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Photo by Daniel Joseph Petty from Pexels |
I have a special fondness for Canadian literary magazines. They usually pay their writers, don't ask for "perpetual rights," and for the most part do not charge submission fees. In addition, Canada has a deep respect for literature and literacy. It is an honor to be published in one of their literary journals.
All of these magazines are paying markets. The majority accept non-Canadian writers. English is the preferred language, but sometimes French is accepted as well. I have indicated which magazines have submission periods. (Read their guidelines carefully.)
Note: You can find hundreds more paying markets on this page: Paying Markets.
Journal | Guidelines | Payment | Notes |
The Ex-Puritan | https://puritan-magazine.submittable .com /submit |
$100 per interview,
$200 per essay,
$100 per review,
$150 per work of fiction, and
$35 per poem (or page, capped at $120 for poems
running four pages or more), $50 for hybrid work.
Publishes fiction, essays, poetry, and reviews. All submissions must be previously unpublished (this includes self-publishing, publishing on blogs, and in chapbook format) |
Queen's Quarterly | https://www.queensu.ca/quarterly/submissions-correspondence | Negotiated | Articles, essays, and reviews should not exceed 2500 words |
Agnes and True | http://agnesandtrue.com/ submission-guidelines/ |
$75.00 (CAD) per short story | Prefers Canadians, but anyone with "Canadian sensibilities" will be considered Submission periods |
Antigonish Review | http://www.antigonishreview.com /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id =190:submission-guidelines&catid=65&Itemid=101 |
Poetry $5.00 per page to a maximum of $25.00 plus two copies Fiction $50.00 plus two c opies (one digital and one print) Articles/Essays $50.00 plus two copies (one digital and one print) Book Reviews $50.00 plus two copies (one digital and one print) Cover Art $100.00 plus two copies (one digital and one print) |
No simultaneous submissions |
The Malahat Review | http://www.malahatreview.ca/ submission_guidelines.html#general |
$60 CAD per published page Accepts poetry, fiction, reviews, CNF, translations, art |
No simultaneous submissions |
Our Times | https://ourtimes.ca/write-for-us | $50 | Poems that reflect the themes of workers' lives, rights, insights, and social justice. Canadians only. |
The Sprawl Mag | https://www.thesprawlmag.ca/guidelines | $20 |
Speculative poetry, short fiction, and visual art. "Whether it is utopic, dystopic, magical, or sci-fi, we look forward to seeing your work." See submission periods |
Arc Poetry | http://arcpoetry.ca/submit/ | $50 per page Poetry, reviews of poetry, articles about poetry |
Poetry See submission periods |
Augur | http://www.augurmag.com/submissions/ | For reprints: $10 per flash and $20 per short story For previously unpublished fiction/poetry rates are: $25 for flash, $20 for poetry, and $0.02/word for fiction. |
See submission periods |
Canthius | http://www.canthius.com/submissions/ | $15 per poem and $50 per work of prose (fiction and CNF) | Accepts poetry and prose from a diversity of established and emerging women and genderqueer writers. Submission periods |
CAROUSEL | https://carousel.submittable.com/submit | Fiction: 1-4 pgs: $55 / 5+ pgs: $100; Poetry: $20 per work (paid in CDN currency) | Fee to submit online. No fee for snail mail. Submission periods |
carte blanche | http://carte-blanche.org/submissions/ | Modest honorarium | Accepts poetry, fiction, CNF, translation, photography, comics Submission periods |
Shrapnel | https://www.shrapnelmagazine.com/submit | All fiction, CNF, and essay publications are paid $25; original artwork for stories and comics are paid $20; and poetry, book reviews, interviews, and columns are paid $15 | Canadian writers only Submission periods |
Contemporary Verse 2: The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing | http://www.contemporaryverse2.ca/ en/submission-guidelines |
Poetry: $30 per poem, Interviews: $50-$100, Articles: $50-$100, Essays: $40-$150, Reviews: $50-$80 |
Accepts submissions from Sept. 1 through May 31. |
Existere | https://existere.info.yorku.ca/submissions/ | Small honorarium | Accepts all genres of poetry, short plays, short stories, postcard/flash fiction, art and literature reviews, critical essays, interviews, sketches, photos, etc. |
Feathertale | https://feathertale.com/submissions/ | Only contributors that are published in print journal will receive payment |
Publishes humorous poetry, short fiction, cartoons and sketches Submission periods |
The Fiddlehead | https://thefiddlehead.submittable.com /submit |
$60 CAD per published page | Accepts fiction, including excerpts from novels, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Different submission periods for different forms. See submission periods. |
filling Station | $25 honorarium | Accepts poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, critical non-fiction (about literature and occasionally about visual art), and visual art. | |
Freefall | https://freefall.submittable.com/submit | $10.00 per page in the magazine, to a maximum of $100.00 $25.00 per poem $10 for artwork |
Non-contest submissions are closed from September 1st to December 31st. Accepts fiction, poetry, CNF, art, book reviews. Canadians only |
Grain | https://grainmagazine.ca/submit | $50 per page to a maximum of $250 | Submission periods Accepts poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction |
HA&L | https://halmagazine.wordpress.com /submit/submit-to-hal-magazine/ |
Small honorarium | Publishes poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, long form essays, reviews, portfolios, video, film, and sound. |
The New Quarterly | https://tnq.ca/submit/ | $275 for fiction and nonfiction, $50 for poetry | Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry Canadians only |
On Spec | https://onspecmag.wordpress.com /submissions/ |
Poems (4-100 lines): $50 plus Short-short stories (under 1000 words): $50 Fiction (6000 words max.) 1000-2999 words: $125 3000-4999 words: $175 5000-6000 words: $200 |
Accepts speculative fiction, poetry Submission periods |
Plenitude Magazine | http://plenitudemagazine.ca/submit/ submissionguidelines/ |
$100 per prose contribution (including book reviews and articles) and $50 per poem. | Seeking LGBTQ literary fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, and novel excerpts Submission periods |
Prairie Fire | https://www.prairiefire.ca/submissions/ | 10 cents/word up to $250, online max is $75 $40 per poem Art rate varies |
Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art Snail mail only |
Pulp Literature | http://pulpliterature.com/submissions /submission-guidelines/ |
$0.035 – $0.07 per word for short stories (to 7000 words), $0.025 – $0.05 per word between 7000 and 10000 words, and $0.015 – $0.035 per word for works over 10000 words. Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50. Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page |
Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations Submission periods Accepts some reprints at half rate |
Room | http://roommagazine.com/submit | $50 for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art by women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people |
subTerrain | http://subterrain.ca/about/35/sub-terrain-writer-s-guidelines | Poetry: $50 per poem Prose: $.10 per word (to a maximum of $500.) |
Fee to submit online, no fee for snail mail |
The Temz Review | https://www.thetemzreview.com/submissions.html | $20 | Fiction, poetry, and reviews Submission periods |
Vallum | https://vallummag.com/submit/ | Payment not specified | Poetry, essays, reviews Charges for online submissions Submission periods |
The Ampersand Review | https://theampersandreview.ca/submit | Poetry: $50 per poem/page to a maximum of $100. Fiction: $100 per story. Non-fiction: $100 per piece. Reviews: $100 per piece. | Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews Priority is given to Canadians Submission periods |
Geist | http://www.geist.com/writers/submit | $100 - $1200 | Canadian connection required Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art Submission periods |
Polar Borealis | http://polarborealis.ca/submission-guidelines/ | 1 cent per word. $10 for one thousand words or less. $20 for two thousand words or less (but reasonably above one thousand). $30 for three thousand words or less (but reasonably above two thousand) | Canadians only Speculative fiction and poetry Reading periods |
Canadian Literature | http://canlit.ca/submissions/submission-guidelines/ | Small honorarium | Poetry, reviews, articles Canadians only |
Funicular | https://funicularmagazine. submittable.com/submit |
Short story: $10/printed page (up to a maximum of $100) Flash: $25 per piece Poetry: $25 per piece Pays for print publication only Does not pay for online publication |
Reading periods |
Asparagus | https://medium.com/asparagus-magazine/submission-guidelines-3e0eb7a4b5d7 | C$0.25/word | Non-fiction and humor only (no fiction) |
Raconteur | http://raconteurmag.com/submissions/ | $10 for prose, $5 for art | Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art |
Eavesdrop | https://www.eavesdropmagazine.ca/submissions | $30 per poem, $70 per short fiction and CNF piece, $30 per comic | "Queer-focused multimedia magazine" Canadians only |
Riddle Fence | http://www.riddlefence.com/submissions | $30/page | Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art, reviews and features |
Qwerty | https://www.qwertyunb.com/submit | $15 (CAD) | Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art |
Hermine | https://www.hermineannual.com/submit/ | $50 to $200 CAD per story, plus two contributor copies. | Short fiction up to 4,000 words Submission periods |
Little Blue Marble | https://littlebluemarble.ca/submission-guidelines/ | 11 a word for original works up to 2000 words. "If the CAD/USD exchange rate dips below that which would match SFWA's 8¢/word pro rate, we will amend contracts to offer USD 8¢/word at time of payment. We offer $0.01 a word for reprints." | We publish speculative fiction that examines humanity's possible futures living with anthropogenic climate change. Nonfiction articles and essays on climate change, and profiles of people on the front lines of climate work in the 1000-2000 word range. |
Class Collective | CLOSED | CA$10 for poetry, and CA$20 for fiction, essays, and commentary | We’re proud to publish writing that has a class based perspective on politics and culture. However, we encourage writers to interpret this prompt as creatively as they’d like—the sky’s the limit! We have multiple categories, including poetry, short fiction, essays, and commentary. |
Hexagon | https://hexagonmagazine.ca/submit/ | $5 for accepted poetry and cartoons, $10 for flash fiction, $15 for works between 1,001-4,999 words, $20 for accepted written works over 5,000 words, $30 for Graphic Stories and $110 for cover art pieces. CAD | Speculative fiction Open for submissions for the first 7 days of every second month. |
Eavesdrop Magazine | https://www.eavesdropmagazine.ca/submissions | $30 per poem, $70 per short fiction, CNF piece, and short play, $70 per visual art piece, $30 per comic | Canadian writers (anyone living in Canada for work, school, asylum, etc, as well as artists living on traditional, unceded territories, is welcome to submit) See submission periods |
Mystery Magazine | https://mysterymagazine.ca/submit | 2¢/word USD for accepted stories | "The stories we feature in our monthly issues span every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries" |
Quagmire | https://www.quagmiremagazine.com/submissions | $50 | Absurd situations, surreal settings, experimental plots, characters, and ideas. "We want whacky, weird, and everything in between." |
Funemployment Quarterly | https://funemployment.xyz/submissions/ | $20 CAD | Science-fiction/fantasy on themes See deadlines |
Absynthe | https://www.absynthe.ca/submit | $75 per piece. Any visual artists that get published will be compensated $50 per piece. | All genres from poetry, prose, to creative nonfiction, and anything in between |
Heartlines Spec | https://www.heartlines-spec.com/submission-guidelines/ | $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction and $80 CAD flat for poetry | Sci-fi/fantasy short fiction and poetry focused on long-term relationships: platonic, romantic, or familial Primarily looking for writers identifying as being from Canada/Turtle Island. This includes expats, new immigrants, and people who refuse/resist Canadian Identity. |
The Polyglot | https://www.thepolyglotmagazine.com/submit | $100 CAD | Multilingual art, poems, essays, stories, artworks, and translations Has submission periods |
Toronto Journal | https://torontojournal.com/submit/ | $50 CAD | Short stories from anywhere in the world. We will also consider non-fiction pieces about local history (Toronto, GTA, and surrounding). Print and audio No word limit |
This Magazine | https://this.org/contribute/ | $50 - $125 | Fiction, poetry and nonfiction (not always open to fiction and poetry) Canadians only |
Over/Exposed | https://overexposedlit.uvic.ca/submission-guidelines/ | $15 CAD | Flash, short fiction, and non-fiction personal essays/memoir, poetry, reviews, experimental, art. "we are focused on the publication of works that are vulnerable, experimental, a little bit weird and sexy." Accepts international submissions, but prioritizes grad students Has submission periods |
oteh nîkân | https://otehnikan.ca/about-us/submission-guidelines-payment/ | $200 - $300 CAD | Publishes poetry, fiction, and non-fiction by LGBTQ2S+ Indigenous writer |
Block Party Magazine | https://blockpartymagazine.com/submit | $10 | Themed issues Poetry, fiction, CNF, art |
Frost Zone | https://www.frostzonestories.com/p/submissions.html | $15 CAD | Accepts international submissions Literary dark fiction |
Polymorphic | https://polymorphicmagazine.com/submissions/ | $30 CAD | Short horror stories and art |
Table Cell | Table Cell | Table Cell | Table Cell |
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