Here are six literary agents seeking science fiction. All are from established literary agencies.
Make sure to read the agency website before submitting. You'll get a good sense of whether your book will be a good fit by looking at the books the agency has represented. Also, agents can close their lists, or switch agencies.
Note: You can find a comprehensive list of agents seeking clients here:
Carlie Webber (Fuse Literary)
About Carlie: For ten years, she worked as a public librarian serving teens and adults, served on book awards committees, and reviewed books professionally for journals including Kirkus Reviews and VOYA. Wishing to pursue her interest in the business side of books, she then enrolled in the Columbia Publishing Course. Her professional publishing experience includes an internship at Writers House and work with the Publish or Perish Agency/New England Publishing Associates and the Jane Rotrosen Agency.
What she is looking for: “I represent science fiction and fantasy for YA and MG only.”
How to Submit: To submit your work for consideration, please use her form HERE.
Jennie Goloboy (Donald Maass Literary Agency)
About Carlie: For ten years, she worked as a public librarian serving teens and adults, served on book awards committees, and reviewed books professionally for journals including Kirkus Reviews and VOYA. Wishing to pursue her interest in the business side of books, she then enrolled in the Columbia Publishing Course. Her professional publishing experience includes an internship at Writers House and work with the Publish or Perish Agency/New England Publishing Associates and the Jane Rotrosen Agency.
What she is looking for: “I represent science fiction and fantasy for YA and MG only.”
How to Submit: To submit your work for consideration, please use her form HERE.
Jennie Goloboy (Donald Maass Literary Agency)
Currently closed to queries
About Jennie: Jennie Goloboy joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2017. Before that, she was an agent at Red Sofa Literary for six years. She has a PhD in the History of American Civilization from Harvard, and published a book based on her dissertation, Charleston and the Emergence of Middle-Class Culture in the Revolutionary Era, in 2016.
What she is looking for: “I’m especially looking for adult sci-fi and fantasy. Lighthearted and optimistic books are always welcome, and I love diverse protagonists. Have you got an unusual premise and an engaging protagonist? Send it my way!”
How to Submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Peter Rubie (FinePrint Literary Management)
About Peter Rubie: Peter Rubie is a former BBC Radio and Fleet Street journalist and for several years was the director of the publishing section of the New York University Summer Publishing Institute. He was a member of the NYU faculty for 10 years, and taught the only university-level course in the country on how to become a literary agent.
What he is seeking: In fiction he represents literate thrillers, crime fiction, science fiction and fantasy, military fiction and literary fiction.
How to Submit: Use his submission form HERE.
Amelia Appel (TriadaUS)
About Jennie: Jennie Goloboy joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2017. Before that, she was an agent at Red Sofa Literary for six years. She has a PhD in the History of American Civilization from Harvard, and published a book based on her dissertation, Charleston and the Emergence of Middle-Class Culture in the Revolutionary Era, in 2016.
What she is looking for: “I’m especially looking for adult sci-fi and fantasy. Lighthearted and optimistic books are always welcome, and I love diverse protagonists. Have you got an unusual premise and an engaging protagonist? Send it my way!”
How to Submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Peter Rubie (FinePrint Literary Management)
About Peter Rubie: Peter Rubie is a former BBC Radio and Fleet Street journalist and for several years was the director of the publishing section of the New York University Summer Publishing Institute. He was a member of the NYU faculty for 10 years, and taught the only university-level course in the country on how to become a literary agent.
What he is seeking: In fiction he represents literate thrillers, crime fiction, science fiction and fantasy, military fiction and literary fiction.
How to Submit: Use his submission form HERE.
Amelia Appel (TriadaUS)
Currently closed to queries
What she is looking for: “I’m most interested in novels with elements of SF, not overwhelmingly in-your-face SF (meaning entire space settings, alien-focused stories, inter-planet battles, and that sort of thing, aren’t right for me).”
How to Submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Caitlin McDonald (Donald Maass Literary)
What she is looking for: “I’m most interested in novels with elements of SF, not overwhelmingly in-your-face SF (meaning entire space settings, alien-focused stories, inter-planet battles, and that sort of thing, aren’t right for me).”
How to Submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Caitlin McDonald (Donald Maass Literary)
Currently closed to queries
About Caitlin: Caitlin McDonald joined DMLA in 2015, and was previously at Sterling Lord Literistic. She represents adult and young adult speculative fiction, primarily science-fiction, fantasy, horror, and related subgenres, as well as contemporary fiction about geeky characters. She also handles a small amount of nonfiction in geeky areas, with a focus on feminist theory/women’s issues and pop culture. Caitlin grew up overseas and has a BA in Creative Writing from Columbia University.
What she is seeking: All science fiction and fantasy fiction (and subgenres) for adult, YA, and MG — especially secondary world fantasy and alternate history.
How to Submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Amanda Rutter (Azantian Literary Agency)
About Caitlin: Caitlin McDonald joined DMLA in 2015, and was previously at Sterling Lord Literistic. She represents adult and young adult speculative fiction, primarily science-fiction, fantasy, horror, and related subgenres, as well as contemporary fiction about geeky characters. She also handles a small amount of nonfiction in geeky areas, with a focus on feminist theory/women’s issues and pop culture. Caitlin grew up overseas and has a BA in Creative Writing from Columbia University.
What she is seeking: All science fiction and fantasy fiction (and subgenres) for adult, YA, and MG — especially secondary world fantasy and alternate history.
How to Submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Amanda Rutter (Azantian Literary Agency)
About Amanda: Amanda is a literary agent at Azantian Literary Agency). She is a book reviewer, and produces work for her own blog, Floor to Ceiling Books, but can also be found reviewing for, Hub Magazine, Vector and Fantasy Literature. Before becoming an agent, Amanda was an editor with Angry Robot, helping to sign books and authors for the Strange Chemistry imprint. In her free time, she is a yarn fiend, knitting and crocheting a storm. Find her on Twitter at @ALRutter.
What she is seeking: Adult fantasy and science fiction, as well as young adult fantasy.
How to Submit: Use their form HERE.
Matt Bialer (Sanford Greenburger)
About Matt: Matt has been in the publishing community since 1985, and worked at two major literary agencies before joining the Greenburger team in 2003. While his list includes many veteran authors, he also enjoys finding unique new voices.
How to Submit: Please send query letter in the body of your email, and then send the following as an attachment: the first three chapters of your book. No snail-mail queries will be accepted. Send queries to mbialer [@]
About Amanda: Amanda is a literary agent at Azantian Literary Agency). She is a book reviewer, and produces work for her own blog, Floor to Ceiling Books, but can also be found reviewing for, Hub Magazine, Vector and Fantasy Literature. Before becoming an agent, Amanda was an editor with Angry Robot, helping to sign books and authors for the Strange Chemistry imprint. In her free time, she is a yarn fiend, knitting and crocheting a storm. Find her on Twitter at @ALRutter.
What she is seeking: Adult fantasy and science fiction, as well as young adult fantasy.
How to Submit: Use their form HERE.
Matt Bialer (Sanford Greenburger)
About Matt: Matt has been in the publishing community since 1985, and worked at two major literary agencies before joining the Greenburger team in 2003. While his list includes many veteran authors, he also enjoys finding unique new voices.
How to Submit: Please send query letter in the body of your email, and then send the following as an attachment: the first three chapters of your book. No snail-mail queries will be accepted. Send queries to mbialer [@]
This list of agents is always looking. I submitted my most recent novel, I AM, to the vast majority on this list last August 2015. To date, Carlie Webber, Moe Ferrara, Marisa Corvisiero & Caitlin McDonald have yet to reply. Matt Bialer also never replied, but at least his website states he won't bother to. I never sent to Lisa Rodgers at JaBberwocky Lit, but I did send to Eddie Schneider there and he never replied.
ReplyDeleteI hear you. I've submitted queries to 127 agents. Half of them have not replied. My advice is to go to a writing conference and pitch in person. (Having a drink with an agent is even better.) Sometimes, agents who won't bother to respond to a query will respond to a person in the flesh.