Thursday, January 28, 2016

9 Writing Conferences in February 2016

Houston writers huddling together for warmth.
February is a brutal little month, and this year it's going to be one day longer.

Why not brighten the dark days with a stimulating conference?

There are nine conferences this month - all conveniently located in warm parts of the country. As usual, these conferences are jam-packed with opportunities to pitch your novel, hone your craft, and hobnob with industry professionals.

Make sure you read these tips first:


Writing Conference of Houston, Feb. 6, 2016, Houston, TX. A full-day of “How to Get Published.” Attending agents: Paul S. Levine (Paul S. Levine Literary); Patricia Nelson (Marsal Lyon Literary); Rachel Brooks (L. Perkins Associates); Tricia Skinner (Fuse Literary); and Eve Porinchak (Jill Corcoran Literary).

The Writers Studio, sponsored by the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, February 11- 14, 2016, Los Angeles, CA. The conference offers workshops in fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as writing for television and film. Workshop instructors include fiction writers Colette Sartor and Mark Sarvas; nonfiction writers Barbara Abercrombie, Samantha Dunn, and Alison Singh Gee; fiction and nonfiction writer Daniel M. Jaffe; and literary agent Nancy Nigrosh. The cost of the studio is $855 through January 11, 2016, and $940 thereafter.

San Francisco Writers Conference, Feb. 11-14, 2016, San Francisco, CA. The SFWC presenters list includes bestselling authors, literary agents, editors, and publishers from major publishing houses. There will be experts on self-publishing, book promotion, platform building, social media, and author websites. Attending agents: This large conference usually has 20-30 agents in attendance. Check the website for the list.

South Coast Writers Conference, Feb 12 - 13, 2016, Gold Beach, Oregon. "The South Coast Writers Conference is an eclectic gathering of writers of various genres, novice and published authors, returning and first-time attendees. It is our goal that participants and presenters leave the conference inspired and renewed, with new insights and skills, and better connected to fellow writers and resources. Participation in workshops is limited to 30 students or fewer, so register early to secure a seat in the workshops you want." Faculty: Jason Brick, Barri Chase, Miriam Gershow, Peter Brown Hoffmeister, Anne Osterlund, Kate Power & Steve Einhorn, Bruce Holland Rogers, Heidi Schulz, Eric Witchey and Carolyne Wright. Costs: Friday workshops $55 each; Saturday conference $70 (earlybird-$60); songwriting workshops $20 each. Catered lunch $12.

30th Annual Southern California Writers’ Conference (and Retreat), February 12-15, 2016, San Diego, CA. Faculty: 60+ working, professional authors of fiction, nonfiction & screen, editors & agents. "Founded and run by professional writers the SCWC provides veteran and emerging talent with authoritative guidance to help distinguish those manuscripts that are ready for market consideration." Cost: $325-$425. Manuscript critique & one-on-one consultation additional. Limited to 175 conferees.

Desert Nights, Rising Stars Writers Conference, February 18 - 20, Tempe, AZ. "The conference features lectures, panel discussions, readings, and craft classes in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and publishing. The faculty includes poets Alberto RĂ­os and Hugh Martin; fiction writers T. Geronimo Johnson, Stephanie Kuehn, and Manuel Munoz; and nonfiction writers Lee Gutkind and Xu Xi. The cost of the conference is $350 for standard registration until December 17 and $400 thereafter. Deadline is February 12.

Alabama Writers Conference, February 19, 2016, Birmingham, AL. A full-day of “How to Get Published.” Attending agents: Julie Gwinn (The Seymour Agency); Kurestin Armada (P.S. Literary); Veronica Park (Corvisiero Literary); and Lauren MacLeod (Strothman Agency).

Atlanta Writing Workshop, February 20, 2016, Atlanta, GA. A full-day of “How to Get Published.” Attending agents: Cherry Weiner (Cherry Weiner Literary); Kurestin Armada (P.S. Literary); Pamela Harty (The Knight Agency); Veronica Park (Corvisiero Literary); and Sally Apokedak (Leslie H. Stobbe Literary Agency).

St. Augustine Author-Mentor Novel Workshop, Feb 25 - 28, 2016, St. Augustine, Florida. "The St. Augustine Author-Mentor Novel Workshop creates an intimate and professional environment that combines private meetings with small-group workshops, thus enabling aspiring authors to wisely approach the writing and publication of their novel. At the St. Augustine event, aspiring authors will:
1) Work one-on-one with top authors and savvy market professionals.
2) Apply advanced story and narrative technique to their novel-in-progress.
3) Hone and improve their writer voice and style.
4) Learn the necessary inside mechanics of the publishing business.
5) Leave the workshop with a detailed plan to work towards publication of their novel.
Group workshop sessions will be interspersed with agent and author consultations, workshop assignments, as well as consults with workshop leaders." Faculty: Authors, agents, editors, including Ken Atchity, Robert Olen Butler, Kimberley Cameron, Lyssa Keusch, Robert Bausch, Michael Neff, Tina Wexler, Jackie Cantor, Tom Colgan, Leis Pederson, Jane Smiley, Elise Capron, and more.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

29 Calls for Submissions: February 2016 - Paying Markets

Here are 29 magazines that want your work - essays, short stories, flash fiction, humor, science fiction, poetry, complaints, fantasy, creative nonfiction, mythology - you name it, they want it!

All of these are paying markets.


Bitch Magazine: Pitches wanted for 'Kids These Days' Issue

"This issue's goal is to explore childhood as more than just a rite of passage or a target market. We want to hear about parenting, youth culture, and generational crossover today.

What does it actually mean to be an '80’s, '90s or 2000s kid, and what does our collective nostalgia say about us? We also want to look across generations—what can kids these days learn from the past, and vice versa? How have cultural products from Sailor Moon to Netflix influenced the framework of our world? What does the evolution of writing—from the elimination of cursive to the universe of emoji—mean for the future of language and understanding?

This issue will look last everything from kitschy advertising and formative cartoons to single motherhood and the school-to-prison pipeline in an attempt to fill out the often overlooked pockets of youth as a culture force."

Payment: $200 for features

Deadline: February 1, 2016


The First Line

Genre: Short story, any genre, with a first line “Unfortunately, there is no mistake,” she said, closing the file.

Length: 300 - 5,000 words

Payment: $25-$50

Deadline: February 1, 2016


"Skirt! publishes two personal essays every month on topics relating to women and women’s interests. All essays for consideration should be submitted in their entirety and be between 800 and 1,100 words. Essays must fit one of our monthly themes."

Genre: Personal essays, theme is "Happiness" 

Payment: $200 per piece

Deadline: February 1, 2016 for "Happiness" issue


Holdfast Print Anthology 2015-2016: Issue#8: Love, Sex, Romance

Genre: Speculative Fiction, Poetry and Prose

Payment: Based on royalties

Deadline: February 3, 2016


Splickety Publishing Group - Fairytales: Unfettered

Genre: Speculative fiction. Traditional fairytales with magic and ogres and spells, stories about fairies, new twists on fairy lore.

Length: Between 300 and 1,000 words

Payment: $0.02 per word via PayPal

Deadline: February 5, 2016


Cricket Magazine - Visions of the Future

The future. Things could get worse.* Or better. Or maybe just different and more deeply weird. Cicada YA lit/comics mag wants sci-fi adventures, utopian schemes, and dystopian thought experiments. Also: tell us how you would change your school, your community, social structures. Especially welcome: works by people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ folks, genderqueer folks, and other marginalized peoples. Submit poetry, fiction, nonfic, comics pitches, and blueprints for your Mars base.

Length: Flash fiction to novellas; up to 9,000 words

Genre: Speculative fiction for teens

Payment: Up to 10¢ per word

Deadline: February 7, 2016


Canadian Comedy Anthology

"Submissions can be on any topic you want, so long as the end result falls within the definition of “Hey, that’s funny.” No topic is taboo; no target is safe. Comedy being a necessarily subjective genre, we’re looking to cast the widest possible net. We will take all stories at face value. The final set should run the gamut of genres and styles, encapsulating the many forms humour may take. Texts of subtle wit will contrast with bawdy humour, giggles will compete with guffaws, gutbusters will share space with others that make you stroke your chin and offer up a mild “Hmm… that’s a good one.” The book as a whole will be a meeting of multiple styles united under the genre of comedy, a meeting place for the wittiest dreamers across the whole spectrum of CanLit. We want this book to showcase as broad a diversity of Canadian writers as possible in terms of location, background, race, gender, genre, experience, and more."

Restrictions: Open to Canadians only

Genre: Funny stories, plays, poetry

Length: Up to 5,000 words

Payment: 5 cents a word (CAN)

Deadline: February 7, 2016


New Legends: The Hero • The Antihero • The Vigilante, Book 2

"We are looking for exceptional, well-written, engaging stories with subject matter reasonably free from sexually explicit content, gore, and obscenities."

Genre: Short story. Your story can be of any genre, but must be relevant to the theme of the Hero, the Antihero, and the Vigilante.

Length: 2,500 - 8,000 words

Payment: $25 per story

Deadline: February 8, 2016



"Poetry, fiction, nonfiction exploring the idea of secrecy. Personal, corporate, governmental, military -- secrecy is used to cement personal relationships, to guarantee state security, to harbour knowledge. Some consider secrecy one of the main sources of human conflict. We intend to open the doors on the subTerrain confessional."

Genres: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction submissions wanted for Issue 73: Secrets

Payment: $50 per page

Deadline: February 15,  2016 (11:59PM PST)


Visions IV: Space between Stars Anthology

"As long as your story takes place outside the boundaries of any star system, we are interested. Physical contact and proximity to any stars or planets is off-limits, although aliens, alien ships, and communications of all kinds are allowed."
Genre: Speculative fiction

Length: 3,000 – 8,000 words

Payment: $25

Deadline: February 15,  2016


On Spec

Genre: Speculative fiction and poetry

Length: Up to 6,000 words (stories)

Payment: $50 to $200 depending on word count

Deadline: February 15,  2016 for stories, poetry is accepted all year


"We’re looking for science fiction short stories of up to 10,000 words, reflective of the issue’s theme, written by writers of colour."

Genre: Speculative fiction

Payment: 8 cents per word

Deadline: February 19, 2016


After the Happily Ever After (AHEA) Anthology

"We are looking for a variety of submissions that transform well-known fairytales into modern, realistic, or fantastical stories. What we want is to see them given new life. We want real characters, real tensions, and real consequences."

Genre: Short fiction

Length: 100 to 7,500 words

Payment: $5 for stories under 2,000 words and between $10 and $20 for 2,000 and up

Deadline: February 20, 2016


Genre: Personal essay. These essays deal exclusively with raising teens (ages 13 and up), or having been a teenager. We look for illustrative anecdotes, vivid scenes, authentic dialogue, a strong personal voice, and a down-to-earth tone. 

Length: 800- 4,000 words

Payment: Competitive rates

Deadline: February 21,  2016


Timeless Tales - Theme: Psyche and Cupid

"Timeless Tales exclusively publishes retellings of fairy tales and myths. We only accept submissions that are retellings of the fairytale or myth listed as our theme. We don't accept original fairy tales or stories outside of our current theme."

Genres: Prose and poetry

Length: Up to 2,000 words. Under 1,500 preferred.

Payment: $20 per piece

Deadline: February 25, 2016

Reprints accepted

____________________ publishes speculative fiction of every stripe except graphic horror. We like each issue to have an eclectic variety of stories:  funny, frightening, hard and soft sci-fi, adventure, thoughtful, etc.

Genre: Speculative fiction

Payment: $50 per story, $20 per poem

Deadline: February 28, 2016


Vine Leaves

"Vignette" is a word that originally meant "something that may be written on a vine-leaf." It’s a snapshot in words. It differs from flash fiction or a short story in that its aim does not lie within the realms of traditional structure or plot. The vignette focuses on one element, mood, character, setting or object. It's descriptive, excellent for character or theme exploration and wordplay. Through a vignette, you create an atmosphere.

Length: 800 words max

Genre: Vignettes. Prose, poetry

Payment: $5 AUD

Deadline: February 28, 2016


Blyant Publishing

Genre: Short story

Length: 1000 or 2000 words on the theme of Nationality

Payment: £10 per 1000-word story, £20 per 2000-word story

Deadline: February 28, 2016

Reprints accepted



Length: At least 10,000 but not more than approx 20,000 words in length

Genre: Zombies! Stories may be any pairing except cisgender heterosexual M/F (trans* M/F, M/M, F/F, poly, ace/aro, and all permutations thereof are acceptable).

Payment: $200

Deadline: February 28, 2016


"As the name suggests, we focus on speculative fiction and non-fiction – fantasy, science fiction, myth, fairy tale, dark fantasy, etc… – all on a more or less PG level. We also celebrate the quick review – of books, movies, video games, TV shows, or any media that contains some sort of speculative fiction element. Long reviews tend to give away too much (how many times have you seen a 3 minute trailer and decided you don’t need to see the movie itself?). A drabble review gives you just what you need – whether the item under review suits your tastes or not."

Genres: Speculative fiction, nonfiction, 100 words 

Payment: 5 cents per word

Deadline: February 28, 2016


The New Quarterly

Restrictions: Canadian citizens only

Genres: Prose and poetry

Payment: $250 for a short story and $40 per poem or "postscript" story

Deadline: February 28, 2016

Note: Postal submissions only


Ninth Letter

"Ninth Letter is a published semi-annually at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. We are interested in prose and poetry that experiment with form, narrative, and nontraditional subject matter, as well as more traditional literary work."

Genre: Prose, essays, and poetry

Length: For poetry, submit 3-6 poems (max. 10 pages) at a time. For fiction and nonfiction, please send only one story or one essay at a time, up to 8,000 words.

Deadline: February 28, 2016


Inclusive Cthulu Anthology

"Many people love the Mythos and Cthulu pervades a lot of geek culture, but Lovecraft himself was a rampant misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave – like a black lesbian Jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. Here is the call for that anthology, which we plan to debut at Balticon 50 in May 2016. It only seems fitting. Send us your best Mythos story, but make sure it would make dear old Lovecraft roll."

Genre: Speculative fiction

Length: 3,000 to 10,000 words

Payment: $25 plus one contributor’s copy

Deadline: February 28, 2016

"Lazarus Risen will seek SF (no fantasy or horror, please) short stories that explore the economic, political, social and psychological consequences of life extension, human cloning, the hard upload and other forms of the biological singularity. Dreams of immortality and eternal youth are almost as old as human culture itself. But what would the world look like if everyone could live and be young forever? What would it look like if only some of us had that privilege? These are only some of the questions your story might try to answer. Surprise us, shock us, illuminate us but most of all tell us a great story."

Genre: Science fiction, short stories

Payment: 4 cents per word (Canadian)

Deadline: February 29, 2016


Genre: Short stories, humorous fantasy (reprints only)

Payment: 2 cents per word

Deadline: February 29, 2016


Triangulation: Beneath The Surface

Genre: Speculative fiction

Length: Up to 6,000 words. There is no minimum word count

Payment: 2 cents per word

Deadline: February 29, 2016


Tree Lion Press

"We are seeking short fiction in the Speculative Fiction genre (by which we mean to be the umbrella term for the wide and varied range of Science Fiction and Fantasy subgenres).  The stories are to be inspired by (by which we mean drawn from, informed by, derived from) the author's personal experiences of being Jewish.  What does this mean to us?  More to the point, what does this mean to YOU?  We feel that the Jewish tent is a big tent, and want this collection to reflect that belief.  These stories can be explicitly about the Jewish Experience (past, present or future), but they can also be stories that take place on a spaceship, a distant planet, under the ocean, in the afterlife or in another dimension.  As long as it is Speculative Fiction, and something about the story was inspired or influenced by your Jewish Experience, it is a story we'd like to consider for our collection."

Genre: Speculative fiction, Jewish theme

Length: Between 500 and 10,000 words

Payment: Initial $5 payment advance and will share equally fifty percent of the royalties received from sale of the anthology.

Deadline: February 29, 2016


BLOOD, SWEAT & FEARS: Horror Inspired by the 1970s

Genre: Horror

Length: 3,000 to 10,000 words

Payment: $25

Deadline: February 29, 2016


Ghosts on Drugs

This call is for a book: "This book is designed to be playful and fun, so we're especially seeking stories that are a mix of comedy and other genres—e.g., comedy & fantasy, comedy & SF, comedy & horror, comedy & thriller, comedy & Western, comedy & adventure. That said, we'll consider a great tale of any genre, or combination of genres."

Genre: Any

Length: 2 pages to 30 pages

Payment: 15 cents a word for the first 2,500 words and 6 cents a word after that (to encourage tight writing).

Deadline: February 29, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

3 Established Agents Actively Seeking YA, Memoir, Literary & Commercial Fiction, Nonfiction, Cookbooks and more

Updated 3/15/23

Here are three agents seeking clients. Alexa Stark’s interests are wide-ranging, but she is particularly drawn to literary fiction, upmarket commercial fiction, young adult, memoir, narrative nonfiction, popular science, cultural criticism and women’s issues. Leigh Eisenman seeks submissions in the areas of literary and commercial fiction for adults, and foodie/cookbooks, health and fitness, lifestyle, and select narrative nonfiction. Mitch Hoffman is actively building a client list of authors writing across the spectrum of fiction and nonfiction, including thrillers, suspense, crime fiction, and literary fiction, as well as narrative nonfiction, politics, popular science, history, memoir, current events, and pop culture.

ALWAYS check the agency website before submitting. Agents may switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements may change.

If these agents do not suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients.

Alexa Stark of Writers House

About Alexa Raised in New York City, Alexa earned her BA in comparative literature and society at Columbia University. Prior to joining Writers House, she worked at Curtis Brown and Trident Media Group, spending the first few years working with Ellen Levine before building her own list. She lives in Brooklyn. Stark joined Writers House in 2022, after ten years at Trident Media Group. She represents a range of literary and upmarket fiction and select nonfiction. Alexa also has experience helping authors place stories, essays and book excerpts in a range of publications including the New Yorker, Harper’s, Paris Review, the Atlantic, Tin House, N+1, Playboy, McSweeney’s, and the New York Times, among others. Her authors have appeared on the New York Times Bestseller list and have won or been listed for the PEN/Faulkner Award, the National Book Foundation's 5 under 35, the Rona Jaffe Award, the Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence, The Young Lions Fiction Award, the Scotiabank Giller Prize, Lambda Literary Award, and the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize.

What she is seeking: She represents a range of literary and upmarket fiction and select nonfiction. On the fiction side, she is particularly drawn to literary debuts with a unique voice and perspective, stories about dysfunctional friendships and families, novels that engage with social issues, underrepresented voices, and fiction that delves into the surreal or plays with genre in fresh or subversive ways. She also enjoys edgy coming-of-age tales and character-driven suspense and thrillers. She gravitates towards the humorous, the bold, the psychologically probing and the tender. On the nonfiction side, she is seeking narrative nonfiction, cultural criticism, voice-driven essay collections, popular science, psychology, and women’s issues. She is currently looking for:
  • Literary fiction
  • Upmarket commercial fiction
  • General fiction
  • Speculative fiction
  • Suspense
  • Thrillers
  • Narrative Non-fiction
  • Memoir
  • Science

How to submit: Please send your query letter to along with the first 5 pages of the manuscript in the body of your email.


Leigh Eisenman of Wolf Literary Services

About Leigh: Leigh Eisenman is an experienced lawyer who has been practicing in New York since 2003. After ten years of practicing in the New York offices of several international law firms, Leigh shifted her focus to the publishing industry. Since then, she has handled publishing and publishing-adjacent agreements and matters on behalf of several agencies and law firms. From 2003 until 2014 she specialized in commercial, white collar, and securities litigation. Leigh received her juris doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Law and graduated magna cum laude from Dartmouth College. She serves on the Contracts Committee of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR). She is admitted to practice in New York.

What she is seeking: Leigh represents primarily adult nonfiction and select literary and commercial fiction.  On the nonfiction side, she loves working on illustrated books of all stripes—including cookbooks, lifestyle, the arts, pop culture, travel, humor/gift, health and wellness, and self-care, as well as personal finance, personal/professional development, and memoir.  In fiction, she's drawn to present day (not historical), realistic (no sci fi or fantasy) stories that transport her through a vivid, well-defined sense of place and explorations of relationships (including journeys of self-discovery). Across both, she's drawn to fresh voices and perspectives.

On the nonfiction side, Leigh is interested in foodie/cookbooks (especially baking and – maybe conversely – healthy cooking), health and fitness, lifestyle, and select narrative nonfiction.

How to Submit: Please send a query letter along with a 50-page writing sample (for fiction) or a detailed proposal (for nonfiction) to Samples may be submitted as an attachment or embedded in the body of the email.”


Mitch Hoffman of Aaron Priest Literary Agency 

About Mitch: Mitch Hoffman joined the Aaron Priest Literary Agency as a Senior Agent in 2015. A 20-year veteran of the publishing industry, he was most recently Vice-President, Executive Editor at Grand Central Publishing. As an editor, Mitch published over 200 books, more than 60 of which were New York Times bestsellers. He has nurtured the careers of debut novelists as well as global #1 bestselling authors, and has worked with journalists, memoirists, scientists, historians, and members of the military and intelligence services. His list of authors included David Baldacci, Sara Blaedel, Harlan Coben, Jeffery Deaver, Roger Ebert, Senator Al Franken, Linda Grant, Dr. David Grinspoon, Raymond Khoury, John Lescroart, Brad Meltzer, Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, Tom Rob Smith, Daniel Stashower, and Don Winslow. Their books have won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, the Orange Prize for Fiction, the Edgar Award, the Anthony Award, ITW’s Thriller Award, The Barnes & Noble Discover Award, and have been longlisted for the Man Booker Prize, among many other honors.

What he is seeking: Mitch is actively building a client list of authors writing across the spectrum of fiction and nonfiction, including thrillers, suspense, crime fiction, and literary fiction, as well as narrative nonfiction, politics, popular science, history, memoir, current events, and pop culture.

How to submit: “Please submit a one page query to queryhoffman [at] The query letter should describe your work as well as your background. Please do not send attachments. However a first chapter pasted into the body of an e-mail query is acceptable. Please do not submit to more than one agent at this agency. Due to the tremendous number of queries we receive, we are not able to respond to everyone. We will get back to you within four weeks, but only if interested.”

Thursday, January 14, 2016

185 Literary Magazines Accepting Reprints

Updated 3/13/23

There is nothing quite like having your work published, especially after you have spent months sending your stories or poems to magazines that take forever to respond.

Sadly, the elation you feel when you have finally seen your work in print may be short-lived. Most stories and poems that make their way into literary journals have only a brief shelf-life. After readers have read your work and the issue has been archived, now what?

One good way to extend the life of your story is to send it to literary magazines that accept reprints.

Fortunately, there are a lot of literary magazines willing to accept stories that have already been published. Very few of them pay, because reprints have little value in the literary marketplace. (Only the first magazine that publishes your work will be credited.) However, some venues, notably podcasts, pay competitive rates for work that has been previously published.

All of these markets are currently accepting reprints and all allow simultaneous submissions. Make sure you read their websites carefully to see if your work will be a good fit. And make sure that all rights have reverted to you when you submit to them. (Look at the contract you signed with the original publisher. It should say "All rights revert to author upon publication" or "All rights revert to author after X months.")

(Image: "Drawing Hands" by M. C. Escher)

Publication Submission Guidelines Payment Medium Genres
50-Word Stories No Electronic All genres, Flash Fiction only
Ancient Paths Online $1.25 per poem or fiction piece;
$1 will be added for any accompanying art work or photography (if also accepted)
Electronic Poems, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Spiritual themes only
Apocrypha and Abstractions
No Electronic All genres, Flash Fiction only (fewer than 500 words_
Avatar Review No Electronic All genres, poetry, nonfiction
Eye Tales Royalties Electronic Horror

1000 - 10,000 words
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
2 cents/word for fiction reprints, 50 cents per line for poetry reprints, 2  - 8 cents/word nonfiction reprints Electronic Speculative Fiction Nonfiction and Poetry

Submission periods
Bewildering Stories
No Electronic Speculative Fiction

Submission periods
Allegory $15 Electronic Speculative Fiction
Murderous Ink Press:Crimeucopia
Up to £7.00 Print and ebook Crime fiction
Nightlight $50 Audio Black writers only

See submission periods
The Hungur Chronicles $12 Print  Horror. Vampires or creatures with vampiric themes

Prose, poetry, art
Burningword Literary Journal No Electronic and POD Poetry and Flash Fiction (up to 300 words)

Only open to writers under 30 No Electronic Poetry up to 50 lines and Fiction up to 5000 words
cahoodaloodaling No Electronic Narrative non-fiction, Fiction, Screenplays, Excerpts, and Poetry

"Our theme is the environmental crisis and the losses of species and habitat that are a result of this ongoing disaster."
No Electronic Poetry, Essays, and Fiction (1500 words max)

We prefer topics to deal with common social issues normal–or not so normal– problems people everyday.
No Electronic Fiction, Poetry
Showcase $50 Electronic Poetry, prose 

Has submission periods
Cha: An Asian Literary Journal No Electronic Poetry, Fiction, Art
and Photography
Children, Churches and Daddies No Electronic and Print Poetry, Fiction
Greenprints $150 Print Gardening
Columbia Journal No Electronic Poetry, Fiction,
The Margins No Electronic Every Tuesday, The Margins publishes the work of emerging and established Asian American and diasporic poets. We publish English-language poems and translations of poems. 

See reading periods
Copperfield Review No Electronic Historical Fiction and Poetry, Nonfiction
Cricket Online Review No Electronic Poetry, fiction, essays, sound, film, short drama, & experimental visual art
Enrapturing Tales Royalties Electronic Poetry, fiction, art on themes
Fusion Fragment 3.5 cents (CAD) per word Electronic and Print Speculative Fiction 

See reading periods
Deep South Magazine No Electronic  Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction about the deep South
Forever Magazine No Electronic Speculative Fiction
Down in the Dirt No Electronic and Print Almost any genre
East Coast Literary Review
No Print Poetry,
Flash Fiction,
Short Stories (up to 8,000 words)
Cosmic Horror Monthly 1 cent per word for reprints Electronic Cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, Weird, and dark science fiction stories

See reading periods
Ekphrastic No Electronic Poetry, micro, flash, and shorter fiction, and interesting reflections, essays, and other prose about or inspired by art
Every Writer's Resource
No Electronic Flash Fiction (500 words max)
Little Blue Marble $0.01 CAD a word for reprints Electronic and print Speculative fiction that examines humanity's possible futures living with anthropogenic climate change. 
Short Story Substack $100 and 50% of subscription revenue Electronic Short story - publishes one story per month
Fabula Argentea
$8 for short stories and poems, $3 for flash, $15 to $25 for longer stories  Electronic Poems, flash fiction, short stories
Bullet Points $30 for original stories and $20 for reprints Electronic

and Print
Speculative military fiction that is sensitive to the complexity, tragedy, and hope of warfare and violence in human (and nonhuman) society. 

100 - 5000 words
Samovar $100 Electronic Speculative fiction, nonfiction and poetry in translation 
The Fear of Monkeys
No Electronic Politically conscious stories, poems, essays
The Current 25 euros Print Short stories, flash fiction or poems of maximum 7,500 characters (spaces included) or children's works of maximum 7,000 characters
The Feminist Wire No Electronic Feminist fiction and poetry

See submission periods
Fiction on the Web
No Electronic Short stories, all genres
Unstamatic Newsprint $10 Print Prose of 500 words or fewer; Poetry of 25 lines or fewer; Visual art of any sort
The Font – A Literary Journal for Language Teachers No Electronic Short stories, articles, essays, anecdotes, poems, cartoons and other forms of creative writing or visual art on the theme of language teaching or learning
FriGG No Electronic Fiction, nonfiction, poetry - all topics
Front Porch Review No Electronic Fiction, poetry, essays and visual arts
(5000 words)
Frontier Tales No Electronic and Print Westerns
Geist Unknown Print Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, art, reviews
either by Canadians or with a connection to Canada
Ginosko No Print Short fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, social justice, literary insights
Dwarf Stars anthology No Print Speculative poetry 

Opens April 1
Jersey Devil Press No Electronic and Print Speculative fiction and poetry
Jewish Literary Journal No Electronic Poetry, fiction, nonfiction -
All submissions must be Jewish in nature

See submission periods
Joyland Unspecified Electronic and Print Fiction

Submissions are free one weekend a month
Kaleidoscope $10 - $100 Electronic Fiction, nonfiction, poetry - Must focus on some aspect of disability
White Enso $10 - $15 Electronic Short fiction, essays, creative non-fiction and artwork that encapsulates the Japan experience. 
The Archive €50 Electronic  We want the weird, the unexpected, the completely new. No theme, no genre, no need to be previously unpublished

See submission periods
The Lascaux Review No Electronic  Poetry, Fiction, Essays
Micro Podcast No Electronic  Micro Fiction
The Linnet's Wings No Electronic Poetry, Fiction,
Literally Stories No Electronic Short stories,
all genres (500 to 3000 words)

Sometimes takes up to 4,000 words, but the work has to be "outstanding"
Literary Mama No Electronic Short stories, and poems about motherhood
Miramichi Flash No Electronic Flash fiction - Canadians only
Phantasmacore Token payment Electronic  Speculative

Submission periods
The Lorelei Signal $2 Electronic and Print Fantasy featuring strong, complex female characters
The Dark 5 cents/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for first world rights; and 1 cent/word for reprint fiction up to 6,000 words Electronic
and Print
Horror and Dark Fantasy

2,000 – 6,000 words
Lotus-eater No Electronic Poetry, prose (up to 5000 words), nonfiction, book reviews
Luna Station Quarterly No Electronic Speculative fiction written by women

Submission periods
$2 Electronic and Print "Twisted humor, funny horror, or anything else you think will disturb and amuse us."
Poetry Substack $10 Electronic Accepts one poem per month
Mediterranean Poetry No Electronic Poetry and prose inspired in some way or the other by the Mediterranean world
Neon Hemlock: We're Here No Electronic and Print Queer science fiction
Flash Fiction Online 2c/word Electronic Flash fiction up to 1000 words

See submission periods
The Missing Slate No Electronic and Print Fiction, poetry, essays, reviews and criticism 
Uncharted No Electronic Sci-ci, fantasy, horror, thriller/mystery/crime fiction
Mouse Tales Press No Electronic and Print Poetry and Prose (4000 words max)
Occult Detective Magazine No? Print and electronic Short detective stories dealing with the occult
Parents & Kids $25 Electronic  Nonfiction articles 
Tales from Between REPRINT: £5 plus a physical copy of the issue. Print We’re looking for ‘strange stories’. That can be horror, fantasy, literary.
Penumbric $10 Print and Electronic Fiction, poetry, illustration, graphic narrative, animation, music, or combinations of these. Work that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place.
Live Novel Digest $100 Electronic  Short stories 2,000 - 6,000 words
NonBinary Review Semi-pro Electronic  Themed
Mosaic ? Electronic Articles and reviews by writers of African descent
Van Gogh’s Ear: Best World Poetry, Prose & Art No Electronic Poetry and prose. Poem length shouldn’t be more than 165 lines and prose length no more than 1,500 words.
After Dinner Conversation $0.01 per word Print Children's, YA and Adult short stories
The Other Stories No Audio Fiction (up to 4000 words)
Aftermath 2 cents/word for short stories; 1 cent/word for everything else Electronic  Humans are doing so much damage to the natural world that it can only end in a spate of perfect storms that will wreck our civilization. These inevitable apocalyptic events offer a wealth of inspiration.
The Dirty Spoon $50 Electronic

(Podcast and online journal)
Nonfiction: essays, interviews and articles about people who work in our consumable culture.
Pen Sword Magazine No Electronic Short form fiction and non-fiction that presents the military service experience
Pulp Literature 50% of rate for original fiction Print Pulp fiction up to 50 pages

Submission periods
A Velvet Giant $20 Electronic  All genres

"We are especially interested in work by genderqueer & LGBTQ+ people, women, people of color, global writers, and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault."
City. River. Tree. 2 cents/word Electronic Flash fiction, pictographs
Nightlight Podcast $50 Podcast Horror by Black writers
The Poeming Pigeon
No Print Poetry and Prose, themed issues
parABnormal $7 Print Fiction, nonfiction, poetry on the paranormal. "For us, this includes ghosts, spectres, haunts, various whisperers, and so forth. It also includes shapeshifters and creatures from various folklores."
Scrawl Place $35 Electronic Your submission must be about or connected to or associated with a specific, physical place that someone could visit
The Voyage $200 Electronic YA short stories and nonfiction up to 6,000 words
Quantum Muse

(Offers peer reviews only) No Electronic Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Alternative
Radon .5¢ per word for reprints Electronic Fiction, flash fiction, poetry, art. "Radon welcomes short story and poetry submissions containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction."
r.kv.r.y. No Electronic Poetry, short stories and nonfiction (3000 words max)
relating to recovery
The Deadlands 1¢/word Electronic Speculative fiction, poetry, and nonfiction about death. They publish work “about the other realms, of the ends we face here, and the beginnings we find elsewhere.” 
Reading Out Loud No Audio Fiction up to 4000 words
Jay Henge anthologies $5 USD per 1000 words Electronic Speculative fiction
StarShipSofa $50 Audio Speculative fiction

Dark Moon Digest$0.01 per word for reprints Electronic Speculative fiction
Sanitarium Magazine Token payment Electronic Horror
Santa Fe Writers Project
No Electronic Fiction, creative nonfiction, and book reviews
Synthetic Reality Magazine DEFUNCT Payment varies Electronic Science Fiction, Fantasy, SHTF, Slipstream, Horror, Sword and Sorcery and Surreal Fiction. 
Escape Pod 8¢ per word for original stories, $100 for reprints Audio Science Fiction
Breath and Shadow ? Electronic Breath & Shadow only accepts work from people with disabilities.
DreamForge $0.04/word

Poems are paid at the rate of $25 to $100

Electronic SF and Fantasy

Has submission periods
The Dread Machine $.01/word for reprints Electronic  Futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction
Grimdark Magazine Reprints: AUD$0.01 per word Electronic Grimdark fantasy and sci-fi

Submission periods
Short Fiction Break No Electronic Fiction (2000 words max)
The Short Humour Site
No Electronic and Print Humorous short fiction and nonfiction (500 words max)
TDot Spec CAD 2c/word for originals; 50% rate for reprints Electronic  Speculative fiction anthologies

See themes and deadlines
Tales From the Moonlit Path $10 Electronic Speculative fiction and poetry
Polar Borealis & Polar Starlight $10 Electronic Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Fantasy, Horror with SF aspects, Lovecraftian Horror

Contributors must be Canadian, or at least reside in Canada.

Has submission periods
Daikaijuzine $10 for fiction, $5 for poetry Electronic Speculative fiction, flash fiction, articles, and poetry
Dragon Soul Press Royalties Electronic Poetry and  fiction anthologies


All genres of fiction

See deadlines
Shoreline of Infinity £40/1000 words for reprints published in another language Electronic and Print Science fiction and fantasy

Has submission periods

Poetry submissions open all year round
Space Squid $5 Electronic and Print Scifi/humor. Flash fiction, short stories (2000 words max)
Mithila Review $10 Electronic Fantasy, science fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Witcraft No payment, but stories are selected for prizes Electronic  Stories that are brief, humorous and engaging. 
Still Point Arts Quarterly
Token payment and 2 copies of issue Print Art, articles, essays, fiction, and poetry.

Shanti Arts is focused on nature, art, and spirit.
Mesozoic Reader $10 Electronic and Print Stories and poetry of any genre are welcome, so long as dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures are a central element

Has submission periods
Bulb Culture Collective No payment Electronic Poetry and prose (reviews, fiction, creative nonfiction, nonfiction, poetry); they want work that was “previously published (regardless of when it was published) by a journal that has since gone dark or if circumstances have made your work unavailable online for any reason. You must retain the rights of this work.”
House of Gamut Three cents a word for reprints. Poetry is $50 per poem for new work and $25 per poem for reprints Electronic  1,000-5,000 words

Speculative fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Poetry Super Highway No Electronic Poetry
The Summerset Review No Electronic and Print Literary fiction and nonfiction of up to 8,000 words, poets may submit up to five poems
Survivor's Review

Open to cancer survivors, family members and caregivers No Electronic Poetry, short stories, essays (up to 1000 words)
The Future Fire $10 - $20 Electronic Fiction and poetry that focuses on the social-political elements of imaginary, futuristic, fantastic, horrifying, surreal or otherwise speculative universes
The Fifth Di... Reprint Stories: $15.00 Print Science fiction, fantasy, and spooky horror stories and poems
Tales of the Zombie War Semi-pro Electronic Zombies! (In poetry and prose) A Journal of the Built + Natural Environments No Electronic Poetry, essays, fiction, articles, artwork, videos, and other contributions
THEMA Token Print Poetry and prose - themed issues
The Stray Branch No Electronic Fiction, poetry, photography, and art
Flame Tree Publishing 4 pence for reprints Electronic and Print Speculative fiction anthologies

See deadlines
Glint No Electronic Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, visual art. "We’re especially fond of hybrids. That terms encompasses form as well as content. We appreciate lyric essays, prose poems, flash fiction, collaborations, visual poetry, graphic fiction, literary fantasy, excerpts from verse novellas or verse biographies." 
Tall Tale TV
Podcast Unspecified Audio Science fiction and fantasy
The Phlogiston Press Royalties Electronic "We’re looking for short form speculative fiction, old style, slipstream, horror, fantasy, science fiction, literary, poetry, flash with a maximum length of 8,000 words - or even a longer story to serialise over a few newszines."
House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Literature $25 CND for poems and between $50 and $75 CND per short story Electronic  Speculative poetry, fiction

"We do consider previously published work, but we do not consider reprints that are currently available for free online."

See themes
Nightlight (Podcast) $50 Podcast Horror 

At least one of your birth parents must be Black.

See submission periods
Fixator Press No payment. Electronic Free-verse and experimental/off-beat poetry

Accepts reprints as long as they have not appeared anywhere in the last 12 months
MetaStellar No Electronic Speculative fiction
Underwater New York No Electronic Fiction, nonfiction, art, music and poetry inspired by the underwater objects and phenomena that surround New York City
Unlikely Stories: MarkV No Electronic Activist prose, music and poetry

(They have the longest guidelines in the world...)
Small Wonders Original flash fiction: $0.10/word

Reprint flash fiction: $0.01/word or $10, whichever is more

Poems: $60

Art: $125 for reprint rights
Electronic  Speculative fiction and poetry with elements not of this world: fantasy, science fiction, horror

1000 words max for prose
East of the Web 5 cents/word Electronic  Science Fiction
Toyon No payment Electronic Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art, audio, and translations
Frozen Wavelets 1 cent/word Electronic Speculative flash fiction and poetry
Alaska Parent $25-$40 Electronic and Print Parenting in Alaska
Wordgathering No Electronic Disability literature
Workers Write! Semi-pro Print Working class fiction - themed issues
Chesapeake Family Life $35 Print and electronic Nonfiction about family life in Maryland
Georgia Family Magazine Unspecified Print? Nonfiction about family life in Georgia
Hudson Valley Parent $25 Electronic Parenting in the Hudson Valley of New York
The Writing Disorder No Electronic and Print Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction, Art, Reviews, Interviews, Comic Art and Experimental work Youth Imagination
Western New York Family Magazine $40-$150 Electronic and Print Parenting in Western New York
WritersWeekly $30 Electronic Nonfiction about the business of writing
Babybug Not specified Print Stories and poems for babies and toddlers
The Drabblecast Semi-pro Audio Weird stories (4000 words max)
GlitterShip Semi-pro Audio LGBTQ stories (6000 words max)
Ladybug Not specified Print Stories, nonfiction, activities and poems for children 3 - 6 years old
Spider Not specified Print "Fresh and engaging literature, poems, articles, and activities for newly independent readers."
The Dirty Spoon $50 (?) Podcast Essays, interviews and articles about people who work in our consumable culture.

See submission periods
Gallery of Curiosities $.01/word Podcast Weird speculative fiction
Hourglass Books No Online? Fiction anthologies
Reprint Poetry No Online Poetry
Pseudopod $.08/word for original fiction, $100 flat rate for short story reprints, and $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints (stories below 1500 words). Podcast Horror
Cast of Wonders $.06/word for original fiction, a $100 flat rate for Short Fiction reprints, and a $20 flat rate for Flash Fiction reprints Podcast YA,
High fantasy,
Science fiction
Cricket Not specified Print Fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction for children aged 9 to 14
The Lascaux Review $25 Digital Stories, poems, and essays
Funds for Writers $10-$15 Digital
Practical tools and information related to getting paid to write
Ask Magazine Not specified Print Nonfiction for children 7–10 years old who are curious about science
One Story $500 Print If a story has been published in print outside of North America, it will be considered
Podcastle $20 - $100 Audio
and text
Aromatica Poetica No payment Electronic Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art–images, video, audio–that engage with smell and taste.

Submissions periods
Dark Horses No payment Electronic Weird fiction  up to 10,000 words
Gwyllion £10 Print and Electronic Speculative fiction, poetry, book reviews
Azure: A Journal of Literary Thought

Published by Lazuli Literary Group
No Electronic Complex literary fiction
The Moth

Ireland No Print Poetry and short stories
Quail Bell Magazine No Electronic Short stories, art, multi-media, poetry
Abstract No Electronic Poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction essay or memoir, in addition to multimedia submissions featuring audio or video content.  

Abstract will consider work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs

Manawaker Studios $3 Podcast Flash fiction
Craft No Electronic Fiction and nonfiction
Dodging The Rain No Electronic Poetry
Carrier Pigeon No Print Fiction, flash fiction, poetry

All accepted submissions are illustrated 
Eunoia Review No Electronic Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction
The Maul 2¢/word for reprints Electronic

and print?

100 - 3,000 words
Remington Review No Online Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction

Has reading periods
The Lake No Electronic Poetry
Nice Cage No Electronic Poetry and short fiction
Defuncted No Electronic They are looking for work that was previously published but is no longer available to read online because the journal it was published in has gone defunct.
Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy ? Print Stories must be by a writer who is American or Canadian, or who has made the US or Canada their home. Story length must be 17,499 words or less. 
Zooscape  $20 for reprints Electronic All stories must be furry.
Lighten Up Online No Electronic Poetry
Empty House Press No Electronic "We are willing to read work that has appeared on an author’s personal site or blog or at an online venue that has closed provided that the work is otherwise no longer available or appears in a significantly different form and appropriate acknowledgements are included."
Mirror Dance $5 Electronic Fantasy fiction and poetry
No Sleep Podcast Yes (various) Podcast Horror
Doubleback Review No Electronic "We only publish previously-published work from journals that no longer exist; we do not publish previously unpublished work nor previously published work that is still available online or in active print circulation."
Hedgerow No Electronic Poems, art         

Work previously published on social media permitted
Random Sample Review No payment Electronic Poetry, prose

We will consider work that has been previously published as long as you let us know where it was published, and that publication allows for republishing.

Submission periods
Our Day's Encounter No payment Electronic Art, photographs, poems, creative writings (if it’s poetry, please send three poems), thoughts, journal entries, just about anything written
The Collidescope No payment Electronic Art, fiction, poetry, critical essays, reviews, interviews, novel excerpts, and the unclassifiable.

We gravitate mostly toward magical realism and the surreal/slipstream.
Imagitopia 1 cent/word Electronic and Podcast Fantasy short fiction
Afterpast Review No payment Electronic Feminist literary magazine dedicated to uplifting underrepresented voices. We accept poetry, prose, and dramatic writing from all writers.
Story Unlikely $75 max Electronic "Good stories"
Trollbreath 1/2 cent/word Electronic Speculative fiction nd poetry

Also accepts nonfiction and art
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