." |
the cherita | https://www.thecherita.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | poetry |
Fiction on the Web | http://www.fictionontheweb.co.uk/p /submissions.html |
No | Electronic | Short stories, all genres |
Unstamatic Newsprint | https://unstamatic.com/submissions/ | $10 | Prose of 500 words or fewer; Poetry of 25 lines or fewer; Visual art of any sort | |
The Font – A Literary Journal for Language Teachers | http://thefontjournal.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Short stories, articles, essays, anecdotes, poems, cartoons and other forms of creative writing or visual art on the theme of language teaching or learning |
FriGG | https://friggmagazine.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry - all topics |
CommuterLit | https://commuterlit.com/for-writers/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Fiction, poetry |
Frontier Tales | http://www.frontiertales.com/submissions.php | No | Electronic and Print | Westerns |
Geist | http://www.geist.com/writers/submit | Unknown | Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, art, reviews either by Canadians or with a connection to Canada Previously published work accepted for Findings section |
Ginosko | https://ginoskoliteraryjournal.com/guidelines/ | No | Short fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, social justice, literary insights | |
Dwarf Stars anthology | https://sfpoetry.com/ds/dsguide.html | No | Speculative poetry Opens April 1 |
Jersey Devil Press | http://www.jerseydevilpress.com/?page_id=71 | No | Electronic and Print | Speculative fiction and poetry |
Jewish Literary Journal | http://jewishliteraryjournal.com/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, fiction, nonfiction - All submissions must be Jewish in nature See submission periods |
Corvus Review | https://corev.ink/ | No | Electronic | Flash Fiction, CNF, Poetry, Art |
Kaleidoscope | http://www.udsakron.org/kaleidoscope.aspx | $10 - $100 | Electronic | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry - Must focus on some aspect of disability |
White Enso | http://www.whiteenso.com/submit.html | $10 - $15 | Electronic | Short fiction, essays, creative non-fiction and artwork that encapsulates the Japan experience. |
The Archive | https://www.sanspress.com/submissions | €50 | Electronic | We want the weird, the unexpected, the completely new. No theme, no genre, no need to be previously unpublished See submission periods |
The Lascaux Review | http://lascauxreview.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, Fiction, Essays |
Micro Podcast | https://micropodcast.org/about/ | No | Electronic | Micro Fiction |
The Linnet's Wings | http://www.thelinnetswings.org/?pageno=2# | No | Electronic | Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction |
Literally Stories | http://literallystories2014.com/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Short stories, all genres (500 to 3000 words) Sometimes takes up to 4,000 words, but the work has to be "outstanding" |
Defenestration | https://www.defenestrationmag.net/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Humor: Short story, poetry, nonfiction, visual |
Dishsoap Quarterly | https://dishsoap-quarterly.com/submissions | No | Electronic | Poetry, prose |
Ephemeral Elegies | https://ephemeralelegies.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Confessional poetry |
The Lorelei Signal |
http://www.loreleisignal.com/Guidelines.html | $2 | Electronic and Print | Fantasy featuring strong, complex female characters |
The Dark | https://www.thedarkmagazine.com/submission-guidelines/ | 5 cents/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for first world rights; and 1 cent/word for reprint fiction up to 6,000 words | Electronic and Print |
Horror and Dark Fantasy 2,000 – 6,000 words |
Lotus-eater | http://lotus-eatermagazine.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, prose (up to 5000 words), nonfiction, book reviews |
Trollbreath | https://magazine.trollbreath.com/submissions/ | 1/2 cent/word | Electronic | Speculative fiction nd poetry Also accepts nonfiction and art |
Maniacal | http://maniacal.freezeframefiction.com /about.html |
$2 | Electronic and Print | "Twisted humor, funny horror, or anything else you think will disturb and amuse us." |
Poetry Substack | https://poetica.substack.com/about | $10 | Electronic | Accepts one poem per month |
Farside Review | https://farsidereview.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Fiction, Poetry, CNF, art |
Neon Hemlock: We're Here | https://www.neonhemlock.com/submissions | No | Electronic and Print | Queer science fiction |
Flash Fiction Online | https://www.flashfictiononline.com/submission-guidelines-flash-fiction/ | 2c/word | Electronic | Flash fiction up to 1000 words See submission periods |
The Missing Slate | https://themissingslate.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic and Print | Fiction, poetry, essays, reviews and criticism |
Uncharted | https://uncharted.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic | Sci-ci, fantasy, horror, thriller/mystery/crime fiction |
First Literary Review - East | http://www.rulrul.4mg.com/index_1.html | No | Electronic | Poetry |
Occult Detective Magazine | http://greydogtales.com/blog/submissions/ | £25.00 | Print and electronic | Short detective stories dealing with the occult They rarely take reprints, but when they do they pay |
Fragmented Voices Magazine |
https://fragmentedvoices.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Prose, poetry, creative non-fiction, and essays. They also accept translations in all these genres. |
Tales from Between | https://talesfrombetween.wordpress.com/submissions/ | REPRINT: £5 plus a physical copy of the issue. | We’re looking for ‘strange stories’. That can be horror, fantasy, literary. | |
Penumbric | https://www.penumbric.com/subs.html | $10 | Print and Electronic | Fiction, poetry, illustration, graphic narrative, animation, music, or combinations of these. Work that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place. |
Germ Magazine | https://germmagazine.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Germ’s goal is to provide young people—high school age and beyond—an inclusive space to share their experiences on a wide variety of topics. |
NonBinary Review |
https://www.zoeticpress.com/submit | Semi-pro | Electronic | Themed issues |
The Hellebore | https://thehellebore.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Flash Fiction, Short Stories |
Van Gogh’s Ear: Best World Poetry, Prose & Art | https://theoriginalvangoghsearanthology.com/van-goghs-ear-volume-11-submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry and prose. Poem length shouldn’t be more than 165 lines and prose length no more than 1,500 words. |
After Dinner Conversation | https://www.afterdinnerconversation.com/submissions | $0.01 per word | Children's, YA and Adult short stories | |
The Other Stories | https://theotherstories.submittable.com/submit | No | Audio | Fiction (up to 4000 words) |
Aftermath | https://www.aftermathmag.org/submissions.html | 2 cents/word for short stories; 1 cent/word for everything else | Electronic | Humans are doing so much damage to the natural world that it can only end in a spate of perfect storms that will wreck our civilization. These inevitable apocalyptic events offer a wealth of inspiration. |
The Dirty Spoon | http://www.dirty-spoon.com/submissions/ | $50 | Electronic (Podcast and online journal) |
Nonfiction: essays, interviews and articles about people who work in our consumable culture. |
Pen Sword Magazine | https://penswordpress.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic | Short form fiction and non-fiction that presents the military service experience |
Pulp Literature | https://pulpliterature.com/submissions/submission-guidelines/ | 50% of rate for original fiction | Pulp fiction up to 50 pages Submission periods |
A Velvet Giant | https://www.avelvetgiant.com/submit/ | $20 | Electronic | All genres "We are especially interested in work by genderqueer & LGBTQ+ people, women, people of color, global writers, and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault." |
Impspired | https://impspired.com/how-to-send-in-your-work/ | No | Electronic | Open to many styles and approaches, covering different subject |
The Journal of Undiscovered Poets | https://www.undiscoveredpoets.com/submit | No | Electronic | Poetry |
Killing the Buddha | https://killingthebuddha.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Short fiction Magazine of religion, culture, and politics |
parABnormal | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/parabnormal-magazine-guidelines | $7 | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry on the paranormal. "For us, this includes ghosts, spectres, haunts, various whisperers, and so forth. It also includes shapeshifters and creatures from various folklores." | |
Scrawl Place | https://scrawlplace.com/submit/ | $35 | Electronic | Your submission must be about or connected to or associated with a specific, physical place that someone could visit |
The Voyage | https://thevoyagejournal.com/submit/ | $200 | Electronic | YA short stories and nonfiction up to 6,000 words |
Light: a journal of light verse | https://lightpoetrymagazine.submittable.com/submit | No | Electronic | Light verse |
Radon | https://www.radonjournal.com/submit | .5¢ per word for reprints | Electronic | Fiction, flash fiction, poetry, art. "Radon welcomes short story and poetry submissions containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction." |
r.kv.r.y. | http://rkvryquarterly.com/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, short stories and nonfiction (3000 words max) relating to recovery |
The Deadlands | https://thedeadlands.com/guidelines/ | 1¢/word | Electronic | Speculative fiction, poetry, and nonfiction about death. They publish work “about the other realms, of the ends we face here, and the beginnings we find elsewhere.” |
Memoir Mixtapes | https://www.memoirmixtapes.com/about- | No | Electronic | Magazine of religion, culture, and politics.creative nonfiction and poetry inspired by the songs that make up the soundtracks to our lives. |
Jay Henge anthologies | https://www.jayhenge.com/submissions.html | $5 USD per 1000 words | Electronic | Speculative fiction |
StarShipSofa | http://www.starshipsofa.com/submissions/ | $50 | Audio | Speculative fiction |
Misery Tourism | https://www.miserytourism.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | "Sad and upsetting content - strange, terrible shit. Use your imagination." Fiction, nonfiction, poetry |
Sanitarium Magazine | https://www.thesanitarium.co.uk/submissions | Token payment | Electronic | Horror |
Santa Fe Writers Project | https://santafewritersproject.submittable.com /submit |
No | Electronic | Fiction, creative nonfiction, and book reviews |
Northwest Indiana Literary Journal | https://northwestindianaliteraryjournal.wordpress.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Short stories, flash fiction, poetry, humor, photography, and art. |
Escape Pod | https://escapepod.org/guidelines/short-fiction/ | 8¢ per word for original stories, $100 for reprints | Audio | Science Fiction |
Breath and Shadow | https://www.abilitymaine.org/submission-guidelines | ? | Electronic | Breath & Shadow only accepts work from people with disabilities. |
DreamForge | https://dreamforgemagazine.com/call-for-submissions/ | $0.04/word Poems are paid at the rate of $25 to $100 |
Electronic | SF and Fantasy Has submission periods |
The Dread Machine | https://www.thedreadmachine.com/submit/ | $.01/word for reprints | Electronic | Futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction |
Grimdark Magazine | https://www.grimdarkmagazine.com/submissions/ | Reprints: AUD$0.01 per word | Electronic | Grimdark fantasy and sci-fi Submission periods |
Short Fiction Break | http://shortfictionbreak.com/want-to-submit-a-story/ | No | Electronic | Fiction (2000 words max) |
The Short Humour Site | http://www.short-humour.org.uk/submissionguidelines /submissionguidelines.htm |
No | Electronic and Print | Humorous short fiction and nonfiction (500 words max) |
TDot Spec | http://tdotspec.com/submissions/ | CAD 2c/word for originals; 50% rate for reprints | Electronic | Speculative fiction anthologies See themes and deadlines |
Tales From the Moonlit Path | https://talesmoonlitpath.com/ | $10 | Electronic | Speculative fiction and poetry |
Polar Borealis & Polar Starlight | http://polarborealis.ca/submission-guidelines/ | $10 | Electronic | Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Fantasy, Horror with SF aspects, Lovecraftian Horror Contributors must be Canadian, or at least reside in Canada. Has submission periods |
Daikaijuzine | https://daikaijuzine.org/guidelines | $10 for fiction, $5 for poetry | Electronic | Speculative fiction, flash fiction, articles, and poetry |
Dragon Soul Press | https://dragonsoulpress.com/anthologies/ | Royalties | Electronic | Poetry and fiction anthologies Drabbles All genres of fiction See deadlines |
Shoreline of Infinity | https://www.shorelineofinfinity.com/submissions/ | £40/1000 words for reprints published in another language | Electronic and Print | Science fiction and fantasy Has submission periods Poetry submissions open all year round |
Space Squid | http://www.spacesquid.com/scifi-fantasy-mag/contributorguidelines/ | $5 | Electronic and Print | Scifi/humor. Flash fiction, short stories (2000 words max) |
Mithila Review | https://mithilareview.com/submission-guidelines/ | $10 | Electronic | Fantasy, science fiction, nonfiction, poetry |
Witcraft | https://duotrope.com/duosuma/submit/witcraft-064wz | No payment, but stories are selected for prizes | Electronic | Stories that are brief, humorous and engaging. |
Still Point Arts Quarterly | https://shantiartsllc.submittable.com/submit /30175/still-point-arts-quarterly-writing-submission |
Token payment and 2 copies of issue | Art, articles, essays, fiction, and poetry. Shanti Arts is focused on nature, art, and spirit. |
Mesozoic Reader | https://farthertrees.wordpress.com/mesozoic-reader/ | $10 | Electronic and Print | Stories and poetry of any genre are welcome, so long as dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures are a central element Has submission periods |
Bulb Culture Collective | https://www.bulbculturecollective.com/submission-guidelines | No payment | Electronic | Poetry and prose (reviews, fiction, creative nonfiction, nonfiction, poetry); they want work that was “previously published (regardless of when it was published) by a journal that has since gone dark or if circumstances have made your work unavailable online for any reason. You must retain the rights of this work.” |
House of Gamut | https://houseofgamut.moksha.io/publication/house-of-gamut/guidelines | Three cents a word for reprints. Poetry is $50 per poem for new work and $25 per poem for reprints | Electronic | 1,000-5,000 words Speculative fiction, nonfiction, poetry |
Poetry Super Highway | https://www.poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/poetry/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry |
The Summerset Review | http://www.summersetreview.org/guidelines.htm | No | Electronic and Print | Literary fiction and nonfiction of up to 8,000 words, poets may submit up to five poems |
Survivor's Review Open to cancer survivors, family members and caregivers |
http://www.survivorsreview.org/submit.php | No | Electronic | Poetry, short stories, essays (up to 1000 words) |
The Future Fire | http://futurefire.net/guidelines/index.html | $10 - $20 | Electronic | Fiction and poetry that focuses on the social-political elements of imaginary, futuristic, fantastic, horrifying, surreal or otherwise speculative universes |
Shelter of Daylight | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/shelter-of-daylight | Reprint Stories: $15.00 | Electronic and Print |
Science fiction and fantasy stories that are upbeat and positive in their mood, articles, and poetry |
Tales of the Zombie War | http://www.talesofworldwarz.com/submit.php | Semi-pro | Electronic | Zombies! (In poetry and prose) |
Terrain.org: A Journal of the Built + Natural Environments | http://www.terrain.org/submit/regular-submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, essays, fiction, articles, artwork, videos, and other contributions |
THEMA | http://themaliterarysociety.com/submissions.html | Token | Poetry and prose - themed issues | |
The Stray Branch | http://www.thestraybranch.org/ | No | Electronic | Fiction, poetry, photography, and art |
Flame Tree Publishing | https://blog.flametreepublishing.com/fantasy-gothic/topic/call-for-submissions | 4 pence for reprints | Electronic and Print | Speculative fiction anthologies See deadlines |
Glint | https://glintjournal.wordpress.com/glint-12-submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, visual art. "We’re especially fond of hybrids. That terms encompasses form as well as content. We appreciate lyric essays, prose poems, flash fiction, collaborations, visual poetry, graphic fiction, literary fantasy, excerpts from verse novellas or verse biographies." |
Tall Tale TV Podcast |
https://talltaletv.com/submission-guidelines/ | Unspecified | Audio | Science fiction and fantasy |
The Phlogiston Press | https://thephlogistonpress.substack.com/about?utm_source=menu-dropdown | Royalties | Electronic | "We’re looking for short form speculative fiction, old style, slipstream, horror, fantasy, science fiction, literary, poetry, flash with a maximum length of 8,000 words - or even a longer story to serialise over a few newszines." |
House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Literature | https://houseofzolo.com/submit-to-hoz/ | $25 CND for poems and between $50 and $75 CND per short story | Electronic | Speculative poetry, fiction "We do consider previously published work, but we do not consider reprints that are currently available for free online." See themes |
Nostos: Poetry, Fiction, and Art | https://www.longshippress.com/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, Fiction, and Art See submission periods |
Fixator Press | https://fixatorpress.home.blog/submission-guidelines/ | No payment. | Electronic | Free-verse and experimental/off-beat poetry Accepts reprints as long as they have not appeared anywhere in the last 12 months |
MetaStellar | https://www.metastellar.com/write-for-us/ | No | Electronic | Speculative fiction |
Underwater New York | http://underwaternewyork.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Fiction, nonfiction, art, music and poetry inspired by the underwater objects and phenomena that surround New York City |
Unlikely Stories: MarkV | http://www.unlikelystories.org/mission.shtml | No | Electronic | Activist prose, music and poetry (They have the longest guidelines in the world...) |
Small Wonders | https://smallwondersmag.com/submissions/ | Original flash fiction: $0.10/word Reprint flash fiction: $0.01/word or $10, whichever is more Poems: $60 Art: $125 for reprint rights |
Electronic | Speculative fiction and poetry with elements not of this world: fantasy, science fiction, horror 1000 words max for prose |
East of the Web | http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/index.php?p=submissions/20131_1 | 5 cents/word | Electronic | Science Fiction |
Toyon | https://www.toyonliterarymagazine.org/submission-guidelines.html | No payment | Electronic | Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art, audio, and translations |
Frozen Wavelets | https://earthianhivemind.net/frozen-wavelets/?fbclid=IwAR0P-PiUCwG8VAQpRh8KK-zsLFsWtYa4IJA7B5nc7e4pE1M6e2H4IbE8Ugo | 1 cent/word | Electronic | Speculative flash fiction and poetry |
Alaska Parent | https://alaskaparent.com/write_for_us.html | $25-$40 | Electronic and Print | Parenting in Alaska |
Wordgathering | https://wordgathering.syr.edu/submission-guidelines/ | No | Electronic | Disability literature |
Workers Write! | http://www.workerswritejournal.com/ | Semi-pro | Working class fiction - themed issues | |
Chesapeake Family Life | https://www.chesapeakefamily.com/writers-guidelines/ | $35 | Print and electronic | Nonfiction about family life in Maryland |
The Piker Press | https://www.pikerpress.com/submissions/submissions.php | No | Electronic | The Press accepts fiction, nonfiction, essays and art, in a broad variety of topics and genres. |
Hudson Valley Parent | https://hvparent.com/Pages/WritersGuidelines.aspx | $25 | Electronic | Parenting in the Hudson Valley of New York |
The Writing Disorder | http://writingdisorder.com/submit-work/ | No | Electronic and Print | Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction, Art, Reviews, Interviews, Comic Art and Experimental work Youth Imagination |
Western New York Family Magazine | https://www.wnyfamilymagazine.com/writer-s-guide/writer-s-guidelines | $40-$150 | Electronic and Print | Parenting in Western New York |
WritersWeekly | https://writersweekly.com/writersweekly-com-writers-guidelines | $30 | Electronic | Nonfiction about the business of writing |
Poetry Pacific | https://poetrypacific.blogspot.com/ | No | Electronic | Poetry |
The Drabblecast | http://www.drabblecast.org/submissions/ | Semi-pro | Audio | Weird stories (4000 words max) |
GlitterShip | http://www.glittership.com/submission-guidelines/ | Semi-pro | Audio | LGBTQ stories (6000 words max) |
Ladybug | https://cricketmedia.com/ladybug-submission-guidelines | Not specified | Stories, nonfiction, activities and poems for children 3 - 6 years old | |
Spider | https://cricketmedia.com/spider-submission-guidelines | Not specified | "Fresh and engaging literature, poems, articles, and activities for newly independent readers." | |
The Dirty Spoon | http://www.dirty-spoon.com/submissions/ | $50 (?) | Podcast | Essays, interviews and articles about people who work in our consumable culture. See submission periods |
Gallery of Curiosities | https://gallerycurious.com/p/submissions-1599834174/ | $.01/word | Podcast | Weird speculative fiction |
Hourglass Books | https://www.facebook.com/notes/2820174548307810/ | No | Online? | Fiction anthologies |
Poetry Super Highway | https://www.poetrysuperhighway.com/psh/poetry/submission-guidelines/ | No | Online | Poetry |
Pseudopod | https://pseudopod.org/submissions/ | $.08/word for original fiction, $100 flat rate for short story reprints, and $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints (stories below 1500 words). | Podcast | Horror |
Cast of Wonders | https://castofwonders.submittable.com/submit | $.06/word for original fiction, a $100 flat rate for Short Fiction reprints, and a $20 flat rate for Flash Fiction reprints | Podcast | YA, High fantasy, Science fiction |
Cricket | https://cricketmedia.com/cricket-submission-guidelines | Not specified | Fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction for children aged 9 to 14 | |
Reckoning | https://reckoning.press/submit/ | Not specified | Digital | Creative writing on environmental justice. |
Funds for Writers | http://fundsforwriters.com/submissions/ | $10-$15 | Digital newsletter |
Practical tools and information related to getting paid to write |
Riggwelter | https://riggwelterpress.wordpress.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, short fiction, visual art and experimental media. |
One Story | https://one-story.com/write/submit-a-story/ | $500 | If a story has been published in print outside of North America, it will be considered | |
Podcastle | http://podcastle.org/guidelines/ | $20 - $100 | Audio and text |
Fantasy |
Aromatica Poetica |
https://www.aromaticapoetica.com/submissions/ | No payment | Electronic | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art–images, video, audio–that engage with smell and taste. Submissions periods |
Dark Horses | https://darkhorsesmagazine.mystrikingly.com/ | No payment | Electronic | Weird fiction up to 10,000 words |
Gwyllion | http://gwyllionmagazine.com/submissions/ | £10 | Print and Electronic | Speculative fiction, poetry, book reviews |
Azure: A Journal of Literary Thought Published by Lazuli Literary Group |
http://www.lazuliliterarygroup.com/ submissions.html |
No | Electronic | Complex literary fiction |
The Moth Ireland |
http://www.themothmagazine.com/a1-page.asp?ID=1972 | No | Poetry and short stories | |
Quail Bell Magazine | http://www.quailbellmagazine.com/submit.html | No | Electronic | Short stories, art, multi-media, poetry |
Abstract | https://abstractmagazinetv.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction essay or memoir, in addition to multimedia submissions featuring audio or video content. Abstract will consider work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs |
Manawaker Studios | http://www.manawaker.com/ffp-submissions/ | $3 | Podcast | Flash fiction |
Craft | https://www.craftliterary.com/submit/ | No | Electronic | Fiction and nonfiction |
Dodging The Rain | https://dodgingtherain.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poetry |
Carrier Pigeon | https://guttenbergarts.squarespace.com/submit | No | Fiction, flash fiction, poetry All accepted submissions are illustrated |
Eunoia Review | https://eunoiareview.wordpress.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction |
The Rising Phoenix Review | https://therisingphoenixreview.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic |
Poetry |
Remington Review | https://remingtonreview.wixsite.com/remingtonreview | No | Online | Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction Has reading periods |
The Lake | http://www.thelakepoetry.co.uk/submit/ | No | Electronic | Poetry |
The Road Not Taken | https://journalformalpoetry.com/ | No | Electronic | Formal Poetry |
Defuncted | https://medium.com/defuncted/why-defuncted-c7e361266000 | No | Electronic | They are looking for work that was previously published but is no longer available to read online because the journal it was published in has gone defunct. |
Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy | https://adamant.moksha.io/publication/basff/guidelines | ? | Stories must be by a writer who is American or Canadian, or who has made the US or Canada their home. Story length must be 17,499 words or less. | |
Zooscape | https://zooscape-zine.com/guidelines/ | $20 for reprints | Electronic | All stories must be furry. |
Lighten Up Online | https://www.lightenup-online.co.uk/index.php/submissions | No | Electronic | Poetry |
Empty House Press | https://www.emptyhousepress.com/submit | No | Electronic | "We are willing to read work that has appeared on an author’s personal site or blog or at an online venue that has closed provided that the work is otherwise no longer available or appears in a significantly different form and appropriate acknowledgements are included." |
The Rye Whiskey Review | https://ryethewhiskeyreview.blogspot.com/p/submissions.html | No | Electronic | Fiction and poetry |
No Sleep Podcast | https://www.thenosleeppodcast.com/submissions | Yes (various) | Podcast | Horror |
Doubleback Review | http://doublebackreview.com/guidelines/ | No | Electronic | "We only publish previously-published work from journals that no longer exist; we do not publish previously unpublished work nor previously published work that is still available online or in active print circulation." |
Hedgerow | https://hedgerowhaiku.com/submissions/ | No | Electronic | Poems, art Work previously published on social media permitted |
Random Sample Review | https://randomsamplereview.com/submit/ | No payment | Electronic | Poetry, prose We will consider work that has been previously published as long as you let us know where it was published, and that publication allows for republishing. Submission periods |
Our Day's Encounter | https://adaysencounter.wordpress.com/about/ | No payment | Electronic | Art, photographs, poems, creative writings (if it’s poetry, please send three poems), thoughts, journal entries, just about anything written |
The Collidescope | https://thecollidescope.com/submit/ | No payment | Electronic | Art, fiction, poetry, critical essays, reviews, interviews, novel excerpts, and the unclassifiable. We gravitate mostly toward magical realism and the surreal/slipstream. |
Imagitopia | https://www.imagitopiapod.com/submissions/submission-guidelines | 1 cent/word | Electronic and Podcast | Fantasy short fiction |
Afterpast Review | https://www.theafterpastreview.com/submissions.html | No payment | Electronic | Feminist literary magazine dedicated to uplifting underrepresented voices. We accept poetry, prose, and dramatic writing from all writers. |
Screen Door Review | https://www.screendoorreview.com/submit/ | No payment | Electronic | Poetry and flash fiction authored by individuals belonging to the southern queer (lgbtq+) community of the United States |
Scribes*MICRO*Fiction | https://www.fairfieldscribes.com/submission-guidelines.html | $1 | Electronic | Fiction and poems between 90 and 110 words (excluding title) |
Sparks of Calliope | https://sparksofcalliope.com/submission-guidelines/ | No payment | Electronic | Poetry |
Tough | http://www.toughcrime.com/p/submissions_54.html | $25 | Electronic | Crime fiction, reviews, essays |
Jupiter’s Eye | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/jupiter-s-eye-guidelines | $15 | Electronic and Print | Speculative, fiction and poetry about the exploration and settlement of other worlds |
Table Cell | Table Cell | Table Cell | Table Cell | Table Cell |
S-Curves, a Los Angeles-based literary journal, also welcomes previously published work. We primarily feature writers living/working in Topanga Canyon, but are open to non-canyon writers subject to space available. www.S-CurvesOnline.com.
ReplyDeleteThe Moon posted that it is shutting down.
ReplyDeleteGreat list. Thanks for posting it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrific resource. Thank you for putting it together.