
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

253 Hashtags for Writers

Updated 1/11/22

If you are on Twitter and aren't using hashtags, you are wasting a great resource.

Hashtags (#) are a way of grouping posts on similar topics. They can be used to track trends and topical news, such as the hilarious #myozobituary posts that abounded after a national Australian newspaper opened their obituary of famed author and neurophysiologist Colleen McCullough with the words: "Plain of face and certainly overweight, she was nevertheless of woman of wit and warmth." (If you can't see anything wrong with this description of the person who wrote The Thorn Birds - and 23 other novels - then I suggest you search twitter for #everydaysexism.)

Hashtags can also be used to search for specific information and topics, which brings me to why you need to employ hashtags that are already in use. If you want to reach a broad audience, you really don't want to make up a hashtag. (I confess to having done that. Apparently, #voodoomedicine is some kind of rock group.)

Utilizing hashtags that already have a following means you have a built-in set of people looking for you. And, with the millions of people tweeting day and night, it is better to have people actually seeking your posts, than to hope that they will somehow find you in the din.

That being said, there are some rules you should follow for using hashtags:
  • Don't use more than three hashtags per tweet. 
  • Don't #hashtag #several #words in a row in the body of your tweet. 
  • Do not simply tweet invitations to read your book over and over again. You're a writer! Tweet something that is fun, interesting, informative, controversial, creative, and above all cool. 
  • Before you use a hashtag, search Twitter to make sure it is appropriate for your tweet. 
Here are some useful articles on hashtags for writers:

The 12 Best Hashtags for Writers

Want to find out what a specific hashtag means? Go here:

Also seePitching Your Book on Twitter Fests for a list of hashtags for twitter pitch fests



#MondayBlogs Tweet your blog posts on Mondays only. Bloggers will retweet.

Indie Promotion

#IARTG - Indie Author Retweet Group: Simply follow to join, then add #IARTG in any tweet you want us to re-tweet. :) #RT #indie #author #retweet #group @retweet_groups

#IFNRTG - ReTweets for Fantasy Indie Authors via #IFNRTG @IFNRTG and Book Promos via #Books & More!

#IAN or #IAN1 (Independent Author Networking)



#IndiePub (or #IndiePublishing)


#BYNR - Book Your Next Read. "Avid-Reader and keen supporter of Indie-Authors. Here to spread the good word about great Books. Please include the hashtag #BYNR We #followback & #RT." Twitter @BookYrNextRead. Facebook.

#TuesdayBookBlog - blog posts about books and writers.

Writing and Connecting With Other Authors

#1K1H or #1K1HR  (write one thousand words in one hour)
#1LineWednesday - Share the best line from one of your books on Wednesdays
#amediting - posts from people who are editing
#amwriting - posts from people who are writing (optional - add genre, ex. #amwritingya, #amwritingscifi, etc.)
#amquerying - posts from people who are querying agents
#AmRevising - posts from people who are revising
#AuthorLife – writers sharing random stuff
#callforsubmissions - journals and other venues seeking submissions
#CopyWriting – advice about copywriting
#cpmatch – used by writers looking for a critique partner (or beta reader)
#nanowrimo - national novel writing month
#submissions - like #callforsubmissions
#wip - work in progress
#WriteChat – all sorts of advice and information
#WriterWednesday (or #WW or ##WW) – a way to give a shout-out to writers / suggest authors to follow, or to share writing tips, and anything else to do with writers or writing
#WriteTip - writing advice
#WritingTip - writing advice



Tip: search on "book reviewers" plus your genre to find accounts of book bloggers.

#author - good for self-promotion
#authors - also good for self-promotion
#bookmarketing - posts related to marketing books
#bookworm - for reviews
#fridayflash - flash fiction on Friday. Writers write/post flash fiction. Readers comment and RT.
#followfriday or #ff - used on Friday to suggest people to follow to your followers. (Don’t just tweet handles, tell them why they should follow.)
#twitterfiction - where you can tweet your latest story 

Publishing Industry

#EBooks or #ebook
#IAN or #IAN1 (Independent Author Networking)
#IndiePub (or #IndiePublishing)
#MSWL - manuscript wish list. This is where agents post what they are looking for.
#tenqueries – agents share the reasons why they do or do not request manuscripts
#VSS (very short story)
#WLCAuthor -The World Literary Café is a promotional website for authors. Similar to the Independent Author Network (#IAN), Indie authors who join these organizations help each other in their promotions.


Chats (chats can be scheduled or ongoing)

#bookmarketingchat - Join social media expert, Rachel Thompson, every Wednesday at 6PM PST (9PM EST) for book marketing tips. Follow @BkMarketingChat and/or @BadRedheadMedia

#LitChat - LitChat is for book lovers, readers & writers. 1-hour #litchat occurs M & W, 4 pm/EST, established January 2009 by @CarolyBurnsBass.

#kidlitchat: Craft & business of writing for young people, board books up through YA. Topic or topics announced at the beginning of the chat. Moderators: @gregpincus, @bonnieadamson
Tuesdays: PST: 6 pm MST: 7 pm CST: 8 pm EST: 9 pm.

#writermoms - Women who write (and have children) can find other like-minded women through this ongoing chat.

#fantasychat - Weekly chats for writers of fantasy. Tuesday 8 - 9PM ET. @marilynmuniz @fantasy_chat

#IBCchat - Indie Author Book Chat. Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30 PM CT. @WritingNoDrama @IndieBookIBC @RachelintheOC @kaitnolan

#kidlitart - Weekly chat for illustrators, pb authors & author/illustrators. Topics announced in advance via @kidlitart. Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 PM ET. @BonnieAdamson @lyonmartin

#StoryDam - Friendly writing community. We chat about all things to do with writing & self publishing Hosted by @MDragonwillow @riverand @mentalmosaic @BookSquirt @plynne_author. @Storydam Thursday, 8:00 - 9:00 PM ET.

#indiechat - every Tuesday at 9PM EST
#MemoirChat (every other Wednesday at 8 pm ET)
#PBLitChat (picture books only)
#storycraft - Sunday 10:00 - 11:00 AM CT. @darcyconroy @story_cra
#TVWriterChat - Sunday, 8:30 - 9:30 PM CT

#UFChat - Discussion for urban fantasy writers and readers. More info on #UFChat blog. @inkgypsy  @snowppl.  Saturday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM CT

#wclw - The WordCount Last Wednesday writer chat covers freelancing, blogging and writing basics. As the name implies, it takes place the last Wednesday of every month. @michellerafter Wednesday, 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT

#WritersMovement - An online community where writers and aspiring authors meet for chat, exchange of knowledge and ideas, and promotion. @authortiffanie @maddwriter Saturday, 5:00 - 6:00 PM CT
#WriterWednesday (or #WW or ##WW)
#yalitchat young adult literature chat
#BBchat  - BookBaby chat


Connect By Book Genre

#MGLit (Middle Grade Lit)
#RWA (Romance Writers of America)
#SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)
#Science #Fiction
#Short #Stories


Promotion and Connecting With Readers

#99c - use this if you are selling your book for 99 cents
#99cents - use this if you are selling your book for 99 cents
#AmazonCart - each time your readers include #AmazonCart in a tweet, Amazon will know to add the items with the corresponding Amazon link to your readers’ shopping carts.
#bibliophile - If you’re looking for a reader for your books, add this hashtag
#BookPlugs  - 1000s of Authors Offering Tiny Writing Blurbs. It's like wine sampling but with books. Authors add #bookplugs to your promos. Prefer the author's own work.
#followfriday or #ff - used on a Friday to suggest people to follow to your followers. (Don’t just tweet handles, tell them why.)
#fRead0 (that’s a zero at the end – not a lower case oh)
#FridayReads or #FridayRead- tell people what you’re reading
#MyWANA (Writer’s community created by Kirsten Lamb)
#PDF1 - PAID FORWARD – A RTing tag for Books/Authors/Writers/Publishers/Agents This tag was created by Van Heerling and his Pay It Forward Team.
#Reader If you’re looking for a reader for your books, add this hashtag
#TeaserTuesday or #TeaserTues


  1. I'm copying and pasting this list above my computer; thanks for all the work you did compiling this!!

  2. I'm copying and pasting this list above my computer; thanks for all the work you did compiling this!!

  3. Thanks for sharing - sooooo useful :)

  4. Great resource! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thanks for this, as I am also struggling with marketing, since 2005, four books published, and trying to keep up with changes in industry.

  6. What a fantastic list! I will start sending all my new-to-social-media writers here. :-) Thanks so much for including Marcy Kennedy's article at Writers In The Storm - we appreciate it!!!


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