There are more than two dozen calls for submissions in October.
As always, there are calls for a wide variety of genres and styles. Short stories, essays, interviews, poems, and flash fiction are all welcome. All of these markets pay writers.
Note: For links to sites that regularly post calls for submissions - both paid and unpaid - go to Calls for Submissions.
The Last Line. All stories must end with the last line provided, and you cannot change it in any way. Payment: $20.00 - $40.00. Deadline: October 1, 2016.
Ghosts on Drugs. Genre: Tale must include some version of at least one ghost who's on some version of at least one drug. Payment: 15 cents/word. Deadline: October 1, 2016.
Ambit. Genre: Poetry and prose. Payment: £30 for fiction, £10 for poetry. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
The Blue Route. Restrictions: Only the work of current undergraduate writers will be considered. Genres: Fiction, or creative nonfiction totaling no more than 3000 words. Payment: $25 Deadline: October 1, 2016
Skirt! Theme: Yummy! Genre: Essay - Stories about a memorable meal or a recipe. Food is love concept. Payment: $200 per piece Deadline: October 1, 2016
Six Hens. "Six Hens features true stories about the moments that define and redefine. Our writers take us to the places and events that changed what they believe in, changed how they see their place in the world, and changed them." Genre: Creative nonfiction. Payment: $50 Deadline: October 3, 2016
Exit 271: Your Georgia Writers Resource. Restrictions: All writers and artists must currently live in Georgia Genres: Feature articles (1000-2000 words), writer’s path column (less than 1000 words), short fiction (under 4000 words), poetry (any length), and artwork for the magazine cover. Payment: Feature articles are theme related and pay $50 per article. Writer’s path column pays $25 per article. Creative writing pieces and cover art are on a rolling basis. Deadline: October 3, 2016.
Griffith Review 56: Millennials Strike Back. Genre: Nonfiction: This special edition of Griffith Review is devoted to the challenges and opportunities this generation is facing and embracing. The net will be cast wide, as we listen to the voices of the future reporting on the world as they experience it. Writers, academics, artists, workers, activists – all are welcome. Payment: Negotiated according to word length. Deadline: October 7, 2016, pitches only. Read guidelines here.
The Violet Hour. Genre: Flash only. The theme prompts this time around are “macabre” and “Gothic.” All non-fiction and fiction submissions are limited to a maximum word-count of 1000 words, and all poems are limited to a maximum of 1 page, up to 5 poems per submission. Payment: $5. Deadline: October 14, 2016.
Iron Soap. Genre: Short stories of around 200 words on the theme of Halloween. Payment: 1 cent/word. Deadline: October 14, 2016.
Rattle. Restrictions: Poems may be written on any subject, in any style or length, but must be written by those who have worked a significant amount of time for a non-military governmental department or agency (whether U.S., foreign, or international). Genre: Poetry. Payment: $50. Deadline: October 15, 2016.
Disquieted Dream Press. Genre: Fiction, 2000-5000 words on the theme of Body Horror. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 15, 2016.
Helios. Genre: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction. RE_ACTED wants stories that explore the dark side of human progression. What are the secrets we’ve erased from our families shared histories? What is the government, society, or even the universe itself trying to shield us from seeing? Payment: Varies according to type of submission. Deadline: October 15, 2016.
Nous. Genre: Stories, poems, and essays taking on themes such as Addiction, Gambling, Virtual Reality and Computer Games, Therapy, Community Action and Social Change. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 16, 2016.
Shooter. Genre: Poems and stories on theme of Cities. Minimum 2000 words for stories. Payment: £25 per story and £5 per poem. Deadline: October 16, 2016.
Dieselpunk Fairy Tales. Genre: Diselpunk. "We’re looking for over-the-top storylines that fit into this mash-up of genres. Horror, action, detective, crime, and even fantasy can be fit into this genre. Think steam-punk, but with petroleum-fueled engines. All submissions will have to be based on a retelling of a fairy tale." US writers only. Payment: Revenue sharing. Deadline: October 21, 2016.
Splickety. Genre: Speculative fiction. ‘What if White Fang was actually a chupacabra? What if a pod of warmongering mermaids sank the Titanic? What if Oliver Twist turned out to be a twisted leprechaun? In these literary retellings, we want to know who really populated the stories that history wouldn’t allow told. The plot and motivations will stay largely the same, but the characters will be a little different than we remember. Think Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters when you’re writing the true versions of these classic spec-fic masterpieces.’ Payment: $0.02 per word via PayPal. Deadline: October 28, 2016. Read guidelines here.
Tacitus Publishing. Genre: "We are looking for short fiction (1,500 to 5,000 words) that takes place in space and has a strong horror element. This can include aliens, ghosts, or disturbing circumstance." Payment: 1 cent USD per word. Deadline: October 30, 2016.
Chicken Soup for the Soul. Genre: True stories by and about teachers. Payment: $200 per story. Deadline: October 30, 2016.
Adventure Cyclist .Genre: Nonfiction. Payment: 30-50 cents/word. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
World Unknown Review. Genre: Poetry, fiction. Payment: $15 per piece. Deadline: October 31, 2016. See details here.
The Book of Blasphemous Words. Genre: Weird, horror, speculative fiction. Payment: $15 per story. Deadline: October 31, 2016. See details here.
Copper Pen Press - Freakshow. Genre: Dark, twisted and unusual mysteries with dark, twisted and unusual characters set within the world of a traveling circus, carnival or freak show. Payment: $50 per story. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Horror Addicts. Genre: Horror. Your story must have a clock involved. Payment: $10. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Whortleberry Press. Genre: Speculative flash fiction. 500 words max. Payment: $6. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Maple Tree Literary Supplement. Genre: The Maple Tree Literary Supplement provides a platform for dialogue or interviews on any topic between and amongst Canadian writers, while featuring their work and reporting on literary events, landmarks or festivals in Canada and around the world–with an emphasis on their Canadian composition. Payment: $30 CAN. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Erica Verrillo has written seven books and published five. She doesn't know why anyone with an ounce of self-preservation would ever want to publish. But, if you insist on selling your soul to the devil, learn how to do it right: marketing, literary agents, book promotion, editing, pitching your book, how to get reviews, and ... most important of all ... everything she did wrong.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
23 Writing Contests in October 2016 - No Entry Fees
There are nearly two dozen writing contests in October. All are free (no entry fees). Some of the prizes are in the tens of thousands of dollars. Others are more modest. (But a prize is a prize. You still get to say you are a prize-winning author if you win.)
Many of these contests are offered annually. If you want to plan ahead, see Free Contests for a month-by-month list of all contests offered throughout the year.
The Marfield Prize, also known as the National Award for Arts Writing, is given annually by the Arts Club of Washington to nonfiction books about the arts written for a broad audience. Genre: Non-fiction book. Self-published books not accepted. Prize: $10,000. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
Red Dragonfly New Writing Competition. Restrictions: Open to UK residents from British East Asian, South Asian and South East Asian communities. Genre: 30-minute play. Prize: £1000. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
Bop Dead City. Genre: Prose and poetry on theme of Apologies. Prize: $20. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
RBC Taylor Prize for Literary Nonfiction. Restrictions: Open to published Canadian authors. Genre: Nonfiction book. Prize: CAN$25,000.00. Deadline: October 2, 2016 for books published between August 1 and September 30, 2016.
The Glenna Luschei Prize for African Poetry, sponsored by the African Poetry Book Fund and in partnership with the literary journal, Prairie Schooner, is the only one of its kind in the world and was established to promote African poetry written in English or in translation and to recognize a significant book published each year by an African poet. A standard edition is 48 pages or more in length. Genre: Open to any book of original poetry, in English, published during 2015 in a standard edition by a full-length collection of poetry. Restrictions: African nationals, African residents, or poet of African parentage with roots from any country, living anywhere in the world. Prize: USD $5,000. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
Royal Institute of Philosophy Essay Prize. Topic: Can there be a credible philosophy of history? Prize: £2,500 top prize. Deadline: October 3, 2016. Read details here.
American Antiquarian Society Fellowships for Creative Writers is calling for applications for visiting fellowships for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, film makers, journalists, and other persons whose goals are to produce imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history. Successful applicants are those whose work is for the general public rather than for academic or educational audiences. The Society's goal in sponsoring this program is to multiply and improve the ways in which an understanding of history is communicated to the American people. Prize: A stipend of $1,150 to $1,350 and on-campus housing is provided; fellows residing off-campus receive $1,850. Deadline: October 5, 2016. Read details here.
Man Booker International Prize. The Man Booker International Prize for fiction translated into English is awarded annually by the Booker Prize Foundation to the author of the best (in the opinion of the judges) eligible novel or collection of short stories. Prize: £50,000 divided equally between the author and the translator. There will be a prize of £2,000 each of the shortlisted titles divided equally between the author and the translator. Deadline: October 7, 2016. Read details here.
Austrian Cultural Forum New York Translation Prize. Genre: A translation-in-progress from German into English of a work of Austrian poetry or prose published after 1945. Prize: $5,000. Deadline: October 10, 2016. Read details here.
The NC State Short Story Contests. Restrictions: Open to all North Carolina residents except 1) tenured/tenure-track professors in the University of North Carolina system or 2) writers with a published book, 3) previous winners. Genres: An unpublished SHORT STORY of no more than 20 double-spaced pages; limit 5000 words OR an unpublished SHORT-SHORT FICTION story of no more than 5 double-spaced typed pages; limit 1200 words. Prizes: James Hurst Fiction Prize for the winning story is $500. There will also be some Honorable Mention awards. Prize for short-short is $250. Deadline: October 11, 2016. Read details here.
Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Scholarship. Restrictions: Poet must be born in the United States. Genre: Poetry. The sample must not exceed either (1) 40 typed pages or (2) one printed volume plus no more than 20 typed pages of your most recent work. There is no minimum page requirement. Prize: $54,000 for a year of travel and study abroad. Deadline: October 15, 2016. Read details here.
Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Career Development Grants. Restrictions: Writers who are U.S. citizens and have lived in Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, or St. Louis counties in northeastern Minnesota for at least six months are eligible. Genre: Poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Prize: $3,000 grant. Deadline: October 28, 2016. Read details here.
Penguin Random House - Daily Mail UK New Novelist Competition. Restrictions: Open to anyone aged 16 or over who is a resident of the UK or Republic of Ireland, except for employees (and their families) of the Penguin Random House UK group, Associated Newspapers Ltd and any other company associated with the competition.Genre: Entrants must never have had a novel published before (in any format, including ebook or self-published) and must be 16 or over. Prize: £20,000 top prize (advance fee). Submissions: Daily Mail First Novel Competition, c/o Penguin Random House Group, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA. Deadline: October 30, 2016.
The Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest is sponsored by Hollins University. Restrictions: Open to young women who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Genre: Poetry. Prize: Up to $5,000 renewable annual Creative Talent Scholarship in creative writing if winner enrolls at Hollins. Free tuition and housing for the university’s Hollins summer creative writing program. $200 cash prize. Publication in Cargoes, Hollins’ award-winning student literary magazine. Ten copies of Cargoes. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction is the most prestigious literary award in the US. Restrictions: Authors must be living American citizens. Self-published works not accepted. Genres: Novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Prize: $15,000. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here
The Benjamin Franklin House Literary Prize. Restrictions: Entrants must be aged 18-25 years and living in the UK. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction. Each year a question or quote exploring Franklin’s relevance in our time is open for interpretation in 1000-1500 words. Prize: First prize of £750, second prize of £500. Winning entries will be posted on the website and also published online by The Telegraph. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
Burt Award for Caribbean Literature. Restrictions: Caribbean authors age 12 through 18. Genres: Published books, previously self-published books, and unpublished manuscripts are eligible for the Award. Prize: First Prize of $10,000 CAD, a Second Prize of $7,000 CAD and a Third Prize of $5,000 CAD. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
The Eric Gregory Awards. Restrictions: Applicants must be under 30 and a British subject by birth and must ordinarily be resident in the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland. Genre: Poetry collection. Previously published work accepted. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
McKitterick Prize. Restrictions: Open to authors over age 40 on December 31, 2015. Genre: First novel. The work must have been first published in the UK in the year in which the deadline falls (and not first published abroad), or be unpublished. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Tom-Gallon Trust Award. Restrictions: Open to citizens of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland with at least one short story published or accepted for publication. Genre: Short story, maximum 5,000 words. May be unpublished. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
Lee & Low Books New Visions Award. Restrictions: Open to writers of color who are residents of the United States and who have not previously had a middle grade or young adult novel published. Genre: Middle grade or young adult novel. Prize: $1,000 and their standard publication contract, including their basic advance and royalties for a first time author. An Honor Award winner will receive a cash prize of $500. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
Ouen Press Short Story Competition 2016. Genre: True story about a journey. Prize: £300 top prize. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
The Print Express Haiku Competition. Genre: Haiku. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Prize: £100 in Amazon vouchers. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Red Dragonfly New Writing Competition. Restrictions: Open to UK residents from British East Asian, South Asian and South East Asian communities. Genre: 30-minute play. Prize: £1000. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
Bop Dead City. Genre: Prose and poetry on theme of Apologies. Prize: $20. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
RBC Taylor Prize for Literary Nonfiction. Restrictions: Open to published Canadian authors. Genre: Nonfiction book. Prize: CAN$25,000.00. Deadline: October 2, 2016 for books published between August 1 and September 30, 2016.
The Glenna Luschei Prize for African Poetry, sponsored by the African Poetry Book Fund and in partnership with the literary journal, Prairie Schooner, is the only one of its kind in the world and was established to promote African poetry written in English or in translation and to recognize a significant book published each year by an African poet. A standard edition is 48 pages or more in length. Genre: Open to any book of original poetry, in English, published during 2015 in a standard edition by a full-length collection of poetry. Restrictions: African nationals, African residents, or poet of African parentage with roots from any country, living anywhere in the world. Prize: USD $5,000. Deadline: October 1, 2016. Read details here.
Royal Institute of Philosophy Essay Prize. Topic: Can there be a credible philosophy of history? Prize: £2,500 top prize. Deadline: October 3, 2016. Read details here.
American Antiquarian Society Fellowships for Creative Writers is calling for applications for visiting fellowships for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, film makers, journalists, and other persons whose goals are to produce imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history. Successful applicants are those whose work is for the general public rather than for academic or educational audiences. The Society's goal in sponsoring this program is to multiply and improve the ways in which an understanding of history is communicated to the American people. Prize: A stipend of $1,150 to $1,350 and on-campus housing is provided; fellows residing off-campus receive $1,850. Deadline: October 5, 2016. Read details here.
Man Booker International Prize. The Man Booker International Prize for fiction translated into English is awarded annually by the Booker Prize Foundation to the author of the best (in the opinion of the judges) eligible novel or collection of short stories. Prize: £50,000 divided equally between the author and the translator. There will be a prize of £2,000 each of the shortlisted titles divided equally between the author and the translator. Deadline: October 7, 2016. Read details here.
Austrian Cultural Forum New York Translation Prize. Genre: A translation-in-progress from German into English of a work of Austrian poetry or prose published after 1945. Prize: $5,000. Deadline: October 10, 2016. Read details here.
The NC State Short Story Contests. Restrictions: Open to all North Carolina residents except 1) tenured/tenure-track professors in the University of North Carolina system or 2) writers with a published book, 3) previous winners. Genres: An unpublished SHORT STORY of no more than 20 double-spaced pages; limit 5000 words OR an unpublished SHORT-SHORT FICTION story of no more than 5 double-spaced typed pages; limit 1200 words. Prizes: James Hurst Fiction Prize for the winning story is $500. There will also be some Honorable Mention awards. Prize for short-short is $250. Deadline: October 11, 2016. Read details here.
Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Scholarship. Restrictions: Poet must be born in the United States. Genre: Poetry. The sample must not exceed either (1) 40 typed pages or (2) one printed volume plus no more than 20 typed pages of your most recent work. There is no minimum page requirement. Prize: $54,000 for a year of travel and study abroad. Deadline: October 15, 2016. Read details here.
Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Career Development Grants. Restrictions: Writers who are U.S. citizens and have lived in Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, or St. Louis counties in northeastern Minnesota for at least six months are eligible. Genre: Poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Prize: $3,000 grant. Deadline: October 28, 2016. Read details here.
Penguin Random House - Daily Mail UK New Novelist Competition. Restrictions: Open to anyone aged 16 or over who is a resident of the UK or Republic of Ireland, except for employees (and their families) of the Penguin Random House UK group, Associated Newspapers Ltd and any other company associated with the competition.Genre: Entrants must never have had a novel published before (in any format, including ebook or self-published) and must be 16 or over. Prize: £20,000 top prize (advance fee). Submissions: Daily Mail First Novel Competition, c/o Penguin Random House Group, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA. Deadline: October 30, 2016.
The Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest is sponsored by Hollins University. Restrictions: Open to young women who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Genre: Poetry. Prize: Up to $5,000 renewable annual Creative Talent Scholarship in creative writing if winner enrolls at Hollins. Free tuition and housing for the university’s Hollins summer creative writing program. $200 cash prize. Publication in Cargoes, Hollins’ award-winning student literary magazine. Ten copies of Cargoes. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction is the most prestigious literary award in the US. Restrictions: Authors must be living American citizens. Self-published works not accepted. Genres: Novels, novellas, and collections of short stories. Prize: $15,000. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here
The Benjamin Franklin House Literary Prize. Restrictions: Entrants must be aged 18-25 years and living in the UK. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction. Each year a question or quote exploring Franklin’s relevance in our time is open for interpretation in 1000-1500 words. Prize: First prize of £750, second prize of £500. Winning entries will be posted on the website and also published online by The Telegraph. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
Burt Award for Caribbean Literature. Restrictions: Caribbean authors age 12 through 18. Genres: Published books, previously self-published books, and unpublished manuscripts are eligible for the Award. Prize: First Prize of $10,000 CAD, a Second Prize of $7,000 CAD and a Third Prize of $5,000 CAD. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
The Eric Gregory Awards. Restrictions: Applicants must be under 30 and a British subject by birth and must ordinarily be resident in the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland. Genre: Poetry collection. Previously published work accepted. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
McKitterick Prize. Restrictions: Open to authors over age 40 on December 31, 2015. Genre: First novel. The work must have been first published in the UK in the year in which the deadline falls (and not first published abroad), or be unpublished. Prize: £4,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Tom-Gallon Trust Award. Restrictions: Open to citizens of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland with at least one short story published or accepted for publication. Genre: Short story, maximum 5,000 words. May be unpublished. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
Lee & Low Books New Visions Award. Restrictions: Open to writers of color who are residents of the United States and who have not previously had a middle grade or young adult novel published. Genre: Middle grade or young adult novel. Prize: $1,000 and their standard publication contract, including their basic advance and royalties for a first time author. An Honor Award winner will receive a cash prize of $500. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read details here.
Ouen Press Short Story Competition 2016. Genre: True story about a journey. Prize: £300 top prize. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
The Print Express Haiku Competition. Genre: Haiku. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Prize: £100 in Amazon vouchers. Deadline: October 31, 2016.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
24 Writing Conferences in October 2016
Soon the weather will turn chilly, the leaves will fall off the trees, and your thoughts will once again turn to indoor pursuits.
Luckily, there are two dozen writing conferences this October to keep you warm and inspired.
Writing conferences are a wonderful experience. Nothing motivates writers more than a meeting of the minds. And if you are ready to publish, attending a conference is the best way to meet agents.
Many of the conferences listed below are annual events, so if you can't make your ideal conference this year, you may be able to attend it next year. If you want to get a jump on conferences, there is a month-by-month list of conferences here: Writing Conferences.
2016 Flathead River Writers Conference, Oct 1 - 2, Kalispell, MT. One day of presentations by agents and authors - One day of workshop topics by eight presenters - Opportunity for “First Impression” 1 page submissions - One-on-one manuscript critiques with either of two agents for the first 24 2-day paid submitters. (A double-spaced 10 page manuscript sample plus a 2 page synopsis must be submitted in Word format electronically 4 weeks prior to the conference. Details on website.)
Perfecting the Picture Book Text. October 5 - 9, 2016, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Golden Kite winner Kristy Dempsey (A Dance Like Starlight, Me With You, Surfer Chick, and the forthcoming Superhero Instruction Manual) and National Book Award-winner Kathryn Erskine (Mockingbird, Mama Africa,) will give you the tools you need to write your first ever picture book, or to perfect the picture books you’ve already written. Expect to meet a few surprise guests (and experienced picture book creators) via Skype as well!
Ozark Creative Writers Conference. Oct 6 - 8, 2016, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Workshops by published authors, editors and agents; Publishers Row, independent publishers available to hear about your next project; Writing contests available to all participants.
American Medical Writers Association Annual Conference. Oct 6 - 8, 2016, Denver, CO. Workshops in medical writing, designing materials for patients, analysis, clinical reports, and more.
American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) Conference. October 6 - 9, 2016, Oakland, California. Panels, workshops, readings, a book fair, and opportunities to meet with editors for translators. The 2016 theme is “Translation and Crossings.” Poet and translator Don Mee Choi will deliver the keynote.
New York Comicon. October 6 - 9, 2016, New York, New York. New York Comic Con is the East Coast's biggest popular culture convention: Show Floor plays host to the latest and greatest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies and television; Panels and Autograph Sessions give Fans a chance to interact with their favorite Creators; Screening rooms feature sneak peeks at films and television shows months before they hit big and small screens.
Quit Whining Start Writing 2016 Writers' Conference. Oct 7 - 8, 2016, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 15 workshops encompassing writing fiction, for children, non-fiction, memoir, poetry, for the screen, and more; using social media effectively; and creating and maintaining effective websites.
Imaginarium. Oct 7 - 9, 2016, Louisville KY. A three day annual event held in Louisville, Kentucky centered entirely around creative writing, including the worlds of books, movies, gaming, music, and comics/graphic novels. Imaginarium Convention features extensive programming content, with panels and workshops presented by over 150 professional guests covering everything from the craft of writing to various genres, industry-specific topics, publishing, and social media/publicity. The convention features a film festival with a full array of awards, a masquerade/costume contest, live music, gaming, an expo open to the general public, an awards banquet, a series of literary awards called the Imadjinns, and many more activities, creating a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that is content-rich and ideal for networking, promotion and personal development.
The Eighth Annual Rochester Writers’ Conference, October 8, 2016, Rochester, Michigan. Lectures, Workshops and Panel Discussions in fiction, non-fiction and business of writing presentations. Open to new, working and published writers of all genres. Attendees select four presentations from a dozen to tailor fit their needs.
Nimrod Conference for Readers and Writers. October 14-15, 2016, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, master classes, panel discussions, and individual manuscript consultations with faculty. Participants include poets Robin Coste Lewis and Chloe Honum, fiction writers Angela Flournoy and Toni Jensen, memoirist Beth Kephart, young adult fantasy author Brenna Yovanoff, mystery writer Will Thomas, and romance author Sherry Thomas. The cost of the conference is $60, but scholarships are also available, especially for students and teachers, which lower the cost to $10.
James River Writers Conference. October 14 - 16, 2016, Richmond, Virginia. features master classes, meetings with agents, panel discussions, and pitch sessions for fiction writers and creative nonfiction writers. Participants include fiction writers Lamar Giles, Gini Koch, Sarah MacLean, and Padma Venkatraman; nonfiction writers Josh Funk and Jessica Lahey; and literary agents Linda Camacho (Prospect Agency), Gemma Cooper (Bent Agency), Moe Ferrara (BookEnds Literary), Katie Kotchman (Don Congdon), and Christopher Rhodes (The Stuart Agency). The cost of the conference is $325, or $195 for a single day. The cost of a master class is an additional $65.
Magic of Memoir: A Weekend of Craft, Process, and Publishing. October 15-16, 2016, Oakland, CA. Expert panelists • Opportunity to engage with teachers and panelists, and to win one-on-one consultations • Time to write • What makes a successful memoir? • What agents are looking for • Raffle with excellent prizes!
Viable Paradise Science Fiction Writers' Workshop. Oct 16 - 21, 2016, Martha’s Vineyard, MA. One-on-one & workshop critiques, participation in student group critiques, writing sessions, daily readings. Instructors include Scott Lynch, Debra Doyle, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Sherwood Smith, James D. Macdonald,and Steven Brust, with Elizabeth Bear and Laura Mixon as writers in residence. Applications close June 15.
Books with Bite Workshop and Retreat: Writing Horror and Haunted Novels. October 19 - 23, 2016, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. "If you’re writing a young adult or middle-grade novel that touches on any frightening or chilling subject matter, either realistic or fantastical, we can help you shape it into something un-put-down-able." In this unique four-day workshop, you will have your work critiqued, produce new pages, and come away with solid direction for your novel. Application Deadline: July 31, 2016.
Writing By Writers Workshop @ Tomales Bay. October 19 - 23, 2016, Tomales Bay, California. Manuscript and poetry workshops are limited to 12 participants and generative workshops are limited to 15 to ensure an intimate setting.
15th Annual Florida Writers Conference, October 20 - 23, 2016. Lake Mary, Florida. Four workshops and panels dedicated to help you learn how to pitch your story, and more than fifty acclaimed authors, poets, and publishing industry experts for three days of networking opportunities.
DAWG Writing Workshop, Write to Publish: Climbing Toward Success! Oct 22, 2016, DeSoto, TX. Faculty: D. D. Ayres, Kendel Lynn, Michelle Stimpson, Taylor Stevens.
Creating Page-Turning Nonfiction for Middle Grade Readers and Up. October 23 - 26, 2016, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Returning Highlights Foundation faculty members Deborah Hopkinson and Pamela S. Turner team up to share their expertise in writing biography, history, and science in this fast-paced workshop focused on creating exciting and compelling nonfiction for middle grade readers and up.
APH Conference. October 23 - 27, 2016, Fort Worth, TX. Sponsored by the Association of Personal Historians (APH). Speakers: John Colletta, Ph.D. -- Author and Lecturer in Genealogy , Max Krochmal, Ph.D. -- Assistant Professor of History at Texas Christian University , John Centrone -- Movie Soundtrack Composer and Musician.
Be a Better Freelancer Oct 28 - 29, 2016, Rochester NY. Annual conference for freelance writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, graphic artists, website managers and developers, etc., with presenters offering guidance and tips on marketing, promotions, new skills and other business aspects of freelancing. Focus: Nonfiction.
Magna cum Murder XXII. Oct 28 - 30, 2016, Indianapolis, IN. 45+ authors of crime writing fiction Guest of Honor: Maureen Jennings International Guest of Honor: Natasha Cooper.
Writer's Digest Novel Writing Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2016, Los Angeles, CA. Experienced authors, editors, agents and publishing experts will be on hand, ready to help you develop your own craft and position yourself for success.
2016 Ossabaw Weekend Writer’s Retreat. Oct 28 - 30, 2016, Ossabaw Island, GA. Workshops and seminars led by nationally recognized faculty, and evening readings (special emphasis on ghost stories) by faculty and participants. Application deadline: September 25.
WriteAngles. October 29, 2016, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Panels and workshops, with two keynoters, a limited number of agent meetings. Continental breakfast, and buffet lunch included. Agents: Danielle Barthel (New Leaf Literary), Kirsten Carleton (Prospect Agency), Jackie Lindert (New Leaf Literary), Gina Panettieri (founder and president of Milford, Connecticut-based Talcott Notch Literary) and John Rudolph (Dystel and Goderich Literary Management).
Luckily, there are two dozen writing conferences this October to keep you warm and inspired.
Writing conferences are a wonderful experience. Nothing motivates writers more than a meeting of the minds. And if you are ready to publish, attending a conference is the best way to meet agents.
Many of the conferences listed below are annual events, so if you can't make your ideal conference this year, you may be able to attend it next year. If you want to get a jump on conferences, there is a month-by-month list of conferences here: Writing Conferences.
2016 Flathead River Writers Conference, Oct 1 - 2, Kalispell, MT. One day of presentations by agents and authors - One day of workshop topics by eight presenters - Opportunity for “First Impression” 1 page submissions - One-on-one manuscript critiques with either of two agents for the first 24 2-day paid submitters. (A double-spaced 10 page manuscript sample plus a 2 page synopsis must be submitted in Word format electronically 4 weeks prior to the conference. Details on website.)
Perfecting the Picture Book Text. October 5 - 9, 2016, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Golden Kite winner Kristy Dempsey (A Dance Like Starlight, Me With You, Surfer Chick, and the forthcoming Superhero Instruction Manual) and National Book Award-winner Kathryn Erskine (Mockingbird, Mama Africa,) will give you the tools you need to write your first ever picture book, or to perfect the picture books you’ve already written. Expect to meet a few surprise guests (and experienced picture book creators) via Skype as well!
Ozark Creative Writers Conference. Oct 6 - 8, 2016, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Workshops by published authors, editors and agents; Publishers Row, independent publishers available to hear about your next project; Writing contests available to all participants.
American Medical Writers Association Annual Conference. Oct 6 - 8, 2016, Denver, CO. Workshops in medical writing, designing materials for patients, analysis, clinical reports, and more.
American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) Conference. October 6 - 9, 2016, Oakland, California. Panels, workshops, readings, a book fair, and opportunities to meet with editors for translators. The 2016 theme is “Translation and Crossings.” Poet and translator Don Mee Choi will deliver the keynote.
New York Comicon. October 6 - 9, 2016, New York, New York. New York Comic Con is the East Coast's biggest popular culture convention: Show Floor plays host to the latest and greatest in comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, toys, movies and television; Panels and Autograph Sessions give Fans a chance to interact with their favorite Creators; Screening rooms feature sneak peeks at films and television shows months before they hit big and small screens.
Quit Whining Start Writing 2016 Writers' Conference. Oct 7 - 8, 2016, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 15 workshops encompassing writing fiction, for children, non-fiction, memoir, poetry, for the screen, and more; using social media effectively; and creating and maintaining effective websites.
Imaginarium. Oct 7 - 9, 2016, Louisville KY. A three day annual event held in Louisville, Kentucky centered entirely around creative writing, including the worlds of books, movies, gaming, music, and comics/graphic novels. Imaginarium Convention features extensive programming content, with panels and workshops presented by over 150 professional guests covering everything from the craft of writing to various genres, industry-specific topics, publishing, and social media/publicity. The convention features a film festival with a full array of awards, a masquerade/costume contest, live music, gaming, an expo open to the general public, an awards banquet, a series of literary awards called the Imadjinns, and many more activities, creating a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that is content-rich and ideal for networking, promotion and personal development.
The Eighth Annual Rochester Writers’ Conference, October 8, 2016, Rochester, Michigan. Lectures, Workshops and Panel Discussions in fiction, non-fiction and business of writing presentations. Open to new, working and published writers of all genres. Attendees select four presentations from a dozen to tailor fit their needs.
Nimrod Conference for Readers and Writers. October 14-15, 2016, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, master classes, panel discussions, and individual manuscript consultations with faculty. Participants include poets Robin Coste Lewis and Chloe Honum, fiction writers Angela Flournoy and Toni Jensen, memoirist Beth Kephart, young adult fantasy author Brenna Yovanoff, mystery writer Will Thomas, and romance author Sherry Thomas. The cost of the conference is $60, but scholarships are also available, especially for students and teachers, which lower the cost to $10.
James River Writers Conference. October 14 - 16, 2016, Richmond, Virginia. features master classes, meetings with agents, panel discussions, and pitch sessions for fiction writers and creative nonfiction writers. Participants include fiction writers Lamar Giles, Gini Koch, Sarah MacLean, and Padma Venkatraman; nonfiction writers Josh Funk and Jessica Lahey; and literary agents Linda Camacho (Prospect Agency), Gemma Cooper (Bent Agency), Moe Ferrara (BookEnds Literary), Katie Kotchman (Don Congdon), and Christopher Rhodes (The Stuart Agency). The cost of the conference is $325, or $195 for a single day. The cost of a master class is an additional $65.
Magic of Memoir: A Weekend of Craft, Process, and Publishing. October 15-16, 2016, Oakland, CA. Expert panelists • Opportunity to engage with teachers and panelists, and to win one-on-one consultations • Time to write • What makes a successful memoir? • What agents are looking for • Raffle with excellent prizes!
Viable Paradise Science Fiction Writers' Workshop. Oct 16 - 21, 2016, Martha’s Vineyard, MA. One-on-one & workshop critiques, participation in student group critiques, writing sessions, daily readings. Instructors include Scott Lynch, Debra Doyle, Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Sherwood Smith, James D. Macdonald,and Steven Brust, with Elizabeth Bear and Laura Mixon as writers in residence. Applications close June 15.
Books with Bite Workshop and Retreat: Writing Horror and Haunted Novels. October 19 - 23, 2016, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. "If you’re writing a young adult or middle-grade novel that touches on any frightening or chilling subject matter, either realistic or fantastical, we can help you shape it into something un-put-down-able." In this unique four-day workshop, you will have your work critiqued, produce new pages, and come away with solid direction for your novel. Application Deadline: July 31, 2016.
Writing By Writers Workshop @ Tomales Bay. October 19 - 23, 2016, Tomales Bay, California. Manuscript and poetry workshops are limited to 12 participants and generative workshops are limited to 15 to ensure an intimate setting.
15th Annual Florida Writers Conference, October 20 - 23, 2016. Lake Mary, Florida. Four workshops and panels dedicated to help you learn how to pitch your story, and more than fifty acclaimed authors, poets, and publishing industry experts for three days of networking opportunities.
DAWG Writing Workshop, Write to Publish: Climbing Toward Success! Oct 22, 2016, DeSoto, TX. Faculty: D. D. Ayres, Kendel Lynn, Michelle Stimpson, Taylor Stevens.
Creating Page-Turning Nonfiction for Middle Grade Readers and Up. October 23 - 26, 2016, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Returning Highlights Foundation faculty members Deborah Hopkinson and Pamela S. Turner team up to share their expertise in writing biography, history, and science in this fast-paced workshop focused on creating exciting and compelling nonfiction for middle grade readers and up.
APH Conference. October 23 - 27, 2016, Fort Worth, TX. Sponsored by the Association of Personal Historians (APH). Speakers: John Colletta, Ph.D. -- Author and Lecturer in Genealogy , Max Krochmal, Ph.D. -- Assistant Professor of History at Texas Christian University , John Centrone -- Movie Soundtrack Composer and Musician.
Be a Better Freelancer Oct 28 - 29, 2016, Rochester NY. Annual conference for freelance writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, graphic artists, website managers and developers, etc., with presenters offering guidance and tips on marketing, promotions, new skills and other business aspects of freelancing. Focus: Nonfiction.
Magna cum Murder XXII. Oct 28 - 30, 2016, Indianapolis, IN. 45+ authors of crime writing fiction Guest of Honor: Maureen Jennings International Guest of Honor: Natasha Cooper.
Writer's Digest Novel Writing Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2016, Los Angeles, CA. Experienced authors, editors, agents and publishing experts will be on hand, ready to help you develop your own craft and position yourself for success.
2016 Ossabaw Weekend Writer’s Retreat. Oct 28 - 30, 2016, Ossabaw Island, GA. Workshops and seminars led by nationally recognized faculty, and evening readings (special emphasis on ghost stories) by faculty and participants. Application deadline: September 25.
WriteAngles. October 29, 2016, South Hadley, Massachusetts. Panels and workshops, with two keynoters, a limited number of agent meetings. Continental breakfast, and buffet lunch included. Agents: Danielle Barthel (New Leaf Literary), Kirsten Carleton (Prospect Agency), Jackie Lindert (New Leaf Literary), Gina Panettieri (founder and president of Milford, Connecticut-based Talcott Notch Literary) and John Rudolph (Dystel and Goderich Literary Management).
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
10 Literary Agents Seeking Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy
Updated 3/1/25
These ten agents are seeking YA fantasy right now. All are from established literary agencies with solid track records. As always, make sure to read the agency website before submitting your query to see if your book would be a good fit.
Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
Ms. Maddy Belton of The Madeleine Milburn Literary Agency (UK)
After graduating from St Andrews University with a degree in English Literature and Art History, Maddy followed her love of literature to an internship at non-fiction literary agency Graham Maw Christie. At GMC, Maddy worked her way up to Agent and built a list of authors who wrote for both for adults and children, spanning history, tarot, and nature writing.
What she is seeking: SFF across all genres for all ages, including: grim dark, thriller, historical, romance, cozy fantasy, sci-fi, epic, YA fantasy, dark academia, contemporary fantasy, fantasy middle-grade, mythology, fairy tale and queer fantasy. Inspiring children’s non-fiction.
How to submit: Read the agency guidelines HERE.
Rebecca Strauss (DeFiore and Company)
Carrie Pestritto (Laura Dail Agency)
Carrie Pestritto worked at Writers House and Prospect Agency before becoming part of the LDLA team. She earned her BA in English, cum laude, from Amherst College in 2009, also spending a year studying abroad at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University. As an agent, she loves the thrill of finding new authors with strong, unique voices and working closely with her clients. Carrie always strives to help create books that will introduce readers to new worlds and is drawn in by relatable characters, meticulous world-building, and unusual, compelling premises.
What she is seeking: Seeks high concept MG and YA fantasy.
How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.
Emily Van Beek (Folio Literary)
Representing an author or artist, whether aspiring or established, is an honor and a commitment I take very seriously. I am passionate about children’s and young adult books. I am passionate about negotiating the best deal possible. I am passionate about working together with our experienced and esteemed subsidiary rights and contracts teams to squeeze as much juice out of a single property as it will yield. I find it incredibly rewarding to work with new voices (and I’m thrilled to say that I’ve discovered several irresistible projects by debut authors and artists in the submissions pile). I’m also committed to helping established authors and artists continue to grow their careers. I am an “editorial” agent, in that I’ll work through as many drafts over the course of as many years as it takes to polish a manuscript I believe in to a high shine prior to submission. My goal is to build long-term relationships with authors and artists and to help them publish books that will stand the test of time.
He works creatively with clients and on marketing, branding initiatives and promotions to get great books into the hands of readers. Before becoming an agent, he was a story editor at a book-scouting agency working with film clients, and he continues to look for new ways to partner with Hollywood on adaptations and multimedia properties.
How to Submit: Please specify the first and last name of the agent to whom you are submitting, as well as the category and genre of your submission (i.e.: “Pete Knapp – YA Fantasy”) in the subject line of the email. Send your query letter and accompanying material to the email address below. All materials must be in the body of the email, as we are unable to open attachments. Due to the volume of email queries we receive, we will only respond if we are interested.
I graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.A. in English. I began my career at Writers House in 2013 with an internship. Before becoming an Agent, I was the assistant to CEO, Amy Berkower and then to founder, Al Zuckerman. I also briefly worked as an assistant at The Agency Group. I've been lucky enough to work with a variety of best-selling and award winning authors across all genres. I am now in the process of actively building my client list.
What she is seeking: In YA, she loves creative and epic fantasies, but she is also drawn to realistic stories with multi-dimensional female characters. She is always interested in elevating diverse voices, particularly through feminist narratives. She is seeking middle grade of all stripes, but especially stories that deal with themes of friendship, adventure, or encountering tragedy for the first time. She is also on the lookout for whimsical, meaningful, and funny picture books. On the adult side she is drawn to commercial voices in Romance, Women’s Fiction, Historical Fiction, Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
How to submit: Please use her form HERE.
These ten agents are seeking YA fantasy right now. All are from established literary agencies with solid track records. As always, make sure to read the agency website before submitting your query to see if your book would be a good fit.
Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
IMPORTANT: You should NEVER query an
agent without checking the agency website first. Submission
requirements change, and agents may close their lists, or switch
agencies. Query only one agent at the same agency at a time.
After graduating from St Andrews University with a degree in English Literature and Art History, Maddy followed her love of literature to an internship at non-fiction literary agency Graham Maw Christie. At GMC, Maddy worked her way up to Agent and built a list of authors who wrote for both for adults and children, spanning history, tarot, and nature writing.
What she is seeking: SFF across all genres for all ages, including: grim dark, thriller, historical, romance, cozy fantasy, sci-fi, epic, YA fantasy, dark academia, contemporary fantasy, fantasy middle-grade, mythology, fairy tale and queer fantasy. Inspiring children’s non-fiction.
How to submit: Read the agency guidelines HERE.
Rebecca Strauss (DeFiore and Company)
Before joining DeFiore and Co., Rebecca was at McIntosh and Otis for seven years where she was an agent and Director of Subsidiary Rights. Prior to M&O, she was a foreign rights associate at Trident Media Group, and a book scout and development assistant at Sony Pictures. She’s originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina and earned her degree in English Literature from Duke University.
What she is seeking: Fantasy and sci-fi.
How to Submit: Please email her at Rebecca [@] with a brief query letter containing information on your book, your bio and the first five pages in the body of the email. Please include the word “Query” and your book title in the subject line.
Katelyn Detweiler (Jill Grinberg Literary Management)
What she is seeking: Fantasy and sci-fi.
How to Submit: Please email her at Rebecca [@] with a brief query letter containing information on your book, your bio and the first five pages in the body of the email. Please include the word “Query” and your book title in the subject line.
Katelyn Detweiler attended Pennsylvania State University as a Schreyer Honors College scholar, receiving a B.A. in English, emphasis in Creative Writing, and a minor in Women’s Studies, interning at the Penn State Press during her time there. Post college she moved to New York City for the Columbia Publishing Course, and from there worked in the marketing department of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group. She joined Jill Grinberg Literary Management in 2010, and represents a client list that spans all age groups and categories, with an emphasis on fresh perspectives and strong voices. Katelyn is also a published YA author. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and children, and when she’s not writing, reading, and revising books, she enjoys venturing into the world outside, exploring green spaces and sampling new foods.
What she is seeking: For YA, Katelyn is drawn to magical realism, fantasy, speculative, historical, and light sci-fi, as long as the characters feel relatable and grounded in the teen experience.
How to submit: Follow the agency guidelines HERE.
Carrie Pestritto (Laura Dail Agency)
Carrie Pestritto worked at Writers House and Prospect Agency before becoming part of the LDLA team. She earned her BA in English, cum laude, from Amherst College in 2009, also spending a year studying abroad at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University. As an agent, she loves the thrill of finding new authors with strong, unique voices and working closely with her clients. Carrie always strives to help create books that will introduce readers to new worlds and is drawn in by relatable characters, meticulous world-building, and unusual, compelling premises.
What she is seeking: Seeks high concept MG and YA fantasy.
How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.
Emily Van Beek (Folio Literary)
Representing an author or artist, whether aspiring or established, is an honor and a commitment I take very seriously. I am passionate about children’s and young adult books. I am passionate about negotiating the best deal possible. I am passionate about working together with our experienced and esteemed subsidiary rights and contracts teams to squeeze as much juice out of a single property as it will yield. I find it incredibly rewarding to work with new voices (and I’m thrilled to say that I’ve discovered several irresistible projects by debut authors and artists in the submissions pile). I’m also committed to helping established authors and artists continue to grow their careers. I am an “editorial” agent, in that I’ll work through as many drafts over the course of as many years as it takes to polish a manuscript I believe in to a high shine prior to submission. My goal is to build long-term relationships with authors and artists and to help them publish books that will stand the test of time.
What she is seeking: YA romantasy.
How to Submit: Please send along your query letter and first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of the email to emily[@]
Put the word QUERY in the subject line. If you haven’t heard from Emily in six weeks, then she is not the agent for your project.
Christa Heschke (McIntosh & Otis)
Christa Heschke graduated from Binghamton University with a major in English and a minor in Anthropology. She started in publishing as an intern at both Writers House and Sterling Lord Literistic, where she fell in love with the agency side of publishing. Christa has been at McIntosh and Otis, Inc. in the Children's Literature Department since 2009.
What she is seeking: “For fantasy, I’d like to see unique takes or twists that make them stand out from what’s already on the shelf. I’m a sucker for folklore, especially non-western. I love re-tellings of all types — folktales, classic stories, etc., but again they have to be standout. I’m not looking for something that’s been done many times before. No urban fantasy please.”
How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.
Ginger Clark (Ginger Clark Literary)
How to Submit: Please send along your query letter and first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of the email to emily[@]
Put the word QUERY in the subject line. If you haven’t heard from Emily in six weeks, then she is not the agent for your project.
Christa Heschke (McIntosh & Otis)
Christa Heschke graduated from Binghamton University with a major in English and a minor in Anthropology. She started in publishing as an intern at both Writers House and Sterling Lord Literistic, where she fell in love with the agency side of publishing. Christa has been at McIntosh and Otis, Inc. in the Children's Literature Department since 2009.
What she is seeking: “For fantasy, I’d like to see unique takes or twists that make them stand out from what’s already on the shelf. I’m a sucker for folklore, especially non-western. I love re-tellings of all types — folktales, classic stories, etc., but again they have to be standout. I’m not looking for something that’s been done many times before. No urban fantasy please.”
How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.
Ginger Clark (Ginger Clark Literary)
Before starting her own agency, Ginger Clark was a literary agent with Curtis Brown LTD (New York). On the adult side of her list she represents science fiction, fantasy and horror. On the children’s side she represents middle grade and young adult fiction and non-fiction. In addition to representing her own clients, she also handles British Commonwealth rights for the agency’s children’s list. She attends the Bologna Book Fair every year on behalf of her agency, and visits London annually as well. Previously, she worked at Writers House for six years as an assistant literary agent. Her first job in publishing was as an editorial assistant at Tor Books. She is the Chair of the Contracts Committee of the Association of Authors’ Representatives, and a member of its International Committee. She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and lives in Brooklyn with her husband.
What she is seeking: YA fiction in all genres.
How to Submit: Send a query letter and your contact information to submissions (at) GingerClarkLiterary (dot) com. Ginger will respond within two weeks, but only if interested in reviewing materials.
Peter Knapp (Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management)
How to Submit: Send a query letter and your contact information to submissions (at) GingerClarkLiterary (dot) com. Ginger will respond within two weeks, but only if interested in reviewing materials.
Peter Knapp (Park, Fine & Brower Literary Management)
He works creatively with clients and on marketing, branding initiatives and promotions to get great books into the hands of readers. Before becoming an agent, he was a story editor at a book-scouting agency working with film clients, and he continues to look for new ways to partner with Hollywood on adaptations and multimedia properties.
How to Submit: Please specify the first and last name of the agent to whom you are submitting, as well as the category and genre of your submission (i.e.: “Pete Knapp – YA Fantasy”) in the subject line of the email. Send your query letter and accompanying material to the email address below. All materials must be in the body of the email, as we are unable to open attachments. Due to the volume of email queries we receive, we will only respond if we are interested.
For YA & children’s fiction submissions, please include a query letter and the first chapter or approximately the first ten pages of your work. For non-fiction submissions, please send a query letter. We do not review poetry or screenplays. Send to:
Andrea Somberg (Harvey Klinger)
A literary agent for over twenty years, Andrea represents a wide range of fiction and nonfiction, including projects for adult, young adult and middle grade audiences. Her clients’ books have been NYTimes and USA Bestsellers, GMA and Target Book Club Picks, winners of ALA’s Alex Award and the Nebula, nominated for The Edgar Award, The Governor General’s Award, the Lambda Award, the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award, the Ohioana Award and the VCU Cabell First Novelist Award, Junior Library Guild Selections, PublishersMarketplace's Buzz Book Selections, and have been named best books of the year by NYPublic Library and Book of the Month Club.What she is seeking: YA fantasy and science fiction.
How to submit: Follow the agency guidelines HERE.
I graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.A. in English. I began my career at Writers House in 2013 with an internship. Before becoming an Agent, I was the assistant to CEO, Amy Berkower and then to founder, Al Zuckerman. I also briefly worked as an assistant at The Agency Group. I've been lucky enough to work with a variety of best-selling and award winning authors across all genres. I am now in the process of actively building my client list.
What she is seeking: In YA, she loves creative and epic fantasies, but she is also drawn to realistic stories with multi-dimensional female characters. She is always interested in elevating diverse voices, particularly through feminist narratives. She is seeking middle grade of all stripes, but especially stories that deal with themes of friendship, adventure, or encountering tragedy for the first time. She is also on the lookout for whimsical, meaningful, and funny picture books. On the adult side she is drawn to commercial voices in Romance, Women’s Fiction, Historical Fiction, Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
How to submit: Please use her form HERE.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
2 New Literary Agents Seeking Writers
Updated 4/13/23
Here are two literary agents seeking clients. Annie Hwang is interested in all categories of literary and upmarket fiction. Jess Dallow (Brower Literary) is looking for YA and adult, with a keen interest in contemporary, thriller, romance, and women’s fiction.
Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
Annie Hwang of Ayesha Pande
Before joining Ayesha Pande Literary, Annie began her career at Folio Literary Management where she had the pleasure of working with debut and seasoned authors alike. As a former journalist, Annie possesses a keen editorial eye which she brings to her approach to agenting, taking an active role in the careers of her clients..
What she is seeking: She specializes in all categories of literary and upmarket fiction. She’s especially drawn to historical novels and psychological thrillers. In addition, she loves working with debut authors who have a gift for storytelling and are able immerse her deep within a well-built world in the space of a few sentences. Braided narratives, layered plots, and characters with deep emotional resonance all occupy a strong place in her heart. Annie is also open to nonfiction in the categories of pop science, diet/health/fitness, food, lifestyle, humor, pop culture, and select narrative nonfiction.
How to submit: Please use the form HERE.
Jess Dallow of Brower Literary
Here are two literary agents seeking clients. Annie Hwang is interested in all categories of literary and upmarket fiction. Jess Dallow (Brower Literary) is looking for YA and adult, with a keen interest in contemporary, thriller, romance, and women’s fiction.
Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
IMPORTANT: You should NEVER query an
agent without checking the agency website first. Submission
requirements change, and agents may close their lists, or switch
_____________________Annie Hwang of Ayesha Pande
Before joining Ayesha Pande Literary, Annie began her career at Folio Literary Management where she had the pleasure of working with debut and seasoned authors alike. As a former journalist, Annie possesses a keen editorial eye which she brings to her approach to agenting, taking an active role in the careers of her clients..
What she is seeking: She specializes in all categories of literary and upmarket fiction. She’s especially drawn to historical novels and psychological thrillers. In addition, she loves working with debut authors who have a gift for storytelling and are able immerse her deep within a well-built world in the space of a few sentences. Braided narratives, layered plots, and characters with deep emotional resonance all occupy a strong place in her heart. Annie is also open to nonfiction in the categories of pop science, diet/health/fitness, food, lifestyle, humor, pop culture, and select narrative nonfiction.
How to submit: Please use the form HERE.
Jess Dallow of Brower Literary
Jess has always had a love for books, especially those that feature well developed, strong female characters. She is fascinated with complex characters and a world that she can fall in love with, stories that make her want to sob and laugh within minutes of each other, and a book that she can’t put down no matter what time it is or what rerun of SVU is on. Jess is interested in both YA and adult literary and commercial fiction with a focus in romance, thrillers, and women’s fiction. She has a BFA in Writing for Film and Television from the University of the Arts and worked in entertainment for eight years before returning to her home state of NY where she worked at a literary agency for two years before joining Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency.
What she is seeking: Jess specializes in YA and adult, with a keen interest in contemporary, thriller, romance, and women’s fiction.
How to submit: Send all queries to with “QUERY: [Project Title/Agent Querying]” in the subject line. Email should include a query letter, a full synopsis, and your first chapter, pasted into the email (NO attachments please).
Jess has always had a love for books, especially those that feature well developed, strong female characters. She is fascinated with complex characters and a world that she can fall in love with, stories that make her want to sob and laugh within minutes of each other, and a book that she can’t put down no matter what time it is or what rerun of SVU is on. Jess is interested in both YA and adult literary and commercial fiction with a focus in romance, thrillers, and women’s fiction. She has a BFA in Writing for Film and Television from the University of the Arts and worked in entertainment for eight years before returning to her home state of NY where she worked at a literary agency for two years before joining Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency.
What she is seeking: Jess specializes in YA and adult, with a keen interest in contemporary, thriller, romance, and women’s fiction.
How to submit: Send all queries to with “QUERY: [Project Title/Agent Querying]” in the subject line. Email should include a query letter, a full synopsis, and your first chapter, pasted into the email (NO attachments please).
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
10 Agents Seeking Fantasy Novels
Updated 2/22/25
Here are ten agents currently seeking fantasy. All are from established agencies with solid track records.
Here are ten agents currently seeking fantasy. All are from established agencies with solid track records.
You can find dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
IMPORTANT: You should NEVER query an
agent without checking the agency website first. Submission
requirements change, and agents may close their lists, or switch
Hannah started as an agency assistant before moving on to acquire her own clients. She’s been with Bradford Literary Agency since 2017 and has had the privilege to work with a number of bestselling authors across a variety of genres. She likes to think of herself as an editorial-focused agent and is particularly eager to acquire BIPOC/underrepresented voices.
What she is seeking: As a Mexican-American, she would particularly love to see the stories that she grew up with showcased in new and creative ways. She’s a huge fan of expansive world building and atmospheric settings, dark and transporting fantasy in YAs, and MGs with macabre elements and dark humor. "I am particularly drawn to stories that are based in non-Western culture/fantasy—if you have Slavic demons, a story in the Chinese diyu, Pacific Island inspired tattoo magic, a tale rooted in spooky Japanese kabuki/bunraku, or your book feels like a KDrama (I’m obsessed), send it my way!"
How to submit: Use her form HERE.
Ms. Bailey Tamayo of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Bailey joined Greenburger Associates after internships with Writers House and the Carol Mann Agency. She is now an associate agent and the assistant to Matt Bialer, aiding him with his talented list of fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, literary, and nonfiction authors. She graduated from Emerson College with a degree in Writing, Literature & Publishing and Communication Sciences & Disorders. You can find Bailey on Twitter @baileymeitamayo
What she is seeking: Bailey is seeking middle grade, YA, and adult speculative fiction, fantasy, sci fi, horror, and anything in between—especially when the genre is a unique setting for the deeply human stories underneath. She is drawn to poignant coming of age narratives like The Graveyard Book, I Am Not Okay With This, and any given Ghibli film. Her favorite stories are those that are gently heartbreaking, hopeful, or (ideally) both. She enjoys sharp humor, lyrical prose, lovable and complex characters, and rich worldbuilding. She is eager to advocate for underrepresented authors, and especially to explore these viewpoints through horror, such as Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives, and Mexican Gothic. Some of her favorite authors/creators are Neil Gaiman, Emily St. John Mandel, Taika Waititi, Noelle Stevenson, Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples, and ONE.
How to submit: Query Bailey at under the subject line “Query: [PROJECT TITLE].” Please include a brief pitch and bio in your cover letter and your full manuscript as an attachment. If Bailey believes your work might be a good fit for her list, she will be in touch within 4-6 weeks. Due to the volume of queries she receives, she is unable to respond personally to each submission.
Kaylee Davis (Dee Mura Literary)
Kaylee received a B.A. in English Literature and a B.A. in Sociology from Miami University, and she is certified in Copyediting from Emerson College. Recognized for her obsessive-compulsive attention to detail and crazy-fast reading ability, Kaylee joined the Dee Mura team as a professional copyeditor, proofreader, and administrative assistant before being named an agent.
What she is looking for: She seeks particularly epic, contemporary, near-future, and diverse. She has a special interest in locked-room mysteries, psychological, multiple POVs, lesser-explored settings, and unusual retellings.
How to Submit: Send queries to query [@] Put your name and the project title in the subject. Include a synopsis and the first 25 pages of your ms in the body of the email.
Rebecca Strauss (DeFiore and Company)
Before joining DeFiore and Co., Rebecca was at McIntosh and Otis for seven years where she was an agent and Director of Subsidiary Rights. Prior to M&O, she was a foreign rights associate at Trident Media Group, and a book scout and development assistant at Sony Pictures. She’s originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina and earned her degree in English Literature from Duke University.
How to Submit: Please email her at Rebecca [@] with a brief query letter containing information on your book, your bio and the first five pages in the body of the email.
Please include the word “Query” and your book title in the subject line.
Ms. Bailey Tamayo of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
Bailey joined Greenburger Associates after internships with Writers House and the Carol Mann Agency. She is now an associate agent and the assistant to Matt Bialer, aiding him with his talented list of fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, literary, and nonfiction authors. She graduated from Emerson College with a degree in Writing, Literature & Publishing and Communication Sciences & Disorders. You can find Bailey on Twitter @baileymeitamayo
What she is seeking: Bailey is seeking middle grade, YA, and adult speculative fiction, fantasy, sci fi, horror, and anything in between—especially when the genre is a unique setting for the deeply human stories underneath. She is drawn to poignant coming of age narratives like The Graveyard Book, I Am Not Okay With This, and any given Ghibli film. Her favorite stories are those that are gently heartbreaking, hopeful, or (ideally) both. She enjoys sharp humor, lyrical prose, lovable and complex characters, and rich worldbuilding. She is eager to advocate for underrepresented authors, and especially to explore these viewpoints through horror, such as Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives, and Mexican Gothic. Some of her favorite authors/creators are Neil Gaiman, Emily St. John Mandel, Taika Waititi, Noelle Stevenson, Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples, and ONE.
How to submit: Query Bailey at under the subject line “Query: [PROJECT TITLE].” Please include a brief pitch and bio in your cover letter and your full manuscript as an attachment. If Bailey believes your work might be a good fit for her list, she will be in touch within 4-6 weeks. Due to the volume of queries she receives, she is unable to respond personally to each submission.
Ms. Nina Leon of Perez Literary & Entertainment
After obtaining her honors degree in publishing, Nina went on to intern at the Irene Goodman Literary Agency before arriving at High Spot Literary as a junior agent.
What she is seeking: Adult & New Adult – I’m focusing on adding more fantasy romance and dark fantasy romance to my list. I’m always drawn to Gothic romances, dark fairy tale retellings, witches, magic, and court intrigue within fantasy romance. I adored season two of Bridgerton and would love a historical romance in the same vein. I’m always on the hunt for atmospheric dark academia and magical academia. I love magic schools, spells, and fantastical creatures.
How to submit: Use her querymanager HERE.
Jared is a recovering academic. After several years of academic research in the humanities and teaching writing and history, he turned his efforts toward pursuing a career in publishing. In 2021 he joined Olswanger Literary as a Literary Associate.
What he is seeking: "Fantasy of all types except romantasy (it’s a great subgenre; I’m just not as familiar with the professional landscape). I love worlds that feel like they live off the page and with unique, well-integrated systems of magic. I’m a sucker for a well-executed Chosen One narrative, but I especially love protagonists that just happen to find themselves in the right (or wrong!) place at the right time (think The Will of the Many by James Islington)."
How to submit: Use his querymanager HERE.
Maximilian Ximenez grew up within the New York publishing industry. Prior to joining the L. Perkins Agency, he worked at Blizzard Entertainment, creators of the popular Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo video game franchises. He is a strong believer in publishing and narrative as a central pillar of franchise and transmedia development.
What he is looking for: “I’m looking for books that either critique or avoid the standard Medieval fantasy milieu.”
How to Submit: Send query letter to submissions [@] Include the first five pages of your novel with your query letter. No attachments.
What he is looking for: “I’m looking for books that either critique or avoid the standard Medieval fantasy milieu.”
How to Submit: Send query letter to submissions [@] Include the first five pages of your novel with your query letter. No attachments.
Ginger Clark (Ginger Clark Literary)
Before starting her own agency, Ginger Clark was an literary agent with Curtis Brown LTD (New York). On the adult side of her list she represents science fiction, fantasy and horror. On the children’s side she represents middle grade and young adult fiction and non-fiction. In addition to representing her own clients, she also handles British Commonwealth rights for the agency’s children’s list. She attends the Bologna Book Fair every year on behalf of her agency, and visits London annually as well. Previously, she worked at Writers House for six years as an assistant literary agent. Her first job in publishing was as an editorial assistant at Tor Books. She is the Chair of the Contracts Committee of the Association of Authors’ Representatives, and a member of its International Committee. She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and lives in Brooklyn with her husband.
How to Submit: Send a query letter and your contact information to submissions (at) GingerClarkLiterary (dot) com. Ginger will respond within two weeks, but only if interested in reviewing materials.
How to Submit: Send a query letter and your contact information to submissions (at) GingerClarkLiterary (dot) com. Ginger will respond within two weeks, but only if interested in reviewing materials.
Molly Jamieson of United Agents (UK)
Molly joined United Agents in 2017 as an assistant. She is now an Associate Agent and continues to work closely with Jodie Hodges and Emily Talbot on their lists of children’s authors and illustrators as well as building her own list.
What she is seeking: She has a particular interest in scifi and fantasy across both adult and children’s books. For a sense of her taste, she has recently read and enjoyed Sistersong by Lucy Holland, Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, Uprooted by Naomi Novik, The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang, and Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber. She loves anything with high stakes, characters you would follow anywhere, big stories, expansive worldbuilding, breathless romance, and threads of adventure running throughout.
How to submit: Please send a query containing a one-line elevator pitch and two or three comparable books, together with a blurb that you could imagine on the back of your book jacket. For fiction submissions please also attach: A one page synopsis which tells us the outline of your story from start to finish and the first three chapters of your manuscript.
Send materials to:
Literary Agent Laura Crockett is interested in a variety of YA and adult fiction. She's a character-driven reader seeking narratives with emotional depth and compelling stakes. She's interested in diversity in all of its forms across all of the genres below.
In YA, Laura is seeking fantasy (fractured fairytales, culturally-influenced folklore, historically-inspired, lush world-building, horror) akin to The Star-Touched Queen, The Lie Tree, A Magic Steeped in Poison, and Six Crimson Cranes.
In adult fiction, she is seeking fantasy (inspired by historical/cultural events and folklore, in-depth world-building and authentic characterizations, secondary worlds, ensemble casts and solo protagonists, epic/high and soft/low, and horror) like Babel, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, The City of Brass, A River Enchanted.
How to submit: When querying Laura, please include the first ten pages in the body of the email, with "Query" included in the subject line. EMAIL:
———————Kaylee Davis (Dee Mura Literary)
Kaylee received a B.A. in English Literature and a B.A. in Sociology from Miami University, and she is certified in Copyediting from Emerson College. Recognized for her obsessive-compulsive attention to detail and crazy-fast reading ability, Kaylee joined the Dee Mura team as a professional copyeditor, proofreader, and administrative assistant before being named an agent.
What she is looking for: She seeks particularly epic, contemporary, near-future, and diverse. She has a special interest in locked-room mysteries, psychological, multiple POVs, lesser-explored settings, and unusual retellings.
How to Submit: Send queries to query [@] Put your name and the project title in the subject. Include a synopsis and the first 25 pages of your ms in the body of the email.
Rebecca Strauss (DeFiore and Company)
Before joining DeFiore and Co., Rebecca was at McIntosh and Otis for seven years where she was an agent and Director of Subsidiary Rights. Prior to M&O, she was a foreign rights associate at Trident Media Group, and a book scout and development assistant at Sony Pictures. She’s originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina and earned her degree in English Literature from Duke University.
How to Submit: Please email her at Rebecca [@] with a brief query letter containing information on your book, your bio and the first five pages in the body of the email.
Please include the word “Query” and your book title in the subject line.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
5 Literary Agents Seeking Steampunk
These five agents are looking for steampunk manuscripts. In case you are wondering, steampunk is a subgenre of speculative fiction that incorporates features of 19th-century steam engine technology (hence the steam). The punk aspect of steampunk has now been thoroughly incorporated into the world of fashion - goggles, helmets - proving, once again, that anything can be commercialized.
Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
Lane Heymont (The Tobias Agency)
Note: You can find a list of dozens of new and established agents seeking clients here: Agents Seeking Clients
IMPORTANT: You should NEVER query an
agent without checking the agency website first. Submission
requirements change, and agents may close their lists, or switch
Cate Hart (Harvey Klinger Literary Agency)
Cate joined Harvey Klinger Literary Agency in 2019 after 5 years with a New York agency where she represented Middle Grade to Adult fiction. She specializes in Historical, whether in Young Adult, Women’s Fiction and Romance, or narrative nonfiction. She is particularly drawn to oft forgotten stories of the past and underrepresented voices, and especially personal to her is unexplored Southern history and culture. She also loves high-concept fantasy in YA and Adult fiction. A graduate of the University of Tennessee, studying Theatre and History, Cate currently lives in Nashville with her children.
What she is looking for: “Currently I am interested in finding adult steampunk, but I am open to YA and MG as well. I am always open to diverse characters from diverse authors and welcome more unique settings outside of Victorian London.”
How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.
What she is looking for: “Currently I am interested in finding adult steampunk, but I am open to YA and MG as well. I am always open to diverse characters from diverse authors and welcome more unique settings outside of Victorian London.”
How to Submit: Use her query manager HERE.
Shira Hoffman (McIntosh & Otis, Inc.)
Shira began her career in publishing as an intern at Tor Books and has been with M&O since 2007. In 2013, she took over as Director of Subsidiary Rights. She also Tweets @ShiraSHoffman.
What she is looking for: “I’m only looking for adult steampunk and maybe an occasional YA. No MG.”
How to Submit: Send queries SHquery [@] Please send a query letter, synopsis, author bio, and the first three consecutive chapters (no more than 30 pages) of your novel. No attachments.
Note: Shira's bio no longer appears on the agency website, but she is still listed at the bottom. Her twitter account gives MacIntosh & Otis as her agency. My advice is to query and see what happens.
What she is looking for: “I’m only looking for adult steampunk and maybe an occasional YA. No MG.”
How to Submit: Send queries SHquery [@] Please send a query letter, synopsis, author bio, and the first three consecutive chapters (no more than 30 pages) of your novel. No attachments.
Note: Shira's bio no longer appears on the agency website, but she is still listed at the bottom. Her twitter account gives MacIntosh & Otis as her agency. My advice is to query and see what happens.
Jen Hunt graduated from the University of Reno, Nevada with an English Literature degree and an unholy fascination with Victorian literature, although contrary to popular belief, she doesn't wear a corset. She does drink way too much coffee and enjoys watching the BBC. Another remake of a Jane Austen classic? Game on! Also happens to be a huge Bioware fangirl - when she has enough time for gaming
What she is looking for: Picture books, YA, and adult steampunk.
How to Submit: Send your queries to query [@] Include the first 10 pages of your manuscript copy/pasted into the body of an email (no attachments, unless requested). In the subject line: please be sure to include “Query for Jen: [Title].” Also include genre and word count and your name and contact information. If you have publishing credits, please give us relevant information: name of the book/anthology/story, publisher, publication date, sales info.
What she is looking for: Picture books, YA, and adult steampunk.
How to Submit: Send your queries to query [@] Include the first 10 pages of your manuscript copy/pasted into the body of an email (no attachments, unless requested). In the subject line: please be sure to include “Query for Jen: [Title].” Also include genre and word count and your name and contact information. If you have publishing credits, please give us relevant information: name of the book/anthology/story, publisher, publication date, sales info.
Sara Megibow (Megibow Literary Agency)
Sara Megibow is a literary agent with nine years of experience in publishing. Sara specializes in working with authors in middle grade, young adult, romance, erotica, science fiction and fantasy and represents New York Times bestselling authors Roni Loren and Jason Hough and international bestselling authors Stefan Bachmann and Tiffany Reisz. Sara is LGBTQ-friendly and presents regularly at SCBWI and RWA events around the country.
What she is looking for: Middle grade, young adult, romance, science fiction and fantasy. The novel can be epic, urban, historical, paranormal, contemporary, etc—steampunk in any sub-genre is welcome. “I’m looking for queries for novels that are 100% complete and never previously published. As an example of steampunk that I love, I represent Stefan Bachmann whose THE PECULIAR is an internationally bestselling steampunk fantasy for middle grade.”
How to Submit: To submit, please email a query letter and the first 10 pages of your manuscript along with your author website if you have one to
What she is looking for: Middle grade, young adult, romance, science fiction and fantasy. The novel can be epic, urban, historical, paranormal, contemporary, etc—steampunk in any sub-genre is welcome. “I’m looking for queries for novels that are 100% complete and never previously published. As an example of steampunk that I love, I represent Stefan Bachmann whose THE PECULIAR is an internationally bestselling steampunk fantasy for middle grade.”
How to Submit: To submit, please email a query letter and the first 10 pages of your manuscript along with your author website if you have one to

Serving as a Literary Assistant for two years at the Seymour Agency, Lane Heymont led the marketing efforts for their authors and enjoyed connecting clients with readers. As a lover of literature since childhood, he decided to pursue his passion as a literary agent to bring more well written books to the masses.
How to submit: Use his query tracker form HERE.
How to submit: Use his query tracker form HERE.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Indie Author Day - Coming Soon to a Library Near You!
There are more than 20,000 libraries in the U.S., providing not just books to their patrons, but a solid boost for authors. Libraries often feature sections for local authors, and host many literary events.
On October 8, 2016, libraries all over the country will be celebrating indie authors. If you have self-published, this is a golden opportunity for you to connect with readers, local resources, and other writers!
Find out more on the Indie Author Day website.
From the website:
During the Inaugural Indie Author Day on October 8, 2016, libraries from all across North America will host their own local author events with the support of the Indie Author Day team. In addition to these local programs, each library’s indie community will come together for an hour-long digital gathering at 2 pm Eastern featuring Q&A with writers, agents and other industry leaders. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity for libraries and authors to connect on both local and global levels!
Is your library participating? Find your library here:
Libraries across the US will be holding:
- Presentations from local indie authors about writing, marketing and more
- Book readings and / or signings from local authors
- Presentations from local industry leaders
- Writing workshops
- Presentations and workshops to inform the writing community about tools available for them to use through the library
Is your library participating? Find your library here:
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