Wednesday, April 25, 2018

50 Calls for Submissions in May 2018 - Paying Markets

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There are more than three dozen calls for submissions in May. Every genre and form is wanted, from speculative fiction to fairy tales and from novel excerpts to essays.

All of these markets pay, and none require submission fees.

For more paying markets you can find a list, organized by genre and subject matter here: Paying Markets.

Happy submitting!

Hashtag Queer. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction up to 7,500 words, poetry up to 5 pages and scripts for the stage and screen up to 10 pages. Payment: $5 per printed page. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

The FantasistGenre: Steam Punk. Length: Stories must be at least 15,000 words and at most 50,000. Payment: $100. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Mud Season ReviewGenre: Fiction up to 7,000 words, poetry. Payment: $50. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Carte BlancheGenres: Fiction, poetry, CNF, art, photography. Payment: Modest. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Midnight Hour: Vols 1&2. Genre: Supernatural horror (monsters, ghosts, witchcraft, etc.), Neo-noire (murder, conspiracy, mystery), Urban settings (not a must, but it catches our attention), Speculative Fiction (dark dystopian themes), Cyberpunk themes. Payment: 2 cents per word up to 8K words. Deadline: May 1, 2018. Reprints accepted.

Midnight Hour: Midnight Before Christmas. "There's no doubt that the Holidays are the most magical time of year, but that doesn't mean dark happenings aren't lurking beneath your Christmas tree as well." Genre: Supernatural horror (monsters, ghosts, witchcraft, etc.), Neo-noire (murder, conspiracy, mystery), Urban settings (not a must, but it catches our attention), Speculative Fiction (dark dystopian themes), Cyberpunk themes. Payment: 2 cents per word up to 8K words. Deadline: May 1, 2018. Reprints accepted.

Visions. Genre: Speculative fiction on theme of "Home." Payment: 4 to 5p (~6¢) per word. The final fee will be decided together with the author. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Lethe Press: The DecadentsGenre: Gay male short stories. Stories should be set during the 18th or 19th century. Payment: Payment for reprints is 1.5 cents per word. Payment for original fiction is 5 cents a word. Deadline: May 2018 (no date).

Havok: Rampage! Monsters vs. RobotsGenre: Speculative fiction. Length: Story should be between 300 and 1,000 words long. Sub-genres: Giant robots, giant monsters, giant giants, Kaiju. From Transformers to King Kong, from Voltron to Godzilla, these are classics of the sci-fi genre. In this issue, we’re looking for a twist on the classic monsters vs. robots trope. Whether they’re duking it out over territory, bumbling and making things worse for the humans they’re trying to save, or are well-meaning but unable to control their own power and rage, these creatures need to tear up the pages and make us cower in fear from the destruction they leave in their wake. Who saves the world better? Let the games begin. Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: May 4, 2018.

Pulp Modern. Genre: Crime, fantasy, science fiction, horror, and westerns. Absolutely NO SUBJECT is taboo. Payment: $10. Deadline: May 10, 2018.

Sword & Sorceress. Genre: Fantasy "sword and sorcery" stories with a strong female protagonist. Length: up to 9,000 words, with preference given to shorter stories. Payment: 6 cents per word as an advance against a pro rata share of royalties and foreign or other sales. Deadline: May 13, 2018.

Spider MagazineGenres: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, activities, crafts, and recipes for children on theme of Inventions. "We are looking for LGBTQAI+ inclusive fiction, poetry, and non-fiction manuscripts. We would like to see warm family stories, an entire story without gender pronouns, children with different gender expressions, and gentle realistic or metaphorical coming out stories. We are especially interested in matter-of-fact stories where being different isn’t the heart of the story, but part of the character’s identity." Payment: Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum, Activities and recipes: $75.00 flat rate. Deadline: May 15, 2018. Genre: Science fiction and fantasy novellas, 20,000 - 40,000 words. Payment: Advance against royalties. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Tesseracts Twenty-twoRestrictions: Canadians only. Genre: Speculative fiction on the theme of Alchemy and Artifacts. Payment: Payment for short stories is prorated as follows: $50 for stories up to 1,500 words, rising to a maximum of $150 for stories up to 5,000 words. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Bennington ReviewGenre: Prose and poetry. Payment: $100-$200 for prose, $20 per poem. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Alaska Quarterly Review. Genre: Fiction, short plays, poetry, photo essays, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles. Payment: $50-$200 for prose; $10-$50 for poetry. Deadline: May 15, 2018. Snail mail submissions only.

Cast of Wonders PodcastGenre: Speculative fiction for teens. Length: 3,000 words max.  Theme: Banned Books Week, an annual international event celebrating the freedom to read and raising awareness of the immense social value of free and open access to information. Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Broadswords and Blasters. Genre: Pulp fiction: sword and sorcery; westerns (Weird or otherwise); horror (Cosmic, Southern Gothic, visceral, and psychological); detective tales; two-fisted action; retro science fiction. Payment: $15 + digital contributor copy. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

CricketGenres: Middle Grade (9 - 14) fiction, nonfiction, poetry, recipes, and activities on theme of Endless Summer. Payment: Fiction: up to 10¢ per word, Nonfiction: up to 25¢ per word, Poems: up to $3.00 per line; $25.00 minimum. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Hinnom Magazine. Genre: Horror, dark fiction. Payment$30 for stories under 3,000 words, $55 for stories over 3,000 words. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

AugurGenre: Reprints of flash and/or short stories. "We’re looking for dream-touched realism, slipstream, fabulism, magical realism." Payment: $20 for short stories, $10 for flash fiction. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Scourge of the Seas of Time (and Space): A Pirate Anthology. Genre: Pirate stories. "We’re looking for stories about pirates who sailed the Caribbean under the Jolly Roger, Barbary Corsairs, pirates in the China Sea, pirates in the Irish Sea, pirates in the ancient Mediterranean, pirates in outer space, pirates in fantastical settings, you name it." Payment: $100, $50 for reprints. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale MagazineGenre: Fairy tale on theme of "Summer." Length: 1, 500 words. Payment: Story $20. US dollars only. Deadline: May 20, 2018.

Griffith Review 62: Novella Project VI (Australia). Genres: Novella and CNF. "We are open to fiction and long-form creative non-fiction that explore individuals, social movements, particular moments or notable episodes in the struggle towards equality. We’re looking for novellas, memoirs, biography or reportage that bring to life issues, and the stories around them, in the national narrative. They can be historical or contemporary, small scale or global, personal or philosophical, but which illustrate and bring to life the realities of political struggle in its many forms across the nation." Payment: Rates vary. Deadline: May 21, 2018.

Every Day Fiction. Genre: Flash fiction, 1000 words max. Payment: $3. Deadline: May 27, 2018.

Pedestal MagazineGenre: Poems. Payment: $40 for each poem accepted. Deadline: May 27, 2018.

Kweli Journal. "Kweli is the first online journal of its kind to celebrate community and cultural kinships. In this shared space, you will hear the lived experience of people of color. Our many stories. Our shared histories. Our creative play with language. Here our memories are wrapped inside the music of the Muscogee, the blues songs of the South, the clipped patois of the Caribbean." Genre: Self-contained novel excerpt, short story, or creative non-fiction piece, poetry. Length: No more than 7,000 words. Payment: "upon publication." Deadline: May 30, 2018.

The Wyrd. Genre: Stories that come with a heavy dose of the uncanny, the strange, and blend literary, science-fiction, fantasy, mystery and horror tropes. Payment: $10. Deadline: May 30, 2018.

Blood in the Rain. Genre: Vampire erotica. Length: 2,500-7,000 words. Payment: $75, one print copy to US authors, e-book to all. Deadline: May 30, 2018.

ArcGenre: Poetry. Payment: $50 per page for poetry or prose published in the magazine. $50 per webpage for online reprints on the website. $50 per column for How Poems Work. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Beyond the Infinite - Tales from the Outer ReachesGenre: Dark Fiction. Payment: $50 AUD for a story, as well as a copy of the book in paperback form.  Deadline: "End of May."

Baltimore ReviewGenre: Fiction, poetry, CNF. Payment: $40 per piece. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

One StoryGenre: Literary Fiction. Length: Between 3,000 and 8,000 words. Payment: $500. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Goliad ReviewGenres: Fiction, poetry, and essays. Payment: $25 per poem, up to 5 poems. For short fiction and essays, $15 per page (up to 20 pages). Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Contemporary Verse 2Genre: Poetry and critical writing about poetry, including interviews, articles, essays, and reviews. Length: Varies. Payment: Poetry: $30 per poem; Interviews: $50-$100, depending upon length; Articles: $50-$100, depending upon length; Essays: $40-$150, depending upon length; Reviews: $20-$75, depending upon length. Deadline: May 31, 2018. No simultaneous submissions.

The Gettysburg ReviewGenre: Poetry, fiction, essays. Payment: $2.00 per line for poetry and $15 per printed page for prose. Published authors also receive a copy of the issue containing their work and a one-year subscription. Deadline: May 31, 2017. (Charges small fee for online submissions. No fee for snail mail.)

AgniGenre: Poetry, short stories, essays, stand-alone novel excerpts. Payment: $20 per page for prose and $40 per page for poetry, with a $300 maximum. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Grain MagazineGenre: Poetry, short stories, literary non-fiction. Payment: $50 per page to a maximum of $250, plus 3 copies of the issue. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

ZYZZYVAPayment: Token to semi-pro. Deadline: May 31, 2018. Snail mail submissions only.

Nashville Review. "Nashville Review seeks to publish the best work we can get our hands on, period. From expansive to minimalist, narrative to lyric, epiphanic to subtle—if it’s a moving work of art, we want it." Genre: Short stories and poems. Payment: $100/story, $25/poem. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Antioch ReviewGenre: Nonfiction articles and some fiction geared to an educated audience. Payment: $20/page. Deadline: May 31, 2017. Snail mail submissions only.

New Rivers PressGenre: Manuscripts of creative nonfiction, essays, and mixed-genre work between 70 and 120 pages in length. Payment: Royalties. (Advance?) Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Black Coffee & Vinyl. Genre: Nonfiction, Poetry, Fiction, Visual Art, Photography, Music on the theme of "Ice Culture." "We are seeking work that features the physical and spiritual beauty of our world's ice, explores the life of the people and cultures that are connected to the ice from the Arctic Circle to Antarctica, and addresses important political issues related to ice." Payment: $50.  Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Gehenna & Hinnom Books. Genre: Novellas, novelettes and chapbooks of weird fiction and cosmic horror. See themes. Payment: $300-$400 (depending on length) signing bonus against royalties, which will be paid before publication; 35-40% (depending on length) net royalties, paid either monthly or bi-monthly. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Blood Bound Books: ‘Best of’ Anthology. Genre: Horror. Payment: At least $0.05/word, up to $0.08/word. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Apotheosis 2: More Stories of Survival After the Rise of the Elder Gods. Genre: Stories inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft and associated writers. Payment: $0.03/word. Deadline: May 31, 2018. Reprints accepted.

FurPlanet Anthology: Exploring New Places. Genre: Furry stories about going someplace new.  That journey can be anything, from a comedy about someone going on a packaged vacation to an exotic resort where everything goes wrong, or a romance where they find Mr. or Ms. Right, to a horror story about an expedition to explore a new planet, or a historic drama about a sailing ship blown off course in a hurricane to an unknown continent. Payment: 1/2 cent per word. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Apparition Lit. Genre: Speculative fiction on theme of Visions. Payment: $0.01 per word, minimum of $10. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Alternating Current: Retell It Like It Is: Classic Fairytales Retold by People of Color (Anthology Submissions). Genre: Fairytales retold by people of color. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Alternating Current: DaguerreoTyped Monthly Photo Prompt Challenge. Genre: Poetry, prose, hybrid, fiction or nonfiction, experimental—Anything goes that has a history bent. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Alternating Current: Undeniable: Writers Respond to Climate Change (Anthology Submissions)Genre: Poems, fiction, nonfiction, or hybrid work that addresses the theme of climate change, especially in a unique way. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Note: I am adding some June 1 deadlines to this list because it is good to get submissions in a little early.

Spark: The “Aww” FactorGenre: Flash fiction between 300 and 1000 words. "Write us a story where a single parent meets his daughter’s science teacher and there’s chemistry or maybe a vet falls for a police officer who brings in his K9. Think sweet and charming stories that make us go “aww!”  Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Nature’s Healing Spirit: Real Life Stories to Nurture the SoulGenre: Nature essay between 1,200 and 2,000 words. Payment: $50 per essay. Accepted poems pay at the rate of $25. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

SliceGenre: Poetry, prose. Payment: $250 for long stories and essays, $75 for flash fiction, and $75 for poems. Deadline: June 1, 2018.

Monday, April 23, 2018

37 Writing Contests in May 2018 - No entry fees

There are three dozen free writing contests in May, some with substantial prizes.

As always, these contests cover every genre, form and style, from full-length manuscripts, to speculative fiction short stories and poems, to essays.

Make sure to read the guidelines carefully. Many writing contests have regional and/or age restrictions.

Note: Many of these contests are held every year, so if you missed one you'd like to enter, you may be able to catch it next year. For a month-by-month list of free contests, go to Free Contests.

Great Plains Emerging Tribal Writer AwardRestrictions: Open to writers enrolled in a Native American tribe from the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Nebraska who have not published a book of creative writing. Genres: Short fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or drama/screenplays. Prize: $500. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Remastered Words Short Story CompetitionGenre: Short story up to 5,000 words. Prize: £75, £50, £25. The winning stories will be produced as audio shorts by voiceover artists. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

When to Now Time Travel Contest. Genre: Speculative fiction. Prize: Publication in an anthology. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

John Kaniecki's Great 100 Poetry PrizeGenre: Poetry. Prize: $100. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Erbacce-prize for Poetry (UK) Genre: Poetry collection. Prize: Winner will be given a publishing contract with erbacce press who will publish a perfect-bound collection of the winner's book. "We will pay all costs including the legal registering of the book and supplying copies to the major libraries. The book will be sold through our sales/shop pages and the poet will be paid 20% royalties." Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Frontier New Voices FellowshipRestrictions: Open to poets who are 50 or older and who do not have a full-length collection published or forthcoming at the time of submission. Prize: $500 grant meant to be used toward covering industry submission costs, multiple publications (original poetry and prose) in Frontier, participation in our editorial community, and introductions to agents and presses. Deadline: May 1, 2018.

Crucible: Poetry and Fiction Competition is sponsored by the Barton College Department of English. Genres: Fiction (limited to 8,000 words or less) and poetry (limited to five poems). Restrictions: All work must be original and unpublished. Prizes: $150.00 First Prize. $100.00 Second Prize. Publication in the CrucibleDeadline: May 1, 2018. 

Questions Writing PrizeRestrictions: Open to authors aged 18-30. Genre: Short stories of any genre or nonfiction between 1500 and 2000 words. Prize: First place winners (or prize pool for a tie) is $2000. The work will also be published in a book. Deadline: May 1, 2018. 

Polari First Book PrizeGenres: The prize is for a first book which explores the LGBT experience and is open to any work of poetry, prose, fiction or non-fiction published in English. Self-published works in both print and digital formats are eligible for submission. Restrictions: Writer must be born in UK or resident in the UK. Prize: £1,000.00. Deadline: May 1, 2018. 

West Virginia Fiction CompetitionRestrictions: Open to West Virginia residents or students. Genre: Short fiction, 5,000 words max. Prize: $500. Deadline: May 1, 2018. 

Whiting Foundation Creative Nonfiction GrantRestrictions: Open to US citizens and residents only. Genre: Creative nonfiction. Whiting welcomes submissions for works of history, cultural or political reportage, biography, memoir, the sciences, philosophy, criticism, food or travel writing, and personal essays, among other categories. Writers must be completing a book of creative nonfiction that is currently under contract with a publisher. Writers who signed a contract before May 2, 2016, are eligible. Prize: $40,000. Deadline: May 2, 2018. 

Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers ProgramRestrictions: Debuting authors and writers with fewer than three previously published books who have yet to receive a major literary award are eligible for consideration. Exceptions are sometimes made for authors who have published more titles, but have yet to break out to a larger audience. Submissions must be original publications, penned by one author. Self-published works not allowed. Genres: Published or scheduled to be published fiction and literary nonfiction. Prize: $10,000 in each genre and in-store marketing/merchandising from Barnes & Noble. 2nd Place $5,000 in each genre, 3rd Place $2,500 in each genre. Deadline: May 3, 2018.

Bacopa Literary ReviewGenres: Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry. Prizes: First ($200) and Runner-Up ($160) prizes in each genre. All published will receive $20 and a copy of the print journal. After publication, Bacopa 2018 will be promoted online. Deadline: May 3, 2018.

Enterprise Through Literature Contest for High School StudentsRestrictions: Open to high school students teams (up to four people). Genre: Video and essay. "The theme of this year’s ETL contest is Individual Identity in Utopia and Dystopia. In a utopia/dystopian society, how does the restriction of an individual’s rights impact their role in society and therefore entrepreneurial spirit? Cite examples from both your chosen piece of literature and real world examples. The essay should be between 250 and 500 words and should concisely explain the link between the video and the work of literature." Prize: $2,000. Deadline: May 4, 2018. 

Letters Never Meant to be ReadGenre: Stories in the form of letters from the author to someone in his/her life. Letters should tell a story, but can range from heartfelt to funny to sarcastic to vengeful – whatever works. Prize: $50-200 and print publication. Deadline: May 4, 2018. 

A Very Short Story ContestGenre: Flash fiction (10 words max). Prize: Free Gotham 10-week workshop. Deadline: May 14, 2018.

The James Laughlin Award is sponsored by the Academy of American Poets. Genre: A second book of poetry forthcoming in the next calendar year. Must be under contract with US publisher.  Restrictions: Open to US citizens and residents only. Prize: $5,000, an all-expenses-paid week long residency in Florida, and the Academy will purchase approximately 1,000 copies of the book for distribution to its members. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Leeway Foundation: Transformation AwardRestrictions: Women and transgender poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers in the Philadelphia area who have been creating art for social change for five or more years. Writers who have lived for at least two years in Bucks, Camden, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia counties, who are at least 18 years of age, and who are not full-time students in a degree-granting arts program are eligible. Award: $15,000. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Little, Brown Emerging Artist AwardGenre: High-quality picture books that resonate with readers of diverse backgrounds and experience. Diversity includes literal or metaphorical inclusion of characters of underrepresented ethnicity, religious background, gender identity, class, mental or physical disability, or any other nondominant populations. Prize: American Express® gift cards totaling $1,500, round trip travel to New York City, and the honor of a one-day mentorship with a Little, Brown Books for Young Readers’ professional children’s book design and editorial team. Submission will be reviewed for publication. Deadline: May 15, 2018.

Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction PrizeGenre: Fiction. Restrictions: Titles must be published in Canada and written by Canadians. No self-published works. Prize: $25,000 will be awarded to a novel or short-story collection published between March 14, 2018 and May 15, 2018. Prizes of $2,500 will be awarded to each of the finalists. Deadline: May 16, 2018.

Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Non-FictionGenre: Literary non-fiction. Restrictions: Titles must be published in Canada and written by Canadians. Prize: $60,000 will be awarded to a literary nonfiction book published between March 14, 2018 and May 15, 2018. Deadline: May 16, 2018.

Texas Book Festival Youth Fiction Writing Contest. Hosted by the Texas Book Festival and the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE) at the University of Texas at Austin. Restrictions: Junior and high school Texas students. Genre: Original fiction, no more than 2,000 words in length on theme of “What Really Happened.” Prize: Winners receive a cash prize: $250 for first place, $100 for second, and $50 for third. In addition, winners are awarded a plaque, have their stories published on the TBF website, and are invited to participate on a panel during the Texas Book Festival weekend. Deadline: May 18, 2018.

DSC Prize for South Asian LiteratureGenre: Published book with themes based on South Asian culture, politics, history, or people. Entries must have been first published in English between February 15 of the previous year and April 15 of the deadline year. Must be submitted by publisher. Prize: $25,000Deadline: May 20, 2018. Extended to May 31.

Nick Darke Writers' AwardGenre: Stage play. Prize: £6,000. Deadline: May 21, 2018.

Narratively. Untold Story Award. Genre: Nonfiction on the theme “Renegades.” An epic feature story that requires long-term, in-depth reporting. The reporter should spend time as a fly on the wall in the daily lives of their subjects, and become an expert on the characters and the topic (up to 6,000 words). "We’re looking for stories of rebels with a cause, dedicated activists, game changers, anyone going against the grain and making a real, measurable impact. Not limited to the political world, we’re seeking stories of people who are leading the charge and shaking up whatever sphere they occupy." Prize: One Grand Prize Winner will receive $5,000 to fund their story. Deadline: May 21, 2018.

I Must Be Off! Travel Writing ContestGenre: Travel articles, travel anecdotes and travel reflectionsPrize: $200. Deadline: May 30, 2018.

Eden Mills Teen Poetry ContestRestrictions: Open to Canadian teens. Genre: Poetry. Prize: Two $50 prizes, 2 $25 prizes. Deadline: May 30, 2018.

The Canadian Women Artists’ AwardRestrictions: Open to Canadian women living in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut. and between the ages of 21 and 35 before the application deadline. Genre: Fiction, poetry. Grant: $5,000. Deadline: May 30, 2018.

Online Writing Tips Short Fiction PrizeGenre: Short story of 2000-5000 words. Prize: £150Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Claudia Ann Seaman Awards For Young WritersRestrictions: High school students. Genre: Stories and poems. Prize: $200. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

The Wolfe Pack Black Orchid AwardGenre: Mystery novellas in the style of Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe novellas. Manuscript length: 15K-20K words. Prize: $1,000, plus recognition and publication in a forthcoming issue of AAMM. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Cromwell Article PrizeGenre: Articles published in 2017 in the field of American legal history. Restrictions: Open to early career scholars. Prize: $2,500. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Jerry Jazz Musician Fiction ContestGenre: Unpublished fiction approximately 1,000 - 5,000 words. Story should pertain to music, social history, literature, politics, art, film and theater, particularly that of the counter-culture of mid-twentieth century America. Prize: $100 and publication in Jerry Jazz MusicianDeadline: May 31, 2018.

James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing AwardsRestrictions: Open to aboriginal youth, 18 years or younger, residing in Ontario, Canada. Prize: $2,500. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Southern Fried KarmaGenre: Unpublished book-length fiction "with a Southern accent."   Prize: $1500 advance on a book publishing contract with SFK Press. All finalists will be eligible for contracts as well. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

bpNichol Poetry Chapbook AwardGenre: Published poetry chapbook. Restrictions: Canadian publishers only. Prize: The author receives $4,000 and the publisher receives $500. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

The Jeff Sharlet Memorial Award for Veterans. This creative writing contest for U.S. military veterans and active duty personnel is hosted by The Iowa Review and made possible by a gift from the family of Jeff Sharlet (1942–69), a Vietnam veteran and antiwar writer and activist. The contest is open to veterans and active duty personnel writing in any genre and about any subject matter. Prizes: First place: $1,000 plus publication in The Iowa Review. Second place: $750. Three runners-up: $500 each. Deadline: May 31, 2018.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

30 Fabulous Writing Conferences in May 2018

Richmond Terrace Gardens (Wikimedia)
Warm weather marks the beginning of conference season for writers. In May there are nearly three dozen writing conferences that span the country from one coast to the other. There are conferences that focus on the craft of writing, pitch conferences with agents and editors, and retreats for those who just need to get away. 

Conferences that include intimate coaching sessions tend to fill up quickly. I have included these, even if they are full, so you can plan ahead for next year. Planning ahead also gives you an opportunity to apply for the scholarships offered by some of these conferences. You can find a comprehensive list of conferences throughout the year here: Writing Conferences.


8th Annual Nonfiction Writers Conference. May 2 - 4, 2018: Conducted online. Opening Speaker: Gretchen Rubin

Northern Colorado Writers Conference. May 4 - 5, 2018, Fort Collins CO. Workshops, seminars, speakers, entertainment, agent roundtables, pitch sessions, networking with authors and industry professionals.

Idaho Writers Guild Conference. May 4 - 5, 2018, Boise, Idaho. Meet with agents, editors, and authors. Panel discussions, workshops, and a keynote speaker. Your registration - $195 for IWG members, $225 for non-members.

Atlanta Writers Conference. May 4 - 5, 2018, Atlanta, GA. The conference featured publishing panels, pitch sessions, manuscript and query letter critiques, and a workshop on screenwriting for writers who want to turn their novels in screenplays. Participating publishing professionals include editors Rebecca Aronson (Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins), Nicole Counts (One World/Penguin Random House), Megan Hogan (Simon & Schuster), Anna Michels (Sourcebooks), Christopher Morgan (Tor/Forge), and Anne Speyer, (Ballantine Books/Penguin Random House), and agents Linda Camacho (Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency), Sarah Landis (Sterling Lord Literistic), Sam Morgan (Foundry Media LLC), Monica Odom (Liza Dawson & Associates), Abby Saul (The Lark Group), and Brooks Sherman (Janklow & Nesbit Associates).

Washington Writers Conference 2018. May 4 - 5, 2018: College Park, MD. "We begin Friday evening, May 4th, with a meet-and-greet-and-eat reception (cash bar), followed by a “How to Pitch to Agents” panel to help you succeed during Saturday’s pitch sessions. Several past attendees have signed with agents and/or landed book deals after pitching at our conference! And one agent alone obtained five book contracts for his new clients! Keynoter will be Bob Schieffer, veteran broadcast journalist, former CBS News anchor and “Face the Nation” moderator, and author, most recently, of Overload: Finding the Truth in Today’s Deluge of News. National Book Award-winning novelist Alice McDermott will be in conversation with Tayla Burney, a radio producer and creator of the WAMU Books events series. Other Saturday panels include sessions on climate change (from a writer’s perspective), “Political Books in the Age of Trump,” and how to get published. As always, you can count on enjoying the fellowship and networking with other established and aspiring authors."

Gold Rush Writers Conference. May 4 - 6, 2018, Mokelumne Hill, CA. "Writing professionals will guide you to a publishing bonanza through a series of panels, specialty talks, workshops and celebrity lectures. Go one-on-one with successful poets, novelists, biographers, memoirists and short story writers." Writing workshops in Autobiography/Memoir, Children's, Fiction, Marketing, Non-fiction, Poetry, Publishing, Romance, Travel, Young Adult. Individual sessions available.

Hedgebrook VORTEXT Salon. May 4 - 6, 2018, Whidbey Institute on Whidbey Island, about 35 miles northwest of Seattle. Workshops, panel discussions, lectures, open mics, and time to write in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for women writers.

The Massachusetts Poetry Festival. May 4 - May 6, 2018, Salem, Massachusetts. The Mass Poetry Festival offers nearly 100 poetry readings and workshops, a small press and literary fair, panels, poetry slams, and open-air readings. More than 150 poets will engage with thousands of New Englanders.

River View Poetry Getaway. May 4 - 6, 2018: Garrison, NY.  A retreat with workshops led by Peter Murphy. Yoga sessions offered.

Columbus State Community College Writers Conference. May 5, 2018, Columbus, Ohio. Workshops in Autobiography/Memoir, Business/Technical, Fiction, Journalism, Marketing, Non-fiction, Playwriting, Poetry, Publishing, Screenwriting. This one-day conference is free of charge.

MokulÄ“‘ia Writers Retreat. May 6 - 11, 2018 in Waialua, Hawaii at Camp MokulÄ“‘ia, Oahu. Offers workshops in fiction and nonfiction, readings, one-on-one consultations, publishing panels, yoga sessions. The retreat is led by North Shore native Constance Hale, the author of Sin and Syntax, the editor of more than two dozen books, and a journalist whose stories about Hawai‘i appear on CD liner notes, as well as in publications like The Los Angeles Times and Smithsonian magazine. Hale invites a mix of writers, editors, and agents from both the islands and the mainland to lead various workshops and appear on panels.

Writing and Revising Narrative Nonfiction. May 7 - 12, 2018: Honesdale, PA. A writer of narrative nonfiction must work with both head and heart. Whether you’re writing a 1,200-word picture book, a 35,000-word middle grade, or a 65,000-word book for young adults, you need to carefully research to gather information and then assess its accuracy and relevance in order to create a compelling, true story. At this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to dig deeply into your revision. Deadline for application: April 15.

Lakefly Writers Conference. May 11 - 12, 2018: Premier Waterfront Hotel & Convention Center in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Workshops, talks, and a bookfair for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers. Keynote is mystery writer Lori Rader-Day, author of The Day I Died, The Black Hour, and Little Pretty Things. She is the recipient of the 2016 Mary Higgins Clark Award. Many speakers and presenters.

Seaside Writers Conference (Now Longleaf Writers).  May 13 - 20, 2018: Seaside Assembly Hall in Seaside, Florida. "The Seaside Writers Conference is an annual gathering of creative writers from all over the nation, and features award-winning writers in poetry and fiction and screenwriting who will offer a full week of intensive writing workshops, one day seminars, school outreach programs, and social events." Many authors, agents, editors.

Writing the Unreal: The Whole Novel Workshop in Fantasy & Speculative Fiction. May 13 -20, 2018, Honesdale, PA. This unique workshop is designed for anyone with a complete or near-complete draft of a middle-grade or young adult novel in fantasy or speculative fiction who wants a thorough manuscript critique and help making plans for revision. WAITLISTED.

Romance Times BookLovers. May 15 -20, 2018, Peppermill Resort, Reno, Nevada. More than 200 workshops led by bestselling authors and industry professionals covering craft, media & marketing, self-publishing, social media and business plus workshops led by star authors in genres including Romance. Urban Fantasy, Erotica, Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, Young Adult, New Adult, Inspirational, SF/Fantasy and Mainstream Fiction. Also book signings and many author events. Aspiring and published authors can make appointments with an agent or editor.

Writing By Writers Methow Valley Workshop. May 16 - 20 2018:Winthrop, WA. Faculty includes Dorothy Allison, Peter Ho Davies and Pam Houston. Tuition: $1,650 (before November 1) $1,750 (after November 1) includes one four-day workshop, admittance to all panels and readings, and all meals (dinner on Wednesday; three meals Thursday through Saturday; breakfast and lunch on Sunday) and lodging for four nights.

Nebula Conference. May 17th-20th, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA. SFWA members and other individuals who are interested in the field of science fiction and fantasy are welcome to attend SFWA’s Nebula Conference. Attendees may participate in workshops, programming and special events throughout the weekend. You do not need to be a member of SFWA to attend.

ASJA (American Society of Journalists and Authors) Writers Conference, May 18 - 19, 2018. NYC, NY. Focus on Autobiography/Memoir, Business/Technical, Humor, Journalism, Marketing, Nature, Non-fiction, Publishing, Religion, Screenwriting, Travel. Attending: more than 100 editors, authors, literary agents, and publicists.

Pennwriters Conference. May 18 - 20, 2018: Pittsburgh, PA. Friday evening keynote Gayle Lynds; Saturday afternoon keynote Wende Dikec; and 20+ authors, literary agents & editors, writing industry pros. Costs: $375 for 3-day registration. One-day registration available $185.

Red Ink Conference. May 19, 2018: Troy, MI. "Here are some topics we'll cover: From the Page to the Stage: Turning Your Bestselling Book into a Script, Self-Publishing Industry Secrets, How to Create a Bestselling Bio, The Bestseller Book Synopsis, Marketing to Make Money."

Novel-In-Progress Bookcamp. May 20 - 26, 2018: West Bend WI. 6-day, residential workshop-retreat for writers in all genres working on a novel or creative nonfiction book. Workshops in Autobiography/Memoir, Fiction, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Non-fiction, Publishing, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult. Registration is limited to 30 people.

Boldface Conference for Emerging Writers. May 21 - 25, 2018: Houston, Texas. Daily workshops, readings, craft talks, social events and professionalism panels in an intimate and supportive environment designed specifically with the needs of emerging writers in mind.

Wake Up and Write WRW and Writers Retreat Workshop. May 22 - 31, 2018: Boise, Idaho. Workshops, marketing sessions, and one-on-one with agent Lisa Abellera.

Creative Nonfiction Writers' Conference. May 24 - 26, 2018: Wyndham University Center in Pittsburgh. Master classes, craft discussions, publishing talks, pitch sessions, and readings for creative nonfiction writers. In just three days you can meet one-on-one with a literary agent or publishing consultant, get concrete advice from professional writers, hear what different kinds of editors are looking for, and hone your skills in an inspiring small-group session. You’ll also meet and mingle with writers from across the country who share your excitement about the writing process.

Sundress Academy for the Arts Summer Poetry Writing Retreat. May 25 - 27, 2018: Knoxville, Tennessee. The three-day, two-night camping retreat will be held at SAFTA's own Firefly Farms in Knoxville, Tennessee. All SAFTA retreats focus on generative poetry writing, and this year's poetry retreat will also include break-out sessions on writing political poetry, writing confession, kicking writer's block, publishing, and more. 

Balticon 51. May 25 - 28, 2018: Baltimore, MD. Balticon is sponsored by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS). BSFS presents the Compton Crook Award, the Robert A. Heinlein Award, and the winner of the annual Jack L. Chalker Young Writer's Contest annually at this event. Faculty: Guest of Honor: Catherine Asaro. Multiple tracks of Programming over the four day weekend, featuring authors, artists, scientists, musicians, podcasters, publishers, editors, costumers and other creative SF luminaries.

James Jones Writers Workshop Retreat. May 27 - June 3, 2018: New Harmony, IN. Faculty: Kaylie Jones, Judy Mandel, J Patrick Redmond. Costs: Advanced Writing Workshop (includes food and lodging for 7 days): $2,450. The Art of Creative Writing (beginner): $500

North Words Writers Symposium: May 30 - June 2, 2018: Skagway, Alaska. In addition to keynote author Susan Orlean, current Alaska Writer Laureate Ernestine Hayes of Juneau, Portland novelist Willy Vlautin, Ketchikan writer-artist Ray Troll, Washington writer-editor Colleen Mondor, and Fairbanks writer and former Alaska Writer Laureate Frank Soos. Juneau poet Emily Wall will be one of the workshop leaders. Costs: $375 includes most meals. College credit extra for $90.

Bear River Writers’ Conference. May 31 - June 4, 2018: Camp Michigania on Walloon Lake, near Petoskey, Michigan. Workshops in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as readings, discussions, nature walks, and time to write. The faculty includes poets Tarfia Faizullah, Ross Gay, Thomas Lynch, Jamaal May, and Richard Tillinghast; poet and fiction writer Laura Kasischke; fiction writers Desiree Coope, Antonya Nelson, and Douglas Trevor; and creative nonfiction writers Jerry Dennis and Mardi Link. Tuition, including all meals and lodging, ranges from $715 for a bunk room to $875 for a private room with a private bathroom. The cost without lodging is $625. A deposit is required to secure enrollment; the balance is due by May 5.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

50 Canadian Literary Magazines That Pay Writers

Photo by Daniel Joseph Petty from Pexels
Updated 7/7/23

I have a special fondness for Canadian literary magazines. They usually pay their writers, don't ask for "perpetual rights," and for the most part do not charge submission fees. In addition, Canada has a deep respect for literature and literacy. It is an honor to be published in one of their literary journals.

All of these magazines are paying markets. The majority accept non-Canadian writers. English is the preferred language, but sometimes French is accepted as well. I have indicated which magazines have submission periods. (Read their guidelines carefully.) 

Note: You can find hundreds more paying markets on this page: Paying Markets.

Journal Guidelines Payment Notes
The Ex-Puritan https://puritan-magazine.submittable
$100 per interview,
$200 per essay,
$100 per review,
$150 per work of fiction, and
$35 per poem (or page, capped at $120 for poems running four
pages or more),
$50 for hybrid work.
Publishes fiction, essays, poetry, and reviews. All submissions must be previously unpublished (this includes self-publishing, publishing on blogs, and in chapbook format)
Queen's Quarterly Negotiated Articles, essays, and reviews should not exceed 2500 words
Agnes and True
$75.00 (CAD) per short story  Prefers Canadians, but anyone with "Canadian sensibilities" will be considered

Submission periods
Antigonish Review
Poetry $5.00 per page to
a maximum of $25.00
plus two copies

Fiction $50.00 plus two c
opies (one digital and one print)

Articles/Essays $50.00
plus two copies (one digital and one print)

Book Reviews $50.00
plus two copies (one digital and one print)

Cover Art $100.00
plus two copies (one digital and one print)
No simultaneous submissions
The Malahat Review
$60 CAD per published page

Accepts poetry, fiction, reviews, CNF, translations, art
No simultaneous submissions
Our Times $50 Poems that reflect the themes of workers' lives, rights, insights, and social justice.

Canadians only.
The Sprawl Mag

Speculative poetry, short fiction, and visual art. "Whether it is utopic, dystopic, magical, or sci-fi, we look forward to seeing your work."

See submission periods
Arc Poetry $50 per page

Poetry, reviews of poetry, articles
about poetry

See submission periods
Augur For reprints: $10 per flash and
$20 per short story

For previously unpublished fiction/poetry rates are: $25 for flash, $20 for poetry, and $0.02/word for fiction.
See  submission periods
Canthius $15 per poem and $50 per work of prose (fiction and CNF) Accepts poetry and prose from a diversity of established and emerging women and genderqueer writers.

Submission periods
CAROUSEL Fiction: 1-4 pgs: $55 / 5+ pgs: $100; Poetry: $20 per work (paid in CDN currency) Fee to submit online.

No fee for snail mail.

Submission periods
carte blanche Modest honorarium Accepts poetry, fiction, CNF, translation, photography, comics

Submission periods
Shrapnel All fiction, CNF, and essay publications are paid $25; original artwork for stories and comics are paid $20; and poetry, book reviews, interviews, and columns are paid $15 Canadian writers only

Submission periods
Contemporary Verse 2: The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing
Poetry: $30 per poem,
Interviews: $50-$100,
Articles: $50-$100,
Essays: $40-$150,
Reviews: $50-$80
Accepts submissions from Sept. 1 through May 31.
Existere Small honorarium Accepts all genres of poetry, short plays, short stories, postcard/flash fiction, art and literature reviews, critical essays, interviews, sketches, photos, etc.
Feathertale Only contributors that are
published in print journal will
receive payment
Publishes humorous poetry, short fiction, cartoons and sketches

Submission periods
The Fiddlehead
$60 CAD per published page Accepts fiction, including excerpts from novels, creative nonfiction, and poetry.

Different submission periods for different forms.

See submission periods.

filling Station $25 honorarium Accepts poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, critical non-fiction (about literature and occasionally about visual art), and visual art.
Freefall $10.00 per page in the magazine, to a maximum of $100.00

$25.00 per poem

$10 for artwork
Non-contest submissions are closed from September 1st to December 31st.

Accepts fiction, poetry, CNF, art, book reviews.

Canadians only
Grain $50 per page to a maximum of $250 Submission periods

Accepts poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction
Small honorarium Publishes poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, long form essays, reviews, portfolios, video, film, and sound.
The New Quarterly $275 for fiction and nonfiction, $50 for poetry Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry

Canadians only
On Spec
Poems (4-100 lines): $50 plus
Short-short stories (under 1000 words): $50

Fiction (6000 words max.)

1000-2999 words: $125
3000-4999 words: $175
5000-6000 words: $200 
Accepts speculative fiction, poetry

Submission periods
Plenitude Magazine
$100 per prose contribution (including book reviews and articles) and $50 per poem. Seeking LGBTQ literary fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, reviews, interviews, and novel excerpts 

Submission periods
Prairie Fire 10 cents/word up to $250, online max is $75

$40 per poem

Art rate varies
Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art

Snail mail only
Pulp Literature
$0.035 – $0.07 per word for short stories (to 7000 words), $0.025 – $0.05 per word between 7000 and 10000 words, and $0.015 – $0.035 per word for works over 10000 words.

Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50. Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page
Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations

Submission periods

Accepts some reprints at half rate
Room $50 for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art by women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people
subTerrain Poetry: $50 per poem
Prose: $.10 per word (to a maximum of $500.)
Fee to submit online, no fee for snail mail
The Temz Review $20 Fiction, poetry, and reviews

Submission periods
Vallum not specified Poetry, essays, reviews

Charges for online submissions

Submission periods
The Ampersand Review Poetry: $50 per poem/page to a maximum of $100. Fiction: $100 per story. Non-fiction: $100 per piece. Reviews: $100 per piece. Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, reviews

Priority is given to Canadians

Submission periods
Geist $100 - $1200 Canadian connection required

Accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art

Submission periods
Polar Borealis 1 cent per word. $10 for one thousand words or less. $20 for two thousand words or less (but reasonably above one thousand). $30 for three thousand words or less (but reasonably above two thousand) Canadians only

Speculative fiction and poetry

Reading periods
Canadian Literature Small honorarium Poetry, reviews, articles

Canadians only
Funicular https://funicularmagazine.
Short story: $10/printed page (up to a maximum of $100)
Flash: $25 per piece
Poetry: $25 per piece

Pays for print publication only

Does not pay for online publication
Reading periods

Asparagus C$0.25/word Non-fiction and humor only (no fiction)
Raconteur $10 for prose, $5 for art Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art
Eavesdrop $30 per poem, $70 per short fiction and CNF piece, $30 per comic "Queer-focused multimedia magazine"

Canadians only
Riddle Fence $30/page Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art, reviews and features
Qwerty $15 (CAD) Poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, art
Hermine $50 to $200 CAD per story, plus two contributor copies. Short fiction up to 4,000 words

Submission periods
Little Blue Marble 11 a word for original works up to 2000 words. "If the CAD/USD exchange rate dips below that which would match SFWA's 8¢/word pro rate, we will amend contracts to offer USD 8¢/word at time of payment. We offer $0.01 a word for reprints." We publish speculative fiction that examines humanity's possible futures living with anthropogenic climate change. Nonfiction articles and essays on climate change, and profiles of people on the front lines of climate work in the 1000-2000 word range.
Class Collective CA$10 for poetry, and CA$20 for fiction, essays, and commentary We’re proud to publish writing that has a class based perspective on politics and culture. However, we encourage writers to interpret this prompt as creatively as they’d like—the sky’s the limit! We have multiple categories, including poetry, short fiction, essays, and commentary.
Hexagon $5 for accepted poetry and cartoons, $10 for flash fiction, $15 for works between 1,001-4,999 words, $20 for accepted written works over 5,000 words, $30 for Graphic Stories and $110 for cover art pieces. CAD Speculative fiction

Open for submissions for the first 7 days of every second month.
Eavesdrop Magazine $30 per poem, $70 per short fiction, CNF piece, and short play, $70 per visual art piece, $30 per comic Canadian writers (anyone living in Canada for work, school, asylum, etc, as well as artists living on traditional, unceded territories, is welcome to submit)

See submission periods
Mystery Magazine 2¢/word USD for accepted stories "The stories we feature in our monthly issues span every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries"
Quagmire $50 Absurd situations, surreal settings, experimental plots, characters, and ideas. "We want whacky, weird, and everything in between."
Funemployment Quarterly $20 CAD Science-fiction/fantasy on themes

See deadlines
Absynthe $75 per piece. Any visual artists that get published will be compensated $50 per piece. All genres from poetry, prose, to creative nonfiction, and anything in between
Heartlines Spec $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction and $80 CAD flat for poetry Sci-fi/fantasy short fiction and poetry focused on long-term relationships: platonic, romantic, or familial

Primarily looking for writers identifying as being from Canada/Turtle Island. This includes expats, new immigrants, and people who refuse/resist Canadian Identity.
The Polyglot $100 CAD Multilingual art, poems, essays, stories, artworks, and translations

Has submission periods
Toronto Journal $50 CAD Short stories from anywhere in the world. We will also consider non-fiction pieces about local history (Toronto, GTA, and surrounding).

Print and audio

No word limit
This Magazine $50 - $125 Fiction, poetry and nonfiction (not always open to fiction and poetry)

Canadians only
Over/Exposed $15 CAD Flash, short fiction, and non-fiction personal essays/memoir, poetry, reviews, experimental, art. "we are focused on the publication of works that are vulnerable, experimental, a little bit weird and sexy."

Accepts international submissions, but prioritizes grad students

Has submission periods
oteh nîkân $200 - $300 CAD Publishes poetry, fiction, and non-fiction by LGBTQ2S+ Indigenous writer
Block Party Magazine $10 Themed issues

Poetry, fiction, CNF, art
Frost Zone $15 CAD Accepts international submissions

Literary dark fiction

Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell

Thursday, April 12, 2018

#NaNoProMo - A Different Kind of Writing Challenge

Rachel Thompson - Bad Redhead Media
Rachel Thompson, originator of #MondayBlogs (which you must participate in if you have a blog and you tweet), has noticed a glaring omission in the various Nanos. There is #NaNoWriMo, held every November as an incentive to get writers to either compose that novel they've always said they wanted to write, or finish that novel they always wanted to finish. After that there is #NaNoEdMo in March, which means if you were foolish enough to take the #NaNoWriMo challenge, you now have to edit your book. But there was no month for promotion.

Rachel has corrected that omission with #NaNoProMo, a whole month of resources for writers in May. The best part is that we don't have to actually do anything. We just need to pay attention. There will be posts every day from book marketing experts, chats daily prizes, and a chance to win a 30-minute Skype call with Hugh Howey.

Take a look at Rachel's article on Medium. (Now I know what I will be doing in May, aside from aging.)

NaNoProMo - Rock Your Book Marketing

By Rachel Thompson

Many of you are familiar with #NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) held every November) to inspire writers to write books. There’s even #NaNoEdMo (National Novel Editing Month) every March to help writers edit the book they wrote in November). I researched and realized there was no book marketing specific month, and because ya know, I have nothing else going on *cough*, I created #NaNoProMo — National Novel Promotion Month, to take place in May. Ta-da!

To keep to the non-profit tradition, this is all about writers: helping writers, providing resources for writers, being there for writers. So here are the ‘rules:’

There Are No Rules

No daily hours to log. No website to report in to. No badge to win or display (though I may rethink that because I know people really like that shiz).

What there will be:


Read on for the details HERE.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

17 Children's and YA Magazines That Pay Writers

Renoir - Wikimedia
Updated 12/18/23

The magazine market for younger readers is one many writers tend to overlook. This is in part due to the fact that, unlike the adult literary journal market, one does not need to be a writer to publish in children's magazines. Articles can be written by parents, teachers, anyone with enough contact with children and young people to know what they like.

But where fiction is concerned, skilled writers are at a premium. If you write novels or are in the process of writing a novel for young readers, consider expanding on one of your characters or using your settings for a short piece.

Having your bio printed in a children's magazine will help draw attention to you and your books. (Even though these magazines are geared toward young people, their parents read them as well. I read my all children's magazines along with them.)

Note: For a list of paying markets for Humor, Short Stories, Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Speculative Fiction and more see: Paying Markets.

Aquila is a British magazine geared to children between the ages of 8 and 13. The magazine has a readership of 40,000 children, the majority being in the 9-12 range. The content is designed to appeal to bright children who are confident and independent readers. Genres: Short stories between 1,000 and 1,150 words; Nonfiction articles of 800 words. Payment: £105. Read guidelines HERE.

Crow Toes QuarterlyGenre: Playfully dark fiction, poetry and art for children. "We are looking for "playfully dark", intelligent, humorous, descriptive literature written for children ages 8 - 13. We invite poetry and fiction submissions by email." See themesPayment: $20 - $50. Read guidelines HERE. Has submission periods.

Scout Life is a general-interest, four-color magazine that prints 10 times yearly, with a circulation of 1 million, published by the Boy Scouts of America since 1911. Genre: Fiction and nonfiction.  Payment: $500 to $1,500. Read guidelines HERE.

Cast of Wonders is a young adult short fiction market (12-17 age range), open to stories up to 6,000 words in length. The stories are audio and also published on the site. Genre: Fantasy, science fiction, light horror. Payment: $.06/word for original fiction of any length (yes, including flash!). For reprints. $100 flat rate for Short Fiction, and a $20 flat rate for Flash Fiction. Cast of Wonders is a qualified SFWA Short Fiction market. Read guidelines HEREHas submission periods.

Cricket Media publishes 11 magazines for children from the ages of 6 months through teens. Genres: Fiction, poetry and nonfiction: Babybug, Ladybug, Spider, Cricket, Cicada. Nonfiction: Click: Science and Discovery for ages 3-7; Ask: Science and Discovery for ages 7-10; Muse: Science and Discovery for ages 10 and up; Cobblestone American History for ages 9-14; Dig Into History: World History and Archaeology for ages 9-14; Faces: World Cultures and Geography for ages 9-14. Payment: 10 cents - 25 cents/word for submissions to Babybug, Ladybug, Spider, Cricket, Cicada. Rates for nonfiction magazines are negotiated. Read guidelines HERE.

East of the Web is seeking children's stories aimed at age ranges between 5 and 12. Genre: All genres. Payment: Starts at $0.05 per word with a minimum of $200. Read guidelines HERE. Reprints accepted.

Fun For Kidz is a magazine created for boys and girls from 6 to 13 years, with children 8, 9, and 10 the specific target age. Issues are themed. Genres: Nonfiction and fiction. Length: 300-325 words for a one-page magazine article or up to 600-650 words for a two-page magazine article. Payment: Five cents a word for both fiction and nonfiction, with additional payment given if the piece is accompanied by appropriate photos or art. Minimum of $10 per poem or puzzle, with variable rates offered for games, simple carpentry projects, etc. Read guidelines HERE.

Highlights for Children publishes several magazines geared to pre-schoolers through grade school with a total circulation of more than one million. Genres: Stories, poems, illustrations, photography, hidden pictures, cartoons, puzzles, songs, and more. Payment: Pay ranges from $40 for art, poetry and crafts to $175 and up for fiction and articles. Read guidelines HERE.

One Teen Story publishes 4 stories a year and accepts submissions from teen writers ages 13-19. Genres: Short stories of any genre—literary, fantasy, sci-fi, love stories, horror, etc. . "We seek stories that deal with issues of identity, friendship, family, and coming-of-age. Gratuitous profanity, sex and drug use are best avoided. We’re open to all genres of well-written young adult fiction between 2,000 and 4,500 words." Payment: $500 and 25 contributor copies. Read guidelines HERE.

Short Edition accepts work up to 8,000 characters for short stories and poems, and up to 7,000 characters for children’s stories. Stories are published online and sold in dispensers (!?)  Payment: $125 for each selected short story and $75 for each poem as an advance payment on the royalties that each author will receive on a yearly basis from the Short Story Dispenser subscriptions. Read guidelines HERE.

U.S. Kids publishes two magazines, Humpty Dumpty (ages 2 - 6) and Jack and Jill (ages 6 -12). The magazines are designed to promote reading as well as sparking a child’s curiosity in a wide range of topics. Genres: Fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Payment: $25 and up. Read guidelines HERE

Issues in Earth Science publishes fiction and nonfiction for middle grade and young adult readers  that incorporates earth science concepts as key elements, and also represent a key idea that might be taught in an earth science classroom. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Payment: 6 cents/word. Read Guidelines HERE.

Blue Marble Review showcases the creative work of young writers ages  13-21. Its name is inspired by the view of earth as seen from the Apollo 17 spacecraft; the image, known as the Blue Marble, provides inspiration for dreamers, discoverers and explorers. The magazine publishes poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, opinion pieces, travel writing, photography and art. Payment: $25 per published piece, $75 for cover art. Read Guidelines HERE.

Voyage has no restrictions on the kind of YA fiction they’re looking for. "We simply aim to publish good work and provide a space for new and established voices. We are simply looking for stories that surprise, inspire, entertain, or enlighten. We’re on the hunt for personal essays and other creative nonfiction that specifically relates to the teen experience." Length: Up to 6,000 words.  Payment: $200 per accepted story/CNF piece. Reprints accepted. Read guidelines HERE.

The School Magazine publishes short stories, articles, plays, poems and activities. "Our readers are exploring their identities and appreciate insights into the world around them. What works best? Energetic and accessible writing that has suspense, with fast-paced action, twists, credible characters and, always, the child reader at its heart." Payment: $0.50c per word for fiction, articles and plays; poetry: 1-12 lines is $55; 13-24 lines is $105; 25-40 lines is $170, and over 40 lines is $230. Read guidelines HERE.

Ember publishes creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry aimed at children and teens. Payment: 2 cents per word or $20 per work, whichever is more, for worldwide first publication rights in English. 

Spaceports & Spidersilk is a print magazine for younger readers [8-9 on up through 89]. It features short stories, poems, and art, as well as brief essays on science and the environment, interviews, quizzes, contests, [and, quite frankly, anything else that is genre-oriented and will help encourage the younger generation to read...and to dream, especially about going to the stars]. The genres for Spaceports & Spidersilk include fantasy, science fiction, and a category we are going to define as ‘shadow stories’. Shadow stories are mild horror. We want spooky, not terrifying. Most of all, we want ADVENTURES! And especially SF or fantasy adventures. Payment: $6.00 for each accepted original story; $3.00 for each accepted flash fiction; $2.00 for each accepted story reprint; $2.00 for each accepted poem; $10.00 for the cover art; $4.00 for each accepted b&w illustration. 
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