Friday, October 18, 2019

33 Literary Magazines That Pay $100 or More

Updated 8/27/23 

Writers should get paid for their work. Unfortunately, that can be an uphill battle. Most literary magazines don't pay, but there are some that offer professional rates for fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.

Here are more than two dozen literary magazines that pay $100 and up for fiction and personal essays. (Poetry rates vary.) None charge submission fees. Nearly all have reading periods, so check their guidelines carefully.

For hundreds of paying markets, broken down by genre, see: Paying Markets.



"Boulevard strives to publish only the finest in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. While we frequently publish writers with previous credits, we are very interested in less experienced or unpublished writers with exceptional promise. If you have practiced your craft and your work is the best it can be, send it to Boulevard." Submissions accepted between November 1 and May 1. $3 to submit online. No charge for postal submissions.

Payment: Prose minimum is $100, maximum is $300. Poetry minimum is $25, maximum is $250.


Capilano Review

The Capilano Review is a Canadian journal that publishes art, poetry, fiction, essays and interviews commissioned by the editor, as well as a small selection of unsolicited poetry and prose. See reading periods.

Payment: $50 per published page to a maximum of $200.


The Sun Magazine

"We publish essays, interviews, fiction, and poetry. We tend to favor personal writing, but we’re also looking for provocative pieces on political and cultural issues." They rarely run anything longer than seven thousand words; there’s no minimum length. Simultaneous submissions are discouraged.

Payment: Personal Essays $300 to $2,000; Fiction $300 to $2,000; Poetry $100 to $250.


West Branch Magazine

West Branch Magazine is a publication of Bucknell University. They publish personal essays, poetry and fiction. They pay upon publication. See submission periods.

Payment: $100 per poem, 10 cents per word for prose with a maximum payment of $200.



Accepts poetry and prose. "We look for writing that catches experience before the crusts of habit form—poetry and prose that resist ideas about what a certain kind of writing “should do.” We seek out writers who tell their truths in their own words and convince us as we read that we’ve found something no one else could have written." See submission periods.

Payment: $10 per printed (or printed-out) page for accepted prose, and $20 per page for accepted poetry, up to a maximum of $150.


Colorado Review

Accepts poetry of any style, personal essays, and fiction. Submit no more than five poems with a maximum of 15 pages. Colorado Review prefers short stories and essays that are somewhere between 15 and 25 manuscript pages. Has begun charging a fee for online submissions.

Payment: $10 per page ($30 minimum) for poetry and $200 for short stories and essays.



Poems, sequences, or suites of poems up to a maximum of six pages or fiction or nonfiction of no more than 3,500 words. See reading periods. Has a monthly submittable cap.

Payment: $50 per page to a maximum of $250.


Nashville Review

Accepts fiction and poetry. "Nashville Review seeks to publish the best work we can get our hands on, period. From expansive to minimalist, narrative to lyric, epiphanic to subtle—if it’s a moving work of art, we want it." See reading periods. 

Payment: $100/story, $25/poem.


Highlights Magazine

Highlights is a magazine for children ages 6-12. Genre: Poems up to 10 lines, especially non-rhyming and/or humorous poetry. No poems with nature or seasonal themes or poems about dogs. Also publish short stories (see guidelines for current themes), puzzles, articles, activities, and cartoons.

Payment: $40 and up for poems, crafts, and puzzles, and $175 and up for fiction and nonfiction.


The Ex-Puritan

The Ex-Puritan is one of Canada’s premier online literary magazines. Based in Toronto, and founded in late 2006, The Ex-Puritan is committed to publishing the best in new fiction, poetry, interviews, essays, reviews, and more, from both Canada and abroad — and has published many of today’s finest literary talents. See reading periods. 

Payment: $100 per interview, $200 per essay, $100 per review, $150 per work of fiction, and $25 per poem (or page, capped at $80 for poems running four pages or more).


The Threepenny Review

The Threepenny Review is a respected literary magazine publishing fiction and poetry. Their nonreading period is July 1 through December 31.

Payment: $200/poem, $400/story.



"VQR strives to publish the best writing we can find. While we have a long history of publishing accomplished and award-winning authors, we also seek and support emerging writers. We read unsolicited fiction, poetry, and nonfiction submissions June 15 to July 15, and October 1 to November 1 each year through our Submittable portal. We read nonfiction pitches from June 15 to December 1." Note: Genre fiction not accepted.

Payment: $200 per poem, up to 4 poems; for a suite of 5 or more poems, payment is $1,000. For short fiction, $1,000. For other prose, such as personal essays and literary criticism, $1,000 and above, at approximately 25 cents per word, depending on length. Online content is generally paid at $100-$200, depending upon genre and length.


The Georgia Review

Founded in 1947, The Georgia Review is the University of Georgia’s journal of arts and letters.  The journal has twice taken a top prize in the annual National Magazine Awards competition, winning out over the likes of the AtlanticEsquire, the New Yorker, and Vanity Fair, and has been a finalist twenty times in various categories.

Payment: $50 per printed page for prose and $4 per line for poetry. Essay-reviews and standard reviews earn $50/printed page. In addition, all contributors receive a one-year subscription to The Georgia Review. No fee to submit by regular mail. Fee to submit online, no fee by post.


Clarkesworld Magazine 

Clarkesworld Magazine is a Hugo, World Fantasy, and British Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction. Issues are published monthly in ebook format, and via electronic subscription. All original fiction is also published in our trade paperback series from Wyrm Publishing. Currently open for art, non-fiction and short story submissions. No simultaneous submissions.

Payment: 10¢ per word. Length: 1000-22000 words, no exceptions.


Asimov's Science Fiction

Asimov's Science Fiction is a renowned science fiction magazine. They are happy to publish new writers. Stories should be between 1,000 and 20,000 words. 

Payment: 10 cents per word for the first 7,500 words, and 8 cents (per word) for the rest of the story.



Accepts poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. "What We Look For: Work that moves and amazes us.We are drawn to big minds, large hearts, sharp pens."  Length: Print: 15,000 words; Online: 4,000 words. See submission periods.

Payment: Print: Upon acceptance, $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction; $250 for a poem, a group of short poems, or (the rare) short short. Online: Upon acceptance, $250.


Bennington Review 

Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, film writing, and cross-genre work. "We aim to stake out a distinctive space for innovative, intelligent, and moving fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, film writing, and cross-genre work. In the spirit of poet Dean Young’s dictum that poets should be “making birds, not birdcages,” we are particularly taken with writing that is simultaneously graceful and reckless." See reading periods. 

Payment: $100 for prose of six pages and under, $200 for prose of over six pages, and $20 per poem, in addition to two copies of the issue the piece is published in.



"What we love and want: cultural criticism; thoughtful, clever and beautiful personal essays; short fiction; original artwork and photography. We do *not* want even the best hot take you can imagine, and we will not publish news. We do not want you to cannibalize yourself. We are interested in provocative work but we are not interested in senseless provocation." See themes.

Payment: $1 a word for work up to 3,500 words in length.


Chicken Soup for the Soul

"A Chicken Soup for the Soul story is an inspirational, true story about ordinary people having extraordinary experiences. It is a story that opens the heart and rekindles the spirit. It is a simple piece that touches our readers and helps them discover basic principles they can use in their own lives. These stories are personal and often filled with emotion and drama. They are filled with vivid images created by using the five senses. In some stories, the readers feel that they are actually in the scene with the people." 

Payment: $200.


Contemporary Verse 2

"Contemporary Verse 2 is a quarterly literary journal that publishes poetry and critical writing about poetry, including interviews, articles, essays, and reviews. It is our policy to publish new writing by both emerging and established poets. The writing we encourage reflects a diversity representing a range of social and cultural experience along with literary excellence." See reading periods.

Payment: $30 - $150.


One Story

"One Story is seeking literary fiction. Because of our format, we can only accept stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. They can be any style and on any subject as long as they are good. We are looking for stories that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone." See submission periods.

Payment: $500.


Escape Pod

Science fiction - audio and text. "We are fairly flexible on what counts as science (we’ll delve into superheroes or steampunk on occasion) and are interested in exploring the range of the genre. We want stories that center on science, technology, future projections, and/or alternate history, and how any or all of these things intersect with people." Length: 1500-6000 words. See reading periods.

Payment: $0.08 per word for original fiction; $100.00 flat rate for reprints of any length.


Woods Reader

"Woods Reader is a publication for those who love woodland areas: whether a public preserve, forest, tree farm, backyard woodlot or other patch of trees and wildlife. Our readers like to hear about others’ experiences and insights, especially those that make an impression that they think about long after they have finished the article. Submitted content should center around trees and woodlands."

Length: They accept essays of 500-1,000 words and occasionally may serialize work of 2,000-5,000 words. They also accept fiction/fantasy.

Payment: $25 to $150.



Kaleidoscope magazine creatively focuses on the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts. This publication expresses the experience of disability from the perspective of individuals, families, friends, healthcare professionals, educators and others.

"The material chosen for Kaleidoscope challenges and overcomes stereotypical, patronizing, and sentimental attitudes about disability. We accept the work of writers with and without disabilities; however the work of a writer without a disability must focus on some aspect of disability. The criteria for good writing apply: effective technique, thought-provoking subject matter, and in general, a mature grasp of the art of story-telling. Writers should avoid using offensive language and always put the person before the disability."

Kaleidoscope accepts electronic (website and email) submissions. Electronic submissions should be sent as an attachment when submitted both on the website and within an email. Please include complete information-full name, postal and email address and telephone number(s)

Payment is made upon publication, and varies from $10 to $100.


In addition to fiction and creative nonfiction (up to 6,000 words), Craft accepts critical pieces on craft, book annotations, and interviews. Critical essays and craft talks range from 1,500 to 2,500 words concerning the craft of fiction or creative nonfiction. For interviews, they are interested in conversations with fiction and creative nonfiction writers/novelists focusing on the craft of writing. Book annotations generally focus on fiction or creative nonfiction writers/novelists who explicitly explore craft in their work. These pieces are typically between 1,500 and 2,000 words. 

Payment: $100 for original flash and $200 for original short fiction and creative nonfiction. Nonfiction craft articles pay $50 - $100. They do not pay for reprints. 


Iron Horse Literary Review publishes three print issues a year and three e-editions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They publish established writers, new writers, and, in particular, women, LGBTQIA writers, and writers of color.

Payment: $100 per essay or story, and $50 per poem or flash piece.


GigaNotoSaurus accepts Science Fiction or Fantasy (or any combination thereof) from 5,000 to 25,000 words. "We actively seek to include stories told from and by a diverse range of cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and genders. We are particularly interested in #ownvoices stories." See reading periods.

Payment: $200 per story.

"We seek smart, weird, funny articles or stories, which run between 500 and 1,500 words. Mostly, we want short fiction for mature readers, pieces that uphold the story-telling legacy of comics. It could be a delirious rant, a personal anecdote, a tale of horror or even poetry. It can be about anything, but we have a soft spot for submissions with a dash of humor. These stories can be political, but they must not be based on events that might be outdated by the time we publish. Whatever the subject, it must still be relevant a year from now." 

Payment: $200 per story.


Substack runs a monthly short story competition. Their mission is to "revive the art of the short story, support artists, and produce something wonderful." The prize is $100 for the chosen story plus 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Submit stories by the end of the month. (Only one story receives the full payout.) Their preferred length is 6000 - 10,000 words. Reprints are ok so long as you still have the rights to distribute. Read more about the competition HERE.

 fiction or prose poetry between 250 and 500 words. Payment: $100. See reading periods.


They are looking for completed personal essays of 1500 to 2500 words.  They are interested in a diverse variety of authors subjects and voices and tones, and look generally for pieces that make meaning of deeply personal experiences. See resding periodsPayment: $200.


"SUSPECT, as in "we suspect this work has qualities of greatness." As in looking from the ground up, and not top down. As in "incredulity towards metanarratives" (Lyotard) in favor of microhistories, subversive perspectives, and marginalized identities. We SUSPECT that a SUSPECT like you has something SUSPECT to say. Say it. We seek poetry, literary fiction, essays, and any kind of writings that do not fall into these categories, written or translated into English by authors who identify as Asian. We also publish reviews of books by Asian authors and interviews with Asian writers and artists." Payment: $100.


Book XI is a journal dedicated to publishing personal essays, memoir, fiction, science fiction, humor, and poetry with philosophical themes. The journal is on-line, and will appear twice a year. Book XI is housed at Hamilton College’s Arthur Levitt Center for Public Affairs. We will consider only previously unpublished and philosophically informed creative work (though our understanding of “philosophically informed is capacious.” Payment: $200 for prose; $50 for poetry. 


"Dismantle isn’t just a digital magazine. Dismantle is a refuge within a vast and varied digital landscape, dedicated to making time and space for the critically minded. On paper, we publish “Essays, Prose, Poetry, Art.” In practice, we’re interested in work that imagines better ways to be in the world. We want your weird and inspired bits and bobs. We want your love letters, passion projects, top-secret diary entries, and blood-curdling manifestos. 

We at Dismantle welcome your wildest ideas with open arms."

Payment$100.00 per prose over ~1000 words


“Genre is a construct; genre does not exist.” To give you some idea of how diverse our selections can be, the previous issue contained a blend of contemporary realism, transgressive fiction, body horror, comedy, satire, crime fiction, magical realism, and science fiction / slipstream from a mix of established and award-winning authors, emerging voices, and first-time short fiction writers. We’re looking for stories that make us go, “I have got to share this with the world!” regardless of their genre, form, or trope." Length: 5000 - 7500 words. 

Payment: Body Shots pays $150 for works of 5000+ words, $75 for works of 2500 to 5000 words, and $35 for works of 2500 words or less. For photographs, they pay $150 per photo.

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