
Friday, February 28, 2020

60 Calls for Submissions in March 2020 - Paying markets

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There are five dozen calls for submissions in March. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.

I post the following month's calls for submissions toward the end of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on next month's calls for submissions by checking that page periodically throughout the month. (I only post paying markets.)

Also see Paying Markets for hundreds of paying markets arranged by form and genre.

Happy submitting!


Bethlehem Writers RoundtableGenre: Poetry and fiction on theme of Spring Fever. Payment: $20 for featured author stories; $10 for stories published on &More page $5 for poems. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

CanthiusGenres: Poetry, prose. "Canthius is committed to publishing diverse perspectives and experiences and strongly encourages women of colour, including Indigenous and Black women, to submit. We welcome submissions in Indigenous languages." Payment: $15 for poetry, $50 for prose. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Southword Literary JournalGenre: Fiction. Payment: €250 per short story. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

The Blue RouteRestrictions: Undergraduate students only. Genres: Prose – Submit 1-3 pieces of fiction or creative nonfiction totaling no more than 3000 words. Poetry – Submit up to 3 poems. No genre fiction. Payment: $25. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Sanitarium MagazineGenre: Horror. Payment: Token. Deadline:March 1, 2020.

Thema: Not of this WorldGenre: Fiction, poetry, and art on theme: Not of this World.  Payment: $10-$25 for short fiction and artwork, $10 for poetry. Deadline: March 1, 2020. Accepts reprints.

Contra VientoGenre: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art. "We encourage submissions that examine the boundaries between space and place, between land and landscape, between past and future, between somewhere and nowhere, between human and animal, between human and human." Payment: Honorarium. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Beatdom #20Genre: Essays, interviews, reviews, poetry, and art related to the Beat Generation. Payment: $50 for essays. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Hybrid: AcetheticGenre: Short stories that explore the lives of our asexual friends and family. "The stories should focus on characters anywhere on the specturm of asexuality. Aromantic characters also welcome, of course! We are particularly keen on featuring #OwnVoices authors." Payment: 2½¢ per word (maximum $100 per story). Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Hybrid: GenderfulGenre: Short stories. "We are looking for short story submissions that explore the implications of non-cisgender life within the context of furry." Payment: 2½¢ per word (maximum $100 per story). Deadline: March 1, 2020.

HavokGenre: Flash fiction 300 - 1,000 words on theme of Heroes. Payment: Pays for anthologies only. Deadline: March 1, 2020. See accepted genres.

Cincinnati ReviewGenre: Prose, poetry, art. Payment: $25/page for prose in journal. $30/page for poetry in journal. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Contrary MagazineGenres: Fiction and poetry. Payment: $20 per author. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

UpstreetGenres: Fiction, CNF. Payment: $50-$150 per work. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

*Hermine. Genre: Short fiction. Payment: 8 cents a word (CAD). Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Enchanted Conversation: A Fairy Tale MagazineGenre: Fairy tales, and essays on theme of Angels. Payment: $100. US dollars only. Essays: $50. Deadline: March 3, 2020. On hiatus.

*Griffith Review 69: The European Exchange. Genre: Essays and creative non-fiction, reportage, fiction, poetry, memoir and picture stories "that illuminate the evolving connections between Europe and Australia – work that asks not only how Europe speaks to the rest of the world, but how the rest of the world speaks back." Payment: Negotiated. Deadline: March 3, 2020.

Into the VoidGenre: Fiction, flash fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction. Payment: $5 CAD per printed page. Deadline: March 7, 2020. Submit early to avoid submission fees.

ScumGenre: Feminist-friendly work of any variety, but as a general rule your piece should be under 2000 words (50 lines for poetry, max. 3 poems) and able to be classified as “fiction”, “culture”, “memoir”, “column”, “poetry”, and/or “review”. Payment: $60 AUD. Deadline: March 7, 2020. Opens to submissions on March 1.

*Cast of Wonders. Genre: YA Speculative fiction on theme of Hallowe'en. Podcast.    Payment: $.08/word for original fiction of any length (yes, including flash!). For reprints, a $100 flat rate for Short Fiction, and a $20 flat rate for Flash Fiction. Deadline: March 7, 2020.

Shoreline of InfinityRestrictions: Open to Black, Asian, and minority ethnic writers. Genre: SFF stories and poems from right across the spectrum, from the surreal to high octane space operas and everything in between so long as it has a speculative element. Payment: £10/1000 words. Deadline: March 8, 2020.

Disturbia. Genre: Horror, Crime, Disturbing Fiction. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: March 8, 2020.

MslexiaGenre: Poems and stories on theme of ‘other worlds’ – "the mysterious space/time realms of the scientifically plausible: the ‘dust’ of Phillip Pullman’s Dark Materials, the time-travelling TARDIS, the alternate realities of Schrödinger’s cat…" Payment: £25. Deadline: March 9, 2020.

Cricket Media: Faces: BirdsGenre: Nonfiction articles, fiction, activities for children. Send query only. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: March 9, 2020.

El ChapoGenre: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction. Word limit is 1,000. Payment: $100 per piece. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Whispering Prairie Press: Kansas City VoicesGenre: Poetry, prose, and art of all media. Length: 2,500 word limit. Payment: $20 - $30. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

*Third Flatiron: Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses. Genre: SF, F, H, steampunk, mythology, satire on theme of: The future we all want. Payment: 8 cents per word. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Eye to the Telescope: House and HomeGenre: Speculative poetry on theme of House and Home. Payment: $0.03/word, up to $25. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

*The Avenue Journal. Genre: Fiction, nonfiction and poetry on them of sexual identity, gender and sexuality. PaymentDeadline: March 15, 2020.

Outlook Springs. Genre: "Send us your weird, wobbly wordwork: fiction, nonfiction, and poetry." Payment: $10 per poem, $10 per flash piece (under 1,000 words), $25 for short fiction and essays (over 1,000 words). Payment via PayPal or Venmo. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

*Flame Tree Publishing: Lovecraft Mythos Anthology. Genre: Fiction: “…this offering of H.P. Lovecraft’s shared universe will be a thrilling immersion into the world of Old Ones and the Elder Gods, an ancient race of terrifying beings. In Lovecraft’s vision we live in a deep, but fragile, illusion unable to comprehend the ancient beings, such as the Cthulhu who lies dead but dreaming in the submerged city of R’lyeh, waiting to rise then wreak havoc on our realm of existence. Payment:$0.08/word; $0.06/word for reprints. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Gay MagGenre: Essays/cultural criticism up to 3,500 words in length on theme of Power. "What is power? What does it mean to feel powerful or to be powerful? Is it possible to be powerful and ethical? What would that look like? What does it mean to be powerless? Have you ever abused your power? What does it mean to live in a world where power is distributed so unequally and where power and wealth are often inextricably linked? We are looking for thoughtful essays that grapple with power in al its permutations." Payment:  $1/word. Deadline: March 16, 2020. Send pitch only.

The Other Stories (Audio)Genre: Horror on theme of Trophy Hunter. Payment: $5. Deadline: March 16, 2020.

Ninth LetterGenre: Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for a special online edition. The theme for this issue is Debts. Payment: $25 per poem, $75 per story or essay and a complimentary 2-­year subscription to Ninth Letter. Deadline: March 20, 2020.

The PuritanGenres: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Payment: $100 per nonfiction piece, $50 fiction, $15 per poem. Deadline: March 25, 2020.

*Swallow Publishing. HUMANS IN THE WILD: Reactions to a Gun Loving Country. Genre: Poetry, Short Essays, Fiction, and Art by those affected by gun violence. Payment: $50. Deadline: March 25, 2020.

Every Day FictionGenre: Flash fiction up to 1000 words. Payment: $3. Deadline: March 28, 2020.

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch ShoresGenre: Speculative stories. Payment: 6 cents/word for original work. 2 cents/word for reprints. Deadline: March 28, 2020.

The Other Stories (Audio)Genre: Horror on theme of Fire. Payment: $5. Deadline: March 30, 2020.

World Weaver Press: CLOCKWORK, CURSES, AND COAL: Steampunk and Gaslamp Fairy TalesGenre: Steampunk. Payment: $0.01 per word + contributor copy. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

WesterlyGenre: Short stories, poetry, memoir and creative non-fiction, essays and literary criticism. Payment: Poems: $120 for one poem or $150 for two or more poems; Stories: $180; Articles: $180; Visual art/Intro essay: $120; Reviews: $100; Online Publication: $100. "We expect our contributors to be subscribers of the Magazine. While we will accept submissions from non-subscribers, should your work be accepted for publication in this instance, you will be asked to accept a subscription to the Magazine as part payment for your work." Deadline: March 31, 2020.

ShenandoahGenre: Poetry. Payment: $100. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

PodcastleGenre: Fantasy podcast. Length: Up to 6,000 words. Payment: $0.06/word for original; $100 for reprints, $20 for flash fiction reprints. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

CatapultGenre: Fiction under 1000 words. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Split Lip MagazineGenre: Fiction (flash and short stories), memoirs, and poetry. with a pop-culture twist. Payment: $50 per author (via PayPal) for our web issues. Payment for print is $5 per page, minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies and a 1-year subscription. Deadline: March 31, 2020. Note: Submit early in March to avoid submission fees.

Dragon Soul Press: Organic InkGenre: Poetry. Minimum of 2,000 words.  Payment:  Royalties.  Deadline: March 31, 2020.

JMS Books: LGBTQ Emergency!Genre: LGBTQ stories about finding love when all hell breaks loose. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Bracken MagazineGenre: Lyrical fiction and poetry with a strong emotional core, in which the natural world is present in setting and/or in essence. Payment: 4/cents word with minimum of $50. $15/poem. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Gordon Square ReviewGenre: Poetry and prose. Payment: $10 per poem, $15 for prose. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Queer Youth: LGBTQ+ True Stories AnthologyGenre: Short personal memoirs in prose, poetry and dramatic form up to 3,500 words (for prose) or 5 pages (for poetry or scripts) for our LGBTQ+ True Stories Anthology written exclusively by and about young people, ages 17 and under (high school and under).  The only other rule is it must be a true life experience that happened to you. Payment: $5/page. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Abominable Book Club Genre: Horror -  original novels/ novellas (25,000 words or more) / or short story collections by UK -based authors, to be produced under 'The Accursed Library'. First printings of these books will be hand-numbered, contain exclusive content and artwork, and will be only available through our box on a specific release month. Further printings and e-book versions will be available through the usual channels. Payment: You will receive an initial payment when your first printing is made (depending on the volume of copies needed) and subsequent royalties on copies sold via their shop. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Route 7 PressGenre: Poetry chapbooks. Payment: $200 - $400. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Arkansas InternationalGenre: Fiction, poetry, essays, comics, and works in translation. Payment: $20 a printed page (capped at $250). Deadline: March 31, 2020. (Submit early in the month to avoid submission fee.)

*Two-Page Terrors. Genre: Horror. Payment: $5 USD. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Cast of WondersGenre: YA Speculative fiction on theme of Dinovember. Podcast.    Payment: $.08/word for original fiction of any length (yes, including flash!). For reprints, a $100 flat rate for Short Fiction, and a $20 flat rate for Flash Fiction. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Silver Shamrock Publishing: Midnight in the Pentagram. Genre: Horror. Payment: $0.06/word. Deadline: March 31, 2020. (CLOSED)

*Hiraeth Books: parABnormal Magazine. Genre: Stories, poetry, nonfiction about the paranormal. Payment: $25 for fiction, $20 for articles, $7 for reviews, $6 per poem. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Mocha Memoirs Press: SLAY – Stories of the Vampire Noire. Genre: Speculative fiction about black vampires. Payment: $0.05/word. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Nothing Ever Happens in Fox Hollow. Genre: Horror, supernatural, and dark content fiction. Payment: $20. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Lom Publishing: Dead Awake. Genre: Horror,  including slasher, psychological, clowns, stalkers, cult, and demons. Payment: $25. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Yellow Arrow Journal. Genre: Creative nonfiction by women on the subject of Home. Payment: $10.  Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*Escape Artists: Cast of Wonders – Dinovember. Genre: Speculative fiction for teens. Length: Up to 6,000 words. Payment: $0.06/word. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Here are a few on April first, for those who like to get ahead of the game.

West BranchGenres: Poetry, fiction, CNF. Payment: $50 per poem, 5 cents per word for prose. Deadline: April 1, 2020.

Hybrid: Future//Tense: GenderGenre: Transfuturistic science-fiction. "Rhe stories will explore the way gender, transition, and trans issues may change over time, from the near future to far, on Earth or other planets, in humans or those from the stars. transfuturistic science-fiction. The stories within will explore the way gender, transition, and trans issues may change over time, from the near future to far, on Earth or other planets, in humans or those from the stars." Payment: 2½¢ per word (maximum $100 per story). Deadline: April 1, 2020.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

29 Great Writing Conferences in March 2020

Conferences are not only the best way to meet agents, get tips from other writers, and learn about the publishing industry, they make you feel like a writer. We all need community, and this is how we, as writers, get the necessary incentive to keep writing.

All of these conferences and workshops charge tuition, but some offer financial assistance. There are deadlines for applying for aid, so make sure you plan ahead.

For a month-by-month list of conferences throughout the year see: Writing Conferences. (You will also find links to resources that can help you find conferences in your area on that page.)


Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference. March 4 - 7, 2020: San Antonio, TX. "The AWP Conference & Bookfair is an essential annual destination for writers, teachers, students, editors, and publishers. Each year more than 12,000 attendees join our community for four days of insightful dialogue, networking, and unrivaled access to the organizations and opinion-makers that matter most in contemporary literature. The 2016 conference featured over 2,000 presenters and 550 readings, panels, and craft lectures. The bookfair hosted over 800 presses, journals, and literary organizations from around the world. AWP’s is now the largest literary conference in North America."

Alabama Writing Workshop. March 6, 2020: Birmingham, Alabama. "A one-day writing workshop full of classes and advice designed to give you the best instruction concerning how to get your writing & books published. We will also have literary agents onsite to give feedback and take pitches from writers, as well."

Bay to Ocean Writers Conference. Wye Mills, Maryland, March 7, 2020. Sponsored by the Eastern Shore Writers Association. "The BTO conference features workshops, presentations, and panel discussions on a wide variety of topics pertaining to the craft of writing, publishing, marketing, the Internet, and the intricacies of particular genres. It is an opportunity to meet with many writing peers in the region. Speakers include accomplished authors, poets, film writers, writing instructors, editors, and publishers. BTO also offers one-on-one manuscript reviews with experienced writing instructors and editors for registered attendees for a fee."

Minnesota Writers Workshop.  March 7, 2020: St. Paul, MN. This is a special one-day “How to Get Published” writing workshop on Saturday, March 2, 2019, at the Intercontinental St. Paul Riverfront. In other words, it’s one day full of classes and advice designed to give you the best instruction concerning how to get your writing & books published. We’ll discuss your publishing opportunities today, how to write queries & pitches, how to market yourself and your books, what makes an agent/editor stop reading your manuscript, and more. No matter what you’re writing — fiction or nonfiction — the day’s classes will help point you in the right direction. Writers of all genres are welcome.

Atlanta Writing Workshop, March 7, 2020, Atlanta, GA. "This is a special one-day “How to Get Published” writing workshop. In other words, it’s one day full of classes and advice designed to give you the best instruction concerning how to get your writing & books published. We’ll discuss your publishing opportunities today, how to write queries & pitches, how to market yourself and your books, what makes an agent/editor stop reading your manuscript, and more. No matter what you’re writing — fiction or nonfiction — the day’s classes will help point you in the right direction. Writers of all genres are welcome."

Redrock Creative Writing Seminar. March 7, 2020: St. George, Utah. Classes and readings in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. The faculty includes Bryan Hyde, Krysten Decke, and Rob Carney.

Orion in the Wilderness. March 7 -14, 2020: Portal, AZ. The Orion in the Wilderness retreat, cosponsored by the Omega Institute, will be held at the American Museum of Natural History’s Southwestern Research Station in Cave Creek Canyon in Portal, Arizona, surrounded by the Chiricahua Mountains, known for its abundant bird life and hiking trails. The retreat includes workshops, readings, lectures, manuscript consultations with faculty, presentations on local ecology and lore, and optional birding and hikes for poets, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers. The faculty includes poet Sherwin Bitsui and fiction and nonfiction writers Joe Wilkins and Joy Williams. The cost of the conference, which includes tuition, lodging, and meals, ranges from $1,100 to $1,900, depending on lodging. Using only the online application system, submit up to six poems or up to 1,500 words of prose by February 1.

Algonkian Novel Retreat, Sterling. Virginia, March 11 - 15, 2020. "In keeping with the spirit of this place and the goals of this retreat, you can be as goal-oriented or as hesitant in approach as you wish. You can show us your manuscript, improve your skills, clear your head, have your work read by our writer mentors, whatever works for you, whatever helps you grow and discover your vision as a writer. You discuss with us ahead of time via the Algonkian Writer Retreat Application the goals you wish to accomplish, and we'll work with you to make it happen. Do you desire a review of your short stories or flash fiction? A line edit? Do you wish to discuss the reality of the current fiction market, your novel project, plot and characters, or perhaps get feedback on the opening hook or a few sample chapters? Or would you simply like a relaxed and productive dialogue about your goals as a writer?" Registration is first come, first served.

Write Stuff Writers Conference. March 12 - 14, 2020: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 20 workshops, Agent./Editor pitch sessions, marketing consults plus lunch and Keynote address, Book Fair, Flash Literature Writing Contest, Door Prizes. Featuring Jonathan Dylan Barker.

Springmingle ’20 and Illustrators’ Day. Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators. Homewood, AL, March 13 -14, 2020. Conference for children's book writers and illustrators. Faculty includes writers, illustrators, agents, editors, and publishers.

Writing By Writers Boulder Generative Workshop. March 13 - March 15, 2020, Boulder, Colorado. Lectures, craft talks, writing exercises and class discussions. Each participant will have the opportunity to work in a small group setting with all three faculty members.

Get Away to Write. March 15 - 20, 2020: New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Spend an inspiring week working on your memoir or poetry. Enjoy plentiful writing time, insightful feedback, homemade meals and time to relax. Workshops and faculty:  TBA

Virginia Festival of the Book, March 18 - 21, 2020. "The Festival is the largest community-based book event in the Mid-Atlantic region and has attracted audiences of more than 20,000 for each of the past thirteen years. We have presented a captivating list of authors, ranging from international bestsellers to topical specialists to debut authors." Book exhibits, talks by authors, readings, workshops on book promotion, finding an agent, poetry, publishing, agents roundtable - you name it, this conference has it.

The Furious Flower Poetry Center Collegiate Summit. March 19 -21, 2020. Harrisonburg, VA. Open to undergraduate and graduate students from any college or university program, this three-day summit invites participants to explore how poetry reaches across geographical borders and beyond conventional literary and ideological boundaries. This year's summit attendees will explore the theme of “Power, Presence, and Performance” through workshops, panels, and discussions that examine ways of engaging audiences and maximizing the reach and impact of their words. The registration fee is $50 per person. Registration is open until full.

Algonkian Writers New York Pitch Conference, March 19 - 22, 2020: NY, NY. "The event focuses on the art of the novel pitch as the best method not only for communicating your work, but for having you and your work taken seriously by industry professionals. More importantly though, it is also a diagnostic method for workshopping the plot, premise, and other elements of the story to determine quality and marketability. Simply put, you cannot successfully pitch a viable commercial novel if you don't have a viable commercial novel. Our goal, therefore, is to set you on a realistic path to publication."

Power of Narrative. March 20 - 21, 2020: Boston, MA. Over 30 journalists, directors, producers and editors lead three days of lively discussions geared to advance the knowledge of narrative storytellers. Approximately 500 persons attend. Early registration is encouraged.

Authors' Salon at Clockwork Alchemy. March 20 - 22, 2020: Burlingame, California. Clockwork Alchemy is the San Francisco area's own steampunk convention. Originally a part of FanimeCon, Clockwork Alchemy is now its own independent event celebrating music, makers, dancing, writing, crafting, fashion, and fun related to steampunk!

Colrain One-Day Retreat: What is a Poetry Manuscript? March 21, 2020, Barred Owl Retreat, Leicester, Massachusetts.The Colrain One-Day Informational Retreat is designed for poets who wish to learn the basics of a poetry manuscript before submitting to presses and/or applying to the Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference.  In a small group (8-10 poets) team-led by two seasoned Colrain Poetry Manuscript facilitators.

University of North Dakota Writers Conference. March 25 - 27, 2020: Grand Forks, North Dakota. Founded in 1970 and held every year since, the UND Writers Conference is a three day event featuring six to eight authors annually. Authors ranging from Gwendolyn Brooks and August Wilson to Tommy Orange and Colson Whitehead, the UND Writers Conference is committed to community outreach, engagement, and finding ways to increase audience access to literature. The conference is free, but workshop space is limited to twenty participants; registration is first come, first served.

Beall Poetry Festival. March 25 - 27, 2020, Waco, TX. The festival features readings, panel discussions, and the Virginia Beall Ball Lecture on Contemporary Poetry. Participating poets include Forrest Gander, Layli Long Soldier, Evie Shockley, Meghan O’Rourke, and a Poetry Panel. All events are free and open to the public.

35th Annual National Undergraduate Literature Conference. March 25 - March 28, 2020: Weber State University, Ogden, UT. "Each year, nearly 200 undergraduate writers and poets throughout North America, and sometimes beyond, come to Weber State University to present their work and learn from some of the most important writers in contemporary literature."

Diverse Communities and the Writer’s Voice sponsored by the Lehigh Valley Engaged Humanities Consortium’s Writers’ Community and the Moravian College Writers’ Conference. March 26 - 27, 2020: Bethlehem, PA. Keynote speaker: Daisy Hernandez. Plus additional workshops and a writers’ roundtable featuring area writers on Friday, March 27. FREE

2020 National Black Writers Conference. March 26 - 29, 2020, Brooklyn, NY. “Activism, Identity, and Race: Playwrights and Screenwriters at the Crossroads” is a public gathering of writers, scholars, literary professionals, performers, students and the general public. "Over the last decade, we have seen an increase in the writing and works by Black playwrights, screenwriters, and scriptwriters. These writers, at a crossroad, are focused on breaking new ground; creating bold new work in theater, film, and television; and expanding the narrative of the Black experience in America and throughout the African Diaspora. During this year’s four-day conference, panelists and special guests will examine the ways race, identity, politics, and popular culture shape the production of plays, films, and television shows. The conference features roundtable conversations, panel discussions, a town hall, film screenings, author readings, writing workshops, and more."

Sleuthfest. March 26 - 29, 2020: Boca Raton, FL. Sponsored by the Florida Chapter of Mystery Writers of America a conference for writers and fans. Features writing workshops, social events, and pitch sessions, including:
* Agent Appointments to pitch your finished work
* Critiques of your 10 page manuscript submission
* Forensic track with current forensic techniques & hands-on workshops
* Social events to mingle with agents, editors and your favorite authors
* Auction to purchase critiques of your work by bestselling authors
* Sessions on the craft of writing
* Sessions on marketing and promoting your work
* Practice your Pitch sessions with experienced authors

The Work Retreat. March 27 - 29, 2020: Dedham, MA. "The Work Retreat is designed for authors of fiction and narrative non-fiction, whose works-in-progress are intended for traditional publication. Participants will workshop up to 50 pages of a WIP in a series of supportive, constructive, small-group sessions led by an editor or agent, and you’ll meet one-on-one with your workshop leader, too. All-faculty panel discussions on topics of craft, revision and industry give participants a chance to hear from and engage with all our experts. You’ll have plenty of time to write throughout the weekend, and the sprawling mansion and estate provide ample space to find your perfect writing nook."

Kansas Writing Workshop. March 28, 2020: Kansas City, MO. "This is a special one-day “How to Get Published” writing workshop on Saturday, March 30, 2019, at the Hampton Inn & Suites Kansas City Country Club Plaza. In other words, it’s one day full of classes and advice designed to give you the best instruction concerning how to get your writing & books published. We’ll discuss your publishing opportunities today, how to write queries & pitches, how to market yourself and your books, what makes an agent/editor stop reading your manuscript, and more. No matter what you’re writing — fiction or nonfiction — the day’s classes will help point you in the right direction. Writers of all genres are welcome."

Western Reserve Writers' Conference. March 28, 2020, South Euclid, Ohio. This free one-day writing conference takes place at Cuyahoga County Public Library's William N. Skirball Writers' Center, located in the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Branch library. It features a choice of breakout sessions, a keynote address, and private sessions with editors.

Meet the Publishers! March 28, 2020:Tulsa, OK. Meet different publishers, traditional to self-published, magazines, newspapers, etc. Learn what they are looking for and how the industry is changing. FREE.

Maryland Writers Association: Brain to Bookshelf. March 28 - March 29, 2020: College Park, MD.
"The Brain to Bookshelf conference offers over 20 workshops, several intensive sessions, for more detailed learning along with agents presenting panels, hearing pitches and providing critiques. Agent slots are limited, so register early."

Monday, February 24, 2020

60 Writing Contests in March 2020 - No entry fees

This March there are more than four dozen contests calling for every genre and form, from poetry, to creative nonfiction, to completed novels. Prizes range from $60,000 to publication. None charge entry fees. 

Some of these contests have age and geographical restrictions, so read the instructions carefully.

If you want to get a jump on next month's contests go to Free Contests. Most of these contests are offered annually, so even if the deadline is past, you can prepare for next year.

Good luck!


Mistakes Were Made. Genre: True story about a mistake you made, in 20 words. "The year 2020 reminds us of the phrase: Hindsight is 20/20. So we invite you to look back on your life and tell us about something that, in hindsight, you would have done differently." Prize: Free Gotham class of your choosing. Deadline: March 1, 2020. 

United States/Japan Creative Artists Residencies. This is a 3-5 month residency in Japan. Grant: $24,000. Deadline: March 1, 2020. 

The Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award is sponsored by Broadside Lotus Press. Restrictions: This competition is open to African American poets only. If you have already had a book published by Lotus Press, you are ineligible. However, inclusion in a Lotus Press anthology does not disqualify you. Genres: Poetry collections of approximately 60-90 pages. Prize: $500 in cash and publication  by Broadside Lotus Press as well as free copies and discounts. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Fountain Magazine Essay ContestGenre: Essay. 1,500 - 2,500 words. "We want to hear about your challenges and how you mentally, physically, and/or spiritually prepare for them." Prize: 1st Place - $1,500, 2nd Place - $750, 3rd Place - $300, Two Honorable Mentions - $200 each. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Beverly Hopkins Memorial Poetry Contest for High School StudentsRestrictions: High school students living within 100 miles of St. Louis. Genre: Poetry. Prize: First prize $200, Second prize $125, Third prize $75. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Balticon Poetry Contest. Sponsored by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society. Genre: Speculative poetry. Prize: 1st prize: $100; 2nd prize: $75; 3rd prize: $50. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Alabama Arts Council FellowshipsRestrictions: Open to any author who has lived in Alabama for at least 2 years. Genre: Fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction of 10-20 pages. Prize: $5,000.   Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Mississippi Artists FellowshipsRestrictions: Open to permanent residents of Mississippi. Genre: Fiction and poetry. Prize: $5,000. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Dark Regions Press: Survive the Night - Three at Dusk, One at DawnGenre: Survival horror story involving three central characters (optional secondary characters) who become trapped at dusk with one or more forces outside that are capable of killing them. Only one of the three central characters survives until dawn. Length: 3,000 to 8,000 words. Prize: $3,000 prize pool (10% of Survive the Night preorder sales at get added to the prize pool until contest ends March 1st 2020) – Prize pool will be evenly divided among the selected authors. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing PrizeGenre: Adventure writing novel. Separate categories for published and unpublished books. Self-published books accepted. Prize: £15,000. Deadline: March 1, 2020.

Lewis Galantiere AwardRestrictions: Open to US citizens or permanent residents. Genre: Translation of book-length literary work from any language, except German, into English. Entries must have been published in the US in the past two years. Prize: $1000. DeadlineMarch 1, 2020.

International Young Writers Prize (for High School Aged Writers)Restrictions: Open to high school students. Prize: $100. DeadlineMarch 1, 2020.

Grant MacEwan Creative Writing Scholarship is sponsored by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. Genres: Poetry, Short Fiction & Creative Nonfiction, Drama, or Graphic Novel. Restrictions: Authors must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate creative writing program of study or mentorship. (Max age 25) Alberta residents only. Prize: $5000 (CAN). Deadline: March 2, 2020.

Christopher Tower Poetry CompetitionRestrictions: Open to UK students between 16-18 years of age. Genre: Poetry, one poem, maximum 48 lines. Theme is "underwater." Prize: £5,000. Deadline: March 2, 2020.

The Premises. For this contest, write a creative, compelling, well-crafted story between 1,000 and 5,000 words in which one or more characters face this problem: there is more than one of something that there should absolutely, positively be only one of. Genre: Short story. Length: Between 1,000 and 5,000 words. Prize: Between US$60 and US$220, and publication. Deadline: March 6, 2020.

Jane Martin Poetry Prize (UK)Restrictions: Open to  UK residents between 18 and 30 years of age. Genre: Poetry. Prize: £700, second prize, £300. DeadlineMarch 6, 2020.

*Headwaylit. Genre: Poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or other written work on the theme of Taste. Prize: $100. DeadlineMarch 6, 2020.

"It's All Write!" Teen Short Story ContestRestrictions: Open to Grades 6-12. Genre: Short story, and flash fiction, unpublished. Prize: 1st Place $250, 2nd Place $150, 3rd Place $100. Deadline: March 9, 2020.

BBC National Short Story AwardRestrictions: Open to UK residents or nationals, aged 18 or over, who have a history of publication in creative writing. Genre: Short fiction. Prize: £15,000 to the winner, £3,000 for the runner-up and £500 for three further shortlisted writers. Deadline: March 9, 2020.

Forward PrizesGenre: Collections and single poems published in the UK and Ireland between September 2019 and September 2020 are eligible for the Prizes. Must be submitted by publisher.  Prize: £1,000 to £10,000 Deadline: March 9, 2020.

NEA Literature Fellowships are sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. Prize: $25,000 grants in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) and poetry to published creative writers that enable recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement. Deadline: March 11, 2020.

Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Non-FictionGenre: Literary non-fiction. Restrictions: Titles must be published in Canada and written by Canadians. Prize: $60,000 will be awarded to a literary nonfiction book published between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. Deadline: March 11, 2020.

Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction PrizeGenre: Fiction. Restrictions: Titles must be published in Canada and written by Canadians. No self-published works. Prize: $25,000 will be awarded to a novel or short-story collection published between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. Prizes of $2,500 will be awarded to each of the finalists. Deadline: March 11, 2020.

Greater Yellowstone Creative Writing and Journalism FellowshipRestrictions: Established and recognized authors are being sought, but emerging and mid-career writers are also encouraged to apply. Genre: Seeking creative writers (poetry, fiction, nonfiction), or those in the field of journalism (writer, photojournalist, videographer, documentary filmmaker, online or print media) who demonstrate serious inquiry and dedication to the Greater Yellowstone region through their work. Fellowship: $3,500. Deadline: March 11, 2020.

Neltje Blanchan/Frank Nelson Doubleday Memorial AwardsRestrictions: Wyoming writers. Genres: The Frank Nelson Doubleday Award is given for the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or script written by a woman writer. The Neltje Blanchan Memorial Writing Award is given annually for the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or script which is informed by a relationship with the natural world. Prize: $1,000.00. Deadline: March 11, 2020.

The Lakefly Writers ConferenceRestrictions: Open to residents of Wisconsin. GenresShort story fiction:  1500 words or less. Any genre. Theme: Love. Flash fiction: 500 words or fewer. Any genre. No theme. Poetry:  All poems, free verse to formal and everything in between—75 lines max. Teen short story: Open to 18 years old and younger. Maximum 1,500 words. Any genre. Prize: First place winners will receive a cash prize of $100; second place winners will receive $75; and third place winners will receive $50. Winners must be able to attend an awards ceremony. Deadline: March 13, 2020.

*Harper’s Bazaar short-story competition 2020. Genre: Original, unpublished short story, written in English on the subject of ‘Summer’ up to 2,200 words. Prize: Two-night stay for two at Grantley Hall, Yorkshire (UK). Deadline: March 13, 2020.

White River Environmental Law Writing Competition is sponsored by the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law and Vermont Law School. Restrictions: Open to all students currently pursuing a degree (J.D. or LL.M) at an accredited law school in the United States. Submissions written as a class component, as a journal requirement, or otherwise for academic credit are acceptable. Genre: Original essays addressing any relevant topic in the fields of environmental law, natural resource law, energy law, environmental justice, land use law, animal law, and agricultural law. Prize: $1000 cash prize and an offer of publication with the Vermont Journal of Environmental LawDeadline: March 15, 2020.

Hodson Trust–John Carter Brown Library FellowshipGenre: Nonfiction (includes creative nonfiction). A book-in-process  relating to the literature, history, culture, or art of the Americas before 1830. Award: $20,000. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

ILA Children’s and Young Adults’ Book AwardGenre: Fiction and nonfiction English-language books for children in grades pre-K to 12 and published for the first time during the year preceding the deadline year. Must be the author's first or second book. Prize: $800. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Sunken Garden Poetry Festival's Fresh Voices CompetitionRestrictions: New England high school students. Prize: Reading at the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival and publication. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

The Fitzcarraldo Editions Essay PrizeRestrictions: Open to writers resident in the UK and Ireland who have yet to secure a publishing deal. Genre: Proposal for a book-length essay (minimum 25,000 words). Prize: £3,000 advance against publication with Fitzcarraldo Editions. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Al Smith Individual Artist FellowshipsRestrictions: Open to Kentucky poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers. Genre: Literary arts. Prize: $7,500. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Lynn DeCaro Poetry ContestRestrictions: Open to Connecticut Student Poets in Grades 9-12. Genre: Poetry. Prize: 1st $75, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Governor General's Literary Awards. Restrictions: Books must have been written or translated by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. They do not need to be residing in Canada. Genre: The Governor General’s Literary Awards are given annually to the best English-language and the best French-language book in each of the seven categories of Fiction, Literary Non-fiction, Poetry, Drama, Young People’s Literature (Text), Young People’s Literature (Illustrated Books) and Translation (from French to English). Prize: $25,000. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

*Apparition Lit. Genre: Speculative flash fiction that reflect the artwork they’ve chose for each month.(See site for images.) Prize: $10 USD. Deadline: March 15, 2020. Note: This is a monthly contest.

*Cymera-Scotland’s Futures Forum-Shoreline of Infinity Prize for Speculative Short Fiction. Restrictions: Open to unpublished writers living in Scotland. Genre: Speculative short story on theme of Scotland 2030. "What could life in a Future Scotland be like? How will we be living, young, adult, mature – what are the possibilities? What will be Scotland’s place in the world?" Prize: Awards are in 2 categories: 14 to 17 year old and 18+. The winning writers in each age-range category will be awarded £75. Deadline: March 15, 2020.

2020 POPP Award: Poetry of the Plains and PrairiesGenre: Poetry of any style for their annual Poetry of the Plains and Prairies chapbook publication. "While the author(s) may call any place home, their submissions must deftly capture the feeling of, as well as the reality of, living on the plains and prairies. Authors may submit any number of poems equaling thirty to thirty-five pages in length, with no more than one poem per page. (Single poems may extend more than one page.) The selected poetry collection will be published as a limited edition chapbook, hand-printed with antique letterpress equipment." Prize: Publication. Deadline: March 17, 2020.

Gordon Burn PrizeRestrictions: Open to permanent US or UK residents. Genre: Fiction or nonfiction book first published in the US or UK between July 1 of the preceding year and July 1 of the deadline year. Prize: 5,000 pounds and 3-month writing retreat at Gordon Burn's cottage in Berwickshire. Deadline: March 20, 2020.

Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition for High School StudentsRestrictions: Open to students in Grades 7-12. Genre: Haiku. Prize: $50. Deadline: March 23, 2020.

Willie Morris Award for Southern PoetryGenre: Poetry that evokes the South. Prize: $2,500 and expenses-paid trip to award ceremony in NYC. Deadline: March 23, 2020.

Limnisa Short Story CompetitionGenre: Short story under 3,000 words on theme of Plastic. Prize: One-week, all-inclusive writers' retreat or workshop in Limnisa, Greece and online publication, or five online personal tutoring sessions instead. Deadline: March 29, 2020.

*One Book, One College Presents The Best We Could Do: An Essay Contest. Genre: Essay. "Chaffey’s One Book, One College committee invites you to reflect on your own past and present by sharing an experience that relates to The Best We Could Do." Prize: Cash prize not specified. Deadline: March 25, 2020.

Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative GrantRestrictions: Open to journalists aged 22-38. Genre: Investigative journalism piece about modern prejudice. Prize: $5,000 grant.   Deadline: March 30, 2020.

Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant WritingRestrictions: Open to first-generation residents of the United States. “First-generation” can refer either to people born in another country who relocated to the U.S., or to American-born residents whose parents were born elsewhere. Genre: Unpublished nonfiction books. Prize: $10,000 and publication. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future ContestRestrictions: open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium. Genres: Science fiction, fantasy and dark fantasy up to 17,000 words. Prizes: Three cash prizes in each quarter: a First Prize of $1,000, a Second Prize of $750, and a Third Prize of $500, in US dollars. In addition, at the end of the year the winners will have their entries rejudged, and a Grand Prize winner shall be determined and receive an additional $5,000. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Archibald Lamp­man AwardRestrictionsOpen to residents of Canada's National Capital region (Ottawa). Genre: Book of any genre published by a recognized publisher. Prize: $1500. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Sarah Mook Poetry Prize for StudentsRestrictions: Students in grades K-12. Genre: Poetry.     Prize: $100. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Saif Ghobash Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary TranslationGenre: Poetry or literary prose. Translation of modern Arabic literature into English. Books must have been published and be available for purchase in the UK via a distributor or online. The source text must have been published in the original Arabic in or after 1967. Must be submitted by publisher. Prize: £3,000. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Jacklyn Potter Young Poets CompetitionRestrictions: Open to high school students in the Washington, DC region. Genre: Poetry. Prize: A reading with honorarium in the Miller Poetry Series, a summer program occurring in June and July. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Speculative Literature Foundation Older Writers GrantRestrictions: Open to writers who are fifty years of age or older at the time of grant application. Genre: Speculative fiction. Prize: $500.     Deadline: March 31, 2020.

The Lindisfarne Crime PrizeRestrictions: Residents of the North of England, or whose work celebrates the North of England. Genre: Crime short story of up to 10,000 words. Prize: £2500.  Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Spirit First Meditation Poetry ContestGenre: Poem on the theme of mindfulness or meditation.   Prize: $200.  Deadline: March 31, 2020.

The Cosmos PrizeGenre: Re-write the final chapter of the 1930s sci-fi serial novel, Cosmos. Prize: $300. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Foley Poetry ContestGenre: One unpublished poem on any topic. The poem should be 30 lines or fewer and not under consideration elsewhere. Prize: $1000. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Jack L. Chalker Young Writers' ContestsRestrictions: Open to writers between 14 and 18 years of age as of May 29 in the contest year who reside in, or attend school in Maryland. Genre: Science fiction or fantasy, 2,500 words max. Prizes: $150, $100 and $75. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Contest for Canadian YouthRestrictions: Canadians, grades 7-12. Genre: Poetry. Prize: $400. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*‘Getting Older’ Poetry Competition. Genre: Poetry on getting older. Prize: 20 copies of Ten Poems about Getting Older and a cash prize of £75. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

*The American Prospect High School Essay ContestRestrictions: Open to American High School students. Genre: Essay. " High school juniors and seniors may write 1,000 to 1,600 words on one of these two books: “Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few” by Robert B. Reich, “The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration” by Isabel Wilkerson. High school freshmen and sophomores may write up to 1,200 words on one of these two books: “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City” by Matthew Desmond, “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America” by Barbara Ehrenreich." Prize: Juniors and Seniors: First place $10,000; second place $5,000; third place $2,500. Honorable mentions: 20 at $100 each. Freshmen and Sophomores: First place $5,000; second place $2,500; third place $1,000. Honorable mentions: 20 at $100 each. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

Deep Wild Student Essay Prize. Restrictions: Open to students currently enrolled in undergraduate programs. Genre: Essay. "We seek work that conjures the experiences, observations, and insights of backcountry journeys." Prize: $100. Deadline: March 31, 2020.

And on April 1st:

Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest. Genre: Humorous poem. Prize: First Prize: $1,000 plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value). Deadline: April 1, 2020.

Alpine FellowshipGenre: Pieces of any genre up to 2500 words on the theme of “Forgiveness and Retribution.”  Prize: The first place winner receives £3000 and an invitation to enter the symposium in Venice (two runners-up also receive the invitation). Deadline: April 1, 2020.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

3 UK Agents Actively Seeking Literary Fiction, Nonfiction, Commercial Fiction, Thrillers, Memoirs and more

Updated 7/11/22

Here are three UK agents actively seeking new clients. Jordan Lees represents crime and thrillers of all stripes (whether commercial or more literary), including speculative thrillers; literary fiction; true crime and smart non-fiction. Trevor Dolby is looking for popular science with a clear relevance to everyday life, narrative history, military history, humour, biography, popular culture, natural history and great memoirs by passionate people whose lives have been well lived. Lizzy Kremer represents commercial and literary fiction and nonfiction.

Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients


Ms. Lizzy Kremer of David Higham Associates Ltd

Lizzy was named the British Book Industry Awards 2016 Agent of the Year in May 2016. She is President of the Association of Authors’ Agents.

Lizzy is a director of the company and Head of the Books Department. Her career in publishing began as a book publicist, after which she worked with agent Ed Victor for seven years before joining DHA in 2004. Lizzy is co-author with George Green of A Dummies Guide to Writing a Novel and Getting Published (2007, updated edition 2014). Lizzy writes a blog at

What she is seeking: Lizzy Kremer represents commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction and is agent of mega-selling thriller The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. She represents the UK’s highest selling self-published author, Rachel Abbott.

How to submit: Please see submission requirements HERE.


Mr. Jordan Lees of The Blair Partnership

Jordan is particularly drawn to writing with a real sense of atmosphere and has a soft spot for anything dark and strange. Some of his favorite writers are Patricia Highsmith, John Fowles, Cormac McCarthy and Gillian Flynn

What he is seeking: He represents crime and thrillers of all stripes (whether commercial or more literary), including speculative thrillers; literary fiction; true crime and smart non-fiction.

How to submit: Send the first thirty pages of your manuscript and a one page synopsis as a PDF or word file. Submit to Jordan at


Trevor Dolby of Aevitas Creative Management

Trevor Dolby has published scores of bestselling books during his thirty-five year career in UK non-fiction publishing. He was the UK publisher of multi-million selling Dave Pelzer’s A Child Called It trilogy, world-renowned historian James Holland, and the first UK internet bestselling phenomenon The Darwin Awards. He created the international bestselling, Pythons on the Pythons and U2 on U2.  He was one of the first publishers to establish the celebrity memoir, editing David Essex, Ronnie O’Sullivan, Terri Hatcher, Colin Montgomery, Martin Kemp, Peter Kay, Phil Collins and many more.  As Publisher and Managing Director of HarperCollins Entertainment division, he managed the worldwide publishing rights to J.R.R. Tolkien, and the UK and commonwealth rights to The Simpsons, Agatha Christie and C.S. Lewis. In 2007 Trevor launched ‘Preface’ as an imprint of Random House, where he published many bestselling authors 

What he is seeking: Trevor is looking for popular science with a clear relevance to everyday life, narrative history, military history, humour, biography, popular culture, natural history and great memoirs by passionate people whose lives have been well lived.

How to submit: Follow instructions on the agency website HERE.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

2 New Agents Actively Seeking Speculative Fiction, Thrillers, Short Story Collections, Memoirs, Nonfiction and more

Updated 8/12/21

Here are two new agents actively seeking clients. Kayla Lightner is looking for speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, and horror), thrillers, short story collections, satire, family sagas, memoirs, essay collections, and narrative nonfiction. Maria Rogers is currently looking for non-fiction that explores big events from new angles, whip-smart cultural criticism, as well as original and urgent journalism and science writing. She’s also on the lookout for books to engage kids in non-fiction topics, from ancient history to contemporary issues.

Always check the agency website and agent bio before submitting. Agents can switch agencies or close their lists, and submission requirements can change.

You can find a full list of agents actively seeking new clients here: Agents Seeking Clients

Ms. Maria Rogers of The Tobias Literary Agency


Originally hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Maria graduated from Kenyon College before cutting her teeth in publishing as an intern at Writers House. She went on to work as an editorial assistant at W.W. Norton & Co. and later as an editor at Scholastic. Over the course of her publishing tenure she has worked on behalf of Pulitzer Prize winners, National Book Award winners, Guggenheim fellows, PEN/Hemingway Award winners, and New York Times best sellers.

What she is seeking: Maria is currently looking for non-fiction that explores big events from new angles, whip-smart cultural criticism, as well as original and urgent journalism and science writing. She’s also on the lookout for books to engage kids in non-fiction topics, from ancient history to contemporary issues. She is not currently considering poetry, picture books, romance, science fiction, or fantasy at this time.

How to submit: For fiction and nonfiction. please submit a query letter and a sample of up to 30 pages to Maria(at)TheTobiasAgency(dot)com. Maria generally responds to queries within 6 weeks of receipt.


Kayla Lightner of Ayesha Pande


Prior to joining Ayesha Pande Literary, Kayla worked as an assistant at Liza Dawson Associates. She is a member of the AALA (Association of American Literary Agents) as well as a member of their DEI committee. She is also on the Adult Internship Grant committee for We Need Diverse Books. A Georgia native, she earned her B.A. in English from Vassar College. Before finding her way to publishing, she held various positions including a fashion market assistant at Harper’s Bazaar and a freelance writer at Creative Loafing Atlanta. 

What she is seeking: Kayla is looking for speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, and horror), thrillers, short story collections, satire, family sagas, memoirs, essay collections, and narrative nonfiction. 

How to submit: Use their form HERE.