Speculative fiction has a loyal fan base, so if you write science fiction or fantasy there are dozens of magazines that want your work! Here is a list of paying markets for journals accepting speculative fiction. Some have submission periods, so make sure you read their guidelines carefully. All are paying markets, and none charge submission fees.
This table is a bit daunting, but you can simplify your task by making a list of all the places you intend to submit. (Make a separate list for each story or article.) As you submit, make sure to keep track of where, when, and how you submitted (i.e. email, Submittable, online form, etc.).
If you want to get published fast, start with the magazines that accept simultaneous submissions, and submit to all of them. Once your work is accepted, don't forget to withdraw it immediately from the remaining magazines. (If you have used Submittable, this is very simple. Just click "Withdraw.")
I suggest you start with the pro markets. These are harder to get into, but if you get published in a prestigious magazine it will establish you as a serious writer.
Save the magazines that take reprints for last. You can submit to those after your story has been published elsewhere.
Pay ranges are as follows:
- Semi-pro payment = 1 - 5 US cents per word
- SFWA pro payment rate = 8 cents per word and up
- Pro for poetry= $50 per poem
- Token = 1 cent per word or less
For more paying markets see: Paying Markets
Related posts:
325 Paying Markets for Short Stories, Poetry, Nonfiction
Mega-List of Paying Markets for Horror, Dark Fiction and Poetry
10 Literary Journals That Publish Multiple Genres - Paying markets
Magazine | Guidelines | Payment | Simultaneous | Reprints | Notes |
Asimov's | https://www.asimovs.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/ | 8-10 cents per word for short stories up to 7,500 words, and 8 cents for each word over 7,500. $1 a line for poetry | No | No | They also publish borderline fantasy, slipstream, and surreal fiction |
Analog Science Fiction and Fact | https://www.analogsf.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/ | 8-10 cents per word for short fiction (up to approximately 20,000 words), 6 cents per word for serials (40,000-80,000 words), 9 cents per word for fact articles, and $1 per line for poetry. | No | No | They publish science fiction stories in which some aspect of future science or technology is so integral to the plot that, if that aspect were removed, the story would collapse |
Fantasy & Science Fiction | https://www.sfsite.com/fsf/glines.htm | 8-12 cents per word | No | No | The speculative element may be slight, but it should be present. |
Clarkesworld Magazine | http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/submissions/ | 10¢ per word | No | No | Science fiction and fantasy. No horror, but dark SF/F is permitted. |
Diabolical Plots | https://www.diabolicalplots.com/guidelines/ | 10¢ per word | No | No | Science fiction, fantasy, and horror Has submission periods |
Lightspeed | https://adamant.moksha.io/publication/lightspeed/guidelines | 8¢ per word | No | No | Science fiction, fantasy 1500-10,000 words Has submission periods |
Nightmare | https://adamant.moksha.io/publication/nightmare/guidelines | 8¢ per word | No | No | Horror, dark fantasy 1500-7500 words Has submission periods |
Strange Horizons | http://strangehorizons.com/submit/ | 10¢ per word $50 per poem | No | No | Speculative fiction Up to 10,000 words Has submission periods |
Uncanny Magazine | https://uncannymagazine.com/submissions/ | 10¢ per word | No | No | SF/F fiction and poetry Novellas up to 40,000 words Has submission periods |
Apex | https://apex-magazine.com/submission-guidelines/ | 8¢ per word | No | No | Speculative fiction |
Beneath Ceaseless Skies | https://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/submissions/ | 8¢ per word | Yes | No | Publishes “literary adventure fantasy”: stories with a secondary-world setting and some fantasy feel, but written with a literary approach |
Cast of Wonders | https://www.castofwonders.org/submissions/ | 8¢ per word | Yes | Yes | Audio format YA speculative fiction |
Cricket | http://www.cricketmedia.com/submission-guidelines/ | 25 cents/word | ? | No | Children's sci-fi and fantasy (ages 9 - 14) 1200–1800 words in length |
Baltimore Review | http://baltimorereview.org/index.php/submit | $40 | Yes | No | Fiction Accepts a variety of genres 5,000 words max Has submission periods |
Compelling Science Fiction | http://compellingsciencefiction.com/guidelines.html | 8¢ per word | Yes | No | Science fiction that is entertaining, scientifically plausible, self-consistent, and technically detailed when appropriate Has submission periods |
Curiouser Magazine | https://curiousermag.com/submissions/ | Flash fiction $50-75 + a copy of the issue. Short Fiction $80-140 + a copy of the issue. | Yes | No | Horror, magic realism, speculative fiction and streams of consciousness are welcome – but they must be somewhat grounded in real life. |
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores | https://cosmicrootsandeldritchshores.com/submissions/ | 8 cents/word for original fiction and nonfiction, 2 - 8 cents/word for reprints, $1/line for poetry, 50 cents/line for reprints | No | Yes | Science fiction and fantasy short stories poetry, nonfiction See submission schedule |
Escape Pod | https://escapepod.org/guidelines/short-fiction/ | 8¢ per word for original stories, $100 for reprints | No | Yes | Science fiction Length: Up to 18,000 words Audio format |
AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review | http://aescifi.ca/submit/ | 10¢ CAD per word | Yes | No | Science fiction 500 to 3000 words in length Has submission periods |
Daily Science Fiction | https://dailysciencefiction.com/submit | 8¢ per word | No | No | Science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and more |
The Dark | https://www.thedarkmagazine.com/submission-guidelines/ | 6¢ per word | No | No | Dark fantasy, horror 6,000 words max |
Bourbon Penn | http://www.bourbonpenn.com/submissions.php | 2¢ per word | No | No | Print and online magazine featuring slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist, and the surreal Length: 2000 - 7500 words |
Broken Arrow | https://www.brokenantlermag.com/submit | $20 for print magazine, $10 for online publication | Yes | No | Horror and weird fiction, as well as sci-fi and dark fantasy |
DreamForge Anvil | https://dreamforgemagazine.com/call-for-submissions/ | $0.06/word Payment for reprints is $0.04/word Poems are paid at the rate of $25 to $100 | Yes | Yes | SF and Fantasy Has submission periods |
The Cafe Irreal | http://cafeirreal.alicewhittenburg.com/ | 1 cent U.S. per word | No | No | Magical Realism (2000 words max) |
Escape Pod, PodCastle Podcast | https://escapepod.org/guidelines/short-fiction/ (Science fiction) http://podcastle.org/guidelines/ (Fantasy) (Text and audio) | $0.08 per word for original fiction. USD $100 per story for reprint fiction. $20 flat rate for flash fiction | Yes | Yes | Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy Has submission periods |
Sally Port | https://sallyportmagazine.com/submissions/# | 5 cents per word | No | No | Fantasy - all ages |
Augur | http://www.augurmag.com/submissions/ | 11 cents CAD/word | Yes | No | Fantasy, Science fiction (softer side), Dystopia/utopia, Apocalypse/post-apocalypse, Slipstream, Fairytales, Fables, Fabulism, Magical realism See submission periods |
Flash Fiction Online | https://ffo.submittable.com/submit | $80 for original stories; reprints $.02 (two cents) per word | No | Yes | Many genres, including speculative fiction See submission periods |
khōréō | https://www.khoreomag.com/submissions/ | $0.08/word for fiction, $100 for nonfiction, and $40-300 for art | Yes | No | Speculative fiction, poetry, essays Open to writers who identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. Has submission periods |
Visions | https://www.readvisions.com/submission-guidelines | 4 to 5p (~6¢) per word | Yes | No | Science fiction and speculative short stories, from micro fictions to 3000-word pieces (5,000 words max) Has submission periods |
Gallery of Curiosities Podcast | http://gallerycurious.com/submissions/ | .03/word | Yes | Yes | Weird speculative fiction Has submission periods |
The Dread Machine | https://www.thedreadmachine.com/submit/ | .03/word for original stories, .01/word for reprints | Yes | Yes | Futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction |
The Fairy Tale Magazine | https://www.fairytalemagazine.com/submissions | $50 | Yes | No | Fairy tales (See themes) Poems can be any length, but stories or nonfiction should be between 750 and 1,000 words. Has submission periods |
Grimdark Magazine | https://www.grimdarkmagazine.com/submissions/ | AUD$0.07 per word Reprints: AUD$0.01 per word | No | Yes | Grimdark fantasy and sci-fi |
On Spec | https://onspecmag.wpcomstaging.com/submissions/ | Poems (4-100 lines): $100CAD, Short stories: $100 - $200CAD depending on length | Yes | No | Speculative writing of all kinds Prefers Canadians Has submission periods |
Sci Phi Journal | https://www.sciphijournal.org/index.php/submission-guidelines/ | 3 (Euro) cents per word for original fiction and 1 (Euro) cent per word for translations of fiction into English | Yes | No | Hard SF Has submission periods |
Eye to the Telescope | https://eyetothetelescope.com/submit.html | US 3¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $3, maximum $25 | ? | No | Speculative poetry Has submission periods |
Uncharted | https://www.unchartedmag.com/submit/ | $200 | Yes | Yes | Science Fiction/Fantasy Short Stories 1,000-5,000 words |
Abyss & Apex | https://www.abyssapexzine.com/submissions/ | $0.08/word | No | No | Speculative fiction, poetry |
Aftermath | https://www.aftermathmag.org/submissions.html | 2 cents/word for short stories; 1 cent/word for everything else | Yes | Yes | Humans are doing so much damage to the natural world that it can only end in a spate of perfect storms that will wreck our civilization. These inevitable apocalyptic events offer a wealth of inspiration. |
Andromeda Spaceways Magazine | https://andromedaspaceways.com/submissions-manager/ | 1 cent per word (AUD) with a AUD$20 minimum and a AUD$100 maximum per piece. For flash fiction (under 1,000 words), AUD$10 per piece | No | No | Speculative Fiction See submission periods |
Bracken | https://www.brackenmagazine.com/submit | $30 | ? | No | Fabulism, magical realism Fiction, poetry, art Has submission periods Has begun to charge $3 for submissions |
MacroMicroCosm | https://duotrope.com/duosuma/submit/macromicrocosm-1lhW7 | Royalties | Yes | No | Speculative fiction, poetry, and nonfiction anthologies See themes |
The Fantastic Other | https://fantasticother.com/submissions/ | $5 | Yes | No | Surrealist fiction and poetry, art Has submission periods |
TDot Spec | http://tdotspec.com/submissions/ | CAD 2c/word for originals; 50% rate for reprints. | Yes | Yes | Speculative fiction anthologies See themes and deadlines |
Cosmic Horror Monthly | https://cosmic-horror.net/submissions/ | 1 cent per word for original fiction. 5k words = $50; 0.5 cents per word for reprints; 10 – 20 dollars for artwork chosen as interior content. Negotiable; 100 dollars for cover art. Negotiable. | ? | Yes | Horror and dark science fiction |
Electric Spec | http://www.electricspec.com/Submissions.html | $20 | Yes | No | Speculative Fiction Has submission periods |
James Gunn’s Ad Astra | https://www.adastrasf.com/submissions/short-fiction-submission-guidelines/ | $50 | No | No | Speculative fiction, Poetry |
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly | http://www.heroicfantasyquarterly.com/?page_id=39 | $100 for stories and $25 for poems | No | No | Heroic fantasy Up to 10,000 words Will serialize up to 50,000 words Has submission periods |
Kaleidotrope | https://kaleidotrope.net/guidelines/ | For fiction, $0.01/word (1 cent a word) USD. For poetry, a flat rate of $5 USD per accepted piece. For artwork, a flat rat of $60 for cover art. | No | No | Speculative fiction, poetry Has submission periods |
Lackington’s | https://lackingtons.com/submissions/ | 1 cent CAD per word for stories ($25 CAD minimum), $25 CAD for interior illustrations, and $40 CAD for cover art | No | No | Fantasy, SF, slipstream, post-apocalyptic, magic realism, mythopoeia, folktale, grimdark, weird, or any flavour of ‘punk. They prefer stories with experimental prose and structures. Has submission periods |
Leading Edge | https://www.leadingedgemagazine.com/submissions/ | Fiction, 1 cent per word, $10.00 minimum, $50.00 maximum Poetry, art and nonfiction negotiated | ? | ? | Clean speculative fiction short stories, poetry, nonfiction |
Metaphorosis | https://magazine.metaphorosis.com/guidelines/ | $.01/word | Yes | No | Science fiction and fantasy prose only up to a firm 10,000 word ceiling |
Neo-opsis | http://www.neo-opsis.ca/guidelines.htm | 2.5 cents (Canadian) per word, to a maximum of $125.00 | No | No | Science fiction and fantasy short stories, poetry and art See submission periods |
New Myths | https://sites.google.com/newmyths.com/newmyths-com-home/submissions | 3 cents/word with a minimum payment of $50 for all submissions, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction and poetry; book reviews $50; art $80. | Yes | No | Science fiction and fantasy See submission periods |
The First Line | http://www.thefirstline.com/submission.htm | $25.00 - $50.00 for fiction, $5.00 - $10.00 for poetry, and $25.00 for nonfiction | No | No | Each issue contains short stories that stem from a common first line. Have your way with it. See submission periods |
Planet Scumm | https://www.planetscumm.space/submit/ | 2 cents a word | Yes | No | Speculative fiction, weird fiction, slipstream See submission periods |
Speculative City | http://www.speculativecity.com/submissions/ | $20-$55 | Yes | No | Speculative stories set in a cityscape See submission periods |
Tales From the Moonlit Path | https://talesmoonlitpath.com/ | $10 | Yes | Yes | Fiction and poetry |
Three-lobed Burning Eye | http://www.3lobedmag.com/submissions.html | $100 for short fiction, $30 for flash fiction | No | No | Speculative fiction: horror, fantasy, science fiction |
Underland Arcana | https://www.underlandarcana.com/submissions/ | $0.01 / word—up to 5,000 words | ? | No | Short fiction that veers into the numinous, the esoteric, the supernatural, and the weird See submission periods |
Gemini Magazine | http://gemini-magazine.com/submit-contact/ | $20 | Yes | No | All genres |
Tales From Between | https://talesfrombetween.wordpress.com/submissions/ | £15 plus a physical copy of the issue. REPRINT: £5 plus a physical copy of the issue. | Yes | Yes | Horror and fantasy |
Wyldblood Press | https://wyldblood.com/submissions-2/ | £0.01 per word for print and digital rights (to a maximum of £75) | Yes | No | Speculative fiction |
Allegory | https://www.allegoryezine.com/submissions | $15 | Yes | Yes | Speculative fiction See submission periods |
Alien Dimensions | https://aliendimensions.com/submission-guidelines/ | $10 | ? | No | Science fiction See submission periods |
Translunar Travelers Lounge | https://translunartravelerslounge.com/submissions/ | $0.03 per word with a minimum of $20 | No | No | Speculative fiction See submission periods |
The Colored Lens | http://thecoloredlens.com/?page_id=8/ | $20 per short story, article, or piece of artwork, and $10 for flash. For novellas, $20 for the first 10,000 words, and $1 per 1000 words after that | No | No | Speculative fiction |
Polar Borealis & Polar Starlight | http://polarborealis.ca/submission-guidelines/ | $10 for one thousand words or less. One cent a word for stories 1,000 words to 3,000 words in length, capped at $30; Poems - $10; Art $5 - $40 | Yes | Yes | Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Fantasy, Horror with SF aspects, Lovecraftian Horror Contributors must be Canadian, or at least reside in Canada. Has submission periods |
Daikaijuzine | https://daikaijuzine.org/guidelines | $10 | Yes | Yes | Speculative fiction, flash fiction, articles, and poetry |
Tales and Feathers | http://www.augurmag.com/submissions/ | 11 cents CAD/word | Yes | No | Cozy slice-of-life fantasy short stories. Has reading periods |
IZ Digital | https://interzone.digital/story-submissions/ | (EUR) 1.5¢ per word (one and one-half euro cents) | ? | ? | Sci-fi and fantasy If your story has been rejected for the print edition of Interzone, don’t submit to IZ Digital Has reading periods |
SF Multiverse | https://sfmultiverse.com/submission-guidelines/ | 3 cents/word for fiction, $50 for art | No | No | Science-fiction, horror, fantasy and their related subgenres |
Luna Station Quarterly | http://lunastationquarterly.com/submissions/ | $10 | No | No | Speculative fiction written by women-identified authors Has reading periods |
Mythaxis | https://mythaxis.co.uk/submissions.html | €0.01 per word, with a €20 minimum | Yes | No | Speculative fiction Has reading periods |
Not One of Us | https://not-one-of-us.pub/about/guidelines/ | ¼¢ per word ($5 minimum); $5 for poems; $8 to $15 for art | ? | No | Not One of Us considers the problem of “otherness” from every possible fictional angle: horror, SF, fantasy, noir, slipstream, Western, mainstream, whatever |
Space Squid | https://www.spacesquid.com/scifi-fantasy-mag/contributorguidelines/ | $5 | Yes | Yes | Speculative fiction humor |
Swords and Sorcery | http://www.swordsandsorcerymagazine.com/submissions.html | $10 | ? | No | Original short stories of 1,500 to 6,000 words length that feature fantasy elements and pre-industrial settings |
Theme of Absence | https://themeofabsence.com/submission-guidelines/ | $3 - $5 | No | No | Speculative flash fiction and short stories |
TQR | http://www.tqrstories.com/guidelines | $50 | ? | ? | If you can figure out what they publish I will give you a prize |
Utopia Science Fiction | https://www.utopiasciencefiction.com/submit/ | 8 cents/word for fiction, $25 for poetry, $35 for nonfiction | Yes | No | Speculative fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art |
Liminal | http://liminalstoriesmag.com/submissions/ | 6c/word | No | No | Weird fiction, magical realism, soft science fiction Has submission periods |
Dreams & Nightmares | https://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.blogspot.com/p/submission-guidelines-i-print-primarily.html | $12 | ? | ? | Speculative poetry Snail mail submissions |
Every Day Fiction | https://everydayfiction.com/submit-story/ | $3 | No | No | All genres of flash fiction |
Nature Futures | http://blogs.nature.com/futureconditional/2015/04/19/how-to-write-for-nature-futures/ | £85 or US$130 | ? | No | Near-future, hard SF 850 - 950 words |
GrendelPress | https://grendelpress.com/anthology-submissions/ | USD $0.05 (five cents) per word | Yes | No | Dark Fantasy, Horror, and Romance 3,000-7,000 words Themed anthologies |
Tree and Stone | https://www.tree-and-stone.com/submissions | $0.02 per word $20 for art | Yes | No | Surrealism, magical realism, fabulism, slipstream, anything that might be deemed unconventional. 1000 words max |
Fiyah | http://www.fiyahlitmag.com/submissions/ | $50 - $300 | No | No | Quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features stories and poetry by and about Black people of the African Diaspora |
Third Flatiron | https://thirdflatiron.com/2021_TF_WP/?page_id=13 | 8 cents/word | No | No | SFF Themed Anthologies Has reading periods |
Space and Time | https://spaceandtime.net/submissions/ | 1 cent/word | Yes | No | Speculative fiction Has reading periods |
Interzone | https://interzone.press/submissions/ | 1.5 euro cents/word | Yes | No | Science fiction and fantasy stories up to a maximum of 10,000 words |
The Deadlands | https://thedeadlands.com/guidelines/ | 10 cents/word for original fiction; 1 cent/word for reprints | No | Yes | Speculative fiction that concerns itself with death–but also everything death may involve Also accepts poetry, essays Up to 5,000 words |
Bards and Sages | https://www.bardsandsages.com/contact_us/fiction_submission_guidelines | $30 for original fiction; $15 for reprints | ? | Yes | All speculative genres (horror, fantasy, science fiction, slipstream, steampunk, magical realism, etc) up to 5,000 words in length |
Stygian Lepus Magazine | https://stygianlepus.com/submissions/ | $5 | No | No | Dark speculative fiction |
Jupiter’s Eye | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/jupiter-s-eye-guidelines | Original Stories: $30.00, Reprint Stories: $15.00, Flash Fiction: 1 cent/word, Poems: $5.00, Articles and reviews: $10.00 | Yes | Yes | Speculative, fiction and poetry about the exploration and settlement of other worlds |
Frozen Wavelets | https://earthianhivemind.net/frozen-wavelets/?fbclid=IwAR0P-PiUCwG8VAQpRh8KK-zsLFsWtYa4IJA7B5nc7e4pE1M6e2H4IbE8Ugo | Fiction: US $ 0.08/ word and US $ 1/ line per poetry 1 cent/word for reprints | No | Yes | Speculative fiction and poetry Has submission periods |
Midnight and Indigo | https://www.midnightandindigo.com/write-for-us/ | $50 - $100 | ? | No | Short Stories, Speculative Fiction, and Personal Essays written by Black women writers Has submission periods |
East of the Web | http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/index.php?p=submissions/20131_1 | 5 cents/word | ? | Yes | Science fiction and fantasy Stories should be at least 7,000 words |
All Worlds Wayfarer | http://www.allworldswayfarer.com/submissions/ | $20 | Yes | No | Publishes speculative fiction anthologies Has submission periods |
Dragon Soul Press | https://dragonsoulpress.com/anthologies/ | Royalties | ? | Yes | Publishes speculative fiction anthologies Has submission periods |
Samovar | http://samovar.strangehorizons.com/submit/ | 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator, up to a maximum word count of 3,750 words, based on the English language version of the text $100 for reprints | Yes | Yes | Speculative fiction and poetry in translation (no works originally in English) |
Constelación | https://www.constelacionmagazine.com/submissions | 8 cents/word | No | No | Quarterly speculative fiction bilingual magazine, publishing stories in both Spanish and English See themes Has submission periods |
Shoreline of Infinity | https://www.shorelineofinfinity.com/submissions/ | £40/1000 words | Yes | Yes | Science fiction and fantasy Has submission periods |
HYBRID Ink | https://hybrid.ink/submit/anthologies/ | 2½¢ per word (maximum $100 per story) | Yes | Yes | Publishes Future//Tense anthologies Has submission periods |
Havok | https://gohavok.com/submission-guidelines/ | Pays $10 for anthologies only | ? | No | Various genres under 1000 words See submission schedule |
Through the Gate | http://throughthegate.net/submissions/ | $20 | Yes | No | Fantastical poetry |
Amazing Stories | https://submission.amazingstoriesmag.com/guidelines/ | 8 cents/word | No | No | Speculative fiction Has submission periods |
Aurealis | https://aurealis.com.au/submissions/ | A$20 and A$60 per 1000 words | No | No | Science fiction, fantasy or horror short stories between 2000 and 8000 words Has submission periods |
The Arcanist | https://thearcanist.io/submit-your-work/home | 10 cents/word | Yes | No | Flash speculative fiction Has submission periods |
Perpetual Motion Machine | https://perpetualpublishing.com/submissions/ | $25 | ? | No | Horror, science fiction, crime, and noir |
Mithila Review | https://mithilareview.com/submission-guidelines/ | $10 for reprints and $10-$50 for original stories between 4000-8000 words or longer | Yes | Yes | Fantasy, science fiction, nonfiction, poetry |
Baffling Magazine | https://www.bafflingmag.com/submissions | $0.08/word | Yes | No | Under 1,200 words We are looking for speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror with a queer bent. We want queer stories and we want trans stories and we want aro/ace stories. We want indefinable stories. We welcome weird, slipstream, and interstitial writing. See submission periods |
Sci-Fi Lampoon | http://scifilampoon.com/submissions/ | $5 | Yes | ? | Fantasy, sci-fi, and horror themed humor |
Starward Shadows Quarterly | https://starwardshadows.com/submissions/ | 1 cent/word for short stories, $10 for flash fiction, art negotiated | Yes | No | Dark speculative fiction See submission periods |
Waystation | https://waystationmag.blogspot.com/p/submissions.html | $10 | ? | ? | Space opera |
Fusion Fragment | http://www.fusionfragment.com/submissions/ | Both previously unpublished work and reprints pay 3.5 cents (CAD) per word, up to a maximum of $300 (CAD) per story. | Yes | Yes | "Feel free to send us anything that even vaguely resembles science fiction." See submission periods |
Infinite Worlds | https://www.infiniteworldsmagazine.com/submissions-faqs | 8 cents/word | ? | No | Science fiction stories between 1500–5000 words in length Also publishes art and comics |
Orion’s Belt | https://www.orions-belt.net/submissions | 8 cents/word | Yes | No | All stories must be under 1200 words |
Mesozoic Reader | https://farthertrees.wordpress.com/mesozoic-reader/ | $10 | No | Yes | Stories and poetry of any genre are welcome, so long as dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures are a central element Has submission periods |
Fairy Tale Review | https://fairytalereview.submittable.com/submit/ | $50 | Yes | No | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art Has submission periods and themed issues |
Stoso | https://ourstorysociety.com/submissions/ | 5 cents/word | Yes | Yes | Accepts science fiction, horror and fantasy from all over the world Up to 10,000 words English language only |
Star Line | http://www.sfpoetry.com/starline.html | 3 cents/word for poetry, 1 cent/word for articles | ? | ? | Speculative poetry, art, nonfiction |
Spaceports & Spidersilk | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/spaceports-spidersilk | $6.00 for each accepted original story; $3.00 for each accepted flash fiction; $2.00 for each accepted story reprint; $2.00 for each accepted poem; $10.00 for the cover art; $4.00 for each accepted b&w illustration | Yes? | Yes | For younger readers Fantasy, science fiction, and a category we are going to define as ‘shadow stories’. Shadow stories are mild horror. We want spooky, not terrifying. Most of all, we want ADVENTURES! And especially SF or fantasy adventures. |
The Future Fire | http://futurefire.net/guidelines/index.html | $10 - $20 | No | Yes | Fiction and poetry that focuses on the social-political elements of imaginary, futuristic, fantastic, horrifying, surreal or otherwise speculative universes |
Three Crows | http://threecrowsmagazine.com/submissions/ | 0.01$/word | Yes | No | Dark and weird fantasy, horror, and sci-fi |
The Vanishing Point | https://vanishingpointmagazine.com/index.php/submissions/ | $25 | No | ? | Horror, Sci-fi, Dark Fantasy, and all things speculative |
Etherea Magazine | https://ethereamagazine.com/submissions/ | $100 AUD for short stories $25 for flash fiction (1000 words max) |
No | ? | Fantasy and science fiction Short stories, flash fiction |
Gwyllion | http://gwyllionmagazine.com/submissions/ | £10 per accepted story or poem | Yes | No | We encourage submissions from writers living in Wales and/or who identify as Welsh. All submissions will be considered but priority will be given to stories with Welsh themes. |
MetaStellar | https://www.metastellar.com/write-for-us/flash-fiction-story-submission/ | 8 cents/word | ? | ? | Fantasy, horror, and science fiction (up to 1,000 words) |
The Fifth Di... | https://www.hiraethsffh.com/fifth-di | Original Stories: $25.00 Reprint Stories: $15.00 Flash Fiction: 1 cent/word Poems: $5.00 Articles: $20.00 |
? | Yes | Science fiction, fantasy, and spooky horror stories and poems |
Haven Speculative | https://www.havenspec.com/submit | 1 cent/word for fiction, $5 - $10 for poetry | Yes | Query first | Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art See themes |
Synthetic Reality | http://syntheticrealitymagazine.com/submissions/ | Payment varies | Yes | Yes | Fiction, poetry, articles, book reviews Print and online format Science Fiction, Fantasy, SHTF, Slipstream, Horror, Sword and Sorcery and surreal fiction, they are also open to other stories |
Savage Realms | https://www.literaryrebel.com/savage-submissions/ | $25 | ? | ? | Sword and Sorcery up to 10,000 words |
Lost Colony Magazine | https://lostcolonymagazine.com/submissions/ | $50 | ? | No | Fantasy and science fiction between 10,000 and 25,000 words in length. |
Dark Void | https://darkvoidmagazine.com/submissionguidelines | 5 cents/word | ? | ? | Science fiction horror |
Tall Tale TV Podcast |
https://talltaletv.com/submission-guidelines/ | Not specified | Yes | Yes | Science fiction and fantasy |
Baubles From Bones | https://www.baublesfrombones.com/submission-guidelines.html | $.01/word $6/poem |
Yes | No | Science fiction and fantasy fiction and poetry 1,000 to 10,000 words. |
Flash Point | https://flashpointsf.com/submissions/ | $15 | No | No | 100 - 1000 words |
The Phlogiston Press | https://thephlogistonpress.substack.com/about?utm_source=menu-dropdown | Royalties | ? | Yes | "We’re looking for short form speculative fiction, old style, slipstream, horror, fantasy, science fiction, literary, poetry, flash with a maximum length of 8,000 words - or even a longer story to serialise over a few newszines." |
Galaxy's Edge | http://www.galaxysedge.com/submissions/ | 7 cents/word | No | No | Fantasy and science fiction up to 10,000 words |
HyphenPunk | https://hyphenpunk.com/submissions/ | $25 | Yes | No | Short stories and graphic stories, art. "We want to publish your speculative fiction with some type of -Punk aesthetic. Cyber-, steam-, solar-, diesel-, ray-, bio-, street-, splatter-, arcano-, nano-, or whatever else your crazed imagination can come up with. If its -Punk then it fits." |
Penumbric | https://www.penumbric.com/subs.html | $10 | ? | Yes, on a case-by-case basis | Speculative fiction, poetry, art, music, animation See submission periods |
Decoded | https://decodedpride.com/submit/ | $25 - $200 | Yes | No | Queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror |
Pressfuls | https://pressfuls.com/about/ | 3 cents/word | ? | ? | Science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery/crime, short stories and short nonfiction |
SFS Stories | https://sfsstories.com/ | $25 | ? | Yes | Science fiction and fantasy flash fiction (under 1000 words) |
Speculatief | http://speculatief.be/submissions/ | $0.01 per word, with a max of $25 per short story | ? | N/A | Translated science fiction and fantasy short stories, poetry and audio fiction Also accepts art Translations into Dutch |
Solarpunk Magazine | https://solarpunkmagazine.com/submissions/ | $0.08/word for fiction, $40/poem, and $75/essay | No | No | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry See submission schedule and themes Accepts translations |
Seize the Press | https://www.seizethepress.com/submissions/ | £0.06/word | Yes | No | Dark, transgressive speculative fiction up to 2000 words |
Archive of the Odd | https://archiveoftheodd.wordpress.com/submissions/ | $0.01/word for short stories | Yes | Yes | “Archive of the Odd is a zine of uncanny occurrences, told in even stranger ways.” |
Factor Four | http://factorfourmag.com/submissionsinfo/ | 11 cents/word | No | No | Science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination up to 1000 words |
Wyngraf | https://wyngraf.com/submissions/ | 1 cent/word | Yes | No | Cozy fantasy See submission periods |
Tasavvur | https://tasavvurnama.com/submissions/ | 2.5 cents/word | ? | ? | South Asian speculative fiction up to 5,000 words |
Fission, the annual anthology of British Science Fiction Association | https://bsfa.co.uk/fission | £0.02/word | ? | ? | Science fiction You don't have to be a member to submit See deadlines |
Zooscape | https://zooscape-zine.com/guidelines/ | 8 cents/word | No | Yes | "We love science-fiction with animal-like aliens and fantasy with talking dragons, unicorns, or witch familiars.” See submission periods |
Dragon Gems | https://waterdragonpublishing.com/submissions/dragon-gems/ | $0.02 per word + access to ten (10) digital contributor copies | Yes | Yes | Fantasy or science fiction (or at least contain fantastical elements) 2,000 – 6,000 words in length. |
Medusa Tales | https://medusatales.com/submissions/ | 1 cent/word, $10 for reprints | Yes | Yes | Speculative stories (sci-fi, fantasy, and horror) of human transformation and immobilization. |
Hexagon | https://hexagonmagazine.ca/submit/ | $5 for accepted poetry and cartoons, $10 for flash fiction, $15 for works between 1,001-4,999 words, $20 for accepted written works over 5,000 words, $30 for Graphic Stories and $110 for cover art pieces. All rates are CAD. | No | No | Speculative short stories, flash fiction, poetry, graphic stories, and visual art, in English or French. |
The Sprawl Mag | https://www.thesprawlmag.ca/guidelines | $20 CAD | Yes | ? | Speculative poetry, short fiction, and visual art. "Whether it is utopic, dystopic, magical, or sci-fi, we look forward to seeing your work." See submission periods |
Bards & Wordsmiths | http://www.augurmag.com/submissions/ | $60 CAD | Yes | No | Speculative poetry |
Frivolous Comma | https://www.frivolouscomma.com/submit/ | 8 cents/word, with minimum of $100 for fiction; $75 for nonfiction; $40 for poetry; $200 for original artwork; $100 for work from artist's existing portfolio | ? | ? | Science fiction, fantasy, horror, the uncanny, or any work (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry) that orbit this genre, with a particular focus on characters in some type of transition |
Old Moon Quarterly | https://www.oldmoonpublishing.com/what-we-want | 5 cents/word | Yes | No | Weird sword-and-sorcery: stories of a dark and transgressive nature, set in a secondary or historical-paranormal |
Sci-fi Shorts | https://www.scifishorts.co/write-with-us | Percentage of pooled royalties | ? | ? | Up to 1000 words Science fiction |
Parallel Universe Publications | https://paralleluniversepublications.blogspot.com/p/submissions.html | £25 | Yes | Yes | Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction anthologies |
Nat 1 Publishing | http://nat1publishing.com/get-involved/submit/ | Unspecified payment | Yes | No | Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction anthologies, novellas |
Illustrated Worlds | https://www.illustratedworldsmagazine.com/ | $10 for poetry, 1 cent/word for fiction, $10 - $50 for art | ? | ? | Fantasy, dark fantasy and horror |
Air and Nothingness Press | http://www.aanpress.com/submissions.html | 8 cents/word | ? | ? | Speculative fiction poetry and story anthologies. Sometimes publishes books. |
The Sengkang Sci-Fi Quarterly | https://sengkangsfq.carrd.co/#submission | 5¢ (SGD) per word (min-$100 SGD, max-$300 SGD)(Singapore dollars) | ? | ? | Speculative fiction |
Amazing Stories Online | https://submission.amazingstoriesmag.com/guidelines/ | $20 for a short story, or longer, and $10 for flash fiction or reprints, up to $600 for art | No | No | Science fiction |
SpecPoVerse | https://specpoverse.org/submission | $5 | Yes | ? | Speculative poetry |
Calliope Interactive | https://calliopeinteractive.com/open-call | 5 cents/word | ? | No | Short stories (2,000 – 4,000 words) and flash fictions (100 – 1,000 words) of any type of genre fiction (i.e., romance, horror, fantasy, etc.) |
ParSec | https://www.pspublishing.co.uk/parsec-79-c.asp | 2p a word up to a maximum of £180.00 | ? | No | Science fiction, fantasy, horror up to 10,000 words |
Omenana Magazine | https://omenana.com/omenana-submissions/ | $20 | No | No | Speculative art, fiction, and non-fiction from artists and writers from Africa and the African Diaspora |
The Drop | https://inkbloodbook.company/#thedrop | $10 | ? | ? | Dark fantasy and science fiction up to 1000 words |
Habitats Magazine | https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samuelcooke/habitats-magazine-optimistic-science-fiction/posts/3701085 | 10 cents/word | ? | No | Optimistic and uplifting short science-fiction stories on any subject 1000-6000 words |
Small Wonders | https://smallwondersmag.com/submissions/ | Original flash fiction: $0.10/word Reprint flash fiction: $0.01/word or $10, whichever is more Poems: $60 Art: $125 for reprint rights |
Yes | Yes | Speculative fiction and poetry with elements not of this world: fantasy, science fiction, horror 1000 words max for prose Accepts reprints |
Banksia Journal | https://banksiajournal.com/submissions/ | AUD $0.01 (1 cent) per word, with a minimum payment of AUD $10. | Yes | No | Speculative fiction short stories of 3,000 words or les Looking for works by new Australian, Aotearoa New Zealander, or Australasian region writers. |
Upbeat Tales Podcast |
https://upbeattales.com/ (They post open calls on Twitter) |
1 cent per word | Yes | No | Upbeat and/or comedic fantasy, science fiction and horror stories. 100-6,000 words |
Zombies Need Brains | https://www.patreon.com/posts/66268714 | 8 cents per word | No | No | Science fiction, fantasy, and horror, including all subgenres Submission period July 1 - 7 |
Impossible Worlds | https://impossibleworlds.net/ | 5 cents per word | ? | ? | Science fiction, fantasy Preferably PG-13 Submission periods |
Imagitopia | https://www.imagitopiapod.com/submissions/submission-guidelines | 1 cent per word | Yes | Yes | Fantasy reprints Submission periods |
Empyreal Tree | https://empyreantree.com/rules-for-submission/ | $25 | Yes | No | Speculative fiction 1,000 – 15,000 words Submission periods Themed issues |
Crimson Quill Quarterly | https://crimsonquillquarterly.com/#what-we-want | $25 | Yes | No | Sword & sorcery, dark fantasy, and grimdark subgenres of fantasy fiction. Length: Up to 10,000 words. Submission periods |
Sengkang Sci-Fi Quarterly | https://sengkangsfq.carrd.co/#submission | 5 cents a word, with a $100 SGD minimum | ? | ? | Science Fiction and Fantasy 1000-10000 words Based in Singapore |
Trollbreath Magazine | https://magazine.trollbreath.com/submissions/ | 4 cents a word 1/2 a word for reprints |
No | Yes | Speculative fiction, poetry, and non-fiction |
Black Cat Weekly | https://wildside.moksha.io/publication/black-cat-weekly-science-fiction/guidelines | $15- $50 | No | Yes | 1,500 to 10,000 words preferred, but can go up to 45,000 words. |
House of Gamut | https://houseofgamut.moksha.io/publication/house-of-gamut/guidelines | Ten cents a word for original work, and three cents a word for reprints. Poetry is $50 per poem for new work and $25 per poem for reprints | Yes | Yes | 1,000-5,000 words Speculative fiction, nonfiction, poetry Reprints accepted |
Flunk Magazine | https://www.flunkmagazine.com/submit | $50 for published short stories and visual art, and $30 for poetry suites | Yes | Yes | Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Stories, poetry, and creative non-fiction of no more than 5000 words Reprints accepted |
Saros Speculative Fiction | https://sarossf.com/submissions/ | $40 CAD per story and $40 CAD for cover art | Yes | No | Science fiction or SF-tinged literary stories between 2,000 and 15,000 words |
Roses and Wildflowers | https://roseswildflowersfantacists.com/roses-and-wildflowers/ | $5 - $20 | Yes | No | Mythopoeic Fiction, Poetry and Art Fabulism, Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Wonder Tales |
Just Keep Up | https://www.justkeepupmagazine.com/submissions | $10 a story, $10 a poem | Yes | ? | Stories should be science fiction and/or horror (preferably both) and 100-10,000 words long |
Hyphen Punk | https://hyphenpunk.com/submissions/ | $25 | Yes | No | Speculative fiction with some type of -Punk aesthetic up to 7500 words. Novellas under 50,000 words |
Tales From the Crosstimbers | https://thecrosstimbers.online/open-call/ | Payment will be the larger of $10 per story or 1 cent/word rounded to the nearest 100 words, up to a maximum of $50. | No | No | Speculative fiction between 1000 and 2500 words |
Cell C | Cell D | Cell A | Cell B | Cell A | Cell B |
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