Thursday, August 18, 2016

7 Literary Agents Seeking Graphic Novels

Updated 2/19/25

These seven agents are looking for writers of graphic novels. Each is from an established agency with a solid track record. Be sure to read the agency website for details before submitting.

If you are not sure whether your query letter will grab an agent's attention, go to Query Shark. Agent Janet Reid does an excellent job of explaining how queries do and don't succeed (with great examples).

IMPORTANT: You should NEVER query an agent without checking the agency website first. Submission requirements change, and agents may close their lists, or switch agencies.

Good luck!

Note: You can find a complete list of over 100 new and established agents seeking clients here:
Agents Seeking Clients


Maria Vicente of P. S. Literary

Maria Vicente is a literary agent at P.S. Literary, specializing in children’s fiction and nonfiction projects for readers of all ages. As an editorial agent, she provides support to her clients through all stages of the writing and publication process. Her publishing career began as an intern with Bree Ogden at D4EO Literary Agency, and she also interned at P.S. Literary before joining the agency as an associate agent. Maria holds a B.A. in English Literature from Carleton University and a B.Ed. from the University of Western Ontario.

What she is seeking: "I am looking for more clients creating beautifully illustrated books! Graphic novels, graphic memoirs, graphic nonfiction—anything and everything you're working on, for any age group."

How to Submit:  Queries should be directed to

Christa Heschke of Mcintosh & Otis

Christa Heschke graduated from Binghamton University with a major in English and a minor in Anthropology. She started in publishing as an intern at both Writers House and Sterling Lord Literistic, where she fell in love with the agency side of publishing. Christa has been at McIntosh and Otis, Inc. in the Children’s Literature Department since 2009 where she is actively acquiring for all age groups in children’s. literature.

What she is looking for: “I am very actively looking for MG and YA graphic novels of all types. I read so many as a teen (and continue to read them) and would love to work on some as an agent! Artists, if you have proposals or ideas query me!”

How to Submit: To query Christa Heschke use the agency's query manager HERE.


Gordon Warnock (Fuse Literary)

Gordon Warnock is a founding partner at Fuse Literary, serving as a literary agent and Editorial Director of Short Fuse Publishing. He brings years of experience as a senior agent, marketing director, editor for independent publishers, publishing consultant, and author coach. He frequently teaches workshops and gives keynote speeches at conferences and MFA programs nationwide. He is an honors graduate of CSUS with a B.A. in Creative and Professional Writing.

What he is seeking: Interested in all types of graphic novels and books — adult, young adult, middle grade, graphic memoir, and graphic nonfiction.

How to Submit: Follow submission instructions HERE.


Tamara Kawar
(DeFiore and Company)

Tamara joined DeFiore and Company in 2022. She started her career with internships at Macmillan and Writers House, then worked at ICM for five years. Tamara represents writer and illustrator clients in both the children’s and adult markets, with a particular focus on talented LGBTQ+ and BIPOC storytellers. She holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Princeton University and an M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from Columbia University. She also serves on the AALA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee, where she co-directs a mentorship program for early career agents from underrepresented backgrounds.

What she is looking for: Tamara is actively seeking graphic novels for all ages and across genres; science fiction, fantasy, horror, and historical fiction for middle grade, YA, and adult readers; upmarket and book club fiction, especially genre-bending stories, and those with an international bent; and adult & YA rom-coms and romance featuring LGBTQ+ characters. She also represents select nonfiction for young readers, including illustrated projects. Across all categories, she is passionate about championing marginalized voices and perspectives.

How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.


Ms. Becca Langton
of Darley Anderson Literary (UK)

Becca studied History at Cambridge and loved studying (and student life) so much that she went on to add a PGCE, a masters in Children’s literature and a second masters in Writing for Young People from Bath Spa University to her CV. Whilst chasing that ‘back to school’ high, Becca has gained experience in almost every part of the publishing industry. She started out as an editorial assistant at Hot Key Books before joining the licensing world to work as a magazine editor and publishing manager for Moshi Monsters. After a spell developing original ideas for Pottermore she became a literary scout (the super sleuth of the publishing world) where she learned the importance of the foreign rights market. Becca joined Darley Anderson as a literary agent in October 2021 and is now building a list with a particular focus on the US market.

What she is seeking: Becca is looking for new stories in all shapes and sizes, from middle grade and graphic novel to teen and YA fiction. Becca reads widely but loves books with compelling voices, twists and brave new ideas. In YA she would love to see some Queer fantasy, rom-coms with plenty of ‘com’ and contemporary stories told from a new perspective. For younger readers she love/hates the books that make her cry and is on the search for characters that stay with her long after the final page. High-stakes adventure stories are welcome as are graphic novels and books that make you want to read just one more chapter…

How to submit: Use her form HERE.


Ben Grange (L. Perkins Literary)

Ben started out at a small publishing company in Salt Lake City, UT and proceeded to do internships at three literary agencies before working as the assistant at the JABberwocky Literary Agency. He decided he wanted to be an agent sometime along the line, and is happily growing an amazing list of clients.

How to Submit: Ben is closed to all queries except graphic novel submissions. If you have a graphic novel, please send Ben your query, along with 15 sample script pages (with illustrations, if you have them) and a full outline. Email:


Ms. Isabel Kaufman
(Fox Literary)

Fox Literary is a boutique agency which represents commercial and literary fiction, along with select works of nonfiction that have broad commercial appeal.

What she is seeking: Young adult fiction (all genres), science fiction/fantasy, romance, historical fiction, literary fiction, thrillers, horror, and graphic novels. "We're always interested in books that cross genres and reinvent popular concepts with an engaging new twist (especially when there’s a historical and/or speculative element involved). On the nonfiction side: narratives focused on travel, food, and the science of beauty, as well as microhistories of all things decadent and frivolous."

How to submit: Email a query letter and the first 5 pages of your manuscript IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL to Please include the name of the agent to whom the submission is directed in the salutation of your email.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the list of one hundred agents. You even have them sorted by category!


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