Monday, February 29, 2016

24 Calls for Submissions in March 2016 - Paying Markets

Here are two dozen calls for submissions in the month of March.

Genres include speculative fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, horror, erotic horror, personal essays, tech articles, crime fiction, fairy tales. There are also open calls for any genre of stories and poems.

All of these are paying markets. (A couple accept reprints!)

There are some themed anthologies in the mix, so make sure you read all the requirements before you submit.

Happy submitting!


THEMA: Drop the Zucchini and Run!

The premise (target theme) must be an integral part of the plot, not necessarily the central theme but not merely incidental.

Genres: Any

Length: Fewer than 20 double-spaced pages preferred.

Payment: Short story, $25; short-short piece (up to 1000 words), $10; poem, $10; artwork, $25 for cover, $10 for interior page display.

Deadline: March 1, 2016

Reprints accepted


"We are looking for the most gruesome, twisted, sick, disturbing, dark and extreme stories that push the boundaries of sex and horror and we don't have any content restrictions (except for kiddie porn, of course). Science fiction and dark fantasy will be considered but must be very dark with a strong element of horror."

Genre: Erotic Horror

Length: Up to 9K words per story.

Payment: 3 cents/word, up to a max of $270/story (9K words)

Deadline: March 1, 2016

Tech Edge Magazine

Genre: Stories about technology in education. Themed issue: Students as creators.

Payment: $50 for up to 500 words, and $125 for articles of 500-1,500 words

Deadline: March 1, 2016


Skirt! Magazine

Magazine for women.

Genre: Personal essays wanted for the 'Smart' Issue, 800 - 1,100 words

Payment: $200 per piece

Deadline: March 1, 2016



"upstreet, based in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, is an award-winning annual literary anthology containing the best new fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction available."

Genre: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction

Payment: $50 - $150 for poems, $50 - $250 for short stories or essays

Deadline: March 1, 2016



"Beatdom is a Beat Generation-themed literary journal. We publish short stories and poetry, but mostly we’re looking for essays about the Beats. These essays should be interesting and take a different slant on the Beat Generation. There are hundreds of books and essays out there that cover these subjects, so we want something new."

Genre: Essay on the theme of Politics

Payment: $50

Deadline: March 1, 2016


Slice Magazine

Genres: Fiction and Poetry on the theme of "Distraction"

Length5,000 words max

Payment: $250 for stories and essays and $75 for poems

Deadline: March 1, 2016


Briarpatch Magazine

"Briarpatch Magazine publishes writing and artwork on a wide range of topics, including current events, grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, ecology, labour, food security, gender equity, indigenous struggles, international solidarity, and other issues of political importance."

Genre: Nonfiction articles, progressive

Payment:  Up to $150/story

Deadline: March 7, 2016

Iron Soap

Genre: Flash fiction, any genre, 200 words

Payment: $0.01/word or $2 flat, reprints, $1

Deadline: March 11, 2016


Eye to the Telescope

Themed issue: Family. "We are seeking poetry that explores the myriad and diverse ways that define family. We want poetry that challenges our own preconceived notions and definitions of what family means. We seek poetry that defines family through emotion. Show us the world, your world, different worlds, through family."

Genre: Speculative poetry

Payment: 3 cents per word

Deadline: March 15, 2016


Third Flatiron Anthology: "Hyperpowers"

"Plato invented naval superpower Atlantis. Iain M. Banks imagined a future dominant galactic civilization in his Culture series. With all of space and time to choose from, this is your chance to show us your world-building chops. Likable characters optional."
Genre: Speculative fiction, space opera and military fiction

Payment: 3 cents per word

Deadline: March 15, 2016


Syntax and Salt

Genre: Magical Realism

Payment: $10 USD by PayPal for each story, regardless of length, with the exception of one Editor’s Choice story per issue, which will garner a $25 USD payment via PayPal. Payment is guaranteed within 10 business days of the current issue going live.

Deadline: March 18, 2016


Crime Syndicate

Genre: Dark, dirty crime fiction short stories

Length: Between 2500 and  5000 words

Payment: $25 per piece

Deadline: March 23, 2016


The Puritan

Genre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction

Payment: $100 per interview, $100 per essay, $100 per review, $50 per work of fiction, and $15 per poem (or page, capped at $60 for poems running four pages or more).

Deadline: March 25, 2016


The Beauty of Death Anthology

"All types of horror are welcome. Sex or violence in a story should be artistically justified; no excessive gore. We welcome all subgenres and forms of speculative fiction."

Genre: Short fiction, horror

Payment: $100, 4500-7500 words.

Deadline: March 30, 2016


Legendary Stories: What Went Wrong?

"We've all had that day when a spell went south, a glitch ate the code in your doomsday device, and negotiations broke down so  aliens are on the move eat your brains. Okay, maybe we haven't all had that day. We want a story about what went wrong. Tell us about the best laid plans and what turned them on their ear. Make it dark or funny. Make it sci-fi or fantasy. Just make it something we haven't seen before. We're looking for an eclectic mix of stories that are unique and feature strong storytelling."

Genre: Short story; two stories per author max

Length: 2000 - 8000 words (flexible, but the longer the story the stronger it must be)

Payment: $30 per story

Deadline: March 30, 2016


The Massachusetts Review: Music

"The Massachusetts Review will publish a special issue that has music as its core: fiction, poetry, and nonfiction with music as focus, subject, or essence. We are especially looking for creative work that includes, engages, and explores music in poetry and fiction."

Genres: Short stories, poetry, nonfiction.

Payment: $50 honorarium for work published in a single issue. Authors also receive two complimentary contributor's copies.

Deadline: March 30, 2016


Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale Magazine

Fairytale inspired stories and poems on the theme of Rain.

Genre: Short stories, poems.

Payment: Story: $30. Poem: $10. US dollars only.

Deadline: March 30, 2016


Fairytales Slashed V.7

Length: Stories should be 10,000 - 20,000 words

Genre: LGBTQIA fairytales

Payment: $200 per piece

Deadline: March 31, 2016


Chicken Soup for the Soul: 'Dreams and Synchronicities'

"Sometimes magic happens in your life. You have a dream that reveals a truth or a course of action to you. You have a premonition that changes your behavior and saves you or a loved one from disaster. You meet someone at just the right time and you can’t believe the coincidence. We’re collecting stories for a second book on this topic, following our bestseller Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions. Share your stories about the amazing things that have happened in your own life."

Genre: Stories, poems

Payment: $200 per piece

Deadline: March 31, 2016



Genre: Essays and fiction concerning disability by two groups: individuals with a disability and those who are part of the disability community, such as a family member, caregiver, special educator, etc.

Length: Word limit is 6,000

Payment: $25 - $250 per article

Deadline: March 31, 2016

Reprints accepted


York Literary Review

Genres: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry

Payment: £50 per contributor

Deadline: March 31, 2016


rEvolution (No that's not a typo)

"Write a story that deals with change, with all the consequences, intended and unintended, that follow. Juxtapose revolution and evolution. Offer us the ascendant avant-garde, or the resurgent old guard. Entertain us. Enlighten us. Give us that moment of exhilaration that comes from the realization of the fantastic."

Genre: Speculative fiction

Length: 2,000 – 12,000 words (pref. 8,000)

Payment: 1¢/word up to $50

Deadline: March 31, 2016


Fitting In: Historical Accounts of Paranormal Subcultures

The best speculative fiction often says something about humanity. Urban fantasy provides a wonderful metaphor for stories about immigrants and marginalized cultures.

Genre: Speculative fiction short story. There must be a supernatural entity who feels like an outsider.

Length: 500-8000 words

Payment: Flash fiction, $10 for exclusive first worldwide electronic and print rights and for nonexclusive reprinting rights. For short fiction, $20 for the same rights. For serial fiction, $20 per installment to a maximum of $100 for the same rights as other original fiction. For reprints, half what we would pay for new fiction and ask for nonexclusive reprint rights.

Deadline: March 31, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

48 Writing Contests in March 2016 - No entry fees

Jonathan Wolstenholme
There are many free writing contests in March. (Quite a few have deadlines on March 31st.)

While book-length works garner the most substantial prizes, short stories, essays, and poems are also well worth entering into contests. Cash prizes often are accompanied by publication, and it's always nice to include an award on your resume.

Some of these contests have age and regional restrictions, so make sure to read the contest rules carefully.


Talking StickRestrictions: Writers must be from Minnesota or have some connection to this area. Genres: Poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction. Prize: $250 for first place and $100 for second place in each of the three categories. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Carriage House Poetry PrizeGenre: Poetry about trees. Prize: $300 and publication in Tiferet. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Balticon Poetry Contest. Sponsored by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society. Genre: Speculative poetry. Prize: 1st prize: $100; 2nd prize: $75; 3rd prize: $50. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Lewis Galantière Award is bestowed biennially in even-numbered years. Genre: Book-length literary translation translated from any language, except German, into English and published in the United States between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2015. Prize: $1,000, a certificate of recognition, and up to $500 toward expenses for attending the ATA 57th Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, November 2-5, 2016. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Madeline P. Plonsker Emerging Writer's Residency PrizeRestrictions: Open to an emerging writer under forty years old—with no major book publication. Genre: Novel in progress. Prize: Stipend of $10,000 with a housing suite and campus meals provided by the College, and three weeks in residence on the Lake Forest College campus during the Spring 2017 term. Possible publication. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award is sponsored by Broadside Lotus Press. Restrictions: This competition is open to African American poets only. If you have already had a book published by Lotus Press, you are ineligible. However, inclusion in a Lotus Press anthology does not disqualify you. Genres: Poetry collections of approximately 60-90 pages. Prize: $500 in cash and publication by Broadside Lotus Press within the first three months of 2017 as well as free copies and discounts. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The John Gardner Fiction Award is sponsored by the Binghamton Center for Writers-State University of New York with support from the Office of the Dean of Binghamton University's Harpur College of the Arts & Sciences. Genre: Novel or collection of fiction published in 2015. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Hart Crane Memorial Poetry ContestGenre: Poetry. Prize: $200 and publication in Icon. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry is an annual regional prize, presented in partnership by Milkweed Editions and the Lindquist & Vennum Foundation. Restrictions: Open to residents of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $10,000 as well as a contract for publication to the author of the winning manuscript. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award is sponsored by the Binghamton Center for Writers-State University of New York with support from the Office of the Dean of Binghamton University's Harpur College of the Arts & Sciences. Genre: Poetry book in English published in 2015. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

North Carolina Poetry ContestRestrictions: Open to residents of North Carolina (including students). Genre: Poetry. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: March 1, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Irish Post's Creative Writing CompetitionRestrictions: Open to residents of UK. Genre: Poetry, fiction on an Irish theme. 1000 words max. Prizes: €500, publication in the Irish Post, and a trip to the Listowel Writers’ Week in Co. Kerry, June 1-5. Deadline: March 3, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Premises: CHANGES. One or more character(s) have to deal with some kind of significant change. It can be any kind of change you like, and on any scale, from a change affecting only one person (or one place, or one thing) to something affecting everyone/everything everywhere, or anything between those extremes. Genre: Short story. Length: Between 1,000 and 5,000 words. Prize: Between US$60 and US$220, and publication. Deadline: 11:59 PM Eastern US time, Friday, March 4, 2016.

"It's All Write!" Teen Short Story ContestRestrictions: Open to Grades 6-12. Genre: Short story, unpublished. Prize: 1st Place $250, 2nd Place $150, 3rd Place $100. Deadline: March 6, 2016. How to enter: Read guidelines HERE.

The Mogford Prize for Food And Drink WritingGenre: Short story which specifically includes the subjects of food and/or drink within the plot. 2500 words. Prize:£7,500 to be awarded during the FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival in April 2016. Deadline: March 6, 2016. How to enter: Read additional guidelines HERE.

Thresholds International Feature Writing CompetitionGenre: Nonfiction feature in one of two categories: Author Profile: exploring the life, writings and influence of a single short story writer. We Recommend: personal recommendations of a collection, anthology, group of short stories or a single short story. Prize: 1st prize of £500, runner-up prize of £100 Deadline: March 6, 2016. How to enter: Read additional guidelines HERE.

AE MicroGenre: Science fiction, flash fiction. 200 words, max on the subject of "Change." "We will select five entries for publication in the microzine: three Canadian stories and two international." Prize: $.07 CAD per word for each of the five selected stories, with a minimum of $10 for any one story. Deadline: March 7, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

RBC Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging WritersGenre: Short fiction. Restrictions: Candidates must be: A Canadian citizen or permanent resident; Under the age of 35 as of March 7, 2016; Previously published in an independently edited magazine or anthology; Unpublished in book form and without a book contract. Prizes: Winner: $5,000; Finalists: $1,000. Deadline: March 7, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

NEA Literature Fellowships are sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. Prize: $25,000 grants in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) and poetry to published creative writers that enable recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement. Deadline: March 9, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Jo-Anne Hirshfield Memorial Poetry AwardsRestrictions: Open to all adult and high school age Chicago area poets. There is also an elementary and middle school category open to Evanston elementary and middle school students. Genre: Poetry. Prize: First Place: $100; Second Place: $50; Third Place: $25. Deadline: March 9, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Nantucket Directory Poetry Contest.  Genre: poem about Nantucket Island. Prize: $250 and publication in the print and online editions of the 2016-2017 Nantucket Directory. Deadline: March 10, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

McLaughlin-Esstman-Stearns First Novel Prize is awarded to the author of the best first novel published in the previous calendar year. Restrictions: Only American authors publishing in English are eligible. Non-eligible books include short story collections, flash fiction, memoirs, biographies and books published solely in electronic format. Prize: $500. Deadline: March 11, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

BBC National Short Story Award 2016Restrictions: Open to UK residents or nationals, aged 18 or over, who have a history of publication in creative writing. Genre: Short fiction. Prize: £15,000 to the winner, £3,000 for the runner-up and £500 for three further shortlisted writers. Deadline: March 11, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Critical Junior Poet’s AwardRestrictions: Open to students between the ages of 13 and 18. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $100. Deadline: March 15, 2016.

Governor General's Literary Awards. Restrictions: Books must have been written or translated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. They do not need to be residing in Canada. Genre: The Governor General’s Literary Awards are given annually to the best English-language and the best French-language book in each of the seven categories of Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Young People’s Literature (Text), Young People’s Literature (Illustrated Books) and Translation (from French to English). Prize: $25,000. Deadline: March 15, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

Iris N. Spencer Undergraduate Poetry AwardRestrictions: Open to undergraduate poets who are enrolled in a United States college or university. Genre: Poetry composed in the traditional modes of meter, rhyme and received forms. Prize: First prize $1,500, and a runner-up prize $500. Deadline: March 15, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

Myong Cha Son Haiku AwardRestrictions: Open to undergraduate poets who are enrolled in a United States college or university. Genre: Haiku. Prize: First prize $1,500, and a runner-up prize $500. Deadline: March 15, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

Rhina P. Espaillat Poetry AwardRestrictions: Open to undergraduate poets who are enrolled in a United States college or university. Genre: Original poems written in Spanish and translations of English poems to Spanish. Prize: First prize $1,500, and a runner-up prize $500. Deadline: March 15, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

Lynn DeCaro Poetry ContestRestrictions: Open to Connecticut Student Poets in Grades 9-12. Genre: Poetry. Prize: 1st $75, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. Deadline: March 15, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

The Binnacle Ultra-Short CompetitionGenre: Prose works of 150 words or fewer as well as poetry of sixteen lines or fewer and 150 words or fewer.  All works should have a narrative element to them. Prize: A minimum of $300 in cash prizes will be awarded, with a minimum prize of $50. At least one of the prizes will go to a UMM student. Deadline: March 15, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Jane Martin Poetry Prize (UK)Restrictions: Open to  UK residents between 18 and 30 years of age. Genre: Poetry. Prize: £700, second prize, £300. Deadline: March 18, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Pandeism Collegiate Writing CompetitionRestrictions: Open to undergraduate and graduate collegiate students of philosophy, theology, religious studies, social sciences, arts, literature, applied sciences, or comparable disciplines. Genre: Article presenting original thought in exploring implications of the modern theological theory of Pandeism (pantheistic Deism, belief in a Creator wholly becoming our Universe, proposed to be discernible by application of logic and reason). Papers written for course credit are acceptable. Submissions do not need to take a position in favor of or opposed to Pandeism as a theory, but must present original thought about its relative possibility, relation to other areas of theology, or implications for areas such as epistemology, ethics and morality, or science. Submissions must be a minimum of 3,000 words and a maximum of 6,000 words. Only one (1) article may be submitted by each student. Prize: $250 Amazon gift card and publication. Deadline: March 18, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

The Eugene & Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award seeks to elevate the written arts in Indiana. Restrictions: Any living published writer who was born in Indiana or has lived in Indiana for at least five years will be eligible. Authors who have published works of fiction, prose, poetry and/or non-fiction are eligible; reference works, scholarly monographs and books of photography will not be considered. Self-published authors are considered. Prize: National Author: $10,000 cash prize and $2,500 grant for his or her hometown Indiana public library. Regional Author: $7,500 cash prize and $2,500 grant for his or her hometown Indiana public library. Emerging Author: $5,000 cash prize and $2,500 grant for his or her hometown Indiana public library. Deadline: March 18, 2016. How to enter: Read submission guidelines HERE.

Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition for High School StudentsRestrictions: Open to students in Grades 7-12. Genre: Haiku. Prizes: $50. Deadline: March 25, 2016. Read submission guidelines HERE.

Southern Pacific Review Short Story Contest 2016. Located in Chile. Genre: They are not sure what they want, but they'll know it when they see it. Length: 1600 words max. Prizes: $100 USD and publication in Southern Pacific Review. Deadline: March 30, 2016.

Hektoen Grand Prix Essay CompetitionGenre: Essay. Length: 1600 words max. Prizes: Military Prize—on a medical topic related to wars and veterans, $1500. General Prize—Physicians of Note, and Famous Hospitals, $1500. Deadline: March 31, 2016.

Operation Thriller. Sponsored by Reedsy. Reedsy is a self-publishing startup that offers its users access to skilled freelance book-production professionals. Genre: Book-length thriller. Prize: $750 cash plus free developmental edit by a Reedsy editor and free cover design by a Reedsy designer. Deadline: March 31, 2016.

Archibald Lamp­man AwardRestrictionsOpen to residents of Canada's National Capital region (Ottawa). Genre: Book of any genre published by a recognized publisher. Prize: $1500. Deadline: March 31, 2016.

Foley Poetry ContestGenre: One unpublished poem on any topic. The poem should be 30 lines or fewer and not under consideration elsewhere. Prize: $1000. Deadline: March 31, 2016.

The Gover Story PrizeGenre: Short Fiction & Creative Nonfiction. Works of short prose must be less than 10,000 words, previously unpublished, or published with a circulation of less than 500. Prize: $250.00. Deadline: March 31, 2016. No reprints or simultaneous submissions.

The Willie Morris Award for Southern FictionGenre: Novel published in 2015 (50,000 words minimum). Book has to be set in one of the original eleven states in the Confederacy. (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.) Prize: $2,500.00, and an expense paid trip to New York City. (The winner must come to NY to receive the award, attend a luncheon with the contest judges and a reception in his/her honor.) Deadline: March 31, 2016.

Florida Keys Flash Fiction ContestGenre: Flash fiction (500 words max). Prize: Three-week Key West residency at the Studios of Key West between July 5 and July 31, 2016. Deadline: March 31, 2016.

Haiku Society of America Merit Book Awards for Excellence in Published Haiku, Translation, and CriticismGenre: Published book. Books must have been published in 2015 and must clearly contain a printed 2015 copyright. A member, author, or publisher may submit or nominate more than one title. At least 50 percent of the book must be haiku, senryu, or haibun, or prose about these subjects (books mostly of tanka, for example, are not eligible). Deadline: March 31, 2016.

Speculative Literature Foundation Older Writers GrantRestrictions: Open to writers who are fifty years of age or older at the time of grant application. Genre: Speculative fiction. Prize: $500. Deadline: March 31, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future ContestRestrictions: open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium. Genres: Science fiction, fantasy and dark fantasy up to 17,000 words. Prizes: Three cash prizes in each quarter: a First Prize of $1,000, a Second Prize of $750, and a Third Prize of $500, in US dollars. In addition, at the end of the year the winners will have their entries rejudged, and a Grand Prize winner shall be determined and receive an additional $5,000. Deadline: March 31, 2016. Read contest rules HERE.

Jack L. Chalker Young Writers' ContestsRestrictions: Open to writers between 14 and 18 years of age as of May 29 in the contest year who reside in, or attend school in Maryland. Genre: Science fiction or fantasy, 2,500 words max. Prizes: $150, $100 and $75. Deadline: March 31, 2016. Read contest rules HERE.

Gary Fincke Creative Writing PrizeRestrictions: Open to undergraduates. Genre: Poetry and prose. Prize: $100. Deadline: March 31, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

Spank the Carp - EkphrasisGenre: Poetry. Ekphrastic poems draw inspiration from a work of art, and the piece for this contest is by Elizabeth Darrow. Prize: A coffee mug! (And publication). Deadline: March 31, 2016. Read guidelines HERE.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

16 Writing Conferences in March 2016

There are lots of great conferences in March.

With locations stretching from Massachusetts to Washington State, one of them is bound to be near you.

Some of these conferences offer valuable one-on-one sessions with authors to get the feedback you need, as well as pitch sessions with agents.

The best way to establish yourself as a professional in this business is to network with other industry professionals. This is how people make contacts, in any field. For that reason, and many others, I can't recommend writing conferences highly enough.


Redrock Creative Writing Seminar, St. George, Utah, March 4-5, 2016. Classes and readings in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The faculty includes poets David J. Rothman and Marleen Bussma; fiction writer Marilyn Richardson; and creative nonfiction writer Brian Passey. Cost: $65.

Wordcrafters: Be Writing. Eugene, Oregon. March 5, 2016. Six classes, one-on-one session with author. $95.

William Paterson University Spring Writer’s Conference. Wayne, New Jersey, March 5, 2016.  Application Deadline: March 1, 2016. readings and workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The faculty includes poets Hadara Bar-Nadav and Charlotte Nekola; fiction writers Philip Cioffari, Barbara Krasner, and West Moss; and nonfiction writers Laurie Lico Albanese, David Borkowski, Randall Klein, and Luc Sante. Cost: $55.

Digital Book World Conference + Expo, New York City, Mar. 7–9, 2016. This is the premier event for digital publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models.

Algonkian Writers New York Pitch Conference, New York City, March 10-23, 2016. "The event focuses on the art of the novel pitch as the best method not only for communicating your work, but for having you and your work taken seriously by industry professionals. More importantly though, it is also a diagnostic method for workshopping the plot, premise, and other elements of the story to determine quality and marketability. Simply put, you cannot successfully pitch a viable commercial novel if you don't have a viable commercial novel. Our goal, therefore, is to set you on a realistic path to publication. "

Springmingle. Decatur, Georgia, March 11-13, 2016. Conference for children's book writers and illustrators. Faculty includes writers, illustrators, agents, editors, and publishers.

Bay to Ocean Writers Conference. Wye Mills, Maryland, March 12, 2016. Sponsored by the Eastern Shore Writers Association. "The BTO conference features workshops, presentations, and panel discussions on a wide variety of topics pertaining to the craft of writing, publishing, marketing, the Internet, and the intricacies of particular genres. It is an opportunity to meet with many writing peers in the region. Speakers include accomplished authors, poets, film writers, writing instructors, editors, and publishers. BTO also offers one-on-one manuscript reviews with experienced writing instructors and editors for registered attendees for a fee."

Berkshire Festival of Women Writers. Lenox, Mass. March 12 - 20, 2016. More than 40 events celebrating women writers.

Algonkian Novel Retreat, Sterling, Virginia, March 16 - 20, 2016. Consultations and time to write for fiction and nonfiction writers. The faculty includes fiction writers Robert Bausch and Michael Neff and editor Caitlin Alexander. Cost: $1,395, which includes tuition, a private room, and some meals. Submit a writing sample of up to 500 words with a short synopsis. Registration is first come, first served.

Virginia Festival of the Book, March 16-20, 2016. Book exhibits, talks by authors, readings, workshops on book promotion, finding an agent, poetry, publishing, agents roundtable - you name it, this conference has it.

Everything You Need to Know About Children’s Book Publishing A Crash Course. Honesdale, PA. March 17-20. Sponsored by Highlights for children, this is an intensive workshop covering every aspect of publishing children's books.

Norwescon, March 24-27, 2016, Sea Tac, WA. Norwescon is one of the largest regional Science Fiction and Fantasy conventions in the United States.

WonderCon, March 25-27, 2016, Los Angeles, CA. HUGE comic book convention.

The AWP Conference & Bookfair, March 30-April 2, 2016, Los Angeles, CA. " Each year more than 12,000 attendees join our community for four days of insightful dialogue, networking, and unrivaled access to the organizations and opinion-makers that matter most in contemporary literature. The 2015 conference featured over 2,000 presenters and 550 readings, panels, and craft lectures. The bookfair hosted over 800 presses, journals, and literary organizations from around the world. AWP’s is now the largest literary conference in North America."

31st Annual National Undergraduate Literature Conference, March 31 - April 2, 2016, Weber State University, Ogden, UT. "Each year, nearly 200 undergraduate writers and poets throughout North America, and sometimes beyond, come to Weber State University to present their work and learn from some of the most important writers in contemporary literature."

13th National Black Writers Conference. Brooklyn, NY, Thursday, March 31 – Sunday, April 3, 2016. Readings, panels, and roundtable discussions on the theme of “Writing Race; Embracing Difference.” Featured writers include poet and honorary chair Rita Dove; fiction writers Edwidge Danticat and Charles Johnson; and nonfiction writer Michael Eric Dyson. Cost: $65.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

4 Established Agents Looking for Writers - Literary fiction, Memoir, MG, YA, Fantasy, Romance and more

Updated 3/13/23

Here are four agents seeking clients. These are established agents with experience in the publishing industry and good track records. They are seeking an eclectic mix, from upmarket literary to children's books, memoir to fantasy, and from thrillers to health and wellness.

Be sure to read their agency's full guidelines before submitting. Agents may switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements may change.

NOTEDon't submit to more than one agent at the same agency simultaneously. If one rejects you, you may then submit to another. (Some small agencies share. Be alert to a notice that "a no from one is a no from all.")

If these agents do not suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.


Reiko Davis of DeFiore and Company

About Reiko: Before joining DeFiore in early 2016, Reiko Davis was an associate agent at Miriam Altshuler Literary Agency for four years. She grew up in Kansas City, received her BA in Comparative Literature and Art History from Brown University, and is a graduate of the Columbia Publishing Course.

What she is looking for: Reiko’s interests are varied, but she is particularly drawn to adult literary and upmarket fiction, narrative nonfiction, and young adult and middle grade fiction. Above all, she wants to discover books that surprise and move her with their irresistible characters and language.

She loves a strong narrative voice; smart, funny heroines; narrowly located settings (especially towns in the South and Midwest); family sagas; darkly suspenseful novels; and stories of remarkable friendships or that explore the often perilous terrain of human relationships. For children’s books, she is actively looking for young adult and middle grade fiction—whether it be contemporary, historical, fantasy, or simply a story with a timeless quality and vibrant characters. For nonfiction, she is most interested in cultural, social, and literary history; fascinating tours through niche subjects; narrative science; psychology; guides on creativity; and memoir.

How to submit: Please query her at with “Query” in the subject line as well as the following: A brief description of your book, and a brief, relevant bio. For fiction, please include the first chapter of your book pasted in the body of your email. No attachments, please.


About Molly: Prior to becoming an agent, Molly spent thirteen years working in various roles inside the children’s publishing industry: as an Editor at HarperCollins Children's Books, where she acquired Veronica Roth's YA juggernaut Divergent series, among many other fantastic projects; as Head of Editorial at Storybird, a publishing/tech start-up; and in School & Library Marketing at both HarperCollins and Clarion Books.

What she is seeking: Young Adult Fiction: Tell me a story that's somehow never been told, particularly if it's by a narrative voice that's never been heard, or an authorial voice that's been previously under-represented. I'm most compelled by big what-ifs; by a vivid and vibrant sense of place or worldbuilding; by characters making hard, even seemingly-impossible choices; by the portrayal of friendships that are as intensely meaningful as any romance; by tales of chosen family or bands-of-misfits-turned-family; and by romances that are simultaneously swoony and full of wit and spark. I'm far more interested in the ground-breaking than the well-trodden or derivative, and so am fascinated by unexpected structures, high-concept narrative frameworks and storytelling mechanisms, meldings of genres, or twists I genuinely didn't see coming. And always, always, I want evocative, masterful writing.

Middle Grade Fiction: I'm drawn over and over to middle grades that make me feel something as a reader—whether you make me laugh, cry, curious, wondrous, or furiously indignant! My favorite middle grades explore relationships and a character's growing awareness of their connections to the larger world around them, all while saying something fresh and meaningful about the experience of being human. Fabulism, magical realism, or a sense of the fantastical get big bonus points from me, as does a strong sense of place, real or imaginary, and I can never get enough of humor (though I lean more toward wit, puns, or a sense of the absurd than slapstick humor). Lyrical writing can win me over fast, but to be a book that readers return to again and again, it needs to be supported by a plot as compelling as the language is beautiful.

Illustrators, Author-Illustrators & Cartoonist/Graphic novelists: I am NOT currently seeking standalone texts by picture book authors, but I welcome illustrators, and illustrators who are also writers or on their way to becoming writers. My illustrator clients work on a variety of formats, from jacket/cover illustrations, to spot art, to full picture books, to early readers/chapter books, to graphic novels and graphic hybrids. I'm drawn to a wide variety of illustration styles (visit the Illustrator Gallery on my website to see examples), but what most catches my eye is art with a distinctive narrative sensibility or point of view, the capturing of energy and movement and a creative use of panels and pages, a knack for visual storytelling, and the intelligent use of subtle-but-impactful visual details, whether poignant, humorous, or sweet, that add to the richness and complexity of a story's seemingly-simple layers. On a technical level, I'm open to any medium (traditional to digital to combos thereof), but am most keenly looking for illustrators whose art works well in both full color, and black/white/grayscale, as different bookmaking opportunities call for different palettes. Dexterity with shading, line work, and composition are all important, as is the ability to create vivid, specific characters with just a few lines, and I am always drawn to illustrators who have a knack for striking portrayals of light (and darkness).

Other categories: My nonfiction list is small, eclectic, and highly selective. While I have found many of my kids/MG/YA clients through general submissions, for adult fiction and nonfiction, I'm most likely to sign clients who I have pursued based on their existing, distinctive, well-established platform, expertise, or life experience. I'm particularly drawn to nonfiction narratives about creativity, culture, storytelling, innovation, community, connectivity, and/or friendship/love/family in all its forms; by projects that explore the intersections of unexpectedly-connected topics; and by those that underscore a universal human story, whatever the context. A good rule of thumb: if it would make for a fascinating TED talk, you're in a wheelhouse that might intrigue me. 

How to submit: Use her query manager HERE.


Miriam Altshuler of DeFiore and Company 

About Miriam: Miriam Altshuler began her career at Russell & Volkening, where she worked for twelve years with such writers as Anne Tyler, Eudora Welty, Joseph Campbell, Nadine Gordimer, and Bernard Malamud.  In 1994 she established her own agency, which she ran for twenty-one years until she joined DeFiore and Company in early 2016.

What she is seeking: In fiction, she is most interested in family sagas, historical novels, and stories that offer a new twist or retelling of some kind. She does not work with adult romance, sci fi, or fantasy. In nonfiction, she loves memoir, narrative nonfiction, and self-help (as long as it is not too prescriptive). She particularly responds to books that have an important cultural, social, or psychological focus.

How to submit: Please send an email to her at with “Query” in the subject line. Include the following: A brief description of your book, and a brief, relevant bio. For fiction, please include the first chapter of your book pasted in the body of your email. She also really wants to know what you feel the heart of your book is, in one or two sentences. No attachments, please.


Closed to submissions

About Eric: Eric Myers founded Myers Literary Management in 2017, following two years with Dystel, Goderich, & Bourret LLC and thirteen with The Spieler Agency. A graduate of UCLA and the Sorbonne, Eric entered publishing as a journalist and author. His books include Screen Deco: A Celebration of High Style in Hollywood, Forties Screen Style: A Celebration of High Pastiche in Hollywood, and Uncle Mame: The Life of Patrick Dennis, all published by St. Martin’s Press. His writing has also appeared in The New York Times Magazine and Arts and Leisure sections, as well as Time Out, Variety, Opera News, and Art and Auction.

What he is seeking: As an agent, Eric represents adult nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, biography, psychology, health and wellness, mind/body/spirit, and pop culture. He also is open to memoir from authors with strong platforms.

How to submit: Send query to For non-fiction queries, please include a few paragraphs on the premise of the book and about your own background.  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

2 New Agents Seeking Clients NOW

Here are two new agents actively seeking clients. Stephanie Fretwell-Hill (Red Fox Literary) is looking for authors and illustrators of board books, picture books, middle grade, and young adult in any genre. Kemi Faderin (Dystel & Goderich) is looking for smart, plot-driven YA, historical fiction/ nonfiction, contemporary women’s fiction, and literary fiction.

Stephanie Fretwell-Hill of Red Fox Literary


About Stephanie: Stephanie Fretwell-Hill started her publishing career in 2004 at Walker Books Ltd. in London, where she sold foreign language rights. Working in a design-led company with legendary artists such as Helen Oxenbury and Lucy Cousins sparked her love of illustration, while her sales role gave her an international perspective on children’s publishing. In 2011, Stephanie moved back home to the United States and joined Peachtree Publishers as an editor. During her four years there, she acquired fiction and nonfiction picture books, middle grade, and young adult titles. Her acquisitions received such honors as YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults, Bank Street Best Children’s Books of the Year, Parents’ Choice Awards, and numerous starred reviews from major trade magazines. She joined Red Fox Literary in early 2016.

What she is seeking: Stephanie represents both authors and illustrators of board books, picture books, middle grade, and young adult. She will consider stories in any genre, but looks for a strong voice, rich and multi-layered plots, and stylish, classic, or quirky illustrations. Most of all, she loves anything that really makes her laugh.

How to submit: Stephanie will be open to unsolicited submissions for six months (ending mid-July 2016). Please send art samples, complete picture book text, or first three chapters of a novel (and a query) to querystephanie [at]


About Kemi: Kemi Faderin joined DGLM as an intern while pursuing her M.S. in Publishing at NYU. She grew up in Ellicott City, Maryland where she went to college and received her B.A. in English. Shortly after graduation, Kemi moved to New York in early 2015. An internship at Liza Dawson Associates solidified her interest in a career in the publishing industry, especially the agenting side of it. Find her on Twitter.

What she is seeking: She is interested in anything different and original, but especially in smart, plot-driven YA, historical fiction / nonfiction, contemporary women’s fiction, and literary fiction.

How to Submit: E-query kfaderin [at] “Synopses, outlines or sample chapters (say, one chapter or the first 25 pages of your manuscript) should either be included below the cover letter or attached as a separate document. We won’t open attachments if they come with a blank email. Please do double space your samples for reading that’s easy on the eyes! We will respond to most query letters within a six to eight week period. If you don’t hear from us within that time frame, chances are we did not receive yours. Feel free to resend it.”

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

82 UK Literary Agencies Seeking Clients

Hail Britannia!
Updated 1/10/25

Sometimes, I feel like giving up on American agents: form rejections, or (even worse) no rejections, and the perpetual "your work isn't right for me." You want them to say anything personal about your submission, just to know they've read what you sent them.

When all else fails, there are the Brits! At least their rejections are polite.

Because of the international nature of publishing, British agents can sell to publishers with world-wide distribution. And it is certainly more rewarding to work with an agent who sees you as an author, rather than a commodity. Check the website to see if the agency works with international authors.

Agency Address How to submit Genres Notes
Alice Williams 21 Delorme St, London, Essex, W6 8DS, United Kingdom Alice opens and closes to submissions throughout the year to manage her reading time. Read guidelines here. Children's books  Open to writers or illustrators living in the UK or Ireland
The Agency 24 Pottery Lane
Holland Park
W11 4LZ
Send a cover letter, and attach the full manuscript.

Electronic queries only.
YA and children's fiction Also represents screenplays, but only by referral
Aitken Alexander Associates Offices in NY, London, Delhi For fiction (novels and short stories), please send the first three chapters or fifty pages together with a short synopsis of the book (ideally as Microsoft Word compatible attachments).

For narrative non-fiction, please send a short overview and up to 10,000 words of sample writing (ideally as Microsoft Word compatible attachments); for subject-led non-fiction, please send a proposal of approximately 5,000 words that outlines what your book is about and why you are best placed to write it.

Electronic queries only.
Fiction, Non-Fiction Query one agent only
The Ampersand Agency Ltd

Ryman's Cottages, Little Tew, Oxfordshire, OX7 4JJ
Send your first three chapters, together with a brief outline and some biographical details.
Literary Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction, Crime Fiction,
Thrillers, Science-Fiction,
Fantasy, Horror, YA, Non-Fiction,| Memoirs, History, Biography, Current Affairs
"Please note: we will not consider unpublished authors based in the USA, as in our experience an American writer needs an American publisher on board before British editors will take notice."
Darley Anderson Literary, TV and Film Agency Estelle House
11 Eustace Road
London SW6 1JB
Query letter, 1-page synopsis, 3 chapters

See individual agents for genre preferences and
email addresses
Commercial Fiction, Crime, Thrillers, Mysteries, Women's, Book Club Fiction, Children's Books, Fantasy,
"The focus at the Agency is on making our authors international bestsellers."

Very "commercially minded"
Northbank Central London Please send a cover letter, synopsis and the first three chapters of your submission as Word or Open Document attachments to one of the below email addresses: For adult fiction, For adult non-fiction, For children’s, young adult or science fiction/fantasy,

Adult fiction, nonfiction, children's fiction, YA, SF/F Also offers representation for film and TV rights
The Bell Lomax Moreton Agency Ground Floor, Watergate House, 13-15 York Buildings, London, WC2N 6JU Query letter, bio, synopsis, and the first 3 chapters.

Postal submissions accepted

Fiction, Children's Books, Non-Fiction, Biography, Business, Sport Please do not send submissions to more than one agent within the agency
Lorella Belli Literary Agency Westbourne Studios, Unit 106, 242 Acklam Road, London W10 5JJ Fiction: Query letter, bio, synopsis and the first 3 chapters.

Non-Fiction: Query letter, outline and the first 2 chapters.

Accepts postal submissions.

Twitter: @lblaUK
Journalism, Multicultural,
Books on Italy
Website under construction
Blake Friedmann Literary, TV & Film Agency Ltd The Submissions Department, Blake Friedmann Literary Agency, Second Floor, 122 Arlington Road, London, NW1 7HP Query letter (please make this the body of your
email), a full synopsis of approx. 300 words,
and your first three chapters/10,000 words. With regard to non-fiction, please include your
proposal in place of the first three chapters.

Please query one agent only. See the individual
agent's pages for genre preferences.
Literary Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Crime Fiction,
Thrillers, Children's Books ,YA, Non-Fiction
Also handles film and TV rights
The Blair Partnership 8-14 Vine Hill, London EC1R 5DX Query letter (in the body of an e-mail), synopsis,
and the first 10 pages. Both as Word or PDF documents. If sending a picture book use JPEG or PDF.

Fiction, Children's Books, Picture Books, Short Stories, Non-Fiction Represents J. K. Rowling
Luigi Bonomi Associates Ltd (LBA) 91 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3PS

Electronic submissions should be sent to
individual agents.

Please include a cover letter, brief synopsis,
and the first three chapters of your work as a Word document or PDF attachment.

(See agent profiles for genres.)
"To date LBA has had terrific success in getting first-time authors published and we are actively looking for new writers to turn into international bestsellers."

Also handles dramatic rights.
The Bright Literary Agency The Bright Agency, 103-105 St John's Hill, London SW11 1SY

The Bright Agency, 150 Bay Street, Office 339, Jersey City, NJ 07302

Submit via their form
Children's Books, YA, Middle Grade, Picture Books, Illustrators, Graphic Novels

Mostly represents children's books 
Jenny Brown Associates 31 Marchmont Road, Edinburgh EH9 1HU

Prefers email submissions

Please see individual agents for submission details, including reading periods.
Literary Fiction, Crime Fiction, Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction, Non-Fiction, Memoir, Nature Writing, Popular Culture, Sport "If you have not heard from us within eight weeks then you can assume that we are not the right agency for your project."
Felicity Bryan Associates SUBMISSIONS, Felicity Bryan Associates, 2A North Parade Avenue,  Oxford, OX2 6LX

Submit via their portal

Fiction, Children's Books, Non-Fiction "We do not accept science fiction, horror, adult fantasy, light romance, self help, gardening, film and TV scripts, plays or poetry.

We also don’t accept picture/illustrated books for children or adults."
Georgina Capel Associates Ltd 29 Wardour Street, London, W1D 6PS

Send cover letter, 3 chapters and synopsis.

Postal submissions preferred.

See individual agents for email addresses
and genres.

Fiction, Children's Books, Non-Fiction, YA "We will only get in contact with you if we wish to pursue yours further. Under normal circumstances this will be within six weeks of receiving your submission."
Rachel Mills Literary Agency
M27, South Wing Somerset House Strand London WC2R 1LA Rachel Mills

Nelle Andrew
"We are particularly interested in female voices, and in showcasing talent which deserves to be heard, regardless of age or background." 
Celia Catchpole Oxford and London

Address query to one agent.

Query letter, synopsis, sample chapters, and a bio.
All within an e-mail. No attachments will be opened.
Children's books only Accepts very few clients.
Mic Cheetham Associates Ltd 50 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BD

One page outline and the first three chapters/fifty pages

Word document attachments are preferred, but text can also be
copied and pasted. 
Literary Fiction, Crime-Fiction. Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Science-Fiction, Fantasy The agency deliberately keeps its list compact and will only take on two or three new writers each year
Anne Clark Literary Agency Cambridge

Twitter: @AnneClarkLit
Children, YA Represents
authors in the UK and Ireland only
Jonathan Clowes Ltd 10 Iron Bridge House, Bridge Approach, London NW1 8BD

Please send a synopsis and three chapters (or an equivalent sample) by email.  Your email should include a covering letter telling us about yourself and your project.  
Fiction (no science fiction) "If you have not heard from us within six weeks from submission, please assume we do not wish to represent your work."
C&W Cunard House, 15 Regent Street London, SW1Y 4LR, United Kingdom

Query only one agent. 
Non-Fiction, YA;Science Fiction, Fantasy,
Children's books
"We try to read and respond within a month."
Coombs Moylett Literary Agency 120 New Kings Road

Submit a synopsis and three sample chapters.

Prefers postal submissions.

historical fiction, crime/ mystery/suspense and thrillers, women’s fiction across a spectrum ranging from chick-lit to sagas to contemporary and literary fiction,Young Adult fiction.
"We handle translation, US, film and TV sales for all our clients."
Creative Authors Ltd Based in NY

Twitter: @creativeauthors
Non-fiction and illustrated books Responses for unsolicited submissions can take anywhere between 8 to 12 weeks.
Curtis Brown Literary and Talent Agency Haymarket House, 28 -29 Haymarket, London
Everything This is a huge agency, with over 100 staff members.

The agency also runs a writing school.
Caroline Davidson Literary Agency 5 Queen Anne’s Gardens
W4 1TU

Prefers postal submissions.
Literary fiction and cerebral non-fiction (no genre fiction) Very selective

David Godwin Associates

55 Monmouth Street

Send the first thirty pages, a synopsis and cover
letter to Sebastian Godwin at:

Twitter: @DGALitAgents
Fiction and non-fiction See About page for agents' interests
DHH Literary Agency
23 - 27 Cecil Court

Query, synopsis, three chapters

Query only one agent. See individual agents for preferences.
Fiction and non-fiction If you don't get a reply by 16 weeks, they are not interested.
Diamond Kahn & Woods (DKW) Top Floor, 66 Onslow Gardens
N10 3JX

Email the first three chapters along with a synopsis

Query only one agent. See individual agents for preferences.
Fiction and non-fiction, children's, YA

(See individual agents for genres)
"Whilst we do consider submissions from international authors, we feel that generally US authors will be better served by an agent in the US."
Elise Dillsworth Agency 9 Grosvenor Road
N10 2DR

Cover letter, synopsis, three chapters
Fiction and non-fiction ( no sci-fi) Represents writers from around the world
Robert Dudley Agency Robert Dudley Agency
135A Bridge St
Kent TN25 5DP

Query letter, proposal, detailed CV, and SASE

Postal submissions only
Non-fiction Will not return materials if sent from abroad
Toby Eady Associates Third Floor, 9 Orme Court, London, W2 4RL No submissions page China, Middle East, Africa, India Takes referrals from other agents
Eddison Pearson Ltd West Hill House
6 Swains Lane
London N6 6QS

For submission guidelines, end a brief inquiry to 
Children’s Books, YA Response time 6 weeks
Fraser Ross Associates 6 Wellington Place

Email submissions should be sent to

Twitter: @LindseyFraser
Children’s Books, YA The website has a Getting Published page with information about the process of publication.
FRA 91 St Leonards Road
SW14 7BL

Query, synopsis, and two chapters

Email submissions welcome, at:
Commercial and Literary fiction, Non-fiction, Scripts for film and television
Biography and Autobiography (especially related to politics, show business
and the music business)
"Our non-fiction writers over the years have numbered senior politicians from all the mainstream parties including a leader of HM Opposition, and former secret agents including the most famous/notorious double agent of them all. We represent senior High Court judges, QCs, barristers, and an erstwhile Public Enemy No 1 (now happily reformed and working with the police) and major celebrities of stage and screen."
Graham Maw Christie 37 Highbury Place
London N5 1QP

Read their guidelines carefully and submit to:

Twitter: @LitAgencyGMC
Non-fiction only Response time two weeks
Annette Green Authors' Agency 5 Henwoods Mount, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4BH

Cover letter, a brief synopsis, and between 5,000
and 10,000 words ( 2-3 chapters)

Twitter: @akgreen
Literary fiction
general and mass market fiction, thrillers, comedies, horror
serious non-fiction (current affairs, history, science, politics etc)
popular culture (film, TV, sport, music etc)
older children's and teenage fiction

No sci-fi or fantasy
Responds within four weeks
Christine Green Authors' Agency LSBU Technopark
90 London Road

Fiction, non-fiction, adult and YA

No children's books, sci-fi or fantasy
Prefers exclusive submissions
Greene & Heaton Ltd 37 Goldhawk Road, London W12 8QQ

"We do accept submissions by email but you will
only receive a reply if we are interested in discussing representation."

Submit to one agent only.

Twitter: @GreeneandHeaton
Everything except children's books and screenplays  Only represents clients based within the UK
The Greenhouse Literary Agency Transatlantic

They use query manager.
Children's books and YA Response time six weeks

Accepts international authors
Greyhound Literary Agency 49 Greek Street, London W1D 4EG, UK
Fiction, both commercial and literary; non-fiction, in particular biography, cookery, history, popular science, big ideas, humour, memoir, music, politics, sport and wellbeing and lifestyle; and children’s fiction and non-fiction. 
UK writers only
The Hanbury Agency Ltd 53 Lambeth Walk, London, SE11 6DX

Closed to submissions

Twitter: @HanburyAgency
Fiction, Non-Fiction, History, Popular Culture, Current Affairs, Celebrity Memoirs, Ghost Writing "If you have not heard from us within eight weeks then unfortunately your submission has not been successful,"
Hardman & Swainson Literary Agency 4 Kelmscott Road,
London SW11 6QY 

Do not send your submission to an individual agent.
Literary fiction, women’s fiction, historical fiction, crime and thriller, horror, YA, middle grade, memoir, narrative non-fiction including popular science and history, other quality non-fiction. Represents 60 authors between three agents.
Antony Harwood Ltd

103 Walton Street
Oxford OX2 6EB

Send cover letter, brief outline and the opening 50 pages by email

Postal submissions accepted.

Fiction and non-fiction in every genre Many co-agents in Europe and Asia
AM. Heath & Co. Ltd

(Nice, professional website)
6 Warwick Court

Uses online submission form

Twitter: @AMHeathLtd
Fiction and non-fiction "If you don't hear back from us within 6 weeks of sending your submission, please email us."
Cull & Co. Ltd 20-22 Wenlock Road
London N1 7GU Non fiction for adults only. No children’s picture books, poetry, plays or musical theatre. "We are primarily looking for authors from the UK and Ireland writing in English. We welcome international writers but you must make it clear when submitting why you are looking for a literary agent in the UK."
HHB agency ltd 6 Warwick Ct, London WC1R 5DJ
Fiction and non-fiction.

No scripts or screenplays, science-fiction, fantasy or children’s books.
They  only represent authors based within Europe.
David Higham Associates Ltd 7th Floor, Waverley House
7–12 Noel Street
London W1F 8GQ
Books, Children’s / YA, or Scripts for Film, TV and Theatre Large agency. Represents some big names.
Janklow & Nesbit (UK) Ltd London and New York

Please email an informative covering letter, giving some background about yourself and your writing; the first three chapters (or around fifty pages); and, a brief synopsis for fiction, or a full outline for non-fiction, to:

Please label all attachments clearly with your name and the title of your work.
Fiction and non-fiction This is a large agency.
Johnson & Alcock Ltd Clerkenwell House | 45-47 Clerkenwell Green | London | EC1R 0HT

Send a cover letter, synopsis, and first three chapters to the agent you are querying. Query one agent only.
Fiction and non-fiction Only responds if interested
Tibor Jones & Associates 2-6 Atlantic Road
London SW9 8HY

email the following to

A cover letter telling us about you and your writing background. 

A one page synopsis of the book, and the first five pages of the novel or proposal.
Unusual fiction "Irresistible Culture in Impossible Times"
The bks Agency Pennine Place, 2a Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0FH

Fiction: A synopsis, the first 3 chapters or 50 pages and a brief bio

Non Fiction: The pitch, a bio, overview of structure and a sample chapter
All types of fiction and non-fiction In addition to securing deals for their own authors, the agency is proud to partner with a number of publishers and agencies in selling rights on their behalf.
Ki Agency Studio 315, Screenworks, 22 Highbury Grove, London N5 2ER tel: 020 3214 8287

Email a full synopsis and first three chapters
Fiction and non-fiction Represents screenplays and TV rights as well

Does not represent North American writers
Soho Agency The Soho Agency  16–17 Wardour Mews London W1F 8AT

Broad range of genres "We don't represent authors of poetry or textbooks."
Susanna Lea Associates Ltd Paris, New York, London

Electronic submissions only. See Submissions page.
Fiction and non-fiction

No sci-fi
International authors
Limelight Celebrity Management Ltd 10 Filmer Mews 75 Filmer Road London SW6 7JF

Query, brief synopsis and the first three chapters only as Word or Open Document attachments.
Thrillers, crime, historical, suspense, mystery and women's commercial fiction. Also non-fiction, especially illustrated books in the areas of arts and crafts, cookery, biography and autobiography, popular science, business, natural history, sport, travel and health Response time 8 to 10 weeks

Lindsay Literary Agency East Worldham House, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3AT

Submission guidelines not updated.

Twitter: @lindsaylit

Fiction, children's books,
selected non-fiction
Small agency - one agent only
Andrew Lownie Literary Agency 36 Great Smith Street

Electronic submissions only.

Non- fiction:


Fiction and non-fiction Aims to reply within two weeks
The Lutyens & Rubinstein Literary Agency 21 Kensington Park Road, London, W11 2EU

Send 5000 words (first three chapters) with a cover letter and a short synopsis to:

Electronic submissions only.
Fiction and non-fiction, children's books Agency owns a bookshop
Andrew Mann Literary Agency 39 - 41 North Road,
London N7 9DP
Closed to submissions Fiction, general non-fiction, children's books Small agency
Marjacq Scripts Box 412, 19/21 Crawford St
 W1H 1PJ

Query only one agent.
Fiction and non-fiction for adults and children Also represents screenwriters
The Marsh Agency Ltd 50 Albemarle Street
Closed to submissions

Twitter: @TheMarshAgency
Literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction Specializes in authors with international potential

Does not represent US authors
MBA Literary Agents Ltd 62 Grafton Way, London, W1T 5DW

Send the first three chapters, a synopsis, your CV and a cover letter

Twitter: @MBAAgents
Fiction and non-fiction Six agents
Eunice McMullen Ltd Low Ibbotsholme Cottage
Low Ibbotsholme
Troutbeck Bridge
LA23 1HU

Send query letter, synopsis, and the first 2 chapters: all in the body of the e-mail to:
Children's books Accepts very few new clients
The Madeleine Milburn Literary, TV & Film Agency Mayfair, London

Query letter (in the body of an e-mail), synopsis, and the first 3 chapters. Both as attached Word or PDF documents. Send to:

Twitter: @agentmilburn
Fiction and non-fiction "We represent authors based all over the world and also review successfully self-published and established authors."
MMB Creative

165 Highlever Road, London, Greater London, W10 6PH
All genres MMBcreative is the umbrella group for three established agencies representing actors, authors, stage and screen writers, presenters and voice over artists.
Andrew Nurnberg Associates Ltd

20-23 Greville Street

Covering letter, 1-page synopsis (attached), First three chapters (double or 1.5 spaced, attached)

Postal and email submissions accepted
Fiction, non-fiction and children’s fiction. No children’s picture books, poetry or scripts for film, TV, radio or theater "If you have not heard from us after 3 months please assume your submission has been unsuccessful."
PFD (The Peters Fraser & Dunlop Group Ltd) Dunlop, Drury House, 34-43 Russell street, London WC2B 5HA

Postal and email submissions accepted

Only submit to one agent
Fiction and non-fiction Handles international rights
Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd 20 Powis Mews
W11 1JN

Postal and email submissions accepted

(See individual agents for email addresses)
Fiction, non-fiction, YA, and children’s fiction "We will try to respond within six to eight weeks."
Sheil Land Associates

52 Doughty Street
WC1N 2LS!book-submissions/c217l

Query, CV, synopsis, 50 pages
Everything, as well as playwrights, film and TV (including animation and children’s) writers, documentary makers and directors, radio and TV presenters One of the top five agencies in the UK
Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency Ltd 71 Hillgate Pl

Joined Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd
Fiction and all types of children's books Be sure to read their pet peeves before submitting
Skylark Literary Agency 19 Parkway, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9HD Children's books and YA Two agents
The Susijn Agency 820 Harrow Road, London NW10 5JU International fiction

No self-help, science-fiction, fantasy, romance, children's, illustrated, business. No screenplays, theatre plays.
International focus
Jane Turnbull Barn Cottage, Veryan, Truro, TR2 5QA Prefers initial contact by letter. Fiction and non-fiction - no sci-fi or fantasy "Friendly," but takes very few new clients
United Agents 12-26 Lexington Street
London W1F 0LE

Query only one agent. See individual agents for specific guidelines.
Fiction and non-fiction They only respond if interested
United Talent Agency Offices in New York and London Their website gives no submission information Fiction and non-fiction Four literary agents
The Jo Unwin Literary Agency Jo Unwin, RCW. 20 Powis Mews, London, W11 1JN closed Fiction and non-fiction Only works with authors from the UK and Ireland
Wade and Doherty Literary Agency Ltd 33 Cormorant Lodge
Thomas More Street
London E1W 1AU

closed to new submissions
Fiction and non-fiction for adults and young adults Responds within seven days
Watson, Little Ltd 22 Highbury Grove, Highbury East, London N5 2DQ

Query letter, synopsis, first 3 chapters

Query one agent only
Fiction and non-fiction for adults and children Responds within four to six weeks
Whispering Buffalo Literary Agency Ltd 97 Chesson Road
W14 9QS Fiction and non-fiction Does not publish client list
Eve White 54 Gloucester Street

Electronic submissions only

Twitter: @EveWhiteStaff
Fiction for adults and children International
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (WME) Offices in London, New York, Beverly Hills, Nashville and Miami No guidelines on site, but they do represent authors Fiction and non-fiction Website difficult to navigate
Susan Yearwood Literary Agency (SYLA)

2 Knebworth House
Londesborough Road
Stoke Newington
N16 8RL!/submissions

Twitter: @Susanyn
Commercial and literary fiction, psychological thriller and crime, young adult, children’s books, non-fiction Represents diverse authors
Brotherstone  Creative Management 6 Bayley Street
+44 (0) 7908 542 866
+44 (0) 207 502 5037

If you are sending fiction, please include the first three chapters or fifty pages of your novel, a one to two page synopsis and a short covering letter.

For non-fiction, please send a detailed outline, with a sample chapter and a covering note.

They do not accept scripts for theatre, film or television.

Commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction Transatlantic agency 

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