
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Marketing Terms for Those Who Would Rather Use a Hammer

When I bought my 175-year-old farmhouse, my brother handed me a book. 

"You'll need this," he said.

The book was Better Homes and Gardens Complete Guide To Home Repair & Improvement, and it was enormous. Not only was it big, it contained a lot of things I would never be able to do - like fix squeaky stairs, and take apart plumbing.  

I expressed some reservations about my handyman abilities. My brother replied, in his infinite wisdom, that the book was not meant for me to actually use - that would require being able to name a tool other than a hammer - but for me to understand what plumbers and other repairmen were doing when they came to my house.

The book proved invaluable, something to which anyone with a 175-year-old house can attest.

There is a point to this story.

As I was browsing the net, I came upon an article explaining marketing terms. I am not a marketer, and don't plan to become one, mostly because I haven't the faintest idea what these people are talking about. As it turns out, it's a good idea to know what marketing terms mean, if only because, like the plumber's wrench, it's nice to recognize a tool when someone else charges you for using one.

Even if you don't ever have to pay a marketer, you may want to know what marketing is about. Chances are you'll be doing some of this work yourself.

17 Marketing Terms You Were Too Embarrassed to Google (But Should Definitely Know)

By Maggie Hibma

As inbound marketers, it’s our job to keep up with the latest trends in our industry, news on our competitors, and the latest marketing jargon.

But sometimes, every once in a while, a term or concept will eek by you. You might kind of know what it means, but not entirely.

And you’ll know exactly what that term is when a colleague says something to you and your first reaction is ... “Huh?”

Perhaps you’re more eloquent than me, but I’ve had plenty of “Huh?” moments at my time here at HubSpot. And if I’ve been hesitant to Google a few things here and there, I bet there are some fellow marketers out there that also have been.

So ... I put together a list of some -- okay, 17 to be precise -- terms and concepts that you can brush up on (or maybe learn about for the first time) and your Google search history will be none the wiser.

1) Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are cool. Essentially, they’re search queries that contain three or more keywords. So, for example, a regular keyword for HubSpot would be “HubSpot.” But a long-tail keyword could be something like “inbound marketing software.”

What makes long-tail keywords great is Google’s new algorithm, Hummingbird, focuses on user intent, which is the concept behind long-tail keywords, making them an important part of your marketing strategy. They’re also what can turn your PPC efforts into successful campaigns. See? Like I said -- cool.

Read the rest of this enlightening article HERE.

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