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Make sure to follow submission requirements carefully. Editors become cranky when writers don't follow their submission rules.
If you want to get a jump on next month's calls for submissions, check the page Calls for Submissions, which is where I post new calls as they come up.
Augur. Genre: Dreamy fiction and poetry. Payment: $10 for flash, $20 for short story. Deadline: Open to submissions in June. (Check their submissions page for details,)
Spark: The “Aww” Factor. Genre: Flash fiction between 300 and 1000 words. "Write us a story where a single parent meets his daughter’s science teacher and there’s chemistry or maybe a vet falls for a police officer who brings in his K9. Think sweet and charming stories that make us go “aww!” Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
Eternal Haunted Summer. Genre: Original poetry and short fiction about the Gods and Goddesses and heroes of the world’s many Pagan traditions. Also reviews, interviews, and essays. Payment: $5. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
Contrary. Genre: Original commentary, fiction, and poetry. Payment: $20. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
TALES FROM THE CRUST: An Anthology of Pizza Horror. Genre: You read it right. They want horror stories about pizza. Story length: 1k – 5k. Payment: $0.03 per word. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
SubTerrain Magazine: Margins. Genre: Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, essays, and commentary on theme of: Life on the margins, being on the border or edge of society. Payment: Poetry: $50 per poem; Prose: $.10 per word (to a maximum of $500.) Canadian dollars. Deadline: June 1, 2018. Charges fee for online submissions; no fee for snail mail.
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe” Fantasy Anthology. Genre: Fantasy. Payment: Authors will receive a minimum of $100 each (max $500) if the Kickstarter succeeds. If it fails, authors will receive $25. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
Nature’s Healing Spirit: Real Life Stories to Nurture the Soul. Genre: Nature essay between 1,200 and 2,000 words. Payment: $50 per essay. Accepted poems pay at the rate of $25. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
Slice. Genre: Poetry, prose on theme of "Time." Payment: $250 for long stories and essays, $75 for flash fiction, and $75 for poems. Deadline: June 1, 2018.
Shout Out. Genre: Comics for queer-identified teens age 13-17. Payment: $11 per page for writers, $25 per page for artists. Deadline: June 10, 2018.
Rattle: Young Poets. Genre: Poetry. Payment: $100. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Cricket. Genres: Middle Grade (9 - 14) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, recipes, and activities on theme of Escapes and Rescues. Payment: Fiction: up to 10¢ per word, Nonfiction: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Lamplight. Genre: Dark fiction. Length: Up to 7,000 words. Payment: 3 cents per word. Deadline: June 15, 2018. Reprints accepted at 1 cent per word.
Subprimal Poetry Art. Genres: Flash fiction and poetry. "We're looking for work that enables the reader / listener to experience something that they might not otherwise in their regular life and causes them to think. We like pieces that use language in new ways. We have a special fondness for prose poems. Voices outside of the status quo keep us awake at night." Payment: $20. Reprints $10. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Living Education Updates. Genre: Nonfiction articles on homeschooling. Payment: $50/article. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Spider Magazine. Genres: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, activities, crafts, and recipes for children on theme of Inventions. "Bring on the claws, sharp teeth, tails, and larger-than-life creatures. We’re interested in age-appropriate monster stories that introduce kids to old urban legends like river and lake monsters, the Chupacabra, and Big Foot as well as other creatures that go bump in the night—jumbies, trolls, poltergeists, giants, werewolves, vampires, zombies, or beings we’ve never heard of before. Send us your spooky ghosts and growling, howling beasts who might want to eat you or just be your friend." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum, Activities and recipes: $75.00 flat rate. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Ladybug. Genre: Stories and poems for children ages 3 - 6. Theme: My Friend - "How do young children make friends, and what roles can friends play in their lives? Does a friend have to be another child? When reading submissions, we look for playfulness, humor, and a sense of wonder. Works by and about people of color, LGBTQAI+ people, people with disabilities, and other marginalized peoples are especially welcome. Our readers like simple yet strong plots, memorable characters, and humor. We prefer short work for young children (stories may be up to 800 words, poetry up to 20 lines)." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word. Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Transmundane Press: In the Air Anthology. Genre: Fantasy, horror, erotic, and science fiction tales. Length: 3,000-7,000 words. Payment: $10-20, depending on length, and author copies: one physical and one electronic. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Horror Bites. Genre: Horror. Payment: 1/4 cent per word. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Arsenika. Genre: All; flash fiction and poetry. Payment: $60 USD for fiction and $30 USD for poetry. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Eye to the Telescope: The Dark. Genre: Poetry that addresses all aspects of the dark in the speculative realm. Poems should show the dark in some way and be of darker content. Payment: US 3¢/word. Deadline: June 15, 2018.
Riddled With Arrows. Genre: Writing-related fiction and metafiction, ars poetica, essays, visual art and non-classifiable written objects that reveal the unseen. "Think automatic writing, runes, prophets, magic scrolls, disappearing ink, smoke signals, treasure maps, messages on steamed mirrors. We are particularly interested in the interplay of light and shadow and the myriad ways that writing illuminates our world(s)." Payment: 3¢/word, minimum $5, maximum $25 for previously unpublished poetry or prose and a $5 flat payment for reprints. For original visual art, a flat $10 payment. Deadline: June 17, 2018.
Changelings & Faery Rings: An Anthology of Elemental Creatures & Nature Spirits. Genre: Poetry and 750-words-or-less flash and micro fiction. Payment: Revenue sharing. Deadline: June 22, 2018.
Rambutan. Genre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art with a focus on Southeast Asia. Please keep all submissions under 2,000 words. Payment: $15. Deadline: June 23, 2018.
The Puritan. Genres: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Payment: $100 per nonfiction piece, $50 fiction, $15 per poem. Deadline: June 25, 2018.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. Genre: Speculative stories. Payment: 6 cents/word for original work. 2 cents/word for reprints. Deadline: June 28, 2018.
Splickety: Senioritis. Genre: Flash fiction between 300 and 1000 words. Sub-genres: Coming of age, life lessons, pranks. Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline. June 29, 2018.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: "The Golden Years - Life After 60". Genre: True stories. "So, you've crossed that magic age of 60 and you are ready to retire or start a second career. But you're not ready to stop living! You feel energetic and young and there is still so much to see and do and enjoy. We are looking for stories that will share with our readers humorous and fun adventures from those, or about those, who are actively enjoying their "senior years!" Tell us about your new careers, your volunteer work, your sports and sports cars, your new love interest, your travels, your families and all of those things you always wanted to do that you are finally doing now that you have the time." Payment: $200. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Everyday Queer Heroes: An LGBTQ+ True Stories Anthology. Genre: True stories. All contributions must involve an everyday queer person who is a hero to you and why. Payment: $25 for fiction, $10 for poetry. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Less Than Three Press: Home for the Holiday — LGBTQIA Collection Calls. Genre: LGBTQIA stories about holidays, and all the ways we celebrate them. Length: Stories should be at least 15,000 words and should not exceed approx 40,000 words in length. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Alban Lake: City in the Ice. Genre: Science fiction and fantasy set in Antarctica. Payment: $25. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
FurPlanet Anthology: The Rabbit Dies First. Genre: Anthropomorphic fiction. "We are looking for stories of all genres: scifi, fantasy, horror, mystery, crime, romance, or slice of life -- to name a few -- all centered around two concepts: the rabbit is going to die, and someone else is next. Payment: 1/2 cent per word." Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Mad Scientist Journal. Genre: Speculative fiction, 1st person. Payment: Flash (500-2,000): $10.00 original, $5.00 reprint; Short (2,001-8,000):$20.00 original, $10.00 reprint. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Thuggish Itch. Genre: Horror and speculative fiction on the theme of Viva Las Vegas. Length: 1,000-6,000 words. Payment: AU$5.00 for stories under 2000 words / AU$10.00 for anything above 2000 words. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Gallery of Curiosities. Genre: Speculative fiction up to 7,500 words. "Anachropunkish retro-vintage elements." Payment: Originals, 3 cents/word; reprints 1 cent/word. Deadline: June 30, 2018. Magazine and podcast.
Allegory. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $15. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Black to the Future. Genre: Speculative fiction and poetry by black writers. Payment: $50. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Downstate Story. Genre: Short stories. Payment: $50. Deadline: June 30, 2018. (Snail mail only.)
Deadite Press. Genre: Extreme horror and splatterpunk. Length: 20,000 to 100,000 words. Payment: 50% royalties. Deadline: June 30, 2018. No simultaneous submissions.
Weird City. Genre: Weird fiction. Theme: “Coexistence.” Weird City is a literary magazine dedicated to strange things in dense places. Payment: $20 - $87. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Some July 1 deadlines (It doesn't hurt to submit early):
Cloaked Press. Genre: Fantasy stories. Payment: $10 and 3% of sales. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Alt-Minds. Genre: Fiction and non-fiction/memoir (1,000 to 3,000) of any genre and poetry (no more than 40 lines) that is related to mental health, in theme, subject matter, characterization, whatever “mental health” means to you. Payment: $50.00 CDN per fiction, non-fiction, and memoir piece, and $20.00 CDN per poem. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Spring Song Press: Oath and Iron Anthology. Genre: Speculative fiction,fantasy. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Nexis Fantasy: Corporate Shadows. Genre: Speculative fiction on theme of Net Neutrality. Length: 2,000-15,000 words. Payment: $0.01 per word. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Barrelhouse. Genre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics by unpublished writers only. Payment: $50. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
Alt-Minds. Genre: Fiction and non-fiction/memoir (1,000 to 3,000) of any genre and poetry (no more than 40 lines) that is related to mental health, in theme, subject matter, characterization, whatever “mental health” means to you. Payment: $50.00 CDN per fiction, non-fiction, and memoir piece, and $20.00 CDN per poem. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Spring Song Press: Oath and Iron Anthology. Genre: Speculative fiction,fantasy. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Nexis Fantasy: Corporate Shadows. Genre: Speculative fiction on theme of Net Neutrality. Length: 2,000-15,000 words. Payment: $0.01 per word. Deadline: July 1, 2018.
Barrelhouse. Genre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics by unpublished writers only. Payment: $50. Deadline: June 30, 2018.
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