Friday, August 5, 2022

109 Paying Markets for Flash Fiction


Updated 11/11/23

Flash fiction is shorter than the normal range of short stories, which are generally 3,000 words or more. The precise length remains somewhat elusive. Some literary journals ask for 2,000 words or less, others set maximum word counts in the hundreds. Each publication has its own style, its own format, and its own needs, so whether your 1,953-word short story qualifies as "flash" is entirely up to the editors.

Flash fiction is very popular. There are dozens of sites where you can read flash fiction on a daily basis. This is perfect for people who are commuting on a train, waiting to see a doctor, or have other brief, potentially interrupted periods of time to fill.

Below is a list of paying markets for flash fiction. I have included links to submission guidelines, payment information, and word counts where available. Make sure you follow their guidelines carefully. (Editors don't consider submissions that fail to follow guidelines.) None of these magazines charge submission fees.

For my excellent list of paying markets, nicely organized by genre and form, see Paying Markets.

JournalSubmission GuidelinesPaymentNotes
more for commissioned work.
See reading period

500 words max
ergot$25Experimental horror
Fabula Argentea
$5 up to 1000 wordsAccepts all genres
Flash Fiction Online$100 for otiginals; reprints $.02 (two cents)
per word
500 to 1000 words
Brazenhead Review$10Has submission periods

Also accepts poetry
Every Day Fiction
$3Up to 1,000 words
Stupefying Stories$15

$5 for reprints
Science fiction, fantasy, and horror, in that order
Longleaf Review$20Horror

1000 words max

See submission periods
The Quilliad
$13Canadians only

See submission periods
Manawaker Studios cent/wordFlash fiction podcast

ideal length
is around 800 words, but
stories as short
as 250 or as
long as 1500
may be considered
Craft$100Reprints accepted (no pay)
Baltimore Review
$50 You can submit up to 3 pieces of flash fiction

See submission periods
The Cafe Irreal cent/wordMagical realism

2000 words max
Up to 10 cents/wordFor teens
The Cincinnati Review
$25/page500 words maximum

Submit up to 3 pieces
Electric Lit$100Electric Lit has short, infrequent submission periods
Odyssa$30Travel themes

700-1500 words
Chestnut Review$120All genres

1,000 words max
The San Franciscan, Flash Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

While contributors do not need to be current residents of San Francisco, we are looking for authors with a strong connection to the Bay Area.
Copper Nickel

Has begun to charge for submissions
$30/printed pageSubmission periods September 1 to December 15, January 15 to March 1
Tales and Feathers cents CAD/wordCozy slice-of-life fantasy short stories

2,500 words max

Has submission periods
Ruminate$20/400 words for proseAlso accepts poetry and art

Has submission periods
The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts$50"We accept fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, mixed media, visual arts, and even kitchen sinks"

See reading periods
Funny Times

500-700 words
$130Science fiction

850 - 950 words
Paper Butterfly$15 CADUp to 1000 words

Has submission periods
Calliope Interactive cents/wordSpeculative fiction
Hexagon cent/word CADSpeculative fiction

Has submission periods
Twenty-two Twenty-eight

$30500 - 2000 words

Accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, non-fiction essays, visual art, music, and videos. 

$10Accepts reprints

Each issue has a theme
The Temz Review$20If your pieces are fewer than 1000 words each, feel free to submit several pieces at once

See submission periods
Daily Science Fiction cents/wordSpeculative fiction only

100 - 1000 words
 Curiosities$50 for stories under 1000 words
5 cents a word USD for original fiction and a penny a word for reprints
Steampunk, dieselpunk, dreadpunk, bronzepunk, others that haven’t even been invented yet punk 
The Ex-Puritan$75See submission periods

Submissions are free on a limited basis
Lammergeier$25Submit up to 3 flash pieces
Gordon Square Review$251,000 words max

See submission periods
Nightmare Fuel cents AUD per wordDark fiction and poetry

666 words max

Australian writers only
Last Girls Club$0.01 USD per wordFeminist horror

See submission periods
Wyldblood Press
£0.01 per word for print and digital rights (to a maximum of £75)
1000 words max for flash fiction

See submission periods
New Myths
3 cents/word with a minimum payment of $50Speculative fiction (no horror)

See reading periods
Curiouser Magazine

(Australia)$20 - $75(AU)Also accepts poetry and short stories up to 5,000 words

See reading periods

Submit up to two pieces of flash fiction (750 words or fewer)
Intrepidus Ink$.02/word for flash fiction 300 – 1,000 words. $30 flat rate for short stories 1,500 – 2,500 wordsHas themes

See submission periods

Brilliant Flash Fiction$201,000 words or fewer

All genres
Three-lobed Burning Eye
$30 for flash fictionHorror and
dark fantasy, magical realism, slipstream,
cross genre, or weird fiction
Paranoid Tree$50Up to 400 words

Points in Case$10 for lists, $35 stories under 1,000 wordsHumor under 1000 words, lists
Prose Online$50Up to 1,000 words
Mithila$10Under 2,500 words

Speculative fiction

See reading periods
Dark Dispatch$25Dark fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and crime

Themed issues

See reading periods

Up to 1,000 words
Timber Ghost Press$51000 words max


Opens from the 1st to the 10th of every month
The Arcanist$50Medium-based publication, weekly

1000 words max

Speculative fiction

Has reading periods
$501000 words max
Flash Fiction Magazine$40

Only pays for stories selected for anthologies
300–1000 words
The Archive€50We want the weird, the unexpected, the completely new. No theme, no genre, no need to be previously unpublished

2000 words max

Has submission periods
Fractured Lit$50 for original micro fiction and $75 for original flash fiction400-1000 words

See submission periods
Middle House Review: Height Chart$25Up to 1000 words

See submission periods
Baffling Magazine cents/wordUnder 1,200 words

We are looking for speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror with a queer bent. We want queer stories and we want trans stories and we want aro/ace stories. We want indefinable stories. We welcome weird, slipstream, and interstitial writing.  

See submission periods
Short Circuit euros for short stories, 50 euros for poemsShort stories and poems of maximum 7,500 characters (spaces included) or children's works of maximum 7,000 characters.
42 Stories Anthology

42 centsStories must be exactly 42 words long and fit into one of 42 categories

BAM periodically posts new calls on his blog

Microverses is $1 USD/line. Payment for fiction is a flat $2.80 USD/piece.Speculative work up to 280 characters long.
Poetry up to 8 lines long.

Has submission periods
City. River. Tree. cents/wordFlash fiction 100 - 500 words

Reprints accepted
The Theatre Phantasmagoria£10Horror flash fiction up to 2,000 words.
Flash Point Science Fiction$15Speculative fiction stories from 100 to 1,000 words in length

Has submission periods
Orion’s Belt cents/wordSpeculative fiction up to 1,200 words

Has submission periods
The Masters Review New Voices$100Open to new or emerging author who has not published a work of fiction or narrative nonfiction of novel length.

1,000 words max
Split Lip$50 - $75 per author (via PayPal) for web issues. Payment for print is $5 per page, minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies and a 1-year subscriptionFiction (flash and short stories), memoirs, and poetry. with a pop-culture twist.

Submit early to avoid submission fees.

See submission periods
Flash Frog$251,000 words max
The Forge Literary Magazine$75Open to all genres and voices 

"We love flash and micro prose."

Opens to free submissions on the first of the month until they hit their quota
Scrawl Space$35CNF, Fiction, Poetry, Hybrids

Must be connected to a specific place

No length requirements
Havok$10 for each story published in an anthologyMystery, scifi, comedy, thriller, and fantasy

300 - 1000 words

See themes
Aphabet Box$20Fiction, poetry

900 words max

See submission periods
Sage Cigarettes$5 Fiction, nonfiction up to 1000 words

See submission periods
Tales From Between£152000-to-6000 words. "Not strict, we’re flexible."

Accepts reprints

Has submission periods
MetaStellar cents/wordScience fiction, fantasy, horror up to 1000 words

See submission periods

A Velvet Giant$20"We are open to work that takes the shape of basically any format: words, recordings, visual art, hybrid forms, etc. We are open to translated original work."

See submission periods
The Lorelei Signal$5Fantasy with strong female characters

1000 words max
Factor Four cents/wordScience fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination up to 1000 words
U.S. Kids

Humpty Dumpty

Jack and Jill$20 - $40 and upFlash fiction and nonfiction for children
Aquila £105Short stories between 1,000 and 1,150 words; Nonfiction articles of 800 words for children
Nightmare Diaries$0.10 per wordDark fiction short stories, fairy tales, flash fiction, and novellas of 500-10,000 words
The Colored Lens$10Speculative fiction 500 words and up
Ripe Fiction$40500 words max

Flash fiction inspired by recent events

See submission periods 
The Fabulist$100Fantastical flash fiction

See submission periods 
The Waking$10Fiction and nonfiction, image text/hybrid work up to 1500 words

See submission periods
Tree and Stone$0.02 per word; $20 for artSurrealism, magical realism, fabulism, slipstream, anything that might be deemed unconventional.

1000 words max

See submission periods
Flickers of Fear.$10 for poetry and flash fiction. $25 - $50 for artHorror

See themes
Rough Cut Press words max; $25Experimental poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art

LGBTQIA writers only

Themed issues

Interstellar Flight Press cents/wordSpeculative flash fiction.

See submission periods
The Good Life Review: "Micro Monday" (online)$25 Flash fiction and CNF (500 words) and poetry

See submission periods
Unnerving Magazine$15 for flash fictionHorror and suspense

400 - 1,500 words

See submission periods
The Bureau Dispatch$50 "Our stories often contain a hint of the speculative, a dash of the intriguing." 

500 - 1,500 words

See submission periods
The Offing$25 - $100, depending on length and departmentBack of the envelope seeks writing of any length which relates to, or draws on, science and the natural world

The offing also publishes art, fiction, CNF, poetry, micro-fiction, translations, and humor
101 Words$10 for flash fiction anthologiesStories of exactly 101 words
Flickers of Fear$10Flash fiction up to 300 words and poetry


Has themes
The MaulCLOSED8 cents/word for original fiction, 2 cents/word for reprintsHorror between 100 and 3,000 words.

Has reading periods
Etherea Magazine$25 for flash fiction (1000 words max)Australian publication

Fantasy and science fiction, 500 to 1000 words for flash fiction
Midnight and Indigo$100 - $200Short Stories, Speculative Fiction, and Personal Essays written by Black women writers

1500 words minimum 
The First Line$25.00 - $50.00 for fictionFiction, poetry, nonfiction using the first line provided

300 - 5,000 words - all genres
Short Story Substack$1006 words - 10,000 words, any genre
Trampset$253,000 words max - any genre

Free submissions for broke writers
Apogee/Perigee$50Under 1000 words

See submission periods
Stanchion$10Stanchion is looking for original, never-before-published short stories (3000-ish word max), flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, prose poems, stray thoughts, short screenplays, monologues, experimental work, interviews with inanimate objects, reviews of everyday items and moments, comics, black & white photography (vertical, portrait-oriented images are preferred), black & white drawings, black & white collage art, and other evocative images of mixed media artwork (you guessed it, also in black and white).

Has short submission periods
The Suburban Review words (payment $200) 500-1000 words (payment $150) AUDPoetry, prose and art on themes
Aothen Magazine$10Ancient Greece/Roman/Egyptian related poetry, fiction (1000 words max), nonfiction (2500 words max), art, translations

Quarterly submission schedule
Book Worms cents/wordHorror

Short fiction 500 – 3000 words
Sasee, humor, satire, personal experience, and features on topics relating to women

500-1000 words
Freeze Frame Fiction$10"Any genre, no content restrictions. We want your science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, drama, literary works, satire, bizarre fiction, or anything else you can come up with or mix together. The more original, the better. The weirder, the better.”
Abandon Journal$15Flash - up to 1000 words
Sci-fi Shorts of pooled royaltiesUp to 1000 words

Science fiction
Air and Nothingness Press cents/wordExactly 1000 words

Has submission periods

Speculative fiction anthologies
Goatshed Press£25 All genres

Also accepts short stories, poetry, novels, novellas, graphic novels
The Drop$10Dark fantasy and science fiction

Up to 1000 words

See submission periods
The Aurora Journal$12Poetry and prose

1000 words max for prose
Small Wonders flash fiction: $0.10/word

Reprint flash fiction: $0.01/word or $10, whichever is more

Poems: $60

Art: $125 for reprint rights
Speculative fiction and poetry with elements not of this world: fantasy, science fiction, horror

1000 words max for prose

Accepts reprints
Nightlight (Podcast)

Flash fiction (750-1,500 words) is paid at $0.05 per word.Horror

At least one of your birth parents must be Black.

See submission periods
Stone's Throw$25Noir stories

Themed issues

1000 - 2000 words
The Cosmic (Microwave) Background cents/wordSlipstream

1000 words max
Flash Digest cent a wordScience fiction, fantasy, and spooky horror

Art accepted

1500 words max
Loft £30Up to 500 words

All work must be free of violence

Also accepts poetry and short stories (up to 3000 words)
Matchbook$20Up to 1000 words
Table CellTable CellTable CellTable Cell

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