Tuesday, July 30, 2019

41 Calls for Submissions in August 2019 - Paying markets

Creative Commons - Nick Youngston
There are more than three dozen calls for submissions in August.  All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees.

As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from speculative fiction to poetry to personal essays.

NOTE: I post upcoming calls for submissions at the end of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on upcoming calls for submissions by checking that page periodically. (I only post paying markets.)


Cats. And Bikes. In SpaceGenre: Short stories that feature both cats and bicycles or bicycling in a way that is essential to the story; be fundamentally feminist, even if they aren’t explicitly addressing feminism as a topic; and fall somewhere in the science fiction and fantasy spectrum (sorry, no fanfic, but all other fantastical and speculative genres are welcome). Black and white illustrations are also sought. Payment: A portion of profits after expenses from the Kickstarter project used to fund the book is split between contributors; payments are not less than $30 each. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Blood Bath Zine: HauntingsGenre: Horror. "Haunted houses, poltergeists, haunted objects, personal hauntings; all are welcomed, the only criteria for written submissions being that there must be a ghost (or a character’s belief in a ghost) that is linked to an object, place or person." Payment: £20 per 1,000 words for prose, £20 per 15 lines for poetry, and £20 per image for visual art. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Silent Motorist Media: The Nightside CodexGenre: Horror: Weird horror fiction about haunted or cursed books, manuscripts, or online media for their second anthology. Think Thomas Ligotti, Nathan Ballingrud, Caitlin R. Kiernan, and the fiction published in Vastarien. Payment: $25. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Dark Peninsula Press: Negative Space – An Anthology of Survival HorrorGenre: Horror. "Negative Space, will focus on the survival horror genre of video games, made popular by such legendary franchises as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Amnesia." Payment: $25. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Underland Press: EighteenGenre: Mystery, crime, dark fantasy, horror, and other speculative types of fiction. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Timeworn Literary JournalGenre: Historical fiction stories under 5,000 words. Must be set before 1996. "We're looking for "Historical Fiction from the fringe." Work with a bend toward the surreal, the dream-like, the strange. The offbeat kind of story that settles into your heart long after reading. That said, we also value beauty and warmth and a generally well-written story with soul. Romance, Mystery, Crime and the Gothic are all acceptable. Speculative elements strongly encouraged." Payment: $25. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

The First LineGenre: Short stories that begin with the first line provided by the journal. (See site.) Payment: $25-50 for fiction, $5-10 for poetry, $25 for nonfiction. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Third Flatiron: LongevityGenre: Speculative fiction on the theme of Longevity.  Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: August 3, 2019.

Havok. Genre: Mystery, scifi, comedy, thriller, and fantasy on theme of Stories that Sing. Length: 300 to 1,000 words  Payment: $10. Deadline: August 9, 2019.

HavokGenre: Mystery, scifi, comedy, thriller, and fantasy on theme of The 80s. Length: 300 to 1,000 words  Payment: $10. Deadline: August 9, 2019.

Third Point PressGenre: Poetry and fiction. Payment: $10. Deadline: August 14, 2019.

Ruminate. Ruminate welcomes submissions that both subtly and overtly engages faith from all the world religions. Genre: Fiction. Payment: $20/400 words for prose. Deadline: August 14, 2019.

Luna Station QuarterlyRestrictions: Open to women. Genre: Speculative fiction. Payment: $5. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Psychopomp. Genre: Short story, up to 5,000 words. Payment: 2 cents a word up to $100 (and starting at a minimum of $5). Deadline: August 15, 2019.

El Chapo Review. Genre: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry;1000 words max. Payment: $100.  Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Outlook SpringsGenre: "Weird, wobbly wordwork: fiction, nonfiction, and poetry." Payment: $10 per poem, $10 per flash piece (under 1,000 words), $25 for short fiction and essays (over 1,000 words). Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Lonely Cryptid Media Anthology: Fireweed: Stories from the Revolution. Genre: Poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art related to the current political moment, whether explicitly or implicitly. Of particular interest are works which celebrate resistance. Payment: $25 upon acceptance, plus 1% of sales in the first month. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

GayGenre: Cultural criticism; thoughtful, clever and beautiful personal essays; short fiction; original artwork and photography. See themesPayment: $1 a word for work up to 3,500 words in length. Deadline: August 17, 2019.

Flame Tree Press: Detective Thrillers. Genre: Fantasy short stories about detective thrillers. Payment: 8 cents/6 pence per word for new work, and 6 cents/4 pence per word for reprints.  Deadline: August 18, 2019.

Flame Tree Press: Dying PlanetGenre: Fantasy short stories on theme of a dying planet. Payment: 8 cents/6 pence per word for new work, and 6 cents/4 pence per word for reprints.   Deadline: August 18, 2019.

Speculative City. Genre: Speculative fiction, poetry, and essays on theme of Industry. Payment:  $20-$75. Deadline: August 19, 2019.

Underwater New York. Genre: Fiction, poetry, film, painting, installation, music, animation, essay, and collaborative or hybrid forms inspired by their list of underwater objects or by New York City’s diverse waterways and waterfronts. They are particularly interested in the theme of LABOR and WORK. Payment: $50. Deadline: August 19, 2019.

Signal HorizonGenre: Horror and science fiction with a dark or weird edge. Payment: 3 cents/word, capped at $90. Deadline: August 21, 2019.

Uncanny MagazineGenre: Speculative fiction and poetry. Payment: 8 cents/word for fiction, $30/poem, $60 for essays, $100 for reprint art. Deadline: August 29, 2019.

Fireside Quarterly. Genre: Short stories, poetry, nonfiction, art. Payment: 12.5 cents per word.  Deadline: August 30, 2019.

ApparitionGenre: Poetry and fiction on theme of Euphoria. Payment: $0.01 per word, minimum of 10.00 dollars. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Fireside Fiction publishes novels and novellas (20,000-120,000 words). Genre: Fantasy, speculative fiction, and mystery. They are open to all genres as long as the writing is good. Payment: They don’t pay advances, but Fireside offers royalties on sales of all books  Read their submission guidelines hereDeadline: August 31, 2019.

WesterlyGenre: Short stories, poetry, memoir and creative non-fiction, essays and literary criticism. PaymentPoems: $120 for one poem or $150 for two or more poems; Stories: $180; Articles: $180; Visual art/Intro essay: $120; Reviews: $100; Online Publication: $100. "We expect our contributors to be subscribers of the Magazine. While we will accept submissions from non-subscribers, should your work be accepted for publication in this instance, you will be asked to accept a subscription to the Magazine as part payment for your work." Deadline: August 31, 2019.

The ForgeGenre: Fiction, nonfiction up to 3,000 words. Payment: $50. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

aptGenre: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and comics that address climate change. Payment: $50. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Sincyr: A Literary-Lover’s AnthologyGenre: Romance. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: August 31, 2019

FoundryGenre: Poetry. Payment: $20 per poem. Deadline: August 31, 2019

Mud Season ReviewGenre: Poetry, Fiction, CNF. Payment: $50. Deadline: August 31, 2019

The RumpusGenre: Personal essays on Monsters. Payment: Writers split a $300 pool. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Bright Wall/Dark Room. Theme: Second Acts. Genre: Essays, criticism, poetry, reportage, interviews, and short humor pieces. Payment: $50 per story. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors. Genre: Speculative short stories. "What happens when we make monsters? What happens when we confront the monsters inside ourselves? These are the grotesque things that should never have been." Payment: 5c / word U.S. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Grub Street Grackle. Genre: Poetry and fiction. Payment: $20 - $50 for print edition. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Songs of EretzGenre: Poetry, cover art on theme of Hallowe’en & Horror. Payment: $5.  DeadlineAugust 31, 2019.

The Secret Lunar Wars Anthology. Genre: Alternate history short stories. "The Secret Lunar Wars is an anthology of alternate history short stories that explains what was really going on during the period of time from the first suborbital rocket launches in 1956 to the fall of Skylab from orbit in 1979." Payment: Royalties. DeadlineAugust 31, 2019.

Consequence Magazine: The Culture of War. Genre: Short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, and visual art mainly focused on the culture of war. Payment: $10/page for prose (up to $250), $25/page for poetry, $15/page for translations (up to $250). DeadlineAugust 31, 2019.

Chronically Lit. Genre: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction that relates to chronic illness in some way. Payment: $10. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

33 Writing Contests in August 2019 - No entry fees

There are over two dozen contests in August for short stories, poetry, essays, scripts, and books in every genre. None charge entry fees. Prizes range from hundreds of thousands of dollars to publication. Some accept self-published work. As always, read the restrictions to make sure you qualify.

If you want to get a jump on next month's contests go to Free Contests. Most of these contests are offered annually, so even if the deadline has passed, you can prepare for next year.

Good luck!


The Governor General’s Literary AwardsRestrictions: Books must have been written, translated or illustrated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Genre: Best English-language and the best French-language book will be chosen in each of the seven categories of Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Children’s Literature (text), Children’s Literature (illustrated books) and Translation (from French to English). Prize: $1,000 - $25,000. Deadline: Nominations by publishers for books in English must reach the Canada Council no later than August 1, 2019.

The Miracle Monocle Award for Ambitious Student WritersRestrictions: Authors must be currently enrolled as students (high school, undergraduate, or graduate). Genre: All. Prize: $200. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Milwaukee Irish FestGenre: Poetry. Entries should have a culture/literary relation to either Ireland, Irish-America, or to Irish poetry. Prize: $100. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Epigram Books Fiction PrizeRestrictions: Authors must be Singaporean, Singaporean permanent resident or Singapore-born. Genre: A full-length, original and unpublished novel written in the English language. Prize: $20,000. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Leeway Foundation Art and Change GrantsRestrictions: Writers living in Bucks, Camden, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia counties Delaware who are 18 years of age or older and who are not full-time students in a degree-granting arts program are eligible. Genres: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction. Prize: $2500.  Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Boardman Tasker PrizeRestrictions: Books published between 1st August 2017 and 31st July 2019 in the UK. Genre: Books with mountain,not necessarily mountaineering, theme whether fiction, non-fiction, drama or poetry, written in the English language. Prize: £3,000.00. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Delaware Division of the Arts Individual Artist FellowshipsRestrictions: Delaware poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers who have lived in Delaware for at least one year prior to application and who are not enrolled in a degree-granting program. Genres: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction. Prize: Established Professional Fellowships of $6,000 each and Emerging Artist Fellowships of $3,000 each. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Pen 2 Paper Creative Writing CompetitionRestrictions: Open to writers with disabilities. Genre: Fiction, poetry, CNF, graphic novel. Prize: One Grand Prize winner will receive $500 USD, and a 1st Place winner in each of the four divisions will receive $100 USD. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Costa Short Story AwardRestrictions: Open to writers in the UK or Ireland. Genre: Short story (maximum 4,000 words). Prize: £3,000. Deadline: August 1, 2019.

Bethune & Son Texas Short Story CompetitionGenre: Unpublished short stories with the Texas theme: "Black Gold." Prize: up to $1,000. Deadline: August 2, 2019.

Frieze Writers' PrizeGenre: Essay: Art Criticism. Aspiring art critics are invited to submit one unpublished review of a recent contemporary art exhibition, which should be 500 words in length. Prize: The winner will be commissioned to write a review for frieze magazine and will be awarded GBP£2,000. Deadline: August 5, 2019.

Oregon Literary Fellowships. Fellowships of $3,000 each are given annually to Oregon writers to initiate, develop, or complete literary projects in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. One Women Writers Fellowship and one Writer of Color Fellowship of $3,000 each are also given annually. Submit three copies of up to 15 pages of poetry or 25 pages of prose with the required entry from. Deadline: August 9, 2019.

Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales Poetry PrizeRestrictions: Poets living in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., or West Virginia. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $500, publication by Broadkill River Press, ten author copies, and two cases of Dogfish Head craft beer. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Ligonier Valley WritersGenre: Flash fiction on theme of Elves and/or Fairies;1000 words max. Prize: The first prize winner will receive $50, second prize $25, and third prize $15. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Headway Quarterly Writing ContestGenre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction. Theme is color—whatever that means to you—but should also be limited to 350 words in length. Prize: $100. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Scotiabank Giller PrizeRestrictions: Open to books published in Canada in English between July 1, 2019 and Sept 30, 2019. Must  be nominated by publisher. Genre: Fiction. Full-length novel or collection of short stories published in English, either originally, or in translation. Prize: $100,000 to the winner and $10,000 to each of the finalists. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary ExcellenceRestrictions: Emerging African American writers.  Genres: Short story collection or novel published in the current year. Prize: $10,000.    Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Montgomery County Writing ContestRestrictions: Open to residents of Montgomery County, Maryland. Genre: Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Prize: $250. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

PEN/Phyllis Naylor Working Writer FellowshipRestrictions: Candidates must have published one or more novels for children or young adults that have been warmly received by literary critics, but have not generated sufficient income to support the author. Genre: Book-length children's or young-adult fiction. Prize: $5000. Deadline: August 15, 2019.

Bodley Head/Financial Times Essay PrizeRestrictions: open to anyone between 18 and 35 years old. Genre: "A dynamic, authoritative and lively essay of no more than 3,500 words in English, on any subject." Prize: £1,500 cash and an e-publication with The Bodley Head, publication in the FT of their winning essay and a mentoring session with The Bodley Head. Two runners-up will win £500 cash each and an e-publication with The Bodley Head. Deadline: August 16, 2019.

RBC Taylor PrizeRestrictions: Citizens or residents of Canada. Must be published author. Genre: Literary nonfiction. Prize: $25,000 (CAN). Deadline: August 26, 2019 for books published between June 1 and August 23, 2019.

Harvill Secker Young Translators' PrizeRestrictions: Open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 34. Genre: Short story translation from French to English. Entrants will translate an excerpt from the novel De purs hommes by Senegalese author Mohamed Mbougar Sarr. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: August 30, 2019.

On The Premises Short Story Contest. "For this contest, write a creative, compelling, well-crafted story between 1,000 and 5,000 words long in which some kind of tradition(s) play(s) an important role." Prize: Winners receive between US$60 and US$220, and publication. Deadline: August 30, 2019.

Tidbits Micro Fiction Contest: Wishes. Genre: Microfiction about wishes. Prize: $300, $150, $50. Deadline: August 30, 2019.

Kindle Storyteller Award (UK)Restrictions: The prize is open to all authors who publish their book through Kindle Direct Publishing on Amazon.co.uk. Genre: Book. Prize: £20,000. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Diana Woods Memorial Award in Creative NonfictionGenre: Essay, maximum 5,000 words. Prize: $250 top prize. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation or Multi-Lingual TextsRestrictions: Translators and authors of multi-lingual texts. Genres: Poetry and prose. Prize: $200. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Lee & Low Books New Voices Award is sponsored by Lee &Low Publishers. Restrictions: The contest is open to writers of color who are residents of the United States and who have not previously had a children’s picture book published. Genre: Children's books - fiction, nonfiction or poetry.  Prize: $1,000 and publication. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Preservation Foundation Essay Contest for Unpublished WritersRestrictions: The contest is open to writers whose creative writing has never produced revenues of over $750 in any single year. Genre: Nonfiction: Biographical Nonfiction, General Nonfiction, Travel Nonfiction, and Animal Nonfiction. Prize: First prize in each category will be $200. Runners-up will receive $100. Finalists will receive $50. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry PrizeRestrictions: Open to Upstate New York authors. Genre: Poetry collection, at least 48 pages long, published between July 1 of the previous year and June 30 of the deadline year. Prize: $2,000. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Jack Grapes Poetry PrizeGenre: Poetry. Prize: WINNERS will receive $200 each, plus publication. FINALISTS will receive $50 each, plus publication. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Jacques Maritain Prize for NonfictionGenre: Essay, Catholic themes. Prize: $500 top prize.    Deadline: August 31, 2019.

University of Southampton: Green Stories Writing CompetitionsGenre: Novel. Prize: For each category, £500, £100, £50, plus £50 for best student submission (18-25 years) and £50 for best < 18 year submission. (If a student or under 18 entry is the best overall then it will win first prize regardless if the entry is from a student and the student prize will go to the next best student entry); potential literary representation. Deadline: August 31, 2019.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

34 Great Writing Conferences in August 2019

Summer is the perfect time for writing conferences. This August there are conferences, intensive workshops, retreats and book fairs from coast to coast. You will also have a chance to pitch your work to agents, meet editors, and get to know your fellow writers. Conferences provide great opportunities to network, so make the most of your experience!

I strongly recommend that you plan ahead for next year if you miss your perfect conference or workshop. Many of these conferences offer scholarships, but you have to apply early.

For a month-by-month list of conferences throughout the year see: Writing Conferences. (You will also find links to resources that can help you find conferences in your area on that page.)


Fine Arts Work Center Summer Workshops (poetry, fiction, art, and creative nonfiction). June 9 - August 23, 2019, Provincetown, Massachusetts. The faculty and presenters include poets David Baker, Samiya Bashir, Jill Bialosky, Sophie Cabot Black, Gabrielle Calvocoressi, Martha Collins, Kate Daniels, Nick Flynn, Vievee Francis, Gabriel Fried, Jorie Graham, Marie Howe, Major Jackson, Fred Marchant, Gail Mazur, Jane Mead, John Murillo, Eileen Myles, Matthew Olzmann, Gregory Pardlo, Carl Phillips, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, Victoria Redel, Martha Rhodes, Brenda Shaughnessy, Nicole Sealey, Alan Shapiro, Carmen Giménez Smith, Craig Morgan Teicher, Brian Turner, Monica Youn, and Javier Zamora; fiction writers Joseph Cassara, Alexander Chee, Andre Dubus III, Julia Glass, Marcie Hershman, Pam Houston, Greg Jackson, Reif Larsen, Richard McCann, Ivy Pochoda, Sarah Schulman, Justin Torres, Laura van den Berg, Joan Wickersham, and Paul Yoon; and nonfiction writers Alysia Abbott, Hanif Abdurraqib, Elissa Altman, Garrard Conley, Melissa Febos, Tessa Fontaine, Paul Lisicky, Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich, Ander Monson, Wendy C. Ortiz, Sarah Ruhl, Dani Shapiro, Susanna Sonnenberg, and Marion Winik. Tuition ranges from $650 to $750.

Mendocino Coast Writers Conference. August 1 - 3, 2019: Mendocino, California. The conference features workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as craft talks, readings, manuscript consultations, open mics, and pitch sessions with agents and editors. The faculty includes poet Victoria Chang; fiction writers Ingrid Rojas Contreras, Charlotte Gullick, Mitali Perkins, Shobha Rao, and Scott Sigler; and nonfiction writers Myriam Gurba, Ismail Muhammad, and Jeannie Vanasco. Participating publishing professionals include agents Sarah Bowlin (Aevitas) and Rayhané Sanders (Massie & McQuilkin) and editors Andrew Karre (Dutton Books) and Philip Marino (Little, Brown). An optional post-conference daylong Publishing Boot Camp taught by Marino will be held on August 4. The registration fee, which includes most meals, is $575. One-on-one manuscript consultations are available for an additional $60. The Publishing Boot Camp is $150. Register by June 30.

The 2019 Writers' Police Academy: Mudercon. August 1 - 4, 2019: Raleigh, NC. MurderCon is a rare opportunity for writers to participate in hands-on “for law enforcement eyes only” training, using modern testing and evidence collection tools and equipment, in workshops taught by some of the world’s leading homicide investigation experts. This incredibly detailed, cutting-edge instruction has never before been available to writers, anywhere."

Your Guide to Graphic Novels 2019. August 1–4, 2019: Honesdale, PA. Learn about the narrative style of this highly engaging format. Writers and writer/illustrators at any level welcome.

Cape Cod Writers Center Conference. August 1 - 4, 2019: Hyannis, Massachusetts. The conference features workshops and craft classes in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as mentoring sessions with agents. Fiction writer Richard Russo will deliver the keynote. The faculty includes poet Enzo Silon Surin and fiction writers M. William Phelps, Marcella Pixley, and Tim Weed. Participating publishing professionals include editor Christina M. Frey (Editorial Freelancers Association), social media expert Bobbie Carlton, and agents Lori Galvin (Aevitas Creative Management), Steven Hutson (WordWise Literary), and Linda Konner (Linda Konner Agency). Tuition is $150 for a three-session course, $120 for a two-session course, or $70 for a single workshop. Manuscript consultations are available for an additional $150; query consultations with agents are available for an additional $25. General registration is $80.

Taylor's Professional Writers Conference. August 2 - 3, 2019: Upland, Indiana. 35 seminars covering General & First-timers, Fiction, Nonfiction, Platform & Marketing and Specialty Writing.

Florida Authors and Publishers Association Annual Conference. August 2 - 4, 2019: Orlando, Florida. "Our theme this year is Charting Your Course and our agenda includes speakers who will help you travel along the many paths you’ll take on your publishing journey. These “tour guides” will share the latest marketing trends, explore legal issues, translate printing and distribution challenges, help you discover the importance of making timely connections, and identify your destination by publishing with a purpose."

Willamette Writers Conference. August 2 - 4, 2019: Portland, Oregon. This year the conference will feature Celebrating Diverse Voices in Writing with three full days of classes, workshops, keynotes, critiques, and events. There are also Master Classes with industry professionals in which you can learn from top instructors in a small group setting and many options for one on one critique, including On the Spot Critiques and Advance Manuscript Critique. As always, they will have a roster of agents, editors and film executives ready to hear about your project.

Deadly Ink Mystery Conference. August 2 - 4, 2019: Rockaway, New Jersey. Guest of Honor: Wendy Corsi Staub, Toastmaster: R.G. Belsky, Fan Guest of Honor: Nikki Bonanni. Other authors: Eileen Watkins, Kate Gallison, Roberta Rogow, Vicki Weiseld, Carol Gyzander, Teal James Glen...and more...and more. Cost ranges from $75.00 to $250.00.

The 2019 Tennessee Writing Workshop. August 3, 2019, Nashville, TN. A full-day “How to Get Published” event. "This writing event is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor (optional), get your questions answered, and more."

Hurston/Wright Summer Writers Workshop. August 3 - 9, 2019: Washington, DC. For more than 20 years, the Hurston/Wright Summer Writers Workshop has offered a safe space for black writers in intensive workshop sessions and master classes. Workshops are led by award-winning writers who are influencing today’s literature. The program features critiques, craft talks, writing time and public readings. Hurston/Wright workshops serve emerging and experienced writers who are starting projects, developing projects or seeking to polish projects. More than a thousand writers have participated in workshops since the first session in 1996.

The Ins and Outs of a Picture Book and Its Many Forms 2019. August 4 -7, 2019: Honesdale, PA. Let three celebrated picture book authors help you navigate the ins and outs of the picture book form. The word count may be short, but the work is long. This hands-on workshop with Bethany Hegedus, Carmen Oliver & Salina Yoon will help you discover what you must write and how to get that work ready for submission to editors and agents.

Catamaran Writing Conference. August 4 - 8, 2019: Pebble Beach, CA. This poetry conference will be held on the campus of the Robert Louis Stevenson school. Spend each morning workshop with Dorianne Laux or Michelle Bitting (9:30-12:30), working on your poetry. The workshop meets four mornings (Monday-Thursday) and each participant will receive focused feedback from the group on their poems.  Workshop packets with group submissions will be available after July 15th.  You'll be invited to submit a writing sample for group feedback. Optional participant readings will be held. During registration you will be invited to indicate your poetry workshop instructor preference.

Haiku North America Conference. August 7 - 11, 2019, Winston Salem, NC. Conference devoted to haiku as a literary art. Includes presentations, readings, panels, bookfair, exhibits, banquet, anthology. ​Haiku North America is designed for, and open to, everyone—beginners and seasoned specialists alike.  We are expecting participants from Japan, Australia, Europe, and of course, Canada, Mexico, and the United States.  Workshops, performances, as well as readings, panels, and presentations for all levels of accomplishment will fill the four days, in addition to a very full Tanka Sunday plus for those interested.  HNA 2017 saw over 220 attendees.

Novel Beginnings: Building Strong Foundations ForYour Novel And Your Career 2019. August 8–11, 2019: Honesdale, PA. Get feedback on your novel AND guidance about your writing career from two experienced authors with great teaching and editing experience. Nothing is more important than laying strong foundations for both your novel and your writing career. Just as the choices you make at the start of your novel will have ripple effects throughout the entire book, the time you invest in establishing what’s important to you as an author will resonate throughout your entire writing journey. Our faculty will help you on your road to discovery as you lay down the cornerstones of your novel and your career.

Travel Writers & Photographers Conference. August 8–11, 2019: Corte Madera, Calif. Writing and photography workshops in the morning, a full afternoon of panels and discussions, and evening faculty presentations. There are optional, working field trips to explore the resources of the Bay Area. The faculty includes publishers, magazine editors, photographers, travel essayists, food writers, restaurateurs, guidebook writers, and more.

The 2019 Sacramento Writing Workshop. August 9, 2019: Sacramento, CA. A full-day “How to Get Published” event. "This writing event is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the course of one day, pitch a literary agent or editor (optional), get your questions answered, and more."

Colrain Intensive. August 9 - 12, 2019: Greenfield, MA. The Colrain Manuscript Intensive is a small, select, highly focused, 3-day conference designed for the evaluation and discussion of book-length manuscripts by editors and publishers. The intensive is open only to those who have attended a previous Colrain conference and/or those whose manuscript is close to publication (semi-finalist, finalist or publisher feedback), and/or those with previous book publication.

Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators Annual Conference. August 9 - 12, 2019: Los Angeles, California. More than 100 writers, editors, illustrators, & agents. Workshops, breakout sessions, manuscript and portfolio consultations, panels, discussions.

Whole Novel Workshop. August 11 - 17, 2019: Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Highlights Foundation. The Whole Novel Workshop is specifically designed for writers of middle-grade and young adult novels. This unique program offers the one-on-one attention found in degree programs, but without additional academic requirements, lengthy time commitments, or prohibitive financial investments. Our aim is to focus on a specific work in progress, moving a novel to the next level in preparation for submission to agents or publishers. Focused attention in an intimate setting makes this mentorship program one that guarantees significant progress.

Vermont College of Fine Arts Postgraduate Writers’ Conference. August 12 - 18, 2019: Montpelier, Vermont. The conference is designed for writers with graduate degrees or equivalent experience. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, craft classes, and individual consultations with faculty members. "At the heart of the Postgraduate Writers' Conference's unique model is the small workshop size, with groups led by acclaimed faculty limited to five or six writers. The intimate format allows for an extraordinarily in-depth, far-reaching discussion of participants’ work. Beyond the daily group sessions, each member has an individual consultation with the workshop instructor. The schedule also features a rich menu of readings by faculty and participants, craft talks, generative writing sessions and social events that galvanize our vibrant, inclusive community."

Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. August 14- 24, 2019: Ripton, VT. Workshops in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction are at the core of the conference. Each faculty member conducts a workshop that meets for five two-hour sessions over the course of the 10 days. Groups are kept small to facilitate discussion, and all participants meet individually with their faculty leaders to elaborate on workshop comments. Faculty members also offer lectures on issues around literary writing and one-hour classes on specific aspects of the craft. Readings by the faculty, conference participants, and guests take place throughout the day and into the night. Participants meet with visiting editors, literary agents, and publishers who provide information and answer questions, individually or in small groups.

Northwestern University Summer Writers’ Conference. August 15 - 17, 2019: Chicago, Illinois. "Join a community of writers at Northwestern University for a three-day institute on writing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The program, which is now in its 15th year, includes a diverse array of workshops, panels, keynote speakers, networking events, and literary readings. Learn how to escalate your plot, write a gut wrenching story, motivate your characters, and turn your nonfiction into narrative. Hear keynote presentations from award-winning authors, including Rebecca Makkai (The Great Believers). Get advice from publishers, agents, literary editors, critics, and published authors in all genres. You can also schedule an individual manuscript consultation with conference faculty. Writers at all levels of experience are welcome, as are writers of all genres and backgrounds. Come seek a fuller understanding of the craft—and business—of writing."

The Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference, August 16 - 19, 2019: West Coast Writers Conferences presents a full weekend of panels, workshops and presentations by educators, noted speakers, and industry professionals focused on the craft and business of writing.

Iota Short Prose Conference. August 16 - 19, 2019: Lubec, Maine. Workshops, craft discussions, readings, open mics, one-on-one meetings with faculty, and field trips to nearby locations for poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers. Faculty includes Beth Ann Fennelly and Sven Birkerts.

Murphy Writing of Stockton University: Live Free and Write. August 18 - 23, 2019: Sunapee, NH. "Combine an extended writing retreat with a relaxing summer vacation in the picturesque mountains of New Hampshire. This getaway blends our trademark challenging and supportive workshop experience with plenty of free time for you to write and bask in the refreshing New England summer." Current and past faculty includes Stephen Dunn, Sharon Olds, Gregory Pardlo, Barbara Hurd, Kathleen Graber, Carol Plum-Ucci, James Richardson, Mimi Schwartz, Peter E. Murphy and more.

Mystery Writers Conference. August 22 - 25, 2019: Corte Madera, CA. In this conference, mystery writers learn the clues to a successful writing career. Editors, agents, and publishers tell participants what they need to know to get published. Authors offer classes on setting, dialogue, suspense, point of view, and openings. They tell how to write about private eyes, amateur sleuths, and police protagonists, and how to create thrillers and historical mysteries. Panels of detectives, forensic experts, police, and other crime-fighting professionals provide information that allows crime fiction writers to put realism in their work.

Writer’s Digest Conference. August 22 - 25, 2019: New York City. Annual Writer's Digest Conference featuring: Pitch Slam, with more than fifty agents and editors in attendance, educational tracks devoted to publishing and self-publishing, platform and promotion, and the craft of writing,  speakers and instructors.

Killer Nashville Writers’ Conference. August 22 - 25, 2019: Nashville, TN. The Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference was created in 2006 by author/filmmaker Clay Stafford in an effort to bring together forensic experts, writers, and fans of crime and thriller literature. "At the conference, we try diligently to ensure that the weekend has something for every writer and lover of literature, and our sessions are structured to assist writers on multiple career levels. Our learning tracks tackle the craft of writing, business of writing, marketing, and forensics. Killer Nashville features nine breakout sessions for intense smaller group interaction, an authors’ bar (free for hotel guests), a moonshine and wine tasting, free agent/editor roundtable pitch sessions, a mock crime scene designed by special agents and other law enforcement professionals, cocktail receptions, the Guest of Honor Dinner and Awards Banquet, film previews, live music performances and—of course—all the great activities one can enjoy in downtown Nashville."

HippoCamp Creative Nonfiction Conference. August 23 - 25, 2019: Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This three-day creative writing conference in PA features 50+ notable speakers, engaging sessions in four tracks, interactive panels, readings, social activities, networking opps and optional, intimate pre-conference workshops.

DragonCon. August 29 - September 2, 2019: Atlanta, Ga. HUGE sci-fi event, with parade, autograph sessions, live performances, readings, wrestling (!), workshops on belly dancing, writing (yes, there's even some writing), art show. (This conference sounds really wild.)

WriterCon. August 30 - September 1, 2019: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. "Discover if self-publishing is the best option for your book–and how to self-publish easily. See what techniques and tools you need to be your own best editor. Find out how to pitch to an agent–by email and in person. Go over the 7 steps to creating your fiction novel, so it’s ROCK SOLID every time. Learn about ghostwriting, which can be a lucrative market for authors. Dive deeper into children’s writing, writing for computer games, poetry, screenplays, songs, cookbooks and more. Witness how to publish on Kindle step-by-step. Uncover the latest tips, tricks and tools for marketing your book–and yourself–effectively. Talk to top agents, editors, publishers and publicists, and MORE."

49 Writers Tutka Bay Retreat. August 30 - September 1, 2019: Tutka Bay, Alaska. Guest Instructor: Paul Lisicky.

CreativeNonfiction Crash Course: A Generative WeekendAugust 30 - September 1: Austerlitz, NY. Instructor: Chloe Caldwell. "There isn’t only one way to write creative nonfiction, personal essay, or memoir. In this three-day course we will explore the variety of structures this genre offers. Students will read and discuss contemporary and classic authors. Chloe will engage with students about their goals and specific writing needs."

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

14 Paying Markets for Mystery and Crime Stories

Hercule Poirot, Flickr, Jose Camoes Silva
Updated 8/18/23

Mysteries and thrillers are perennial favorites among readers. According to Simba Information, the only genre that beats mystery is romance. Even in second place, crime novels pull in more than $730 million a year. The subgenres span from cozy, to hardboiled, to police procedural, to cross-genre blends with science fiction, fantasy and romance.

If you write short form mysteries or thrillers, there are a number of markets you can submit your work to. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. Happy submitting!


The Dark City is dedicated to the "rough and tumble of the world of crime and violence." They prefer stories that have roots in reality but we do consider humorous situations and characters. "We hope to acquire stories that leave readers thinking about the characters and their dilemma." Length:1000 to 7500 words. Payment: $25.


They are interested in nearly every kind of mystery: stories of detection of the classic kind, police procedurals, private eye tales, suspense, courtroom dramas, stories of espionage, and so on. "We ask only that the story be about a crime (or the threat or fear of one). We sometimes accept ghost stories or supernatural tales, but those also should involve a crime." Payment: From 5 to 8¢ a word, sometimes higher for established authors.


Noir Nation: International Fiction publishes crime fiction, nonfiction, and noir poetry in print and Kindle editions. Its content is often dark, sometimes creepy, and sometimes humorous but always at the service of the literary imagination as it explores the darker regions of human experience. Payment: "Not much. But always."


Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine welcomes submissions from both new and established writers. "We publish every kind of mystery short story: the psychological suspense tale, the deductive puzzle, the private eye case—the gamut of crime and detection from the realistic (including the policeman's lot and stories of police procedure) to the more imaginative (including "locked rooms" and "impossible crimes"). We need hard-boiled stories as well as "cozies," but we are not interested in explicit sex or violence." Payment: From 5 to 8¢ a word, sometimes higher for established authors.


Mystery Tribune

Mystery Tribune publishes Fiction, Non-Fiction, Art and Photography, as well as Flash Fiction. "In our view, mystery is not limited to reading but can be a multi-sensory experience. It encompasses many artistic products such as photography, film, music and comics. Our aim is to excite and inspire our readers by showcasing the finest examples of such artistic work via publishing daily articles as well as print and digital issues." Payment: Honorarium for fiction and non-fiction for its print edition. "The amount of honorarium will be discussed with contributors upon acceptance of a piece and it depends on a number of criteria including profile of the author and previous collaborations with Mystery Tribune."


Shotgun Honey

"Established 2011, Shotgun Honey has been a steady outlet for crime, noir, and hard-boiled flash fiction. After a decade of submissions, we’ve seen nearly every permutation of the genre that can fit within this tiny 700 word world. So surprise us and send your best original crime flash stories." Payment: $15.


Tough is a crime fiction journal publishing short stories and self-contained novel excerpts of between 1500 words and 7500 words, and occasional book reviews and essays of 1500 words or fewer. "We are particularly interested in stories with rural settings. We are a crime journal." Payment: $50 for original stories, $25 for reprints.


Guilty publishes crime fiction. The term covers a wide range of potential topics and styles. However, there are some things they will not consider: Cozies, Police procedurals, Anything with a speculative element. Payment: $10. Has submission periods,


Gumshoe Review

Gumshoe Review accepts short fiction mysteries and nonfiction articles about the mystery field. The short stories should be no longer than 1,000 words. Payment: 5 cents per word to a maximum of $50 (so if the story is longer you still only get $50). 


Mystery Magazine (CANADA)

Mystery Magazine presents original short stories by the world’s best-known and emerging mystery writers. "The stories we feature in our monthly issues span every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries. Evocative writing and a compelling story are the only certainty." Payment: 2¢/word USD for accepted stories. Their average response time is 1-5 weeks.


"There are no setting requirements, but all stories submitted must be loosely categorized as “neo-noir.” We’re not looking for your grandfather’s noir fiction. We’re looking for new, unique voices and interpretations of dark literary fiction (crime, horror, speculative lit, etc) that fit into our rapidly evolving world." Payment: $50.


Black Cat Weekly is a weekly publication showcasing the best in original, modern, and classic mysteries, adventure stories, fantasy, and science fiction. Issues are (mostly) unthemed except around the holidays. (We run extra dark fantasy stories around Halloween, for example.) Payment: $15 - $50. Accepts reprints.


Cold Caller is a publisher of crime and mystery fiction, and we define those terms broadly. We're looking for stories of bad decisions and worse consequences; unlucky losers who can't catch a break; grifters and con men convinced they're about to score big; good men and women who have very good reasons to do terrible things. Payment: $125.


We're looking for dark fiction, crime and noir, length between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Payment: $25. Open to submissions the first week of every month.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

3 UK Agents Seeking Literary Fiction, Nonfiction, Kidlit, Commercial Fiction

Updated 10/30/20

Here are three UK agents actively seeking clients. Tim Bates is particularly interested in pop culture, narrative and serious non-fiction, food-writing, nature and the outdoors, sport and commercial non-fiction and fiction of all forms. Josephine Hayes is on the look-out for exciting new voices in commercial children’s fiction for all ages, particularly pacy and adventurous middle grade and teen fiction with lots of heart. James Wills is looking for commercial and literary fiction as well as narrative non-fiction, including history, sport, science, popular music, comedy and website/blog-based material.

Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients


Mr. Tim Bates of Peters Fraser & Dunlop

Tim Bates is a Senior Agent in the Books Division. He joined PFD after being an agent with Pollinger Limited for nearly 10 years. Before becoming an agent, he worked in various positions in publishing, including at Penguin Books, where he was Commissioning Editor for Penguin Classics.

What he is seeking: Tim represents a wide range of authors and is particularly interested in pop culture, narrative and serious non-fiction, food-writing, nature and the outdoors, sport and commercial non-fiction and fiction of all forms.

How to submit: Please send the first three chapters of your novel or non-fiction project, as well as a full synopsis. In the body of the email, please write a query letter, including brief details about your writing career. tbates@pfd.co.uk

Ms. Josephine Hayes of The Blair Partnership


Josephine Hayes is an Agent. Her all-time favourite children’s book is Back Home by Michelle Magorian, the author of Goodnight Mister Tom, both books that I read countless times growing up.

What she is seeking: She is predominantly on the look-out for exciting new voices in commercial children’s fiction for all ages, particularly pacy and adventurous middle grade and teen fiction with lots of heart. She’s after strong characters and unusual heroes that you fall in love with and worry about when you’re not reading, and gripping plots that keep you totally engrossed.

How to submit: Please attach the first three chapters of your manuscript with a one page synopsis, or, in the case of non-fiction, your proposal document alongside a writing sample, to: submissions@theblairpartnership.com


Mr. James Wills of Watson, Little Ltd

James Wills looks after a dynamic and wide-ranging list of writers. He has a BA in English and Italian and an MA in 20th Century Literature from the University of Leeds and is passionate about reading and good writing. He is hugely enthusiastic about his authors’ work and is always searching for new, exciting material. James was Secretary of the Association of Authors’ Agents from 2009-2011.

What he is seeking: "I am looking for striking, quirky, character-driven, commercial and literary fiction that is thrilling, bold and beautifully written. My interests range from the decidedly off-beat to the unashamedly popular side of popular culture but I am always looking for writers with an edge who are experts in their fields. At present, I’d particularly love to see strong, narrative non-fiction, including history, sport, science, popular music, comedy and website/blog-based material.”

How to submitSend all queries to submissions@watsonlittle.com. For fiction, send the first 10,000 words or the nearest equivalent. Please send this as a single document. For nonfiction send a proposal.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

3 New Agents Actively Seeking Nonfiction, Graphic Novels, Kidlit, Memoirs, Fantasy & more

Updated 8/17/23

Here are three new agents actively building their client lists. Joseph Perry is actively acquiring nonfiction and fiction, including literary fiction, historical fiction, graphic novels, legal thrillers, and picture books, as well as trade and academic nonfiction.

Stephanie Winter is actively seeking diverse and inclusive representation in Upmarket, Commercial, Historical, and Women’s Fiction, in addition to urban and magical fantasies, cozy mysteries, dramatic comedies, light romances, and genre-bending narratives. Within non-fiction, she’s interested in Humor, Pop Culture, Pop Psychology, Memoir, cultural or event-based History, select Dessert Cookbooks, LGBTQ+ narratives, and essay collections.

Charlotte Wenger is interested in working with authors and illustrators of children's books—board books through YA, but especially picture books—as well as adult nonfiction, particularly biographies and memoirs.

Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients


Ms. Charlotte Wenger of Prospect Agency

"I honed my love of stories by getting a BA in English and theatre from Eastern Mennonite University. After graduating, I worked as a project manager and editor for Scribe, a Philadelphia-based publishing services company, for three years. To follow my passion for books and children, I moved to Boston to earn a master’s in Children’s Literature from Simmons College (now University). I interned at Charlesbridge (editorial) and Candlewick (sales), and after grad school, I interned with literary agent Rubin Pfeffer for a year. Prior to joining Prospect Agency, I was an associate editor for just over two years with Page Street Kids, where I acquired and edited more than twenty picture books and grew relationships with authors, illustrators, agents, and other editors."

What she is seeking: "I'm interested in working with authors and illustrators of children's books—board books through YA, but especially picture books—as well as adult nonfiction, particularly biographies and memoirs."

How to submit: Please submit a query letter, three chapters and a brief synopsis via the online form HERE. If you are submitting a picture book text, please submit the entire manuscript. Illustrators should provide a link to their URL.


Joseph Perry of Perry Literary

Joseph Perry is a new agent at Perry Literary, Inc. Before founding Perry Literary, Joseph began his book publishing career when he attended the New York University Summer Publishing Institute in 2010. After interning at FinePrint Literary Management, Joseph enrolled at St. John’s University School of Law to learn about the legal aspects of publishing and graduated with a juris doctor in 2015.

During law school, Joseph interned in the legal departments at Hachette Book Group; Rodale, Inc.; and William Morris Endeavor, as well as the subsidiary rights department at Columbia University Press. Joseph also holds a B.A. and M.A. in English from St. Bonaventure University.

What he is seeking: Joseph is actively acquiring nonfiction and fiction.

Within nonfiction, he has a particular interest in music and sports. Specifically, he’s interested in music books about the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, as well as sports books about football, basketball, baseball, running, and golf.

He is also interested in trade and academic books about film; pop culture; biography; politics; current affairs; law; medicine; journalism; history (in particular 20th Century US history and US legal history); business books (biography, history, technology, and economics); cookbooks; food and wine; parenting; philosophy; photography; psychology; science and technology; and social sciences.

Within fiction, he is acquiring literary fiction, historical fiction, graphic novels, legal thrillers, and picture books. He does not acquire fantasy, science fiction, romance, and middle grade or YA fiction.

How to submit: Queries should be sent to jperry@perryliterary.com with the words “QUERY (the title of the manuscript)” in the subject line. Please submit a query letter and the first ten pages of your manuscript within the body of the email (not as an attachment, please). If submitting a picture book, please include the entire manuscript.


Stephanie Winter of KO Media Management (CANADA)

Stephanie Winter is a multi-passionate booklover, specializing in visual works across genres and age categories, including graphic novels and nonfiction. From horror and thrillers to queer romance, her tastes in prose and illustration are varied and expansive. Stephanie holds a BA in English from the University of Toronto, a MA in English: Issues in Modern Culture from University College London, UK, and is a member of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival Board of Directors. Stephanie joined the KOMM team in early 2024 and brings with her 10+ years of combined academic, publishing, and bookselling experience.

What she is seeking: As an agent, I acquire across three pillars: nonfiction, graphic novels & picture books for young readers, and select adult fiction in upmarket and thriller categories. I lovingly describe my list as geeky, young at heart, and queer-affirming.

How to submit: Follow the agency guidelines HERE.
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