Monday, May 28, 2018

42 Calls for Submissions in June 2018 - Paying Markets

There are more than three dozen calls for submissions in June. As usual, anything you can think of is wanted - flash fiction, speculative fiction and poetry, creative nonfiction, children's stories, along with several interesting themed issues. All of these literary magazines pay, and none charge submission fees.

Make sure to follow submission requirements carefully. Editors become cranky when writers don't follow their submission rules.

If you want to get a jump on next month's calls for submissions, check the page Calls for Submissions, which is where I post new calls as they come up.


AugurGenre: Dreamy fiction and poetry. Payment: $10 for flash, $20 for short story. Deadline: Open to submissions in June. (Check their submissions page for details,)

Spark: The “Aww” FactorGenre: Flash fiction between 300 and 1000 words. "Write us a story where a single parent meets his daughter’s science teacher and there’s chemistry or maybe a vet falls for a police officer who brings in his K9. Think sweet and charming stories that make us go “aww!” Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Eternal Haunted SummerGenre: Original poetry and short fiction about the Gods and Goddesses and heroes of the world’s many Pagan traditions. Also reviews, interviews, and essays. Payment: $5. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Contrary. Genre: Original commentary, fiction, and poetry. Payment: $20. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

TALES FROM THE CRUST: An Anthology of Pizza HorrorGenre: You read it right. They want horror stories about pizza. Story length: 1k – 5k. Payment: $0.03 per word. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

SubTerrain Magazine: MarginsGenre: Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, essays, and commentary on theme of: Life on the margins, being on the border or edge of society. Payment: Poetry: $50 per poem; Prose: $.10 per word (to a maximum of $500.) Canadian dollarsDeadline: June 1, 2018. Charges fee for online submissions; no fee for snail mail.

Ye Olde Magick Shoppe” Fantasy AnthologyGenre: Fantasy. Payment: Authors will receive a minimum of $100 each (max $500) if the Kickstarter succeeds. If it fails, authors will receive $25. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Nature’s Healing Spirit: Real Life Stories to Nurture the SoulGenre: Nature essay between 1,200 and 2,000 words. Payment: $50 per essay. Accepted poems pay at the rate of $25. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

SliceGenre: Poetry, prose on theme of "Time." Payment: $250 for long stories and essays, $75 for flash fiction, and $75 for poems. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Shout OutGenre: Comics for queer-identified teens age 13-17. Payment: $11 per page for writers, $25 per page for artists. Deadline: June 10, 2018.

Rattle: Young PoetsGenre: Poetry. Payment: $100. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

CricketGenres: Middle Grade (9 - 14) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, recipes, and activities on theme of Escapes and Rescues. Payment: Fiction: up to 10¢ per word, Nonfiction: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

LamplightGenre: Dark fiction. Length: Up to 7,000 words. Payment: 3 cents per word. Deadline: June 15, 2018. Reprints accepted at 1 cent per word.

Subprimal Poetry ArtGenres: Flash fiction and poetry. "We're looking for work that enables the reader / listener to experience something that they might not otherwise in their regular life and causes them to think. We like pieces that use language in new ways. We have a special fondness for prose poems. Voices outside of the status quo keep us awake at night." Payment: $20. Reprints $10Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Living Education UpdatesGenre: Nonfiction articles on homeschooling. Payment: $50/article.  Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Spider MagazineGenres: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, activities, crafts, and recipes for children on theme of Inventions. "Bring on the claws, sharp teeth, tails, and larger-than-life creatures. We’re interested in age-appropriate monster stories that introduce kids to old urban legends like river and lake monsters, the Chupacabra, and Big Foot as well as other creatures that go bump in the night—jumbies, trolls, poltergeists, giants, werewolves, vampires, zombies, or beings we’ve never heard of before. Send us your spooky ghosts and growling, howling beasts who might want to eat you or just be your friend." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum, Activities and recipes: $75.00 flat rate. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Ladybug. Genre: Stories and poems for children ages 3 - 6. Theme: My Friend - "How do young children make friends, and what roles can friends play in their lives? Does a friend have to be another child? When reading submissions, we look for playfulness, humor, and a sense of wonder. Works by and about people of color, LGBTQAI+ people, people with disabilities, and other marginalized peoples are especially welcome. Our readers like simple yet strong plots, memorable characters, and humor. We prefer short work for young children (stories may be up to 800 words, poetry up to 20 lines)." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word. Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Transmundane Press: In the Air AnthologyGenre: Fantasy, horror, erotic, and science fiction tales. Length: 3,000-7,000 words. Payment: $10-20, depending on length, and author copies: one physical and one electronic. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Horror BitesGenre: Horror. Payment: 1/4 cent per word. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

ArsenikaGenre: All; flash fiction and poetry. Payment$60 USD for fiction and $30 USD for poetry. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Eye to the Telescope: The Dark. Genre: Poetry that addresses all aspects of the dark in the speculative realm. Poems should show the dark in some way and be of darker content. Payment: US 3¢/word. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Riddled With Arrows. Genre: Writing-related fiction and metafiction, ars poetica, essays, visual art and non-classifiable written objects that reveal the unseen. "Think automatic writing, runes, prophets, magic scrolls, disappearing ink, smoke signals, treasure maps, messages on steamed mirrors. We are particularly interested in the interplay of light and shadow and the myriad ways that writing illuminates our world(s)." Payment: 3¢/word, minimum $5, maximum $25 for previously unpublished poetry or prose and a $5 flat payment for reprints.  For original visual art, a flat $10 payment. Deadline: June 17, 2018.

Changelings & Faery Rings: An Anthology of Elemental Creatures & Nature SpiritsGenre: Poetry and 750-words-or-less flash and micro fiction. Payment: Revenue sharing. Deadline: June 22, 2018.

Rambutan. Genre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art with a focus on Southeast Asia. Please keep all submissions under 2,000 words. Payment: $15. Deadline: June 23, 2018.

The PuritanGenres: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Payment: $100 per nonfiction piece, $50 fiction, $15 per poem. Deadline: June 25, 2018.

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch ShoresGenre: Speculative stories. Payment: 6 cents/word for original work. 2 cents/word for reprints. Deadline: June 28, 2018.

Splickety: SenioritisGenre: Flash fiction between 300 and 1000 words. Sub-genres: Coming of age, life lessons, pranks. Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline. June 29, 2018.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: "The Golden Years - Life After 60"Genre: True stories. "So, you've crossed that magic age of 60 and you are ready to retire or start a second career. But you're not ready to stop living! You feel energetic and young and there is still so much to see and do and enjoy. We are looking for stories that will share with our readers humorous and fun adventures from those, or about those, who are actively enjoying their "senior years!" Tell us about your new careers, your volunteer work, your sports and sports cars, your new love interest, your travels, your families and all of those things you always wanted to do that you are finally doing now that you have the time." Payment: $200. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Everyday Queer Heroes: An LGBTQ+ True Stories AnthologyGenre: True stories. All contributions must involve an everyday queer person who is a hero to you and why. Payment: $25 for fiction, $10 for poetry. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Less Than Three Press: Home for the Holiday — LGBTQIA Collection CallsGenre:  LGBTQIA  stories about holidays, and all the ways we celebrate them. Length: Stories should be at least 15,000 words and should not exceed approx 40,000 words in length. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Alban Lake: City in the IceGenre: Science fiction and fantasy set in Antarctica. Payment: $25.  Deadline: June 30, 2018.

FurPlanet Anthology: The Rabbit Dies FirstGenre: Anthropomorphic fiction. "We are looking for stories of all genres: scifi, fantasy, horror, mystery, crime, romance, or slice of life -- to name a few -- all centered around two concepts: the rabbit is going to die, and someone else is next. Payment: 1/2 cent per word." Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Mad Scientist JournalGenre: Speculative fiction, 1st person. Payment: Flash (500-2,000): $10.00 original, $5.00 reprint; Short (2,001-8,000):$20.00 original, $10.00 reprint. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Thuggish ItchGenre: Horror and speculative fiction on the theme of Viva Las Vegas. Length: 1,000-6,000 words. Payment: AU$5.00 for stories under 2000 words / AU$10.00 for anything above 2000 words. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Gallery of CuriositiesGenre: Speculative fiction up to 7,500 words. "Anachropunkish retro-vintage elements." Payment: Originals, 3 cents/word; reprints 1 cent/word. Deadline: June 30, 2018.  Magazine and podcast.

AllegoryGenre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $15. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Black to the FutureGenre: Speculative fiction and poetry by black writers. Payment: $50.  Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Downstate Story. Genre: Short stories. Payment: $50. Deadline: June 30, 2018. (Snail mail only.)

Deadite PressGenre: Extreme horror and splatterpunk. Length: 20,000 to 100,000 words. Payment: 50% royalties. Deadline: June 30, 2018. No simultaneous submissions.

Broken Eye Books. Genre: Speculative fiction. "We are now open to original short stories of urban weird fiction (so stories about cities and dealing with the complexity that is other people) for the upcoming Nowhereville: Weird is Other People. These are modern weird tales (give or take a few decades) that could only be told of the weirdness of the urban experience and our interactions with one another." Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: June 30, 2018. (The website says "to" July 1, which is ambiguous. It should be "through.")

Weird City. Genre: Weird fiction. Theme: “Coexistence.” Weird City is a literary magazine dedicated to strange things in dense places. Payment: $20 - $87. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Some July 1 deadlines (It doesn't hurt to submit early):

Cloaked PressGenre: Fantasy stories. Payment: $10 and 3% of sales. Deadline: July 1, 2018.

Alt-MindsGenre: Fiction and non-fiction/memoir (1,000 to 3,000) of any genre and poetry (no more than 40 lines) that is related to mental health, in theme, subject matter, characterization, whatever “mental health” means to you. Payment: $50.00 CDN per fiction, non-fiction, and memoir piece, and $20.00 CDN per poem. Deadline: July 1, 2018.

Spring Song Press: Oath and Iron AnthologyGenre: Speculative fiction,fantasy. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: July 1, 2018.

Nexis Fantasy: Corporate ShadowsGenre: Speculative fiction on theme of Net Neutrality. Length: 2,000-15,000 words. Payment: $0.01 per word. Deadline: July 1, 2018.

Barrelhouse. Genre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics by unpublished writers only. Payment: $50. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

42 Writing Contests in June 2018 - No entry fees

Ryan Hickox - Flickr
June is a great month for writing contests. There are more than three dozen free writing contests this month, some of which offer substantial prizes. Every genre, form, and style is covered, from short stories, to poetry, to published works. As always, read the guidelines carefully. Many contests have geographical and age restrictions.

If you want to get an idea of what kinds of contests are offered throughout the year, take a look at Free Contests. The majority of these contests are yearly events. It never hurts to plan ahead.


Stony Brook Short Fiction PrizeRestrictions: Only undergraduates enrolled full time in United States and Canadian universities and colleges for the academic year 2017-18 are eligible. "This Prize has traditionally encouraged submissions from students with an Asian background, but we urge all students to enter." Genre: Fiction of no more than 7,500 words. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: June 1, 2018. 

On The Premises Mini Contest. "For this mini-contest, show, tell, or evoke a complete story in no more than 50 words. Exactly ONE of those words must be “graft”. (No variations like “grafted” or “grafts”, either.) Be sure to use it only once! Length: Maximum of 50 words." Prize: $25 for first place, $15 for second, $10 for third. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Dan Veach Prize for Younger PoetsRestrictions: Open to poets aged 18-23. Genre: Poetry. Prize:  $100 and publication in the Atlanta Review. Deadline: June 1, 2018. 

ABA Journal/Ross Writing Contest for Legal Short Fiction. Sponsored by the American Bar Association. Restrictions: Entrants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.  Genre: Original works of short fiction that illuminate the role of the law and/or lawyers in modern society. 5000 words max. Prize: $3,000 and publication in ABA Journal. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Sapiens PlurumGenre: Short stories that personalize the consequences of climate change so readers feel as well as know them. But stories must offer hope, at least a possibility, for without hope people rarely act. This year, the contest asks brilliant imaginers such as you "Can you rewrite our children's history?" Prize: 1ST PRIZE: $1000; 2ND PRIZE: $500; 3RD PRIZE: $300. Deadline: June 1, 2018. Read rules here.

The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay ContestRestrictions: Children aged 18 and under. Entrants must reside within a Commonwealth country or territory, or the Gambia, the Maldives, and Zimbabwe. Max word count is 1500 for entrants aged 14-18, and 750 for entrants younger than 14. Prizes are not stated explicitly but “have included certificates, resources for winner’s school, visits to Cambridge University, a trip to London and a week of activities, work experience at international organisations, and having your entry featured in worldwide media.” Genre: Essay. The theme of the contest is “Towards a Common Future.” Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Governor General's Literary Awards. Restrictions: Books must have been written by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. They do not need to be residing in Canada. Genre: The Governor General’s Literary Awards are given annually to the best English-language book in each of the seven categories of Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Young People’s Literature (Text), Young People’s Literature (Illustrated Books). Prize: $25,000. Deadline: June 1, 2018. 

Amy Awards. Poets & Writers presents the Amy Award each year to recognize promising women poets, age 30 and under, living in the New York City metropolitan area or on Long Island. Winners receive a modest honorarium and give a reading in New York City. The award was established in 1995 by Paula Trachtman and Edward Butscher of East Hampton, New York, in memory of Ms. Trachtman's daughter, Amy Rothholz, an actor and poet. Genre: Poetry. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors. Created by the Missouri Humanities Council, the Warrior Arts Alliance, and Southeast Missouri State University Press, this series of anthologies preserves and shares military service perspectives of our soldiers and veterans of all conflicts and of their families. It is not only an outlet for artistic expression but also a document of the unique aspects of wartime in our nation's history. Genres: Poetry, Short Fiction, Essay, Photography, Interview with a Warrior. Prize: $250 and publication. Deadline: June 1, 2018 (postmarked).

RBC Taylor PrizeRestrictions: Open to citizens or residents of Canada. Must be published author. Genre: Literary nonfiction. Prize: $25,000 (CAN). Deadline: June 1, 2018 for books published between November 1 and May 31, 2018. 

Literary TaxidermyGenre: Short story, must begin and end with lines from one of three chosen novels. Prize: Up to $1500 and publication. Deadline: June 4, 2018. NoteThere is a voluntary $10 fee. Entrants are encouraged to pay the fee, but are asked to spread the word via social media if they cannot.

Maine Arts Commission Individual Artist FellowshipsRestrictions: Open to writers who have lived in the state of Maine for at least one year. Genre: Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction. Prize: $5,000.  Deadline: June 14, 2018.

Expatriate and Work Abroad Writing ContestGenre: Essay. "Professionals, freelancers, and aspiring writers are encouraged to write articles that describe their experience living, moving, and working abroad. Often your experience living abroad may be extended by working or studying in the host country, so living/working/studying/and traveling abroad are often inextricable—and we are interested in exploring these interconnections." Prize: The first-place winner’s entry will receive $500, the second-place winning entry $150, and the third-place winner $100. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Scotiabank Giller PrizeRestrictions: Open to books published in Canada in English. Must  be nominated by publisher. Genre: Fiction. Full-length novel or collection of short stories published in English, either originally, or in translation. Prize: $100,000 to the winner and $10,000 to each of the finalists. Deadline: Books published between May 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018 must be received on or before June 15, 2018.

The Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award. Sponsored by Sisters in Crime. Restrictions: Open to emerging writers of color. An unpublished writer is preferred, although publication of one work of short fiction or academic work will not disqualify an applicant. Prize: $1,500. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

American-Scandinavian Foundation Translation PrizesGenre: English translations of poetry, fiction, drama, or literary prose originally written in Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, or Swedish by a Scandinavian author born after 1800. Prize: $2,500. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Bard Fiction PrizeGenre: Published fiction book. Prize: $30,000 and a one-semester appointment as writer-in-residence at Bard College. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Towson University Prize for LiteratureRestrictions: Open to Maryland writers. Genre: Book-length manuscript of fiction, poetry, drama or imaginative non-fiction. The work must have been published within the three years prior to the year of nomination or must be scheduled for publication within the year in which nominated. Self-published works will not be considered. Prize: $1,000.  Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Norton Writer's Prize. Sponsored by W.W. Norton & Company. "The Norton Writer’s Prize will be awarded annually for an outstanding essay written by an undergraduate. Literacy narratives, literary and other textual analyses, reports, profiles, evaluations, arguments, memoirs, proposals, mixed-genre pieces, and more: any excellent writing done for an undergraduate writing class will be considered." Genres: Creative Nonfiction, Scholarly Essay. Prize: $1,500. Two runner-up prizes of $1,000. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young PeopleRestrictions: Open to people 25 years of age or less. Genre: Essay (max 700 words). Theme: "Education to Build a Better Future for All." Prize: 1st US$840, 2nd US$420. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Vermont Studio Center – Full Fellowship Awards. The Vermont Studio Center offers 54 fellowships; open to anyone in the world. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Singapore Poetry ContestGenre: Poetry. The poem may be about any aspect of Singapore. Prize: 1st Prize $100. 2nd Prize $50, 3rd Prize $20; all winners will be published online. Deadline: June 15, 2018.

Baltimore Science Fiction Society Amateur Writing ContestRestrictions: Open to Maryland residents or students at a MD 2- or 4-year college, and not a member of the Science Fiction Writers of America or published in a professional science fiction/fantasy magazine Genre: Science fiction short stories. Prize1st place is $250; 2nd place is $100; 3rd place is $50. Deadline: June 17, 2018.

Ocean Awareness Youth ContestRestrictions: Open to students in grades 6 - 12. Genre: Art, poetry, prose, film. "Your work should explore the relationship between human systems, climate change, and our oceans. We challenge you to create a piece that not only presents issues and challenges, but also communicates a message that inspires others to act. We encourage you to connect your submission to your own life, your local community, or something else that motivates you."  Prizes: $100 - $1,500. Deadline: June 18, 2018.

Shaughnessy Cohen Award for Political WritingGenre: Book of literary nonfiction that captures a political subject of relevance to Canadian readers and has the potential to shape or influence thinking on contemporary Canadian political life. Book must be published in Canada. Prize: CAN $25,000.00. Deadline: Books published between January 1 and June 19, 2018 must be received by June 20, 2018.

A Midsummer Tale Narrative Writing ContestTheme: Thunderstorms. Length: 1,000 words minimum; 5,000 words maximum. Prize: $35 - $50 Amazon gift card. Deadline: June 21, 2018.

Eugene C. Pulliam Fellowship for Editorial Writing. Genre: Editorial writing. The Eugene C. Pulliam Fellowship was established to enable a mid-career editorial writer or columnist to have time away from daily responsibilities for study and research. Freelancers may also apply. Fellowship: $75,000. Deadline: June 21, 2018.

Utah Division of Arts and Museums Original Writing CompetitionRestrictions: Utah writers. Genres: Poetry and prose. Prize: $1,000 top prizes for book-length manuscripts of novels, creative nonfiction & history, collection of poetry or short stories, and juvenile book; $300 top prizes for individual poems, short stories, and personal essays. 2nd Prize $500 for the book-length categories, $150 for poetry. Deadline: June 22, 2018.

Artist Trust. Restrictions: Open to poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers who are residents of Washington State. Students enrolled in a degree-granting program are ineligible. Submit a writing sample of up to 12 pages with a project description, synopsis, budget, and résumé. Grant: $1,500.  Deadline: June 25, 2018. 

Peter Blazey Fellowship.  Restrictions: Applicants must either be an Australian citizen or have Australian residency. Genre: Non-fiction in the fields of autobiography, biography or life writing. Prize: $15 000, and a one-month writer-in-residency at The Australia Centre. Deadline: June 25, 2018.

Sweek Poetry AwardsGenre: Poetry. Prize: $100. Deadline: June 25, 2018.

Great Lakes Colleges New Writers Award. Restrictions: Open to Americans and Canadians.  GenrePoetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. In each category, the submitted work must be an author’s first published volume. Prize: $500. Deadline: June 25, 2018.

Undiscovered Voices Fellowship. "The Writer’s Center seeks promising writers in the Washington area earning less than $25,000 annually to apply. This program will provide complimentary writing workshops to the selected applicant for a period of one year, but not to exceed 8 workshops in that year (and not to include independent studies). We expect the recipient will use the year to make progress toward a completed manuscript of publishable work." Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Blue Mountain Poetry Card Contest. "Poems can be rhyming or non-rhyming, although we find that non-rhyming poetry reads better. We suggest that you write about real emotions and feelings and that you have some special person or occasion in mind as you write." Prize: First prize $300. Second prize $150. Third prize $30. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Drue Heinz Literature PrizeRestrictions: The award is open to writers who have published a book-length collection of fiction or a minimum of three short stories or novellas in commercial magazines or literary journals of national distribution. Online and self-publication does not count toward this requirement. Genre: A manuscript of short stories; two or more novellas (a novella may comprise a maximum of 130 double-spaced typed pages); or a combination of one or more novellas and short stories. Novellas are only accepted as part of a larger collection. Prize: $15,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press under its standard contract. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future ContestRestrictions: Contest is open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium. Professional publication is deemed to be payment and at least 5,000 copies (or 5,000 hits for online publication). Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi or Horror.  17,000 words max. Prize: $1,000 1st Prize awarded each quarter; one of those winners also receives the $5,000 annual "Golden Pen Award" grand prize. 2nd Prize $750, 3rd Prize $500. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Griffin Trust for Excellence in Poetry, Griffin Poetry PrizeRestrictions: One prize goes to a living Canadian poet or translator, the other to a living poet or translator from any country, which may include Canada. Genre: Poetry. Books must have been published in English during the calendar year preceding the year of the award. Prize: C$200,000, is awarded annually in two categories – International and Canadian. Each prize is worth C$65,000. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

CNO Naval History Essay ContestGenre: Essay: Naval history.  Prize: First Prize: $5,000. Second Prize:$2,500. Third Prize: $1,500. DeadlineJune 30, 2018.

Owl Canyon Press Short Story HackathonGenre: Short story. " Writers are invited to create and submit a short story consisting of 50 paragraphs. The contest provides the first and last paragraph and the short story writer crafts the rest." Prize: First prize is $1000, 2nd prize is $500, and 3rd prize is $250 with the winning short story published in an ebook short story anthology for Amazon, as well as an invitation to give a public reading at Inkberry Books in Niwot, CO. Twenty-four (24) Finalists will also have their short stories included in this ebook anthology. DeadlineJune 30, 2018.

LetheonGenre: Poetry related to the perioperative setting. "Are you a medical professional or related to one? Perhaps you have been anesthetized recently, or you are overly acquainted with the waiting room. If you are connected to the world of anesthesia, we encourage you to share your experience with us." Prize: $500. DeadlineJune 30, 2018.

Louise Meriwether First Book Prize. The Feminist Press has partnered with TAYO Literary Magazine to launch a contest seeking the best debut books by women and nonbinary writers of color. Genres: Fiction, including novels and short story collections, or narrative memoir, of 50,000 to 80,000 words. Prize: $5,000 and a publishing contract from the Feminist Press. Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Costa Book AwardsRestrictions: Prize is for books first published in the UK or Ireland by authors who have lived in the UK or Ireland for at least six months of each of the preceding three years. Books must be published between November 1 of the previous year and October 31 of the current year. Self-published works not allowed. Books are entered by publishers only. Genre: Five categories - First Novel, Novel, Biography, Poetry and Children's Book. Prize: £30,000.00 across all genres. 5,000 pounds in each category (poetry, novel, first novel, biography, children's book). Deadline: June 30, 2018.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

60 Great Writing Conferences in June 2018

June is bustin' out all over for writers. There are no fewer than 60 writing conferences this month, stretching from coast to coast, and covering every aspect of writing and publishing. Want to pitch your work to an agent? There are six conferences in New York, California and points in between that will be attended by agents eager to hear your pitch. Workshops, manuscript consultations, readings, book signings, panel discussions, and contests abound. There is something for everyone.

I've included a few conferences that are already sold out, so you can plan ahead for next year. I highly recommend you look at the Writing Conferences page on this blog for a month-by-month list of conferences throughout the year. Many conferences offer scholarships if you apply early enough. And most of the small hands-on workshops tend to have deadlines a month or more in advance.


Clarksville Writers Conference. June 1 - 2, 2018: Clarksville, TN. Two days of writing workshops and presentations, a keynote banquet with the authors, and manuscript consultations.

River Teeth Nonfiction Conference. June 1 - 3, 2018: Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio. Individual manuscript consultations, seminars, readings, open mics, and book signings. Faculty: Andre Dubus III, Angela Morales, Jill Christman, Michael Downs, Steven Harvey, Richard Hoffman, Kate Hopper, Sonya Huber, Thomas Larson, Dan Lehman, Joe Mackall, Robert Root, Ana Maria Spagna, Michael Steinberg.

Surprise Valley Writers’ Conference. June 1 - 5, 2018: Cedarville, California. Features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as craft lectures, readings, open mics, and a Book Arts workshop.

Bread Loaf Translators' Conference. June 1 - 7, 2018: Ripton, VT. The Bread Loaf Translators’ Conference includes workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as lectures, craft classes, meetings with editors and agents, and readings by faculty and guests. Application deadline: March 15, 2018.

Indiana University Writers’ Conference. June 2 - 6, 2018, Indiana University in Bloomington. The conference features workshops in poetry and fiction, as well as craft classes, readings, and panels for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers. The cost of the conference is $385, or $635 with a workshop. Lodging and meals are not included; lodging is available in campus dormitories and in the campus hotel. The registration fee is $30; general registration is first come, first served. To attend a workshop, submit 8 to 10 pages of poetry or 15 to 25 pages of prose; admissions are made on a rolling basis.

Yale Writers' Conference. June 2 - 12, 2018: New Haven, CT. Visiting Faculty: Amy Bloom, Michael Cunningham, Lev Grossman, Claudia Rankine, Edmund White, MG Lord, Sarah Darer Littman Resident Faculty: Kirsten Bakis, Je Banach, Sybil Baker, Marc Fitten, Trey Ellis, and more. Director: Terence Hawkins. Application deadline: March 15, 2018.

Odyssey Writing Workshop. June 4 - July 13, 2018: Manchester, NH. Since its inception in 1996, Odyssey has become one of the most highly respected workshops for writers of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Top authors, editors and agents serve as guests, and 59% of graduates go on to professional publication. Application deadline: April 7, 2018.

West Chester University Poetry Conference. June 6 - 9, 2018: West Chester, PA. The conference offers poetry workshops and features a keynote speaker, critical seminars, panel discussions, faculty readings, and an opportunity for participants to have conferences with workshop leaders and resident poets.

Writers @Work Conference. June 6 - 10, 2018: Alta, Utah. The conference features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as craft lectures, panel discussions, hikes, and time to write. Choose one of three intensive workshops, conducted by our award-winning faculty, and held at Alta Lodge, an intimate setting in the breath-taking Wasatch Mountains, where writers of all backgrounds gather to share ideas, craft, and fine writing. The cost of the conference is $730, which includes tuition and all meals. Individual consultations with an agent or editor are available for an additional $50. Lodging is available at the Alta Lodge, and ranges from a total of $115 for a shared dorm to $285 for a private room.

The Algonkian Writer Retreat and Novel Workshop, June 6 - 10, 2018: Algonkian Park, Virginia. "You can show us your manuscript, improve your skills, clear your head, have your work read by our writer mentors, whatever works for you, whatever helps you grow and discover your vision as a writer. You discuss with us ahead of time via the Algonkian Writer Retreat Application the goals you wish to accomplish, and we'll work with you to make it happen. Do you desire a review? A line edit? Do you wish to discuss the reality of the current fiction market, your novel project, plot and characters, or perhaps get feedback on the opening hook or a few sample chapters? Or would you simply like a relaxed and productive dialogue about your goals as a writer?"

The Writer's Hotel. June 6 - 12, 2018, NYC. To apply, send the first 5000 words of a prose manuscript or the first 15 poems of a poetry manuscript. We work with writers of fiction, poetry and nonfiction. We do not work on scripts. International applications are welcome. It is $30 to apply. The fee for the 2018 conference is $3,000 and includes the pre-conference TWH Team Reading and NYC in-town events. Early acceptance not only reserves a writer's spot at an intimate conference, it means writers will have ample time to revise before the NYC pitch meetings. Deadline for application: March 9, 2018.

Connecting Writers with Hollywood. June 7 - 9, 2018: Spokane, WA. CWWH is a writers conference where writers and screenwriters can pitch their material directly to film agents and producers. It is a weekend of education, panels and pitch sessions.

Annual Philadelphia Writers' Conference. June 8 - 10, 2018: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Features workshops, contests and awards, critique and feedback sessions, and agent and editor speed dates. Autobiography/Memoir, Fiction, Horror, Journalism, Marketing, Non-fiction, Playwriting, Poetry, Publishing, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Screenwriting, Young Adult.

West Virginia Writers Conference. June 8 - 10, 2018: Ripley, West Virginia. Author readings, contests and sharing your love of writing with others.

Women Writing to Change the World: Omega Institute. June 8 - 10, 2018: Rhinebeck, NY. "As women many of us have a story we want to share, write about, or tell—but how do we begin? We begin with a word. A sentence. A first line. But those first words can be daunting, especially when you realize that words have power and you can change lives with your writing. Guided by author Amy Ferris and therapists Sherry Amatenstein and Blair Glaser, you spend a weekend meditating, connecting, rabble rousing, and writing. Through small group work, sharing, and creative writing prompts, you transform your fear and shame into power on the page. You create essays, poems, petitions, manifestos—whatever you are moved to create—about topics that catalyze you and leave you forever changed, forever united" Cost: $360.

Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference. June 8 - 11, 2018: Truchas, New Mexico. The conference features evaluation and discussion of book-length and chapbook-length manuscripts with poets, editors, and publishers. The cost of the conference is $1,475, which includes lodging and meals. Using the online submission system, submit a brief bio and three to four poems.

Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference. June 8 - 12, 2018: Homer, Alaska. Daily workshops, panel presentations, readings and craft talks. Keynote speaker: Anthony Doerr (!) Costs: $375 ($325 early bird by 5/2). Includes luncheons, opening dinner; manuscript review $65. Post-conference workshop $400.

Spring Writing Intensive. June 9, 2018, Annapolis MD. "In this one-day writing intensive, participants will have the opportunity to join other writers for a day devoted to writing instruction, discovery, and inspiration. Working under the guidance of award-winning authors, attendees may select four workshops from seven choices. By choosing from a menu of craft options that will include memoir, fiction, nonfiction, and publishing advice, participants will select the subjects that address their most challenging writing issues and will leave armed with new skills, understanding, and motivation. All levels are welcome." Tuition: $175.

Get Published Conference. June 9, 2018: Bozeman, Montana. This conference is devoted to book writing, marketing and getting published. Faculty includes experienced writers who share their methods for planning, writing and finishing their books, along with practical marketing and promotional information.

DFW Writers Conference. June 9 - 10, 2018, Fort Worth TX. Featuring pitch sessions with literary agents, advanced classes, engaging panels, interactive workshops.

Bread Loaf Orion Environmental Writers' Conference. June 10 - 15, 2018: Ripton, VT. The Bread Loaf Orion Environmental Writers' Conference is a week-long writers’ conference designed to hone the skills of people interested in producing literary writing about the environment and the natural world. The conference is co-sponsored by the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Orion magazine, and Middlebury College’s Environmental Studies Program. Application deadline: April 20, 2018.

Tinker Mountain Writers’ Workshop. June 10 - 15, 2018: Roanoke, Virginia. The conference features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as craft seminars, individual conferences with faculty members, and readings. The faculty includes poets Rebecca Lindenberg and Jon Pineda; fiction writers Pinckney Benedict, Fred Leebron, and Karon Luddy; multi-genre writers James McKean and Daniel Mueller; agent Jeff Kleinman (Folio Literary Management); and editor Barbara Jones (Henry Holt & Company). The cost of tuition is $795. Housing is available on campus for $225 for the week or in nearby hotels beginning at $65 per night. A campus meal plan is available for $200.

Naropa Summer Writing Program. June 10 - June 30, 2018: Boulder, CO. This is the 44th Summer Writing Program of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University. "These are urgent days, and a new world is possible––and this world is yet worth struggling for. To face facts with creative and spirited resolve; to see through webs of ignorance and power; to witness and study, and bring a new enlivening energy to being writer and citizen; to work collaboratively; to break open categories of resistance, and creation; to write, and think rhizomatically; to keep your weather eye open, and sing out every time–––these are just some of the modes and tactics we imagine The New Weathers will require. As our beloved friend and co-founder of the Kerouac School, Allen Ginsberg says: “Well, while I’m here I’ll / do the work–– / and what’s the Work? / To ease the pain of living. Everything else, drunken / dumbshow.”

Kenyon Review Writers Workshops. June 10 - July 14, 2018: Gambier, Ohio. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction led by an accomplished faculty. Genre workshops (Fiction, Literary Nonfiction, and Poetry) are held for three hours each morning. (See individual workshops for dates.)

Interlochen Writer’s Retreat. June 11 - 14, 2018: Interlochen, Michigan. The retreat features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as craft talks, readings, time to write, one-on-one manuscript consultations, and a dinner. The retreat also offers a practicum that includes additional consultations, lectures, and panel discussions on publishing. The faculty includes poet and fiction writer Brittany Cavallaro, fiction writers Desiree Cooper and Eric Charles May, fiction and nonfiction writer Patricia Ann McNair, nonfiction writer Mardi Jo Link, and poet and nonfiction writer Anne-Marie Oomen. The cost of the conference is $520. Lodging and meals are not included; lodging on campus is available for discounted rates. Registration is first come, first served.

Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers. June 11 - 15, 2018: Sandy, Utah. Offers one-, two-, three- and five-day workshops. Morning workshops devoted to individual work; afternoon talks on market, craft, publication; chats w/ editors and agents; keynote; book signing. For those interested, specialized workshops--Boot Camp and Full-Novel classes. Single day programs as well.

Wesleyan Writers Conference. June 13 - 17, 2018: Middletown, CT. The conference offers workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as master classes, craft sessions, panel discussions, readings, lectures, and manuscript consultations with agents and editors. The program includes a choice of daily seminars focused on the novel, short story, poetry, and nonfiction (memoir, short- and long-form nonfiction, and journalism). The faculty includes poet Honor Moore; fiction writers Nicholson Baker, Amy Bloom, Salvatore Scibona, and Tiphanie Yanique; and nonfiction writers William Finnegan and Lis Harris. Tuition is $850. Lodging is available on-campus for $50 per night or $200 for four nights or off-campus at nearby hotels and inns. A meal plan is available for $275. A one-day program is also available on June 16 for $225, which includes lunch and dinner. To register for a manuscript consultation, submit 10 poems or up to 35 pages of prose by May 23.

Algonkian Writer Conference–New York City Pitch. June 14 - 17, 2018: Ripley-Grier Studios in New York City. The conference offers workshops on writing and selling fiction and creative nonfiction manuscripts, as well as agent pitch sessions. The faculty includes Ibrahim Ahmad, Corinna Barsan, Kat Brzozowski, Jackie Cantor, Tom Colgan, Bess Cozby, Brendan Deneen, Mark Gottlieb, Michaela Hamilton, Thomas Hoeler, Lauren Jablonski, Peter Joseph and more. The registration fee until June 10, 2018 is $795.00, and $895.00 after that date. This fee covers all conference pitch sessions and workshops.

Pacific University Master of Fine Arts in Writing Residency Writers Conference. June 14 - 24, 2018: Forest Grove, Oregon. Writers seeking to deepen their craft and expand their professional community are invited to attend the Residency Writers Conference together with MFA students, faculty and guest speakers. Join us for 10 full days of craft talks, workshops, panels, classes, readings and more featuring some of the best minds of the literary world. This residency is a rare opportunity to engage in sustained and meaningful conversation with others who share your passion for the art of writing.

The Alabama Writers' Conclave. June 15-17, 2018, Orange Beach, Alabama. The Conclave is today one of the oldest continuing writers' organization in the United States. Writers, aspiring writers and supporters of the writing arts may join. Sharing information, developing ideas, honing skills, and receiving practical advice are hallmarks of the annual meeting.

Gateway to Publishing Conference and Convention. June 15 - 17, 2018: St. Louis, Missouri. Faculty: Jennifer Geist, Stephanie Hansen, Eileen Dryer, Angie Fox, Cynthia Graham, Ann Leckie, and still adding literary agents, publishers, and authors. Cost: Writer’s Conference: SLWG Member $210; Students/Affiliated Organizations $230; Regular Registration $250; Gateway Con Masterclass $50 per class; Author Hall Rates: SLWG Members $125; Affiliated Organizations $145; Regular Registration $175.

Sundress Academy for the Arts Summer Fiction Writing Retreat. June 15 - 17, 2018: Knoxville, Tennessee. The three-day, two-night camping retreat will be held at SAFTA's own Firefly Farms in Knoxville, Tennessee. This year's retreat will focus on generative fiction writing and include two break-out sessions "Conflict and POV as Perspective" and "Writing the Travel Narrative," plus discussions on kicking writer's block, publishing, and more.  

Poetry at the Frost Farm. June 15 - 17, 2018:  Derry, New Hampshire. The retreat offers workshops, readings, and one-on-one consultations for formalist poets. "Join a small community of people at the historic Robert Frost Farm learning, reading and writing formal poetry with contemporary award-winning poets. Choose your focus from a series of offerings designed to provide tools for beginning poets as well as perfect the mastery of published poets."

Mountain Heritage Literary Festival. June 15 - 17, 2018, Cumberland Gap, TN. "Every year writers gather at the ancient and beloved Cumberland Gap to celebrate writing, music, and Appalachian heritage. Events include workshops, panels, readings, concerts, lectures, open mic, and more."

Iowa Summer Writing Festival. June 16 -  July 27, 2018, Iowa City. Featuring 138 workshops with 60 instructors. Registrations for weeklong and weekend workshops are accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Class size is limited to twelve. It is a good idea to register early.

The Santa Barbara Writers Conference, June 17 – 22, 2018: Santa Barbara, Calif. "Every summer, writers in many genres from around the world gather to participate in a magical week of intensive work focused on story, voice, craft, marketing, and networking with fellow writers and publishing professionals."

Aspen Summer Words. June 17 - 22, 2018: Aspen, Colorado. Workshops, panels, and readings in fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as opportunities to meet with agents and editors. "Aspen Summer Words is the Rocky Mountain gateway to the literary world. Recognized as one of the country’s pre-eminent literary conferences, Summer Words welcomes visitors and locals alike to celebrate writing and writers in Aspen for a week each June. The exceptional faculty and awe-inspiring mountain scenery combine to make this a writing retreat like no other."

Colgate Writers’ Conference. June 17 - 23, 2018: Hamilton, New York. Morning craft talks & workshops. Individual consultation with workshop instructor in the afternoon. Late afternoon participant readings and talks on publishing, storytelling. Evening readings by instructors & guests. Late night social events. "Bring a story, a book in progress, some poems, or a novel, and work with us on developing narrative strategies, verse techniques, and methods of research. Members of the publishing profession will also be here to discuss marketplace tactics." Application Deadline: April 20, 2018.

Clarion West Speculative Fiction Writers Workshop. June 17 - July 27, 2018: Seattle, Washington. Every summer, Clarion West holds an intensive six-week workshop in Seattle’s University District, geared to help you prepare for a professional career as a writer of speculative fiction. Each workshop is limited to 18 students, and each week features a different instructor, a highly regarded author or editor offering their unique perspective on the field. Short fiction is the workshop’s focus, with an emphasis on science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Come prepared to write several new stories, to experiment and take artistic risks, and to give and receive constructive criticism. FULL

Fine Arts Work Center Summer Workshops (poetry, fiction, art, and creative nonfiction). June 17 - August 24, 2018, Provincetown, Massachusetts. The faculty includes Marisa Silver, Ariel Levy, Julia Glass, Henri Cole, Marie Howe, Marie Ponsot, Vijay Seshadri, Dean Albarelli, Kimiko Hahn, David Updikel, Pam Houston, Julia Glass, Alice Mattison. Tuition ranges from $600 to $725.

Manhattanville College Summer Writers' Week. June 18 - 22, 2018: Purchase, New York. Each day begins with a workshop, then afternoons feature craft panels and events. Evenings feature faculty readings and a keynote reader, and these evening readings are free and open to the public. For an immersive experience, housing is available on campus for workshop participants.

Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference. June 18 - 24, 2018: Bemidji, Minnesota. Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, Publishing. Faculty: Edward Hirsch - Distinguished Visiting Writer. Joan Naviyuk Kane - Poetry. Wayne Miller - Poetry. Mat Johnson - Fiction. Alison Hawthorne Deming - Creative Nonfiction. Paisley Rekdal - Creative Nonfiction. Workshops are capped at 12 and applications are processed first-come, first-served until workshops are filled. 

Chautauqua Writers’ Festival. June 20 - 23, 2018: Chautauqua, New York. The conference features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, panel discussions, individual conferences with faculty members, open mics, and time to write.  The faculty include poets francine j. harris and Hoa Nguyen; fiction writers Jennine Capó Crucet and Eleanor Henderson; and creative nonfiction writer Mike Scalise. Fiction and creative nonfiction writer Kiese Laymon will deliver the keynote on the the of "Writing in Times of Crisis." The cost of tuition is $500 ($400 for sponsored students). The cost of tuition without workshops and one-on-one faculty sessions is $200. The discounted fee for lodging in the Athenaeum Hotel ranges from $61.29 per night for a double room to $122.57 per night for a single room. The registration deadline is April 30.

Western Writers of America Convention. June 20 - 23 2018: Cheyenne, Wyoming. Children's, Fiction, Marketing, Non-fiction, Publishing, Young Adult. History presentations at the convention include Cats in the Old West, Border Wars/Law and Order, Mark Twain Literary Contributions, and more. Other sessions will take place related to the craft of writing, book marketing, and research sources and techniques.

Fordham University Retreat. June 20 - 24, 2018, New York City. "In order to help mentor the next generation of Asian American writers, Kundiman sponsors an annual Retreat in partnership with Fordham University. During the Retreat, nationally renowned Asian American poets and writers conduct Master Classes and manuscript consultations with fellows. Readings, writing circles and informal social gatherings are also scheduled. Through this Retreat, Kundiman hopes to provide a safe and instructive environment that identifies and addresses the unique challenges faced by emerging Asian American writers." Application Deadline: January 15th, 2018.

In Your Write Mind Workshop. June 21 - 24, 2018, Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Workshops on writing, editing & pitching; guest speaker presentations. A writer's workshop for all writers and aspiring writers! Former workshops featured agents and editors from TOR Books, FinePrint Literary Management, Donald Maass Literary Agency, Poisoned Pen Press, Leap Books, Titan Books and authors including JA Konrath, Michael Bracken, Daniel Jose Older, Jeff Strand and Diana Rowland. The workshop is hosted by Seton Hill University Writing Popular Fiction Alumni.

Chuckanut Writers Conference. June 22 - 23, 2018: Bellingham, Washington. Writers conference that includes speakers, panels, breakout sessions, authors' readings, reception with authors, pitch sessions with literary agents, book signings, open mic for attendees. Autobiography/Memoir, Children's, Fiction, Nature, Non-fiction, Poetry, Publishing. 

The Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference, June 22 - 24, 2018: West Coast Writers Conferences presents a full weekend of panels, workshops and presentations by educators, noted speakers, and industry professionals focused on the craft and business of writing.

Annual Conference on Creative Writing at Pacific. June 22 –24, 2018: Stockton, California. Autobiography/Memoir, Fiction, Humor, Journalism, Marketing, Mystery, Non-fiction, Poetry, Publishing, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy. Agents and editors will be available for pitch sessions.

Chicago Writing Workshop. June 23, 2018: Chicago, IL. "This is a special one-day “How to Get Published” writing workshop on Saturday, May 14, 2016, at the historic Congress Plaza Hotel, just south of the downtown area. In other words, it’s one day full of classes and advice designed to give you the best instruction concerning how to get your writing & books published. We’ll discuss your publishing opportunities today, how to write queries & pitches, how to market yourself and your books, what makes an agent/editor stop reading your manuscript, and more. No matter what you’re writing — fiction or nonfiction — the day’s classes will help point you in the right direction. Writers of all genres are welcome." Features over two dozen attending agents.

Shore Thing Writing Getaway: A One Day Retreat for Poets and Writers. June 23, 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. "Join us for this boardwalk-inspired getaway, designed for writers of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. Trigger your imagination and compose new work that will surprise and please you. Spend the day immersed in the literary life: discussing writing, doing your own writing and sharing some of your new drafts." Faculty: Peter E. Murphy. Cost: $85.

Publish & Promote Your Book Conference. June 23, 2018: Bronxville, New York. "If you’re ready to find an agent and present your book to the marketplace, come join our community of educators, writers, agents, editors, and publishers at a one day conference designed to help you succeed in your publishing ventures. In addition to panel discussions, participants can register for Pitch Sessions and discuss their book with up to three agents/editors for 10 minutes each. If you're thinking of attending a Pitch Session, consider signing up for one of our Prep For Your Pitch sessions, which will be held on Tuesday, June 12, Wednesday, June 20, and Friday, June 22, at 7 p.m."

Community of Writers at Squaw Valley: Poetry Workshop. June 23 - June 30, 2018: Olympic Valley, California. "We work together to create an atmosphere in which everyone might feel free to try anything. In the mornings we meet in workshops to read to each other the work of the previous twenty-four hours; each participant also has an opportunity to work with each staff poet. In the late afternoons we gather for a conversation about some aspect of craft. On several afternoons staff poets hold brief individual conferences." Registration deadline: March 28, 2018.

Chesapeake Writers' Conference at St. Mary's College of Maryland. June 24 - 30, 2018: St. Mary's City, Maryland. Intensive workshops in three genres for serious writers at all levels of experience, as well as a multi-genre workshop for high schoolers. Featured Writers Include: Heather Green, Angela Pelster, Patricia Henley, Matt Burgess, Matthew Henry Hall, Jerry Gabriel (director).

Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel Writers WorkshopJune 24 - July 6, 2018, University of Kansas, Kansas. "This summer, in conjunction with the Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction and the SF Writing Workshop, Kij Johnson teaches a two-week intensive workshop on writing novels. The goal of this workshop is to help writers in the early stages of a novel create compelling, coherent plots and openings for their books. Due to a scheduling conflict for Kij, we've swapped the traditional Novel Workshop and "Repeat Offenders" Novel Workshop for writers who have already taken the traditional workshop, which will run from June 10-22, and this year is hosted by the ever-awesome Kevin McNeil."

Jackson Hole Writers Conference, June 28 - 30, 2018: Jackson Hole, WY. You will have ample opportunity to share your work with a distinguished faculty as well as writers from Massachusetts to Florida, from Texas to Washington.Serious writers pour into Jackson Hole each June looking for a fresh, but critical eye on their work. This event usually has at least 4 agents to pitch.

DRC Conference Faculty & Workshops 2016. June 28 - 30, 2018: Davenport, Iowa. Daily workshops, critiques, pitches, evening events, keynote. With five three-day workshops, book pitches with a publisher and an agent, author luncheon, concluding luncheon, free evening faculty reading and keynote address, there’s something for everyone! Register before June 15th to receive the early bird discount.

David R. Collins Writers' Conference. June 28 - 30, 2018: Davenport, Iowa. Develop your writing working with award-winning authors in a variety of genres, and get publishing tips, one-on-one critiques, and pitch a manuscript. "Each workshop is 4.5 hours over three days, 1.5 hours per day. We will be offering five workshops in 2017, including: poetry; nonfiction/memoir; short fiction; the novel; and finding and keeping an agent. We also have a faculty reading followed by an open mic for participants; pitch sessions for writers to present manuscripts to an agent and an independent press; one-on-one manuscript critiques; an author luncheon; and a featured speaker TBA."

The Art of Description. June 28 - July 2, 2018: Austerlitz NY. Faculty: Colleen Kinder and Owen Murray. "All authors are illustrators. They sketch vivid scenes, legible faces, contoured landscapes, and so much more in the reader’s minds-eye. How do we cultivate this ability: to animate the visual world distinctively and unforgettably in the imaginations of our readers? Co-taught by a writer and photographer/illustrator team Colleen Kinder and Owen Murray, this course will take students on a two-dimensional journey, equipping them to illustrate the visual world in radiant detail."

The Writers’ League of Texas Agents & Editors Conference. June 29 – July 1, 2018: Austin, Tex. The conference features panels, lectures, networking opportunities, and receptions. Individual manuscript consultations with agents or editors are available. Participating agents include Terra Chalberg (Chalberg & Sussman), Arielle Datz (Dunow, Carlson & Lerner), Adriana Domínguez (Full Circle Literary), Cherise Fisher (Wendy Sherman Associates), Wendi Gu (Janklow & Nesbit), Kristina Moore (The Wiley Agency), Eric Myers (Myers Literary Management), Rachel Orr (Prospect Agency), Sharon Pelletier (Dystel, Goderich & Bourret), Sarah Phair (Trident Media Group), Grace A. Ross (Regal Hoffman & Associates), Jeff Silberman (Folio Literary Management), and Jennifer Chen Tran (Bradford Literary Agency). The cost of the conference is $469 ($409 for Writers’ League members), which includes a one-on-one consultation with an agent or editor until April 2, and $509 ($449 for members) thereafter.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mega-List of Paying Markets for Horror, Dark Fiction and Poetry

Updated 2/14/24

Much like other genres of speculative fiction, horror enjoys a loyal, and possibly fixated, fan base. Horror isn't all blood and gore. The subgenres include everything from the mildly unsettling (like Twilight Zone), to splatterpunk (which is exactly what you think it is). Some of the genres accepted by horror magazines include: humorous horror, holiday horror, psychological horror, science fiction horror, slasher horror, supernatural horror, gothic horror, erotic horror, teen horror and, of course, anything with zombies, werewolves, vampires, or other malevolent creatures. Many of the magazines on this list also accept dark fiction, dark fantasy, and other genre crossovers that evoke a sinister mood.

Read the submission guidelines, and make sure to follow them carefully before submitting.

Many more paying markets, organized by topic and genre, can be found here: Paying Markets. You can find markets and submission calls specifically geared to dark fiction on Dark Markets.

Note: Many speculative fiction magazines accept horror in addition to science fiction and fantasy. You can find a long list of speculative fiction magazines here: Speculative Fiction Magazines Accepting Submissions.

Publication Payment Submission Guidelines Notes
Apex $.06 per word No simultaneous submissions

See submission periods
Nightmare $.06 per word
Accepts horror and dark fantasy

No simultaneous submissions

See submission periods
Tales from the Moonlit Path $10 See submission periods

Themed issues
Spooky 1 cent/word Cozy horror. Fun horror. Classy horror. Dare we say, wholesome horror?

See submission periods
Just Chills Podcast $50 Horror. Length: 4000 – 7000 words Payment is negotiated

Online form
Length between 2,000 and 10,000 words
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 1.25 cents/Word (AUD) with a A$20 minimum per piece
Accepts works up to 10,000 words in length. Submissions of up to 20,000 words are permitted from subscribers and from authors resident in Australia and New Zealand

See submission periods

AU$20 to $60 per 1000 words

Submissions from Australian and New Zealand writers: 1 February – 30 September
Submissions from anyone anywhere: 1 August – 30
Accepts short stories between 2000 and 8000 words

Kaleidotrope $0.01/word See submission periods

Also accepts poetry
Three-lobed Burning Eye $100 for short fiction, $30 for flash fiction No simultaneous submissions
Three Crows $0.01/word

Dark and weird fantasy, horror, and sci-fi
Last Girls Club  Fiction, 1.5 cents/word. Poetry, $10. Feminist horror

See submission periods
Madness Heart $10 for stories Madness Heart publishes full-length horror, as well as anthologies

See submission periods
Psychopomp Advance against royalties of $750, as well as 25% of net receipts. Speculative fiction or literary novellas between 20,000 to 40,000 words that fall under the umbrella of goth, death, funerary, grief, loss, alternative, otherworldly themes. 
Black Petals Horror/Science Fiction Magazine & Yellow Mama "Bragging rights" Bizarre tales and chilling poetry
Pseudopod $.08/word for original fiction, $100 flat rate for short story reprints, and $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints (stories below 1500 words) Podcast
Xanax Hamster 5 cents/word Horror flash fiction that has been rejected by other publications.
Grinning Skull Press
0.025 cent/word
Novels, novellas, short stories
Black Hare Press 5,000 to 10,000   – $25 USD; 10,000 to 17,000 – $50 USD 5,000 words minimum
Hungur $25
$12 for reprints Vampires
Dark Peninsula Press $25 - $50 for anthologies Anthologies

See calls for submissions
Dark Dispatch Unspecified All things dark: dark fantasy, science fiction, horror, and crime

See reading periods
Dreams and Nightmares $15 - $30
Mostly poetry
Nightmare Magazine 8 cents/word
Dark fantasy and horror short stories, poems, and nonfiction

See reading periods
Electric Spec $20 Macabre

See reading periods
Stone’s Throw $25 Dark fiction

See reading periods
khōréō 0.10/word for fiction, $100 for nonfiction, and $40-300 for art. See reading periods

Open to writers who identify as an immigrant or member of a diaspora in the broadest definitions of the terms

Stories, essays, and art: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and any genre in between or around it, as long as there’s a speculative element.
White Cat Publications 2 cents/word Accepts mystery, romance, thrillers, suspense, ghost stories and horror stories (no slasher stories, please), westerns, steampunk and fantasy.
Gamut 10 cents/word "We are looking for a wide range of dark speculative fiction"

Themed issues
Polar Borealis $10 for one thousand words or less. One cent a word for stories 1,000 words to 3,000 words in length See submission periods

Horror with SF aspects

Open only to Canadians, long-term foreign residents living in Canada, landed immigrants, or Canadians currently living outside Canada
Ghost Orchid Press Royalties Novellas (20,000 – 40,000 words – firm limit)

"We’re looking primarily for dark fiction including horror, gothic, and dark fantasy. We love genre mixing, works that stray from the well-trodden path, or that offer a fresh perspective on existing tropes. BIPOC and LGBTQ+ authors are especially encouraged to submit."
Unnerving Magazine 1¢/word Horror, dark science fiction (light), dark fantasy, crime, thriller, suspense, and dark literary

See submission periods

Closes when monthly cap is reached
(s)crawl $20 Horror fiction

100 - 5,000 words


See submission periods
Some submissions are paid, some not is a podcast, blog, and publisher run by horror addicts, for horror addicts.
Don't Flinch Podcast $100 Scripts 20 - 30 minutes in length
Underbelly Zine $10 Extreme Horror

See submission periods
Tales From Between  £15 plus a physical copy of the issue. REPRINT: £5 plus a physical copy of the issue. Horror up to 1000 words

Has submission periods
Heathen 5 cents/word Horror, dark fantasy 

Up to 7500 words

See submission periods
The Other Stories 15 GBT Horror podcast

See themes
Unfading Daydream $5 - $10
1,000 - 7,000 words

See reading periods
Infinite Horrrors $0.08/word 1500–5000 words 

Accepts short fiction, illustrations, comics
Crone Girls Press Payment not specified Dark speculative fiction  anthologies and horror flash fiction.

See reading periods
Underland Arcana $0.01 / word—up to 5,000 words—for publication on the website. Additional publication in other formats (ebook and collected print editions, for example) will be under a shared royalty basis Short fiction that veers into the numinous, the esoteric, the supernatural, and the weird. "We like these stories to be mildly speculative, fantastic, mysterious, and/or horrific (if you prefer genre tags)."

See reading periods

Unleashed $25 Horror

Up to 10,000 words

See reading periods
Cosmic Horror Monthly 1 cent per word for original fiction. 1/2 cent per word for reprints; $10 – $20  for interior artwork. Negotiable; $100  for cover art. Negotiable. Up to 7,500 words

Horror, dark scifi

See reading periods

The Drop $10 1000 words max

Dark fantasy and science fiction

See reading periods
ergot $25 ergot seeks experimental fiction and hybrid work under 10k words that pushes the boundaries of what literary horror is and what it might become.

Pulp Modern$25 2,000 - 3,500 words

See reading periods

"No subject is taboo"
Die Laughing $10 for flash, $25 for short That sweet spot of horror comedy that is genuinely funny but also genuinely scary. Can be as goofy, gory, or smutty as you like!
Ghoulish Tales 10 cents/word See reading periods

Short stories that fit our personal definition of the word GHOULISH, which is “fun horror that aims to celebrate all things spooky.”
Anathema $50 (CAD) for fiction and non-fiction Any genre with speculative content

See reading periods

You must be a queer person of colour/Indigenous
/Aboriginal to submit to Anathema
Mithila $50 for short fiction, $10 for original poetry/essays
/flash 4,000 - 8,000 words

Flash, under 2,500

Accepts poetry
Horror Story Magazine 2 cents/word 2,000 - 10,000 words

Accepts poetry

Themed issues

Print and online
Roads Less Traveled £40 per story regardless of length Horror and dark fiction mashups

Also accepts nonfiction and interviews

The Dark 5 cents/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for first world rights; up to 6,000 words

1 cent/word for reprint fiction

Horror and Dark Fantasy

2,000 – 6,000 words

Fast response time

Accepts reprints
Bag of Bones Press £0.005 per word "Speculative, surreal, supernatural, dark fiction with creeping, poetic, dread-inducing prose, and endings we can't predict, but we're open to all subgenres of dark fiction."
Gallery of Curiosities originals, 3 cents/word

reprints 1 cent/word "Anachropunkish retro-vintage elements"

Magazine and podcast

length up to 7500 words

See reading periods

Dark Yonder $50 "Neo-noir" 

Dark literary fiction (crime, horror, speculative lit, etc)
Stygian Lepus Magazine $5 Dark speculative fiction
Liminal Stories 6 cents/word Up to 10,000 words

See reading periods
Allegory $15 See reading periods
Diabolical Plots 8 cents/word
No simultaneous submissions

See reading periods
The Arcanist $50

All forms of speculative fiction, 1000 words max
Medium-based publication, weekly
Book Worms 8 cents/word

See reading periods
The Vanishing Point $25 Horror, Sci-fi, Dark Fantasy, and all things speculative

No simultaneous submissions

See reading periods
Cosmic Horror Monthly 3 cents per word Cosmic horror

See reading periods
Sanitarium $5 See reading periods
Kangas Kahn 8 cents/word See reading periods

Has themes
Broken Arrow 

$20 for print magazine, $10 for online publication Horror and weird fiction, as well as sci-fi and dark fantasy
Tales to Terrify Podcast $0.01 USD per word They periodically have calls for specific themes

Length varies

Reprints accepted
Red Cape Anthologies A-Z £10 These is an anthology series. See themes and deadlines.
The Dark Door $25 per illustration featured (or a bundled rate of $25 for multiple marginals), and a rate of $15-50 USD per story depending on word count Terrifying tales and insidious illustration in the style of 70s and 80s pulp horror fiction zines
Perpetual Motion Publishing Newsletter $25 Flash fiction up to 1500 words

Has reading periods
Nightmare Fuel 5 cents AUD per word Dark fiction and poetry up to 666 words

Australian writers only

Has reading periods
The NoSleep Podcast $100 for short fiction, and $125 for regular submissions. First-person perspective
MetaStellar $0.08/word for original fiction Fantasy, horror, and science fiction of up to 7,500 words. Accepts reprints.
Hellbound Books $5 Themed anthologies
Archive of the Odd $15-$25 for fiction of 500-5,000+ words “Archive of the Odd is a zine of uncanny occurrences, told in even stranger ways.”

Has reading periods
Weird Horror Magazine 1.5 cents/word Weird horror 500 - 6000 words

Open to submissions in March and September
The Ghastling £15 Psychological horror, folk horror, ghost stories and the macabre.

Has submission periods
Horrific Scribes $25 Dark fiction, mostly horror (all subgenres) but also the horror-adjacent, e.g. dark fantasy and dark sci-fi and also surreal and experimental work with dark edges.
The Dread Machine $0.03 per word for original fiction/$0.01 per word for reprints/$10 per poem Futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction

Has reading periods
Anterior Skies One cent per word. $15 minimum (if you write a 200-word poem, you’ll get $15, not $2); max payment is $50 (if you write a 6,000-word short story, you’ll get $50, not $60). Yearly anthology 

Cosmic and weird stories, ranging from fantasy (preferably low fantasy, but high fantasy will be considered, but it has to wow me) to sci-fi to noir, as long as there’s a dab of horror somewhere in there. 

Has submission period
Horror Story Magazine 2 cents/word Horror stories and poetry

1000 - 2000 words
Witch House $10 Cosmic horror

Has submission periods
Dark Dead Things $.02 per word for short story and nonfiction; flat rate of $30 per poem Weird short stories, poetry, and  nonfiction.

"We love horror but are open to anything strange, surreal, or subversive."

Has submission periods
Broken Antler $10 - $20 "ALL genres of horror, as well as sci-fi and dark fantasy. The editors are partial to a wide range of subgenres—body, cosmic, folk, gore, etc.… For poetry, creative nonfiction, and hybrid submissions, we’re looking for work that is haunting and monstrous, weird and bizarre. Extra points if your work is experimental or doing something unusual with form.”
Monstrous 6 cents/word Dark fiction, flash, comics, prose, and articles.

Print format
Nightlight Podcast $200; Flash fiction, 5 cents/word; Reprints, $50.

Horror by Black writers

Has submission periods
Zombies Need Brains 8 cents/word Science fiction, fantasy, and horror, including all subgenres
Dark Holme Publishing £50 Horror and dark fantasy
PsychoToxin Press Royalties CLOSED Novelettes, novellas, novels, short story collections, short stories
Max Blood’s Mausoleum $30 Horror short stories up to 8,000 words
Die Laughing  $10 for flash, $25 for shorts Horror comedy
Horrorsmith $25 Horror and thriller short stories

Word Count - 3,000-10,000 words
Frost Zone $15 CAD Dark literary fiction 

1800 - 3800 words
Skull and Laurel 3c/word (USD) originals; $25 (USD) reprints Weird Horror, Dark Fantasy, Dark Science Fiction. Short Fiction, Narrative Poetry. They also encourage things like comic strips, mixed media, found footage, puzzles, games, experiments, and other weird forms, as long as they tell a story. Translations welcome. Word count: 100 to 4999 words. 
Dust & Dark 7 cents/word We’re looking for stylish, atmospheric horror fiction, and we take a broad view of what that means. We’re interested in clearly defined characters, evocative settings, tight pacing and compelling plots. But most of all, we’re looking for stories that leave a lingering sense of unease after we’ve read them. We’re much more interested in expertly rendered dread than straightforward shocks. Word count: 2000 - 7000 words.
Infinite Horrors 8 cents/word Horror and comics
House of Long Shadows Subscription revenues share Gothic Horror

Reprints accepted
Just Keep Up $10 a story, $10 a poem Stories should be science fiction and/or horror (preferably both) and 100-10,000 words long
Polymorphic $30 CAD Short horror stories and art
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