Friday, October 30, 2020

62 Calls for Submissions in November 2020 - Paying markets

There are more than five dozen calls for submissions in November. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.

I post the following month's calls for submissions toward the end of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on next month's calls for submissions by checking that page periodically throughout the month. (I only post paying markets.)

Also see Paying Markets for hundreds of paying markets arranged by form and genre.

Happy submitting!

(Photo credit: Flickr)


 The First LineGenre: Stories that use a first line provided by the journal. (See journal for first lines.) Also 500-800 word critical essays about your favorite first line from a literary work.  Payment:  $25.00 - $50.00 for fiction, $5.00 - $10.00 for poetry, and $25.00 for nonfiction (all U.S. dollars). Deadline: November 1, 2020.

HavokGenre: Flash fiction on Theme of Yellow. Payment: $10 via PayPal for each story published in an Anthology. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Off Limits Press: Far From HomeGenre: Adventure horror. Payment: 1 cent/word.  Deadline:  November 1, 2020.

The Periodical, ForlornGenre: Fiction, flash fiction, poetry on Theme: Haunted holidays. Payment: $15. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

FoglifterGenre: LGBTQ fiction, poetry, cross genre work. Payment: $25. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Sliced Up Press: Slashertorte – An Anthology of Cake HorrorGenre: Horror. "Delicious as cake might be, we want you to bring out the darker side of baked goods and give us something scary, disturbing or just plain wrong." Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Constelación MagazineGenre: Bilingual speculative fiction (Spanish/English). Theme: The Bonds That Unite Us / Los lazos que nos unen. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

BoucherconGenre: Short stories on theme of  second chances, redemption, second try, play it again. Payment: $75. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Sliced Up Press: Slashertorte – An Anthology of Cake HorrorGenre: Horror. "Delicious as cake might be, we want you to bring out the darker side of baked goods and give us something scary, disturbing or just plain wrong.” Payment: $0.01/word. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

JayHenge PublishingGenre: Speculative fiction. See themes. Payment: $5 per 1000 words. Deadline: November 1, 2020. Accepts reprints.

Thema: The Other VirginiaGenre: Fiction, poetry, and art on theme: The Other Virginia.  Payment: $10-$25 for short fiction and artwork, $10 for poetry. Deadline: November 1, 2020.  Accepts reprints.

EllipsisGenre: Poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, drama, and art. Payment: $10 per poem and page of visual art, and $3 per page of prose. Only pays UK writers and artists. Deadline: November 2, 2020.

PseudopodGenre: Horror. Audio format. Payment: $.08/word for original fiction, $100 flat rate for short story reprints, and $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints (stories below 1500 words). Deadline: November 2, 2020. Reprints accepted.

Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale MagazineGenre: Fairy tales, and essays on theme of Angels. Payment: $100. US dollars only. Essays: $50. Deadline: November 3, 2020.

Ninth LetterGenre: Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on theme of Touch. Payment: $25 per poem, $75 per story or essay and a complimentary 2-­year subscription to Ninth Letter. Deadline: November 3, 2020.

Abyss and ApexGenre: Speculative fiction and poetry. No horror. Payment: USD $.06/word (six cents a word) up to 1,250 words, and a flat payment of $75.00 for longer stories. Deadline: November 7, 2020. Opens to submissions on November 1.

3 of Cups: Tell Me Who We Were Before Life Made Us Anthology. Genre: Poetry. "This is an anthology about imagined histories. We want to read your takes on fairy tales, folklore and urban legends. Send us your creation myths, founding myths, Greek/Haitian/Indian/Mancunian myths. We want to see your counterfactuals, your apocryphals, your ‘What If’s? We want to know, who do you think we are/were/could be?" Payment: £60 plus royalties. Deadline: November 7, 2020. 

The Other Stories Podcast. Genre: Horror on theme of Sleep Deprivation. Payment: $5. Deadline: November 9, 2020. 

One StoryGenre: Literary fiction. Payment: $500 and 25 contributors copies. Deadline: November 14, 2020.

Luna Station QuarterlyRestrictions: Open to women writers only. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $5. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Red Cape Anthologies: H is for HellGenre: Horror. "For this one we’re thinking about experiences of Hell, whether that be a literal interpretation of fire and brimstone or a hellish situation." Payment:  £10. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Silver BladeGenre: Science Fiction, Slipstream, Classic and Modern Fantasy. Payment: $15 for novellas, $3 for flash fiction, $8 for short stories, $8 for single poems. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

The Great VoidGenre: Speculative fiction. Length: 4000 - 15,000 words. See themesPayment: 30% of profits shared equally among contributors. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Death Throes Webzine: Horrific Holiday Edition. Genre: Dark fiction. “We’re stamping out holiday cheer this year and bringing the darkness. Got a story idea about Zombie-Clause? Been speculating about cranking out a yarn about vampire elves from outer space? Perhaps you’re considering mixing genres, or have an extremely dark take on a famous holiday story.” Payment: $20; $50 if story is selected as a featured story. Length: Up to 5,000 words. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Luna Station QuarterlyGenre: Speculative fiction by woman. Payment: $5. Deadline: November 15, 2020. Accepts reprints.

Songs of EretzGenre: Poetry, cover art on theme of Spring. Payment: $5. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Corpus Press:In Darkness, Delight – Fear the FutureGenre: Horror. “We seek truly terrifying stories that deal with futuristic themes, set in the near future or far. Tales can be Earth-based or extraterrestrial, perhaps featuring technological or social upheavals that have frightful implications for individuals or society at large." Payment: $0.03/word up to $150. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Glish: Variety English ProjectGenre: "Poetry written in or regarding variety Englishes, to be published in Spring 2021 Issue (41.1). Poems in Singlish, Konglish, Spanglish, AAVE, and other English-associated linguistic forms will be considered for publication. Poets may be asked to contribute supplementary linguistic information to facilitate publication.” Payment: $150. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Corpus Press: In Darkness, Delight – Fear the Future. Genre: Horror. Payment: $0.03/word, capped at $150. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Flame Tree Press: Beyond the Veil. Genre: Horror. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Thuggish Itch: Birds Have Teeth. Genre: Horror, science fiction, speculative fiction on theme "What if birds had teeth?" Word count: 1000 - 5000 words. Payment: AU$5.00 for stories under 2500 words / AU$10.00 for anything above 2500 words. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

World Weaver Press. Genre: Fairy tales about fairy godmothers. Payment: $0.01 per word (up to $75.00) + contributor copy. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Kaleidoscoped. Genre: Poetry, prose, visual, video, sound, interactive & multi-media. Payment: "Small payment." Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Summer Storm Press: Winter’s Vindication. Genre: Fantasy, sci-fi, literature, and/or survival. "Nuclear winter. The frozen plains of the wild west. The ice-capped mountains of a dark wizard. Modern cities drowning in dunes of snow. Wherever or whenever the story takes place, winter is the worst enemy and is the deadliest monster chasing the hero. Survival is almost impossible as the sun hides behind billowing, gray clouds." Length: 5,000 to 9,000 words. Payment: $10. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Offing. Genre: Short nonfiction on theme of Insight. Payment: $20–$60. Deadline: November 16, 2020.

carte blancheGenre: Comics, Fiction, Photography, Poetry, and Translations. Payment: Modest honorarium  Deadline: November 17, 2020. For issue 40, the fiction section will only be considering submissions from Canadian residents.

The Other Stories PodcastGenre: Horror on theme of Kaiju. Payment: $5. Deadline: November 23, 2020.

Story Seed VaultGenre: Microfiction tweets based on science. Payment: Short Fiction (<150CH) $3AUD per story; Long Fiction (>150CH/<200CH) $2AUD per story. Deadline: November  24, 2020. Opens on the 10th.

Night Shift RadioGenre: Fiction, non-fiction, memoir - 7,000-10,000 words. Payment: $50 or $25. Deadline: November 28, 2020. Opens November 21.

Claw & BlossomGenre: Flash fiction and poetry about the natural world on theme of Other. Payment: $25. Deadline: November 28, 2020.

Split Lip MagazineGenre: Fiction (flash and short stories), memoirs, and poetry. with a pop-culture twist. Payment: $50 per author (via PayPal) for our web issues. Payment for print is $5 per page, minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies and a 1-year subscription. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Note: Submit early in November to avoid submission fees.

Ninth LetterGenre: Prose and poetry. Payment: $25 per printed page, with a maximum payment of $150, as well as two complimentary copies of the issue in which the work appears. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Note: Submit early in November to avoid submission fees.

Baltimore ReviewGenre: Prose and poetry. Payment: $40. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Note: Submit early in November.

The Rumpus: EnoughGenre: ENOUGH is a Rumpus original series devoted to creating a dedicated space for essays, poetry, fiction, comics, and artwork by women and non-binary people that engage with rape culture, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Payment: $10 - $25. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Injustice Watch Poem of the Week. Genre: Poetry inspired by their reporting – the poem must relate to an Injustice Watch article. Poets must identify the article that inspired their work. Payment: $200. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

SpartanGenre: Literary prose, 1500 words max. Payment: $20. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

The New Southern FugitivesGenre: Fiction, CNF, poetry, art, and reviews "with a Southern accent." Payment: $50 per book review; $15 per page of essay, or story; $40 per poem; $40 per photograph or piece of visual art. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Dragon Soul Press: Last LoveGenre: Fiction on theme of Last Love. "It is rare for soul mates to be discovered early on in life. These characters have begun creating their own fairytale happily ever afters. Whether it be the boy next door, a loyal princess, or a supernatural being, all of these stories have two things in common: everlasting love and loyalty." Word Count – 5,000-15,000.  Payment:  Royalties.  Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Dragon Soul Press: Wolf NightGenre: Paranormal Romance stories. "Wolf shifters galore! We are looking for romantic tales of wolf shifters in any setting or genre. The spicier, the better." Word Count – 5,000-15,000. Payment:  Royalties. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Dragon Soul Press: Imperial DevicesGenre: Steampunk stories. "We’re looking for steampunk stories. Additional subgenres are accepted (ex. Dieselpunk, Valvepunk)." Word Count – 5,000-15,000.  Payment:  Royalties. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

The Were-Traveler: Women Destroy (Retro) Science Fiction. Genre: Science fiction stories. “Retro Science Fiction. What is retro sci-fi? It’s also known as retro-futurism, and described as “the future that never was.” Something like the science fiction stories of the 40s and 50s. … I want you to imagine me a future of women characters that shine and live in a world (that they created or helped to create) filled with impossible wonders.” Women writers only. Payment: $10 for flash fiction; $15 for short stories. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Reprints accepted.

The FiddleheadGenre: Fiction, CNF, Poetry. Payment: $60/page CAD. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: CatsGenre: True stories and poems. "Tell us about your cat. Tell us how he made you smile. How she "rescued" you after you "rescued" her. How she brought your family closer together, helped you find love, inspired you to change something in your human life. Stories can be serious or humorous, or both. We can’t wait to read all the heartwarming, inspirational, and hysterical stories you have about your cats!" Payment: $200. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

The Great VoidGenre: Speculative fiction. Length: 4000 - 15,000 words. See themesPayment: 30% of profits shared equally among contributors. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

CrannógGenres: Poetry, short stories. Payment: €50 per story, €30 per poem. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

FreefallRestrictions: Open to Canadians only. Genre: Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art. Payment: $10/page prose up to $100 and $25 per poem plus a copy of the issue the work is published in. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Gateway Literary PressGenre: Surrealist, fabulist, and magic realist story collections. US authors only. Payment: Small advance plus royalties. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Submit early in the month.

Salt Publishing. Genre: Fiction (novels and short stories), narrative non-fiction, poetry. “We particularly welcome submissions from women, BAME, disabled, working class and LGBTQ+ writers.” Payment: Royalties. (No information on site.) Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Opia. "We only accept submissions from marginalised and underrepresented writers and artists." Genre: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art on theme of Nostalgia. Payment: £10. Deadline: November 30, 2020. 

ProleSCARYet: Tales of Horror and Class Warfare. Genre: Short stories about the horrors of capitalism. "We want monstrous bosses, jobs from literal Hell, working class folks fighting back against great cosmic evils, and any other wild idea you can come up with. As long as it’s anti-capitalist and horror, it’s good. We also welcome dark weird fiction and horror-adjacent sci-fi." Payment: $75. Deadline: November 30, 2020. 

The Iowa Review. Genres: Poetry, prose. Payment: $1.50/line for poetry and $0.08/word for prose. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Fee for online submissions. No fee for mailed submissions.

Apparition LitGenre: Speculative fiction and poetry on theme of Justice. Payment: $30. Deadline: November 30, 2020. Opens November 15.

And more...

Eternal Haunted Summer: EkphrasisGenre: Poetry, short fiction about a piece of art. "The work of art must be Pagan/polytheist in some way, or must be interpreted through a Pagan/polytheist lens."  Payment: $5. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

SliceGenre: Fiction, nonfiction, poems on theme of Levity. “We look for work that plays off the theme, particularly in unexpected ways.” Payment: $400 for long stories and essays, $150 for flash fiction, and $100 for poems. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

Artificial DivideGenre: Short stories between 500 and 8,000 words. "We are looking for own-voice stories featuring blind or visually impaired protagonists, written by authors who are blind or visually impaired. The story need not be about being visually impaired or blind, and can be any genre of fiction.: Payment: 0.06CAD per word. Deadline: December 1, 2020. Will consider some previously published work.

Muse MagazineGenre: Nonfiction articles for children on theme of Making Predictions.  Payment: Not specified. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

Worldbuilding Fantasy AnthologyGenre: Fantasy; Between 3,500 and 7,000 words in length for short stories and between 9,000 and 15,000 words for novellas. (Shorter or longer works will be considered in cases of exceptional merit.) Theme: “Politics as Story Conflict.” Your story must include as a significant plot element a political conflict that makes up a key piece of the worldbuilding. Payment: $100 per story, $200 per novella. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

Lagrange Books: Worldbuilding fantasy anthologyGenre: Fantasy on theme: “Politics as Story Conflict.” Payment: $100 for short stories, $200 for novellas. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

Parabola: SecretsGenre: Retellings of traditional stories: 500-1500 words, original essays and translations, poetry, reviews. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

FableCroft: The Art of Being Human. Genre: Short stories between 2,000 to 20,000 words long and poetry of any length. Stories must contain speculative elements – science fiction, fantasy and horror and their sub-genres are all welcome. "This anthology seeks to remind readers of the hope and beauty of the Arts, and the way our engagement with writing, music, film, theatre, artworks in all media, and craft of all kinds are at the core of our humanity." Payment: AUD$100.00 for stories of up to 10,000 words (payment for poetry and longer stories accepted will be negotiated with the author) and a contributor copy of the ebook. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

Bethlehem Writers Roundtable. Genre: Short stories and poetry. See themes. Payment: $20.00 USD for featured authors, or $10.00 USD for stories published on their &More page and $5.00 USD for poems. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

Arkansas Intergalactic Themed IssueGenre: Science fiction and speculative prose and poetry. Payment: $20 a printed page (capped at $250) and copies of the journal. Deadline: December 1, 2020. Submissions are free until they reach their cap so submit early in November.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

44 Writing Contests in November 2020 - No entry fees

This November there are more than three dozen writing contests calling for every genre and form, from poetry, to creative nonfiction, to completed novels. Prizes range from $50,000 to publication. None charge entry fees.

Some of these contests have age and geographical restrictions, so read the instructions carefully.

If you want to get a jump on next month's contests go to Free Contests. Most of these contests are offered annually, so even if the deadline is past, you can prepare for next year.

Good luck!

(Photo credit: Pixabay)


 Undiscovered Voices Fellowship. "The Writer’s Center seeks promising writers in the Washington area earning less than $25,000 annually to apply. This program will provide complimentary writing workshops to the selected applicant for a period of one year, but not to exceed 8 workshops in that year (and not to include independent studies). We expect the recipient will use the year to make progress toward a completed manuscript of publishable work." Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Weird Christmas Flash ContestGenre: Weird flash fiction. 350 words max. Prize: $50 first prize, $25 second prize. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

William F. Deeck-Malice Domestic Grants Program for Unpublished Writers.  Restrictions: Writers must not have published a book, short story, or dramatic work in the mystery field, either in print, electronic, or audio form. Genre: Mystery stories of the Agatha Christie type—i.e., “traditional mysteries.” These works usually feature no excessive gore, gratuitous violence, or explicit sex. Prize: Each grant may be used to offset registration, travel, or other expenses related to attendance at a writers' conference or workshop within a year of the date of the award (no later than May 2016). In the case of nonfiction, the grant may be used to offset research expenses. Each grant currently includes a $1,500 award plus a comprehensive registration for the following year's convention and two nights' lodging at the convention hotel, but does not include travel to the convention or meals. Deadline: November 1, 2020. Read details here.

Commonwealth Short Story PrizeRestrictions: Open to citizens of the British  Commonwealth.     Genre: Unpublished short fiction (2,000-5,000 words) in English. Short stories translated into English from other languages are also eligible. Prize: Regional winners receive £2,500 (US$3,835) and the overall winner will receive £5,000 (US$7,670). Deadline: November 1, 2020. 

Quarterly WestRestrictions: Free for writers of color. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $1000. Deadline: November 1, 2020. 

Treehouse Climate Action Poem PrizeRestrictions: Open to US poets for previously unpublished poems of any length that "help make real for readers the gravity of the vulnerable state of our environment at present." Genre: Poetry. Prize: Up to $1,000. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Gotham Book PrizeGenre: Book. "The Gotham Book Prize is awarded once a year to the best book (works of fiction and nonfiction are eligible) published that calendar year that either is about New York City or takes place in New York City." Prize: $50,000. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Defenstration.netGenre: Flash fiction Suite: at least three flash fiction works that correlate, and build to something greater. Prize: $75. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Systems Change AllianceGenre: Flash fiction. "Give us a snapshot into a post-pandemic world in which a shift towards positive systems change has occurred and a new paradigm is established or unfolding." Prize: 1st Prize – 300 EU, 2 Runners Up – 100 EU. Deadline: November 1, 2020.

The SpectatorGenre: You are invited to write a poem with each line beginning with the letters A S D F G H J K L Z X C V B N M, in that order. Please email entries to .  Prize: £30. Deadline: November 4, 2020.

Man Booker International Prize. The Man Booker International Prize for fiction translated into English is awarded annually by the Booker Prize Foundation to the author of the best (in the opinion of the judges) eligible novel or collection of short stories. Prize: £50,000 divided equally between the author and the translator. There will be a prize of £2,000 each of the shortlisted titles divided equally between the author and the translator. DeadlineNovember 6, 2020 for works published between May 1 and December 31, 2020.

The Observer Graphic Novel Contest. Genre: Graphic novel. PrizeThe first prize is £1,000 and publication in The Observer New Review. The runner-up will receive £250 and their work will appear on DeadlineNovember 6, 2020.

Reedsy. Genre: Story based on a prompt. Length: 1000 - 3000 words. Prize: $50. DeadlineNovember 6, 2020.

Society of Classical Poets, Ekphrastic ContestGenre: Write a poem based on a given photo.   Prize$100. DeadlineNovember 8, 2020.

Dylan Thomas PrizeRestrictions: Authors must be aged 39 or under. Eligible books must have been commercially published for the first time in the English language between January 1 and December 31 of the year in which the deadline falls. Genre: Published books of poetry, fiction (novel, novella, or short story collection), radio scripts, or screenplays. Prize: 30,000 pounds, plus 1,000 pounds for shortlisted authors. Deadline: November 9, 2020.

Women's Prize for FictionGenre: Published book by a woman. Entrants must be writing in English and must be published in the UK. All subject matters and women of any age, from any nationality or country of residence are eligible. Prize: £30,000.00. DeadlineNovember 9, 2020. (Their website is hard to navigate.)

So to SpeakRestrictions: Fee-Free for Black and Indigenous Writers. Genre: Feminist fiction. Prize: $500 and publication. DeadlineNovember 10, 2020.

The SpectatorGenre: You are invited to supply a prequel to a well-known poem (please specify). Please email entries of up to 16 lines to Prize: £30. Deadline: November 11, 2020.

Arts & Letters AwardsRestrictions: Open to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Genres: poetry, short fiction, nonfiction, dramatic script, art, music, and French language. Entries must be unpublished and completed during the previous 12 months. Prizes: C$1,000 and C$250. Deadline: November 13, 2020.

The PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging WritersRestrictions: PEN America will only accept submissions from editors of eligible publications. Authors may not submit their own short story for this award. Genre: First published short story. Prize: $2000 and publication in The PEN America Best Debut Short Stories. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

Frontier OpenGenre: Poem. Prize: $5000. Deadline: November 15, 2020.

The Marfield Prize, also known as the National Award for Arts Writing, is given annually by the Arts Club of Washington to nonfiction books about the arts written for a broad audience. Genre: Non-fiction book. Self-published books not accepted. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: November 16, 2020.

One Teen StoryRestrictions: Open to writers age 13 -19. Genre: Short story between 2,000 to 4,500 words. Prize: $500 upon publication and 25 copies of the magazine. Deadline: November 20, 2020. 

Erewash. Genre: Poem or story using the word Course. You can submit poetry up to 40 lines or a max 500-word story Prize: £10. Deadline: November 26, 2020. 

Polar Expressions Publications Poetry CompetitionRestrictions: Open to Canadian students in kindergarten through grade twelve. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $300, $200, $100. Deadline: November 27, 2020.

Hope Mill Theatre Playwrighting PrizeRestrictions: Open to UK residing writers, age 16 years and over. Genre: Play, one hour long. Prize: £5,000. Deadline: November 27, 2020.

Leonard L. Milberg '53 High School Poetry PrizeRestrictions: Student writers in the 11th grade. Prizes: First Prize – $500, Second Prize – $250, Third Prize – $100. Deadline: November 27, 2020.

Paul Torday Memorial PrizeRestrictions: Authors must be over 60. Genre: First published novel. The novel must have been first published in the UK and Republic of Ireland between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. Prize: £1,000. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

ServicescapeGenre: Short story or nonfiction up to 5,000 words. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Betty Trask PrizeRestrictions: Author must be a Commonwealth citizen. Genre: First novels, published or unpublished, written by authors under the age of 35 in a "traditional or romantic, but not experimental, style." Prize: Awards totaling 20,000 pounds. Top prize 10,000 pounds. The prize money must be used for foreign travel. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young WritersRestrictions: Open to writers aged 16-18. Genre: Poem (1). Prize: Full scholarship to The Kenyon Review Young Writers workshop, an intensive two-week summer seminar for writers aged 16-18. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Somerset Maugham AwardsRestrictions: Open to UK writers under the age of 35. Genre: Published work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry. Prize: 2,500 pounds apiece to four winners. Prize money must be used for travel. Deadline: November 30, 2020. 

UNT Rilke PrizeRestrictions: US citizens or residents. Open to authors with at least two prior published books of poetry. Genre: Book of poetry published between November 1, 2019 and October 31, 2020. Prize: $10,000.00. Deadline: November 30, 2020. 

AVBOB Poetry CompetitionRestrictions: Open to any citizen of South Africa. Genre: Poetry.   Prize: R10,000. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Brunel International African Poetry PrizeRestrictions: The Prize is open to poets who were born in Africa, or who are nationals of an African country, or whose parents are African. It is for ten poems exactly in order to encourage serious poets. These poems may, however, have already been published. Only poets who have not yet had a full-length poetry book published are eligible. Poets who have self-published poetry books or had chapbooks and pamphlets published are allowed to submit for this prize. Genre: Poetry. Prize: £3000. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

J. F. Powers Prize for Short FictionGenre: Short fiction. Prize: $500. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Unified Caring Association Student Essay ContestRestrictions: Open to US High School Juniors and Seniors. Genre: Essay. Choose one category: Children, Animals, Reforestation or Elderly. Word count: 500 words minimum. Prize: 10 first prizes of $550 scholarship; 10 honorable mention essays will each receive a $250 scholarship. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Back To School ContestGenre: Story about a school memory. 20 words max. Prize: Free Gotham class. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Better Than StarbucksGenre: Metrical poetry. Your sonnet can be shakespearean, petrarchan, spenserian, rhymed, or slant-rhymed. Blank verse is fine, as long as the sonnet form is clearly identifiable. They'll consider tetrameter, hexameter, etc. as well as pentameter. Prize: $100.  Deadline: November 30, 2020. Previously published work accepted.

Renee Duke Youth Poetry AwardRestrictions: Open to young poets age 17 and under. Genre: Poem relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Prize: $100. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Anita McAndrews Poetry AwardGenre: Poetry on theme of human rights. Familiarity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is recommended. Prize: First prize $200, Second prize $50. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Gasher First Book ScholarshipRestrictions: Open to US residents. Genre: First book. Prize: $250. This scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a writer submitting their first book.  Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Paper Djinn Story-Writing Contest. Genre: Science Fiction. Theme: Imagine a world where androids are a sentient, self-governing race and co-exist with human beings. The two civilizations live and work together, make friends and enemies of each other, and engage in trade and war as any two nations on Earth. Prize: $10. Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Black Hare Press: Dialogue Only ContestGenre: Short story, of up to 5,000 words, written entirely in dialogue form. At least one character must be from a speculative fiction world (alien, superhero, werewolf, zombie, vampire, faerie, etc). Prize: $100, $50, $10 (AUD). Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Monday, October 26, 2020

12 Writing Conferences in November 2020

Writing conferences tend to slow down during the holidays, but in November there are still a dozen being offered, mostly via online formats. You can attend workshops, presentations, readings, discussions, lectures, and critiques via Zoom.

Plan ahead! Conferences often offer scholarships, but these have deadlines. If one of these conferences interests you, put the scholarship deadline date on your calendar for next year, or for whenever the conference rolls around again.

For a full list of conferences, organized by month, see Writing Conferences. While nearly all of these are in the United States, you can find links on that page that will take you to world-wide conference lists.

(Photo credit: Onscout)


Bookgardan: A Year's Sustenance for Writers. November 1, 2020 - November 1, 2021: Keene, NY. "Devote a year to writing your book in community with an intimate group of dedicated writers, nurtured from start to finish by acclaimed author, seasoned editor, and literary mentor Kate Moses. The program opens and closes with week-long fall residency intensives at Craigardan, a secluded artists' retreat set at a circa-1800s farm nestled in the Adirondack mountains of upstate New York. From the first residency onward Kate will provide writers the structure, tools, and guidance required to cultivate and nourish their manuscripts, with the goal of bringing projects to fruition (a full first draft, a revised draft, or meeting an individual goal) by program's end. Throughout the year, writers will receive ongoing individual and group mentorship, one-on-one monthly conferences in response to their manuscript submissions, and take part in online craft tutorials, group seminars, interviews with published writers and publishing professionals, and other opportunities for connection with like-minded artists sharing in an often solitary endeavor. Bookgardan culminates twelve months later—once again syncing with the autumn harvest—with a second Craigardan residency focused on the business of writing and publishing, the sustenance of lasting fellowship, and a deserved celebration. Limited to a maximum of 6 participants each year." Will be held online.

Wright Women Writers Conference. November 5- 7, 2020: University of Central Arkansas. "The C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference focuses on women-identifying writers from all genres and all experience levels, from journalism to mass market books to literary endeavors, and beyond. Our goal is to provide a space for camaraderie, connection-making, and inspiration, and while women-identifying writers are the only presenters at the conference, we welcome all of our male and male-identifying colleagues to attend. We believe that much of what we have to offer, including the specific, female perspective, is valuable for all audiences, and that male allies are necessary to changing the current gender imbalance in publishing." Will be held virtually.

Sanibel Island Writers Conference. November 5 - 8, 2020: Sanibel Island, Florida. The conference features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as manuscript consultations, readings, panels, concerts, and book signings. Faculty and visiting writers have included poets Major Jackson, Annemarie Ní Churreáin, and January Gill O’Neil; fiction writers Julianna Baggott, Lynne Barrett, Brock Clarke, John Dufresne, Tod Goldberg, Steve Kistulentz, Tom McAllister, and Darin Strauss; creative nonfiction writers Steve Almond, Andrea Askowitz, Emily Black, Stephanie Elizondo Griest, Joyce Maynard, Jane Roper, and Michael Ruhlman; screenwriter Mark Evan Schwartz; and agent Christopher Schelling (Selectric Artists).

The Craft of Writing Series: Poetry. November 5 - 19, 2020. The Craft of Writing Series is a three-week program that takes place virtually the first through third Thursdays of each month. Each month focuses on a different genre or form of writing.  Will be held online.

Atlanta Writers Conference. November 6 - 8, 2020: Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta Writers Conference will be held from November 6 to November 8 online and at the Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel in Atlanta. The conference features online craft and marketing workshops, editing consultations via e-mail, and in-person pitch sessions and manuscript and query letter critiques for fiction writers, nonfiction writers, and graphic novelists. Participating publishing professionals include editors Nettie Finn (St. Martin’s Press), Nate Lanman (William Morrow/HarperCollins), Erin McClary (Sourcebooks), Chayenne Skeete (Penguin Random House), Haley Swanson (HarperCollins), and Alicia Tan (HarperCollins), and agents Lisa Abellera (Kimberley Cameron & Associates), Lauren Bieker (FinePrint Literary Management), Savannah Brooks (Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency), Penelope Burns (Gelfman Schneider/ICM), Brenna English-Loeb (Transatlantic Agency), Ronald Gerber (Lowenstein Associates), Jennifer Grimaldi (Chalberg & Sussman), Kaitlyn Johnson (Belcastro Literary Agency), Maria Napolitano (Bookcase Literary Agency), and Samantha Wekstein (Thompson Literary Agency). The cost of a single session ranges from $75 to $190; the cost of the All-Activities Package, which includes two manuscript critiques, one query letter critique, two pitch sessions, two workshops, and an optional preconference manuscript edit, is $650. Writers who are not members of the Atlanta Writers Club must purchase a yearlong membership for an additional $50 in order to register. The deadline to register for a manuscript critique is October 7. Space is limited; registration is first come, first served. The general registration deadline is November 5. Lodging is available at the conference hotel for a discounted rate of $129 per night until October 15. Will be held online and in person.

Breakthrough Novel Weekend. November 6 - 8, 2020: Portland, Oregon. "Is your work-in-progress your breakthrough? How can you tell? What factors matter and which should you focus on? Are you presenting your work in the best light, with a persuasive query letter and synopsis? Master instructor Donald Maass knows the answers and offers in the Breakthrough Novel Workshop practical ways to create what feels magical on the page."

Writing By Writers Manuscript Boot Camp. November 6 - 9, 2020. Tahoe City, CA. The Writing By Writers Manuscript Boot Camp is for the writer who has a full book-length manuscript (novel, memoir or short story collection) and would like to engage with a small group for a serious and productive response. The long weekend will include an intimate full manuscript workshop, craft talks, readings, an agent panel and individual agent meetings – the perfect pre-publication boot camp for any manuscript. Classes are limited to 5 participants.Tuition includes one three-day workshop, admittance to all craft talks, panels and readings, a one-on-one with an agent, all meals (dinner on Friday; three meals Saturday and Sunday; breakfast, and lunch on Sunday) and lodging in a single room for three nights. Vegetarian meals are available upon request.

Breakout Novel Intensive 2.0. November 9 - 15, 2020: Hood River, OR. Included are new or revised units on story discovery, strong voice, standout characters, the inner journey, compelling story worlds, beautiful writing, creating resonance and finding meaning in both story and process. Breakout fundamentals are also covered: strong characters, inner conflict, personal stakes, plot layers, powerful scenes, micro-tension, practical theme techniques and much more. Instructor: Donald Maass. Will be held online.

North Carolina Writers’ Network Writingest State Online Conference. November 10 -14, 2020. The WSOC will feature classes and conversations on the craft and business of writing, as well as a keynote address by North Carolina Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green, a Pre-Conference Tailgate and a Prompt Party to get creative juices flowing, online Open Mic readings and Happy Hour virtual gatherings, and an Agents & Editors panel discussion. Will be held online.

The Monterey Writer Retreat in California. November 11 - 15, 2020: Monterey, CA. Participants in the Monterey Writer Retreat will work one-on-one with two of the best literary "closers" in the business: Gina Panettieri and Michael Neff combine 38 years of working with aspiring authors and ushering them to publication. They will be available for multiple private consultations from 9 AM to noon and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM each day of the retreat. Choice of sessions and focus will be up to each individual writer. Additionally, as circumstances permit, Gina and Michael will also join retreaters in their quest for superb dining and festivity opportunities in the Monterey and Carmel area.

Fall Nonfiction Writers Conference. November 12 - 13, 2020. ONLINE EVENT. Online conference devoted to writing, publishing and promoting non-fiction books. Participation is live via phone or Skype, and recordings can be downloaded. Features 15 speakers over three days. Private Facebook group for attendees!

Red Clay Writers Conference. November 14 - 15, 2020: Kennesaw GA. The Red Clay Writers Conference is the annual conference of the Georgia Writers Association. Red Clay encourages and inspires writers across Georgia through a full day of literary events that focus on the art and craft of writing.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

3 UK Agents Seeking Nonfiction, Thrillers, Romance, Poetry, SF/F, Fiction and more

Here are three UK literary agents actively looking for writers. Sile Edwards is looking for nonfiction and all genres of fiction, but she is especially interested in crime thrillers, romantic comedies, poetry and upmarket fiction. Julie Fergusson is interested in fiction across a range of genres, particularly psychological thrillers, domestic suspense, sci-fi, near-future speculative, romcoms, reading group and literary fiction. She is interested in non-fiction that explores big ideas in the areas of popular science and social justice. Eleanor Birne is looking for writers from all backgrounds and regions who have a unique story to tell — whether in fiction or non-fiction.

Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


Ms. Sile Edwards of Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd

Silé began her career in publishing with several internships across the industry whilst studying for a degree in English with Creative Writing at Goldsmiths University. After graduating she worked at the Publishers Association supporting their campaigns and other communications functions. She then moved to Curtis Brown as an assistant in the Book Department, where she supported deals for a large and eclectic list of clients including Adam Kay, Deliciously Ella, Alys Fowler, Viv Groskop, Katy Brand and Lucy Foley. She is a trustee for award-winning mentoring charity and network Arts Emergency.

What she is seeking: Silé is looking for books that inform our understanding of the world, society and the ways we live. She is interested in a range of Non-Fiction from emotive life writing to topical essay-like writing to projects on cookery and food. She is particularly keen on finding experts in their field who want to write about what they know in a way that everyone can understand, appreciate and enjoy.

Silé also accepts fiction submissions. She is open to all genres, but especially interested in crime thrillers, romantic comedies, poetry and upmarket fiction.

How to submit: Please email your query to See website for specific instructions.


Ms. Julie Fergusson of The North Literary Agency


Julie obtained degrees in math then creative writing from Edinburgh University, before working for several years as both a publisher and a freelance editor.

What she is seeking: She is looking for fiction across a range of genres, particularly psychological thrillers, domestic suspense, sci-fi, near-future speculative, romcoms, reading group and literary fiction. She is interested in non-fiction that explores big ideas in the areas of popular science and social justice.

How to submit: Use the agency's submission form HERE.


Ms. Eleanor Birne
of PEW Literary

Eleanor Birne has worked in the publishing industry for twenty years. She began life as an agent at David Godwin Associates and before that was Publishing Director at John Murray where she published across literary fiction and non-fiction. Prior to that, she was Editorial Director at Duckworth Publishers. She started her publishing career in the academic division at Macmillan Press and while at university she worked as a bookseller..

What she is seeking: She is looking for writers from all backgrounds and regions who have a unique story to tell — whether in fiction or non-fiction. 

How to submit: If submitting a fiction manuscript, please submit the opening three chapters (or fifty pages) along with a synopsis. The synopsis should be a clear explanation of the plot from first to final chapter. Please accompany your submission with a brief cover letter that tells us a little about you as a writer. Send your work to For non-fiction send a proposal. Your proposal should be approximately thirty pages long. (See website for specifics.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

4 Agents Seeking Children's and Young Adult Books

Updated 9/18/23

Here are five agents seeking books for children in all genres, from picture books, to middle grade, up to books for young adults. Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


Ms. Lucy Irvine
 of Peters Fraser & Dunlop (UK)

Lucy Irvine is an Associate Agent, working with Silvia Molteni on PFD’s children’s list. After graduating from University College London with an MA in Issues in Modern Culture in 2017, she interned at Agora Books, PFD’s publishing arm, before becoming assistant to CEO Caroline Michel. She began her new role in June 2019.

What she is seeking: She is actively building her own list, and is looking particularly for commercial Middle Grade and YA – both fiction and non-fiction – along with picture books, illustrated fiction for younger readers, and graphic novels.

How to submit: Please send the first three chapters of your novel or non-fiction project, as well as a full synopsis along with your query to:


Tori Sharp joined The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency as an Associate Literary Agent in 2020 after interning for two years. Tori has a BFA in Sequential Art from the Savannah College of Art and Design, and her graphic memoir, JUST PRETEND, is forthcoming from Little, Brown in spring 2021. When she’s not reading, writing, or making comics, she can be found swing and blues dancing, playing tabletop games, or exploring coffee shops in beautiful Seattle, WA.

What she is seeking
: Children's literature: graphic novels, MG, YA (especially SFF).

How to submit
: Please email a one-page query letter to Please include “Query” and the title of your project in the subject line and paste the first twenty pages of your manuscript below your query letter. Graphic novelists should paste a one- to two-page synopsis and five to ten finished sample pages in the body of the email. Please include a full link to your online portfolio in your query. Please do not use link shorteners like Graphic novelists do not need a full script or thumbnail draft in order to query, but have a thorough synopsis available upon request.


Ms. Kelly Dyksterhouse 
of The Tobias Literary Agency

"I graduated from Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2014 with an MFA in Writing and have not looked back. My stories and articles have been published in magazines and my YA story, Match Point, was a finalist for the Katherine Patterson Award. I have interned for several literary agencies and have acted as editorial reader for Hunger Mountain Literary Magazine’s Katherine Paterson Prize. I enjoy speaking and teaching on writing craft and leading writing workshops. Over the years, I’ve seen over 20 projects, from picture books to novels, evolve from rough manuscripts to polished books on store shelves."

What she is seeking: Books for children and young adults.

How to submit: Use her submission form HERE.


Ms. Joyce Sweeney
of The Seymour Agency

Joyce Sweeney has worn a lot of hats. She is the author of fourteen novels for young adults, and two chapbooks of poetry. She created and managed a local theater company in South Florida for ten years, mentoring local playwrights, producing and directing their plays. For the past twenty-five years, she has taught creative writing, both in person and online, and has mentored over sixty of her students to traditional publishing contracts. She has edited countless manuscripts and will be the quintessential ‘editorial agent’.

What she is seeking: In Picture Books: Fiction or non-fiction. I am drawn to lyrical voices, fun syntax and offbeat concepts. I like unusual characters, and plots that make me cry or laugh out loud. Illustrator/authors welcome and rhyme (if you REALLY know how to do it) is fine. Diversity, please. Most of all, be unique. In Middle Grade: I am especially drawn to humor, fantasy and sci-fi, but a realistic novel that makes me cry will work too. Actively looking for graphic novels. Advocate of books for boys. Would love to see more LGBTQ as well.

How to submit: For queries, send an email to



Jas Perry is a freelance editor and Manhattan-based associate agent with kt literary. She attended New York University in Florence and London before graduating with a degree in English from CUNY Hunter College. She was awarded the We Need Diverse Books Internship Grant and held several editorial intern positions with Levine Querido and Scholastic’s Arthur A. Levine Books, where she assisted on titles by Kelly Yang, Varian Johnson, Daniel José Older, Eric Gansworth, A.S. King, Francisco X Stork, and Cherie Priest, among others. Jas is Black American/Japanese and interested in representing a diverse range of strong voices — especially by disabled and/or QTPOC creators. She particularly enjoys dark contemporary fiction, offbeat humor, (Alondra Nelson-defined) Afrofuturism, and bold SFF that makes her think.

What she is seeking: Jas represents authors and illustrators of graphic novels across all ages, in addition to select children’s prose fiction. She’s genre agnostic but has a particular fondness for the unsettling, the horrifying, and the absurd. 

How to submit: Currently closed to queries.

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