Thursday, January 16, 2014

3 Literary Agents Seeking New Clients

Updated 3/10/20

Here are three literary agents seeking new clients. Lara Perkins is seeking picture book author-illustrators who bring distinct perspectives to their work, particularly if that perspective has been underrepresented in children's literature. She is drawn to bold and colorful art, a playful use of texture and media, and kid-appealing humor or heart.

Nikki Terpilowski wants women's fiction, southern fiction, multicultural literary fiction, upmarket African-American fiction, steam punk, romance (all kinds except category), military and espionage thrillers, historical fiction, nonfiction with a strong platform and academic assessments of popular culture. Additionally, Nikki seeks graphic novels, Manga, YA, MG and children's picture books.

Jordy Albert is interested in Middle Grade - contemporary, fantasy, action/adventure, or historical. Young adult - open to pretty much any genre; however, she's looking especially for YA that has a very strong romantic element-or which romance plays an integral part in the plot). New Adult romance and adult romance (again, open to pretty much any genre).

As always, visit the website before submitting. Agents can close their lists or switch agencies. Read all submission requirements carefully before contacting.

If these agents don't meet your needs, there are over a hundred agents from established agencies looking for clients on this page: Agents Seeking Clients.


About Jordy Albert: Jordy Albert is a Literary Agent and co-founder of The Booker Albert Literary Agency. She holds a B.A. in English from Pennsylvania State University, and a M.A. from Millersville University of Pennsylvania. She has worked with Marisa Corvisiero during her time at the L. Perkins Agency and the Corvisiero Literary Agency. Jordy also works as a freelance editor/PR Director. She enjoys studying languages (French/Japanese), spends time teaching herself how to knit, is a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, and loves dogs.

What she is seeking: Middle Grade - contemporary, fantasy, action/adventure, or historical. Young adult - open to pretty much any genre; however, she's looking especially for YA that has a very strong romantic element-or which romance plays an integral part in the plot). New Adult romance and adult romance (again, open to pretty much any genre).

Please do not send poetry or short stories.

How to contact her: Use their submission manager HERE.



About Lara: Lara Perkins is an Associate Agent and Digital Manager at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. She has been with the agency for over three years, working closely with Senior Agent Laura Rennert, with whom she jointly represents a number of clients, in addition to building her own list. Recent deals, together with Laura Rennert, include Matthew Ward’s middle grade novel, THE FANTASTIC FAMILY WHIPPLE, sold in a two book, six-figure deal to Razorbill, and P.J. Hoover’s young adult novel, SOLSTICE, forthcoming with Tor Teen in June 2013. Lara has a B.A. in English and Art History from Amherst College and an M.A. in English Literature from Columbia University, where she studied Victorian British Literature. In her pre-publishing life, she trained to be an architect, before deciding that books, not bricks, are her true passion. She spent over a year at the B.J. Robbins Literary Agency in Los Angeles before coming to Andrea Brown Literary.

What she is seeking: In picture books, Lara is actively seeking picture book author-illustrators who bring distinct perspectives to their work, particularly if that perspective has been underrepresented in children's literature. She is drawn to bold and colorful art, a playful use of texture and media, and kid-appealing humor or heart.

In middle grade, Lara is drawn to fresh, unexpected, and light fantasy, clever mysteries, and vivid contemporary realistic fiction, all with a strong sense of place and exceptional character development. Character-driven humor always catches her eye, and she loves friendship stories (especially friendship "break up" stories), multicultural family stories, and non-traditional family structures.

In YA, Lara is seeking transformative, page-turning, character-driven fiction in any genre: fantasy, science fiction, contemporary realistic, historical, mystery, etc. She gravitates towards an unexpected premise that makes her do a double take (example: assassin nuns!), an evocative and richly described setting, and fully realized, complex characters. She's looking for authors who wield language intentionally, and manuscripts that she can't put down because she's swept up in the high stakes, the compelling voice, the original world-building, and/or the character-driven humor. As a more specific wish, Lara grew up in Los Angeles and would love to find a middle grade or YA novel set in the real, diverse LA (not Hollywood). 

How to submit : lara [at] The agency only allows writers to query one agent, so please do not query Lara if you have queried other Andrea Brown agents in the past. Submission instructions are explained in detail on the agency submission page. (Read carefully before contacting Lara.)


Nikki Terpilowski of Holloway Literary

About Nikki: Nikki Terpilowski interned at a literary agency for a year before founding Holloway Literary. The agency only has 10 clients, and no street address. Several of the publishing houses Holloway works with also accept unagented manuscripts.

What she is seeking: Women's fiction, southern fiction, multicultural literary fiction, upmarket African-American fiction, steam punk, romance (all kinds except category), military and espionage thrillers, historical fiction, nonfiction with a strong platform and academic assessments of popular culture. Additionally, Nikki seeks graphic novels, Manga, YA, MG and children's picture books.

Nikki is especially interested in time travel, reincarnation, mythology, ancient civilizations, magical and animist realism, Japan, American history (especially hidden African-American history, interesting women in history, as well as the antebellum period, and the Civil and Revolutionary wars), the military (all branches, but especially the U.S. Marine Corp, Army and all Special Forces), espionage, martial arts, narrative nonfiction about food and beverage (especially organic food, wine and coffee), travel or expat life, international relations and foreign policy,and prescriptive nonfiction on spirituality, parenting, health and well-being.

How to submit: Submit to submissions [at] For fiction: send a one page query and the first fifteen pages of your ms in the body of the email. For nonfiction: send a proposal (and if relevant, link to related blog). Include a brief bio and social media links.


  1. Hi- I tried sending a query to and it was bounced back to me, Does anyone know the secret key to getting a query through? I tried it several ways (all lower case, with agency name in caps) and still no luck.

  2. The secret key is spelling. It's "holloway" with an "o."

  3. Brilliant! And hear I go around claiming to be a 'detail oriented" proofreader. Oh dear. Thank you so much!!

  4. I've had good luck with this agency and recently signed, along with a number of other new writers. I'd say the secret is having the right fit and then being very patient.


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