Tuesday, March 27, 2018

24 Calls for Submissions in April 2018 - Paying markets

There are 23 calls for submissions in April. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees.

As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from speculative fiction to poetry to personal essays.

NOTE: I post upcoming calls for submissions at the end of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on upcoming calls for submissions by checking that page periodically. (I only post paying markets.)


Bikes in Space: DragonsGenre: Feminist bicycle science fiction on theme of "Dragons." Payment: Not less than $30 per story. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

West BranchGenres: Poetry, fiction, CNF. Payment: $50 per poem, 5 cents per word for prose.Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Upstaged: an anthology of women who love women in performing artsGenre: Stories about lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, and queer women who strut their stuff before a live audience. Payment: $40. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

GeometryGenre: Poetry, short stories, art, creative nonfiction. Payment: $10-$50 for poetry, and 1-3 cents per word for fiction and nonfiction. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Splickety: Heirs and SparesGenre: Flash fiction, between 300 and 1,000 words long. "Life as a teenage royal is flashy and glamorous… until trouble strikes in the palace. Weave us tales of royal drama among the monarchy’s younger members—contested thrones, unwilling heirs, coups, and intrigue. The stakes are kingdoms, and the loser stands to lose his (or her) head." Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: April 6, 2018.

ShooterGenre: Poetry, fiction and CNF on the theme of Dirty Money. "Send us stories, essays, reported narratives and poetry on anything to do with dough, whether rolling in it or scrounging for it. We want to read about playboys and girls, corrupt bankers, hard-up students, entrepreneurs, gamblers, thieves, grafters – anyone affected by money in any compelling way. Are riches really the root of all evil, or the key to the world’s delights?" Payment: £25 per story and £5 per poem. Deadline: April 8, 2018.

CricketGenres: YA poetry, fiction, essays on the theme of Family. CICADA is a YA lit/comics magazine committed to work that speaks to teens’ truths. Payment: Fiction: up to 10¢ per word, Nonfiction: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum. Deadline: April 13, 2018.

Electric Lit. Genre: Essays. "We’re particularly interested in pieces that examine the intersection of the literary experience and other creative endeavors: film, fine art, music, video games, science, tech, architecture." Payment: $50. Deadline: April 13, 2018.

Rattle: Unpublished PoetsGenre: Poetry. Payment: $100. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

The RushGenre: "We seek high-energy pieces that reflect the rush of life." Payment: "We’re delighted to be able to pay writers.” Deadline: April 15, 2018. 

Helios MagazineTHEME: “20/20” Genres: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art. Payment: $0.03 USD per word for the first 1,500 words and $0.01 USD after for short stories, and $0.25 USD a line for poetry. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Confrontation MagazineGenres: Fiction, poetry, non-fiction (worldwide). Payment: $175-$250 for fiction, $75-$100 per work for poetry. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Third FlatironGenre: Speculative fiction, Space opera, SF, physics. Theme is "Galileo's Theme Park." Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Spider MagazineGenres: Stories, poems, articles for children on theme of Over the Rainbow. "We are looking for LGBTQAI+ inclusive fiction, poetry, and non-fiction manuscripts. We would like to see warm family stories, an entire story without gender pronouns, children with different gender expressions, and gentle realistic or metaphorical coming out stories. We are especially interested in matter-of-fact stories where being different isn’t the heart of the story, but part of the character’s identity." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum, Activities and recipes: $75.00 flat rate. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Circlet Press Asexual Romance Anthology. Genre: Short fiction on topic of romance for characters uninterested in sex. Stories should generally be between 2500 and 8500 words (though we’re flexible for a great story). Originals only, no reprints. Payment: $25, with the additional rights to a print edition later which would also pay $25. Deadline: April 15th.

Gathering Storm Magazine. Genre: Fiction, poetry. Themes: When in Rome, do as Romans do, The Elephant in the Room, Seek and ye Shall Find, Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right. Payment: $25 for fiction, $10 for poetry. Deadline: April 20, 2018.

Field MagazineGenre: Poetry and poetics. Payment: $15 per page ($5 - $50+ per poem, according to Duotrope.) Deadline: April 30, 2018.

FIYAHGenre: Speculative fiction and poetry about Africa Diaspora. Theme is Music. "Send us all of your stories featuring music as magic, music as catalyst, or whatever your devious little hearts come up with." Payment: $150 per story. $50 per poem. $300 per novelette. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Snafu: Military HorrorGenre: Military horror. "Think doom, resident evil, terminator, dog soldiers, aliens (the second movie, not the first)… anything that can be called a high-action monster story. And soldiers! We want extreme action, and it has to be military or paramilitary action. Can be mercs or ex-soldiers, though, so long as they are hardcases." 2000-10,000 words. Payment: AUD4c/word and one contributor copy. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Midnight WritersGenre: Stories of every genre on theme "Animal-themed Apocalypse." The apocalypse can be big or small (the larger scale the better), but it must include an animal as a major part of the story. The animal can be the cause of the apocalypse, the salvation from the apocalypse, or the pet that helps the one hero get through it all. It can even be from the animal's point of view." Payment: $10. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Mad Scientist Journal: Battling in All Her FineryGenre: Speculative fiction stories about women leaders in any field. Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Queer Around the World: An LGBTQ+ True Stories AnthologyGenre: True stories about travel and culture. Payment: $25 for fiction, $10 for poetry. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Elf Saga Anthology. Genre: High fantasy. Payment: $50. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

UFO: Unidentified Funny Objects. Genre: Funny speculative fiction. Payment: 10 cents/word.  Deadline: April 30, 2018.


(These calls have deadlines on May 1, but sometimes the submission window closes a day early so, to be safe, submit in April.)

Mud Season ReviewGenre: Fiction up to 7,000 words, poetry. Payment: $50. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Carte BlancheGenres: Fiction, poetry, CNF, art, photography. Payment: Modest. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Hashtag Queer. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction up to 7,500 words, poetry up to 5 pages and scripts for the stage and screen up to 10 pages. Payment: $5 per printed page. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Lethe Press: The DecadentsGenre: Gay male short stories. Stories should be set during the 18th or 19th century. Payment: Payment for reprints is 1.5 cents per word. Payment for original fiction is 5 cents a word. Deadline: May 2018 (no date).

The FantasistGenre: Steam Punk. Length: Stories must be at least 15,000 words and at most 50,000. Payment: $100. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Monday, March 26, 2018

34 Writing Contests in April 2018 - No entry fees

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There are nearly three dozen free writing contests in April. As always, every form and genre is represented.

There are prizes for novels, poetry, short stories, essays, works of nonfiction, translations and more. Some of these contests have age and regional restrictions, so be sure to check submission guidelines before submitting.

Many contests are offered annually, so if you miss your ideal contest this year, you can always enter next year. For a month-by-month list of free contests see: Writing Contests. (You can also get a jump on next month's contests by checking that page periodically.)

Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. Now in its 17th year, this contest seeks today's best humor poems, published and unpublished. Please enter one poem only, 250 lines max. Prize: $2,250 in prizes, including a top prize of $1,000, and publication on Winning Writers. Deadline: April 1, 2018. See submission form HERE.

Fall Lines: Saluda River Prize for Poetry / Broad River Prize for ProseGenres: Poetry, flash fiction, essays, short fiction. Prizes: Two $250 cash prizes, and publication. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Descant. Each year, descant offers four awards:
  • the $500 Frank O’Connor Award for fiction (for the best short story in a issue)
  • the $250 Gary Wilson Award (for an outstanding story in an issue)
  • the $500 Betsy Colquitt Award for poetry (for the best poem or series of poems by a single author in an issue)
  • the $250 Baskerville Publishers Award (for an outstanding poem or poems by a single author in an issue
There is no application process or reading fee. All published submissions are eligible for prize consideration. Simply submit your work. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Wax Poetry and Art Poetry ContestGenre: Poem. (Enter 1 poem for free. There is a charge for additional poems.) Prize: $120. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

The Great American Think-OffGenre: Essay on the theme: “Which plays a larger role in shaping one’s life: success or failure?” Entrants should take a strong stand agreeing or disagreeing with this topic, basing their arguments on personal experience and observations rather than philosophical abstraction. Essay should be no more than 750 words. Prize: One of four $500 cash prizes. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Wick Poetry Center High School Poetry CompetitionRestrictions: Open to Ohio high school seniors. Genre: Poetry. Prize: One-time $1,500 scholarship to Kent State University. Second and third prize winners receive $1,000 and $500 one-time scholarships. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

The Marguerite and Lamar Smith Fellowship for Writers. Carson McCullers Center for Writers and Musicians awards fellowships for writers to spend time in McCullers' childhood home in Columbus, Georgia. The fellowships are intended to afford the writers in residence uninterrupted time to dedicate to their work, free from the distractions of daily life and other professional responsibilities. Award: Stipend of $5000 to cover costs of transportation, food and other incidentals. Fellowship recipients will be required to introduce or advance their work through reading or workshop/forum presentations. The Fellow will work with the McCullers Center Director to plan a presentation near the end of the residency. Deadline: April 1, 2018. 

Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-FictionRestrictions: The writer must be Canadian, and an entry must be the writer's first or second published book of any type or genre and must have a Canadian locale and/or significance. Genre: Print books and ebooks of creative non-fiction published in the previous calendar year. Prize: C$10,000.00. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Betsy Colquitt Award for Poetry/Frank O'Connor Award for Short FictionGenres: Short stories and poetry. Prize: $500 Frank O’Connor Award for fiction. $500 Betsy Colquitt Award for poetry.  Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Small But Mighty. Restrictions: Children ages 7-11 and 12-15. Genre: Fiction and poetry. Prize: Writing supplies, certificate, and publication on website. Deadline: April 1, 2018.

The Waterston Desert Writing PrizeGenre: Literary nonfiction, desert theme. Prize: $1,500.  Deadline: April 1, 2018.

Fairytalez Gender Swap Contest. "Write a new version of a classic fairy tale or folk tale and change the gender roles within, plus add other elements if you like." Genre: Fairy tales with role reversals.  Prize: $200 Amazon gift certificate. Deadline: April 6, 2018.

Limnisa Short Story CompetitionGenre: Short story under 3,000 words on theme of Plastic. Prize: One-week, all-inclusive writers' retreat or workshop in 2017 or 2018 in Limnisa, Greece and online publication, or five online personal tutoring sessions instead. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

William Saroyan Writing ContestRestrictions: Open to students in 1st grade through college.  Genre: Short story, 2 pages. Prize: $50 - $100. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Harold U. Ribalow PrizeGenre: Fiction on a Jewish theme, published books onlyPrize: $3,000.  Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Monash Undergraduate Prize for Creative Writing. "The Prize is a significant literary award for new and emerging writers. The prize is open to both Australian and New Zealand university students, enrolled in either an undergraduate or honours degree. All types of creative writing will be accepted, including short stories, non-fiction narrative and narrative verse." Prize: $4000.  Deadline: April 15, 2018. 

Scotiabank Giller PrizeRestrictions: Open to books published in Canada in English. Books must be published in Canada in English between March 1, 2018 and April 30, 2018 to be eligible for the 2018 Prize. Must  be nominated by publisher. Genre: Fiction. Full-length novel or collection of short stories published in English, either originally, or in translation. Prize: $100,000 to the winner and $10,000 to each of the finalists. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

McLaughlin-Esstman-Stearns First Novel Prize is awarded to the author of the best first novel published in the previous calendar year. Restrictions: Only American authors publishing in English are eligible. Non-eligible books include short story collections, flash fiction, memoirs, biographies and books published solely in electronic format. Prize: $500. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

Go Ape Children's Writing CompetitionRestrictions: Open to UK children aged 4-7 and 8-12. Parents/guardians are encouraged to enter on behalf of their child. Genre: Adventure stories. Stories must be between 100 and 500 words. Prize: Various prizes: gift vouchers, family holidays. Deadline: April 15, 2018.

The Lucien Stryk Asian Translation PrizeGenre: Book-length translation of Asian poetry into English. Both translators and publishers are invited to submit titles. Book must have been published in previous year. Prize: $5,000. Deadline: April 16, 2018.

American Literary Translators Association Italian Prose in Translation AwardGenre: Translation of a recent work of Italian prose (fiction or literary non-fiction). Both translators and publishers are invited to submit titles. Book must have been published in previous year. Prize: $5,000. Deadline: April 16, 2018.

Hiett Prize in the Humanities. The Hiett Prize in the Humanities is an annual award aimed at identifying candidates who are in the early stages of careers devoted to the humanities and whose work shows extraordinary promise and has a significant public component related to contemporary culture.  Restrictions: All applicants must reside in the United States. Prize: $50,000. Deadline: April 20, 2018.

Tell a Tale Gothic Writing CompetitionRestrictions: Open to UK residents only. Genre: 500-word tale of terror using the following quotation as inspiration. “It might be possible, of course, that far from being one, we may possess two selves.” Prize: £300 and many other goodies including signed Jekyll and Hyde posters. Deadline: April 21, 2018.

James White AwardRestrictions: Non-professional authors from anywhere in the world. Genre: Previously unpublished science fiction stories of 6000 words or less, but the stories must be written in English. Prize: £200 plus publication in Interzone. Deadline: April 27, 2018.

Lune Spark Young Writers' Short Story ContestRestrictions: Open to writers 10-13 years old, and 13-16 years old. (Two categories.) Genre: Short story. Prize: $500 for first place; $250, 2nd place; $100, 3rd place. Deadline: April 28, 2018.

A Voice for Animals Teen Essay ContestRestrictions: Open to students between the ages of 14-18. Genre: Essays on an animal rights topic.  In the 16-18 year olds category, essays must be 800-1,000 words long and be accompanied by a photograph; in the 14-15 year olds category, essays should be between 1,400-1,500 words. One climate change prize (both age categories compete) will be awarded for an essay on how climate change affects a particular animal species. Prize: $500.  Deadline: April 30, 2018.

SA Writer’s College Short Story AwardRestrictions: Open to unpublished writers in South Africa. Genre: Short stories. Prizes: 1st – R 10 000; 2nd – R 5 000; 3rd – R 2 000. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Toronto Book AwardsGenres: All genres accepted. Restrictions: Submission "must evoke the city itself, that is, contain some clear Toronto content (this may be reflected in the themes, settings, subjects, etc.). Authors do not necessarily have to reside in Toronto. Ebooks, textbooks and self-published works are not eligible. Prize: A total of $15,000 CD will be awarded. Each shortlisted author (usually 4-6) receives C$1,000 and the winning author is awarded the remainder. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry FellowshipsRestrictions: Applicants must reside in the U.S. or be U.S. citizens. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and no older than 31 years of age as of April 30, 2016Genre: Poetry. Prize: $25,800.  Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Bill Hallberg Award in Creative WritingRestrictions: Open to undergraduate students at colleges and universities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Genre: Creative nonfiction. Submissions should include one double-spaced essay, no longer than 10 pages and in 12 pt font. Prize: $150. Deadline: April 30, 2018. Submit essay to Christy Hallberg at hallbergc@ecu.edu

FunFictionGenre: Novellas, novel excerpts, short stories and collections, or any prose work with a minimum of 50,000 words. Themes: Romance, Suspense. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: April 30, 2018. Note: "Contestants own all of their entries' copyrights and retain the right to publish their entries outside of FicFun. But by accepting the awards, winners shall authorize their works’ digital copyright to FicFun for three years free of charge, have obligation to complete their works in the future and cannot delete the entries, starting from the payment received date. Meanwhile FicFun owns the right to have digital copies of all winning stories."

Irene Adler Prize for Women WritersRestrictions: Open to Canadian women. Genre: Creative nonfiction. Prize: $1,000 scholarship. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Friends of Falun Gong, Poetry ContestGenre: Poem Submit one or two poems of no more than 50 lines each. Poems must encompass at least one of the following themes: Advocate for Falun Gong practitioner’s fundamental human rights. Expose the crimes against Falun Gong perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party. Share in the beauty, peacefulness and good nature of Falun Gong. Prizes: $500, $250, $100. Deadline: April 30, 2018.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

35 Great Writing Conferences in April 2018

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There are some great conferences this month. If your manuscript is complete, you can pitch it to agents in New York, Las Vegas and Minneapolis. There are also retreats and workshops for writers who just need to get away for awhile to get the creative juices flowing.

Attending a conference is one of the best things you can do for your writing career. Conferences offer a unique opportunity to network with other writers, meet agents and pitch your book, and learn how the publishing industry works from editors and professionals.

I strongly urge you to plan ahead if you are thinking of attending a writing conference. Many offer scholarships that can significantly reduce the cost. And all of the intensive writing workshops have application deadlines. For a month-by-month list of conferences throughout the year see: Writing Conferences. (You will also find links to resources that can help you find conferences in your area on that page.) If you miss your ideal conference this year, plan for next year.

Rananim online classes Courses run for eight weeks from April through May. "Participants receive personalized feedback on assignments from their instructor, as well as responses from classmates on discussion board forums. All instructors are university professors and/or working professional writers, who have experience teaching at the Taos Summer Writers’ Conference. Classes are limited to 15 students who will engage in conversation with you and your work. Firm deadlines and feedback help keep you writing and improving your work throughout the class." International students accepted. Cost: $400 per class.

2017 Writing By Writers Manuscript Boot Camp. April 4 - 9, 2018. Tahoe City, CA. The Writing By Writers Manuscript Boot Camp is for the writer who has a full book-length manuscript (novel, memoir or short story collection) and would like to engage with a small group for a serious and productive response. The long weekend will include an intimate full manuscript workshop, craft talks, readings, an agent panel and individual agent meetings – the perfect pre-publication boot camp for any manuscript. Classes are limited to 5 participants.Tuition includes one three-day workshop, admittance to all craft talks, panels and readings, a one-on-one with an agent, all meals (dinner on Friday; three meals Saturday and Sunday; breakfast, and lunch on Sunday) and lodging in a single room for three nights. Vegetarian meals are available upon request. FULL.

Tennessee Mountain Writers Annual Conference, Apr 5 - 7, 2018, Oak Ridge, TN. Speakers and session leaders include Kelly O'Connor McNees, Christopher Martin, Pamela Schoenewaldt, and more!

IBPA Publishing University. April 6-7, 2018, Portland, OR. The Independent Book Publishers Association offers 30+ educational sessions including experiential learning labs, insightful keynotes, a gala book award ceremony, networking events, and so more! Cost: $195-$475.

Grub Street Muse and the Marketplace Conference. April 6 - May 8, 2018, Boston, Massachusetts. The Muse and the Marketplace is a three-day literary conference designed to give aspiring writers a better understanding about the craft of writing fiction and non-fiction, to prepare them for the changing world of publishing and promotion, and to create opportunities for meaningful networking. On all three days, prominent and nationally-recognized established and emerging authors lead sessions on the craft of writing—the "muse" side of things—while editors, literary agents, publicists and other industry professionals lead sessions on the business side—the "marketplace."

Writing on the Door: Children’s Literature Conference. April 6 - 8, 2018, Fish Creek, Wisconsin. Workshop topics include writing historical fiction for children; writing and illustrating; writing nonfiction, getting published and more. Registration for the conference is $120 before March 16. After March 16, registration is $150.

San Antonio Book Festival. April 7, 2018, San Antonio, TX. The San Antonio Book Festival is a FREE, annual, daylong event that unites readers and writers in a celebration of ideas, books, libraries, and literary culture. Featuring more than 80 nationally and regionally acclaimed authors, the Festival offers programming for all ages.

The Cambridge Writers’ Workshop Spring Writing Retreat. April 13- 16, 2018, New Orleans, LA. The retreat offers multi-genre workshops, as well as craft seminars and time to write. The faculty includes award-winning writers & a top NYC literary agent: Rita Banerjee, Diana Norma Szokolyai, and Natalie Kimber. All genres welcome. Genres include playwriting, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. The cost of the retreat is $1200, which includes tuition, lodging, and some meals. Register by March 20, 2018.

Michigan Writers Conference, April 14, 2018, Detroit, MI. A full-day “How to Get Published” writing event. Attending Agents: Eric Smith (P.S. Literary), Cyle Young (Hartline Literary), Jennifer Wills (The Seymour Agency), Stephany Evans (Pande Literary), editor Lauren Jablonski (St. Martin’s Press), Jennifer Unter (The Unter Agency), Linda Glaz (Hartline Literary), Vicki Selvaggio (Jennifer De Chiara Literary), Bethany Morehead (Hartline Literary), assistant Lesley Sabga (The Seymour Agency) and many more to come.

Writing in the Pines. April 14, 2018, Stockton University, Galloway, NJ. Choose from workshops in memoir, poetry and revision. Each workshop will meet for 6 hours and will offer craft discussion, writing prompts, writing time, sharing and inspiration.

William Paterson University Spring Writer’s Conference. Wayne, New Jersey, April 14, 2018.  Readings and workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The faculty includes Rick Moody.

Rally of Writers Conference. April 14, 2018, Lansing, Michigan. Michigan authors and educators in 15 breakout sessions and workshops on all aspects of writing, including poetry, fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, the Nuts & Bolts of manuscript submissions, and more.

Writers' Day. April 15, 2018, East Longmeadow, MA. Workshops and seminars featuring Karol Jackowski, Sophfronia Scott, Lisa Romeo, Suzanne Strempek Shea and Jonathan Green.

Spring Big Apple. April 15, 2018, NYC, NY. Offers a session on queries and pitches, a Meet the Agents panel, an opportunity to pitch your project and a writing workshop with poet Lisa Irish.

Annual PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature. April 16 - 22, 2018 at various locations in New York City. readings, performances, and panel discussions for poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers. "Join more than 165 writers and artists representing over 50 nationalities as they gather in New York for the 2018 PEN World Voices Festival: Resist and Reimagine. Ideas will spark your imagination and words will inspire you to act. At this moment of great division, come together for conversations, debates, readings and workshops to take a collective step toward a more just world."

Las Vegas Writer’s Conference sponsored by the Henderson Writers’ Group, Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 19 – 21, 2018. Join writing professionals, agents publishers and marketing experts for a weekend of workshops and enlightening discussions about the publishing industry. A chance to pitch your manuscript and ideas to agents.

The Loft's Pitch Conference. April 20 - 21, 2018, Minneapolis MN. The conference will cover two intense days. Friday will feature a kickoff seminar led by award-winning novelist and One Story editor Hannah Tinti, a working lunch to help you prepare for your pitches, a series of pitch and breakout sessions in the afternoon, and an evening event featuring visiting agents and editors responding to anonymous query letters. Registration limited to 162 attendees. Cost: $550.00.

Chicago-North RWA's Spring Fling 2018. April 20 - 21, 2018, Oak Brook, IL. Three day Biennial writer's conference geared towards both aspiring and established writers of any genre but focused on romantic fiction. Bookseller/Blogger/Librarian event, Masterclass in Craft and Marketing, Closing Gala.

Poetry at Round Top Festival. April 20 - 22, 2018. Round Top, Texas. The program features workshops, readings, lectures, craft talks, and panel discussions. The faculty includes poets Coleman Barks, Carrie Fountain, Kurt Heinzelman, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Naomi Shihab Nye, Emmy Pérez, Roger Reeves, and Javier Zamora. The cost of the conference is $125 ($60 for students) or $75 for Saturday only. Workshops are an additional $40. Private manuscript consultations are available for an additional $60.

Writing By Writers Boulder Generative Workshop. April 20 - April 22, 2018, Boulder, Colorado. Lectures, craft talks, writing exercises and class discussions. Each participant will have the opportunity to work in a small group setting with all three faculty members.

Chanticleer Authors Conference. April 20 - April 22, 2018. Bellingham, Washington. Sessions with a special focus on the business of being a working writer on topics such as marketing, publicity, platform, sales tools & strategies, publishing, production, distribution, organization, storycraft, editing, and more.

New York Writers Workshop Fiction Pitch Conference. April 20 – 22, 2018, Ripley-Grier Studios (NY Spaces) 520 Eighth Ave (36th/37th), 16th Fl. Participants polish their pitches with the help of conference leaders who are members of the New York Writers Workshop faculty, then they present them to three different editors from major New York publishing houses. Editors provide feedback and may request proposals and manuscripts after the conference.

North Carolina Writers’ Network Spring Conference. April 21, 2018, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina. Features intensive workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as publisher exhibits, on-site "lunch with an author" readings, and an open mic.

The Spring Writers' Conference. April 21, 2018, Rochester, MI. Lectures, Workshops, and Panel Discussions in fiction, non-fiction, and business concepts of writing. Open to new writers, working journalists, and published authors of all genres. Professional development to move writers to the next level

Travel & Words: Northwest Travel Writers Conference. Apr 22 - 24, 2018, Yakima, WA. Workshops, panels, networking and Writer Matchmaking: Writers attending Travel & Words are looking for story ideas and possibly press trips. These “speed dating” sessions connect destination marketers with freelance writers and bloggers on the “Experienced” track.

Mothers Always Write Literary Writers Boot Camp April 2018. Begins April 23 (runs for three weeks). The workshop will provide: 1) An outline of reading materials on the literary essay; 2) Sample teaching essays with annotated comments; 3) An opportunity for brainstorming on your essay topic; 4) A general critique of your piece for content and back and forth discussion sessions with your mentor; 5) Specific line-by-line edits including explanatory comments and suggestions; 6) The opportunity to ask editors questions about writing and the publication process through live FB chats; and 7) The opportunity to have your essay considered for publication by MAW as well as a list of suggested sites for publication. Space is limited to 15 people per workshop. Apply by April 20.

Arkansas Literary Festival. Apr 26 - 29, 2018, Little Rock, Arkansas. "Prestigious award-winners, screenwriters, comedians, an expert witness, artists, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet are among the diverse roster of presenters who will be providing sessions." Free.

Malice Domestic. Apr 27 - 29, 2018, Bethesda, MD. Malice Domestic™ is an annual fan convention in the metropolitan DC area that celebrates the traditional mystery, books best typified by the works of Agatha Christie. The genre is loosely identified as mysteries which contain no explicit sex, or excessive gore, or violence.

The Pikes Peak Writers Conference, April 27 - 29, 2018. Colorado Springs, Colorado. "The three-day conference is full of topical, in-depth workshops, dynamic keynote speakers, opportunities for one-on-one time with agents and editors, the chance to read your work aloud for constructive critique, plus time to socialize with fellow writers.

Monadnock Pastoral Poetry Retreat. Apr 27 - 29, 2018. Greenfield, NH.  Includes workshops, individual conferences, participant & mentor readings; hiking & kayaking (weather permitting). Each workshop uses dual mentors.

Colrain Classic 2018. April 27-April 30, 2018. The Inn at Manchester, Manchester, Vermont. A select group of poets will bring their completed or in-progress manuscripts to the Inn at Manchester, an elegant, family-run inn dating from the late 1800s spread across two buildings on sprawling grounds: the Main Inn and the Carriage House. Here, in this beautiful setting, poets will work closely with conference founder Joan Houlihan, (Lesley University Low-Residency MFA Program), Ellen Dore Watson (Smith College), Stephen Motika (Nightboat Books), and Martha Rhodes (Four Way Books). All poets with an in-progress or complete book-length or chapbook-length manuscript are welcome to apply.

Northeast Texas Writers Organization. Apr 28, 2018, Mt. Pleasant, TX. One-day bootcamp.

Western Reserve Writers' Conference. Apr 28, 2018, South Euclid, Ohio. This free one-day writing conference takes place at Cuyahoga County Public Library's William N. Skirball Writers' Center, located in the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Branch library. It features a choice of breakout sessions, a keynote address, and private sessions with editors. It occurs annually on the 4th Saturday in April.

Write Now! Apr 28, 2018, Raleigh, NC. One day writing conference hosted by Triangle Association of Freelancers.Sessions include screenwriting, financial tips for writers, pillars of freelance success, copyediting, trade pubs, column writing, publishing tips and more. Cost: $69; $59 for students with ID and seniors 65+; $80 at the door.

Austin SCBWI 2018 Writers & Illustrators Working Conference. April 28 - 29, 2018: Austin, TX. Conference on children's books with keynotes; general sessions; breakout sessions for writing, professional development and illustration; intensives for novels, picture books and illustration; critiques; pitches and more.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

2 New Agents Seeking Kidlit, YA, Literary Fiction, Fantasy, Memoir and more

Updated 12/19/23

Here are two new agents seeking clients. Stacey Kondla is interested in fiction and nonfiction. Sonali Chanchani is looking for speculative YA, upmarket and literary fiction, contemporary women’s fiction, psychological mysteries and thrillers, family sagas, and historical projects with a touch of magical realism, popular psychology, humor, essay collections, and memoirs that speak to larger societal concerns.

Be sure to check the agency website before querying. Agents can close their lists and submission requirements may change.

If these agents don't suit your needs, you can find a comprehensive list of agents seeking clients HERE.

Stacey Kondla of the Rights Factory (CANADA)

A life-long bibliophile, Stacey’s experience includes working as a Field Representative for Scholastic Book Fairs, managing at Chapters/Indigo stores, freelance editing, and serving on the organizing committee of When Words Collide (A Festival for Readers and Writers). She joined The Rights Factory in 2018 and represents fiction and nonfiction authors across age categories and across genres. Stacey is drawn to strong narrative voices, innovative storytelling, feeling all the feels, laughing all the laughs, and also the dark and the weird.

What she wants: Fiction – Contemporary, Fantasy, Feminist, Graphic novel, Historical, Horror/Supernatural, LGBTQ+, Literary, Mainstream/Commercial (incl. magical realism), Middle Grade, Mystery/Crime, Romance (prefer RomCom's), Science fiction, Speculative fiction/myths & fairy tales, Suspense/Thriller, Upmarket commercial/Book club, Women’s fiction, Young Adult
Nonfiction – History/biography, Narrative nonfiction, Pop culture, Science, Women’s issues

How to submit: Use her form HERE.


Sonali Chanchani of FolioLit

Sonali earned her degree in English and Narrative Studies from the University of Southern California and began her career in publishing with an internship at Kaya, an independent press dedicated to publishing authors from the Asian diaspora. She joined Folio in 2015, where she works closely alongside Claudia Cross and Frank Weimann and is actively building her own list.

She is a fierce advocate for underrepresented voices and keen to work with authors from marginalized communities to amplify their stories and make sure their voices are heard.

What she is looking for: Rich, character-driven stories that combine a strong voice with a compelling hook — narratives that are emotionally resonant, inspire discussion, and provoke us to see the world (and the people who populate it) in new ways. Across the board, Sonali is drawn to character-driven stories that center historically marginalized voices.   

In fiction, she is looking for literary fiction and book club fiction with a strong, distinctive voice. She’s particularly interested in smart, funny coming of age novels; braided narratives of friendship or family; literary mysteries; and atmospheric stories with a speculative or fabulist twist. She loves novels that subvert dominant cultural narratives and engage with themes of identity, belonging, community, inheritance, and diaspora.  

In nonfiction, she is looking for narratives and collections that illuminate some aspect of our society or culture with an eye towards social justice. She is especially drawn to investigative journalism and deeply researched narratives that advance our current conversations about race, class, gender, and politics. 

Genres represented
  • Bookclub Fiction
  • Literary Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Narrative Non-Fiction
  • Thriller
  • Women’s Fiction

How to submit: Please send your query letter and the first 10 pages of your project (pasted in the body of your email) to sonali@foliolit.com. Please be sure to include the word QUERY and the title of your project in the subject.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mega-List of University Literary Journals Accepting Submissions in Fiction, Poetry, Art, CNF

CC0 License
You may wonder why you should submit to literary journals run by MFA programs. They seldom pay, and they often charge to submit. Normally, either one of those factors would be enough to eliminate them from my list of writing markets. But in spite of those two drawbacks, there are some good reasons to submit to university literary magazines.

MFA department literary magazines are run by young, enthusiastic students and their professors, which means they are more than happy to nominate the stories they accept for Pushcart and other national prizes.

The second reason is that any agent or editor who has graduated from one of these programs in all likelihood has a subscription. (I know of at least one case in which a short story submission to a university literary journal resulted in representation.)

The third reason to consider submitting is that these journals have a "captive audience." Students, professors, and university staff read them, and depending on the size of the university that can be a lot of people.

Without further ado, here are 130 literary journals run by MFA programs.

Journal Genres Reading Period and Submissions Link Notes
American University, Washington, D.C

Art, poetry, prose Check for updated reading periods.


Issues are themed
Antioch University, Los Angeles, California

Lunch Ticket
Creative Nonfiction (and the Diana Woods Memorial Award)
Flash Prose (any genre)
Literary Translation (and The Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation & Multilingual Texts)
Visual Art (painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, installation, mixed-media, graphic narratives, and other 2D work)
Writing for Young People (13+)
Multilingual submissions in all genres
February 1 to April 30 and August 1 to October 31

No submission fee
Arizona State University

Hayden's Ferry Review

Short stories, novellas, poems, and translations

Narrative storytelling, essays
Closed to submissions in May, June, and July


$3.00 reading fee

No fee for Transformations
Ashland University, Ohio

River Teeth 
Creative nonfiction, including narrative reportage, essays, and memoirs, as well as critical essays that examine the emerging genre and that explore the impact of nonfiction narrative on the lives of its writers, subjects, and readers September 1 through December 1 and January 1 through May 1

No page length or word count limit
Boise State University, Idaho

The Idaho Review 
Short stories and poetry Closes March 9, 2018. Check site to see next open period

$3 fee to submit via submittable
Bowling Green State University, Ohio

Mid-American Review
Stories, poems, and essays, reviews and translation Year-round submissions

No submission fee
Brooklyn College, CUNY

The Brooklyn Review
Poetry, fiction, and performance texts Year-round submissions


No submission fee
Butler University, Indianapolis

Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics, lists September 1 to March 31

No submission fee
California College of the Arts, San Francisco

Eleven Eleven
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art and literary criticism, translation and drama  Has reading periods but doesn't say what they are

No submission fee
California State University, Fresno

The Normal School
Fiction, poetry, memoir, personal essays, and creative nonfiction,  comics September 1 to December 1 and from January 15
to April 15

$3 submission fee
California State University, Long Beach

Creative short fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and art such as photography, illustration and comics September 12th – December 17th

No submission fee
California State University, San Diego

Pacific Review
Poems, fiction (short stories, flash fiction and excerpts that stand alone), memoir, creative non-fiction, essays, comics, visual art, photography, documented performance and hybrid. 
Check site for updated submission periods.

Annual publication
Chatham University, Pittsburgh

The Fourth River
Poetry, literary short fiction, creative nonfiction and visual art Fall Online Issue: November 1-January 1

Spring Print Issue: July 1-September 1

"We are looking for writing that is richly situated at the confluence of place, space and identity—or that reflects upon or makes use of landscape and place in new ways."
City College of New York, CUNY

Global City Review
Stories, poems, memoirs, interviews and essays https://www.jhalit.com/#Submissions

March 1- May 1 and October 1- December 1
Snail mail only

Themed issues
City College of New York, CUNY

Short story, novelette, and novella October 15 through April 15


They do not publish full length novels, flash fiction, non-fiction, stage plays, screenplays, poetry, hybrid works, or unsolicited interviews
Colorado State University, Fort Collins

Colorado Review
Poetry, short fiction and personal essays with contemporary theme Fiction & poetry manuscripts are read from
August 1 to April 30; nonfiction manuscripts
are read year-round. Fiction & poetry manuscripts received between May 1 and July 31 will be returned unread


$10 per page ($30 minimum) for poetry and $200 for short stories and essays
Columbia College, Chicago

Columbia Poetry Review
Poetry July 1 to November 1

$3 submission fee

Columbia College, Chicago

Hotel Amerika
All genres of creative writing, generously defined September 1 and April 1


$3 submission fee
Columbia University, New York City

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation, art, film, music January 15th to May 2018 (no date)

No submission fee
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Fiction, poetry, essays, cartoons, screenplays, graphic art, and graphic fiction September 15 to  April 15

Snail mail submissions only
Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond

Jelly Bucket
Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art July 1st through December 1st
Annual publication
Eastern Washington University, Spokane

Willow Springs
Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, translation Fiction and poetry submissions between
September 1 and May 31. Nonfiction is open year-round

$3 submission fee

$100 per published long-form prose piece, $40 for short prose (up to three stories, each under 750 words, can be included per submission), and $20 per published poem (up to 6 can be included per submission)
Emerson College, Boston

Fiction and nonfiction, translation June 1 to January 15, at noon EST

$45/printed page, $90 minimum per title, $450 maximum per author

Charges $3 fee to submit
Emerson College, Boston

Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic narrative, and art. September - April

$25 to $40 per piece

$3 “tip jar” fee per submission May through August
Fairfield University, Connecticut

Poetry and prose July 1-September 5

Snail mail only
Fairleigh Dickinson University,
Madison, New Jersey

The Literary Review
Short stories, narrative nonfiction, essays, and poems Submission periods not indicated. Check back in the fall

International writers and translators
Florida International University, Miami

Gulf Stream Magazine
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art September 1st to November 1st and January 15th  through April 1st

$3 submission fee
Florida State University, Tallahassee

The Kudzu Review
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction  and art Reading periods not specified

Accepts work from undergraduates only 
Florida State University, Tallahassee

The Southeast Review
Literary fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, interviews, book reviews, and art Rolling submissions

$3 to submit
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and book reviews Late summer to early fall for the print issue
and from mid-winter to early spring for the online issue

$3 to submit
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

So to Speak
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art Open to submissions in spring and fall

Intersectional feminist viewpoint
Georgia College & State University,

Arts & Letters
Poetry: 4-6 poems per submission (suggested)
Fiction: manuscripts up to 25 pages
Flash Fiction: manuscripts up to 1,000 words
Creative Nonfiction: manuscripts up to 25 pages
August 1st to January 31st


$10 per printed page (minimum payment: $50), and one contributor copy, plus a one year subscription. Arts & Letters is published twice a year, in Spring and Fall

$3 to submit
Georgia State University, Atlanta

Five Points
Fiction, poetry, flash fiction and non-fiction, and literary non-fiction August 1 to December 1 and January 1 to April 1


$3 to submit
Georgia State University, Atlanta

New South
Fiction, poetry, essays September 1st - March 30th

$3 to submit
Hamline University

Water-Stone Review
Fiction, poetry, CNF October 1- December 1, 2018

Charges fee to submit
Hollins University, Roanoke, Virginia

The Hollins Critic
September 15 to December 1

No submission fee
Hunter College, CUNY

The Olivetree Review
Poetry, Art, Prose (Fiction/Non-Fiction), and Drama Spring and fall submissions

No fee to submit
Indiana University, Bloomington

Indiana Review
Fiction and nonfiction, translation February 1-March 31, 11:59pm

Check site for additional reading periods

$5.00 per page ($10.00 minimum

$3 to submit
Iowa State University, Ames

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art August 15th to June 1st (site also says May 1)

No fee to submit
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
and Washington, D.C.

The Hopkins Review
Short fiction, poetry, memoirs, essays on literature, film, the visual arts, music, and dance, as well as original photographs and reproductions of visual art, and reviews of books, performances, and exhibits Closed during May through August, December, and January


$3 to submit
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

New Delta Review
Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, reviews, interviews, and artwork No reading periods listed

$3 to submit
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

The Southern Review 
Fiction, poetry, and essays, including creative nonfiction and literary essays Fiction and nonfiction September 1 - December 1

Poetry postmarked September 1 through March 1


$25 per printed page with a maximum payment of $200

$3 online submission fee for prose (no fee for snail mail)

poetry must be sent by snail mail (no fee)
Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York

Poetry, fiction, CNF, art Reading periods not specified. See site for updates.

No submission fee
Minnesota State University, Mankato

Blue Earth Review
Fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry Year-round submissions

No submission fee
Mississippi University for Women, Columbus

Poetry South
Poetry Deadline July15

Open to writers from the South
Mississippi University for Women, Columbus

Ponder Review
Flash Fiction
Creative Nonfiction
Short plays
New media
Visual art

See site for updates on submission periods


$2 submission fee for everything except art
Dartmouth College


Poetry and prosehttps://www.meetinghousemag.org/submit

No submission fee

$40 for digital content and $100 for work published in print

Has submission periods
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

Puerto del Sol
Poetry, prose, art Deadline of March 31, reading periods not posted

No submission fee

The New School University, New York City

Poetry, prose Reading periods not posted

No submission fee
New York University, New York City

Washington Square Review
Poetry, fiction, translations August 1 - October 15, December 15 - February 1

No information on submission fees. Check during submission periods
Northeast Ohio Universities Consortium (NEOMFA)

Rubbertop Review
Poetry, fiction, CNF October 1 - February 15

No information on submission fees. Check during submission periods
Northeast Ohio Universities Consortium (NEOMFA)

Whiskey Island Magazine
Fiction, CNF, flash fiction, poetry August 15th through November 15th, and January 15th through April 15th

No submission fee
Northeast Ohio Universities Consortium (NEOMFA)

Passages North
Fiction, CNF, flash fiction, poetry Open until April 15, 2018. Check back for updates.

No submission fee
Ohio State University, Columbus

The Journal
Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, photo essays, author interviews, and reviews of new books of poetry and prose Year-long submissions

No submission fee
Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon

Silk Road
Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, translations, one-act plays, art, first chapter novel excerpts Year-long submissions

$2 submission fee
Portland State University, Oregon

The Portland Review
Poetry, prose, art Summer submissions

No information on submission fees
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

Sycamore Review
Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, translations,  September 1 – March 31

No fee at beginning of month. After submittable quota is met, the fee is $2
Schoolcraft College, Livonia, Michigan

The MacGuffin
Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and art September 1 through June 30

No fee to submit

No payment
Roosevelt University, Chicago

Oyez Review
Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art Check for submission updates.

No information on fees
Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey

Literary fiction, including short stories, short shorts, and
novel excerpts
Submission periods not posted. Check site for details.


No information on fees to submit
Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga

Poetry and prose Check site for submission periods


No information on fees to submit
San Diego State University

Fiction International
Poetry and prose Check site for submission periods

No information on fees to submit
San Diego State University

Poetry International
Poetry May 1st - November 1st
$20 submission fee
San Francisco State University

Fourteen Hills
Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, novel excerpts, and art December 1 to June 1
$2 submission fee
San Jose State University, California

Reed Magazine
Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art June 1 - November 1

California themes

No information on submission fees
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York

Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art Open through March 31

$5 submission fee
Southern Connecticut State University,
New Haven

Noctua Review
Poetry, fiction, art September 1st to December 31st

No information on submission fees
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Crab Orchard Review
Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction Check site for reading period updates

No information on submission fees

May pay writers (?)
Spalding University, Louisville

Good River Review

The Louisville Review
Poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction Year-round reading period


No fee to submit
Stony Brook Southampton, SUNY

The Southampton Review

Sandpiper Review
Poetry, fiction, drama, art, and nonfiction August 15 - October 15
February 1 - April 1


$3 submission fee

Undergraduate writers only for Sandpiper Review

See submission periods
Syracuse University, New York

Salt Hill
Poetry, prose, translations, reviews, essays, interviews, and artwork August 1 - April 1

No submission fee
Temple University

Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry January 1 to March 1, September 1 to November 1

No submission fee
Texas State University, San Marcos

Front Porch
Flash fiction, short stories, poetry, art, and creative nonfiction Year-round submissions

No submission fee
University College Dublin, Ireland

HCE Review
Short stories, poetry, and creative nonfiction Open until April 15. Check the site for updates.

No submission fee
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

Black Warrior Review
Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry December 1 – March 1 and June 1 – September 1

Pays writers, amount not specified

$3 submission fee
University of Alaska, Anchorage

Alaska Quarterly Review
Fiction, short plays, poetry, photo essays, and literary nonfiction  August 15 - May 15

Snail mail submissions only
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Flash essays, prose poems, hermit-crab stories, lyric essays, lists, anecdotes about your creepy uncle Submissions for the print edition are read between May 1 and October 31

Submissions for the online edition are from November 1 through April 30

$3 to submit
University of Arizona, Tucson

Sonora Review
Fiction, poetry, and non-fiction January 16 through February 1

$3 to submit
University of Baltimore

Passager Journal
Poetry, memoir, short fiction June 1- September 15

No submission fee

Writers must be age 50 or older
University of California, Irvine

Short stories, poetry, art, and creative nonfiction August 15th and January 31st

No information on submission fees
University of California, Riverside,
Palm Desert Graduate Center

The Coachella Review
Short stories, poetry, drama, and creative nonfiction Year-round submissions

No submission fee
University of Central Florida, Orlando

The Florida Review
Short stories, poetry, drama, graphic narrative, video,and creative nonfiction No information on reading periods

$2 or $3 submission fee
University of Florida, Gainesville

Fiction, poetry, CNF  January 15th through February 28th

For stories and essays, $1,000 ($500 for a short short) Poets are paid $100 per poem

$3 submission fee
University of Houston, Texas

Gulf Coast
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry September 1 through March 1

$50 per page for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction

$2.50 submission fee
University of Idaho, Moscow

Poetry, plays, fiction, essays, visual-text hybrids, and interviews September 1 through May 1


$15 per accepted piece

$3 submission fee
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ninth Letter
Poetry, fiction, essays
$25 per printed page

No submission fee during December
University of Iowa, Iowa City

The Iowa Review
Poetry, prose September, October, and November

$1.50 per line for poetry ($40 minimum) and $0.08 per word for prose ($100 minimum)

$4 submission fee
University of Kansas, Lawrence

Poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction Year-round submissions

Snail mail submissions only
UC Riverside

Santa Ana River Review

Poetry, fiction, drama, art, and creative nonfiction Open until May 10th (check site for updates)


See submission periods

No submission fee

Mosaic is the undergraduate literary journal
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Poetry, poetics January 15 - April 1

$3 submission fee
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Massachusetts Review

Essays, fiction, poetry, and translation

Science and art 
October 1 - April 30


Reading periods?

$50 honorarium

$3 submission fee (according to their guidelines, but I have submitted twice without being charged)

Paperbark lives at the confluence of text and image, science and art. We believe in an obligation to a livable future nurtured through sustainability and collaborations between generations, populations, and fields of thought.
University of Massachusetts, Boston

Breakwater Review
Poetry, art, and nonfiction Year-round submissions

No submission fee
University of Memphis

The Pinch
Poetry, art, and nonfiction August 15th - March 15th

$3 submission fee
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Poetry and prose No reading periods

This looks like a blog
University of Mississippi, Oxford

The Yalobusha Review
Poetry and fiction No information on reading periods

No submission fee
University of Missouri, Columbia

The Missouri Review
Poetry, fiction and nonfiction Year-round submissions

$3.50 submission fee
University of Missouri, Kansas City

New Letters
Poetry, fiction, interviews, art, book reviews, essays, and novel chapters "Submissions that arrive between May 1st and October 1st will be returned unread"

Essays, stories, and interviews: $25 to $100 each and could be more. Minimum pay for poetry is $12 plus more for multi-page poems

Snail mail submissions only
University of Missouri, Saint Louis

Natural Bridge
Poetry, fiction, personal essays, translations Submissions accepted year-round

$3 to submit online, snail mail submissions are free
University of Montana, Missoula

Poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction September 15 to February 1

No submission fee
University of Nebraska, Lincoln (PhD)

Prairie Schooner
Short stories, poems, imaginative essays of general interest, and reviews of current books of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction September 1st to May 1st


No submission fee

No simultaneous submissions
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Poetry, translations, criticism, reviews, and hybrid texts June 1- September 1 and from December 1- March 1

Submission fee not specified
University of New Hampshire, Durham

Nonfiction, fiction, poetry September - May

No information on submission fees
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

Blue Mesa Review
Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art October 1 – March 15

$25 payment

No submission fee
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

The Greensboro Review
Fiction and poetry Rolling submissions

$2 - $3 submission fee
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry May 15-July 1 and November 15-January 1


Writers from the new south

No information on submission fees
University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Poetry and prose August 15–September 5, and  December 15–January 5

$3 submission fee
University of North Texas, Denton

American Literary Review 
Poems, short stories, and creative non-fiction October 1 to May 1

$3 submission fee
University of Notre Dame, Indiana

Notre Dame Review 
Prose and poetry September through November and from January through March

Small gratuity

No submission fee
University of Notre Dame, Indiana

Notre Dame Review 
Prose and poetry September through November and from January through March

No submission fee
University of Pittsburgh

Poems, short stories, art, and creative non-fiction March 9 deadline. Check back for updates.

Open to undergraduates only
University of Pittsburgh

Hot Metal Bridge
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art September 12th—December 3rd and from January 15th—April 1st

No submission fee
University of San Francisco

Invisible City
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art Check site for submission periods.

No submission fee

$20 payment
University of South Carolina

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry Year-round submissions

No submission fee
University of Southern Maine, Portland

Stonecoast Review
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, art Closes on April 29. Check site for updates.

No submission fee
University of South Florida, Tampa

Saw Palm
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and comics Submission periods not specified

Work must be connected to Florida 
University of Texas, James A. Michener
Center for Writers, Austin

Bat City Review
Fiction, poetry, non-fiction July 1, 2018 through October 1, 2018

No information on submission fees
University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Quarterly West
Fiction, poetry, non-fiction Closes April 29. See site for updates.

$2.00 submission fee
University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Western Humanities Review
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, hybrid work, audio/visual work, and essays  Year-round submissions

$2.00 submission fee
University of Virginia, Charlottesville

Poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction August 15 to November 15 and January 15 to June 30

$3.00 submission fee
University of Washington, Seattle

The Seattle Review
Long poems, novellas, and essays  September 1 - December 1 and February 1 - April 30

Poetry must be at least 10 pages in length and prose of at least 40 (double-spaced) pages in length.

No submission fee
University of Wisconsin, Madison

The Madison Review
Poetry, fiction, art September 1st to May 1st

$2 submission fee
Vanderbilt University, Nashville

Nashville Review
Fiction, poetry, novel excerpts, songs, comics translation, and nonfiction Submit during January, May and September

$25 per poem & song selection; $100 per selection for all other categories, including featured artwork. Translators receive $25 per poem & $100 for prose selections
Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier

Hunger Mountain
Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art, young adult and children’s writing, and literary miscellany Submissions open May 1. Check site for updates.

$50 for prose and $25 for poetry

$3 submission fee
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond

Fiction, poetry,  translation, drama, and nonfiction Current reading period ends March 15, 2018. Check site for updates.

No submission fee
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, Blacksburg

The New River
Digital writing and art September 1 through May 1

Does not publish conventional poetry and fiction

No submission fee
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo

Third Coast
Fiction, poetry, essay, and drama General submissions open September 15th

No information about submission fees
Wichita State University, Kansas

Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, art Current reading period ends March 31. Check site for updates.

$15 USD flat rate per poem, nonfiction piece, or fiction piece

No submission fee
University of Tampa

Tampa Review
Poetry, prose, translations September 1 - December 31

$10 per published page for both prose and poetry

$2 - $3 submission fee
University of Tennessee

Craft essays and interviews as well as fiction, nonfiction, and poetry June 15th - September 15th
$4 submission fee
Skidmore College

Fiction, poetry, personal essays, or cultural criticism Submission period begins January 1

Snail mail submissions only
University of New Orleans

Bayou Magazine
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, personal essays, art Submission period September 1- May 1

$50 for published manuscripts of 3000 words or more and $25 for those less than 3000 words
St. Mary's (LA)

The Rush

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, personal essays, art https://therushmag.submittable.com/submit Payment not specified
Emporia State University

Flint Hills Review
Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, short plays, art Submission period November 1 - March 31

No payment

Focus on Midwest
Drexel University

Paper Dragon
Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art https://drexelpaperdragon.com/submit/ No payment
University of Baltimore

Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art https://blogs.ubalt.edu/welter/submit/ No payment
Western Colorado University

Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art, essays, excerpts from screenwriting, reviews https://think-journal.submittable.com/submit  No payment
Cal State LA

Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, scripts (drama), graphic novels, works in translation, and hybrid forms https://www.calstatela.edu/academic/english
No payment
Eastern Illinois University

Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction https://bluestemmagazine.com/submit No payment
Ohio University

Quarter After Eight
Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction https://quarteraftereight.submittable.com/submit No payment
University of California San Diego

Contemporary translations of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction creative writing http://alchemy.ucsd.edu/submissions/ No payment
SUNY Albany

Barzakh Magazine 
Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, multi-genre works https://barzakhmagazine.submittable.com/submit No payment
University of Denver

Denver Quarterly
Poetry and prose, performance, critical engagements, reviews, conversations, translations or other critical-creative experiments  https://denverquarterly.submittable.com/submit No payment
University of Tulsa

Poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction

Open from Jan 1 - Nov 30
https://artsandsciences.utulsa.edu/nimrod/submissions/ $10 per page, with a $200 maximum

Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art https://westwinducla.wixsite.com/mysite/submit No payment
University of New Brunswick in Fredericton



Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art https://qwertymagazine.submittable.com/submit $10
UC Berkeley

Berkeley Fiction Review
Short fiction Reading period: Sept 1 - June 30


University of Mary Washington

The Rappahannock Review
Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art, and audio https://rappahannockreview.com/submit/ No payment
Cabrini University

Woodcrest Magazine
Poetry, screenplay, fiction and non-fiction writing, art, and photography https://woodcrestmagazine.submittable.com/submit No payment
Lake Superior State University

Border Crossing
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Reading period: October 15–January 15

Featured writer receives $100 honorarium
Humboldt State University

Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art, audio, and translations Closes Sept 30 and Nov 15

Accepts reprints

No payment
Washington College

Cherry Tree
Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction Reading period: August 1 to October 1


Charges $3 for online submissions
St. Francis College

Unbound Brooklyn
Poetry, prose, audio, art Irregular submission periods

No payment
Hawai`i Pacific University

Hawai`i Pacific Review​ 
Poetry, short fiction, and personal essays See submission periods

No payment
University of Pennsylvania 

Penn Review
Poetry, short fiction, art, and personal essays See submission periods

No payment
Randolph College

Poetry, short fiction, and personal essays See submission periods (usually open in the fall)

Truckee Meadows Community College

The Meadow
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, artwork, photography, comics, graphic design work and other literary and artistic forms. See submission periods

No payment
Suffolk University 

Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and works in translation. See submission periods

Unspecified payment
University of Colorado, Boulder

Creative nonfiction https://hindsightjournal2020.com/submit-your-work-here No payment for regular submissions

Submissions are considered for contests with cash prizes
Wayne State University

The Woodward Review
Poetry, prose, art, and digital media from anyone, anywhere. Each issue will also include a Detroit Folio, featuring work from those with roots in the city. https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/woodwardreview

Payment: $25

Has reading periods
University of West Florida

Panhandler Magazine

Panhandler Books
Poetry, short stories, plays, art, nonfiction, novel excerpts. Also book-length collections of poetry, fiction (both short fiction and novels), and nonfiction (all forms). Magazine editors read submissions from October 1 – January 1.

Book editors read from February 1 – April 30.

No information on payment
Fayetteville State University

Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, visual art. "We’re especially fond of hybrids. That terms encompasses form as well as content. We appreciate lyric essays, prose poems, flash fiction, collaborations, visual poetry, graphic fiction, literary fantasy, excerpts from verse novellas or verse biographies."  https://glintjournal.wordpress.com/glint-12-submissions/ No payment
Andrew College

Poems, art, and prose up to 5,000 words https://www.andrewcollege.edu/spire-light/ No payment

They run a yearly prize: $100 and publication for prose
University of Southern California

"We are looking for new and innovative works of literary arts across all mediums and genres" https://airlightmagazine.org/about/submissions/ Poetry: $50
Responses and department pieces: $100
Fiction and essays/nonfiction: $200
Visual art, music, and multimedia: $200
Roger Williams University

Mount Hope
Literary fiction (up to 5,000 words), poetry (up to 5 poems may be submitted together) and nonfiction essays and memoirs (up to 5,000 words) https://www.mounthopemagazine.com/submit No payment
West Virginia Wesleyan College

Poetry, fiction, nonfiction (up to 3,000 words)  http://www.heartwoodlitmag.com/submit No payment

Has submission periods
University of Wyoming

Meadowlark Review
Short fiction and nonfiction between 10 and 5,000 words Poetry https://www.meadowlarkreview.com/submit No payment

Has submission periods
Univeristy of Louisville

Miracle Monacle
Fiction, poetry, CNF, art https://louisville.edu/miraclemonocle/submit.html No payment

Has submission periods
Albion College

Albion Review
Fiction, nonfiction and poetry https://albionreview.com/ All submissions
are elegible for a prize of $200.

Undergraduates only.

Has submission periods
Widener University

The Blue Route
Fiction, poetry, CNF, art https://widenerblueroute.org/submission-guidelines/ Undergraduates from institutions other than Widener U. only

Pays $25

Has submission periods
University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Poetry, fiction, art in both print and online formats

Fiction can be flash to novella length, and poetry can be prose-poetry, or a mix of visual art and poetry
https://straylight.submittable.com/submit No simultaneous submissions
Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Lake Effect
Literary fiction https://behrend.psu.edu/school-of-humanities-social-sciences/lake-effect/submission-guidelines No payment
Utah Tech University

Route 7 Review
Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art https://www.r7review.com/contact No payment

Has submission periods
Towson University

Grub Street
Poetry Comics, Prose Poems, Flash Fiction, Flash Essays, Lyric Essays, Graphic Novel Excerpts, Graphic Memoir Excerpts, Video Essays, Speculative Nonfiction   https://wp.towson.edu/grubstreetlitmag/ No payment

Has submission periods
University of Victoria Graduate Writing Program



flash, short fiction, and non-fiction personal essays/memoir, poetry, reviews, experimental, and art. "We are focused on the publication of works that are vulnerable, experimental, a little bit weird and sexy. We prioritize the work of graduate students, so please indicate in your submission if you are a graduate student, including your university, and department." Open internationally. https://overexposedlit.uvic.ca/submission-guidelines/ $15 CAD
Central Connecticut State University

The Helix
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. Length: 250-3,000 words for fiction, up to 3,000 words for nonfiction, and up to 4 poems. They publish three online and one print issue a year.  https://helixmagazine.org/submit/ No payment

Has submission periods
Susquehanna University

Susquehanna Review
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations, and art by undergraduates only. https://susquehannareview.submittable.com/submit No payment

Has submission periods
University of Texas at Austin

Accepts literary, visual, and performing works from across the world https://apricitymagazine.submittable.com/submit No payment

Has submission periods

Accepts reprints
University of North Florida

Stories, essays, poems, and hybrid work as well as art, and multimedia submissions. Audio files can be performance of poetry, song, or flash. They accept both video essays and cinepoems. https://talonreview.com/submit No payment

Has submission periods
Piedmont University

Online interdisciplinary journal dedicated to creative and critical writing, often with accompanying process notes and/or author interviews. Emphasizing conversation and collaboration, each issue features original poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction alongside critical prose, artist manifestos, and interviews exploring disciplinary intersections.  https://www.compajournal.com/submit No payment
Irvene Valley College

The Ear
Poetry, fiction, CNF, art, photography https://theear.submittable.com/submit No payment
Hagerstown Community College

Hedge Apple
Fiction (up to 2,000 words), poetry, and art https://hcc-hedgeapple.hagerstowncc.edu/index.php/submissions-guidelines/ No payment
Hanover College

Kennings Literary Journal
Fiction (500-3,000 words), poetry, creative nonfiction, art, photography, and other media. https://kenningsliteraryjournal.com/submissions-1 No payment
Kent State

Haymaker Literary Journal
Poetry, short fiction and nonfiction, drama, visual and graphic narratives, and translations (from German, Italian, Spanish, and Urdu) https://www.haymakerlit.com/submissions No payment
University of Alabama 

Red Rook Press
Prose manuscripts should be 20,000-60,000 words. Poetry manuscripts should be between 50-125 pages. https://redrookpress.org/submissions-2/

To be eligible for publication, you must be enrolled in as a graduate or undergraduate student (at any institution) during the semester of publication. 
No payment
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