Wednesday, September 29, 2021

102 Calls for Submissions in October 2021 - Paying markets

This October there are more than eight dozen calls for submissions. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.

I post calls for submissions on the first day of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on next month's calls for submissions by checking that page periodically throughout the month. (I only post paying markets.)

Also see Paying Markets for hundreds of paying markets arranged by form and genre.

Happy submitting!

(Image: Flickr)


Cicada's LamentRestrictions: Open to marginalized creators, particularly work by disabled and/or LGBTQIA+ folx. Genre: Fiction or poetry with elements of Southern Gothic or horror. Theme: (re) birth. Births, baptisms, beginnings. "Cicada's Lament wants your hanging moss and blue porch ceilings. We want your deer skulls and old ghosts, your ancient and decrepit houses." Payment: $5. Deadline: October 1, 2021. 

The SpectacleGenre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 1, 2021. Submit early in the month to avoid fee.

Metaphysical TimesGenre: Nonfiction. "We serve a large pagan audience and would like more diverse perspectives on metaphysical topics, including spirituality, religion, divination, witchcraft, and more."  Payment: $0.05 per word up to 1200 words. Deadline: October 1, 2021. 

CutleafGenre: Poetry. Send up to seven poems. Payment: $50 to $200. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

Fourteen Poems Genre: Poems. "We want to represent all that's thrilling about the new wave of LGBT+ poets. If you’re a poet, even if you’ve never been published before, we want to read your work. Every issue we publish 14 of the best queer poems we’ve found, and we want to include you! We publish 4 times a year, but take submissions all year round.  To be considered, email up to 5 poems, preferably in a pdf format, with a small paragraph about yourself to" Payment: £25 for each poem published. Deadline: October 1, 2021. 

Slash - HerGenre: Horror written by women. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

The Last LineGenre: Fiction that ends with the last line provided. Payment: $20-$40. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch ShoresGenre: Speculative stories. Payment: 6 cents/word for original work. 2 cents/word for reprints. Deadline: October 2, 2021.

Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale MagazineGenre: Fairy tales, and essays on theme of “Healers, Midwives and Cunning Folk.” Payment: $100. US dollars only. Essays: $50. Deadline: October 3, 2021.

HavokGenre: Flash fiction on Theme of INNOCENT / SAGE. Payment: $10 via PayPal for each story published in an Anthology. Deadline: October 3, 2021.

AwakeRestrictions: Awake is a digital zine for Black authors by Black authors. Genre: Poetry, essays, art. Payment: $15. Deadline: October 3, 2021.

Honeyguide MagazineGenre: Stories, art and poetry that examine the connection between animals and humans. Payment: $25 for featured writers, $50 for art. Deadline: October 4, 2021.

Tangled Feathers BlogGenre: Nonfiction that examines the connection between animals and humans. Payment: $25 for featured writers. Deadline: October 4, 2021.

Derailleur PressGenre: Short fiction between 3,000 and 6,000 words. "We want submissions that deal with intimacy in all of its forms. We want you to highlight intimacies such as sex, death, love, birth (consider these merely suggestions), but we're really looking for pieces that grapple with lesser known intimacies and the joys, consequences, and indignities of them." Payment: $100. Deadline: October 4, 2021.

Quill and Crow: Grimm and DreadGenre: Short stories (5,000 - 8,000 words) that give Grimm's Fairy Tales a unique and creative twist - extra points for maintaining a Gothic feel. Payment: US: $40 + author copy/non-US: $45 + ebook author copy). Deadline: October 5, 2021.

ScumGenre: Feminist-friendly work of any variety, but as a general rule your piece should be under 2000 words (50 lines for poetry, max. 3 poems) and able to be classified as “fiction”, “culture”, “memoir”, “column”, “poetry”, and/or “review”. Payment: $60 AUD. Deadline: October 7, 2021.  Opens to submissions on October1.

Fantasy MagazineGenre: Fantasy short stories, flash fiction, poetry. Payment: 8 cents per word for original short stories and flash fiction. $40 per poem. Deadline: October 7, 2021.  Opens to submissions on October1.

Bright Wall/Dark RoomGenre: Essay on theme: Generations."Our November issue will be our 101st, and we want to mark the occasion with essays on cinematic generations in all their forms.” Payment: $100. Deadline: October 8, 2021.

Luna NovellaGenre: Speculative fiction novellas by writers who identify as "Other than White."   Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 10, 2021.

Where the Weird Things AreRestrictions: Open to writers from Australia and New Zealand. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $15AUD for each accepted story and free e-copy of the anthology.  Deadline: October 10, 2021.

UntetheredGenre: Poetry and visual art or pieces that blend those mediums. Payment: $20 (CAD). Deadline: October 10, 2021.

Gordon Square ReviewGenre: Poems, stories, essays, and spoken word pieces that describe, imagine, advance, or respond to themes and emotions evoked by Odilon Redon's art. Payment:$25 per accepted prose piece and $10 per accepted poem. Deadline: October 10, 2021.

Deadset Press. Restrictions: Open to writers from Australia and New Zealand. Genre: Speculative fiction novellas. Payment: Each successful author will receive a payment of $100 upon publication, plus 50% royalties of ebook sales and 40% royalties of paperbacks. Deadline: October 10, 2021.

Shoreline of InfinityGenre: Science fiction, fantasy. Payment: £10/1000 words. Deadline: October 13, 2021.

Tales from the Moonlit PathGenre: Dark, eerie speculative fiction. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 14, 2021.

Dose of DreadGenre: General horror flash fiction. Preference for dread-inducing stories. Length: 500 - 1,000 words. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Dorothy is an award-winning feminist press dedicated to works of fiction or near fiction or about fiction. Genre: Full-length manuscripts. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Muse MagazineGenre: Nonfiction articles for children on theme of A Star Is Born. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Contemporary Verse 2Genre: Poetry. Theme: Sick Poetics. "We are looking for poetry that explores the limits and boundaries of sickness, disability, illness, madness, and crip." Payment: $30. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Fat CoyoteRestrictions: Writers must be neurodivergent. Genre: Poetry, fiction, CNF, Art, Photography, Comics. Payment: 3 cents/word for prose. $1 line for poetry. $30 - $40 for art. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Midnight EchoRestrictions: Open to writers in (or originally from) Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands. Genre: Original, previously unpublished horror fiction, poetry and non-fiction on horror-related subjects. Payment: AU$0.05/word for fiction (that’s 5 Australian cents per word). Word limit: 5,000 words firm. $20 AUD per poem. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Consequence ForumGenre: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, reviews, visual art, and translations focused on the human consequences and realities of war and geopolitical violence. Payment: $40 - $80. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Translunar Travelers LoungeGenre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $0.03 per word with a minimum of $20. Deadline: October 15, 2021. Opens September 21, 2021.

Mirror, MirrorGenre: Short stories (prose poems will also be considered), to include a mix of fantasy, science fiction, horror, magical, history, and romance elements on theme of "Mirrors." Payment: 6¢/word on acceptance. Deadline: October 15, 2021. 

WordworksRestrictions: Open to BC and Yukon writers. Genre: Poetry, flash fiction, short story, and creative non-fiction on theme of Beginnings. Payment: $125 per page for original articles, $100 for cover art and $25 for other interior illustrations, $50 for reprints. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Neon HemlockGenre: Queer speculative fiction novellas. Wordcount: 17,500–40,000 words. Payment: Advance+Royalties option or a Royalties Only option. Deadline: October 16, 2021.

AHVAZ // AAVAZ // AVAAZRestrictions: Open to Canadian writers who identify as South Asian. Genre: Poetry. Payment: $25. Deadline: October 18, 2021.

Belt Magazine. Genre: Features, essays, poetry, and photography for a series on the ‘Indigenous Rust Belt.’ "We are particularly interested in stories that engage with the geographies and everydayness of Indigenous life in the contemporary Rust Belt.” Payment: Various rates. Deadline for pitches/submissions: October 18, 2021.

Going Down SwingingGenre: Fiction, creative non-fiction, experimental/hybrid work, digital and interactive literature, poetry, comics, artworks, spoken word, commentary, and essays. "This month, we’re particularly looking for submissions of speculative fiction and pieces about love, but we’re also happy to receive your submissions of any theme." Payment: Prose under 500 words $60; Prose over 500 words $170; Poem $100; Comic (less than 5 frames) $180; Comic (longer than 5 frames/demonstrative of extensive effort) $220. Deadline: October 20, 2021.

Scare StreetGenre: Horror short horror stories with a focus on ghosts, the supernatural, paranormal, monsters, and dark tales. Payment: $10 for every 1,000 words prorated, $50 for every 5,000 words prorated, and so on. Deadline: October 20, 2021.

Suburban ReviewGenre: Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, and art on theme of Ugly. Payment: $75- $150. Deadline: October 20, 2021.

Flash Fiction OnlineGenre: Speculative (science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and horror) and literary fiction. Payment: $80. Deadline: October 21, 2021.

Isele. Genre: Flash fiction, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, visual work, hybrid works, etc. on theme of Woman. Payment: Modest. Deadline: October 22, 2021.

Tales From BetweenGenre: Horror flash fiction. Payment: $20. Deadline: October 22, 2021.

Story Seed VaultGenre: Microfiction tweets based on science. Payment: Short Fiction (<150CH) $3AUD per story; Long Fiction (>150CH/<200CH) $2AUD per story. Deadline: October 24, 2021. Opens on the 10th.

Electric Literature: The CommuterGenre: Poetry, short fiction. Payment: $100. Deadline: October 24, 2021. Opens October 18.

Fusion FragmentGenre: Science fiction or SF-tinged literary fiction stories and novelettes ranging anywhere from 2,000 to 15,000 words. Payment: Both previously unpublished work and reprints pay 3.5 cents (CAD) per word, up to a maximum of $300 (CAD) per story. Deadline: October 24, 2021.  Accepts reprints.

ongoingGenre: Prose in any genre up to 1000 words based on musical prompt. Payment:  30CAD.  Deadline: October 26, 2021.

580 SplitGenre: Poetry, visual art, photography, short stories, creative nonfiction on theme "Fever Dreams." Payment: $50. Deadline: October 27, 2021.

Thuggish ItchGenre: Horror, sci-fi and speculative fiction stories. Theme: By the Seaside. Payment: AU$5.00 for stories under 2500 words / AU$10.00 for anything above 2500 words.  Deadline: October 30, 2021.

Rahila's Ghost PressGenre: Poetry chapbooks. Payment: Royalties (?) Deadline: October 30, 2021.

khōréōRestrictions: Open to writers who identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms. "This includes, but is not limited to, first- and second-generation immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, persons who identify with one or more diaspora communities, persons who have been displaced or whose heritage has been erased due to colonialism/imperialism, transnational/transracial adoptees, and anyone whose heritage and history includes ‘here and elsewhere’. We especially encourage BIPOC creators who identify as the above to submit their work." Genre: stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element. Payment0.08/word for fiction, $100 for nonfiction, and  $40-300 for art. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

ProlitGenre: Poetry, prose, and visual art that corresponds to the themes of work, money, and/or class. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Room MagazineRestrictions: Room publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art by folks of marginalized genders, including but not limited to women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people. Genre: Original short stories, poems, creative non-fiction, or art. Payment: $50 (CAD) Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Silver BladeGenre: Science Fiction, Slipstream, Classic and Modern Fantasy poetry and fiction. Payment: $15 for novellas, $3 for flash fiction, $8 for short stories, $8 for single poems. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

RattleGenre: Poetry. Ekphrastic Challenge. Payment: $100. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

MetaStellarGenre: Science fiction, fantasy or horror. 1000 words max. Payment: 8 cents per word. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Mud Season ReviewGenre: Poetry, Fiction, CNF, Art. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Kissing DynamiteGenre: Poetry microchap manuscripts. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Madhouse Books: Dark Secrets AnthologyGenre: Horror stories of sinister secrets and hidden evil. "We are seeking stories of the evil of mankind. We are not seeking stories with paranormal elements. Think serial killers, secret identities, and hidden pasts." Payment: $10. Deadline: October 31, 2021. 

Harbor ReviewGenre: Poetry. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

And the Walls Came Crashing DownGenre: Short stories about the Fuller family. (The editors provide you with the characters and the setting.) "Anything that's dark, creepy, weird and just a little off-kilter. We're open to genre fiction, particularly anything related to horror, science-fiction, speculative fiction or weird fiction. But we're also interested in anything that twists or subverts these genres in some unexpected way." Payment: $15. Deadline: October 31, 2021. (May close early)

Otoroshi JournalGenre: Horrorku, horror tanka, and horror haibun, art. Payment: Poetry, $1. Art, $10.  Deadline: October 31st, 2021.

JMS Books: Jolly HolidaysGenre: LGBT romance. "Stories set during winter holidays: New Year’s, Valentine's Day. Please state the holiday in your submission so we know where it might fit into our schedule." Length: 12,000 words or higher. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Nonbinary ReviewGenre: Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and flash, up to 3000 words on theme of Person of Interest. Payment: For prose, 1¢ US per word, and $10 US per poem. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Titanic TerastructuresGenre: Speculative fiction set in or about megastructures, gigastructures, TERASTRUCTURES! Payment: $5 per thousand words. Deadline: October 31, 2021. Reprints accepted.

Dream Pop PressGenre: Chapbook manuscripts in the genres of poetry, speculative diary, and hybrid work that confounds definition 20-50 pages in length. "We lean heavily toward more experimental, non-narrative work in general." Payment: $200. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Dead Stars and Stone Arches: A Collection of Utah HorrorGenre: Cosmic Horror. Payment: Poetry - $10 USD, Flash - $15 USD, Short Fiction - $35 USD, Novelette - $75 USD. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Trees AnthologyGenre: Dark speculative fiction involving trees. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 31, 2021. (Or until filled.)

MythaxisGenre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $20. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Eerie River Publishing: It Calls from the the VeilGenre: Horror. "Give me your nightmares. These stories should take place in our reality with a supernatural twist. Think evil entities." May have elements of Dark Fantasy, Dark Fiction and Cosmic horror. But must have the intention to scare the readers. PaymentUp to 3000 words $10.00; Up to 5000 words $15.00; Above 5001 words $20.00. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

BrickGenre: Nonfiction. Payment: $55–660, depending on the length of accepted work, plus two copies of the issue the work appears in and a one-year subscription to the magazine. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

CarouselRestrictions: Open to Canadians only. Genre: Poetry and fiction. Payment: Poetry: $20 per poem — Fiction: $40–$80 per story — Experimental Reviews: $20–$40 per review. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Toilet ZoneGenre: Horror. Payment: $5. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired By One-Hit WondersGenre: Crime stories based on songs. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Gordon Square ReviewGenre: Poetry and prose. Payment: $25 per prose piece and $10 per poem.  Deadline: October 31, 2021. 

Black Hare Press: War AnthologyGenre: Short stories. THEME : War/conflict. Must be dark, any genre. 5,000 words minimum. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 31, 2021. 

Death of a Bad Neighbour AnthologyGenre: Crime and mystery fiction. Payment: 10 cents/word and royalties. Deadline: October 31, 2021. 

CutleafGenre: Fiction, nonfiction. Payment: $100 to $400. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Black Hare Press: Myths and LegendsGenre: Drabble (exactly 100 words) on theme: Myths and Legends. Payment: 4 cents/word.  Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Lost Boys Press: Heroes AnthologyGenre: "Write a story using a hero/heroine from any era or culture and the original major plot points from their legends to craft a retelling in an entirely alternate setting." Payment: $50. Deadline: October 31st, 2021.

Save the WorldGenre: Speculative fiction. "We’re focusing exclusively on climate change futures. Stories should be science fiction/climate fiction (cli-fi) with a hopeful tone. Stories can focus on a proposed solution to part or all of climate change, or on adaptations that will allow us to live with it." Length: Minimum 2,500, Maximum 15,000 words. Payment: $75-$125 per piece. Deadline: October 31st, 2021.

The Book of Queer SaintsRestrictions: Open to LGBTQ+ writers. Genre: Horror. "It is an anthology where unabashedly queer villains, anti-heroes, and outlaws reign supreme." Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: October 31st, 2021.

Ghost Orchid Press: Beyond the Veil: Queer Tales of Supernatural LoveGenre: Short stories, 1000 - 6000 words. "We’re looking for queer tales of supernatural love for our next major anthology, slated for a February 2022 release to coincide with Valentines Day. Sweet, sexy, scary or tragic… We’d love to see your own interpretations on what queer love means to you. We only ask that your story has a supernatural / Gothic / dark element of some kind." Payment: 0.01 USD per word via PayPal and a digital contributor’s copy. Deadline: October 31st, 2021.

Escape Pod: JoyGenre: Science fiction on theme of "Joy." (Audio and written format). Payment: USD $0.08 per word for original fiction. USD $100 per story for reprint fiction. Deadline: October 31st, 2021. Reprints accepted.

The Temz ReviewGenre: Fiction and creative non-fiction up to 10,000 words long. Payment: $20 for prose, $20 per batch of poems. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Opulent SyntaxRestrictions: Open to writers living in Ireland as well as Irish writers abroad. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment; 8 cents/word. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Orison Books. Genre: Novels, short story or flash fiction collections, novellas, personal or lyric essays and memoir. Payment: Small advance and royalties. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Humainologie. Genre: Stories in any style between 500 to 2,000 words in length in the English language on theme of Loss. Payment: $250. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Off Topic Publishing: Wanderers: Poetry from Those Who Cross Borders. Genre: Poetry. “This poetry chapbook is open to poems from immigrants, serial migrants, Third Culture Kids, global nomads, displaced people, refugees, Indigenous people and other groups living within overlapping nations, expats, émigrés, chronic travelers, and anyone else who has crossed borders in life-changing ways. All styles are welcome. Poems should be primarily in English but can include words or phrases from other languages. The poems should clearly relate to the theme of crossing borders.” Reprints (if previously published with “small circulation”) considered. No simultaneous submissions. Payment: $15 CAD upon publication (more if fundraising goals are met) and a contributor copy. All payments through PayPal (or etransfer where possible). Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Rivanna Review. GenreShort stories, essays, reviews of general interest for young adults to senior citizens. Payment: $100. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Unnerving. Genre: Horror and suspense. Fiction and poetry. Payment: 3¢/word for original fiction, 1¢/word reprint fiction, and $0.20 line for original poetry. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

FeastGenre: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art. Payment: Poems - $15; submit up to 4; Short stories - $30.00 USD; Creative nonfiction - $30.00 USD; Artwork - $20.00 USD, artists may submit up to 3 works. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Low Down Dirty Vote: The Color of My Vote. Genre: Short fiction. Stories can be in any crime sub-genre. Payment: $200. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Black Cat MagazineGenre: Speculative fiction, poetry, and art. Payment: $30. Deadline: October 31, 2021. Reprints accepted.

Sage Cigarettes: CryptidsGenre: Poetry, art, flash fiction, nonfiction on theme of Cryptids. Payment: $5 - $20. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Journalstone. Genre: Horror manuscripts. Minimum word count for novels and fiction collections: 50,000. They don’t have a maximum word count, but anything over about 120,000 words will be a hard sell. Minimum word count for novellas: 20,000. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Dark Matter. Genre: Science fiction and horror. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Chicken Soup for the SoulGenre: True stories about Kindness. "Has someone performed an act of kindness for you? How did it feel? Did you pay it forward and do something kind for someone else? Did that person know it was you doing that kind thing? Did you do something kind for a stranger knowing you would not be paid back? How did that feel?" Payment: $200. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

FreefallRestrictions: Open to Canadians only. Genre: Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art. Payment: $10/page prose up to $100 and $25 per poem plus a copy of the issue the work is published in. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Dark Peninsula PressGenre: Survival Horror. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 31, 2021.


The First LineGenres: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction using the first line provided. (See site.) Payment
$25.00 - $50.00 for fiction, $5.00 - $10.00 for poetry, and $25.00 for nonfiction. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

OrnithopterGenre: Poetry chapbooks. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

Death in the MouthRestrictions: Open to BIPOC writers and other ethnically marginalized writers and artists from around the world. Genre: Horror. "We're looking for original manifestations of horror, dread, grief, fear, and anxiety. Embodiments of mania and displacements of faith. Harrowing ecstasy and debilitating hope. Consuming, relentless love. Transgressions of the body, the spirit, and the community. Quiet, creeping absurdities. Unique and terrifying alien mythology from the future. Weird and unsettling folklore from secondary worlds. Quiet contemporary techno-panic." Payment: 8 cents/word.  Deadline: November 1, 2021. Some reprints accepted.

Lethe PressGenre: Speculative fiction, especially queer speculative fiction, historical fiction. Full-length manuscripts. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

Thema: Get It Over With! Genre: Fiction, poetry, and art on theme: Get It Over With!  Payment:  $10-$25 for short fiction and artwork, $10 for poetry. Deadline: November 1, 2021.  Accepts reprints.

FoglifterGenres: Poetry, prose, cross-genre work. "Foglifter welcomes daring and thoughtful work by queer and trans writers in all forms, and we are especially interested in cross-genre, intersectional, marginal, and transgressive work." Payment: $25. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

ellipsis… literature & artGenre: Poetry, short fiction, drama, and creative non-fiction. Payment: $3 per page. Deadline: November 1, 2021. (Only pays American writers.)

The Other Stories (Audio). Genre: Horror on theme of Video Games. Payment: 15 GBT. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

Future Fire: NoirGenre: "We are looking for stories that combine themes or aesthetic from Noir fiction and cinema with the existing goals of TFF (progressive, feminist, queer, postcolonial, inclusive, accessible, ecological and international speculative and genre fiction)." Payment: $50.  Reprints $25. Deadline: November 1, 2021. Reprints accepted.

United FaedomGenre: Cozy Romance. Theme: Young Adult/Clean Adult. Length: 8k-10k. Payment: $20. Deadline: November 1, 2021. Some reprints accepted.

United FaedomGenre: Romantic Fantasy. Theme: Adult rated, mild erotica. Length: 8k-10k. Payment: $20. Deadline: November 1, 2021. Some reprints accepted.

Cardinal Rule Press Genre: Children’s picture books that empower children through meaningful stories for readers, age 4-11. They also publish non-fiction books for parents (word count up to 70k). Payment: Royalties. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

Ninth Letter. Genre: Poems and short fiction. "The theme for this issue is Return. As in, to return to a former place, person, or situation. Haven’t we been here before?" Payment: $25. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

Last Girls ClubGenre: Feminist horror. Poetry, short stories, flash fiction, essays. Theme is DEVOUT: Martyrs, Cults, and Mayhem. What do you find frightening about deeply religious people and social movements? What does feel like to be “possessed “ by a god or goddess? Payment: $10 - $25. Deadline: November 1, 2021.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

45 Writing Contests in October 2021 - No entry fees

This October there are more than three dozen contests for short fiction, novels, poetry, CNF, nonfiction, and short plays. Prizes range from $60,500 to publication. None charge entry fees.

Some of these contests have age and geographical restrictions, so read the instructions carefully.

If you want to get a jump on next month's contests go to Free Contests. Most of these contests are offered annually, so even if the deadline is past, you can prepare for next year.

Good luck! 

(Image: Pxfuel)


Non-Binary StarsGenre: Speculative fiction stories containing a character or characters that are representational of oppressed/under-represented groups, whether that be due to issues of gender, orientation, mental/physical health, body size, skin color, etc. Prize: $100, $50, $25. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

No Tokens: Young Writers' PrizeRestrictions: Open to writers ages eighteen and under. Genre: Fiction, nonfiction and hybrid works. Prize: $300, $200, $100. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

The Furious Gazelle’s 2021 Halloween Writing ContestGenre: Halloween-themed poetry, fiction, short plays and creative non-fiction. Prize: $50. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

International Booker Prize. The International Booker Prize for fiction translated into English is awarded annually by the Booker Prize Foundation to the author of the best (in the opinion of the judges) eligible novel or collection of short stories. The work must be published by a UK or Ireland publishing house. Authors are not permitted to enter their own works. Prize: £50,000 divided equally between the author and the translator. There will be a prize of £2,000 each of the shortlisted titles divided equally between the author and the translator. Deadline: October 1, 2021.

Furious FictionGenre: Flash fiction, 500 words max. Contestants have 55 hours to write a 500-word story based on the prompt. Prize: $500. Deadline: Opens October 1, closes October 3, 2021. 

Women's Prize for FictionGenre: Full-length novels (no short story collections or novellas) by women, first published in the UK. Prize: 30,000 pounds. Deadline: October 4, 2021.

#PassOrPages Query Contest. Participating agents give brief feedback on a handful of entries, explaining why they're passing ... or requesting pages! The queries and accompanying feedback are posted on our blog anonymously, which helps querying authors get a peek into agents' minds as they go through their slush piles. Genre: Genre reveal September 21. Deadline: October 4 - 8, 2021.

American Antiquarian Society Fellowships for Creative Writers is calling for applications for visiting fellowships for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, film makers, journalists, and other persons whose goals are to produce imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history. Successful applicants are those whose work is for the general public rather than for academic or educational audiences. The Society's goal in sponsoring this program is to multiply and improve the ways in which an understanding of history is communicated to the American people. Prize: A stipend of $1,150 to $1,350 and on-campus housing is provided; fellows residing off-campus receive $1,850. Deadline: October 5, 2021.

Embracing Our Differences Quotation ContestGenre: An original quotation to accompany a piece of artwork. Length: 20 words max. Prize: $1000. Deadline: October 6, 2021.

Arthur Flowers Flash Fiction Prize. Restrictions: Identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color and not have published or been contracted to write a full-length book at the time of submission. Writers with chapbooks are eligible. Genre: story of no more than 1,000 words. Prize: $500 and publication. Deadline: October 10, 2021.

Dream FoundryRestrictions: Conditions: You have published a total of less than 4,000 words of paid or income-earning speculative fiction in English. You have earned a total of less than USD 320 from those words. You have never been nominated for any award listed here as a major award in speculative fiction. Genre: Short speculative fiction, up to 10,000 words. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: October 11, 2021.

The Lancaster Playwriting PrizeRestrictions: Open to anyone from the North West of England who identifies as LGBTQAI+ aged 16 and up to and including the age of 30. Genre: Script (for a play). Scripts must be a minimum of 30 minutes long. Prize: £1500. Deadline: October 11, 2021.

Adina Talve-Goodman FellowshipRestrictions: Open to fiction writers aged 21+ who have not yet published a book and have never been enrolled in an MFA program. Writer must not have a book under contract with an agent and/or publisher at time of application, and writer cannot have been published by One Story (or have a forthcoming publication with One Story). Genre: Short fiction that "speaks to issues and experiences related to inhabiting bodies of difference." Prize: Free tuition for all of One Story's online classes and programming, a travel stipend of $2,000 and tuition to attend week-long summer writers' conference in Brooklyn, and a full manuscript review/consultation of a story collection or novel in progress with an executive editor. Deadline: October 11, 2021.

Tales from the Moonlit PathGenre: Short story on theme of Halloween; 2000 words max. Prize: $50. Deadline: October 14, 2021.

Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling ScholarshipRestrictions: Poet must be born in the United States.  Genre: Poetry. The sample must not exceed either (1) 40 typed pages or (2) one printed volume plus no more than 20 typed pages of your most recent work. There is no minimum page requirement.  Prize: $60,500 for a year of travel and study abroad. Deadline: October 15, 2021.

North Carolina State Fiction ContestRestrictions: Open to residents of North Carolina with no published fiction books. Genre: Short stories. Prize: $500 for fiction (up to 5,000 words) and $250 for shorter fiction (up to 1,200 words). Deadline: October 15, 2021.

Apparition LitGenre: Speculative fiction; under 1,000 words. Prize: $30. Deadline: October 15, 2021. Opens October 1.

John Pollard Foundation International Poetry PrizeGenre: Published book of poems. Publishers may submit four copies of a debut full-length poetry collection (or bound galleys) published originally in the English language between October 1st 2020 and October 18th 2021. Prize: €10,000 (approximately $11,400) Deadline: October 18, 2021.

Welter Micro Fiction Contest. Genre: Fiction, nonfiction, or prose-poem pieces no longer than 100 words. “We are particularly looking for pieces related to the theme of ‘Home,’ but we will consider other pieces." Prize: $100. Deadline: October 19, 2021.

The Marfield Prize, also known as the National Award for Arts Writing, is given annually by the Arts Club of Washington to nonfiction books about the arts written for a broad audience. Genre: Non-fiction book. Self-published books not accepted. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: October 22, 2021.

Writers’ Trust / McClelland & Stewart Journey PrizeRestrictions: Only works from writers who are Black Canadian citizens, whether living in Canada or abroad, or permanent residents of Canada are eligible. Genre: Short story or excerpt from a fiction work-in-progress first published by a Canadian magazine or annual anthology during 2019 and 2020. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: October 25, 2021.

Dinesh Allirajah Prize for Short FictionRestrictions: Open to residents of UK. Genre: Short stories between 2000-6000 words on the theme "Crime." Prize: £500 and 10 shortlisted authors will be published in an ebook anthology. Deadline: October 29, 2021.

The Funny Pearls Short Story CompetitionRestrictions: Open to women of all nationalities. Genre: Humor. "Please send us your farce, satire, screwball, or any other subgenre that qualifies as comedy. We need the laughs." Length: 1,000 - 2500 words. Prize: Amazon gift card to the value of £200. Deadline: October 30, 2021.

Preservation Foundation Essay Contest for Unpublished WritersRestrictions: The contest is open to writers whose creative writing has never produced revenues of over $750 in any single year. Genre: Travel Nonfiction. Prize: First prize is $200. Runners-up will receive $100. Finalists will receive $50. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Create-a-Cryptid ContestGenre: Flash prose, short poetry, or digital art. "Cryptids, for those who may be unsure, are strange creatures who may or may not exist (like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot) but are always surrounded in some kind of folklore. Like Mothman or the Jersey Devil, your cryptid may have supernatural powers or it might just be an unsettlingly large version of a common animal, like the Loveland Frogman. Regardless of what direction you choose to take, make it spooky and weird!" Prize: $25. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The John Byrne AwardRestrictions: Open to residents of Scotland. Genre: A piece of creative work on a chosen theme or value (written work must be no more than 15,000 words in length). Prize:  £7500. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Barbellion PrizeGenre: Fiction, memoir, biography, poetry, or critical non-fiction. “The Barbellion Prize is dedicated to the furtherance of ill and disabled voices in writing. The prize is awarded annually to an author whose work has best spoken of the experience of chronic illness and/or disability." Prize: £600. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction is the most prestigious literary award in the US. Restrictions: Authors must be living American citizens. Self-published works not accepted. Genres: Novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Prize: $15,000. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Eric Gregory AwardsRestrictions: Applicants must be under 30 and a British subject by birth and must ordinarily be resident in the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland. Genre: Poetry collection. Previously published work accepted. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Young Walter Scott PrizeRestrictions: Open to UK authors aged 11-19. Genre: Historical fiction between 800 and 2000 words. Prizes: £500 travel and research grant to further explore historical places in the UK, and an invitation to the Borders Book Festival in Melrose, Scotland. Two runners-up in each category receive a £100 book token, and all four winning stories are published in a special YWSP anthology book. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Tom-Gallon Trust AwardRestrictions: Open to citizens of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland with at least one short story published or accepted for publication. Genre: Short story, maximum 5,000 words. May be unpublished. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Lex:lead Essay CompetitionRestrictions: Candidates must show citizenship in an eligible country and be enrolled in studies with at least one law class in an eligible country at the time of the award. Genre: Essay: How can laws promoting gender and disability rights support economic development? Prize: $500 scholarship. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Benjamin Franklin House Literary PrizeRestrictions: Entrants must be aged 18-25 years and living in the UK. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction. Each year a question or quote exploring Franklin’s relevance in our time is open for interpretation in 1000-1500 words. Prize: First prize of £750, second prize of £500. Winning entries will be posted on the website and also published online by The TelegraphDeadline: October 31, 2021.

McKitterick PrizeRestrictions: Open to authors over age 40 on December 31, 2021. Genre: First novel. The work must have been first published in the UK in the year in which the deadline falls (and not first published abroad), or be unpublished. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Otherwise AwardGenre: Work that is changing the way we think about gender through speculative narrative. Prize: $500. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Glenna Luschei Prize for African Poetry, sponsored by the African Poetry Book Fund and in partnership with the literary journal, Prairie Schooner, is the only one of its kind in the world and was established to promote African poetry written in English or in translation and to recognize a significant book published each year by an African poet. A standard edition is 48 pages or more in length. Genre: Open to any book of original poetry, in English, published during 2015 in a standard edition by a full-length collection of poetry. Restrictions: African nationals, African residents, or poet of African parentage with roots from any country, living anywhere in the world. Prize: USD $5,000. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Smokelong Comedy PrizeGenre: Comedy flash fiction and nonfiction up to 782 words. Prize: $400. Deadline: October 31, 2021. Entry fee waived for writers who are financially unable to pay an entry fee.

ECW Press Best New Speculative Novel Contest. Restrictions: Open to Canadians. Genre: Speculative Novel. Prize: $3000 prize and a publishing contract. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest is sponsored by Hollins University. Restrictions: Open to young women who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Genre: Poetry. Prize: Up to $5,000 renewable annual Creative Talent Scholarship in creative writing if winner enrolls at Hollins. Free tuition and housing for the university’s Hollins summer creative writing program. $200 cash prize. Publication in Cargoes, Hollins’ award-winning student literary magazine. Ten copies of Cargoes. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Rune Bear QuarterlyGenre: Drabble of exactly 100 words on theme of  “Last Bus to Station 9.” Prize: $10. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

StoryhouseGenre: Nonfiction. Stories must be true, not semi-fictional accounts. 1000 - 10,000 words in length. Stories must be suitable for children. See themes. Prize: $200. DeadlineOctober 31, 2021.

Volcano Prize Restrictions: Open to aUK or Irish writer, or a writer currently resident in those countries. Genre: A novel focusing on the experience of travel away from home. Inspired by Malcolm Lowry’s novel, Under the Volcano and in celebration of its author, the prize aims to inspire literary excellence and encourage writers to travel and to write from the resulting experience. For books published in UK or Ireland between 1 November 2020 and 31 October 2021. Publishers must enter the work. Prize: The winner will receive £2,000 and the runner-up £750. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The LoveReading Very Short Story Award. Genre: Short story in any genre of 600-1,000 words. Prize: £300; £200. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

The Miracle Monocle Award for Ambitious Student WritersRestrictions: Authors must be currently enrolled as students (high school, undergraduate, or graduate). Genre: All. Prize: $200.   DeadlineOctober 31, 2021. Or until quota is reached.

Storytwigs micro-writing competitionRestrictions: Open to citizens/residents of United States or Canada. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Genre: Short prose 100 words or fewer on prompt. Prize: From $10 to $100. Deadline: October 31, 2021.

Monday, September 27, 2021

36 Outstanding Writing Conferences in October 2021

This October there are three dozen outstanding writing conferences. You can attend workshops, presentations, readings, discussions, lectures, and critiques via Zoom. Some are also offering workshops in person. 

Conferences are not only the best way to meet agents, get tips from other writers, and learn about the publishing industry, they make you feel like a writer.

Plan ahead! Conferences often offer scholarships, but these have deadlines and most close early. If one of these conferences interests you, put the deadline date on your calendar for next year.

For a full list of conferences, organized by month, see Writing Conferences. While nearly all of those are in the United States, you can find links on that page that will take you to world-wide conference lists.

(Image: Im a Puzzle)


Bookgardan: A Year's Sustenance for Writers. October 1, 2021 - October 1, 2022: Keene, NY. "Devote a year to writing your book in community with an intimate group of dedicated writers, nurtured from start to finish by acclaimed author, seasoned editor, and literary mentor Kate Moses. The program opens and closes with week-long fall residency intensives at Craigardan, a secluded artists' retreat set at a circa-1800s farm nestled in the Adirondack mountains of upstate New York. From the first residency onward Kate will provide writers the structure, tools, and guidance required to cultivate and nourish their manuscripts, with the goal of bringing projects to fruition (a full first draft, a revised draft, or meeting an individual goal) by program's end. Throughout the year, writers will receive ongoing individual and group mentorship, one-on-one monthly conferences in response to their manuscript submissions, and take part in online craft tutorials, group seminars, interviews with published writers and publishing professionals, and other opportunities for connection with like-minded artists sharing in an often solitary endeavor. Bookgardan culminates twelve months later—once again syncing with the autumn harvest—with a second Craigardan residency focused on the business of writing and publishing, the sustenance of lasting fellowship, and a deserved celebration. Limited to a maximum of 6 participants each year." Will be held online and in person.

The Loft's Wordsmith Conference. October 2021, Minneapolis MN. "The conference is intended for those ready to pitch their work, those already with a book out or with an agent, and those who want to get more prepared to publish their work. It's intended for prose writers and poets, genre and literary writers, beginning and advanced. In short, we are working hard to pull together a gathering that will feature meaningful sessions, workshops, one-on-one pitch and craft meetings, and networking opportunities for writers of all levels and genres." Will be held online.

Idaho Writers Guild Conference. October 1 - 2, 2021, Boise, Idaho. Meet with agents, editors, and authors. Panel discussions, workshops, and a keynote speaker. Your registration - $195 for IWG members, $225 for non-members. Canceled.

Write on the Sound Writers' Conference and Pre-Conference. Oct 1 - 3, 2021: Edmonds, WA. WOTS offers the opportunity to explore various writing craft techniques with nationally recognized industry professionals in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Will be held online.

Gold Rush Writers Conference. October 1 - 4, 2021, Mokelumne Hill, CA. "Writing professionals will guide you to a publishing bonanza through a series of panels, specialty talks, workshops and celebrity lectures. Go one-on-one with successful poets, novelists, biographers, memoirists and short story writers." Writing workshops in Autobiography/Memoir, Children's, Fiction, Marketing, Non-fiction, Poetry, Publishing, Romance, Travel, Young Adult. Individual sessions available. 

Picture Book Summit. Oct 2, 2021, Online. A one day live event for picture book writers including author keynotes, interviews, workshops and agent & editor panels. Recordings provided for attendees for four months post-conference.

Orion Nonfiction Writers' Workshop. October 2 - November 6, 2021. Online. This nonfiction course taught by Jessica J. Lee will center on long-form nature writing, personal essays, and a wealth of contemporary work inspired by the more-than-human world. We’ll examine ways of portraying our changing planet on the page, considering not just place and nature in our writing, but also the commitments such writing can make. For example, we’ll ask how readers can be excluded from or invited into environmental conversations, how writing about land engages with issues of access and migration, and how writing about nature is necessarily tied to struggles for justice and a better world. Six consecutive Saturdays from 12-3 p.m. ET. Application Period: August 1 – 15, 2021.

Ozark Creative Writers Conference. Oct 7 - 9, 2021: Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Workshops by published authors, editors and agents; Publishers Row, independent publishers available to hear about your next project; Writing contests available to all participants. 

Women Writing the West 2021 Conference. October 7 - 9, 2021. "Women Writing the West resonates the inspiration of Colorado Springs for its 2020 Virtual Conference. Just as mountain climbers find the niches necessary to scale vast heights, so we, too, will discover our own niches in craft, identity, and platforms. We’ll tackle methods to mount our own walls and climb to our summits. We’ll discover endless vistas of possibilities and create our personal visions, as endless as the views around us." Will be held online.

Youngstown Fall Literary Festival. October 7 - 9, 2021: Youngstown, Ohio. Conference Theme: “Our Shared Story.” Featured Writers: Jan Beatty (memoirist & poet), Teri Ellen Cross Davis (poet), Matt Forrest Esenwine (children’s author), Bonnie Proudfoot (novelist & poet), & Mike Geither (playwright). 

New York Comicon. October 7 - 10, 2021. On Youtube. New York Comic Con is the East Coast's biggest popular culture convention: Show Floor plays host to the latest and greatest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies and television; Panels and Autograph Sessions give Fans a chance to interact with their favorite Creators; Screening rooms feature sneak peeks at films and television shows months before they hit big and small screens. Online format.

San Francisco Writing Day Workshop. October 8 - 9, 2021: Online. A full-day “How to Get Published” event. "This writing event is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor (optional), get your questions answered, and more." Online format.

The Pacific Coast Children's Novel Workshop & Retreat. Oct. 8-10 & 22-24, 2021: Santa Cruz, CA. Intensive seminar offers editor or agent feedback on selected whole-novel manuscripts, including two in-person consults with your mentor. Editor and agent critiques on your polished, opening chapters. Faculty includes Sarah Shumway of Bloomsbury USA, Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary & Media, Allison Hellegers of Stimola Literary Studio and more. Will be held online.

Be a Better Freelancer October 8 - 10, 2021: St. Louis, MO. Annual conference for freelance writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, graphic artists, website managers and developers, etc., with presenters offering guidance and tips on marketing, promotions, new skills and other business aspects of freelancing. Focus: Nonfiction. 

James River Writers Conference. October 8 - 10, 2021: Richmond, Virginia. The conference will feature pitch sessions with agents and panel discussions for poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers. The conference will also offer pre-conference master classes on October 8. The keynote address will be given by fiction writer David Bowles. Participants include poets Roscoe Burnems and Mila Cuda; fiction writers Mike Chen, Alechia Dow, Kosoko Jackson, and Ruta Sepetys; nonfiction writer Shonda Buchanan; and literary agents Erica Bauman (Aevitas Creative Management), Heather Carr (Friedrich Agency), Dawn Michelle Hardy (Literary Lobbyist), Rebecca Podos (Rees Literary), Eric Smith (P. S. Literary), Latoya C. Smith (LCS Literary), and Laurel Symonds (Bent Agency). The cost of the conference, which includes a virtual one-on-one meeting with an agent, is $249 for James River Writers members and $309 for nonmembers. Single-day tickets are also available starting at $130 for members and $155 for nonmembers. The cost of a master class is $50 for members and $75 for nonmembers. The cost of a ShopTalk pass, which includes query letter and first page critiques, is $50 (free for members). The deadline for registration is October 4. Will be held online.

State Writing Conference & Convention, sponsored by The Kansas Authors Club, Oct 8 - 10, 2021Wichita, Kansas. Writing workshops, panels, and presentations by Timothy Keane, Thomas Fox Averill and more. Will be held on Zoom.

Orion Poetry Workshop. October 10 - November 21, 2021. Six consecutive Saturday afternoons from 3-6pm EDT. Instructor: Nickole Brown. Each six-session Zoom workshop is available for $500. Payment within five days of acceptance will guarantee your spot. Cancellations up until a week before the start of the course will result in a full refund. After that, refunds will be conditional on our ability to fill your spot before the course begins. Application deadline: August 15.

Annual Florida Writers Conference. October 14 - 17, 2021: Altamonte Springs, Florida. Over 75 workshops, major speakers, agent interviews, professional manuscript critiques, lively social events, and much more.

Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference. October 15 - 16, 2021, Grapevine, Texas. The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference is a forum for journalists, writers, readers, students, educators and the general public to listen to, be inspired by and practice their craft at the highest possible level. Every year, the Mayborn Conference gathers some of the most talented storytellers in the country to share their stories, life-changing experiences and expertise with aspiring writers through three days of lectures, panels, one-on-one sessions, and student classes. In addition, the conference includes a variety of writing contests for anyone from high school students to Pulitzer prize winning professionals, who receive hand-made trophies, more than $26,000 in cash awards and have their work published in Mayborn's journal, Ten Spurs, or anthology, Best American Newspaper Narratives.

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Colorado Gold Conference. October 15 - 17, 2021: Denver, CO. Keynote Speakers: Gail Carriger, Rachel Howzell Hall, and John DeDakis. Faculty includes a wide variety of published authors, marketers, editors, and agents. Opportunities to pitch projects to agents and editors. 

American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) Conference. October 15 - 17, 2021: Rochester, NY. Panels, workshops, readings, a book fair, and opportunities to meet with editors for translators. "The ALTA Annual Conference is a refreshingly collegial gathering of amateurs and professionals alike, both within the profession and outside it, all wholeheartedly committed to fostering, furthering, and supporting the practice of literary translation.Will be held virtually and in person.

Flathead River Writers Conference. October 15 - 17, 2021: Kalispell, MT. Writers help writers in this two day conference packed with energizing speakers and workshops. Features: Workshops, MS preparation & submission, working with agents, movie deals, media use, & children's book publishing.

Haiku North America Conference. October 15 -17, 2021. Winston Salem, NC. Conference devoted to haiku as a literary art. Includes presentations, readings, panels, bookfair, exhibits, banquet, anthology. ​Haiku North America is designed for, and open to, everyone—beginners and seasoned specialists alike.  We are expecting participants from Japan, Australia, Europe, and of course, Canada, Mexico, and the United States.  Workshops, performances, as well as readings, panels, and presentations for all levels of accomplishment will fill the four days, in addition to a very full Tanka Sunday plus for those interested. HNA 2017 saw over 220 attendees. 

Gotham Writers Conference. October 15 - 17, 2021: NY, NY. A writing conference built by agents, for writers, with a faculty of some of the top agents in New York City. Receive focused attention within your genre from some of the best in the business. Will be held on Zoom.

Emerald City Writers' Conference. Oct 15 - 17, 2021, Bellevue, WA. Local Romance Writers of America conference, featuring film and television scouts, who will be taking pitches along with editors and agents, keynote speakers, workshops, and a master class. Will be held online.

Craft of Writing Conference. October 16, 2021: Glenpool, Oklahoma. The Craft of Writing Conference is focused on learning the skills needed to be an excellent writer. This includes topics such as plot & story structure, character development, conflict & motivation, point of view, editing—facets of the craft.
Faculty: Michael Wallis, Keynote Speaker; Rex Griffin, Tierney James, Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh, Betsey Kulakowski, Christopher Murphy (and others to be confirmed). The conference is free to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend.

6th Annual Broadleaf Writers Conference. October 16 - 17, 2021: Atlanta, GA. Once again, we have assembled one of the strongest list of writers you will ever find at a conference, with a list of agents, editors and publisher representatives ready to guide you forward! Combined with educational sessions and workshops, the 6th Annual Broadleaf Writers Conference will offer you all that you need to refine and improve your craft and get you on the road toward publication! Will be held online.

Annual Maryland Writer’s Conference. October 16 - 17, 2021: Baltimore, MD. The Brain to Bookshelf Annual Conference offers over 20 workshops and agent panels. Agent pitches and critiques are available, but agent slots are limited, so register early. Jane Friedman is the keynote speaker presenting two Master Session Workshops. Saturday: Essential Book Marketing Strategies for All Authors Sunday: Today's Key Book Publishing Paths: What's New, What's Old and What's Right for You? 

Writing By Writers Workshop @ Tomales Bay. October 20 - 24, 2021: Tomales Bay, California. Manuscript and poetry workshops are limited to 12 participants and generative workshops are limited to 15 to ensure an intimate setting. 

Writer's Digest Novel Writing Conference. October 21 - 24, 2021: Pasadena, CA. Experienced authors, editors, agents and publishing experts will be on hand, ready to help you develop your own craft and position yourself for success.

Annual Rochester Writers’ Conference. October 23, 2021: Rochester, Michigan. Lectures, Workshops and Panel Discussions in fiction, non-fiction and business of writing presentations. Open to new, working and published writers of all genres. Attendees select four presentations from a dozen to tailor fit their needs.

Kentucky State Poetry Society. October 23 - 24, 2021. Readings, workshops, panels, and keynote. "The Kentucky State Poetry Society seeks to inspire, encourage, and develop Kentucky’s poets through a wide variety of workshops, lectures, and publishing opportunities. The Kentucky State Poetry Society publishes the biannual literary journal Pegasus, offers a student and adult poetry contest, and hosts an annual poetry conference." Note: Membership not limited to Kentucky residents. Registration: $15. Will be conducted via Zoom.

Medical Writing and Communication Conference. October 27 - 29, 2021: San Diego, CA. Workshops in medical writing, designing materials for patients, analysis, clinical reports, and more. Will be held virtually.

Orion Nonfiction Writers' Workshop. October 27 - December 1, 2021. Online. Instructor: Pam Houston. This will be a workshop in which we focus on all the ways the sensory details that surround us—the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures from the physical world, often the natural world—can give us access to that much more elusive interior landscape we are always trying to access when we write. We will focus on what I believe to be the real artistry of prose writing: the way we dip our ladles into the bottomless pot of metaphor soup of our lived and witnessed experience and pull out what we need; the way we pick up hunks of the physical world and bring them back to the page, translated into language. We will work toward demystifying some of the essential components of prose writing (image, metaphor, structure, dialogue, character, scene, among others) and turning them into comprehensible tools that are at our disposal. Six consecutive Wednesday evenings from 7-10pm ET. Application Period: August 1 – 15, 2021.

TLA Power of Words Conference. October 29 - 31, 2021: Scottsdale, Arizona. Conference that explores the use of expressive language arts, including written, spoken, and sung words. Special tracks in Narrative Medicine, Right Livelihood, and Social Change.

Ossabaw Weekend Writer’s Retreat. October 29  - 31, 2021: Ossabaw Island, GA. Workshops and seminars led by nationally recognized faculty, and evening readings (special emphasis on ghost stories) by faculty and participants. Application deadline: September 15.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

7 Million Pageviews ... and All I Got Was This Lousy Blog

I blame my children. Nine years ago, they said, "Mom, you need to start a blog." And I listened to them. Those innocent eyes, those sweet little faces ...  no, wait. They weren't kids anymore. They were adults, and they knew exactly what they were doing. 

Now, nearly a decade later, I've caught a tiger by its tail. And if I let go, it will eat me. 

My goals were humble when I began Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity. I simply wished to share some of my insights about the publishing process with the world or, more specifically, with writers. But I had to admit that the brave new world of the Internet was beyond me. So, I simply began by shedding light on all the mistakes I was making. 

Lord, there were so many of them.

Eventually, I realized that humorous as they were (and continue to be), my mistakes were not only limited in scope, they didn't get at what my blog was actually for, which was to impose order on the disorganized mess I affectionately call "my files." What the Internet is for, I realized somewhat belatedly, is not to watch cute ducklings with arms chase a cat around (although it's really very funny), nor is it for being outraged on Twitter (which is not nearly as entertaining as those ducklings or - even more amusing - watching a teenager try to figure out how to work a rotary phone). No, dear distracted readers, the Internet is for organizing and storing things which are more useful once they are not in a file drawer gathering dust. 

In particular, this blog which my spawnlings roped me into is useful for assembling places to submit writing, keeping track of agents who are looking for precisely what I have written, along with publishers that don't require those feckless agents who have so heartlessly rejected my queries, even though I really did write precisely what they were looking for. 

(Oh, shoot, I missed it again! No matter how closely I watch that pageview count, I never quite catch it.)

So now I am bravely going where I have repeatedly gone before, and like Mickey Mouse with those brooms that kept multiplying in Fantasia, I keep finding more calls for submissions every month (even though you'd think that the caveat of having to pay writers would diminish their numbers), and more fee-free writing contests (same as above, more or less), and more agents (so many of them ... how do they find enough publishers to keep themselves busy?) and more godawful news about the latest mergers, buy-outs, and increasing monopolization in the publishing industry (oh, it's enough to make you want to self-publish). 

My hope is that in my quest to keep my file cabinet relatively uncrowded (that's a blatant lie), this blog has been useful to you, beloved writers. Don't stop writing!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

5 New Agents Seeking Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Thrillers, Romance, SFF, YA, Kidlit and more

Updated 8/20/22

Here are five new literary agents actively seeking clients. Bethany Fulk wants MG, YA and adult fantasy Historical Fiction/Fantasy, Retellings (myth, folklore, legends, fairytales), Mysteries/Speculative/Suspense. Susan Velazquez is looking for upmarket/book club fiction and women’s fiction, thrillers and horror, romance, science fiction, fantasy, YA, and narrative non-fiction that explores little-known time periods, historical events, or historical figures. Annie Romano is seeking adult fiction and narrative nonfiction. Juliana McBride loves commercial and literary fiction, young adult novels, and fantasy. Helena Sandlyng Jacobsen has a special interest in translated literature. She is particularly loves narratives involving complicated heroines, characters caught between two (or more) cultures, and the occasional blood-curdling, but impeccably constructed thriller. As for nonfiction, memoir and personal essay are her favorite genres, but she loves to explore new ideas in popular science and delve into historical biographies.

Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change. 

NOTEDon't submit to two agents at the same agency simultaneously. If one rejects you, you may then submit to another. Note: Many agents close their lists for the summer.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


Ms. Helena Sandlyng Jacobsen of Susanna Lea Associates - New York


Helena Sandlyng Jacobsen is an assistant agent at SLA. A recent graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, she interned at New Directions Publishing before joining SLA, and has a special interest in translated literature. 

What she is seeking: Helena is always open to stories from new perspectives and unrepresented voices, but she particularly loves narratives involving complicated heroines, characters caught between two (or more) cultures, and the occasional blood-curdling, but impeccably constructed thriller. As for nonfiction, memoir and personal essay are her favorite genres, but she loves to explore new ideas in popular science and delve into historical biographies. She is always on the lookout for thorough, adroit translators from various languages, but is especially interested in Scandinavian literature, as a first generation immigrant from Denmark. She is always on the lookout for thorough, adroit translators from various languages, but is especially interested in Scandinavian literature, as a first generation immigrant from Denmark.

How to submit: Read submission guidelines HERE.


Ms. Juliana McBride of Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency

Juliana began her career in New York City at Random House in 2000. After a decade working with all the in-house and third-party publishers, she and her husband (and twin daughters) embarked on their second act in California producing and selling wine. She never gave up her penchant for good stories though; enter act three. 

What she is seeking: Juliana loves commercial and literary fiction, young adult novels, and fantasy. I mean, who doesn’t secretly believe in magic? Like any true bookworm, Juliana is looking for transcendent stories that linger.

How to submit: Use her querymanager HERE.


Ms. Bethany Fulk Hendrix of Spencerhill Associates

Bethany Fulk Bethany joined Spencerhill in 2024 after working at a boutique literary agency for 5 years. Her background includes a BA in English, a specialization in Social Media Marketing, and time as a PR and editorial assistant. Her favorite parts of being an agent are editing and building relationships with her clients. She graduated from Davis and Elkins College cum laude in 2017 with a BA in English. 

What she is seeking: Bethany is seeking middle grade and young adult fiction in all genres, as well as adult fantasy and romance. She is especially interested in diverse fantasy, rom-coms, and historical romance. Bethany is always looking for new voices and diverse perspectives.

How to submit: Read guidelines HERE.


Ms. Susan Velazquez
 of JABberwocky Literary Agency 


Susan was born and raised outside of Dallas, Texas and received a B.A. in Creative Writing with a minor in Gender Studies from SUNY Oswego in 2016. Her hobbies include visiting art museums, trying new restaurants, and practicing her French. Before joining JABberwocky, Susan interned at Foundry Literary + Media, Coral Press, and Folio Literary Management.

What she is seeking: Upmarket/book club fiction and women’s fiction, thrillers and horror, romance, science fiction, fantasy, YA, and narrative non-fiction that explores little-known time periods, historical events, or historical figures.

How to submit: To query, you can follow the submission guidelines on Query Manager. Send a 1-2 page synopsis and the first 20 pages. Link;


Ms. Annie Romano
 of Olswanger Literary 


Following an internship with agent Anna Olswanger, Annie Romano is now an associate agent.

What she is seeking: Adult fiction and narrative nonfiction. "I am open to submissions in the areas of adult fiction and select narrative nonfiction. In adult fiction, I enjoy upmarket and commercial fiction, women’s fiction, psychological thrillers/suspense, crime dramas, mystery, and historical fiction. I do enjoy literary fiction so long as there is a discernible structure/plot. (I am not the best fit for stories focused on an emotional or sensory journey—beautiful as the writing may be—if the storyline is vague or absent.) I adore stories with humor, well-done ensemble casts, and plots that deliver the unexpected. I am not a good match for science fiction, but I am open to stories with light elements of fantasy. I welcome diverse narratives, including but not limited to LGBTQ+ and underrepresented ethnicities/cultures. In narrative nonfiction, areas of interest include (but are not limited to) true crime (i.e., The Trial of Lizzie Borden, by Cara Robertson) and unique windows into history (i.e., Mudlark, by Lara Maiklem).

How to submit: For fiction and narrative nonfiction, send a concise query letter and the first 15 pages pasted in the body of the email to:  In the subject line, include the word “Query” and the title of your manuscript. Note: Do not send attachments when querying. Attachments will be deleted unopened.
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