Thursday, July 27, 2017

29 Free Writing Contests in August 2017 (No entry fees)

There are more than two dozen free writing contests in August. They cover the full range of topics, styles and genres, from short stories, to essays, to poetry, to full-length works.

In addition to the prestige of winning a contest, some of the monetary prizes this month are substantial.

Be sure to check the submission requirements carefully, as some have age and geographical restrictions.

Many contests are held annually, so if you miss a contest you may be able to catch it next year. For a full month-by-month listing of contests see: Free Contests.


Winter Tangerine AwardsRestrictions: Submissions will only be accepted from writers who have not yet published a chapbook, novel, or collection of any type. Genres: Poetry, Short Fiction & Creative Nonfiction. Prize: $250 apiece for poetry and prose (fiction and essay compete together), plus trophy, used books, box of cookies, and one-year WTR subscription. Deadline: August 1, 2017. 

The Ballade (Not Ballad) Contest! Genre: Poetry. This contest is for the best poem written in the ballade form. Prize: $100. Deadline: August 1, 2017. 

Milwaukee Irish FestGenre: Poetry. Entries should have a culture/literary relation to either Ireland, Irish-America, or to Irish poetry. Prize: $100. Deadline: August 1, 2017.

Boardman Tasker PrizeRestrictions: Books published between 1st August 2016 and 31st July 2017 in the UK. Genre: Books with mountain,not necessarily mountaineering, theme whether fiction, non-fiction, drama or poetry, written in the English language. Prize: £3,000.00. Deadline: August 1, 2017.

Delaware Division of the Arts Individual Artist FellowshipsRestrictions: Delaware poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers who have lived in Delaware for at least one year prior to application and who are not enrolled in a degree-granting program. Genres: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction. Prize: Established Professional Fellowships of $6,000 each and Emerging Artist Fellowships of $3,000 each. Deadline: August 1, 2017.

Leeway Foundation Art and Change GrantsRestrictions: Writers living in Bucks, Camden, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia counties Delaware who are 18 years of age or older and who are not full-time students in a degree-granting arts program are eligible. Genres: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction. Prize: $2500.  Deadline: August 1, 2017.

The Governor General’s Literary AwardsRestrictions: Books must have been written, translated or illustrated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Genre: Best English-language and the best French-language book will be chosen in each of the seven categories of Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Children’s Literature (text), Children’s Literature (illustrated books) and Translation (from French to English). Prize: $1,000 - $25,000. Deadline: Nominations by publishers for books in English must reach the Canada Council no later than August 1, 2017.

Costa Short Story AwardRestrictions: Residents of UK and Ireland. Genre: Short story.  Prize: £3,500.00. Deadline: August 4, 2017.

Sweek Go Explore ContestGenre: Any. "Adventures make incredible tales – from Jules Verne’s classics to the modern travel stories we see today; they allow you to explore the world through the eyes of someone else. Adventures are exciting – whether they are about travelling, summer love, extreme sports, starting a new job, an unexpected turn of the day or something breathtaking in a fantasy world your protagonist lives in." Story may be written in English, German, Dutch or Portuguese. Prize: GoPro Hero camera (or €150 in cash). Deadline: August 10, 2017.

RBC Taylor PrizeRestrictions: Citizens or residents of Canada. Must be published author. Genre: Literary nonfiction. Prize: $25,000 (CAN). Deadline: August 11, 2017 for books published between May 30 and July 31, 2017.

Essay Service Writer’s Encouragement ScholarshipRestrictions: Open to high school and college students. Genre: Essay. (See themes on site.) Prize: Up to $500. Deadline: August 14, 2017.

Montgomery County Writing ContestRestrictions: Open to Montgomery County residents only. Genre: Fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Prize: $250 and publication in Montgomery Magazine. Runners-up will receive $100 and have their work published on  Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Australian Help Writing ContestGenre: Essay. Topics: What Are The Opportunities For Success Without A College Degree? Developing a Literary Voice through Essay Writing; How Can Students’ Creativity Be Boosted by EdTech? What Reforms Are Urgently Needed By Modern Education? The Importance of Learning Storytelling in College. Prize: 1st place $700, 2nd place $500, 3rd place $250. Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Best New Fairy Tale CompetitionGenre: Fairy tale. Prize: $300 gift certificate to  Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary ExcellenceRestrictions: Emerging African American writers.  Genres: Short story collection or novel published in the current year. Prize: $10,000.  Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales Poetry PrizeRestrictions: Poets living in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., or West Virginia. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $500, publication by Broadkill River Press, ten author copies, and two cases of Dogfish Head craft beer. Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Pockets Fiction ContestGenre: Children's fiction. Stories should be 750–1,000 words. Prize: $500 and publication. Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Scotiabank Giller PrizeRestrictions: Open to books published in Canada in English between July 1, 2017 and Sept 30, 2017. Must  be nominated by publisher. Genre: Fiction. Full-length novel or collection of short stories published in English, either originally, or in translation. Prize: $100.000 to the winner and $10,000 to each of the finalists. Deadline: August 15, 2017.

Val Wood Prize for Creative WritingGenre: Short story on theme: Freedom in Hull. Prize: £200. Deadline: August 19, 2017.

123 WritingsGenre: Essay. (See site for topics.) Prize:1st place, $2500; 2nd place, $2000; 3rd place $1500. Deadline: August 20, 2017.

Seat 14c: Flight to the Future Anthology. Genre: Speculative fiction. "Your flight has been mysteriously transported 20 years into the future. How could this happen? Wait, that’s not important. Take a deep breath. Look around. Without a doubt, the world has changed. What new technologies and innovations have reshaped the way we live?" Payment: $10,000 "package" and a trip to Japan. Deadline: August 25, 2017.

Harvill Secker Young Translators' PrizeRestrictions: Open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 34. Genre: Short story translation from Korean to English. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: August 28, 2017.

A Very Short Story ContestGenre: Flash fiction (10 words max). Prize: Free Gotham 10-week workshop. Deadline: August 28, 2017.

Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry PrizeRestrictions: Author must be resident of Upstate New York. Genre: Book of poems in English, at least 48 pages long, published between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Prize: $2,000.  Deadline: August 31, 2017.

Epigram Books Fiction PrizeRestrictions: Authors must be Singaporean, Singaporean permanent resident or Singapore-born. Genre: A full-length, original and unpublished novel written in the English language. Prize: $20,000. Deadline: August 31, 2017.

Jacques Maritain Prize for NonfictionGenre: Essay, Catholic themes. Prize: $500 top prize. Deadline: August 31, 2017.

Diana Woods Memorial Award in Creative NonfictionGenre: Essay, maximum 5,000 words. Prize: $250 top prize. Deadline: August 31, 2017.

Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation or Multi-Lingual TextsRestrictions: Translators and authors of multi-lingual texts. Genres: Poetry and prose. Prize: $200. Deadline: August 31, 2017.

Enchanting TravelsRestrictions: Students aged 18-32 studying Tourism, English, Journalism, Literature, Geography, Anthropology, [and/or] History. Genre: Travelogues, 1000 words or less (must include three photos). Prize: $1000 USD. Deadline: August 31, 2017.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

19 Writing Conferences in August 2017

Conferences are not only the best way to meet agents, get tips from other writers, and learn about the publishing industry, they make you feel like a writer. We all need community, and this is how we, as writers, get the necessary incentive to keep writing.

If you miss your perfect conference this year, you may be able to catch it next year. Many conferences are annual events. Planning ahead may also lower the cost, as quite a few conferences offer scholarships and discounts for early bird registrations. (Note: I include conferences that are sold out so you can plan ahead for next year!)

For a full list of conferences organized by month, as well as links for finding local conferences, see: Writing Conferences

Mendocino Coast Writers Conference. August 3 - 5, 2017: Fort Bragg, California. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as panels and workshops with editors and agents, craft lectures, readings, and discussion forums on publishing and marketing. Keynote Speaker: Michael Krasny. 2017 faculty include: Jody Gehrman, Michael Lukas, Kat Meads, Lewis Buzbee, John W. Evans, Shara McCallum and Lisa Locascio.

Cape Cod Writers Center Conference. August 3 - 6, 2017: Hyannis, Massachusetts. Workshops and craft classes in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as manuscript consultations and mentoring sessions with editors and agents. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: B.A. Shapiro; FACULTY: Lou Aronica; Michelle Clark; Ray Field; Danielle Legros Georges; Kate Klise; Leslie Fishlock; Richard Hoffman; Michelle Hoover; James M. Lang; Ron MacLean; Dale T. Phillips; Janice Pieroni; Marcella Pixley. + Agents.

Florida Authors and Publishers Association Annual Conference. August 4 - 5, 2017: Orlando, Florida. Professional development sessions designed to provide authors and publishers with up-to-date publishing resources. Faculty: Ava Doppelt, Shari Stauch, Tara R. Alemany, John Fleming, Brian Jud, and many more.

Confluence-SFF. August 4 - 6, 2017: Pittsburgh, PA. Located at the birthplace of the Ohio River, Confluence is Pittsburgh’s longest-running literary conference with a strong focus on science fiction, fantasy and horror. Award-winning authors, editors, artists and song-writers gather for three full days.

Willamette Writers Conference. August 4 - 6, 2017: Portland, Oregon. 100 workshops conducted by more than 50 seasoned pros in the areas of fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting, manuscript editing, publishing, self-publishing and promotion, pitching, entering writing contests, research and business. Whether you write self-help books, historic fiction, blockbuster Hollywood screenplays, mysteries, romance, magazine articles, sci-fi, plays, children's books, humor, self publish or simply need help marketing yourself as a professional, you'll find helpful guidance and keen insights. Other conference features include advance manuscript critiques, filmlab, silent auction, awards banquet, and group and one-on-one pitch sessions with New York literary agents and editors and Hollywood film agents, managers, and producers.

Revision Retreat. August 5 – 9, 2017: Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Highlights Foundation. In this working retreat, Harold Underdown and editor Eileen Robinson will teach proven techniques for self-editing and revising and help writers try them out on their manuscripts. Mornings will be dedicated to revision techniques and afternoons to model critique groups, individual meetings, and writing time.

Catamaran Writing Conference. August 6 - 10, 2017, Pebble Beach, CA. The conference will be held on the campus of the Robert Louis Stevenson school, and attendees will meet in the elegant Stevenson classrooms, commons, theater, and chapel for workshops, lectures, and presentations. Also available are optional daily literary themed excursions, daily craft talks, nightly special guest readings, and student readings. Cost, including tuition, most meals, and lodging on the Robert Louis Stevenson School campus, is $1,250. Submit five poems totaling no more than 10 pages, or up to 10 pages of prose.

Vermont College of Fine Arts Postgraduate Writers’ Conference. August 7-13, 2017: Montpelier, Vermont. The conference is designed for writers with graduate degrees or equivalent experience. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, craft classes, and individual consultations with faculty members. "At the heart of the Postgraduate Writers' Conference's unique model is the small workshop size, with groups led by acclaimed faculty limited to five or six writers. The intimate format allows for an extraordinarily in-depth, far-reaching discussion of participants’ work. Beyond the daily group sessions, each member has an individual consultation with the workshop instructor. The schedule also features a rich menu of readings by faculty and participants, craft talks, generative writing sessions and social events that galvanize our vibrant, inclusive community."

Worldcon. August 9 - 13, 2017, Helsinki, Finland. This is a huge international scifi event. Each Worldcon selects a small number of Guests of Honor for the highest recognition that the event can grant, essentially a Hall of Fame for the science fiction and fantasy field. MidAmeriCon II chose to honor Kinuko Y. Craft, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Tamora Pierce, and Michael Swanwick.

The 2017 Writers' Police Academy. August 10–13, 2017: Green Bay, WI. The annual Writers’ Police Academy offers an exciting interactive and educational hands-on experience for writers to enhance their understanding of all aspects of law enforcement, firefighting, EMS, and forensics.

Travel Writers & Photographers Conference. August 10–13, 2017: Corte Madera, Calif. Writing and photography workshops in the morning, a full afternoon of panels and discussions, and evening faculty presentations. There are optional, working field trips to explore the resources of the Bay Area. The faculty includes publishers, magazine editors, photographers, travel essayists, food writers, restauranteurs, guidebook writers, and more.

Santa Barbara Summer Poetry Workshop. August 12 - 13, 2017: Santa Barbara, CA. "Time will be spent on all aspects of the practice of poetry: crafting, writing exercises, discussion, publication advice and the art of reading your poems.This workshop is an opportunity for you to grow your poems with thoughtful attention from experienced poets who combine their approaches for you to hone your skills and go deeper into your own creative process."

Murphy Writing of Stockton University: Live Free and Write. August 13 - 19, 2017: Sunapee, NH. "Combine an extended writing retreat with a relaxing summer vacation in the picturesque mountains of New Hampshire. This getaway blends our trademark challenging and supportive workshop experience with plenty of free time for you to write and bask in the refreshing New England summer." 2017/2018 faculty includes Stephen Dunn, Sharon Olds, Gregory Pardlo, Barbara Hurd, Carol Plum-Ucci, James Richardson, Peter E. Murphy and more.

Whole Novel Workshop. August 13 - 19, 2017, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Highlights Foundation. The Whole Novel Workshop is specifically designed for writers of middle-grade and young adult novels. This unique program offers the one-on-one attention found in degree programs, but without additional academic requirements, lengthy time commitments, or prohibitive financial investments. Our aim is to focus on a specific work in progress, moving a novel to the next level in preparation for submission to agents or publishers. Focused attention in an intimate setting makes this mentorship program one that guarantees significant progress. Waitlisted.

Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. August 16- 26, 2017: Ripton, VT. Workshops in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction are at the core of the conference. Each faculty member conducts a workshop that meets for five two-hour sessions over the course of the 10 days. Groups are kept small to facilitate discussion, and all participants meet individually with their faculty leaders to elaborate on workshop comments. Faculty members also offer lectures on issues around literary writing and one-hour classes on specific aspects of the craft. Readings by the faculty, conference participants, and guests take place throughout the day and into the night. Participants meet with visiting editors, literary agents, and publishers who provide information and answer questions, individually or in small groups. Applications are due by February 15, 2017. There is a $15 application fee.

Northwestern University Summer Writers’ Conference. August 17 - 19, 2017: Chicago, Illinois. "Join a community of writers at Northwestern University for a three-day institute on writing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The program, which is now in its 13th year, includes a diverse array of workshops, panels, keynote speakers, networking events, and literary readings. Learn how to make dialogue pop with Juan Martinez, edit your writing with Rebecca Makkai, and follow the journey from a manuscript to a published book at a panel of publishers and editors. Hear a keynote from acclaimed author Stuart Dybek and enjoy a live performance by You’re Being Ridiculous. You can also schedule an individual manuscript consultation with conference faculty. Writers at all levels of experience are welcome, as are writers of all genres and backgrounds. Come seek a fuller understanding of the craft—and business—of writing."

Writer’s Digest Conference. August 18 - 20, 2017: New York City. Annual Writer's Digest Conference featuring: Pitch Slam, with more than fifty agents and editors in attendance, educational tracks devoted to publishing and self-publishing, platform and promotion, and the craft of writing,  speakers and instructors.

Killer Nashville Writers’ Conference. August 24 - 27, 2017: Nashville, TN. The Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference was created in 2006 by author/filmmaker Clay Stafford in an effort to bring together forensic experts, writers, and fans of crime and thriller literature. "At the conference, we try diligently to ensure that the weekend has something for every writer and lover of literature, and our sessions are structured to assist writers on multiple career levels. Our learning tracks tackle the craft of writing, business of writing, marketing, and forensics. Killer Nashville features nine breakout sessions for intense smaller group interaction, an authors’ bar (free for hotel guests), a moonshine and wine tasting, free agent/editor roundtable pitch sessions, a mock crime scene designed by special agents and other law enforcement professionals, cocktail receptions, the Guest of Honor Dinner and Awards Banquet, film previews, live music performances and—of course—all the great activities one can enjoy in downtown Nashville."

A Retreat For Poets 2017. August 27 – August 31, 2017: Honesdale, PA. Sponsored by Highlights Foundation. Join Eileen Spinelli, author of When You Are Happy and numerous other poetry collections, for a poet’s retreat in the woods. You will begin each day with a short writing exercise, followed by hours of individual writing time. In the evenings, you will gather again to share work and discuss the craft of writing poetry. There will be time to talk about wordplay, word choice, writing process, and how to find ideas. Special guest Kathleen Hayes will offer a few points about how poetry fits into today’s marketplace. This retreat serves all poets, writing for any audience.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

An Inside Look at Literary Agents

This full one-hour interview with Jodi Reamer (Writers House), Kim Witherspoon (Inkwell Management), Robert Gottlieb (Trident Media), Sloan Harris (ICM), Eric Simonoff (WME), and Christy Fletcher (Fletcher & Company) is fascinating. These agents are surprisingly frank, revealing not only what they think about writers, but how the whole publishing industry works.

(If the video doesn't play, click here:

Here are the responses that, for me, really stood out.

What’s the best, or most memorable, opening line from a query or proposal you’ve ever read… that you said, “I know this is a book I want to sign?” What about the worst opening line you’ve ever seen in query or proposal?
Eric Simonoff: "It would be an egregious lack of judgment on your part if you did not represent me. Let me give you ten reasons why." 
Jodi Reamer: "I don't read query letters. I go straight to the manuscript, because that tells me everything I need to know."
What is the biggest frustration you have with the way Hollywood handles books? What is the state of power that authors have over adaptation when it comes to film or television adaptation? Is there a best strategy for timing the submission or sale of film or television rights for a book to Hollywood?
Sloan Harris: "Being stuck in development forever and ever ... five six years." 
Jodi Reamer: "They want changes that have nothing to do with the book. But the more the studios involve the authors, the more successful the project tends to be." 
Robert Gottlieb: Studios don't want authors slowing down production, but also it's a different medium." 
Kim Witherspoon: "It's healthiest for the author not to be involved in production."
What are the trends with young adult fiction, paranormal fiction, dystopia, and erotic fiction (like 50 Shades of Grey)? Are they past their peak?
Eric Simonoff: Publishers are always chasing yesterday's trends. 
Jodi Reamer: In terms of YA as a whole, it just comes down to great writing.
Have you ever had the "one that got away"?
All: Just one?!?
What do you feel are the best outlets for promoting books? How important are Facebook, Twitter, and the blogosphere? Do authors have to Tweet or blog? Can it help get bigger deals? What is the best way to tap into an audience and grow? How important is it for authors to have a relationship with their fans?
Jodi Reamer: The best media outlet is NPR. 
Robert Gottlieb: Publishers have recently discovered Facebook, but the blogosphere is extremely important in terms of the promotion of books.
Eric Simonoff: If you need to ask, "Do I have to tweet? Don't."
Kim Witherspoon: It's important for writers to have a relationship with their readers. The writers know who their readers are; the publishers don't.
What’s the most exciting thing about how the publishing business has evolved? Where are you finding new talent? How is Amazon and self-publishing changing publishing? Is there a new and growing marketing for shorter, mid-length books?
Sloan Harris: I used to find talent scouring literary magazines, but those sources have largely dried up. My younger colleagues are finding talent on blogs. 
Robert Gottlieb: Amazon is having an influence on traditional publishers. Stories that publishers won't pick up are selling millions of copies when they are self-published on Amazon, and that makes publishers take notice. 
Sloan Harris: I think that following trends is a really tricky way to build lists. 
What makes a literary agent valuable? 
Robert Gottlieb: It's really about managing rights and making the author successful. 
Sloan Harris: I think of myself as someone who can help a writer develop.
(Note the important difference in how these two agents approach writers. Gottlieb takes a strictly business approach, while Harris values his position as someone who can enhance a writer's career. If you are a commercial writer, an agent like Gottlieb would be a good choice. Literary writers would be more comfortable with an agent like Harris.)

Agent Bios

Jodi Reamer (Writers House):  Jodi Reamer is an agent and an attorney. She's been with Writers House since 1995. She represents children's books, picture book to young adult, and adult books with a focus on commercial fiction.

Kim Witherspoon (Inkwell Management): Kimberly Witherspoon, at age 26, founded her own literary agency, which quickly became one of the most prestigious and successful agencies in Manhattan, with clients who are frequently published around the world. Over the past 15 years, she has represented critically acclaimed and bestselling authors of both fiction and nonfiction.

Robert Gottlieb (Trident Media): Robert Gottlieb started the Trident Media Group agency in 2000 so that he could inculcate the entrepreneurial spirit into the DNA of the firm from inception. For many consecutive years, Trident continues to rank as the number one literary agency in North America in the number of transactions for authors based on the statistics from the major trade website, Publisher's Marketplace.

Sloan Harris (International Creative Management – ICM): Sloan Harris co-heads publications at ICM, a talent and literary agency with offices in Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C. and London, representing clients in the fields of motion pictures, television, music, publishing, and live performance.

Eric Simonoff (William Morris Endeavor – WME): Eric Simonoff began his publishing career at W.W. Norton as an editorial assistant. He joined Janklow and Nesbit in 1991 and rose to co-director. He left Janklow & Nesbit for William Morris Endeavor in 2009. He represents three Pulitzer Prize winners, as well as over a dozen New York Times bestselling authors. Note: Mr. Siminoff is closed to queries.

Christy Fletcher (Fletcher & Company): Christy Fletcher began her career at the Carol Mann Agency. In 2003, she founded Fletcher & Company, widely considered one of the leading independent literary agencies. Clients include many international bestselling and prize-winning authors. The agency expanded into feature film and television production and management in 2006, and acts as producer on several client-based projects. Note: Ms. Fletcher is closed to queries.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Getting Your Self-Published Book Into Libraries

Updated 9/22/23

According to the American Library Association there are nearly 117,000 libraries in the United States. If you are considering self-publishing, that number should make you salivate.

Libraries are not only a huge market, they are frequently an untapped one for self-publishers. Unfortunately, libraries usually order books from their own distributors, which means approaching them directly to purchase your self-published book may be an uphill battle.

Don't despair.  Self-published authors have several options for getting their books into libraries.

1) Smashwords - If you publish through Draft2Digital (formerly Smashwords), your book will be available to libraries through OverDrive (world's largest library ebook platform serving 20,000+ libraries), Baker & Taylor Axis 360, Tolino, Gardners (Askews & Holts and Browns Books for Students), and Odilo (2,100 public libraries in North America, South America and Europe).

2) Indie Author Project - The Indie Author Project (IAP) is a publishing community that includes public libraries, authors, curators, and readers working together to connect library patrons with great indie-published books. IAP has helped hundreds of libraries engage their local creative community and assisted in getting more than 12,000 indie authors into their local libraries. Most importantly, the project has worked with top curation partners and librarians to identify hundreds of these as the best indie eBooks available to readers—so they can be sustainably circulated to library patrons with confidence.

Through this publishing community, authors are able to submit eBooks directly to their local public library to then be vetted by industry editorial partners and regional library editorial boards. Being selected by these curators can lead to expanded discovery, distribution, and networking opportunities.

3) Book Reviews - Librarians order books largely based on reviews. Getting a review into one of these magazines will provide you with maximum exposure.

5) Direct marketing - This works for print books. Walk into your local library and ask them to order your book. While you're at it, offer to do a reading.

Helpful resources (Read these articles!):

The Library Market: What Indie Authors Need to Know

Getting Indie Authors Into Libraries - An Interview with Mitchell Davis of BiblioBoard

Top 25 Librarian Bloggers (By the Numbers)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

11 Scifi and Fantasy Review Sites for Self-Published Authors

Endless Dream by Santijar - Deviant Art
Updated 5/31/23

If you write science fiction or fantasy, there are many ways you can promote your books. There are hundreds of individual bloggers who are more than happy to review self-published books. (See "Additional Resources" below.) There are also many platforms that specialize in advertising and promoting those genres.

This list includes sites that publish reviews of self-published books. (There are more sites for traditionally published books.) They all offer reviews for free. Some accept books for review, while others accept freelance reviews, in which case someone - not the author - would have to submit a review.

The advantage of a book review site, as opposed to a blog, is traffic. Most blogs can't compete with well trafficked review sites for the simple reason that most review sites rely on more than one reviewer. (Even blogs with two or three reviewers can't compete.) This allows review sites to cover more books, which, in turn, attracts more traffic.

Additional Resources:

Fantasy and Sci-fi Reviewers Accepting Self-Published Authors
A list of 269 online book reviewers who accept self-published work in speculative fiction (scifi, fantasy, horror, paranormal).

If you write scifi, these are your go-to sites.

These are the best sites for finding reviewers in any genre.


Strange Horizons

Strange Horizons publishes in-depth reviews of speculative art and entertainment, especially books, films, and television, three times a week. Reviews normally cover new works, they will not reject a review because its subject has been available for a while. "We're especially interested in reviews of worthy material that might not otherwise get the exposure it deserves; similarly, we are interested in reviews of works that push traditional genre boundaries." They pay $40 for a review.

SFReader offers reviews on any book, anthology or magazine that has a speculative element (all flavors of science fiction, fantasy, and horror). They prefer traditionally published print books, but will accept Kindle format.

This popular site reviews fantasy books only. They get a large amount of submissions per month, so a review is not guaranteed. (They review 1 in 50 submissions.) All books are read, reviewed, categorized and awarded a rating between 0 and 10. These ratings then determine who and what appears in the list of the Top 100 Fantasy Books. At time of writing the number of books that have been read and reviewed stands at well over 1,000.

Fantasy Book Critic is a group of individuals devoted to covering Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, YA/Children’s Books and other Speculative Fiction. They accept review queries from publishers large, small and independent as well as self-published authors. Both print and electronic formats are accepted.

Lightspeed Magazine

Lightspeed is a well known science fiction and fantasy magazine. If you have a book you’d like them to consider for review, or you’d like to send a press release, use this address: All of their reviews are in-house.

Authors and publishers can fill out a request for a review on their contact form. Authors can also promote their books on the Promotion Zone. This site gets quite a bit of traffic. Their list of interviews, reviews, articles, and guest posts is extensive. They also publish anthologies.


Everything on this site is contributed by readers. The areas they cover are scifi, fantasy, horror, steampunk, computers, anime, manga, games, RPGs, toys, models, science, futurism, films, TV. Electronic format press releases and articles/reviews can be sent to the editor, Geoff, via gfwillmetts-2 (at)

The Future Fire

The Future Fire accepts both freelance reviewers and suggestions for titles to review. "We will consider all subgenres of speculative fiction (and related nonfiction), regardless of author or medium, including self-published work, but we are especially interested in seeing more books by and about women, people of color, LGBTQIA, disabled people, people with nonwestern languages and religions, and other under-represented groups."

Fantasy Faction

This site has something for everyone: forums, author interviews, news, reviews. There are numerous helpful writing articles on the site, including quite a few on self-publishing. They also have a monthly short story prize, events, a convention, yearly fantasy awards, and they have even published a short story collection, The Fantasy-Faction Anthology (US, UK). The forum topics cover everything from upcoming events, to writing discussions, to read alongs. Authors who have a self-published fantasy novel can promote their book in the forum, as well as request reviews.

Tor accepts pitches for essays, think pieces, list posts, reaction pieces, and reviews in the 1000-2000 word range. If possible, please include 2-3 writing samples and links to your published work on other sites.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Mega-List of Free Promotional Sites for Self-Published Books

Updated 5/30/23

The hardest task faced by self-published authors is promotion. Self-published authors don't have the resources of large, or even small, publishers. Nor do they have the marketing networks that every publisher relies on to create "buzz" for upcoming books. If you are self-publishing, you are going to have to do all that work yourself.

Fortunately, there are plenty of places for you to promote your book for free. Hundreds of online reviewers are happy to receive a book in exchange for an honest review, and many post their reviews on multiple platforms. There are also numerous sites that publish interviews with authors, as well as places to post your cover reveal and excerpts.

The resources below will help you on your way to effective marketing and promotion. I suggest that before you begin promoting your book, you look at these lists and sites and make a list of your own of the various types of promotion you'd like to do, and then find the sites that provide what you are looking for. Keep careful track of where you have promoted your book, and don't forget to evaluate the results!

Note: For all of my articles on self-publishing, including resources for promoting your book, marketing, getting reviews, setting up your author website and more see: Self-Publishing


List of lists

Indies Unlimited has the longest, most comprehensive list of places to promote your book that I have ever seen.

Digital Pubbing's list of 110 tools to find readers and reviewers is conveniently broken down into categories (reviews, advertising, interviews, etc.) to help writers hone in to the type of promotion they are looking for.

Kindlepreneur lists 127 places to promote your book, free and paid.

Build Book Buzz's handout is a substantial collection of resources that will help you find media outlets, reader review sites, and online review sites for your book.

Angie's Diary lists the top ten free promotion sites for self-published books.

Savvy Writers has a list of 46 free promotional sites for self-published books.

Individual promotional sites

Authors Den allows self-publishers to download sample chapters which readers can review. You must have a book cover before you can upload a chapter. Detailed instructions are on the site.

YA Books Central offers book reviews, cover reveals, author profiles and interviews, sponsors giveaways and contests, and accepts advertising for YA books.

Book Buzzr  offers paid promotion, but you can try it for free for 14 days

Books on the Knob offers free reviews, will post your giveaway, discounted books,

Indie Books Blog is a blog that promotes self-published books. Fill out the form to have your book posted, and tweeted.

Book Life, run by Publishers Weekly, lets you submit your book for review, register your book, and post an author profile,  Don't forget to connect your social media accounts to your profile! 
  • Get your book featured in BookLife's monthly Indie Spotlight. Each month they focus on a different topic.
  • Submit your book for Publishers Weekly review consideration. It's free, and every year hundreds of BookLife submissions are selected for review. 
  • Read the digital edition of the BookLife section of Publishers Weekly. Twice a month, BookLife samples the best books and ideas from indie authors all over the world. If you don't yet receive email notifications about each new issue, you can sign up here.
Indie Book Reviewer lists book review sites and blogs by genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Comedy, Historical, Horror, Inspirational, Mystery & Thriller, Romance, and Nonfiction. Some of these may be temporarily closed to submissions.

Indies Unlimited offers an array of free features includes Thrifty Thursdays, Print Book Paradise, Kindle Unlimited Hump Days, and a weekly flash fiction challenge. The submissions guidelines are explained in detail on the features’ respective pages.

Kidswrd is a promotional site just for children's books (younger age groups). Authors can post their book by creating a KIDSWRD account. Your books are recommended to parents and kids through their email subscribers list. Your books are also promoted through related social media pages.

Snick's List will promote your book for one week for free. 


Book Talk hosts free forums where authors and publishers can post their books. Book Talk also offers paid promotion.

Online Book Club is a forum for readers and authors. Reviews are also offered - both free and paid.

Kindle Boards

Mobile Read

Additional resources

For more free publicity sites seeFree Publicity for Your KDP Select Free Days

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

23 Literary Markets for Disabled Writers

Helen Keller
Updated 10/9/23

Though most literary journals are more than happy to accept submissions from disabled writers, there are only a few that specifically focus on disability.

The experience of disability, especially when it comes later in life, can be profoundly unsettling. It launches a person into a new world, a new reality, one that seeks expression. (I speak from experience, having written all of my books after I became disabled.)

If you are a writer with a disability of any kind, whether congenital or acquired, here are seventeen magazines that would love to publish your writing - whether it focuses on your own experience, or is simply something you would like to say.

These magazines accept fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, essays, novel and memoir excerpts, reviews, drama, and, in some cases, artwork.  Nine of these magazines are paying markets. I have included non-paying markets as well, as this is such a small niche. There are no submission fees.


Breath and Shadow

Breath and Shadow accepts writing on any topic for poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama; these pieces do not have to be "about" disability. However nonfiction, academic, and similar articles (profiles, interviews, opinion pieces) do have to relate to disability in some way.

Payment is upon publication. The pay scale is $20 for poetry, $30 for fiction, and $30 for nonfiction. In addition to publication and payment, Breath & Shadow will post links to contributors' work on other sites and to their Web site or e-mail address.


Kaleidoscope magazine creatively focuses on the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts. This publication expresses the experience of disability from the perspective of individuals, families, friends, healthcare professionals, educators and others.

"The material chosen for Kaleidoscope challenges and overcomes stereotypical, patronizing, and sentimental attitudes about disability. We accept the work of writers with and without disabilities; however the work of a writer without a disability must focus on some aspect of disability. The criteria for good writing apply: effective technique, thought-provoking subject matter, and in general, a mature grasp of the art of story-telling. Writers should avoid using offensive language and always put the person before the disability."

Kaleidoscope accepts electronic (website and email) submissions. Electronic submissions should be sent as an attachment when submitted both on the website and within an email. Please include complete information-full name, postal and email address and telephone number(s)

Payment is made upon publication, and varies from $10 to $100.

Submission guidelines are HERE.


Wordgathering is an online quarterly journal of disability poetry, literature and art dedicated to providing a venue where the new work of writers with disabilities can be found and to building up a corpus of work for those interested in disability literature. While it gives preference to the work of writers with disability, it seeks the well-crafted work of any writer that makes a contribution to the field.

Though Wordgathering focuses primarily on poetry, they also accept literary essays, short fiction, drama, art and books for review. Their aim is to give voice to the emerging genre of disability literature. They seek work related to disability or by writers with disabilities. Wordgathering is also very interested in reviewing books of poetry, fiction, memoir and drama by writers with disabilities, as well as books in disability studies related to literature.

Accepts reprints


New Mobility

New Mobility covers active wheelchair lifestyle with articles on recreation, travel, people, health, relationships, media, culture, civil rights and resources. Eighty-five percent of our readers have disabilities, most caused by spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, post-polio syndrome, cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

"We tell stories directly and honestly, without sentimentality. We aren’t interested in “courageous” or “inspiring” tales of  “overcoming disability.”

We like the unusual, the quirky, the humorous angle, but we also need well-reported service articles (practical information). These include pieces on health (innovations in bladder or bowel management, pain or fatigue prevention, stem cell news); technology (new products for work or play) and travel."

Payment: 15 cents per word for new writers. Payment is based on the number of words published, not the number submitted, and is made within 60 days of publication.


Deaf Poets Society

The Deaf Poets Society is an online literary journal that publishes poetry, prose, cross-genre work, reviews of deaf or disability-focused books, interviews/miscellany, and art by deaf and/or disabled writers and artists. Their mission is to provide a venue for deaf and disability literature and art, as well as to connect readers with established and emerging talent in the field.

"We're looking for narratives about the D/deaf and/or disabled experience that complicate or altogether undo the dominant and typically marginalizing rhetoric about deafness or disability. We especially want to highlight work that investigates the complexity of the experience across identities. Whether you're drawing from experiences related to gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, race, or any other marginalized identity, we want your voice in our journal."

Payment: $15

Disabled Writers

"Disabled Writers is a resource to help editors connect with disabled writers and journalists, and journalists connect with disabled sources. Our goal is specifically to promote paid opportunities for multiply marginalized members of the disability community, and to encourage editors and journalists to think of disabled people for stories that stretch beyond disability issues.

This resource is specifically designed to help editors connect with disabled people working in journalism, or trying to break into the field. It also includes disabled experts who are available to serve as sources, such as attorneys, physicians, social workers, artists, and others with professional experience or education that makes them expert sources in their fields."

The Healing Muse

The Healing Muse, the annual journal of literary and visual art published by the Center for Bioethics and Humanities, is looking for artists and writers. "We welcome fiction, poetry, narratives, essays, memoirs, drawings, photography, and graphic art, particularly but not exclusively focusing on themes of medicine and healing."


All submissions must relate to chronic illness, disability, mental health and/or neurodivergence in some way. What that means is pretty much up to you. If you think your piece covers any of these topics, send it our way! Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book excerpts, photogarphy, art. 


Rogue Agent Journal

"We want your skin, your liver, your islets of Langerhans. We want your joy and your frustration. We want to be surprised by your elegance and stunned by your forthrightness. We want to be impressed with your craft and your commitment. We are much less impressed with grand proclamations than we are by specific vulnerability." Publishes poetry. No payment.

Blanket Sea

"This publication is focused on work by writers and artists who live with chronic illness, mental illness, and disability. The work doesn’t necessarily need to be about those experiences, but submissions along those lines are welcomed and encouraged."

Has reading periods.


"We seek previously unpublished, creative, and high-quality work in the form of poetry, creative nonfiction/essays, fiction/short stories/flash fiction, scripts and digital media (photography, drawings, podcasts, and short films). Patients, students, family members, caregivers, nurses, physicians, healthcare consumers, artists, mental health providers, physical therapists, writers, clergy—all of us will be patients one day and all are welcome to submit work. We are especially looking for content from vulnerable populations and those who care for them; content that connects us with every community, makes us feel something, helps us see illness, wellness, health, or the healthcare environment differently, and inspires equality in healthcare and the world." See reading periods.


The Rooted in Rights Blog is a platform dedicated to amplifying the authentic perspectives of disabled writers. "We’re seeking reported and investigative articles, op-eds, creative nonfiction, personal essays, interviews, and short fiction on disability, with an emphasis on disability rights and justice, written by people who identify as disabled."

Payment: Sliding scale, with minimum payment being $150. See reading periods.


The Bellevue Literary Review accepts work related to their themes of health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body. "We welcome submissions of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. We are looking for essays that reach beyond the standard ‘illness narrative’ to develop a topic in an engaging and original manner. Incorporate anecdotes that feel alive, and dazzle us with thoughtful and creative analysis that allows these anecdotes to serve a larger purpose." Length: Maximum 5,000 words. Payment: Honorarium.


"In an effort to remove barriers for BIPOC, Deaf, and Disabled authors, Palimpsest Press is officially opening submissions year-round for authors who identify as BIPOC, Deaf, or Disabled. These guidelines take effect immediately. Please include “Year-round Submission” in the email subject line. Poetry collections should be between 70 and 100 pages. Nonfiction and fiction have no page requirement. Although you do not need to be published in book form, you must have been published substantially in literary journals. If you are sending poetry or non-fiction, please query jim(at) with a sample first. If you are sending fiction, please query aimee(at) with a brief description of the work and short sample (No more than 4 pages). Include a cover letter and a list of publications for all genres." Payment: Royalties.


National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities 

In addition to literary magazines, which are usually geared to fiction, the  National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities is seeking personal essays from parents with disabilities. "We believe in placing parents with disabilities at the forefront, and one way to do that is invite them to share their own experiences. We are interested in bringing together a racially, culturally, and experientially diverse group of people to contribute." Payment: $100.


General editorial subjects included in ABILITY Magazine are Humor Therapy, Headlines, Legislation, Health/ Medical Updates and Advancements, Sports, Assistive Technology, Human Interest, Diversity Employment, Housing/Universal Design for People with Disabilities, International Issues, Travel and Book Excerpts. Cartoons are also accepted. Queries/ articles not falling into one of the above categories are still accepted. Word count may range from 500 to 4,000 words. No payment.


Pulse seeks high-quality, unpublished nonfiction, first-person stories, poetry, artwork, photographs and haiku by patients, caregivers, all health and mental health professionals, students and anyone else who wants to share his or her experiences of giving or receiving health care. We would love to pay authors/creative artists handsomely for accepted work; alas, we’re not yet able to. We are grateful for each and every submission and appreciate the effort that creators have put into their works.


Writers with disabilities may submit up to three selections per issue. Deadlines are February 15 for the Spring/Summer issue, and August 15 for the Fall/winter issue. Writers must disclose their disability in their biography or in their work. Biographies may be up to 100 words in length, and should be written in third-person. Poetry maximum length is 50 lines. Memoir, fiction, and nonfiction maximum length is 2500 words. 


"We publish, exclusively, stories on disability and illness. We take all kinds of offbeat pitches from musicals and songs to visi poems and museum pieces. We believed in the power of narrative to create empathy, awareness, insight, and understanding." See submission guidelines here.


“Each issue of Exist Otherwise will have a theme and a prompt. The theme will be a quote from Claude Cahun, and the prompt will be a photograph, maybe from them, maybe not. Submissions that respond to a theme or prompt will be given some priority, but we will consider all submissions. We accept any kind of written work: poetry, prose, essays, fiction, creative non-fiction, scripts, hybrid, experimental writing, whatever. We accept any kind of visual art, but we are especially fond of creative photography.” 

Payment: $15.


Age: 14 - 22
Genre: All genres
Payment: None

All genres of writing are accepted and there is no word limit or page length requirement. Writing about experiences with illness are welcome, but pieces that are not about disabilities are encouraged as well. This is an open space for anyone to submit work that they feel expresses them and what it is like to live or be associated with a disability. Even if you are not impacted by a sickness, we still welcome your submissions. Raising awareness for disabilities through writing is encouraged by anybody and everybody!


Cripple Punk publishes essays, criticism, news and reviews, literary nonfiction, fiction, rants and raves, comics, and hybrid works on the subject of disability and live music, especially within the context of punk, alternative, and DIY music. They also have an annual print anthology. Payment: Starts at $10 dependent on length. Rolling submissions.

SICK publishes work from folks who are sick/chronically ill/mentally ill/disabled. They are looking for writing & artwork that thinks through the experience of illness and disability in new ways, or explores a topic that is framed by this experience. We do not have themes for our issues. 

  • Personal essays, creative and experimental nonfiction, lyric essays (800 - 2,300 words)
  • Poetry (submit a minimum of two and a maximum of five poems)
  • Reported features (1,500 - 2,000 words)
  • Op-eds (900 - 1,500 words)
  • Book & film reviews (800 - 1,300 words)
  • Interviews with writers, artists, creatives, activists (we can help you contact the interviewee if needed)
  • Visual art (submit a minimum of three and a maximum of eight images. We publish three - seven images per artist, please do not submit single images)
  • 800 - 1,000 words: $150 / £115
  • 1,100 - 1,500 words: $225 / £175
  • 1,600 - 2,000 words: $300 / £235
  • 2,100 - 2,500 words: $345 / £270
  • Flat rate of $100 / £80 for poetry & artwork

Additional resources

The Handy, Uncapped Pen has a list of magazines specifically geared to disabled writers. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

37 Calls for Submissions in July 2017 - Paying markets

Vladimir Kush, Diary of Discoveries
There are more than three dozen calls for submissions in July.

Every genre and every form is welcome! All are paying markets. There are no submission fees.

Many of these journals have recurring calls for submissions, so if you miss this window, you can always submit during the next reading period.

For more literary journals seeking submissions and to get a jump on next month's open calls see: Paying Markets.


Manawaker Studio: Starward TalesGenre: Speculative fiction and poetry. Reinterpretations and retellings of legends, myths, and fairytales. Payment: $3 per accepted poem, $3 per 1k words ($1 minimum.) for accepted fiction ($6 per page for graphic narrative fiction). Deadline: July 1, 2017.

The Lifted Brow. Genres: Poetry. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: July 1, 2017.
Existere. Genres: All genres and forms of art and literature are welcome including and not limited to: poetry, short plays, short stories, postcard/flash fiction, art and literature reviews, critical essays, interviews, sketches, photos, etc. Payment: Small honorarium. Deadline: July 1, 2017.

THEMA. Theme: The Face in the PhotoGenre: Short stories, flash fiction, poetry relating to the theme. Payment: Short story, $25; short-short piece (up to 1000 words), $10; poem, $10; artwork, $25 for cover, $10 for interior page display. Deadline: July 1, 2017Reprints accepted.

Cafe IrrealGenre: Magical realist stories. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: July 1, 2017.

Red RoomGenre: Horror - focuses on dark, disturbing, extreme horror and hardcore, dark crime. Payment: 3 cents per word. Word count is flexible, but the maximum payment is $120.00. Deadline: July 1, 2017.

ArcGenre: Poetry. Themed issue: "150 years post-Confederation, we cannot forget Canada's place in the global and local reality of colonization. For our 2017 Annual themed issue, Arc Poetry Magazine wants to talk about Reconciliation, Decolonization, and Nation(s)—from a poet's perspective. Arc especially encourages submissions from Indigenous poets, but this call—and conversation—is open to all Canadians, along with anyone, from any country, who feels they have something to say." Payment: $50 per page. Deadline: July 1, 2017.

Still Waters AnthologyGenre: Speculative fiction on theme of "still waters." "Creative interpretation of the theme is encouraged. Some ideas are: Still waters run deep. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. -Psalm 23:2 Water creatures (mermaids, naiads, kraken) and their environment.Length: 2500 words to 10,000 words." Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: July 1, 2017.

Briarpatch Magazine. Theme: Labour. Genre: Nonfiction writing and artwork on a wide range of topics, including current events, grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, ecology, labour, food security, gender equity, indigenous struggles, international solidarity, and other issues of political importance. Payment: $50-$150. Deadline: July 3, 2017.

Pirates & Ghosts and Agents & Spies (2 anthologies). Genre: Speculative short stories. Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: July 7, 2017.

Alien Dimensions. Genre: Speculative short stories on theme of "Alien Weather." Payment: US$10.00 for 3500+ words. Deadline: July 10, 2017.

Natural Wonders Anthology: Time in Nature Can Change Your LifeGenre: Essay. "The focus of this anthology will be finding peace about an issue, learning about yourself and others, connecting with your family, etc—while in nature or watching nature, etc. If you’ve had an epiphany while in the wilds or relating to the natural world, share your eye-opener or conclusion reached while in nature by writing an essay for this anthology. Your experiences can help others gain insight too. The book will provide a tranquil escape. Readers can enter the serenity of nature even on a lunch break, and feel a kinship with fellow nature lovers who also do their best thinking in the great outdoors." Payment: $50. Deadline: July 15, 2017.

Hinnom Magazine. Genres: Science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Payment: $0.005 cents per word with a minimum payment of $5.00 and a maximum cap of $25.00.. Deadline: July 15, 2017.
Outlook Springs is a literary journal "from another dimension." Genres: Fiction, poetry, and non-fiction tinged with the strange. Payment: $25 for fiction, $10 for poetry. Deadline: July 15, 2017.

Barrelhouse. Genre: Nonfiction. Essays on pop culture. Payment: $50. Deadline: July 15, 2017.

Third Flatiron. Genre: Short stories: science fiction and fantasy and anthropological fiction. Theme is "Strange Beasties" - Slipstream. "Are you itching to invent your own odd literary devices or creatures?  Impress us, delight us, or scare us with the diversity of your fiendish creations. Creatures of the id don't necessarily have to be monsters, but they do need to be strange. We'd fancy some ghostbusters and monster hunters too." Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: July 15, 2017.

Alice Unbound. Restrictions: Writers must be Canadian citizens (living in Canada and/or paying taxes in Canada) or permanent residents of Canada. Genre: Short stories: Theme is Lewis Carroll's books. "Whether the Mad Hatter, the mock turtle, or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, write a new tale. QUILTBAG or people of colour as characters are encouraged. Alice doesn’t have to be white and blonde." Payment: 5 cents/word. Deadline: July 15, 2017.

The Suburban Review: Volume 8: Open Them. Genre: Fiction, poetry. Payment: $75-$150 for fiction, CNF, poetry. Deadline: July 16, 2017.

Franklin/Kerr Press: Down with the Fallen Anthology. Genre: Horror, post-apocalyptic and dystopian themes. Payment: $5 per 1,000 words. Deadline: July 21, 2017.

Cricket. Genre: Short stories and nonfiction for children on theme of Scotland. Payment: 25 cents/word. Deadline: July 21, 2017.

Splickety: Havoc. Theme: Holiday Cauldron. Genre: Flash fiction, 300-1000 words. Payment: $0.02 per word via PayPal. Deadline: July 28, 2017.

Blyant Publishing. Genre: Short fiction on theme of "Beginnings." Payment: £10 per 1000-word story, £15 per 1500- word story, £20 per 2000-word story, £25 per 2500-word story. Deadline: July 30, 2017.

Enchanted ConversationGenre: Fiction, poetry - fairy tales. Theme: Emperor's New Clothes. Payment: $30 per story, $10 per poem. Deadline: July 30, 2017.

Upper Rubber Boot: Sharp & Sugar Tooth: Women Up To No Good AnthologyGenre: Stories about the dark side of culinary life. "The emphasis should be on the preparation, or the consumption, of food—horrifying, mouth-watering stories that make us hungry despite ourselves." Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

PantheonGenre: Fiction and poetry inspired by the god or goddess. Payment: 1 cent/word for fiction, $5 for poetry. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

LadybugGenre: Stories and poems for children ages 3 - 6. Theme: Our World. "Tell our readers about a cultural tradition you know well or take them to a new place, such as a train station, theater, orange grove, or dam. Investigate an everyday mystery (Where does our food come from?) or open their senses to the natural world. We’re looking for writing attuned to a young child’s interests and capacity for joy and wonder. We accept narrative nonfiction (to 800 words), nonfiction (to 400 words), poetry (to 20 lines), and proposals for short comics." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word. Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum.  Deadline: July 31, 2017.

Cricket: Animals Behaving BadlyGenre: Children's literature (ages 9 to 14)  - "contemporary or historical fiction, retellings of folktales and legends, and nonfiction on the theme of problematic encounters between humans and animals. We welcome humorous stories about troublesome pets, dramatic dealings with wild animals, domestic adventures with backyard pests, warm-hearted friendships with skittish horses—even tales of imaginary animals that exist only in fantasy and legend. Whether you are inspired by stampeding buffalo, beasts from the deep, raccoons in the attic, or foxy tricksters, Cricket wants to see your best story for middle-grade readers (preferably of 1500 to1800 words)." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum, Activities and recipes: $75.00 flat rate. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

3288 ReviewRestrictions: Open to current or former residents of West Michigan, or people who have some significant connection to the West Michigan region. Genres: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction. Payment: $25 - $50. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

CrannógGenres: Poetry, short stories. Payment: €50 per story, €30 per poem. Deadline: July 31, 2017. (Opens July 1)

Barking Sycamores is a literary journal entirely edited and operated by queer, neurodivergent people of color. Genres: Poetry, short fiction, hybrid genre, creative nonfiction, book reviews, and artwork submissions. They also welcome and publish essays about neurodivergence and the creation of literature. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

Room: Family SecretsGenre: Short stories, poetry, CNF, and visual art. Room publishes “original work by women, including trans persons, gender-variant and two-spirit women, and women of non-binary sexual orientations.” “Payment: $50 CAD for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

NonBinary Review. Theme: Fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Genres: Fiction, CNF, poetry, and hybrid work. Payment: 1 cent/word (prose), $10 per poem. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

Virginia Quarterly. Genres: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction. Payment: $200 per poem, up to 4 poems; for a suite of 5 or more poems, usually pays $1,000. Short fiction, $1,000 and up. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

Third Point Press. Genres: Short fiction and poetry on theme of "Skin." Payment: $10. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

Martian Migraine Press: CHTHONIC: Weird Tales of Inner Earth. Genre: Speculative fiction. "We are looking for weird fiction that explores the mystique and terror of caverns, abyssal spaces, and subterranean worlds. As with previous MMP anthologies, we will be including a seed story from H. P. Lovecraft’s oeuvre (in this case, The Rats in the Walls, though many of his stories went underground). We want to see bizarre civilizations, mind-boggling physical and biological phenomena, horrific rituals, mad science and madder sorcery. We want to feel the tunnel floors beneath our feet shake with the passage of beasts, machines, and gods that have never seen the light of the sun; sentient oils, intelligent muck, living rock, molemen, formless spawn and Efts of the Prime, worms, Dholes, and ghastlier things." Payment: 3 cents (CAD) per word. Deadline: July 31, 2017.

The Pulp Horror Book of Phobias. Genre: Horror short stories about phobias. Payment: $50 per story. Deadline: July 31, 2017.
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