Thursday, September 27, 2018

41 Calls for Submissions in October 2018 - Paying Markets

There are more than three dozen calls for submissions in October. As always, anything you can think of is wanted - flash fiction, speculative fiction and poetry, horror, creative nonfiction along with several themed issues and anthologies.

All of these literary magazines pay, and none charge submission fees.

Make sure to follow submission requirements carefully. Editors get cranky when writers don't follow their submission rules.

If you want to get a jump on next month's calls for submissions, check the page Calls for Submissions, which is where I post new calls as they come up.


American PsychosGenre: Dark crime, thriller, brutal horror. (This series is about serial killers.) Length: 3500-5500 words. (Word count is somewhat flexible). Payment: $100. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

The Blue RouteRestrictions: Only the work of current undergraduate writers will be considered. Genres: Fiction, or creative nonfiction totaling no more than 3000 words. Payment: $25. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

Blood Bound Books: Crash CodeGenre: Speculative fiction. "This anthology is going to focus on just how far human kind is willing to fall in pursuit of the next innovation, whether it’s paying for bionic sex in bitcoins, five-year-olds browsing the Dark Web, bar code tattoos, mainstream holographic snuff films, or corrupted neural implants driving their users mad." Payment:  $0.03/word. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

The Last LineGenre: Short stories. All stories must end with the last line “I will visit again if I am ever back this way.” Length: 300-5,000 words. Payment: $20-$40. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

Cherry TreeGenre: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary shade. Payment: $20. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

Gordon Square ReviewGenre: Poetry, short stories, personal essays, and hybrid prose works. Payment: $25 for prose, $10 for poetry. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

Griffith Review: The New DisruptorsGenre: Essays, reportage, creative non-fiction or non-fiction on the "upheavals that have come with our increasingly technological world." Payment: Negotiated. Deadline: October 2, 2018.

Flame Tree Publishing: Urban Crime. Genre: American Gothic: With handsome young men who never grow old, and the strangest of relatives appearing from dark corridors and long shadows, the frenzied imagination of the American Gothic is a fertile theme for this new anthology in the Gothic fantasy short story series. Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: October 14, 2018. Some reprints accepted.

Flame Tree Publishing: Urban CrimeGenre: Stories from this collection will feature gritty murders on the streets of London and Paris, horrors in dark alleys, as well as many more scenes from urban crime that elicit a dark curiosity. Think classic authors such as Edgar Wallace and E.W. Hornung. Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: October 14, 2018.

Helios MagazineTheme: “Songs of Yesteryear.” Genres: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art. Payment: $0.03 USD per word for the first 1,500 words and $0.01 USD after for short stories, and $0.25 USD a line for poetry. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

The Chicago Neighborhood GuidebookGenre: "The Chicago Neighborhood Guidebook, the latest in Belt's series of idiosyncratic city guides (after Cleveland and Detroit), aims to explore community history and identity in a global city through essays articulating the lived experience of its residents." Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

SunLit Story Time November PodcastsGenre: Short story. Length: Minimum of 1250 words. Maximum of 2500 words. Payment: $100. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

American Chordata. Genre: Short works of original fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translation.  Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

RattleGenre: Persona Poems. (A persona poem is one where the speaker of the poem is a dramatic character other than the poet.) Payment: $100. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Aqueduct Press: Ursula K. Le Guin Tribute Poetry AnthologyGenre: Poetry that pays tribute to Ursula Le Guin. Payment: $20/poem. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Shifters United: Urban FantasyGenre: Urban fantasy novellas featuring shape shifters. Length: 20,000 to 50,000 words. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Tell-Tale Press: Winter Holidays. Genre: Fantasy, horror, mystery and science fiction. Theme includes Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, New Year’s, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, and any other winter holidays. Length: 500-5,000 words Payment: $5-25. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Vol IV. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment:  AUD$75. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Tin House. Genre: The Horror—From the mundane frights of everyday life to the truly macabre, if it makes your hair stand on end, we want to hear about it. Send us your scariest stories, eeriest essays, and most petrifying poetry! Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Heart and Humanity: Breaking with Tradition. Genre: Short stories, poems, personal essays. Tell us about a time in your life when you chose the road less traveled; when you rebelled against family, religion, education (or even common sense!), how did your journey change? Payment:  $15-25. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Tin HouseGenre: Open submissions for nonfiction, fiction, and poetry (no theme). Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Subprimal Poetry ArtGenres: Flash fiction and poetry. "We're looking for work that enables the reader / listener to experience something that they might not otherwise in their regular life and causes them to think. We like pieces that use language in new ways. We have a special fondness for prose poems. Voices outside of the status quo keep us awake at night." Payment: $20. Reprints $10. Deadline: October 16, 2018.

Riddled With Arrows: Objects & Artefacts. Genre: All genres and styles on the topic of writing about writing. Also publish poetry, hard-to-classify pieces, and nonfiction. "Riddled with Arrows is seeking writing-related fiction and metafiction, ars poetica, essays, visual art and non-classifiable written objects that explore the physical manifestations of the written world: think books, paper, letters, writing implements, stone tablets, engraved jewelry, illuminated manuscripts, gravestone etchings, writing on skin, holy texts, ancient scrolls, etc.  We are also interested in submissions that incorporate physical written objects (found poems, epistolary fiction, collage, paper art, etc.)" Payment: $0.03/word for prose, up to $25, for poetry or prose. Deadline: October 18, 2018.

Star Maps & Planets’ Paths: An Anthology of Astrology & Celestial MythsGenre: Poetry and fiction. Payment: Revenue sharing. Deadline: October 19, 2018.

Nonbinary ReviewGenre: Fiction, CNF, poetry, and art on the theme of "Dante's Inferno. Payment: 1 cent per word for fiction and nonfiction, and a flat fee of $10 for poetry (singular poems or a suite) and $25 per piece of visual art. Deadline: October 24, 2018.

GorseGenre: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, translation. Payment: Small. Deadline: October 28, 2018.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: "Life Lessons from my Cat"Genre: True stories about cats. "We are working on another wonderful and entertaining collection of stories about cats the lessons that we have learned from our feline family members. We know that our cats can teach us things about life and we know that you have many great stories to share with us. Those stories can be serious or humorous... or both. If you submitted a story for a previous Cat book title and we DID NOT publish it, please do submit it again if you think it will fit in this title." Payment: $200. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

PseudopodGenre: Horror. Audio format. Payment: 6 cents per word. Deadline: October 31, 2018. Reprints accepted.

Wolfpack PressGenre: Short stories. "We crave the wild, weird, wonderful, and witty." Length: Fiction, up to 6000 words, nonfiction up to 5,000 words, also accepts poetry (up to 3 poems per submission). Payment: $15. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Tech Horror: Kill SwitchGenre: Horror. Length: 2,000-7,000 words. Payment: $10 + digital contributor copy. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Robbed of SleepGenre: Horror. Length: 100 - 4,000 words. Payment: $10 short story, $5 flash fiction. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: "Life Lessons from my Dog"Genre: True stories about dog. "We are working on another wonderful and entertaining collection of stories about dogs the lessons that we have learned from our canine family members. We know that our dogs can teach us things about life and we know that you have many great stories to share with us. Those stories can be serious or humorous... or both. If you submitted a story for a previous Dog book title and we DID NOT publish it, please do submit it again if you think it will fit in this title." Payment: $200. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

The Realm of British FolkloreGenre: Stories and poems for a new anthology that involves British Folklore. Payment: One penny Sterling per word, with a minimum payment of £10 Sterling for poems and very, very short stories. For illustrations, £30 for ‘header’ illustrations to a story, £100 for full page illustrations and £200 for the cover illustration. Deadline: October 31, 2018. Reprints accepted.

Barking Sycamores is a literary journal entirely edited and operated by queer, neurodivergent people of color. Genres: Creative nonfiction. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Write NakedGenre: Blog posts about writing. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Spectre Press: The Realm of British FolkloreGenre: Stories that evoke British folklore. Payment: £0.01/word. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Horror AddictsGenre: Horror. Your story must involve technology in some way. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

EllipsisGenre: Poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, drama, and art. Payment: $10 per poem and page of visual art, and $3 per page of prose (sometimes more, depending on their budget), plus two free copies of the issue. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Our Loss AnthologyGenre: Stories, poetry on theme of Loss/Pain. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Occult Detective Quarterly. Genre: Stories based on intrepid investigators who explore the weird, exotic and bizarre. “These are the people who explore the darkness, both within and beyond, often to their own peril and the expense of their very lives and sanity. … We are looking for well-written stories featuring those who are investigating the strange and unusual. They do not have to be set in Victorian or Edwardian London (although they can be). We are eager to read stories featuring a diverse range of characters, cultures and periods. You may cheerfully pursue established Lovecraftian, Pulp or Dystopian themes, for example, but a fresh twist on the classics is always more likely to catch our eye. We do like stories with unusual protagonists, or with less common settings, and we have an appetite for the weird tale as long as it fits the overall concept.” They accept reprints, articles on any aspect of occult detectives, reviews, and artwork. Length: 3,000-5,500 words for fiction, 3,000-5,000 words for nonfiction. Payment: $0.01/word. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Fireside. Genre: Poetry. Payment: $100. Deadline: October 31, 2018. Opens to submissions on October 24.

Room MagazineGenre: Feminist fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, art, interviews, and book reviews. Payment: $50 CAD for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

30 Writing Contests in October 2018 - No entry fees

There are more than two dozen writing contests in October, none of which charge entry fees. This month there are contests for short stories, essays, poetry, and for both published and unpublished full-length works. Prizes range from publication to $25,000. As always, read the guidelines carefully. Many contests have geographical and age restrictions.

If you want to get an idea of what kinds of contests are offered throughout the year, take a look at Free Contests. The majority of these contests are yearly events. When it comes to contests, it's always a good idea to plan ahead.


The Glenna Luschei Prize for African Poetry, sponsored by the African Poetry Book Fund and in partnership with the literary journal, Prairie Schooner, is the only one of its kind in the world and was established to promote African poetry written in English or in translation and to recognize a significant book published each year by an African poet. A standard edition is 48 pages or more in length. Genre: Open to any book of original poetry, in English, published during 2015 in a standard edition by a full-length collection of poetry. Restrictions: African nationals, African residents, or poet of African parentage with roots from any country, living anywhere in the world. Prize: USD $5,000. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

Royal Institute of Philosophy Essay PrizeTopic: Philosophy and International Relations.  Prize:  £2,500 top prize. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

Victoria Literary Festival Writing CompetitionGenre: Short story: 1500 words, taking into consideration the theme of the 2018 VLF festival: Surrender to the Mystery. Prize: First prize will receive 350 CDN$ with four runners up receiving 50 CDN$ each. Deadline: October 1, 2018.

American Antiquarian Society Fellowships for Creative Writers is calling for applications for visiting fellowships for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, film makers, journalists, and other persons whose goals are to produce imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history. Successful applicants are those whose work is for the general public rather than for academic or educational audiences. The Society's goal in sponsoring this program is to multiply and improve the ways in which an understanding of history is communicated to the American people. Prize: A stipend of $1,150 to $1,350 and on-campus housing is provided; fellows residing off-campus receive $1,850. Deadline: October 5, 2018.

RBC Taylor Prize for Literary NonfictionRestrictions: Open to published Canadian authors. Genre: Nonfiction book. Prize: CAN$25,000.00. Deadline: October 5, 2018 for books published between August 21 and September 30, 2018.

Man Booker International Prize. The Man Booker International Prize for fiction translated into English is awarded annually by the Booker Prize Foundation to the author of the best (in the opinion of the judges) eligible novel or collection of short stories. Prize: £50,000 divided equally between the author and the translator. There will be a prize of £2,000 each of the shortlisted titles divided equally between the author and the translator. Deadline: October 6, 2018.

Boston Accent LitGenre: Poem with title of "Impeachment Day." Prize: Publication in Boston Accent Lit Magazine. Deadline: October 6, 2018. 

The NC State Short Story ContestsRestrictions: Open to all North Carolina residents except 1) tenured/tenure-track professors in the University of North Carolina system or 2) writers with a published book, 3) previous winners. Genres: An unpublished SHORT STORY of no more than 20 double-spaced pages; limit 5000 words OR an unpublished SHORT-SHORT FICTION story of no more than 5 double-spaced typed pages; limit 1200 words. Prizes: James Hurst Fiction Prize for the winning story is $500. There will also be some Honorable Mention awards. Prize for short-short is $250. Deadline: October 8, 2018.

READ Foundation CompetitionRestrictions: Open to writers 18 years or older living in the UK. (Younger people preferred.) Genre: Poem, short story or first person essay on the theme of “My education helped me….”. Prize: Publication. Deadline: October 10, 2018.

NUHA Blogging PrizeGenre: Article on specific topic. (See website) Prize: $150 - $2400.  Deadline: October 13, 2018.

Wax Poetry and Art Poetry ContestGenre: Poem. (Enter 1 poem for free. There is a charge for additional poems.)  Prize: 1st place, $70 CAD. 2nd place, $20 CAD. 3rd place, $10 CAD. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling ScholarshipRestrictions: Poet must be born in the United States. Genre: Poetry. The sample must not exceed either (1) 40 typed pages or (2) one printed volume plus no more than 20 typed pages of your most recent work. There is no minimum page requirement. Prize: $54,000 for a year of travel and study abroad. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

The Marfield Prize, also known as the National Award for Arts Writing, is given annually by the Arts Club of Washington to nonfiction books about the arts written for a broad audience. Genre: Non-fiction book. Self-published books not accepted. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Civil Beat. Genre: Journalism about Hawaii. Prize: $500 for first place, $300 for second place and $200 for third place. Deadline: October 15, 2018.

Bobbing Around Book ContestGenre: Manuscripts currently seeking an editor. Submit the first 1000 words and a 200-word synopsis for consideration. The editor will provide feedback for all 1000-word entries and post the top ten entries on his website. These will be voted upon, and the final winner will receive a “Christmas present” from the editor. Deadline: October 15 - 21, 2018.

Author Mentor MatchGenre: Completed YA or MG manuscript. Prize: Mentorship by published author. Deadline: October 15 - 21, 2018.

Dinesh Allirajah Prize for Short FictionRestrictions: Open to residents of UK. Genre: Short stories between 2000-6000 words on the theme "Café Stories." Prize: £500 and 10 shortlisted authors will be published in an ebook anthology. Deadline: October 26, 2018.

Halloween Writing Prompt Contest. Genre: Horror. "We are asking for writing prompts from YOU. In this case we are asking for writing prompts that will produce scary stories." Prize: $500. Deadline: October 28, 2018.

50 Word Horror Story Halloween ContestGenre: Horror: 50 words max. Prize: $500. Deadline: October 28, 2018.

The Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest is sponsored by Hollins University. Restrictions: Open to young women who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Genre: Poetry. Prize: Up to $5,000 renewable annual Creative Talent Scholarship in creative writing if winner enrolls at Hollins. Free tuition and housing for the university’s Hollins summer creative writing program. $200 cash prize. Publication in Cargoes, Hollins’ award-winning student literary magazine. Ten copies of CargoesDeadline: October 31, 2018.

PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction is the most prestigious literary award in the US. Restrictions: Authors must be living American citizens. Self-published works not accepted. Genres: Novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Prize: $15,000. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

The Benjamin Franklin House Literary PrizeRestrictions: Entrants must be aged 18-25 years and living in the UK. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction. Each year a question or quote exploring Franklin’s relevance in our time is open for interpretation in 1000-1500 words. Prize: First prize of £750, second prize of £500. Winning entries will be posted on the website and also published online by The TelegraphDeadline: October 31, 2018.

The Eric Gregory AwardsRestrictions: Applicants must be under 30 and a British subject by birth and must ordinarily be resident in the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland. Genre: Poetry collection. Previously published work accepted. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Burt Award for Caribbean LiteratureRestrictions: Caribbean authors age 12 through 18. Genres: Published books, previously self-published books, and unpublished manuscripts are eligible for the Award. Prize: First Prize of $10,000 CAD, a Second Prize of $7,000 CAD and a Third Prize of $5,000 CAD.  Deadline: October 31, 2018.

The Young Walter Scott PrizeRestrictions: Open to UK authors aged 11-19. Genre: Historical fiction between 800 and 2000 words. Prizes: £500 travel and research grant to further explore historical places in the UK, and an invitation to the Borders Book Festival in Melrose, Scotland. Two runners-up in each category receive a £100 book token, and all four winning stories are published in a special YWSP anthology book. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

McKitterick PrizeRestrictions: Open to authors over age 40 on December 31, 2018. Genre: First novel. The work must have been first published in the UK in the year in which the deadline falls (and not first published abroad), or be unpublished. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Tom-Gallon Trust AwardRestrictions: Open to citizens of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland with at least one short story published or accepted for publication. Genre: Short story, maximum 5,000 words. May be unpublished. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Creative Writing Institute's Flash Fiction AwardGenre: Flash Fiction. Prize: $25 - $100. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Lex:lead Essay CompetitionRestrictions: Candidates must show citizenship in an eligible country and be enrolled in studies with at least one law class in an eligible country at the time of the award. Genre: Essay: How can laws affecting the free movement of people reduce poverty and support economic development? Prize: $500 scholarship. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Kraemer Intergenerational Story Contest. Genre: Short story, video, art, audio clip featuring more than one generation. Length: 500 words max. Prize: $500. Deadline: October 31, 2018.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

38 Writing Conferences in October 2018

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October offers writers a bumper crop of writing conferences. There are no fewer than 38 conferences, retreats, expositions, and fairs this month, spanning the country. Genre-specific conferences include romance, science fiction, fantasy, children's literature, poetry, mystery, thrillers, horror and more. There is something for everyone!

I can't recommend attending a conference enough. There is nothing like making personal contacts with agents, editors, and writers to advance your career as a writer.

If you can't make your ideal conference this year, plan ahead for next year. Many conferences are yearly events. Planning ahead also gives you an opportunity to apply for the scholarships offered by some of these conferences. You can find a comprehensive list of conferences throughout the year here: Writing Conferences.

Digital Book World Conference + Expo, Nashville, TN, October 2 - 4, 2018. This is the premier event for digital publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models.

Georgia Romance Writers: Moonlight and MagnoliasOctober 4 – October 7, 2018: Atlanta, Georgia. Includes keynote speakers, workshops, editor/agent appointments, autographing & bookfair, awards banquet.

Beginner’sClass In World Building And World Conjuring 2018. October 4 – October 7, 2018: Honesdale, PA. If you are in the beginning stages of creating a speculative, science fiction, magical realism, or fantasy novel, this workshop will teach you the techniques of worldbuilding, the process of constructing an imaginary world. Workshop leader Cori McCarthy is well versed in the challenges of the craft and will guide you to create depth in your world and characters with techniques that lend themselves to fantastical worlds: ways to establish rules and meaning, build relationships, and structure governments. Special guest authors Amy Rose Capetta, Sage Blackwood and Kristen Simmons will help Cori immerse you in the process of building compelling and believable worlds in your fiction and help you develop new ideas for your work-in-progress. Along with daily lectures and writing, Cori will host one-on-one consultations on the first 10 pages of your work-in-progress and facilitate writer’s roundtables on additional pages.

New York Comicon. October 4 - 7, 2018: New York, New York. New York Comic Con is the East Coast's biggest popular culture convention: Show Floor plays host to the latest and greatest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies and television; Panels and Autograph Sessions give Fans a chance to interact with their favorite Creators; Screening rooms feature sneak peeks at films and television shows months before they hit big and small screens.

2018 Creative Retreat for writers, photographers. October 5 - 7, 2018: Mountain View, Missouri. Relax & refuel your creativity along a scenic river, while picking up tips from professionals in writing & photography. There will be time to learn & time to create. Participants stay in rustic cabins & enjoy family-style meals in dining hall.

Colrain Classic. October 5-8, 2018: Leicester, Massachusetts. The conference will be held at the beautiful Barred Owl Retreat, a 15-room, 1920′s colonial home located just outside the city of Worcester, Massachusetts. The retreat’s lovingly landscaped acreage hosts an orchard, a brook, two ponds and an abundance of wildlife including herons, beavers, otters, deer, and of course, barred owls. The property abuts a secluded 114-acre nature preserve so on the grounds one might feel away from it all, yet Barred Owl Retreat is just four miles from downtown Worcester. Here, you will work with poet-editor-educators Joan Houlihan, Rusty Morrison, and Ellen Dore Watson.

PictureBook Illustration: From Conception To Birth 2018. October 5 – October 7, 2018: Honesdale, PA. A down-to-earth, hands-on workshop for the illustrator who’s looking for the inside track, packed with valuable pointers and solid advice. Picture book illustration is a highly competitive field. Art directors and editors are not only looking for the illustrator with the right style for a particular book. The edge goes to the professional who’s confident in the craft of making picture books. This workshop is designed to give you that competitive edge by providing practical tips and direction from an art director with many years of experience working in the trenches.

Creatures, Crimes & Creativity. October 5 - 7, 2018: Columbia, MD. A writer's and fan's conference for genre fiction covering mystery, suspense, thriller, sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk & horror.

State Writing Conference & Convention, sponsored by The Kansas Authors Club, Oct 5 - 7, 2018, Salina, Kansas. Writing workshops, panels, and presentations by Kevin Rabas, Jeff Broome and more.

Write on the Sound Writers' Conference and Pre-Conference. Oct 5 - 7, 2018: Edmonds, WA. WOTS offers the opportunity to explore various writing craft techniques with nationally recognized industry professionals in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. SOLD OUT.

Imaginarium. Oct 5 - 7, 2018: Louisville KY. A three day annual event held in Louisville, Kentucky centered entirely around creative writing, including the worlds of books, movies, gaming, music, and comics/graphic novels. Imaginarium Convention features extensive programming content, with panels and workshops presented by over 150 professional guests covering everything from the craft of writing to various genres, industry-specific topics, publishing, and social media/publicity. The convention features a film festival with a full array of awards, a masquerade/costume contest, live music, gaming, an expo open to the general public, an awards banquet, a series of literary awards called the Imadjinns, and many more activities, creating a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that is content-rich and ideal for networking, promotion and personal development.

Picture Book Summit. Oct 6, 2018, Online. An online, one day live event for picture book writers including author keynotes, interviews, workshops and agent & editor panels. Recordings provided for attendees for four months post-conference.

WritingFor All Young Readers: Board Books Through Mg Series 2018. October 7 – October 9, 2018: Honesdale, PA. This workshop is for anyone looking for ways to break in or expand upon a career in writing for children, from board books to middle grade series. Crystal Allen, Kelly Starling Lyons, Kristy Dempsey, and Gwendolyn Hooks met at the Highlights Foundation’s Chautauqua Workshop over a decade ago. Their friendship was forged over works-in-progress, critiques, and the drive to publish great books for all children. Fast forward to now, and between the four women, they have over 30 books published for readers of all ages. They’ve designed a workshop to share with you all that they have gathered over years of their journeys.

Ozark Creative Writers Conference. Oct 11 - 13, 2018: Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Workshops by published authors, editors and agents; Publishers Row, independent publishers available to hear about your next project; Writing contests available to all participants.

Other Words Literary Conference. Oct 11 -13, 2018: University of Tampa, Florida. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as panels and readings. Their goal is "to bring together writers, editors, agents, publishers, book sellers, grant administrators, directors of writers' colonies and retreats, and other interested folk in one place. We'll be talking about the how to of the literary arts: how to write it, make it, sell it, fund it, and nurture it."

2018 Greater Nebraska Writers ConferenceOct 12 -13, 2018: Aurora, Nebraska. Hear Keynote Speaker: Alex Kava and attend 22 great classes! New this year: Boot Camp! Split into groups with a facilitator at each table. Read your first chapter or 2,000 words. Get personal feedback and give others feedback.

Northern Woodlands Writers & Readers Conference. Oct 12 - 14, 2018: Fairlee, Vermont. Sponsored by The Trust for Public Land, the conference explores how writers, artists and educators express the rich forest heritage of the Northeast: both the natural history of our region, and the interactions of people and place. The event will include writing workshops, readings, a nature illustration class, special workshops for educators, woods walks, fun talks on forest topics, and plenty of time for informal conversations over meals and around the campfire. Register by Oct 1.

TLA Power of Words ConferenceOct 12 - 14, 2018: Plainfield, Vermont. Conference that explores the use of expressive language arts, including written, spoken, and sung words. Special tracks in Narrative Medicine, Right Livelihood, and Social Change.

When the Personal Becomes Political. October 13, 2018: Galloway NJ. "Are you eager to contribute to the political conversation? Take advantage of our supportive atmosphere as a safe space to write a provocative personal essay worthy of submitting to the Op-Ed editors of major publications. Whether you lean left or right—or stand smack dab in the middle—this invigorating workshop will help you transform your fiery arguments into an eloquent and persuasive, thought-provoking piece."

James River Writers Conference. October 13 - 14, 2018: Richmond, Virginia. Participants include poets Tyree Daye and Pavana Reddy; fiction writers Xhenet Aliu and Mackenzi Lee; nonfiction writers David Coogan and Laurie Gwen Shapiro; literary agents Moe Ferrara (BookEnds Literary), Jessica Felleman (Foundry), Dara Kaye (Ross Yoon Agency), Chad Luibl (Janklow & Nesbit Associates), Beth Phelan (Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency), and Rebecca Scherer ( Jane Rotrosen Agency); and editor Latoya C. Smith (LCS Literary Services). The cost of the conference, which includes some meals and a one-on-one meeting with an agent, is $335, or $195 for a single day. The cost of a master class is an additional $65.

The Craft And Heart Of Writing Poetry For Children 2018. October 14 – October 18, 2018: Honesdale, PA. If you have a passion for writing children’s poetry, then please join us. Beginning poets, seasoned writers, teachers, and dreamers are all welcome. Would you love to work in an intimate setting with published poets, make new friends, and immerse yourself in writing poetry and working on the craft? Then this workshop is for you. Our goal is to bring poets together to delve into the heart, joy, and craft of poetry. We will be discussing, learning, writing, revising, and working on the craft of writing poetry for children. This workshop will offer plenty of interaction, direction, and free creative writing time. We’ll focus on all elements of poetry, from the importance of word choice to surprising metaphors. There will be plenty of writing exercises to inspire new poems followed by group discussions. As a group, we’ll brainstorm ideas, share our writing process, and generate original poems. You’ll be inspired to create new poems or bring works in progress to polish.

Writing By Writers Workshop @ Tomales Bay. October 17 - 21, 2018: Tomales Bay, California. Manuscript and poetry workshops are limited to 12 participants and generative workshops are limited to 15 to ensure an intimate setting.

TellingIt True: The Art Of Storytelling In Picture Book Biography AndNarrative Nonfiction 2018. October 18 – October 21, 2018: Honesdale, PA. Engage children in the lives of others through captivating events and compelling narrative threads. Unfamiliar names may not hook your readers, but a well-told true story can inspire, delight, teach, and enthrall. It’s an exciting time for nonfiction in the children’s book world. Teachers are craving more of it. Authors are experimenting with structure and story-telling technique. And kids are realizing that nonfiction can read with the same page-turning momentum as great fiction. Join Leda Schubert and Tod Olson as they explore the art of writing nonfiction for children and teens in both long and short forms. The process, for both picture books and narrative nonfiction, starts with the idea and research—lots of it. From there, the art of storytelling takes over.

Cagibi Hudson Valley Writing Retreat. October 18 - 21, 2018, Rhinebeck, NY. "Join a small group of writers for a long weekend of dedicated writing time and workshops co-led by teachers and editors under the spell of Hudson Valley’s spectacular autumn. Tuition includes gorgeous accommodations on-site in a stunning renovated farm house, three scrumptious meals a day, and one-on-one consultations. The retreat leaders will be Matt Pasca (author of A Thousand Doors and Raven Wire) and Terri Muuss (author of Over Exposed, co-editor of Grabbing the Apple), along with Cagibi founding editors."

Annual Florida Writers Conference, October 18 - 21, 2018: Altamonte Springs, Florida. Four workshops and panels dedicated to help you learn how to pitch your story, and more than fifty acclaimed authors, poets, and publishing industry experts for three days of networking opportunities.

Nimrod Conference for Readers and Writers. October 19 - 20, 2018: University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The conference features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, master classes, panel discussions, and individual manuscript consultations with faculty. Participants include poets Kaveh Bassiri and Patricia Smith; fiction writers Rilla Askew, Erin Bow, Sarah MacLean, and Julia White; poet and creative nonfiction writer Jill Bialosky; editor Carl Engle-Laird (Tor); and recent winners of the Nimrod Literary Awards. The cost of the conference is $60, which includes lunch. Scholarships are available. The deadline to register for a one-on-one manuscript consultation with an editor is October 13.

Magna cum Murder XXIII. Oct 19  - 21, 2018: Indianapolis, IN. 45+ authors of crime writing fiction Guest of Honor: Terence Faherty; International Guest of Honor: Reavis Wortham.

Annual Rochester Writers’ Conference, October 20, 2018: Rochester, Michigan. Lectures, Workshops and Panel Discussions in fiction, non-fiction and business of writing presentations. Open to new, working and published writers of all genres. Attendees select four presentations from a dozen to tailor fit their needs.

DAWG Writing Workshop, Write to Publish: Climbing Toward Success!  Oct 20, 2018: DeSoto, TX. Faculty: Stephen Fraser, Sarah LaPolla, Brian Smith and more.

ElementsOf Plot With Grace Lin And Padma Venkatraman 2018. October 21 – October 24, 2018: Honesdale, PA. Find your way through your novel, from point to point and place to place. Crafting engaging characters and an interesting concept are only part of what makes a novel successful. For all stories, plot is a crucial element. It provides the energy to move your story from beginning to end. Plot must be responsive in its point of view, dialogue, and characterization. Join Newbery winner Grace Lin and critically acclaimed author Padma Venkatraman in a hands-on experience designed to help you understand the analytical nature of plot and uncover ways to plan your novel. You’ll examine the internal and external conflicts of your story and whether or not an emotional arc is achieved. Grace and Padma will offer feedback on pacing, tension, and stakes, as well as guide you in planning the journey of your story. Whether plot comes to you intuitively or you struggle to bring structure to your concepts, this workshop is designed to help you strengthen your novel under the support and guidance of Grace and Padma. Writers will be asked to submit 10 pages from the beginning of their work-in-progress, along with a chapter-by-chapter summary of the entire manuscript. Picture book writers are also welcome to attend and may send a single manuscript in its entirety.

Viable Paradise Science Fiction Writers' Workshop. Oct 21 - 26, 2018: Martha’s Vineyard, MA. One-on-one & workshop critiques, participation in student group critiques, writing sessions, daily readings. Instructors include Scott Lynch, Debra Doyle, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Sherwood Smith, James D. Macdonald and Daryl Gregory, with Elizabeth Bear and Laura Mixon as writers in residence. Applications close June 1.

John R. Milton Writers' Conference. Oct 25 - 27, 2018: Vermillion, South Dakota. The 2018 conference theme is “This Lonely Frontier: Exploring Boundaries of Space, Identity, and Genre." Percival Everett, Ellen Forney, Karen Salyer McElmurray and Erika T. Wurth are keynote and featured authors. In addition, Ellen Forney will deliver a workshop on creating comics.

Emerald City Writers' Conference. Oct 26 -28, 2018, Bellevue, WA. Local Romance Writers of America conference, featuring film and television scouts, who will be taking pitches along with editors and agents, keynote speakers, workshops, and a master class. 

Retreat to the Springs! Oct 26 -28, 2018: Yellow Springs, OH. Includes instruction and one-on-one manuscript critique. Faculty: Ann Hagedorn (creative nonfiction), Donna MacMeans (romance), Jason Sanford (scifi/fantasy), and Valerie Coleman (self-publishing).

Writer's Digest Novel Writing Conference, Oct. 26 - 28, 2018: Pasadena, CA. Experienced authors, editors, agents and publishing experts will be on hand, ready to help you develop your own craft and position yourself for success.

Steel Pen Conference. October 27, 2018: Fair Oaks, IN. Featured speakers and experts in the field provide workshops, and authors can showcase books, or receive direct critiques on their work from experienced writers and network with fellow writers. This is an annual conference.

FundamentalSteps To Writing Historical Fiction 2018. October 28 – October 31, 2018: Honesdale, PA. Give your historical fiction a strong start by learning the fundamentals of this popular genre. Are you writing a novel where a historical event or historical figure plays a main role? This workshop is designed to help you finish or revise your historical novel with five thoughtful steps. Using the acronym STEPS, award-winning historical fiction author Joyce Moyer Hostetter will introduce the basics of writing historical fiction.

American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) Conference. October 31 - November 3, 2018, Bloomington, IN. Panels, workshops, readings, a book fair, and opportunities to meet with editors for translators. "The ALTA Annual Conference is a refreshingly collegial gathering of amateurs and professionals alike, both within the profession and outside it, all wholeheartedly committed to fostering, furthering, and supporting the practice of literary translation."

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

14 Magazines Accepting Reprints - Paying Markets

Escher - Drawing Hands - Flickr 
Updated 6/7/24

There is nothing quite like having your work published after you have spent months sending your stories or poems to magazines that take forever to respond. Sadly, the elation you feel when you have finally seen your work published may be short-lived.

Most stories and poems that make their way into literary journals have only a brief shelf-life. After readers have read your work and the issue has been archived, now what? One good way to extend the life of your story is to send it to literary magazines that accept reprints.

Very few magazines are willing to pay for reprints. But some make exceptions, especially if your work is not still available online. Writers who submit reprints must always own the rights to their work.

Also see: 185 Literary Magazines Accepting Reprints (Paying and non-paying markets)

For more paying markets in a variety of genres see: Paying Markets.


Allegory. Genre: Speculative Fiction. Payment: $15. See reading periods.

Gallery of CuriositiesGenre: Speculative fiction up to 7,500 words. Payment:1 cent/word. Magazine and podcast. See submission periods.

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch ShoresGenre: Speculative fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Payment: 8 cents/word for original work. 2 - 8 cents/word for reprints. 50 cents/line poetry reprints. See submission periods.

Kaleidoscope. Genre: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Must focus on some aspect of disability. Payment$10 - $100. 

Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast. Genre: Flash fiction. Payment: $3 minimum. 

THEMA. GenrePoetry and prose - themed issues. Payment: Token. See submission periods.

Workers Write! More Tales from the ClassroomGenre: Stories and poems from educational settings. "We're looking for fiction about teachers, counselors, admins, school librarians, principals, janitors - anyone who works in a school or classroom setting." Length: 500-5,000 words. Payment: $5-50. See submission periods.

Zooscape. Genre: Short stories. All stories must be furry. "An anthropomorphic animal figure should be significantly featured in your story — it could be anthropomorphic in body or only intelligence. We’ll consider any type of furry fiction from secret life of animals to fox in Starbucks.  We love science-fiction with animal-like aliens and fantasy with talking dragons, unicorns, or witch familiars." Payment: $20. See submission periods.

After Dinner Conversation. Genre: Short stories (mostly science fiction) for children, YA, and adults. Payment: $0.01 per word (limit $50).

Flash Fiction Online. Genre: Flash fiction, 500 - 1000 words. Payment: 2 cents/word. See submission periods.

DreamForgeGenre: Science fiction and fantasy short fiction and poetry. Payment: $0.06/word. Payment for reprints is $0.03/word. Poems are paid at the rate of $25 to $100. See submission periods.

RadonGenre: Short stories and poetry containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction. Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints.

The Dread Machine. GenreFuturistic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction. Payment$.01/word for reprints.

Bullet Points publishes speculative military fiction that is sensitive to the complexity, tragedy, and hope of warfare and violence in human (and nonhuman) society. The editor considers fiction stories from any author. Original stories run between 100 and 5,000 words, although reprints can deviate from this guideline. Authors retain all rights not specified in the publication agreement (this is for reference; sign only upon acceptance for publication). Payment: $30 for original stories and $20 for reprints, upon acceptance for publication, via PayPal.

Escape PodGenreScience Fiction. Audio format. Payment$100 for reprints. See submission periods.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

5 Major Australian Publishers That Accept Unagented Manuscripts

Chris Samuel - Flickr
Updated 5/10/24

Unlike US and UK publishing houses, Australian publishers suffer from a dearth of submissions. All of these are major traditional publishers, with worldwide distribution, and all offer an advance and royalties. (You don't have to be Australian to submit to one of these publishers.)

Submission periods are limited for some of these publishers, so make sure to read their requirements carefully before you submit.

For a list of 150 publishers that accept submissions directly from writers, no agent required, see Publishers Accepting Unagented Manuscripts


Allen & Unwin accepts submissions through the "Friday Pitch." (Despite its name, The Friday Pitch is open to submissions all week.) Allen & Unwin is an independent Australian publishing company established in 1976 as a subsidiary of the British firm George Allen & Unwin Ltd., one of the leading publishers of the twentieth century. They currently publish up to 250 new titles a year, including literary and commercial fiction, a broad range of general non fiction, academic and professional titles and books for children and young adults. Please only apply to the Friday Pitch if you are currently living in Australia or New Zealand.

Pan Macmillan Australia accepts electronic manuscript submissions directly from writers every day of the week. Pan Macmillan is a major Australian publisher with a wide range of titles under group imprints, including Macmillan, Pan, Picador, Plum, Momentum, Macquarie Dictionary Publishers, Pancake, St Martin's Press, Tor, Forge, Griffin and Sidgwick & Jackson. They publish commercial and literary fiction, children's and YA fiction, picture books, Australiana, history, biographies, cooking, health and self-help, sports and travel. It also handles sales for Guinness World Records.

Penguin Australia accepts unsolicited manuscripts the first week of every month. They accept both children's literature and adult books. They do not accept submissions from outside Australia, New Zealand or Oceania (unless the author has a connection to the region such as citizenship or residency). Currently open to children's books only.

Text Publishing Australia accepts non-fiction and fiction manuscripts, including middle grade and young adult. Submissions are by hard copy only. Send the first 3 chapters and a brief (1-page) synopsis. If they want to see more they will contact you. Responses generally take three months. Submissions should be from citizens or residents of Australia and/or New Zealand.

Hachette Australia accepts work from Australian or New Zealand residents. They accept children’s and YA fiction and non-fiction, and adult non-fiction. They do not accept science fiction/fantasy, illustrated children’s books, illustrated books, cookbooks, poetry, self-help, screenplays or academic submissions. They will contact you only if they are interested. Responses take four weeks. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Philip Roth: "All you have to do is attach one word to the other"

Flickr - Wolf Gang - 2.0 license
American novelist Philip Roth died on May 22, 2018. Like everyone of my generation, I read Portnoy's Complaint when it was published. (People spoke about it in hushed whispers, behind closed doors.)

In 1969, critics didn't quite know how to respond to a satire on sex, in particular when the sex was explicit, but the book accomplished what it was supposed to. It defined Philip Roth as an iconoclast.

In keeping with his role as an iconoclast, Roth was also politically outspoken.

In an interview published in the New York Times, Roth called Trump “a massive fraud, the evil sum of his deficiencies” and “devoid of everything but the hollow ideology of a megalomaniac.” In more literary terms, Roth accused Trump of “wielding a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.” Trump was “humanly impoverished” and “ignorant of government, of history, of science, of philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance” and “destitute of all decency." 'Nuff said.

In addition to his pithy remarks about Trump, it's worth listening to Roth's observations about writing. As with politics, Roth puts things in perspective.

"You must be interested in what you are writing."

"I began to write stories. The first ones were terrible, but then it got better."

"All you have to do is attach one word to the other."

“Writing is frustration – it’s daily frustration, not to mention humiliation. It’s just like baseball: you fail two-thirds of the time.” (The New York Times.)

“I work all day, morning and afternoon, just about every day. If I sit there like that for two or three years, at the end I have a book.” (The Paris Review.)

“The novelist’s obsession, moment by moment, is with language: finding the right next word.” (Stanford University)

“Literature isn’t a moral beauty contest. Its power arises from the authority and audacity with which the impersonation is pulled off; the belief it inspires is what counts.” (The Paris Review)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

5 British Agents Seeking Kidlit, Poetry, Literary Fiction, Sci-Fi, Nonfiction, and More

Updated 5/10/24

Here are five British agents actively seeking writers. You don't have to be British to submit to these agents. Most British agencies accept writers from just about anywhere. They also maintain international contacts through sub-agents, as well as offices in New York and elsewhere. So feel free to query.

Always check the agency website before submitting. Agents may switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change. Note: Don't query two agents in the same agency simultaneously. 

If these agents don't suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


Kerry Glencorse of Susanna Lea Associates


Kerry Glencorse studied Classics at Oxford University and Political Science at Sciences Po in Paris. After two years as a management consultant, she started her publishing career in 2000 at Editions Flammarion before moving to the Paris office of Susanna Lea Associates. In 2007 she moved back to the UK and set up the London office. She handles the agency’s clients in the UK and Australia and has a growing list of her own clients including novelists Alice Adams, Marie Phillips, Louisa Hall, Andrea Carter and Joanna Bolouri and non-fiction writers Tom Service, Caroline Jones and Ted Kessler.

What she is seeking: Literary and upmarket commercial fiction; well-written genre fiction, including crime, thrillers, women’s fiction, and historical. And on the non-fiction side: memoir, narrative non-fiction, popular science, social and cultural history, and cookery.

How to submit: Send query, synopsis and 3 chapters to

Mandy Suhr of Miles Stott Children’s Literary Agency


Mandy Suhr joined MSCLA in 2010 and specialises in picture books. During a long career as editor and publisher, she has launched many now familiar names and has created best-selling picture books for Orchard, Gullane, Campbell, Macmillan and Puffin. As well as her role as an agent, Mandy also consults for several of the bigger publishing houses, creating novelties, picture books and apps.

What she is seeking: Children's fiction.

How to submit: Please send a brief synopsis together with the first three chapters and a short covering letter telling us a little bit about yourself, your writing and your publishing experience (if any). The email address for fiction submissions is

Hayley Steed of Janklow & Nesbit UK

Hayley is a Literary Agent primarily representing writers of fiction. She previously worked for seven years at Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency, joining Janklow & Nesbit in September 2023. Before that she worked in book PR, after completing a degree in English. Her authors include The Sunday Times and The New York Times bestselling authors, and she has been named both a Trailblazer and a Rising Star by the UK book trade.

What she is seeking: Commercial fiction across all genres including smart women’s fiction; contemporary women’s fiction; uplifting love stories; high concept novels; grounded sci-fi; speculative fiction; feminist reads; magical realism; tense crime and thrillers; cross-genre books; 14+ YA; non-fiction focused on sport.

How to submit: Please read guidelines HERE.

Kate Burke at Blake Friedmann

Kate was born in Dublin but grew up in Brussels. She joined Blake Friedmann as Senior Agent in January, 2019, and was previously at Northbank Talent Management where she worked with many award-winning and Sunday Times bestselling authors, among them Will Dean, Dani Atkins, Fiona Ford, Rebecca Tinnelly and Jo Bell. 

Before becoming an agent, Kate was an editor at Headline and HarperCollins, and an editorial director at Penguin Random House. After ten years of publishing fiction, she moved to the agency side to pursue her love of discovering new writers. She still loves to edit and works very closely with her clients on all aspects of their writing and publishing.

What she is seeking: Kate is actively taking on new clients and is looking for all genres of adult fiction excluding science fiction and fantasy. She has a particular love of women’s fiction (big, sweeping love stories; family dramas; issue-based emotional wringers, high-concept romances, and everything in between), contemporary and historical crime fiction of all kinds (serial killer or domestic thrillers, detective-led mysteries, psychological suspense – basically anything dark and/or violent with a mystery at its heart) and more general historical fiction (WWI and WWII sagas, book club and literary fiction, set in any era post-1800 and anywhere in the world) but is happy to also consider genre-blending fiction and speculative literary fiction.

How to submit: Please send a query letter, a full synopsis of approx. 500 words, and your first three chapters/10,000 words to Kate (kate[at]blakefriedmann[dot]co[dot]uk)

Chloe Seager at Madeleine Milburn Literary, TV & Film Agency

She began her career at Titan Books and it was working with V.E. Schwab that made her realise her true passion was in YA and children’s. She joined Northbank Talent in 2015 where she built a children’s and YA list from scratch, selling rights in the UK and internationally. Whilst there she worked with Carnegie nominated author Emily Critchley, the children’s tie-in titles of Rachel Wells’ bestselling Alfie series, and discovered debut authors including Anna Fargher, Ben Oliver and Inky Willis. In 2019 she joined the team at Madeleine Milburn.

What she is seeking: Romance; dark academia; magical middle-grade; adventure; sci-fi and fantasy with a strong hook; gothic; horror; thriller; contemporary middle-grade with a big heart; funny books across all ages; interesting/inspiring non-fiction across all ages; diverse authors.

How to submit: Please see detailed submission requirements here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

3 Agents Seeking Kidlit, Nonfiction & All Genres of Adult Fiction

Updated 5/10/24

Here are three agents expanding their client lists. Annie Bomke is interested in representing a wide variety of adult and YA fiction and nonfiction. Lauren Scovel is especially interested in fiction and narrative nonfiction with a timely, distinctive story and a diverse cast of characters. Masha Gunic is only looking to acquire middle grade and young adult novels.

Always check the agency website before submitting. Agents may switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.

If these agents don't suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


Masha Gunic of the Azantian Literary Agency

Masha started her career in publishing as an intern at the Azantian Literary Agency and has since held internships at Red Fox Literary and Writers House before working as an Editorial Assistant at Abrams Books on the children's side for two years. Her love for books across genres, as well as her desire to find and foster great talent, drove her to make the transition from editorial back to the Azantian Literary Agency on the West Coast.

What she is seeking: Masha is only looking to acquire middle grade and young adult novels.

How to submit: Please use the submission form on the website HERE.


Annie Bomke of Annie Bomke Agency

Annie Bomke is a literary agent with over a decade of experience helping authors succeed. She has worked with internationally bestselling authors such as Ken Blanchard, Spencer Johnson, John Assaraf, John David Mann, and Bob Burg. She has edited a wide range of projects—from hard-nosed business books to otherworldly historical novels.

What she is seeking: Annie is interested in representing a wide variety of adult and YA fiction and nonfiction, including commercial and literary fiction, upmarket fiction, mysteries (from hilarious cozies to gritty police procedurals and everything in between), historical fiction, women’s fiction, psychological thrillers, literary/psychological horror, self-help, business, health/diet, cookbooks, memoir, relationships, current events, psychology, and narrative nonfiction. She is especially looking for books that feature diverse characters.

How to submit: For all fiction submissions, please include a query letter, synopsis, and the first two chapters of your manuscript pasted in the body of the email. Submission guidelines for nonfiction: For all nonfiction submissions, please include a query letter and proposal. You can email submissions to, or mail them via USPS.


Lauren Scovel of Laura Gross Literary Agency

Lauren grew up outside of Seattle and graduated summa cum laude from Emerson College with a degree in Writing, Literature, and Publishing as well as Theatre Studies. She began her publishing career as an editorial intern at Aevitas Creative Management (formerly Zachary Shuster Harmsworth). Her editorial work can be seen at The Millions. She has also been a bookseller at Newtonville Books since 2016.

What she is seeking: She especially interested in fiction and narrative nonfiction with a timely, distinctive story and a diverse cast of characters.

How to submit: Use her querymanager here.
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