Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Freelancing: Getting Paid to Write Nonfiction Articles

Updated 3/24/25

If you write short form literary pieces - poems, short stories, creative nonfiction - getting paid can be an uphill battle. Most literary journals don't pay anything at all, or pay only a pittance.

Nonfiction writing, on the other hand, can be quite lucrative. Many magazines will pay handsomely for a nonfiction article, especially if it is instructive. The flow of information is key in the information age, and publications are always hungry for more.

Even if you primarily write poetry or short stories, you can make money as a nonfiction freelancer because everyone is an expert at something. Are you a parent? There are many parenting magazines interested in your expertise. Do you collect stamps as a hobby, own pets, have a garden? Are you a foodie or like to travel? Can you write a compelling book or movie review? There are even magazines that want to hear about your experience as a writer. What is your writing process? How do you overcome writers' block? And if you're published - how did you get your agent or publisher?

There is one important difference between creative writing and nonfiction submissions. While fiction is submitted in full, nonfiction is pitched. A pitch is a brief description of the article you want to write - one that will convince the editor your idea is a perfect fit for their publication. The pitch also includes your credentials and/or expertise, which are essential for nonfiction writing.

Do some research before you pitch. Read submissions guidelines carefully, and get familiar with the publication. Unlike literary journals, nonfiction publications respond quickly. If you don't hear back from the editor within a week, follow up with a polite email. If you still don't get a reply, move on.

Here are some helpful articles:

How to Write the Perfect Article Pitch

Pitching Articles: 5 Tips for a Successful Freelance Writing Pitch

How NOT to pitch editors

These sites provide some great resources for freelance writers.

Who Pays Writers

This is an enormously useful site for both fiction and nonfiction writers. It gives detailed information on hundreds of publications, including how much they pay, when they pay (upon publication, 30-day net, etc.), how to submit, platform (print, online), whether there is a contract, and helpful comments.

Freelance Writing Jobs

Writing jobs, websites that pay writers, writing tips, writing contests, job hunting tips... This site has it all. 

Make a Living Writing

This is a site that features 92 paying markets organized by topic: Business, Career, and Finance; Essays; Family and Parenting; Health; Lifestyle and General Interest; Tech; Travel and Food; and Writing. The site also offers tips for pitching, resources for freelance writers, and many other informative articles.

Thousands of short and long-term writing jobs, including technical writing, content creation, translation, creative writing (short stories, song lyrics, screenwriting, comedy, etc.). International. 

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