Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Round 11 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs Great Britain

In the latest round of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars, Great Britain is calling for an anti-trust inquiry into Amazon's bad "behaviour."

Amazon's book sales accounted for nearly one-third of all book sales in the UK, and nearly 80% of ebook sales. Britain's booksellers are worried, and rightly so, that they will be driven out of business. 

The inquiry will investigate precisely how Amazon is smashing the competition, but there will be no surprises concerning Amazon's tactics.

Because Amazon is the "everything store" it can afford to lose money on books. Amazon has claimed that it is on the "side of the consumers" by keeping prices low, but, in reality, it is merely using its broad sales platform to drive all of its competitors out of business. Once there is no competition, Amazon can do what it likes.

British retailers and book publishers are attempting to provide online sales outlets to compete with Amazon, but, so far, they have not had great success.  Frankly, it may be a case of "too little, too late."

So far, the US has not taken a stand on the Amazon empire - nor will it ever. Despite our official support of free trade, we believe in monopolies.

Rounds (so far) in the Amazon vs Everybody Wars (click on the red title to view)

Round 10 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs Japan
Amazon ranks publishers according to how much they pay Amazon. Publishers call it "blackmail."

Round 9 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs Authors
900 American authors post a letter in the NYT asking people to write to Jeff Bezos about his hardball tactics. 1000 European authors follow suit.

Round 8 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs Disney
Amazon removes the preorder option of nearly every title from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

Round 7 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs the FTC
The FTC says it is "seeking full refunds for all affected consumers, disgorgement of Amazon's ill-gotten gains, and a court order ensuring that in the future Amazon obtains permission before imposing charges for in-app purchases."

Round 6 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs The Authors Guild
"The Guild has often opposed Amazon’s more ruthless tactics, not because we’re anti-Amazon but because we believe the company has stepped over the line and threatened the publishing ecosystem in ways that jeopardize both our livelihoods and the future of authorship itself."

Round 5 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs France
French lawmakers adopt a bill that prevents Amazon and other online giants from offering free deliveries of discounted books, in a bid to support the country's small bookshops. (Amazon sidesteps the law by offering deliveries for one penny.)

Round 4 of the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs Germany
German publishers launch an antitrust complaint against Amazon.

Amazon Socks it to Time Warner: Authors, Are You Paying Attention?
Amazon Stops Taking Advance Orders for ‘Lego’ and Other Warner Videos

Amazon Squashes Major Publishing House - Again (Hachette)
Amazon delays publication of Hachette titles, stalls shipments, removes pre-order capabilities, and raises prices while offering cheaper substitutes.

Round 1 in the Amazon vs Everybody Wars: Amazon vs Macmillan.
Amazon pulls all Macmillan books, including its imprints Farrar, Straus & Giroux, St. Martins Press and Henry Holt in a pricing dispute. 

Publishers call for UK antitrust inquiry into Amazon

By Henry Mance, Financial Times, September 18, 2014

British publishers have called for a competition inquiry into Amazon’s dominance, saying that the UK’s retail book market “suffers from a chronic and debilitating imbalance for authors, publishers and booksellers”.

The move is the latest broadside against Amazon – which is already facing a protracted battle against French publisher Hachette and a competition complaint from German booksellers.

Read the rest of this article here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Self-Publishing Boom in Great Britain

According to Steve Bohme, research director at Nielsen Book, the British self-published market is a "growth industry," meaning it is still quite small compared to overall sales of books. That may put somewhat of a damper on its spectacular growth. Nonetheless, 18 million self-published titles purchased (worth £59 million) is nothing to sneeze at.

While the book industry continues to regard the self-publishing market with a somewhat lazy eye, Amazon has not. As a consequence, it is attracting increasing numbers of self-published authors, even as it undercuts its competition.

Great Britain is taking steps to curb Amazon's enthusiasm, but given the growing popularity of its self-publishing platform, as well as the increasing use of ebook readers, it's not likely traditional retailers will be able to get a foot in the door of the ebook market. Especially now that self-published authors are beginning to gain a following on Amazon.

Self-publishing boom lifts sales by 79% in a year

By Alison Flood - The Guardian, June 13, 2014

As authors are becoming more established, they get followings, just like mainstream authors, so the self-published market is becoming more like the traditionally published market," [Bohme] said.

"Self-published ebooks tend to be impulse buys, discovered by browsing in genre, or in the recommendation or offer sections. However, they are increasingly planned, via author. [So] price and blurb are the top prompts to buy self-published ebooks, but series and characters are increasingly important."

Read the rest of this article here.

Friday, September 26, 2014

2 Literary Agents Actively Seeking Writers

Updated 5/1/19

Here are two agents actively building their client lists. Brent is a new agent at TriadaUS. Lana is an established agent with a list of clients that she is seeking to expand.

Remember to check the agent's bio and submission requirements on the agency's website before querying. Submission requirements often change, and agents may switch agencies or close their lists.

For a list of dozens of new and established agents looking for writers see: Agents Seeking Clients

Brent Taylor of TriadaUS Literary Agency 

About Brent: Prior to joining TriadaUS Literary Agency, Inc., he completed numerous internships in publishing, most recently at The Bent Agency. Find Brent on Twitter @NaughtyBrent

What he is seeking: “My tastes are eclectic, but all of my favorite novels are similar in that they have big commercial hooks and fantastic writing. I am seeking smart, fun, and exciting books for readers of middle grade, young adult, new adult, and select mystery/crime and women’s fiction.

Middle Grade: for younger readers I am on the hunt for a humorous, intelligent fantasy; a scare-the-pants-off-me ghost or haunting story; fast-paced literary writing similar in style to Jerry Spinelli and Cynthia Lord. I have soft spots for larger-than-life characters and atmospheric setting (creepy and/or quirky).

Young Adult: I’m always looking for genre-bending books that can be an exciting puzzlement when thinking about how precisely to market; specifically mystery and crime for teens, the grittier the better; high-concept contemporary stories with addicting romantic tension. I’m a sucker for themes of finding your place in the world, new beginnings, and summer-before-college stories. 

New Adult: my tastes in New Adult tend to be more darkly skewed but I would love a well-executed story that shares the same excitement, wonder, and invigoration of books like LOSING IT. Although I appreciate any story that’s told well in great language, in New Adult I’m more concerned with being entertained and gripped by the edge of my seat than in being stimulated.Adult: I would love a psychological suspense based on actual events, i.e. CARTWHEEL by Jennifer Dubois which fictionalized the Amanda Knox trial and hooked me from beginning to end. Alternatively, 

I’d love high-concept women’s fiction; either an exquisitely told story huge in size and scope, or a less ambitious novel that simply warms my heart.”

How to submit: Send your query letter and first ten pages pasted in the body of the message to brent [at] triadaus.com.


Lana Popovic of Chalberg & Sussman


About Lana: Lana Popovic holds a B.A. with honors from Yale University, a J.D. from the Boston University School of Law, where she focused on intellectual property, and an M.A. with highest honors from the Emerson College Publishing and Writing program. Prior to joining Chalberg & Sussman, Lana worked at Zachary Shuster Harmsworth, where she built a list of Young Adult and adult literary authors while managing foreign rights for the agency.

With an abiding love for dark, edgy themes and shamelessly nerdy fare—Battlestar Galactica and Joss Whedon are two of her great loves—Lana is looking for a broad spectrum of Young Adult and Middle Grade projects, from contemporary realism to speculative fiction, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and historical. For the adult market, Lana is interested in literary thrillers, horror, fantasy, sophisticated erotica and romance, and select nonfiction. An avid traveler, she has a particular fondness for stories set in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia, although she also loves reading deep and original stories about American subcultures. She will be a panelist at the Boston Book Festival this year, and also the AWP 2015 conference.

You can follow her on Twitter at @LanaPopovicLit.

What she is seeking:

Young Adult/Middle Grade Fiction: Contemporary/realistic, mysteries, thrillers, fantasy, historical, horror, sci-fi

Adult Fiction: Literary thrillers, sci-fi, horror, romance, erotica, women’s literary fiction

Adult Nonfiction: Pop culture, blog-to-book, literary memoir

How to contact: To query Lana, please e-mail lana [at] chalbergsussman.com with the first ten pages of the manuscript included in the body of the e-mail. Lana accepts queries by e-mail only.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Writers of the Future Contest - For Sci-fi and Fantasy Writers (No Entry Fee)

If you are a sci-fi or fantasy writer, this is a great contest to enter. It's free, and the prizes are substantial. 

This is a contest for amateur writers only. (See rules below.) So, if you have published a book, or more than three stories in professional publications (at professional rates), you are not eligible.

You can submit an unpublished sci-fi short story or novella (up to 17,000 words). The contest is held four times a year, so there are ample chances to win.


From the website:

L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest is an opportunity for new and amateur writers of new short stories or novelettes of science fiction or fantasy. No entry fee is required. Entrants retain all publication rights. All awards are adjudicated by professional writers only. Prizes every three months: $1,000, $750, $500, Annual Grand Prize: $5,000 additional!

1. No entry fee is required, and all rights in the story remain the property of the author. All types of science fiction, fantasy and dark fantasy are welcome.

2. By submitting to the Contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all Contest rules.

3. All entries must be original works, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification. Excessive violence or sex, determined by the judges, will result in disqualification. Entries may not have been previously published in professional media.

4. To be eligible, entries must be works of prose, up to 17,000 words in length. We regret we cannot consider poetry, or works intended for children.

5. The Contest is open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium. Professional publication is deemed to be payment of at least six cents per word, and at least 5,000 copies, or 5,000 hits.

6. Entries submitted in hard copy must be typewritten or a computer printout in black ink on white paper, printed only on the front of the paper, double-spaced, with numbered pages. All other formats will be disqualified. Each entry must have a cover page with the title of the work, the author’s legal name, a pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, e-mail address and an approximate word count. Every subsequent page must carry the title and a page number, but the author’s name must be deleted to facilitate fair, anonymous judging.

Entries submitted electronically must be double-spaced and must include the title and page number on each page, but not the author’s name. Electronic submissions will separately include the author’s legal name, pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, e-mail address and approximate word count.

7. Manuscripts will be returned after judging only if the author has provided return postage on a self-addressed envelope.

8. We accept only entries that do not require a delivery signature for us to receive them.

9. There shall be three cash prizes in each quarter: a First Prize of $1,000, a Second Prize of $750, and a Third Prize of $500, in US dollars. In addition, at the end of the year the winners will have their entries rejudged, and a Grand Prize winner shall be determined and receive an additional $5,000. All winners will also receive trophies.

10. The Contest has four quarters, beginning on October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. The year will end on September 30. To be eligible for judging in its quarter, an entry must be postmarked or received electronically no later than midnight on the last day of the quarter. Late entries will be included in the following quarter and the Contest Administration will so notify the entrant.

11. Each entrant may submit only one manuscript per quarter. Winners are ineligible to make further entries in the Contest.

12. All entries for each quarter are final. No revisions are accepted.

13. Entries will be judged by professional authors. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own, and are final.

14. Winners in each quarter will be individually notified of the results by phone, mail or e-mail.

15. This Contest is void where prohibited by law.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Amazon Opens Its Doors to Self-Publishers of Children's Books

Even as half of Europe is sharpening their spears in preparation for a protracted war on Amazon, the self-publishing giant has made it even easier to publish books for children.

The main sticking point of uploading children’s books onto Amazon’s platform has been the difficulty of getting illustrations to convert to Kindle. Amazon appears to have solved that problem with KDP Kids, a publishing platform that allows authors to import illustrations, add pop-ups, and preview illustrated books with Kindle Kids' Book Creator.

More to the point, KDP Kids allows authors to target the parents - the people who are going to buy your book - of children in their demographic.

Amazon Unveils KDP Kids

Source: Publishers Weekly, Sep 04, 2014

In a move designed to attract and support children’s book authors and self-publishers, Amazon has launched KDP Kids, a children's-focused illustrated and chapter book category in the Kindle Store.

Amazon is also introducing the Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, a set of authoring tools designed to facilitate the creation and production of kids’ digital titles for the Kindle format, including illustrated titles. Commenting on the launch and ability to create illustrated books, Kindle senior v-p Russ Grandinetti said, “No one should have to be a computer programmer to create a beautiful, illustrated book for kids."

The move marks the continuing growth of digital self-publishing in general as well as the growing number of children’s books already available via KDP. Under the new KDP Kids category, authors will also have access to the Kindle Kids Book Creator, which offers software tools (available for Windows and Mac OS) that can take advantage of Kindle format features like pop-up text, previews and the importation of illustrations.

KDP Kids authors can prepare their prose or illustrated books, upload them to KDP Kids and use a variety of filters for age, grade and reading levels to place the title and attract the specific customer leveled for their titles. Through the KDP Kids platform, authors can earn up to a 70% royalty depending upon book price.

KDP Kids authors will also have access to Kindle Marketing tools such as Countdown Deals and Free Book promotions. They are also eligible to enroll in Kindle Unlimited, Amazon’s e-book subscription service, and the Kindle Lending Library.

Friday, September 19, 2014

List of Reviewers for Traditionally Published Books

Updated 4/17/21

Below is a list of reviewers who exclusively review works that have been published by publishing houses (large and small).

If you have published through a large (or small) publisher, why would you need to contact reviewers? Shouldn't your publisher take care of that?

And if you have self-published, or are considering self-publishing, why you would need a list of reviewers who only review books published through traditional houses?

The answer is:

1) Even if you have self-published a book, you may have published short stories in literary magazines. If you decide to sell your published stories on Amazon (and I hope you consider doing that because it's a good way to get readers), they will need reviews, and

2) Publishers do the bare minimum - if anything - to secure reviews.

No matter how you publish, it's up to you to find reviewers.

Many of the reviewers on this list have heavily trafficked sites, and they cross post their reviews on other sites, which means even one well-placed review can reach a broad audience. Most will accept ebooks and/or PDF files, which cuts down on shipping costs. (Make sure you have a PDF file as well as a mobi file of your book to send to reviewers.)

As always, read review guidelines carefully, and follow them.

Related postsTop 5 Online Resources for Short Story Markets

List of Online Reviewers Who Accept Self-Published Books

Top 12 Sites for Finding Reviewers

Website Review Policy Contact Where Posted Genres
A Book Geek http://abookgeek-llm.blogspot.com

Accepts ARCs, ebooks
Literary fiction,
historical fiction,
urban fantasy,
science fiction,
some Young
A Bookish


Accepts ARCs and books
some Kindle

Website Many genres
Alison's Book

Get Glue
biographies, fantasy,
series, YA,
and graphic
All Things
Urban Fantasy

Accepts print, PDF, EPUB,
MOBI, and audiobooks

Also online form
Urban Fantasy
Paranormal Romance
Paranormal YA
A Lovely Bookshelf http://www.lovelybookshelf.com/review-policy-contact monika.lovelybookshelf
Website Literary
surreal /
realism fiction
contemporary fiction
short stories
a wide variety
(especially parenting,
faith, or
classical music)
children's titles
Batch of Books NOT ACCEPTING NEW REQUESTS reviewkidsbooks
Website Children's books to age 18
Bibliophile By the Sea NOT ACCEPTING NEW REQUESTS bibliophilebythesea
Literary Fiction
Contemporary Fiction
Psychological Fiction/
Coming of Age
Childrens Books (ages 0-7)
Book 'Em with
The Hodgenator!

Print and ebooks

Hosts blog tours, interviews,
and giveaways

Twitter, and Tumblr
Children's, tween, and
YA novels
Bookish Bella


and Twitter
Fantasy, Contemporary Fiction,
Paranormal, Romance,
Sci-fi and Young Adult
Books, Bones & Buffy


Posts interviews, and giveaways
Online form Website Adult and young adult fantasy,
horror, and
Buried By Books


Accepts print and ebooks
Barnes & Noble
romance, contemporary romance, paranormal romance,
erotic fiction, category
mysteries and
occasional cookbook
Call Me Crazy YA Reviews

WEBSITE CLOSED callmecrazyreviews
YA, NA, Middle
Civilian Reader

Website Sci-fi,
Compass Book Ratings

12 reviewers
Online form

Submissions through publicist only

Website Many
Curiosity Killed the Bookworm



Website Young adult,
urban fantasy, mythology,
chick-lit, science fiction, translated works and
Esther's Ever After NOT ACCEPTING NEW SUBMISSIONS everafteresther.reviews
Website YA
Falcata Times http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/

Scroll down left column for policy
Website Horror,
True Crime, Historical
and others
Feeling a Little Bookish


Does interviews, and hosts giveaways
Website Adult
and YA
Good Books and Good Wine http://goodbooksandgoodwine.

Accepts print and Kindle

Does interviews, and hosts
and Amazon
YA and
Middle Grade
and Amazon
New Adult,
Paranormal Romance,
Romance, Contemporary, Dystopia,
In the Forest of Stories


Website Fantasy. Science
Horror. Romance. Historical fiction.
Queer fiction, comics,
and young adult fiction across all genres

Barnes & Noble
and YA Books

YA fiction
Kal-El the BookGeek
WEBSITE CLOSED bookgeekbeauty003
Amazon and
Chick Lit, Dystopian,
and some
La Femme Readers http://lafemmereaders.blogspot.

Print and Kindle
Amazon and
Mermaid With A Book

Website YA
My Bookish Ways


15,000 pageviews per month
CLOSED mybookishways
Website Urban
fantasy, fantasy, mystery,
and thrillers
Mysteries and My Musings http://mysterysuspence.blogspot.com
Website Mystery/
suspense fiction
Neth Space http://nethspace.blogspot.com

Accepts print and ebooks
Website Sci-fi,
Rex Robot Reviews http://www.rexrobotreviews.

Accepts ARCs, bound copies and

Participates in ARC Tours,
Author Interviews, Blog Tours,
Giveaways & Guest Posts

Amazon and
Fantasy (Urban,
Steampunk (All)
Young Adult (Dystopia, Contemporary, Paranormal)
Romance (Paranormal, Historical, Suspense)
Romance Book Scene SITE CLOSED  submissions
Website Romance
Tales of the Ravenous Reader


Print and ebooks

Website YA
That Artsy Reader Girl http://www.thatartsyreadergirl.com/

Kindle (mobi) files, bound books,
and audiobooks

YA (any and
all, but
especially contemporary romance),
 adult fiction,
lit, romance (historical, paranormal, contemporary, dystopian,
 etc.), mystery/
The Booka
and elsewhere
if requested
Paranormal Romance
Historical Fiction
The Book Swarm SITE CLOSED thebookswarm

and online form
Website YA novels,
and romance,
The Most Happy Reader http://themosthappyreader.

Accepts print and ebooks (PDF or Kindle
for Mac format)
Historical fiction,
fiction and non-fiction
The Qwillery http://qwillery.blogspot.com/p/
Online Form Website Speculative
urban fantasy, paranormal romance,
historical fantasy,
science fiction, including science fiction romance, steampunk,
utopian and dystopian fiction, apocalyptic
and post-apocalyptic fiction
The Realm of Books


Prefers print
katthorson1@gmail.com Website Teen and YA,
Uncorked Thoughts


SITE CLOSED Online Form Website
(if requested)
Urban Fantasy
Paranormal/ Paranormal Romance
Young Adult
Dark Faerie Tales

Also does interviews
SITE CLOSED darkfaerietales
Website Young Adult
Urban Fantasy
Science Fiction/Fantasy
Paranormal Romance
Graphic Novels
& Historical Romance

Parajunkees View SITE CLOSED http://www.parajunkee.com
Paranormal Romance
Contemporary Romance
Urban Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
YA Paranormal
YA Romance
Eloquent Reads http://www.theeloquentpage.co.uk
Website Horror,
science fiction, historical and thrillers,
but is happy
to give any
genre fiction
a go.
Fantasy Cafe http://www.fantasybookcafe.com
kristen AT fantasybookcafe
dot com
Website Fantasy
and scifi
Mithril Wisdom WEBSITE CLOSED mithrilwisdom@gmail.com Website Fantasy,
SF Signal http://www.sfsignal.com/submissions-2/ submissions AT sfsignal DOT com Website Scifi
Violin in a Void https://violininavoid.wordpress.com/
Website Sci fi,
magical realism
Omphalos' Book Reviews http://blog.omphalosbookreviews.com/?
Website and elsewhere Speculative
Rabid Reads http://rabidreads.ca/policies/review-policy

Amazon, GoodReads,
Facebook and Google+
Paranormal Romance;
Urban Fantasy;
New Adult;
Young Adult;
Science Fiction
Historical Romance;
Read, Breathe, Relax SITE CLOSED lisa
Huffington Post
YA contemporary, fantasy, science fiction and every sub-genre there is
RT Book Reviews Magazine

Send request well in advance of publication date
RT Magazine Wide variety of genres
S. Krishna's Books SITE CLOSED skrishna [at] skrishnasbooks [dot] com Websites
(S. Krishna’s Books,
Book Riot,
Panels, and the MindHut)
South Asian Fiction, or books
by South Asian authors
Contemporary Fiction
Literary Fiction
Ethnic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Women’s Fiction
Suspense Fiction
Cookbooks & Foodie Memoirs/Non-Fiction
Historical Non-Fiction
Science, Space & NASA Non-Fiction
about Art & Archaeology
Dystopian Fiction
Graphic Novels/Memoirs
Teen/YA (Paranormal & Dystopian)
SF Reviews http://sfreviews.net/ tmw [at] sfreviews [dot] net Website Science Fiction and Fantasy
Shae Has Left the Room WEBSITE CLOSED shaelitblog [at] gmail.com Website
YA and MG
Offbeat paranormal
Tangent https://tangentonline.com/contact-us/ tangent.dt1@gmail.com Website Short scifi and fantasy in pro-paying markets
(6 cents a word)

The Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia http://ceceliabedelia.blogspot.com/2010/04
Contact page Website YA,
middle grade, fantasy,
sci-fi, and
children’s fiction regularly,
with the
foray into
travel and
food lit in non-fiction

Also does interviews
Amazon, GoodReads
Scifi, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction
Books, Bones and Buffy http://booksbonesbuffy.com/about/ Online form Website Scifi, Fantasy, Horror
YA/teen fantasy, horror, contemporary, dystopian, sci-fi, action/thriller, crime, and coming-of-age books
LEC Book Reviews WEBSITE CLOSED info@lecbookreviews.com Website Fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, horror, urban fantasy (some - not paranormal)
One Chapter More

Max Edwards is the editor of the British Fantasy Society’s Journal.
Website Speculative Fiction
Stacked http://stackedbooks.org/review-policy

kellybjensen [at] gmail [dot] com

kimberlymfrancisco [at] gmail [dot] com
Adult, Young Adult, and Middle Grade: realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, dystopian, coming-of-age, mystery/thriller, historical fiction, and romance are favorites.

Adult and Young Adult Non-Fiction: contemporary issues, social issues, psychology, cook books, history books that tell about lesser-known events or that put a new twist on well-known events, memoirs or biographies
The Agony Column

Offers written and audio content updated at least five days a week.
Contact page Website
Far Beyond Reality

Stefan Raets' reviews regularly appear on www.tor.com
http://farbeyondreality.com/about/ farbeyondrealityblog AT gmail DOT com Website
Science fiction and fantasy
Urban Girl Review SITE CLOSED Online form Website Urban Fantasy
Adult Paranormal Romance
Contemporary Romance
Historical Romance
Romantic Suspense
Jenn's Bookshelves https://www.facebook.com/JennBookshelves/ jennsbookshelf@gmail.com Website Wide variety of genres
The Mile Long Bookshelf

CLOSED TO REQUESTS themilelongbook-shelf@hotmail.co.uk Website YA and NA
Emilie's Book World

CLOSED TO REQUESTS emiliebookworld@gmail.com Website
Goodreads and elsewhere on request
My Reading Corner


http://www.myreadingcorner.co.uk/review-policy kaydee173 (at)
hotmail (dot) com
Amazon UK
online site, Netgalley.com, Librarything Real Readers and Newbooks magazine
Crime (although I'm not so keen on 'Scandi-crime'), mystery, thriller and psychological suspense, women's contemporary fiction, 'chic-lit'/light romance, some historical fiction (including dual time frame) along with well written YA fiction
No scifi/fantasy
YA Books Central

Promotion and review site
http://www.yabookscentral.com/ credwine@
Website YA
Unshelfish WEBSITE CLOSED Contact us form

Amazon, GoodReads, LibraryThing, Barnes & Noble, and Shelfari
Coming-of-Age stories
Early readers
First readers
Historical Fiction (any place, any time),
Women’s Fiction
Raven Haired Girl

WEBSITE CLOSED Contact us form Website
Amazon, GoodReads, LibraryThing, Barnes & Noble, and Shelfari
All genres
Leia Writing


South Africa
WEBSITE CLOSED leiawriting
Website Speculative fiction
Allison’s Book Bag CLOSED TO REQUESTS ahunter_nfATyahooDOTcom Website
Book Blogs, Facebook, Good Reads, JacketFlap, and Networked Blogs
Picture books, MG and YA
Feelin’ Bookish CLOSED TO REQUESTS Contact form Website YA, dystopian, chick-lit, graphic novels, historical fiction, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal
The Best Books Ever http://www.thebestbooksever.com/p/review-policy.html oneminutebooks@gmail.com Website Paranormal, fantasy, horror, gothic, historical, science fiction, dystopian
Silk & Serif http://silk-serif.com/?page_id=19 Contact form Website

Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance and YA novels
The LitWit Reads http://www.litwitreads.blogspot.com/p
emilyjo2018@gmail.com Website YA

(Still active on Twitter)
billbrarian2015 at gmail
dot com
Website Picture books, middle grade fiction, young adult fiction, and adult fiction
Serendipity Reviews


Website Most genres, especially YA, paranormal and contemporary
Jenn's Bookshelves WEBSITE CLOSED jennsbookshelf@gmail.com Website literary fiction, mainstream, women’s fiction, suspense/thriller, horror and YA
Something Reads
250 West 57th Street
Suite 1228
New York, NY 10107

(no ebook submissions)
The Book Report Network is comprised of 6 other online
book review and author feature sites.

On the Web:
(for teens ages 12-17)
www.Kidsreads.com (for kids ages 6-12)
Contemporary fiction, historical fiction, debut authors, mysteries, thrillers, some fantasy/science fiction and some romance. Also nonfiction, newsworthy books,
biographies and memoirs.
Book Browse https://www.bookbrowse.com/information

(Site receives 200K visitors a month)
Historical Fiction
Short stories
Books for young adults
Narrative history, science
Compass Book Ratings http://www.compassbookratings.com/
Form on contact page Website

(Site receives 5K visitors a month)
Not specified
All About Romance https://allaboutromance.com/aar-contact/


All About Romance
Blythe Barnhill
4532 S. Jebel Way
Centennial, CO 80015


(Site receives 90K visitors a month)
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell

Friday, September 12, 2014

2 New Agents with Established Agencies Looking for Clients

Here are two new agents looking to build their client lists. Genevieve Nine's agency, Andrea Hurst, is well regarded in the industry. (NOTE: Genevieve Nine is retired.) Valerie Noble works for one of the few Canadian agencies. 

I am a fan of new agents. They are hard-working, enthusiastic, and energetic. And they love their clients. These are essential qualities for pitching to an editor.


Genevieve Nine of Andrea Hurst & Associates

(NOTE: Genevieve Nine is retired.)

About Genevieve Nine: Genevieve joined Andrea Hurst Literary Management as an intern in 2012. She has a background in professional editing and gets great satisfaction from developing authors. She’s a Creative Writing MFA candidate at the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts, holds a Certificate in Children’s Writing from the University of Washington, and graduated with honors and a B.A. from the USC School of Cinema & Television. When not reading or writing, Genevieve enjoys watching her Sherlock DVDs, planning future travels, and embarking on culinary adventures. She and her husband live in Seattle with their two naughty cats, Selkie and Napoleon. Follow Genevieve on Twitter @GenevieveNine.

What she is looking for: Within young adult and middle grade, she’s looking to acquire:
  • Fantasy (open to all subgenres except game-related) 
  • Science Fiction 
  • Mystery 
  • Historical Fiction Retellings (classics, fairy/folk tale, myth) 
  • Contemporary Realism (especially with elements of humor)
She also represents the following adult and new adult categories:
  • Mystery (detective/PI, amateur, cozy, historical, comic, caper)
  • Thriller (supernatural, historical, disaster, ecological)
  • Gothic/Hauntings/Quiet Horror
  • Historical Fiction
  • Retellings (classics, fairy/folk tale, myth)
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Magical Realism
  • Food Memoir
  • Travelogue/Travel Memoir
She is not seeking:
  • Hard SF/Military SF/Space Opera
  • Graphic Horror
  • Erotica
  • Religious Fiction/Nonfiction
  • Short Stories
How to submit: querygenevieve@andreahurst.com. Email queries only. ŸNo attachments. ŸInclude “Query: Book Title” in the email’s subject line. ŸPaste the first ten pages of manuscript below your query. ŸPlease state if manuscript has been previously self-published. ŸPlease state if query is a multiple submission and inform Genevieve if the project becomes no longer available for representation.


About Valerie: Valerie Noble is an Associate Agent at Donaghy Literary Group. While studying chemistry at California State University, Long Beach, Valerie mastered the art of doing proper research, particularly for technical writing. Her love of science and reading merged when she began penning her first novel in the midst of her studies. In true scientific fashion, Valerie researched all there was to know about publishing. She connected with agents, editors, and other writers, and interned for Jessica Sinsheimer of Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency.

An education is never finished and Valerie continues to cultivate relationships and hopes to use her knowledge and skills in finding fresh new voices for Donaghy Literary Group.

What she is looking for: Valerie is seeking Young Adult, and New Adult — in the following areas:

• Science Fiction YA/NA
• Fantasy YA/NA
• Historical Fantasy YA/NA
• Historical Fiction YA/NA

Valerie loves YA/NA science fiction and fantasy (think Kristin Cashore and Suzanne Collins) but reads everything under the sun. For her, it’s more about the writing and less about the genre. In saying that, Valerie is generally not interested in romance or paranormal.

How to submit: Electronic Submissions only. Send the query letter, 1-2 page synopsis and the first 10 pages of manuscript — all in body of email, no attachments. Send to query(at)donaghyliterary(dot)com.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

10 Bestsellers That Began as Self-Published Books

There is much to be said for self-publishing, especially if you have spent a year or ten (see Michael J. Sullivan below) trying to get publishing houses interested in your work.

If you self-publish, and do a proper job of marketing, your book may not only achieve success in its own right, but may be picked up by a major publishing house. (Ironically, it may even be published by one of the houses that has previously sent you a rejection slip.)

All of these books have one thing in common - their authors did not simply publish and then lean back and enjoy their success. They marketed, pitched, and sold the heck out of their books.

And they continued to write.

Here are a few best-selling books whose authors did not give up on them.

Eragon is a young adult fantasy series written by Christopher Paolini, who began writing it at the age of 15. Paolini's parents published the book (they owned a small press), after which Paolini spent a year traveling around the United States promoting his novel. The book was discovered by Carl Hiaasen, who got it re-published by Alfred A. Knopf. The re-published version was released on August 26, 2003. Eragon was an instant hit, selling over a million copies within the first five months. The series has sold 33.5 million copies worldwide.


What American household does not have a copy of The Joy of Cooking in its kitchen? The Joy of Cooking was privately published in 1931 by Irma S. Rombauer, a homemaker in St. Louis, Missouri. Initially, Rombauer had 3,000 copies printed by A.C. Clayton, a company which had printed labels for St. Louis shoe companies and for Listerine, but never a book. In 1936, the book was picked up by a commercial printing house, the Bobbs-Merrill Company. Since then, over 18 million copies have been sold.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a financial advice book written by American businessman, author and investor Robert Kiyosaki. In keeping with Kiyosaki's ideas that ownership of high value assets that produce cash flow is the key to wealth, rather than being an employee, he self-published the book in 1997. In spite of containing "much wrong advice, much bad advice, some dangerous advice, and virtually no good advice" (John T. Reed) Rich Dad Poor Dad has sold over 26 million copies.

No Thanks
is a 1935 collection of poetry by one of America's most famous poets, e.e. cummings. After being rejected by publishers, Cummings self-published the collection with the help of his mother. With typical panache, the poet dedicated the aptly titled No Thanks to the fourteen publishing houses which had turned the collection down. Forsaking printing conventions - as well as those who employ them - No Thanks is bound at the top, like a stenographer's pad, rather than on the left. The volume was later published by W.W. Norton and Company.


Marcel Proust's epic novel Remembrance of Times Past (A la Recherche du Temps Perdu) has been called "the most respected novel of the twentieth century." Proust began writing what ultimately became seven novels in 1909. As is so often the case with anything unconventional, the work was repeatedly rejected by publishing houses. In one particularly devastating rejection, Alfred Humbolt, head of Ollendorf Publishing Company, wrote: "I may be as thick as two planks but I can’t understand how a gentleman can take thirty pages to describe how he tosses and turns in his bed before going off to sleep." Rather than give up, Proust paid the Grasset Publishing House for the publication of the first volume, Swann's Way. Since its original print run of 1000, millions of copies have been sold. Keeping up with the times (no pun intended), Remembrance of Times Past was turned into a comic book in 1998. Unlike the original novel, the graphic novel had no problem finding a publisher. (NYT)

One of the most beloved children's books of all time, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, was originally self-published by Beatrix Potter in 1901. After receiving rejection letters from publishers for a story she had made up to entertain a sick boy, Potter, a 35-year-old writer and illustrator, took matters into her own hands and printed 250 copies of the book. Within a year, it was picked up by one of the publishers that had turned it down, F. Warne & Co, which almost immediately sold 20,000 copies. However, Potter's adventure with self-publishing did not stop there. When Warne insisted on cutting parts of the Tailor of Gloucester, Potter turned around and printed 500 copies herself. Over two million Beatrix Potter books are sold each year.


Wayne Dyer originally self-published his self-help book, Your Erroneous Zones, with a print run of 4,500 copies. He then spent the next year traveling across the country, publicizing his book on TV shows. (You could still do that in the 1970s.) It eventually became one of the top-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold. The book spent 64 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. 


What Color Is Your Parachute?, a job-hunting guide by Richard N. Bolles, has been on the New York Times best-seller list periodically for more than a decade. Bolles self-published the book in 1970. Since then the book has seen almost yearly updates with more than 10 million copies sold. (Even I own a copy.)


The Celestine Prophecy was self-published by James Redfield after being repeatedly rejected by publishers. He sold 100,000 copies of the novel out of the trunk of his Honda before Warner Books agreed to publish it. In spite of drawing fire for its historical absurdities (Mayas in Peru, writing in Aramaic?), the book has sold over 20 million copies worldwide.

After 10 years of rejections, Michael J. Sullivan quit writing altogether. Then, one day, he sat down and wrote the Riyria Revelation fantasy series. He still couldn't find a publisher, so Sullivan self-published through Ridan Publishing, a company started by his wife. His sales were so impressive that he re-solicited mainstream publishers, and this time received several offers. The Riyria Revelations has now been translated into fourteen languages. In 2012 io9 named him one of the "Most Successful Self-Published Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors."

Thursday, September 4, 2014

2 Agents from Reputable Agencies Looking for Writers

Updated 4/15/21

Here are two agents from reputable agencies actively building their client lists. Mark Gottlieb (Trident) is looking for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Comics, Graphic novels, Historical, History, Horror, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, Thrillers and New adult. He is also seeking nonfiction. Soumeya Bendimerad Roberts (HSG) is actively seeking to represent literary fiction, upmarket/book club fiction, and select young-adult and middle grade as well as nonfiction.

As always, check the agency website's submission requirements before querying. Submission requirements often change, and agents can switch agencies or change the genres they represent.

If these agents don't suit your needs, there is a comprehensive list of dozens of agents expanding their client lists here: Agents Seeking Clients.

Note: In 2018, the Association of Authors' Representatives recommended that Mark Gottlieb be expelled from the AAR due to an ethics violation. You can read the full report HERE.

About Mark: From an early age, Mark showed a passionate interest in his father’s work, his founding of Trident with Dan Strone, and the growth of the company. This focus on publishing continued at Emerson College, where Mark was a founding member of the Publishing Club, subsequently overseeing its first publication under the Wilde Press imprint. After graduating Emerson with a degree in writing, literature and publishing, Mark began his career as an assistant to the Vice President of the Berkley imprint at Penguin, working with leading editors at the firm.

Mark’s first position at Trident was in the foreign rights department, assisting the department’s agents in selling the books of clients around the world. Mark next became audio rights agent. Since Mark has managed the audio rights business, the annual sales volume has doubled. Now while continuing to head up audio rights, Mark is building his own client list of writers. "I am excited to work directly with authors that I bring to Trident, helping to manage and grow their careers with all of the unique resources that are available to me at Trident."

What  he is looking for: In fiction, he is looking for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Comics, Graphic novels, Historical, History, Horror, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, Thrillers and New adult.

In nonfiction, he is looking for Arts, Cinema, Photography, Biography, Memoir, Self-help, Sports, Travel, World cultures, True crime, Mind/Body/Spirit, Narrative Nonfiction, Politics, Current affairs, Pop culture, Entertainment, Relationships, Family, Science, Technology.

How to submit: Use the online submission form here. Make sure you direct your inquiry to Mark.

Soumeya Bendimerad Roberts of Hannigan Salky Getzler Agency

About Soumeya: Soumeya Bendimerad joined HSG after working as an agent with Writers House. Prior to that she was with the Susan Golomb Literary Agency, where she was an agent and the director of foreign rights. She was a literary scout at Sanford Greenburger Associates and an associate editor at MacAdam/Cage Publishing. She is from the San Francisco Bay Area.

What she is looking for: She is actively seeking to represent literary fiction, upmarket/book club fiction, and select young-adult and middle grade. She is drawn to intelligent literary fiction with a fresh voice, coming of age stories, novels with elements of travel or stories set in other countries, family sagas, experiments with form, and complex but sympathetic characters. In non-fiction, she is seeking topics in popular culture, music and art history, unconventional business, politics, narrative non-fiction, sociology, cooking, travel, and memoir.

How to submit: Use her submission form HERE.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

18 Cookbook (and Nonfiction) Publishers Accepting Unagented Manuscripts

Updated 9/28/22

Who doesn't enjoy devouring a good cookbook? Especially one that flaunts mouth-watering photos, and waxes philosophical about the complex relationship between salt, sugar and leavening, explores the physics of meringue, or - and this is a clincher - chronicles how a disaster becomes the perfect method of baking brownies. (Turn off the oven before they are done, then rebake later!) And, honestly, who isn't stirred by a pie chart!

Here are 18 cookbook publishers welcoming proposals from authors - no agent needed! And, as an added bonus, many of these publishers also accept nonfiction in other categories. (Remember, non-fiction publishers want proposals, not manuscripts.) Make sure to read the full submission guidelines before you submit.

Now go out and get cookin'!


Acadian House began in 1979 as a regional book publisher specializing primarily in Louisiana-related titles, with particular emphasis on the state’s history, food and culture.

Submissions: Send query letter summarizing the content of your book. The letter should also provide biographical data on you as an author, including educational background, experience in writing, qualifications to write the manuscript you hope to submit, and other information that establishes a connection between you and the subject of the manuscript. A description of the audience for the book is also welcome in this letter. You will be contacted if the editor is interested. Snail mail only. Read full guidelines here.

Storey Books is an imprint of Workman Publishing Company. Founded in 1968, Workman is an independent publisher of adult and juvenile trade books. The mission of Storey Publishing is to serve our customers by publishing practical information that encourages personal independence in harmony with the environment. The books we select to carry out this mission include nonfiction titles for adults and children on gardening, home reference, crafts, cooking, beer & wine, nature, raising animals, horses, building, farming, homesteading, and mind/body/spirit. 

Submissions: Please send a proposal including: a cover letter giving a short description of the project and what materials are included in the package, a proposal, which includes an outline, introduction, art list, and sample text/chapters, sample illustrations or photographs (duplicates, not originals), and a comparison to similar books, author biography and credentials. Read full guidelines here.

Grub Street (UK) publishes cookbooks and books on military aviation history. A number of their cookbooks have won prizes over the years.
Submissions: For cookbook submissions please email the following to: food@grubstreet.co.uk
  • Contents page
  • Up to 10 sample recipes
  • Brief Author Biography
Read full guidelines here.

Camino Books specializes in non-fiction books with a focus on the Middle Atlantic states. They currently publish about 6 to 10 books per year, and are always looking for new material and projects.

Submissions: Your proposal should include: a description of the subject of your book, as well as its format and length, an outline of the book or a sample table of contents, a sample chapter or two, your qualifications, the audience you hope to reach, your ideas for publicity and promotion. Read full guidelines here.

Chronicle Books "We're always looking for the new and unusual." Chronicle Books publishes 90 titles per year.

Submissions: Your proposal should include: a one-page cover letter giving a brief description of the project, why you think Chronicle should publish it, what's included in the package, and your contact information, a market analysis, SASE. Electronic submissions preferred. Read full guidelines here.


Fair Winds Press publishes instructional books in a range of categories, including lifestyle, cooking, health and body, self-help, spirituality, and history. It is owned by the Quarto Publishing Group.

Submissions: Book queries are usually around five pages and must include: a paragraph introducing yourself, a paragraph offering an overview of the proposed idea/concept, a book outline or table of contents, your ideas for the type of visual materials to accompany the text, and marketability information. Read full guidelines here.

Gibbs Smith is a Utah-based publishing house focusing on social studies textbooks and digital materials for schools, special interest publishing, and cookbooks. They are a mid-sized house, publishing 60 new books a year.

Submissions: Please send a proposal, including: a description of the subject; an analysis of the market and the author’s qualifications for writing the book as well as how the author is going to help sell and promote the book, including on‐line presence and outreach; an outline of contents; and sample writing. If photographs or illustrations are a major component, attach a PDF or jpegs showing samples. Maximum size of attachments is 3 MB. Electronic submissions only. Read full guidelines here.

Great American Publishers is a traditional small press with an emphasis on regional cooking (any state).

Submissions: Include a cover letter with a brief description of the project. Who is the target audience of your book? Are there similar publications already available? How is your book different from other titles on the market? What sort of promotion will be particularly effective for you and your book? How can you participate in the sales and marketing of your book? Snail mail only. Read full guidelines here.

The Harvard Common Press is a publisher of quality trade books specializing in cookbooks and parenting/childcare books. (Now owned by Quarto.)

Submissions: Authors interested in publishing with The Harvard Common Press are encouraged to submit a full proposal, including: a chapter-by-chapter outline of the proposed book, an introduction and a sample chapter (for cookbooks, please include a recipe list), a résumé or brief personal history, any current or planned marketing and sales platforms you may have, an evaluation of competitive titles and how they relate to the proposed book. Read full guidelines here.

Pelican Publishing Company is a medium-sized company with a backlist of over 2,500 titles and fifty to sixty new titles produced yearly. As a general trade publisher, Pelican is presently the largest independent trade book publisher in the South.

Submissions: Query letter (for details, see site)
Author publication credits (ISBN/link to Amazon), sales history (life to date and first 12 months), and translation/subsidiary rights sales if any, Author platform, including social media links, Synopsis (max 250 words), Table of contents, if applicable.Read full guidelines here.

Sasquatch Books is one of the country’s leading independent publishers, known for its innovative and eclectic list of nonfiction books featuring authors such as Nancy Pearl, Lynda Barry, and Art Wolfe, and top-selling titles in food & wine, travel, and gardening.

Submissions: Send a query letter, proposal, or a complete manuscript, along with information about you as an author, by mail. Please do not send original materials of any sort. They are not responsible for misplaced items. No email queries. Snail mail only. For submission details go here.

Seaside Publishing is an imprint of the University Press of Florida with a regional focus.

Submissions:  To submit a manuscript, please send a one-page letter of inquiry to, submission@upress.ufl.edu, to determine the University Press of Florida's interest in your project. Please include your full postal address.

If the Press would like to pursue your manuscript, you will receive a Manuscript Information Sheet from the acquiring editor you would be working with. When asked, you should fill out the Manuscript Information Sheet and submit it along with your completed manuscript. Please allow 3-4 weeks for review of either proposals or full manuscripts. Read instructions here.

Sourcebooks, Inc. is an independent publisher located in Naperville, Illinois. The company publishes books, ebooks, and digital products in most consumer categories, including college guides, memoir, children's books, young adult, fiction, romance, and reference books. Sourcebooks publishes over 300 titles a year and boasts many bestsellers.

Submissions: Please send a proposal with a brief synopsis in 1-2 paragraphs, author bio or resume specifying credentials and publication credits, if any, a complete table of contents, plus estimated length of manuscript in words and pages, two to three sample chapters (not the first), a description of the target audience, one page/paragraph on your book's unique advantages, a list of competing or comparable titles and how your book differs. Electronic submissions only. Read full guidelines here.

Square One specializes in books on cooking, parenting, business/personal finance, self-help, history, and memoir among others. Square One has been named one of the top ten fastest-growing indie book publishers in North America by Publishers Weekly for six years in a row.

Submissions: When submitting your manuscript proposal, please include the following items: a cover letter explaining the concept of your book, why you wrote it, and its intended audience, a detailed table of contents, a brief overview of the book, biographical information about you and any coauthors or illustrators, a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). Snail mail only. Read full guidelines here.

Stone Pier is a San Francisco-based nonprofit working towards a healthier, more humane, and climate-friendly food system. "We do it by publishing good books about good food and producing solutions-oriented news and tips. Much of our focus is on how to grow, eat, and dispose of food in a way that’s good for the planet."

Submissions: They are accepting books in the following categories: narrative nonfiction, memoirs, guidebooks, biographies, and literary fiction. They consider cookbooks as well. Read guidelines here.

Surrey Books is focused on food, nutrition, and entertaining. It was acquired by Agate in 2006. In addition to conventional cookbooks, Surrey also publishes specialized cookbooks focusing on gluten-free, vegan, and diabetes cooking.

Submissions: Agate is considering submissions in the general areas of food, cooking, and nutrition-related nonfiction, for its Surrey imprint. Email query. (Do not send full proposal.) Scroll down for instructions here.

Tuttle specializes in Asian cultures. They currently have a backlist of over 6,000 titles and publish 150 new titles per year. Tuttle is a part of the Periplus publishing family.

Submissions: Unlike most large publishing houses, Tuttle offers a hands-on approach, working closely with individual authors. Please submit a complete proposal by email or snail mail. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please note that Tuttle publishes Asian cuisine cookbooks. Read full guidelines here.

Willow Creek Press is a publisher specializing in nature, outdoor and sporting topics, gardening, wildlife and animal books, and cookbooks.

Submissions: Send a cover letter detailing the work as a whole. Include who your target audience is and provide a rationale for why Willow Creek Press is the best publisher for your work. Also include: a chapter-by-chapter outline of the entire work, one or two sample chapters, a brief bio or a note describing who you are and why you are the right person to write this book. Read full guidelines here.

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