Tuesday, January 5, 2016

325 Paying Markets for Short Stories, Poetry, Nonfiction

Note: This list has been revised. See the new and improved 325 Paying Markets for Short Stories, Poetry, Nonfiction HERE.

This is your year to get published!

Conveniently, I just happen to have a list of literary magazines that want your work - and will pay for it.

If you are wondering how I came across this magical list, I took advantage of Duotrope's one-week free trial to search for every paying literary magazine in their database. (And they banned me for doing it! I took a hit for the team.)

Submission strategies

This table is a bit daunting, but you can simplify your task by making a list of all the places you intend to submit. (Make a separate list for each story or article.) As you submit, make sure to keep track of where, when, and how you submitted (i.e. email, Submittable, online form, etc.).

If you want to get published fast, start with the magazines that accept simultaneous submissions, and submit to all of them. Once your work is accepted, don't forget to withdraw it immediately from the remaining magazines. (If you have used Submittable, this is very simple. Just click "Withdraw.")

I suggest you start with the pro markets. These are harder to get into, but if you get published in a prestigious magazine it will establish you as a serious writer.

Save the magazines that take reprints for last. You can submit to those after your story has been published elsewhere.

Pay ranges are as follows:
  • Semi-pro payment = 1 - 5 US cents per word
  • Professional payment = 6 or more US cents per word
  • Pro for poetry= $50 per poem
  • Token = 1 cent per word or less
Happy submitting!

For more paying markets seePaying Markets

Related posts:

Speculative Fiction Magazines Accepting Submissions

37 Paying Markets for Fiction, Poetry, Creative Nonfiction

Magazine Guidelines Payment Simultaneous Reprints Notes
Eternal Haunted Summer https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/about/ $5 Yes No 1) original poetry and 2) short fiction about the Gods and Goddesses and heroes of the world’s many Pagan traditions. We feature 3) reviews of books, graphic novels, academic journals, magazines, movies, plays, and so forth which have a Pagan focus, or which otherwise might interest our Pagan readership. And 4) interviews with established and new Pagan authors, or authors of texts that interest a Pagan audience. And finally, 5) essays concerning the Gods, Goddesses, heroes, myths and folklore of the world.
Sonder Magazine https://sonderlit.com/submissions/ Small payment Yes ? Fiction
Creative nonfiction

See themes and deadlines

Agnes and True http://agnesandtrue.com/submission-guidelines/ Token to Semi-pro Yes ? Canadian authors

Short fiction
AGNI http://www.bu.edu/agni/

Uses submission manager
Pro Yes No Fiction
Sundog Lit https://sundoglit.com/submissions/ $25 Yes ? Poetry, nonfiction, and fiction

See reading periods
American Journal of Nursing (AJN) http://journals.lww.com/ajnonline/Pages
Semi-pro to Pro No No Articles

Nursing and health care
Ancient Paths http://www.editorskylar.com/magazine
Token Yes Yes Spiritual poetry and fiction


The Antigonish Review http://www.antigonishreview.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=190:submission-guidelines&catid=65&Itemid=101 Semi-pro to pro No No Articles
Flash fiction
Short stories


Has begun to charge for online submissions
Antioch Review ON HIATUS Semi-pro Yes No Fiction

Snail mail submissions
Antipodes http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/antipodes/
Semi-pro to Pro No No Australian and New Zealand literature and culture
Aquila Magazine https://www.aquila.co.uk/contributors-guidelines.htm Pro ? No Children's literature
The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/faq/#27 Pro No No Fiction
Babybug http://www.cricketmedia.com/submission-guidelines/ Pro ? No Children's literature
The Baltimore Review http://baltimorereview.org/index.php/submit Token to Semi-pro Yes No Fiction
Bamboo Ridge https://www.bambooridge.com/submission.aspx Semi-pro Yes No Literature by and about Hawaii's people
The Penn Review https://www.pennreview.org/submit $40 Yes No Prose, poetry, and art

Has submission periods
Blackbird https://blackbird.vcu.edu/v17n1/submissions.shtml Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and reviews, as well as plays, visual art, new media, and video essays
Bloody Key Society Periodical http://www.bloodykeysociety.com/Submissions/ Token to Pro ? No Stories and novel chapters from 1K-10K
Kikwetu https://www.kikwetujournal.com/submissions.html $30 ? No East African literature by East African writers
Peach Velvet https://www.peachvelvetmag.com/submit $2 Yes Yes Poetry, prose, art
Boulevard http://www.boulevardmagazine.org/guidelines/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fee to submit online, no fee by post
Bourbon Penn http://www.bourbonpenn.com/submissions.php Semi-pro No No Print and online magazine featuring stories of imagination and the odd
Boys' Quest http://funforkidzmagazines.com/writers Pro Yes No Boys up to age 10
Brewed Awakenings Anthology Series http://www.caffeinated-press.com/anthology/ Semi-pro Yes No West Michigan authors
The Cafe Irreal http://cafeirreal.alicewhittenburg.com/ Semi-pro No No Magical Realism

(2000 words max)
The Capilano Review https://thecapilanoreview.com/submit/ Pro No No No longer accepts fiction

Some poetry
Carousel http://www.carouselmagazine.ca/submit.html Semi-pro Yes No Fee to submit online, no fee by post
carte blanche http://carte-blanche.org/submissions/ Semi-pro Yes No Fiction (3500 words max), poetry, comics, translations
Cicada https://cricketmag.submittable.com/submit/17820/cicada-magazine-for-ages-14 Pro Yes Yes Teen audience
The Cincinnati Review http://www.cincinnatireview.com/#/
Semi-pro Yes No Fiction, poetry, essays
The Claremont Review http://www.theclaremontreview.ca/
Token to Semi-pro ? No Young adult writers, aged 13-19
Colorado Review http://coloradoreview.colostate.edu/colorado-review/submit/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction, poetry, essays

Fee for online submissions
Econoclash https://www.econoclash.com/submit/ $25 Yes No Genre fiction

Has reading periods
Confrontation http://confrontationmagazine.org/submit/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction, poetry, essays,
flash fiction

Snail mail only
Contrary http://contrarymagazine.com/submissions-2/ Semi-pro Yes No Fiction, poetry, essays,
flash fiction
Libre https://www.librelit.com/submit $5 Yes No Fiction, poetry, essays, art, photos
Crannóg Magazine http://www.crannogmagazine.com
Semi-pro Yes No Published in Ireland

Fiction (2000 words max),
Cricket http://www.cricketmedia.com/submission-guidelines/ Pro ? No Readers ages 9 to 14
Delinquent's Spice http://www.delinquentspice.com/?page_id=25 Token No No Focuses on hybridising lesser known folk and fairy-tale types
Liminal http://liminalstoriesmag.com/submissions/ 6c/word No No Weird fiction, magical realism, soft science fiction

Has submission periods
Nature Futures http://blogs.nature.com/futureconditional/2015/04/19/how-to-write-for-nature-futures/  £85 or US$130 ? No Near-future, hard SF

850 - 950 words
Words Without Borders https://wordswithoutborders.org/submissions/ Poetry: $50–75 for a single poem, depending on length; rates for multiple poems are negotiated based on length; Fiction: $150/1,000 words, capped at $300; Nonfiction: $150/1000 words, capped at $300; Selection and compilation of features: $250; Interviews: $150; Book reviews: $150 ? Yes Translations only (does not publish works originally in English)
The Drum http://www.drumlitmag.com/index.php?page=accordion&
Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Audio

Fee to submit online, no fee by post
Dual Coast Magazine https://greensubmissions.com/309/dual-coast-magazine
Token Yes No All forms
Midnight and Indigo https://www.midnightandindigo.com/write-for-us/ $50 - $100 ? No Short Stories, Speculative Fiction, and Personal Essays written by Black women writers

Has submission periods
Dunhams Manor Press Submissions closed Token advance against royalties ? ? Weird, experimental
Eagle Wings Press Anthologies http://eaglewingspress.com/ewp/wp/for-writers/

Guidelines out of date
Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes Authors working Twelve Step programs
Edwin E. Smith’s Quarterly Magazine http://edwinesmith.com/edwinesmith
Semi-pro ? No Print

Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things http://emberjournal.org/submission-guidelines/ Semi-pro Yes No Fiction

Submissions for and by readers aged 10 to 18 are strongly encouraged
Epoch http://www.epoch.cornell.edu/submit.hthttp://www.epoch.cornell.edu/
Token to Semi-pro No No Snail mail submissions only
EVENT http://www.eventmagazine.ca/submit/ Pro Yes No Fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction

Snail mail submissions only
Existere http://www.yorku.ca/existere/submissions.html Token to Semi-pro Yes No Poetry, fiction, visual art, interviews, reviews, essays, photographs, art
Fabula Argentea http://www.fabulaargentea.com/index.php
Token Yes Yes Flash fiction
short story
Faces Magazine http://www.cricketmedia.com/submission-guidelines/ Pro ? No Each issue focuses on a different culture

Fiction and nonfiction,
children's literature
The Fiddlehead https://thefiddlehead.ca/submit Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Print

Fiction and Poetry
Filling Station Magazine https://www.fillingstation.ca/submissions-1 Token to Pro Yes No Innovative poetry, fiction, non-fiction (creative non-fiction, reviews, articles, interviews, live event reviews, photo essays, etc)
The First Line http://www.thefirstline.com/submission.htm Semi-pro No No Each issue contains short stories that stem from a common first line
Intrinsick https://www.intrinsick.com/lowdown.html $10 ? ? "We don't know what whats we want, but will know when the whats make us want them."
Flash Fiction Online http://flashfictiononline.com/main/submission-guidelines/ Pro No Yes Speculative and other

1000 words max
FRiGG http://friggmagazine.com/editors/editors46.htm Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes Fiction and poetry
Funny Times http://funnytimes.com/submission-guidelines-potential-contributors/ Pro Yes Yes Print

Essays and fiction
Gafencu Men Closed Pro ? No Hong Kong

Prefers Asian location,
Gemini Magazine http://www.gemini-magazine.com/submit.html $20 Yes No All forms
Georgia Review http://garev.uga.edu/submissions.html Pro No No Fee to submit online, no fee by post
The Gettysburg Review http://www.gettysburgreview.com/submissions/

Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Print

All forms

Snail mail only
Grain Magazine http://www.grainmagazine.ca/submit/ Semi-pro to Pro No No All forms
Granta https://granta.submittable.com/submit Semi-pro to Pro Yes No All forms
Grasslimb Journal CLOSED Semi-pro Yes Yes All forms

Gray's Sporting Journal http://www.grayssportingjournal.com
Pro Yes No Fishing and shooting things

GreenPrints http://greenprints.com/writers-guidelines/ Semi-pro ? Yes Gardening
Guardian Angel Kids http://www.guardian-angel-kids.com/submissions.html Semi-pro ? No Children's literature
Hanging Loose http://hangingloosepress.com/submissions.html Token No No Print
Harper’s Magazine http://harpers.org/submissions/ Pro ? No Print
Hennessy New Irish Writing http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books
Pro ? No Print

Irish writing
Highlights for Children https://www2.highlights.com/contributor-guidelines?_ga=1.173466851.1500456261.1447704835 Pro ? No Children's literature
HOOT http://www.hootreview.com/submissions/ Pro Yes No Short poetry and prose

Fee to submit online, no fee by post
Hopscotch for Girls http://funforkidzmagazines.com/writers Pro Yes No Children's literature

Snail mail submissions only
Humpty Dumpty Magazine http://www.uskidsmags.com/writers-guidelines/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Children's literature

Fat Coyote https://thefatcoyote.com/blog/submission-guidelines/ Semi-pro  Yes Yes Poetry, fiction, CNF, Art, Photography, Comics

Writers must be neurodivergent.

See submission periods
Iconoclast Literary Magazine http://www.iconoclastliterarymagazine.com
Semi-pro No ? Print
The Idaho Review http://idahoreview.org/submit/ Semi-pro Yes No Fee to submit online, no fee by post
Mizna https://mizna.org/journal/submissions/ "Modest" Yes No Work that is of relevance to the Arab American community

Poetry and prose
The Impressment Gang DEFUNCT Token to Pro Yes No All forms
Independent Ink DEFUNCT Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction and creative nonfiction
The Indianola Review DEFUNCT No longer paying Yes No All forms
Inwood Indiana http://inwoodindiana.com/submissions-2/ Token Yes No "The smallest press in the world"

Fiction, poetry
The Iowa Review http://www.iowareview.org/content/writers-guidelines Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Print

Fee to submit online, no fee by post
Issues in Earth Science http://earthscienceissues.net/submissions Pro ? No Aimed at Earth Science students

Fiction and nonfiction
Jack and Jill Magazine http://www.uskidsmags.com/writers-guidelines/ Pro Yes No Children's literature

JukePop Serials Closed Token to Semi-pro ? Yes Serializations
Kaleidoscope http://www.udsakron.org/kaleidoscope.aspx Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes Disability themes

All forms
The Kenyon Review http://www.kenyonreview.org/submission/ Pro Yes No Fiction and poetry, novel

Kid's Imagination Train http://www.kidsimaginationtrain.com/p/blog-page.html Semi-pro No ? Children's literature
Killing the Angel Closed to submissions Token to Semi-pro ? No All forms
The Knicknackery http://theknicknackery.com/submission-guidelines/ Token to Semi-pro Yes No All forms
Kweli Journal http://www.kwelijournal.org/submit-2 Token to Semi-pro Yes No Writers and artists of color
Ladybug http://www.cricketmedia.com/submission-guidelines/ Pro ? Yes Children's literature
The Letters Page http://www.theletterspage.ac.uk/index.aspx  Pro No ? Correspondence-themed literary journal with the written letter as its primary form
Lilith Magazine http://lilith.org/about/writing-for-lilith/ Token to Semi-pro ? No Jewish women’s lives
Liminoid Magazine http://www.liminoidmagazine.com/
Token to Semi-pro Yes No Fiction - all lengths
Liquid Imagination CLOSED Token Yes No Modern fantasy, science fiction, horror, dark fantasy, and literary - poetry and fiction
Litmocracy http://www.litmocracy.com/about-us-2/ Semi-pro Yes No The best material earns its authors cash and gets them published in Literal

Lockjaw Magazine http://www.lockjawmagazine.com/submission-guidelines/ Token Yes Yes Fiction and Poetry
LONTAR DEFUNCT Token to Semi-pro Yes No Southeast Asian Speculative Fiction
The Los Angeles Review of
Los Angeles
http://www.robindunn.com/submitLA.html Token Yes Yes LA

Hilarious website

They want stories and poems and stuff
Make/shift http://www.makeshiftmag.com/submissions.htm Semi-pro Yes No Feminist culture and action

The Malahat Review http://www.malahatreview.ca/submission
Pro Yes No Canadian

All forms

Maniacal Anthology http://maniacal.freezeframefiction.com
Token Yes Yes Funny, weird fiction up to 3000 words
The Maple Tree Literary Supplement http://www.mtls.ca/issue20/submissions/

Site not updated
Token to Pro ? ? Any topic between and amongst Canadian writers
MARY: A Journal of New Writing CLOSED Token to Semi-pro Yes No Fiction and Poetry
The Massachusetts Review http://www.massreview.org/submissions-guidelines Token to Semi-pro Yes No Essays, fiction, poetry, and translation

Fee to submit online, no fee by post
The Masters Review: New Voices https://mastersreview.com/submissions/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction

Submissions are restricted to authors who have not yet published a novel-length work of fiction or narrative non-fiction.

https://meanjin.submittable.com/submit Pro ? No All forms

Submission charges for everything except poetry

Menda City Review Closed Token Yes No Fiction - all lengths
Michigan Quarterly Review http://www.michiganquarterlyreview.com
Semi-pro Yes No Essays, poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction

Snail mail submissions

Milkfist http://www.milkfist.com/submission_guidelines Token to Semi-pro Yes No Fiction and poetry
The Missouri Review http://www.missourireview.com/
Pro Yes No Requires subscription
mojo / Mikrokosmos Literary Journal http://mikrokosmosjournal.com/submit-2/ $25 Yes No Fiction and poetry
Mslexia https://mslexia.co.uk/submit-your-work/ Semi-pro Yes No Women writers
Nanoism CLOSED Semi-pro to Pro Yes ? Stories of up to 140 characters
New Letters http://www.newletters.org/writers-wanted/submissions Semi-pro Yes No Fiction and poetry

New Ohio Review https://www.ohio.edu/nor/submit.htm Semi-pro Yes No Fiction, nonfiction and poetry

Fee to submit online, no fee by post

The New Quarterly http://tnq.ca/submissions Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Canadian fiction, poetry, and conversation, primarily about the writer’s craft

The New Yorker http://www.newyorker.com/about/contact/?src=tny-footer Pro ? No Fiction, poetry, non-fiction
Ninth Letter http://www.ninthletter.com/web-edition/web-edition-submission-guidelines Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Experimental prose and poetry

Themed issues

Midwestern writers

NonBinary Review
https://www.zoeticpress.com/new-page Semi-pro Yes Yes Essays, poetry, fiction
The Offing https://theoffingmag.submittable.com/submit Token Yes No Charges for submissions except in the first week of December
One Story https://one-story.com/write/submit-a-story/ Semi-pro Yes No Short stories and novelettes
One Teen Story https://one-story.com/write/one-teen-story-contest/ Pro Yes No Short stories about the teen experience
Outlook Springs http://www.outlooksprings.com/

There don't appear to be guidelines. Inquire
before submitting.
Token to Semi-Pro Yes No Essays, fiction, poetry
Page & Spine CLOSED Semi-Pro No No All forms
PANK Magazine http://pankmagazine.com/submit-2/ Token to Semi-Pro Yes No Essays, fiction, poetry
Pantheon Magazine http://pantheonmag.com/submission-guidelines/ Semi-Pro Yes Yes Reviews,
fiction, poetry
The Paris Review http://www.theparisreview.org/about
Pro Yes No Essays, fiction, poetry

Snail mail only
Tales From the Moonlit Path

https://talesmoonlitpath.com/ $10 No No Dark fiction

Has submission periods

See themes
Phantasmacore http://www.phantasmacore.com/submissions/ Token Yes Yes Speculative fiction 
Planet Magazine http://www.planetmagazine.org.uk/submissions Pro ? No Focus on Wales

Plenitude Magazine http://plenitudemagazine.ca/submit/ Token to Pro Yes No LGBTTQI literature and film
Ploughshares https://www.pshares.org/submit Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction and poetry

Fee to submit online, no fee by mail
Ploughshares Solos https://www.pshares.org/submit Semi-pro Yes No Longer works of original prose—either fiction or nonfiction

Fee to submit online, no fee by mail
Polychrome Ink http://zillion-press.com/submission-information/ Token to Semi-pro Yes No Seeking diversity
Prairie Fire http://www.prairiefire.ca/submit/submission-guidelines/ Pro Yes No Print

Snail mail submissions only
Prick of the Spindle http://prickofthespindle.org/submission-guidelines/ Token to Semi-pro Yes No Experimental

Fee to submit online, no fee by mail
PRISM international http://prismmagazine.ca/submit/ Semi-pro Yes No All forms

Fee to submit online, no fee by mail
A Public Space http://apublicspace.org/about Pro Yes No Essays, fiction (all lengths), poetry
Punchnel’s https://punchnels.submittable.com/submit $10 Yes Yes All forms
The Puritan

http://puritan-magazine.com/submissions/ Token to Pro Yes No All forms
Cartridge Lit http://cartridgelit.com/submissions/ Token ? ? Literature about video games
Qu http://www.qulitmag.com/submit/ Semi-pro to Pro ? No Fiction, poetry, essays and script excerpts
Queen's Quarterly

Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction (3000 words max), poetry, essays, articles
Rainbow Rumpus http://www.rainbowrumpus.org/about/
Semi-pro to Pro ? No Literary magazine for children and youth with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) parents
Read Short Fiction http://www.readshortfiction.com/submission-guidelines/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No All genres of short fiction up to 4000 words
Rhubarb Magazine http://www.rhubarbmag.com/submit-or-enter/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No All forms

Mennonite authors or themes

Ricky’s Back Yard http://www.rickysbackyard.com/new-issue/ Token to Semi-pro ? ? Short dark fiction - all lengths
Riddle Fence http://www.riddlefence.com/submissions/ Semi-pro Yes No All forms
Riptide http://www.riptidejournal.co.uk/contribute/ Semi-pro ? No Print anthologies
River Styx http://riverstyx.org/submissions/index.php Semi-pro Yes No Poetry, short fiction, plays, essays, interviews, drawings, and photographs
Room Magazine REMOVED Semi-pro Yes No Submissions are restricted to people who identify as women or genderqueer
The Rusty Toque DEFUNCT Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, graphic short fiction, and experimental writing. Fiction submissions should be between 1200 and 6000 words
Ryga: A Journal of Provocations http://www.rygajournal.ca/submit.html $100 ? No Short stories, poems, essays that explore social issues

Salamander http://salamandermag.org/submit-manager/ Semi-pro  Yes No Fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry

Saturday Evening Post http://www.saturdayeveningpost.com
Pro Yes No Fiction and articles
The Savage Kick

DEFUNCT Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes Sleazy tales are very much encouraged

Fiction and non-fiction
The School Magazine

Pro ? No Children's literature


http://www.seizureonline.com/submissions/ Semi-pro to Pro ? No Non-fiction and flash fiction (500 words max)
Shenandoah http://shenandoahliterary.org/submissions/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes NoAll forms
Slink Chunk Press

Closed Token to Semi-pro  Yes No Speculative fiction
Southerly http://southerlyjournal.com.au/submissions/ Semi-pro  ? No Restricted to writers from Australia and New Zealand
The Southern Indiana Review http://www.usi.edu/sir/submission-guidelines Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Poetry, fiction, interviews, art work, photography, critical essays, and reviews
The Southern Review http://thesouthernreview.org/submissions/ Pro Yes No Fiction, poetry, critical essays, interviews, book reviews, and excerpts from novels in progress

Fee to submit online, no fee by mail
Southwest Review http://www.smu.edu/SouthwestReview
Token No No Fiction

Fee to submit online, no fee by mail
Space Squid http://www.spacesquid.com/scifi-fantasy-mag/
Token Yes Yes Speculative fiction
Spark: A Creative Anthology
http://sparkanthology.org/ Semi-pro Yes No Anthologies
Spider http://www.cricketmedia.com/
Pro ? No Children's literature
Splickety Love http://splicketypubgroup.com
Semi-pro ? No Romance flash fiction
Splickety Prime http://splicketypubgroup.com
Semi-pro ? No Flash fiction
The Standard Literary Magazine Defunct $25 Yes No Flash fiction
and poetry

Fee to submit
The Stinging Fly http://www.stingingfly.org/about-us/
Semi-pro ? No Themed issues
Stone Soup http://www.stonesoup.com/stone-soup-contributor-guideline/ Semi-pro ? No Stories, poems, book reviews, and art by young people through age 13
The Stoneslide Corrective http://stoneslidecorrective.com/another-page-here/ Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction
Story|Houston http://www.storyhouston.com/?page_id=8 Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction
Sub-saharan Magazine

DEFUNCT Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes African themes

Speculative fiction
The Subtopian http://www.subtopian.com/submissions/ Semi-pro to Pro ? ? Sci-fi journalism
The Sun Magazine http://thesunmagazine.org/about/submission
Pro No Yes Essays, interviews, fiction, and poetry
Takahe http://www.takahe.org.nz/submissions.htm Token to Semi-pro No No Short stories, poetry and art

Submissions are restricted to Australia and New Zealand citizens & residents.
Tampa Review http://www.ut.edu/TampaReview/TRDetail.aspx?id=12480 Token to Semi-pro Yes No Charges fee for online submissions
that's life! https://www.thestorypeople.co.uk/ Pro No No Fiction

THEMA http://themaliterarysociety.com/submissions.html Token Yes Yes Themed issues
THIRD WEDNESDAY http://thirdwednesday.org/looking_for.htm Token Yes No Fiction and poetry
Story Town https://www.shortstorytown.com/news $10 Yes No Fiction and poetry
Tincture Journal

DEFUNCT Semi-pro Yes No All forms

DEFUNCT Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Fiction
Triptych Tales

DEFUNCT Semi-pro to Pro No Yes Fiction
Turn: Turn: Turn: A Season of Short-Short Stories http://eljpublications.com/submit/ Token ? No Short-Short Stories

Only Magpies is free
Twilight Times http://www.twilighttimes.com/subs.html Token ? No Fantasy and literary fiction
Unbound Octavo http://www.unboundoctavo.com/ Semi-pro Yes No Fiction
upstreet DEFUNCT Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Anthologies
Vestal Review http://www.vestalreview.org/guidelines/ $25 Yes No Flash fiction

(Now charges $2 to submit)
Vine Leaves Literary Journal DEFUNCT Token Yes Yes Vignettes
Visibility Fiction http://visibilityfiction.com/submissions/ Token Yes Yes Young adult fiction with protagonists from groups with limited visibility in popular culture
Voiceworks http://www.voiceworksmag.com.au/contribute/ Semi-pro to Pro ? No Submissions are restricted to Australians under the age of 25 and international students
Voicings http://www.voicings.ca/submissions.html Token to Semi-pro Yes No Submissions are restricted to Aboriginals writing in Canada.
The Way of The Buffalo

DEFUNCT Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes Audio
West Branch http://www.bucknell.edu/WestBranchWired Semi-pro to Pro Yes No Poetry, fiction, essays, and reviews
Westerly http://westerlymag.com.au/about/ Semi-pro No No Focus on Australia
The Windsor Review https://windsorreview.wordpress.com/submissions/ Token to Semi-pro ? No Essay
With Painted Words http://www.withpaintedwords.com/submissions.php Token ? No Uses visual prompt
Workers Write! http://www.workerswritejournal.com/ Token to Semi-pro Yes Yes Themed issues
The Yale Review http://yalereview.yale.edu/ Pro ? No All forms
Youth Imagination Magazine CLOSED Token Yes Yes Teen experience
Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry https://zeteticrecord.org/submission-guidelines/ Semi-pro Yes No Fiction
Zoetrope: All-Story http://www.all-story.com/submissions.cgi Pro Yes No Fiction

Snail mail only
ZYZZYVA http://www.zyzzyva.org/about/submissions/ Token to Semi-pro Yes No Prose, poetry, and visual art
Barrelhouse http://www.barrelhousemag.com/submissions/ $50 Yes No Nonfiction, pop culture
Skirt! http://www.skirt.com/contribute $200 ? ? Themed essays
Bracken http://www.brackenmagazine.com/submit .02/word No No Speculative fiction and poetry

Prefers magical realism

Has begun to charge $3 for submissions
Tai Chi http://tai-chi.com/index.php/writers-guidelines $75 to $500 per article No No Articles about Tai Chi and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Catholic Digest http://www.catholicdigest.com/writers_
$500 per article Yes No "We are a lifestyle magazine that encourages and supports Catholics."
Earth Island Journal http://www.earthisland.org/journal/
25 cents per word ? No "We cover the entire spectrum of environmental issues."
VQR http://www.vqronline.org/about-vqr/submissions 25 cents per word

$200 per poem
Yes No Fiction, poetry, nonfiction

No genre fiction
AMC Outdoors CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS $500 – $700 for features N/A

Submit query only
No Outdoor recreation
The Nation http://www.thenation.com/submission-guidelines/ $500 for articles N/A

Submit query only
No Left/liberal opinion
The American Gardener http://www.ahs.org/gardening-resources/gardening
$300 – $600 for feature articles N/A

Submit query only
No Gardening
Carve http://www.carvezine.com/submit/ $100 for short stories, $25 for poetry Yes No Fiction, poetry

Fee for online submissions, no fee for snail mail
turnrow http://turnrow.ulm.edu/submissions.php $50 per poem
$15 per page of prose
$150 - $250 for a feature
$100 for cover art
? No Poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, social commentary, and visual art

Snail mail submissions only
Iron Horse

See submission periods
http://www.ironhorsereview.com/#!submit/l2mrb $100 for stories and essays, $50 for poems, and $40 for flash prose. Yes No Flash fiction, short stories, essays, poems

Charges to submit online
The Introspectionist

Themed issues
For 100 to 500 words $25. For a feature article up to 2000 words, $100. For a feature article up to 5000 words, $200. Short fiction pieces pay $25. Poems pay $25. N/A

Submit query only
No Stories, poems, nonfiction

See schedule for themes
The Forge Literary Magazine http://www.forgelitmag.com/flm/submit/ .05/word Yes No Short stories

3,000 words max
recompose http://recompose.press/guidelines.html .06/word

.25/line of poetry
No Yes, at half the rate Short speculative/
fiction and poetry

1000 words max
Crimson Streets http://www.crimsonstreets.com/submission-
.01/word ? No Pulp fiction
Gallery of Curiosities

http://gallerycurious.com/submissions/ .01/word Yes Yes Weird speculative fiction
Arc http://arcpoetry.ca/submit/ $40/page ? No Poetry
Good Mourning Media http://goodmourningmedia.com/submissions.html $30 ? ? Romance, Short stories
In the Fray http://inthefray.org/submissions/ $20-$100 N/A No News and commentary
Lazy Fascist Review http://lazyfascistpress.com/lazy-fascist-review/ $50 per story. $10 per poem Yes No Fiction that falls between the cracks
Mosaic http://mosaicmagazine.org/about-us/submissions/ $50 - $75 N/A

Send query
Yes Articles and reviews by writers of African descent
Our Times http://ourtimes.ca/Write/article_31.php $50 ? ? Poetry by workers in Canada
Parabola http://parabola.org/submissions/ $150 to $400 ? No Articles myths, symbols, spirituality, poetry, sometimes fiction
Port Cities Review http://portcitiesreview.com/guidelines/ $50-$150 ? No Articles and stories about port cities

See reading periods
CLOSED $250 for stories and essays and $75 for poems Yes No Fiction, poetry

Themed issues
SubTerrain http://subterrain.ca/about/35/sub-terrain-writer-s-guidelines $50 per page ? No Fiction, non-fiction

Poetry only for themed issues
The Bear Deluxe http://orlo.org/participate/ Negotiated rates, depending on length and complexity ? No Nonfiction, reviews, interviews, fiction, essays, creative non-fiction

No genre fiction
The Freeman Magazine http://fee.org/freeman/submissions/ $100 for features and $50 for posts N/A No Articles exploring the principles underlying a free society
The Threepenny Review http://www.threepennyreview.com/submissions.html $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece No No Fiction, nonfiction

Open to submissions from January to June
Story Quarterly https://storyquarterly.camden.rutgers.edu/
$50 Yes No Literary fiction, including short stories, short shorts, and novel excerpts up to 6,250 words in length, and creative nonfiction

Open to submissions March 20 
Every Day Fiction http://everydayfiction.com/submit-story/ $3 No No Flash fiction up to 1000 words
50 Haikus https://greensubmissions.com/307/50-haikus
$1.50 Yes No Haikus only
Whether Magazine

DEFUNCT $50, $20 for poems ? No Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, video, illustrations
Parent&Kids http://www.parents-kids.com/index.php/about-us/writers
Pay begins at $25 per article Yes Yes Family topics, geared to central Mississippi
Bugle Magazine: "Women in the Outdoors" Column http://www.rmef.org/NewsandMedia/BugleMagazine
$.20/word ? No Personal essay
Christian Science Monitor: "The Home Forum" http://www.csmonitor.com/About/Contributor-guidelines
$75-$150 ? No Personal essay
Down East: The Magazine of Maine: "My Maine" http://downeast.com/guidelines/ $.40/word to $.70/word ? No Personal essays about Maine
Backpacker http://www.backpacker.com/backpacker-
$.40 to more than $1.00 per word ? No Articles about backpacking
Good Old Days http://www.goodolddaysmagazine.com/
Negotiated ? No Articles about the "Good Old Days" (1935-1960)
Dame Magazine http://www.damemagazine.com/about Negotiated N/A

Pitches only
No Narrative-driven reported features, first-person essays, Q&As, op-eds, and humor essays (especially satire). Stories are generally between 800 and 2,000 words, depending on the subject matter and the story format
The Toast

DEFUNCT $50 No No Original reporting and longform journalism (particularly, though not exclusively, about women and women-adjacent issues), short fiction and poetry (preferably strange), personal narratives (ditto), videos, illustrations and essays.
FATE magazine http://www.fatemag.com/submission-guidelines/ $50 per article, and $10 for short fillers, which are less than 500 words, payable six months after print publication. Payment for “True Mystic Experiences” and “My Proof of Survival” is $25, including the use of the photograph, which will be returned. No No Nonfiction, paranormal
The Smart Set http://thesmartset.com/about-us/ Negotiable No No Essays and articles, nonfiction
The Lascaux Review  http://lascauxreview.com/submissions/ $25 Yes Yes Stories, poems, and essays
Bartleby Snopes Defunct $25 for story of the month Yes No Short stories and flash fiction

See reading periods
https://firesidefiction.com/about/#submissions-guidelines 12.5 cents/word No No Short stories and flash fiction

5000 words max
Listverse http://listverse.com/write-get-paid/ $100 via Paypal only ? No Lists, 1500 words minimum
New Haven Review Defunct $500 for prose, $25 for poetry ? No Fiction, nonfiction, poetry

Send pitch first
Six Hens

Note: Not recommended. Their contract grants Six 
Hens world-wide rights in perpetuity, including all formats and 
all translations, without royalties. In the event that the journal 
were to be sold, these rights 
would be transferred to 
the new owner. This is the equivalent of granting them copyright. DO NOT SIGN.
http://www.sixhens.com/index.php#submissions $50 Yes No First-person nonfiction by women
Nashville Review https://as.vanderbilt.edu/nashvillereview
$100/story, $25/poem ? No Short stories, comics, songs, and poems
Electric Lit http://electricliterature.com/electric-literature-is-now
$50 ? ? Personal and critical essays, as well as humor, that reflect on the world of reading, writing, literature, and storytelling in all its forms. We’re particularly interested in pieces that examine the intersection of the literary world and other creative disciplines: film, fine art, music, video games, architecture–you name it.
Story Magazine http://www.storymagazine.org/submit/ $20 per page (prose), $30+ per poem Yes Yes Themed issues
Understorey http://understoreymagazine.ca/submissions/ $40 - $65 Yes No Poetry and prose submissions are open to writers and artists who self-identify as women and live in Canada (or are Canadian citizens living abroad).
Wherewithal https://wherewithallit.com/submissions/ $10 Yes No Poetry
Alien Love http://www.scifiromancequarterly.org/write-for-us/ 2.5 cents/word Yes No Sci-fi romance
Alaska Quarterly Review https://www.uaa.alaska.edu/aqr/guidelines.cfm $50-$200 for prose; $10-$50 for poetry Yes No Fiction, short plays, poetry, photo essays, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles
Coffee House Conversations https://coffeehousepress.submittable.com/submit $100 Yes Yes Poetry or prose excerpt, 50 words max

St. Paul authors
Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine http://www.fairytalemagazine.com/p/blog-page_22.html Story $30, Poem $10. US dollars only Yes No Fairy tales
Arc Magazine http://arcpoetry.ca/submit/ $40/page and one copy ? No Poetry (modern style), book reviews, and poetry-themed essays
Fake https://pinknantucket.com.au/materiality-2/ $AU10-30 per piece ? Sometimes Poetry and prose on theme of materiality
Opossum http://opossumlit.com/submissions/ $250 for short stories and essays, and $100 for poems and flash fiction and non-fiction ? ? "We want to encourage work that relates to music in subtle, oblique, and surprising ways. We ask you to include a brief artist’s statement illuminating your work’s relationship to specific musical forms and artifacts."
Page and Spine http://www.pagespineficshowcase.com/
All prose up to 3,000 words = $0.01/word with a $20 minimum, except microflash (up to 150 words) = $5. Regardless of length, all payments are capped at $30. 1 poem = $7 quips, limericks and other short poems = $5 each Yes No Accepts poetry, fiction, nonfiction, quips, limericks...
Litmag https://litmag.com/submit/ LitMag Print: Upon acceptance, pays $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction; $250 for a poem (or the rare short short)
LitMag Online: Upon acceptance, pays $250
Yes No Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
Alyss https://alysslit.com/submissions-2/ $5 Yes No Poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction and art, by female identifying writers/artists
Amethyst Arsenic DEFUNCT $10, featured poet receives $50 Yes Yes Poetry
The Baffler https://thebaffler.com/submissions "a little" ? ? Poetry and fiction with "personality"
Bear Deluxe https://orlo.org/participate/ Negotiated rate ? ? Environmental issues
Bennington Review http://www.benningtonreview.org/submit/ $100 for prose of six pages and under, $200 for prose of over six pages, and $20 per poem, in addition to two copies of the issue the piece is published in and a copy of the subsequent issue. Yes No Poetry, fiction, nonfiction
The Blue Route https://widenerblueroute.org/submission-guidelines/ $25 Yes No Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction

Undergraduate writers only

See reading periods
DEFUNCT Small stipend ? ? All genres

Themed issues
F(r)iction https://tetheredbyletters.com/friction-guidelines/ $10 per final printed page ? Probably not Short stories, poetry, CNF
Lambda https://lambdaliterary.submittable.com/submit Small honorarium Yes No LBBTQ poetry
Notre Dame Review https://notredamereview.submittable.com/submit Small honorarium ? ? Fiction and poetry that take on "big issues"
Penny https://pennyzine.co/submissions-
$25 ? Yes Experimental prose - various themes
Poetry Magazine https://www.poetryfoundation.org
$10 per line (with a minimum payment of $300), and $150 per page of prose ? No Poetry and prose
The Quilliad https://thequilliad.wordpress.com/submissions/ $13 honorarium ? ? Poetry, flash fiction (500 words or less), and short stories (generally 1000-2000 words)

Canadians only

See submission periods
Rattle https://rattle.submittable.com/submit Contributors to the print magazine receive $100 and a complimentary one-year subscription. Poems for "Online Only" categories receive $50 Yes No Poetry
Ruminate http://www.ruminatemagazine.com
$15/poem and $15/400 words for prose
Yes No Poetry and prose (nonfiction and fiction) - spiritual

Located in Ireland
http://www.munsterlit.ie/Southword%20Journal.html €30 per poem and €120 per short story. Payment to writers within the Republic of Ireland is made by cheque. Writers abroad must accept payment through Paypal Yes ? Poetry and prose
Strong Verse http://www.strongverse.org/submitform.html $10 Yes No Poetry
Sycamore Review https://sycamorereview.com/submissions/ $50 per short story or non-fiction piece, or $25 per poem Yes No Short stories, poetry, CNF
Through the Gate http://throughthegate.net/submissions/ $20 Yes No Fantastical poetry
Virginia Quarterly Review http://www.vqronline.org/about-vqr/submissions $200 per poem, up to 4 poems; for a suite of 5 or more poems, $1,000.

Short fiction, $1,000 and above.

For other prose,
such as personal essays and literary criticism, $1,000
and above, at approximately 25 cents per word.

Book reviews are generally 2,000-2,400 words and
are paid at a flat
rate of $500.
Yes No Poetry, short fiction, nonfiction
The Pedestal Magazine http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com/submissions/ $40 per accepted poem

Yes No Poetry - themed issues, see submission periods
Subtropics http://subtropics.english.ufl.edu/index.php
For stories and essays, Subtropics pays a flat fee of $1,000 ($500 for a short short) for North American first serial rights. Poets are paid $100 per poem. Yes No Poetry, short stories, essays - $3 fee to submit online

See submission periods
https://okeypanky.submittable.com/submit $100 ? ? Prose and poetry manuscripts of under 1500 words
Odyssa https://odyssamagazine.com/submit/ $30 ? ? Short works of fiction and travel pieces (700-1000 words). Themed issues
Subterranean Blue Poetry  CLOSED $10 per poem

Yes No Themed issues
Timeless Tales CLOSED $20 Yes Yes Poetry and short stories, themed issues

Retellings of fairy tales and myths
Frontier Poetry https://www.frontierpoetry.com/submit/ $50 per poem, up to $150 Yes No Poetry
Likely Red http://www.likelyred.com/submissions/ $25 Yes No Poetry, prose, CNF, photography
INTER http://inter.ifyc.org/contributors-guidelines $150 for an essay that runs from 1,000 to 2,000 words ? ? A digital magazine of ideas and art from a new generation navigating unprecedented religious diversity in America. Personal essays, op-eds, photography, videos, interviews
Bright Wall/Dark Room http://brightwalldarkroom.com/submissions/ $25 ? ? Essays about film and TV

See submission periods
https://www.geoliterary.com/submit $10-$50 (USD) for poetry and 1-3 cents per word for fiction and nonfiction Yes No Poetry, fiction, nonfiction
True Story https://www.creativenonfiction.org
$300 ? No True stories (CNF). $3 fee to submit online, no fee to submit via snail mail.
Brain, Child https://www.brainchildmag.com/about
Competitive rates ? ? Magazine for mothers. Accepts long-form essays

Reading period Sept 1 - May 1
https://bayoumagazine.org/submissions/ $25 - $50 Yes No Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
New England Review http://www.nereview.com/ner-submissions/

Charges $3 to submit online
$20 per page, print

$50 online
Yes No Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, drama, translation
Foundry CLOSED $10 per poem ? ? Poems and short prose
Argot DEFUNCT Starts at $35,long form investigative pieces (4000> words) peak at $250 ? ? Queer culture: short stories, nonfiction, poetry, satire, comics, illustrations, and photo essays
Broken Pencil http://www.brokenpencil.com/submissions $30 to $300 Yes No Nonfiction articles and fiction

Themed issues
http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/information/submissions.php Depends on length of proposal Yes No Nonfiction only
Consequence http://www.consequencemagazine.org/submit/ Poetry: $25 per page
Prose: $10 per page ($250 maximum)
Translations:$15 per page ($250 maximum)
Yes No Short fiction, poetry, non-fiction, interviews, visual art, and reviews primarily focused on the culture of war
Copper Nickel http://copper-nickel.org/submit/ $30 per printed page Yes No Poetry, fiction, essays, and translation folios
Writers Weekly http://writersweekly.com/writersweekly-
$40 to $60 Yes No Articles on how to make more money writing
Women on Writing http://wow-womenonwriting.com/contact.php $50-75 for short articles and $150 for articles of 3000 words Yes No Articles related to the craft of writing and publishing
The Establishment https://theestablishment.co/pitch-us-b0788d803a0b $125 for feature stories, op-eds, and personal essays (800–1,500 words), and $500 for a select few long-form investigative pieces that involve original reporting and at least five interviews (3,000 words) Yes Yes Nonfiction, journalism
Bitch Media https://www.bitchmedia.org/writers-guidelines $500 for features, $200 for dispatches, and $50 for Department of Everything pieces Yes No Feminist responses to pop culture
Blue Mesa Review http://bmr.unm.edu/submissions/ $25 Yes No Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art

See submission periods
Funds for Writers http://fundsforwriters.com/submissions/ $50 for unpublished original articles; $15 for reprints Yes Yes Articles about paying markets for writers, tips and success stories (see site for more details)
The Penny Hoarder https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/contributor-guidelines/ Payment is negotiated Yes No Fun, unique ideas for earning or saving money
The Lifted Brow
https://theliftedbrow.submittable.com/submit Payment not specified ? ? Fiction, cultural commentary and criticism, comics, and reviews
Guernica https://www.guernicamag.com/about/submissions/ $50 for poetry, $100 for original essays, and $150 for original fiction and for reportage Yes No Fiction, poetry, interviews, and art under the broad umbrella of art and politics
Winter Tangerine http://www.wintertangerine.com/submit/ $20 Yes No Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Rascal https://rascal.submittable.com/submit $20 Yes No Poems, essays on ecology
The Rumpus

Reading periods:
January 1 through January 31, May 1 through May 31, and September 1 through September 30.
http://therumpus.net/about/#WritersGuidelines $10 - $25 ? ? Personal essays, poetry, book reviews, interviews
Subterranean Blues http://www.subterraneanbluepoetry.com/
$10 Yes No Poetry
New Reader Magazine DEFUNCT Not specified Yes No Fiction, poetry, essays, mixed media
Manawaker Studios http://www.manawaker.com/ffp-submissions/ $3 Yes Yes Flash fiction podcast
Craft https://www.craftliterary.com/submit/ $100 for flash fiction and $0.10/word up to $200 for original short fiction Yes Yes Fiction and nonfiction
Books 'N Pieces  http://www.altpublish.com/writer-guidelines/ 5 cents/word Yes No Fiction, 2000 words max
Pulp Literature http://pulpliterature.com/submissions/submission-guidelines/ $0.035 – $0.07 per word for short stories (to 7000 words),  $0.025 – $0.05 per word between 7000 and 10000 words,  and $0.015 – $0.035 per word for works over 10000 words.

Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50.  Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page.
Yes Yes Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations
Red Sun https://redsunmagazine.submittable.com/submit $100 for stories; $150 for stories 15-17k; and $300 for serializations. For art and comics, $35 per piece of artwork; $100 for a cover.  No No Science-fiction, fantasy, and horror, art comics, interviews and reviews
Samarkand https://samarkandpress.com/pages/submissions $25 ? No Fiction (up to 6,000 words), non-fiction, translations, poetry and photography
Banshee http://bansheelit.tumblr.com/submissionsguidelines Small payment ? No Submission periods

Short stories, poetry, flash fiction, essays

Located in Ireland
The Rush https://therushmag.submittable.com/submit Not specified Yes ? Reading periods
The Wanderer CLOSED $25, $10 for reviews ? No, but if you have self-published, yes Poetry and prose up to 5,000 words, reviews

Poems in Spanish also
Scene and Heard https://thesceneheardjournal.submittable.com/submit $75 ? No Submission fees are optional
Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine http://www.alfredhitchcockmysterymagazine.com/
5 to 8¢ a word ? Does not accept reprints for stories published in the US Mysteries, 12,000 word max
Breath and Shadow https://www.abilitymaine.org/submission-guidelines $20 for poetry, and $30 for fiction and non-fiction ? Yes Disabled writers living in New England

Poetry, fiction, nonfiction
Occult Detective Quarterly http://greydogtales.com/blog/occult-detective-quarterly/odq/ 1 cent per word, $25 - $50 cap, fiction and nonfiction

Interior art rates are $15 - $40 per piece

$25 per accepted reprint
? Yes Investigators who
explore the weird, exotic and bizarre
CÅŒNFINGÅŒ http://www.confingopublishing.uk/form £20 ? No Short fiction, poetry and art
Cherry Tree https://www.washcoll.edu/centers/lithouse/cherry-tree/submissions.php $20 ? ? See submission periods

Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction
The McNeese Review http://mcneesereview.mcneese.edu/submissions/

Now charges for submissions
$50 Yes ? See submission periods

Poetry, fiction
Tough http://www.toughcrime.com/p/submissions_54.html $35 ? No See submission periods

Crime Fiction, short stories
Copperfield Review https://copperfieldreview.com/?page_id=99 Book reviews: $15

Poetry: $15 per poem

Short stories: $20

Interviews with historical novelists: $20

Nonfiction about tips for writing historical fiction or personal essays about writing historical fiction: $25

Now charges $2 reading fee
Yes ? Historical Fiction
Sunlight Press https://www.thesunlightpress.com/submissions/ Not specified Yes No Fiction, Poetry, CNF, Interviews, Reviews
Scalawag https://www.scalawagmagazine.org/submissions/ Not specified ? ? Nonfiction, poetry, and fiction, as well as state politics coverage and photo essays on the American South.
Hecate https://hecate.communications-arts.uq.edu.au/about AUD49/poem, AUD69/review or story, AUD99/article ? ? Articles, reviews, poetry, fiction, and graphics employing a Feminist, Marxist or other radical methodology
Bronzeville Bee http://www.bronzevillebee.com/contribute/ 5 cents per word Yes  No Crime, sci fi, fantasy, horror and YA
Bethlehem Writers Roundtable https://sites.google.com/site/bethlehemwritersroundtable/submissions
$20 for featured author stories
$10 for stories published on their &More page
$5 for poems
Yes No Many genres accepted (no erotica)
Buckshot Magazine CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS 20 USD (25 CAD) per accepted piece Yes  No Many genres accepted, up to 2,000 words
Selene CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS 6 cents/word
Reprints: Poetry paid $15USD and 100-7500 words of fiction paid $0.01USD per word.
Yes Yes Speculative romance, mystery, and alternate history,
Ducts http://www.ducts.org/content/submissions/ $20 ? No Essays, fiction, humor, memoir, poetry
Split Lip https://www.splitlipmagazine.com/submit

Open for FREE submissions during the months of December, February, April, June, August, and October
Web payment rate is $50. Payment for print is $5 per page, minimum of $20.  ? No Literary, mainstream or experimental writing, art
Mura https://www.mura.ink/submit $1 CAD per 100 words, $7 art Yes ? Flash fiction, poetry, art
After Dinner Conversation https://www.afterdinnerconversation.com/submissions $0.01 per word (limit $50) Yes Yes Short stories for children, young adults, adults
Letters Literary Supplement https://lettersjournal.submittable.com/submit $25 ? ? Prose and poetry, articles and translations
Folded Word https://folded.wordpress.com/submissions/ $5 NoNo Short-form ecoliterature : fiction, poetry, essay, and travel narrative
Terra Preta https://terrapretareview.org/submit/ Not specified Yes No Poetry, translation, creative non-fiction, craft essays, literary reviews, art, collage, and photography.
Mythridate https://www.mythridate.com/submit  $20 fiction
$15 poetry
$10-$20 nonfiction
$10-$40 art

? No Themed issues

See submission periods
Escape Artists (Escape Pod, PseudoPod, Cast of Wonders, PodCastle)


https://escapepod.submittable.com/submit (Science fiction)

http://podcastle.org/guidelines/ (Fantasy)

http://pseudopod.org/submissions/ (Horror)

http://www.castofwonders.org/submissions/ (YA)
8 cents/word for original stories,
$100 for reprints
YesYes Speculative fiction
Scum DEFUNCT $60 AUD ? ? Feminist leanings

Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, rants, memoirs, and more
MARY https://www.stmarys-ca.edu/mfa-in-creative-writing/mary-journal $30 ? No Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid genres
Frozen Wavelets  https://earthianhivemind.net/frozen-wavelets/?fbclid=IwAR0P-PiUCwG8VAQpRh8KK-zsLFsWtYa4IJA7B5nc7e4pE1M6e2H4IbE8Ugo fiction (US $ 0.08/ word) and US $ 1/ line per poetry

1 cent/word for reprints
No Yes Speculative flash fiction and poetry
VIDA Review https://www.vidaweb.org/vida-review/submit/ $15-$20 per author Yes No Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, and interviews.

"We are exclusively interested in work by those often marginalized in literary spaces, including people of color; women, agender, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, non-binary, trans, and two-spirit people; LGBQIA people; people with disabilities; and people living at the intersections of these identities."
Story Brewing http://storybrewingpodcast.com/story-submissions/ $5 ? Yes "We look for stories of all genres and themes that are entertaining, engaging, well-written, and interesting." 
Fiyah http://www.fiyahlitmag.com/submissions/ $50 - $300 No No Quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features stories and poetry by and about Black people of the African Diaspora.
Fractured Lit https://fracturedlit.com/submit/ $50 for original micro fiction and $75 for original flash fiction Yes No Micro fiction and flash fiction
The Blue Marble https://bluemarblereview.com/submit/ $25 per published piece, $75 for cover art.  ? ? Publishes art and creative writing by people between the ages of 13-22 
Aftermath https://www.aftermathmag.org/submissions.html 2 cents/word for short stories; 1 cent/word for everything else Yes Yes Humans are doing so much damage to the natural world that it can only end in a spate of perfect storms that will wreck our civilization. These inevitable apocalyptic events offer a wealth of inspiration.
Scarlet https://jadedibispress.com/contact/

$80 YesNo Poetry, fiction, essays, and creative nonfiction
Paranoid Tree https://www.paranoidtree.com/blog/anote $50 Yes No Micro fiction, creative nonfiction, or prose poetry
Short Circuit https://short-edition.com/en/contest/short-circuit-short-circuit-02/guidelines 100 euros for short stories, 50 euros for poems Yes No Short stories and poems of maximum 7,500 characters (spaces included) or children's works of maximum 7,000 characters.
Sylvia http://www.sylviamagazine.com/ £1.75 per line for poetry or £0.25 per word for prose Yes No Poetry, short stories and flash fiction. 
Berkeley Fiction Review https://berkeleyfictionreview.org/submit/short-fiction/ $25 Yes No Short fiction 
The Dirty Spoon http://www.dirty-spoon.com/submissions/ $50 Yes Yes Nonfiction: essays, interviews and articles about people who work in our consumable culture.
Sand https://sandjournal.com/submit/ Not specified Yes ? Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
Fecund https://fecundmag.com/submit $50 ? No Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
The West Review CLOSED Not specified Yes No Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art
NGY Review https://ngyreview.com/submission ¥1 per word for short stories and essays, and around ¥1000 per poem (Payment in yen, journal is based in Japan) Yes ? Fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction

Has themes
Newest York http://www.newestyork.co/submit/ $50 ? ? Nonfiction: recipes, profiles, essays, interviews, criticism. Emphasis on arts strongly encouraged. Contributors must reside in NYC, and pitch must present some tangential connection to the city.
Off Assignment  https://www.offassignment.com/write-for-us $100 ? ? We all harbor thoughts about the strangers at the edges of our lives. Write a letter to an unshakeable stranger you’ve met along the way, whether traveling across the world, the country, or down the street. 
Vida https://www.vidaweb.org/vida-review/submit/ $20 Yes No Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, and interviews
A Velvet Giant https://www.avelvetgiant.com/submit/ $20 Yes Yes All genres

We are especially interested in work by genderqueer & LGBTQ+ people, women, people of color, global writers, and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
The Write City Magazine https://www.chicagowrites.org/write_city_magazine/guidelines $50/CWA members, $25/nonmembers per prose piece and $35/members, $10/nonmembers per poem.
? No Fiction, nonfiction and poetry

1500 words max for prose
Minola Review http://www.minolareview.com/contact $20 Yes No Poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction from women and non-binary writers.
The Pomegranate  https://thepomegranatelondon.com/writing-submissions Fiction and nonfiction: £30 per story/essay

Poetry: £30 per poem

Each issue will also select a single poem, story, essay  or artwork to receive £200
? No Poems, short stories, flash fiction and essays. All submissions must feature an artist or an artist's tool, creation or environment in some way. 
Hoosier Review https://www.hoosier-review.com/submit $20 Yes ? Short stories
Wondrous Real https://www.wondrousrealmag.com/submissions $10 US dollars for short stories and $5 for other pieces Yes No Magical Realism fiction, poetry, art
Stanchion https://www.stanchionzine.com/blank-page $10 Yes No Short stories (<2500 words), CNF, poetry, prose poems, flash fiction, stray thoughts, interviews with inanimate objects, comics, illustrations, black & white photography (portrait-oriented images are preferred), b&w drawings, and other evocative images of mixed media artwork (also in black and white)
Areo https://areomagazine.com/submissions/ £40 (about $50) for a regular and £80 for a feature ? ? Areo publishes thoughtful essays from a variety of perspectives compatible with broadly liberal and humanist values. It places particular priority on evidence and reason centred pieces. As much as possible, Areo tries to avoid polarizing tribalistic stances and prioritizes intellectual balance, charity, honesty and rigor.
Sixty Inches From Center https://sixtyinchesfromcenter.org/write-for-sixty-2020/ $25 – $125 ? ? Writing, photography, art, archive materials, video, and conversations relevant to the cultural landscapes of the Midwest.
City. River. Tree. https://cityrivertree.com/submissions/ 2 cents/word Yes Yes Flash fiction, pictographs
youngmag https://www.youngmag.io/submissions $75 ? ? Flash fiction, short story, non-fiction, poetry, diary entries, and excerpts.
Brazenhead Review https://brazenheadreview.submittable.com/submit $10 for poetry or any short works, and $25 for prose or any longer works. ? ? Brazenhead Review is interested in all forms of literature, especially those texts that are uncategorizable, boundary-breaking, and multiplicitous.
Night Coffee  https://www.night-coffee.com/submit $50 Yes  No Poetry, art, and ephemera
Abandon Journal https://abandonjournal.com/submission-guidelines/ $15 Yes No Flash, short stories, poems, art, hybrid, book reviews
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  1. Wow, this is so useful, thank you!

  2. Thank you for putting this together. Looks very useful.

  3. This is so generous of you. Many thanks.

  4. This is so generous of you. Many thanks.

  5. Just wanted to let you know parenthetical is not a paying market, sadly. Thank you very much for all your hard work. You're a rockstar!

  6. Thanks so much for this! You've saved me a ton of time.


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